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A 1962 Holden EK owned by Warren McKay

Who’s Who for 2024/2025


Committee: Winston Matthews, Murray Cormack, Keith Lyndsell, Tom Deverall, Naomi Mason, Steve Edwards, Margaret Deverall, Margaret Ilton.

The full list of the elected officers is circulated with the

Club Cleaning Roster

July C & M Ilton

August D & B Francis

September N & V Mason

October Everyone

November M & T Deverall

December Winston & Glenis

February Marg & Marg

March P O’Dell

April M & T Deverall

May C & M Ilton

June R & W Mackay

Caffeine & Classics

3rd Sunday every month 9.30 to 12

Next date: Sunday 21st July

Ka Uri Awanui

During the month and preferably before the main calendar event, please give the clubrooms a thorough check over. This includes cleaning the toilets, hand basins, checking kitchen, table tops, window ledges, sweeping the floors etc.

If your cleaning date does not suit you, please swop with someone else.

Thanks for supporting the running of the Club.

Window cleaning, washing walls etc. will be done at working bees.

Take note of any required maintenance and pass on to: Building Officer – Steve Edwards 09 401 6239

For any further enquires please contact our Club Captains.

Calendar of Club Events 2024


13th Saturday Monthly Meeting 1.00 with Parts shed open at 2 pm.

20nd Saturday Prize Giving & Annual Dinner

Mangonui Cruising Club

21st Repco Caffeine & Classics


10th Saturday 10 am Monthly Meeting followed with Mid-Winter Potluck Xmas lunch.

Parts shed open at 2 pm.

18th Repco Caffeine & Classics

25th Daffodil Run


1st Father’s Day Run

14th Saturday 1.00 Monthly Meeting with Parts shed open at 2 pm.

15th Repco Caffeine & Classics

21st Working Bee @ Clubrooms 10 am


12th Saturday Monthly Meeting 1.00 pm with Parts shed open at 2 pm.

19th Dunny Run

20th Repco Caffeine & Classics


1-3 Nov Far North Tour [Northland]

9th Monthly meeting 1 pm with Parts shed open at 2 pm.

9th? November Wheels of Mayhem

17th Repco Caffeine & Classics


14th Saturday 10 am Morning tea & monthly meeting starting at 10.30. Potluck Xmas lunch to follow the meeting.

January 2025

4 th ? Jan Taipa Show and Shine

18th Saturday Picnic

19th Repco Caffeine & Classics


8th Saturday Monthly Meeting 1 pm with Parts shed open at 2 pm.

16th Repco Caffeine & Classics

22nd Saturday Northern Captain’s Run


8th Saturday Monthly Meeting 1 pm with Parts shed open at 2 pm.

Southern Captain’s Run

16th Repco Caffeine & Classics


12th Saturday Monthly Meeting 1.00 pm

Parts shed open at 2 pm.

19th Saturday Brian Parker Rally

20th Repco Caffeine & Classics


11th Saturday 1.00 AGM Meeting with monthly meeting following AGM with Parts shed open at 2 pm.

12th Mother’s Day run

18th Repco Caffeine & Classics

Monthly - 2nd Saturday 1.00 pm

Club Meeting @ Aurere Clubrooms

Monthly - 3rd Sunday

Repco Caffeine & Classics @ Ka Uri Awanui

“Happiness is the highest form of health.” – Dalai Lama

Club Notices

FNVCCC Annual Luncheon & Prize Giving

Saturday 20th July.

Meet from 11.30 onwards at Mangonui Cruising Club.

5 Silver Egg Road, Mill Bay, Mangonui.

Lunch will be served at 12.30.

Wine with the meal will be provided by the club.

Costs: Buy your drinks from the bar before & after the meal.

The Club will be paying for all meals.

Bookings are essential.

Numbers attending please to Marg Deverall by Tuesday, July 16.


Phone: 0275442003


A message from Graeme and Margaret from the Mainland. Margaret and I would welcome any of the members calling on us if you are down our way.

Regards and happy motoring.


A request from Max Allan. I would be interested to know of anyone in FNVCC going to the 2026 International, who does not have a sparring partner to travel with.

I am interested but expect to be residing here (UK) with Jacky, so I will not have a VCC vehicle in NZ.

My only requirement for a co-conspirator would be that they are not chronic snorers!

Contact the Editor for Max’s email.

A word of caution…

At our last meeting, Dave alerted us to the possibility that some vehicle insurance policies may have changed their coverage of the free windscreen replacement. Check your policy and all fine print.

Parts Shed

The parts shed will be open from 2 pm to 3.30 the day of our monthly meeting. For any ‘needs’ between meetings, please get in touch with Peter Mason.

For Sale

1969 Triumph Herald Convertible for sale


I wish to sell a 1969 Triumph Herald Convertible. It is in good condition but is not on the road (no WOF and registration is on hold).

I am based in Auckland. David McEwen <>

For sale dge/other/listing/4720098641

1936 Dodge. Vehicle located in Tauranga. Family owned since birth. NZ assembled. Right hand drive. Numerous parts are included & these will not be sold separately.

Chairman’s Report

The June run was the Molloy Trophy Rally, which was a scenic run from Whangaroa.

