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Olivia Disher and her Dad, Alex, attended the R’oil Can and look forward to the next one in the Ford Y Special. Dad took the picture.








EDITOR: MICHAEL GREIG 027 24 55 786 094456760

SCRIBE Moveable Feast



COMING EVENTS Looking Forward

AUGUST Daffodil Run 25th MG Sprint/Autocross 4th Special Invite See letter below

SEPTEM BER Ryders Film Evening 22nd

OCTOBE R Willy Wonkers Lunch TBA

NOVEMB ER Another TBA Event


6th Night. Tuesday CLUB NIGHT

Now the First Tuesday of the Month, until further notice. See you at the RSA Room, King George V Memorial Hall, Library Lane, Albany, 7.30 pm .



$10 per vehicle : CASH preferable

Eftpos available

Donation to Cancer Society

Meet and Register at the North Shore Airfield


Entry at Gate 9 from 9am

First vehicles away at 10am

bring/buy lunch at Matakana

vehicles on display at Matakana

Full Route Instructions given upon Registration

Organised by Waitemata, Warkworth/Wellsford, North Shore Branches of the Vintage Car Club of NZ


Dee H

We were already committed elsewhere for the R’Oil Can Rally weekend so we decided to do the Winter Woollies Wander event as our salute to the “Can”.

Thinking that we had a week to sort the noise in the Model A and get a WOF for the Daimler SP250 we’d have the luxury of being able to choose which would be the best car to do the up-coming Warkworth/Wellsford Winter Woollies Wander in depending on the weather.

The A has no hood nor windscreen wipers, the SP on the other hand has both these and a heater that at least keeps the feet warm.

The SP250 was a week overdue for its 6 monthly WOF so we took it in on the Tuesday believing we’d come away with it road legal.

Usually this is a smooth ride, but we had done quite a substantial mileage since the last WoF. There and back from Masterton at least twice, down to, and then around, the South Island once and the odd around home runs had clocked up the mileage and the workshop decided to be more thorough than usual. This is NEVER a bad thing….But this time we were a bit perturbed that it failed on four issues

The LED headlights were illegal!? That was simply a 5-minute job swapping back to the original bulbs with the workshop knowing Keith would reinstate the LEDs afterwards. It’s all about safety from our point of view, to be seen and able to see. A rear tyre was below acceptable tread depth, so a new tyre was required (only six available New Zealand wide), and some play in the track rod bush. Our SP has had the rubber bush replaced with a bronze bush as the extra castor provides selfcentring. A front wheel bearing was noisy, so a quick replacement for both front wheels was required there. My attitude is that if one side needs something fixed it won’t be long before the other side will need the same fix so I force my mechanic to do both at the same time….sensible!?? of course!!, but there’s always a mechanic grumble!!

This WOF turned into an expensive little exercise, new tyre, $535, Wheel bearings, $64.30, Rebushing idler arm, $160, WoF $75. Grand Total: $834.30 (The track rod bush only required a shim to eliminate play, but the idler arm was really the source of the play Keith suspected).

Surprisingly, the vibration that we were blaming the new engine mounts for, had disappeared and it would appear that the wheel bearings were the cause? The testing mechanic was surprised that we hadn’t heard the noise from the wheel bearings (are we both going deaf!?), and they didn’t look too bad when Keith removed them.

Friday morning, having made all the changes and improvements required for the WOF, Keith set off only to notice the car wasn’t rolling freely. Perhaps the brakes were a bit sticky? He drove up the road to the accompaniment of a loudish roaring sound, much like a jet passing overhead, but there was no jet and the roaring persisted!

He stopped after a couple of hundred metres to discover the newly fitted tyre was flat. The hydraulic jack wouldn’t fit under the car, that’s 27 years of carrying that useless lump of metal, and he had to walk home to get a scissor jack which is now in the boot permanently. This was only our second ever flattie in 35 years of SP motoring.

All of this took time, and we only got the WOF sign-off Friday afternoon and there’d been no time to even lift the bonnet of the A so the Winter Woollies Wander would be done in the SP.

Early Saturday morning in cold and dampish looking weather we set off for Wellsford and joined a good number of cars for this mid-winter event. There is no rule here about open or closed vehicles, but we did keep the hood down all weekend..…just saying!

Setting off at 1-minute intervals and having a Touring Run and a Competitive Run saw cars leaving the start in two different directions. It was only a mile or two after the start that we, on the touring run, were onto gravel roads and another mile or two after that when a rear hubcap went flying. This is the 4th time this has happened over the years, and you would be surprised at how far they can travel. Despite being a round shiny disc, they are also hard to see. After a considerable amount of time spent searching, we were about to give up when it was spotted adjacent to a fence post and in very long grass. There is still one somewhere on the back road to Raglan!

Vehicles came from the far North and Auckland VCC branches with us from Waitemata and another car from the North Shore branch. One solitary vintage BSA motorcycle was amongst us.

