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Far North Focus

April 2024

Specially for us, vintage trucks on display, at John McGee’s.

John and Terry have spent many, many hours maintaining the trucks.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand


of the elected

Who’s Who for 2023/2024

is circulated with the minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting.

Club Cleaning Roster

April M & T Deverall

May C & M Ilton

June R & W Mackay

July C & M Ilton

August D & B Francis

September N & V Mason

October Everyone

November M & T Deverall

December Winston & Glenis

February Marg & Marg

March P O’Dell Caffeine & Classics

3rd Sunday every month 9.30 to 12

Next date: Sunday 21st April

Taipa Beach Resort

During the month and preferably before the main calendar event, please give the clubrooms a thorough check over. This includes cleaning the toilets, hand basins, checking kitchen, table tops, window ledges, sweeping the floors etc.

If your cleaning date does not suit you, please swop with someone else.

Thanks for supporting the running of the Club.

Window cleaning, washing walls etc. will be done at working bees.

Take note of any required maintenance and pass on to:

Building Officer - Warren Mackay

021 1036 4333

For any further enquires please contact our Club Captains.

The Far North Branch of the VCC has a policy that pets are not brought to any Club events. We do ask that this policy is respected please.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Chairman Keith Lyndsell 09 405 5500 Vice Chairman Tom Deverall 0274735389 Secretary Naomi Mason 09 408 1376 Treasurer Robyn Mackay 0211062275 Northern Club Captain Margaret Deverall 0275442003 Southern Club Captain Steve Edwards 09 401 6239 Buildings Officer Warren Mackay 021 1036 4333 Beaded Wheels Rep Murray Cormack 09 407 7255 Communications Officer Margaret Ilton 0221008119 Editor Margaret Ilton 09 4068565
Committee: Winston Matthews, Murray Cormack, Robyn Mackay, Naomi Mason, Keith Lyndsell, Tom Deverall, Steve Edwards, Margaret Deverall, Margaret Ilton.

Calendar of Club Events 2024


6th Brian Parker Rally

13th Saturday Monthly Meeting 1 pm

21st Caffeine & Classics


11th Saturday 1 pm AGM with a monthly meeting to follow.

11th Mother’s Day Run after the meetings.

19th Caffeine & Classics


8th Saturday Monthly meeting 1 pm

16th Caffeine & Classics

29th Molloy Trophy Warren and Robyn MacKay organising

Monthly - 2nd Saturday 1.00 pm

Club Meeting @ Aurere Clubrooms

Monthly - 3rd Sunday

Caffeine & Classics

“Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.”

Club Notices


11th May 2024

Far North Vintage & Classic Car Club Notice of Meeting

Far North Vintage & Classic Car Club

Annual General Meeting

Held at Clubrooms, Aurere, Taipa. Saturday 11th May 2024 @1.00 pm Agenda

1. Attendance

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of Previous AGM 9th May 2023

4. Matters Arising

5. Correspondence

6. Presentation Audited Financial Accounts for year ended 31st March 2024

7. Reports: Chairman, Club Captains

8. Election of Officers for coming year

9. Reappointment of Auditor for coming year

10. General Business

A Nomination form is included at the end of the Focus.

A normal monthly meeting will follow the AGM.

Parts Shed

The parts shed will be open from 2 pm to 3.30 the day of our monthly meeting. For any ‘needs’ between meetings, please contact Peter Mason.

Car Club of New Zealand

Brian Parker Memorial Rally

Brian Parker Trophy

Saturday April 6, 2024

Meet at Waipapa Mitre 10 Car Park by 10.00 am for a 10.30 start.

Entries close: 3rd April 2024The Rally is approximately 50km long and includes some gravel roads. Bring morning tea.

The winner will be decided using quiz questions. Lunch will be at the Phat House which has craft beer and pizza.

It is a ‘Buy your own lunch’ event.

Conditions of entry: Only club-eligible vehicles can be entered by a financial member of the VCC of NZ.

Driver’s licence and Club membership cards must be carried.