We travelled down the coast to Matauri Bay with questions to be answered on the way, along with several stops at viewpoints.

The run was followed by lunch at Matauri Bay Cafe.

The weather behaved itself with sunshine all the way south, but we had rain on the way home afterward!

Some members were reduced to using “moderns” for various reasons, with our Rover refusing to start in the morning.

It was a most enjoyable run with a good turnout.

This month we have our monthly meeting on the 13th and in place of a run we have our annual prizegiving at Mangonui Cruising Club, subsidised from Club funds.

See you there on the 13th & the 20th .

Northern Club Captain’s Report

Thanks to Robyn and Warren for their grand effort with Saturday's, Molloy Rally. We had lovely beaches to view, with beautiful weather

30 members and 9 vintage cars turned out for the rally

Terry and Sue Roger’s were our winners taking away the Molloy Trophy.

Runner’s up were Derek and Andrea Mackay There were 3, 3rd placegetters as the Molloy Trophy requires 5 placegetters. They were Dave and Dorothy Duirs, Ron and Beryl Shugg and Vince and Namoi Mason.

Our venue for lunch was the cafe/bar overlooking Matauri Bay which was enjoyed by us all

It is a very busy café with many locals sporting huge smiles as they drove in and saw ‘old cars’. Many of them – young and otherwise- checked the vehicles out.

The day was a good catch-up with club members from Paihia to Pukenui! Marg D.

As winter catches up with us, take care of yourselves.

Special thoughts and very caring wishes to our members who have had hospital visits, are managing ongoing health challenges and those folk who have joints and bones that just aren’t doing what they are designed to do, effectively. Keep warm.

Remember when…

Far North Caffeine & Classics

June’s meet had another great turnout at Awanui and was the second gathering held at Ka Uri, with the venue proving to be popular.

The First Motor Trip to the Far North

….” Being ready to start, we promised two commercials who were at the hotel and who were going that day to the same place as we were setting out for, to tell Joe Evans, at Waipapakauri that they were coming. We got away very early, exhilarated with the thought of what a nice run we should have, the weather being the best and the road all right. Over the hill we went for Peria, Kaitaia, Awanui and Waipapakauri.

The roads here are very narrow and only made for one vehicle, the funds of the local bodies not permitting of any more extravagance. The hills are also very steep, and we were soon going “at top” to my mind very much faster than I thought there was need for. It did not give a fellow a chance to study the country at all: in fact it diverted my mind to an entirely different subject – the problem as to whether the Accident Insurance Company had acted wisely in granting me cover, which I had secured before leaving Auckland. On reaching the bottom of the first big hill I ventured to ask A.C. whether he usually drove at that speed,

“No,” he replied: “there is something wrong with that confounded brake: she nearly got away with us there. Just have a look at the brake band, will you, and tighten it up.”

I did this with pleasure and tightened it up all right – all the way the screw would allow.

Then we took on another hill, and Jesophat, we went, if anything, faster. I don’t mind how fast I am travelling on

an express train running to Rotorua, but coming downhill like that “eyes out” in a motor car is somewhat quite a different thing. We made another examination of that brake, and in lifting the floorboard, found under the lever of the brake an inch bolt which jammed and prevented the brake from working at all.

We removed the bolt.

A little further on, we found we had rattled all the spokes in the wheels loose. These were tightened up and we proceeded.

Within a mile the car stopped, “By jove,” said A.C., “that’s strange,” and looking over the side, he said, “Hanged if I don’t believe, we have scorched the boiler.”

“Done what? I said.

“Scorched the boiler.”

“What in the name of thunder, is that?”

“Well get off, and you’ll see.”

I got off and he showed me the water running out of the boiler on the road. Of course, I did not know then, what was the matter, for I knew absolutely nothing about the machine, beyond that it was called a motor car and it was supposed to go somewhere of its own volition.

I remarked: “Well, we had better get along and fix that up, when we’ve got time.”

“But she won’t go an inch.”

“The dence.”

Then it began to dawn on me that the position, if not really serious, was about as comical as that featured in the grotesque figures of the Dark Town Fire Brigade.

To be continued.

1962 Holden EK

Very original

135000 miles

Registered and Wof


Phone Warren 021 0364 333

How to Make Broccoli and Cauliflower Delicious


900 grams of broccoli

450 grams of cauliflower

5 cups of milk

Salt, to taste

Onion, to taste

1 carrot

1 capsicum

1 garlic clove

2 tablespoons of olive oil

Parsley, to taste

200 grams of red cherry tomatoes

Preparation of Broccoli and Cauliflower

Begin by thoroughly cleaning and washing the broccoli and cauliflower. Then, chop them into small pieces on a cutting board.

Cooking Process

In a pot, add the broccoli along with boiling water and season with salt. Pour in the milk and cook for approximately 3 minutes.

In another pot, place the cauliflower, add boiling water and milk, season with salt, and cook for about 5 minutes.

Sautéing Vegetables

Heat a non-stick skillet, drizzle some extra virgin olive oil, and add the chopped onion and carrot. Sauté for a few minutes until golden brown.

Final Touches

Drain the broccoli and cauliflower and transfer them to a dish. Add the diced capsicum, chopped cherry tomatoes, and mix well.

Then, add seasoning according to your taste.

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