The rally plotters had found a remarkable number of gravel roads, and that, plus a number of showers, some very heavy, kept us cold and damp and the recent shiny paint job dulled down considerably. We finished back in Wellsford mid-afternoon.

The Wellsford RSA was the hub of the event, and it was here that we gathered for the Saturday evening meal and prize-giving. The RSA manager collected those of us staying in nearby motels and he also delivered us back so an extra glass of wine could be indulged in.

Sunday morning, we travelled to the Warkworth Museum which was extremely well set out and very interesting. There is a lot of history around this area. There was also a shed of stationery engines that we all paid $2 to visit and to have the engines running.

From there on route back home we stopped in at the Warkworth/Wellsford clubrooms in Satellite Road for the final BBQ lunch.

One interesting checkpoint location was at Te Arai Point. We’d never heard of it and never been there before. Obviously quite popular with the locals and we feel it deserves a more relaxed re-visit!

This was a really enjoyable weekend. Not too far from home with the Wander starting and finishing at a sensible hour and well over half of the run was plotted on loose-metal roads many of which were in a good state considering it was winter and many of these roads see no maintenance till early summer, if they’re lucky enough to see any maintenance at all. We crossed the highway doing roads in the East and the West and we spent very little time on any main sealed road. The manned checkpoints had a fun game to play that saw a winner and then there was the Competitive run that had questions and silent checks that gave a final score and this found a winner who of course, like the “Can”, is the organiser for the next year Winter Woollies Wander.

Items of interest for Punters.

Through the kind invitation from the legendary Bill Hohepa, (he of the fishing, 4WD,trucks and other adventures, filming of the hillclimb at Mununui), I was asked to be one of the judges of the Studebaker National Concourse Event earlier this year. Being new to this honour, I had to spend some time researching the marque. My own close contact with these cars has been with David Lanes 1930 President 8 and a friends 1930 Dictator Sedan. Both these cars are straight 8, well appointed and practical cars for the vintage period in NZ. I remember the 20’s Studebaker Light 6 of the late John Gairdner which he completed for the 1980 International Rally ( he returned from the event and bought the 20/60 Sunbeam) and a few Duplex bodies, one with the renowned Grant Taylor and Tony Daligan ( early North Shore member who had a new crown wheel made for the LRDG bus project by Reynold Christian, (the Long Range Dennis Group, in days of yore.) Very impressed by the 60’s cars which had nice coachwork that gave an international look suitable for the Riviera. In that period they sold well in NZ .

Once again , technology has prevented me from attaching the images. I must thank Bill and Linda for sharing this event with me. He also did the Highland Fling and this years Irishman Rallies. You can follow his motoring programs on YouTube as well as local TV.

Chairmans Report.

After another successful R'oil Can. We are now focused on events for the rest of the year. There is an event list and hopefully we can attend all or some of them. The old hoary chestnut is still surfacing on speed events. We are not the only club with these problems assembling grids or finance in getting events off the ground. The current plan is to work with other historic car clubs, and one make clubs to get a practice track day together. The practice day would midweek with conditions set down at the beginning of the day on track etiquette etc.


Had a marvellous time in the WD Riley(a while since I have exorcized it.) with a new passenger experiencing the backroads in a vintage car for the first time, legend of the Juniors, Nigel (aka ‘Hard Rock’ by the Chairman), dressed for the weather, faced bravely the wet, the cold and the free-range clouds of 20/50 oil miasma that came from the nether regions of the Riley. He had his tubes fully lubricated in the 350-mile drive in our main event for the year. He had prepared physically for the terror of the overnight stay as he had heard fearsome tales of my tonsorial orchestral moments.

Please note due to international travel (to the Old Country; Cook Islands, Manihiki/ Rakahanga) there is as expected a delay on the report of the R’oil Can. I will not spoil it and say who was chosen as the winner. It must be said that no animals were injured in this edition of the R’oil Can despite the vicious, unworthy and snide comments made by some unnamed persons (you know who you are!!).

Special Invite from the MG Car Club:

Don’t say there is a dread of events, go out and startle the car, fettle it into a high tune of excitement.

Hi Everyone

The rescheduled date for the sprint/autocross on the drift track at Meremere is 4th August. We still have a few places available for those who couldn't make the original date. Entry form and regs are attached. Eligible vehicles will be any model of MG, Jaguar, Mini, Austin Healey or Triumph, and any vehicle with a VIC issued by the Vintage Car Club.

Could those of you who are club contacts please circulate to members. Cheers


Some of the paperwork for the event is attached at the end of the newsletter. Please contact Paul Walbran, , or 17 Brownie Rd, Langholm for further details and material.

➢ Gentlemen of Note in the Trade.

Don’t forget Mac’s Garage. Top advice, professional service and well known and respected in the Vintage Austin and Riley world. 09 443-3733, found at 4 Ashfield Road, Glenfeild.