If the winner is from another Branch, a miniature trophy will be awarded so the original remains with the Far North Club.

Any vehicles may be entered by financial club members, but only Club Eligible Vehicles will be considered for awards.

All Members attending, please complete the entry form as this indicates approx. numbers for catering.

You can bring your entry form in on the morning. Entry forms have been emailed to you.

A little background information about the rally…

Brian Parker was one of the Foundation members of this club.

He was a keen young man in his early 20s. His vintage vehicle was a Plymouth car that had been cut into a farm truck. It was his project to restore.

He was diagnosed with brain cancer, and he was determined to stay active in the club, even during his sickness.

Our Subbranch of the V.C.C. was formed in 1975 and Brian passed away in April 1976.

In recognition of Brian's input to the Club, an annual Memorial rally was inaugurated – “The Brian Parker Trophy” for this rally incorporated the unique radiator cap of Brian’s Plymouth, which he had hoped to restore one day.

Club T Shirts

If you are interested in purchasing a club t shirt, which will have the new emblem on it, pse contact Margaret Ilton.

Ph 0221008119 text or call


We are trying to gauge the interest for the shirts and if we have enough people wanting them, inquiries will be made re prices for them and we will be back in contact with you, about them.

Mid-Week Run

A run is currently being planned for a revisit to the Solar Farm at Awanui.

It is hoped we get the visit early to mid April. The team at Lodestone at present, are working on having personnel available to show us through the farm.

For health & Safety reasons we will be limited to a group of 20 at any one time. If we have more than 20 wanting to visit, a second visit would be planned.

Hard hats, high vis jackets… bring your own if you have them but they will be supplied if you haven’t. Sturdy footwear is a requirement…dust off your gumboots!

Expect an email with details, as soon as we have confirmation from Lodestone.

On the same day, there will be the visit to Joe Oliver’s as outlined in Marg D’s report.

And we will slip in a leisurely lunch somewhere too.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

From the Chair…

Sorry I missed the March meeting and run due to being away at the Sidecar Register National Rally and the VCC Executive Meeting.

For the Sidecar Rally at Napier we started off with a VERY wet ride. We travelled to Taupo on the Monday and I found that my waterproofs aren't! Luckily Tuesday dried up after a wet start and the rest of the week was better weather. Tuesday was a day for settling in and catching up with old friends/meeting new ones then socialising at the barbecue.

In view of the Gabrielle damage so noticeable in the area (especially Eskdale on the Taupo/Napier road) there was some discussion as to whether the campsite was above or below sea level!

Wednesday started with a drive up steep, narrow twisty roads to the lookout above the Port, followed by a visit to the Faraday Museum – very interesting, then out to a country pub for lunch before returning to camp.

Maybe it was the presence of a cruise ship in Napier that brought out a number of vintage/art deco cars – we saw several. A barbecue and socialising finished the day.

Thursday's run started by riding back into Napier again for a visit to a private collection of BSAs.

All post-war and all unit construction (so no real Gold Stars or A10s, etc.), varying from 125 to 750cc. From there a pleasant country run to – guess what? Would you believe a pub for lunch!

Another run, on country roads took us to the very pleasant country abode of our organisers, for group photos and a look in the garage containing bikes, a Morgan (4 wheeler), MGB, and assorted Austins (from 1930s). The evening was the Rally Dinner and prizegiving at an Ahuriri hostelry. Winner of nearly everything (Long distance, best sidecar, best dressed – very smart and very yellow) was Stu Kennedy from Invercargill.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

As there were no powered trikes present the Best Trike went to Clare LyndsellTurbott (age 9 months) on her 3-wheel buggy!

About a quarter of the outfits attending would be over 30 years old.

Friday was for farewells and the ride home.

Having travelled down via SH1 and SH5, we decided to take the long route home via SH2 and SH1.

We were aware of the road works warnings, but were curious to see how much damage remained.

The signs mentioned “up to 30 minutes delays”, but did not explain that this was for EACH of a dozen or more! We soon learned that a red light (or Stop board) meant switch off motor and go for a walk!

