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Branch Editor

Lamb Country

Branch Email:

Club Night 7.30pm

3rd Wednesday of every Month

The Klaxon horn was developed and patented by Miller Reese Hutchison, an inventor of the early 20th century. Hutch, as he was known, patented the mechanism in 1908.

It later became standard equipment on motor cars. The name klaxon came from the Ancient Greek verb klazō, meaning shriek. Klaxon horns produce an easily identifiable sound, often described in English as "ahooguh". Like most mechanical horns, the klaxon has largely been replaced by solid-state electronic devices, though the memorable tone has persisted on in classic cars of the era. Klaxon later became a brand name. The Klaxon horn was used on U.S. submarines during WWII. The Klaxon horn's characteristic sound is produced by a spring steel diaphragm with a rivet in the centre that is repeatedly struck by the teeth of a rotating cogwheel. The diaphragm is attached to a horn that acts as an acoustic transformer and controls the direction of the sound. In the first Klaxons, the wheel was driven either by hand or by an electric motor.

Hutchison went to work for Thomas Edison in 1909 and was the chief engineer for Edison from 1912 to The Klaxon warning device became standard equipment on all United States Navy ships.

Hutchison himself had a limousine custom-built in May 1908 to showcase the latest in automotive electrical technology. The Witherbee Igniter Company installed storage batteries that could be re-charged from an on -board generator, or by plugging into a light socket. The car was equipped with three Klaxon horns and an external speaker to warn other traffic. An intercom similar to the dictograph allowed passengers to talk with the chauffeur.

Many of the novel innovations in his vehicle are standard equipment to-day. Besides headlights with a dashboard switch, interior lamps lit automatically when doors were opened. The dashboard included alarms and lighted gauges, to indicate dangerous conditions. The car featured audible and visual back-up warning mechanisms.

MAY 2024
Miller Reese Hutchison—Inventor—byRodMcKenzie

Miller Reese Hutchison—Inventor—

Other inventions Hutchison was responsible for include the “Acusticon”, a battery powered hearing aid that he invented in 1902 for one of his friends who was deaf. . He formed the Akouphone Company in Alabama to market the device, but the original bulky tabletop form was not practical.

A common quip, sometimes attributed to Mark Twain was that Miller had invented the Klaxon to to the Veteran Car Club of Queensland magazine, so people would have to wear his Acousticon. As well Hutchison developed related devices known as the Akou-Massage (renamed the Massacon), and Akoulalion, which converted audio into vibrations, to help those with more profound hearing loss. They were widely adopted by schools for the deaf in the US and Europe. Hutchison also developed an electrical tachometer that would give an accurate reading of the speed of steam ship engines in 1908.

Dr. Miller Reese Hutchison died suddenly on February 16th 1944 in New York and did not receive the attention in Alabama he deserved in view of the fact that he was one of the Nations Greatest Inventors and Scientists, he was born and largely educated in Alabama and there began his work that led him to become Thomas Edison’s right had man for many years. Dr Hutchison was born in Montrose, a small community across the bay from Mobile Montrose, because of its location on the highest bluff along all the Gulf and South Atlantic coasts, was a popular summer resort for Mobile families in 1876 where Miller Reese Hutchison was born. He attended Mobile public schools, Spring Hill College, Marion Military Institute where he graduated in electrical engineering at Auburn.

Electrical engineering was then a comparatively new field and Hutchison after seeing service in mine-laying during the Spanish American War went East to pursue his special interests. There he attracted the attention of Edison and while still in his middle thirties he became chief engineer of all Edison interests and personal representative to Edison himself. Later he stablished his won laboratories.

Hutchison had several hundred inventions to his credit. The ones for which he was chiefly known are the Acousticon for the deaf. The Klaxon horn and the dictograph. A long list of honorary degrees, medals and awards in the international field in Science.

Electrical Klaxon horn in 1910 Portable Acousticon in 1906



Thursday 2nd May 10.00am

Hello all CHB VCC members (Ladies and Gentlemen)

Looking for a fun thing to try !!!

Then come along to—Super Strike—Hastings—and give Tenpin bowling ago.

This will be a fun morning of two games which will take approx. 2 hours and cost $20.00 per person for two games.

Super Strike have a café/kitchen menu where you can get anything from toasted sandwiches, hot chips, to a meal on a plate. Coffee and Bar facilities.

Car pool if you can. Same morning as Torqueheads but Thursday is the only morning that works for bowling.

Please contact Ken Lyons if you are coming so he can book the Bowling lanes required.

Ken Lyons 027-495-6247 or

$10.00 DONATION per person (includes coffee or tea and cake)

Assemble time 10.15am In front of the Art Centre Takapau—opposite the Old Takapau Pub.

Leaving time is at 10.30am.

Bring a picnic lunch, chairs and good walking shoes.

Organised by Henk and Ella Domper

May 2024—CHB Branch Club Rally—A Celebration of Autumn A Celebration of Autumn CHB RESCUE HELICOPTER FUNDRAISER
Sunday 5th

Wednesday 15th May2024

— CHB VCC Dinner and Meeting

To be held at the Waipawa Bowling Club, Harker Street, Waipawa

Arrive from 6.00pm—Meal at 6.30pm—Meeting at 7.30pm

$35.00 per person—Eftpos Available

Menu: Roast Beef, Yorkshire pudding and gravy

Roast seasoned Chicken with gravy

Cauliflower/Broccoli au gratin

Medley of roast vegetables

Minted peas

Duchess potatoes

Dessert: Apple crumble with custard and ice cream

Please contact Eva with numbers by the evening of Sunday 12th May 2024

06 858 9105 021 170 9978

No late bookings please

If you have any dietary needs, please advise when you book your meal.