Aegis Oil is a local firm headed by Paul Radisich, famous on the track. He gave a talk at the Auckland Clubrooms on the product. There is a Vintage and Classic range and well suited to our cars. Please support them. Members gave testimony to the use of soluble oil in the radiators at 5% rather than antifreeze.



The fearsome Ford Model Y Special of Alex Disher. Possibly a Goldingham Production photo.


Tuesday 6th August 7.30 pm at the RSA Room, King George V Memorial Hall, Library Lane, Albany.

Take Exit 410 Oteha Valley Road. Travel west along Oteha Valley Road, ahead through 2 roundabouts and straight ahead at Traffic Lights into Albany Highway then almost immediately RIGHT into Library Lane then very soon go right again into the parking area. The RSA Room is at the rear.

Meremere Autocross 2024


This event is promoted by the MG Motorsport Register Auckland Inc. The event will be held under these Supplementary Regulations, the MotorSport NZ (MSNZ) National Sporting Code and its Appendices and Schedules particularly Appendix Two, Schedule A and Schedule AA –Driver and Vehicle Safety Requirements and Appendix Five Schedule C Clubsport

The MotorSport NZ Permit Number is TBA.


The Secretary of the event is Paul Walbran 021 886 723

The Clerk of the Course is Darryl Bretherton 021 857715

Assistant clerks of the course: Andrew Walbran, Paul Walbran

Other officials may be advised at drivers briefing.


The event will take place at the Meremere Drift Park on 23rd June 2024.


Eligible vehicles will be any model of MG, Jaguar, Mini, Austin Healey or Triumph, and any vehicle with a VIC issued by the Vintage Car Club.

Subject to venue capacity, other British marques of vehicle may be accepted if entered and driven by a member of the MG Motorsport Register Auckland

All vehicles must meet Appendix Two Schedule A or Appendix Two Schedule AA of the current MotorSport Manual unless stated otherwise in these supplementary regulations

Electric Production Vehicles:

Electric Production MGs (MGEVs) are eligible to enter this event provided they have a ‘Motorsport New Zealand Electric Vehicle Logbook’. The entrant must also provide the Organiser with a copy of the Manufacturer’s High Voltage Emergency Response Guideline document at the time of entering the event, and provide scrutineers with an up-to-date battery service history for their MGEV.


All competitors must be members of the MG Motorsport Register Auckland Inc


A competition licence is NOT required for the event.


The entry fee is $110 per driver. Entry is only via completion of the attached entry form, also available at Entries open with the publication of these regulations and will taken up to and including the day of the event. Eligible entries will be accepted in the order received, so early entry is recommended. The maximum number of entries is 30. Additional entries MAY be accepted at the sole discretion of the Secretary of the event, but only if it is considered there is sufficient venue capacity.


The first run will start at or soon after 9.30 am, Sunday 25th June 2024, and runs will end no later than 4.30 pm. The organisers reserve the right to finish the event prior to 4.30 pm for any reason.

Cars will be sent off individually.

Passengers may NOT be carried during timed/competitive runs. Passengers will be allowed during the initial reconnaissance/familiarity runs only.

Equipment requirements

The full requirements are set out in schedules A and AA of the motorsport manual, available at

The following summarises these requirements as they apply to road registered and warranted cars taking part in this event. While every effort has been made to be accurate in this summary, in the event of any inconsistency between what follows and the motorsport manual, the motorsport manual prevails.

Driver equipment

Drivers must wear a crash helmet & overalls, and underwear & socks of cotton, wool or other non-flamable materials as approved in the motorsport manual, schedule A paras 4.1 & 4.3 (see link above)

• The overalls must be close fitting at the cuffs and ankles, and be made entirely of flame resistant material such as Cotton, Wool, Leather, Nomex, Aramid, etc.

Clothing, including underwear, made of flammable and/or synthetic material is not approved.

• The helmet must meet one of the standards set out in the motorsport manual (schedule A para 4.1) of which there are many. The helmet must have a standards label which lists the standard it meets. (Expired standards cannot be accepted. If your helmet has a Snell or SFI standard, ensure you check the para 4.1 list to confirm it is current.)

Vehicle requirements

• Cars should be in sound WoF condition

• EVs have additional requirements as set out in 5 Eligibility above.

• Seat belts are required (see below), except for most pre-1960 cars

• Roll protection is optional

Seat belts

• Post 1960 cars require a minimum of a 3 point (lap and diagonal) seat belt installed to WoF standard.

• Standard pre-1960 cars and modified pre-1960 cars meeting the requirements of schedule K of the MSNZ manual are exempt from the seat belt requirements, and may have either no harness or a belt (lap or lap and diagonal).



• All participants must attend and complete the event documentation (entry form) and pay the appropriate fee ($110)

• All competing cars must be submitted for scrutineering. (Cars with motorsport logbooks will follow the usual procedure regarding the need to audit or not.)

• All cars scrutineering under schedule AA will be checked for compliance with schedule K and must also complete the declaration of compliance on the entry form

Documentation and scrutineering will take place at the venue, between 8.00 and 9.00am

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