We got to Whakatane for the night, then home about 8p.m. Saturday.

The March Executive Meeting at Christchurch followed a similar format to last year.

Officer's reports raised a few administrative points.

A guest speaker gave an interesting talk on hydrogen power, which disappointed me to some extent in that it will probably only be practical for HGVs. There was much discussion on the constitution (see report from HQ), ending with acceptance of option 1 (12 member committee) with minor geographical changes – Gisborne to move North to join Bay of Plenty, etc., Taranaki to move South to join Wanganui, etc. for the North Island.

And option 2 with Banks Peninsula moving to join Canterbury for the South Island. The map will be controlled by bye-law rather than constitution to allow easy changes if required in future.

Future national events will be AGM 2024 – Easter 2025 – Waikato, AGM 2025 –Southland, AGM 2027 – Ashburton. Offers required for AGM 2026 from North Island.

Sad news that Andy Anderson was not present, having suffered a heart attack, but told his family “you can't get rid of me yet!”.

The Club Manual (formerly Branch Manual) is now held on computer rather than paper, and members (not just Branch Secretaries) can access it.

After the meeting on Sunday, I was pleased to see the Christchurch Rover Club were holding a rally in the grounds to mark 75 years of the P4 Rover and 50 years of their club!

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

In April we have the Brian Parker Rally on 6th and the monthly meeting on 13th –see you there!


“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”
Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Northern Club Captain’s Report

We have been having a great turn out for monthly runs/rallies - it’s pleasing also to hear the feedback from a lot of our members about the more social aspect of our outings. We certainly have enjoyed working on events and with those members who have organised events.

These outings are open to any member with new ideas who would like to organise a run or a mid-week run - there are such a lot of interesting places etc to visit in the Far North which not many of us get to see. Great to have new ideas.

Our picnic at John McGees was a huge success with 24 members including two members we hadn’t met or been seen for a long time - really nice to see Torsten and Cornelia Meyer.

Although we had to leave shortly after everyone returned from their farm tour, it was pleasing to hear those 22 folks were

in no hurry to leave! I’m sure it will be talked about for some time to come. A huge thanks to John who opened his beautiful home to us and for his farm tour.

Grateful thanks to John, Claude, Win, Ron and Bob for supplying their modern off-road vehicles - I didn’t hear anything from the passengers about scary

stuff . Peter, Marg, Tom and I had had a previous trip out with John and I thought it was pretty challenging in places - I’m not a brave off roader !!

Also, big thank you to our team of workers for your support with catering for the ‘Cruizin the Bays’ tour, early in March. It was fun working together and we got the folks on tour fed in a timely fashion. What a fantastic line up of cars there were to enjoy… when we had time to lift our eyes above the BBQ, sausages & frankfurters.

Great Team work.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Claude is arranging a mid-week visit to the new solar farm at Awanui and we have organised a visit to Joe Oliver’s in Puckey Ave, Kaitaia, on the same day to view the log caravan Joe has built. This is looking like early April. Both venues are very worthwhile travelling to visit. Hoping to see you all on 6th April for the Brian Parker rally. Safe travels Margaret

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Best wishes and special thoughts are with all members who are managing each day with health challenges and ongoing pain.

Remember when…

"Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else."
-J.M. Barrie

Far North Caffeine & Classics

A beautiful day for the March meet with folks as far away as Ruakaka, soaking up the Far North splendour.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
Omnium gatherum…

Southern Captain’s Run

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Far North Vintage Car Club

Annual General Meeting

11th May 2024

Nomination Forms

It is preferred that completed forms be with the secretary by Friday 3rd May.

Nominations for all officers’ positions will be accepted from the floor as well on the night of the AGM.

I nominate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

For the position of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of proposer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of seconder ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I accept nomination for the above position ……………………………………………………………………

I nominate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

For the position of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of proposer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of seconder ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I accept nomination for the above position ……………………………………………………………………

All positions within the club will be voted for at the AGM.

Please return your nomination form to:

Secretary FNVCCC

Naomi Mason

23A Okahu Rd


09 4081376

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

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