PLEASE NOTE: The CHBVCC branch will make payment for any late dinner cancellations or no shows, then an invoice will be sent to the member/members concerned.

CHB Branch Chairman


Volunteers hard at work at the Waipawa Bowling Club clearing river silt after the devastation following Cyclone Gabrielle in February 2023

My 1930 Chrysler 77 Speedo Reading Milestone—

By Bruce Poole

When I purchased the Roadster on 9th January 1965 the speedo reading was 83000 miles which had taken 35 years to achieve.

During restoration all items on the car were looked at and the speedo was put back to zero. I was asked, when registering the car for the first time after restoration about the speedo reading and told them that during repair work the odometer got put back to zero. This was accepted and the car was finally back on the road late 1969 early 1970.

The car was driven for the first trip from Palmerston Nth to Waipukurau, then to Taupo and back to Palmerston North over two days. It was then driven to Wellington and put on a boat to Australia for the 1970 Bi Centennial Rally.

Total mileage at this stage was 400 miles. The rally went from Sydney to Melbourne and then a separate run to Adelaide. It was then driven to Perth where it was used as my every day car for the next twelve months.

It was then sent by train to Port Augusta and then driven to Melbourne and shipped home to New Zealand. Total mileage at that stage was 12000 miles. You will note that the speedo is now 77777.7 and this was achieved on a farm track during the recent visit to Smedley Station to watch the sheep dog trials on 16th March 2024. This milestone has taken from 1970 to 2024 a total of 54 years motoring.

I have had the engine reconditioned twice. The first time after a cracked block at 14000 miles and then the second time four years ago. A lot of petrol, several sets of tyres, but a great lot of wonderful memories of the adventures we have had together over almost 60 years.




9.00 AM Meet at Clubrooms, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North for tea or coffee before the Rally.

9.30 AM Rally Briefing

10.00 AM First car away

● Run length: Approx 150 MILES

● Fuel is available en-route - Afternoon Section

● Lunch at Cheltenham Hotel

● Rally Entry Fee includes a Plaque

● Run will conclude at the Clubrooms for Prize Giving and Evening Light Meal (finger food).

● Please bring your own Drinks for the Light Meal (finger food) (water/tea/coffee will be available)

● Please advise any dietary requirements for lunch and Light Meal (GF, DF)


VCC MEMBERSHIP NO. ______________________________ EXPIRY DATE


TELEPHONE ( ___ ) _____________________ EMAIL




Please indicate your choice of meal Number required

Fish and Chip meal

Burger and Chip meal


Please make payment via Internet Banking: Manawatu Branch VCC 03 0718 0027253 01 Ref: Name, Reg No., POST ERA

Please send completed Entry Form to Organisers: Glyn & Cath Clements PO Box 232, Feilding 4740 (ph. 021 0833 4081) Or Email to (Note: No. 1 not L in email address)

If you haven’t received an email confirmation of entry by the closing date, please contact the Organiser.

CLOSE: 15th MAY 2024**

ENTRY: $20.00 Per Vehicle $20.00
EVENING MEAL (finger food) $10.00 per head No of People ____TOTAL_________

Central Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand [Inc]

Sixth Annual Mid-Week Run “Taranaki Tour”

14th to 18th October 2024

Organisers: Rod and Scarlett McKenzie

Entry forms will be available at the July dinner meeting [we hope].

Tawhiti Museum

Twilight Run—byJennyHalford

Saturday 6th April and it was time for the annual twilight run. Was it really a whole year ago since the last one – how time flies!

We all met at Russell Park and with fuel tanks full and engines at the ready, nineteen cars were raring to go. Our organisers for this year’s run, the Malcolm's, were at the gate as we departed. Pat handing out our instructions and a hopefully lucky playing card, with Neil on the driver’s side giving out Easter eggs.

Then we were off, heading for Waipawa where our time trial began. We were advised to be aware of potholes from this point on, unfortunately we have become very accustomed to this problem on our NZ roads!

After passing through approximately 19 miles of some lovely, but dry country we came to Burma Road. Driving with caution as this road was steep and narrow, we arrived at the cattle stop at the summit. What a stunning view, many photos were snapped at this location, which was also where the time trial finished, and we noted down our time. Of course just at this moment my pen decided to stop working!! A quick rat around the parcel tray and another was found, and just as well as we later found out that we had won, being the closest to the time Neil and Pat had originally done it in, at 42 minutes 20 seconds.

The view from the summit was not unlike that looking down from an Aeroplan. The cars travelling along SH 2 below looked like toys. We then had to get down to the bottom of the hill what a juddery scary trip down it was, with a hairpin bend to contend with halfway down. Our truck driver son later told us that he had been up and down this road with a stock truck and trailer, no doubt loaded with sheep in at least one direction!

It was then a short trip along the main road, until we turned off onto the Te Aute Trust Road and eventually on through a huge valley that had been completely flooded during Cyclone Gabrielle, when the Waipawa River had reverted back to its original course. Hard to believe now as we drove on through with no evidence of this massive weather event.

Twilight Run—byJennyHalford

Finally we arrived at the Otane Hotel for our soup and bun break. The choice of soups were pumpkin, leek & potato and chicken & corn, delicious. Our bodies refueled we were ready for the second part of the twilight run.

We left the Otane Hotel at about 5:30pm for our journey through to Waipukarau. We were supposed to turn left into Dee Street “oops” missed that one, but a short deviation for our Zephyr and we were back on the right track. Soon we were passing through Waipawa and on to Waipukarau and to the club, where were to enjoy our evening meal.

No mishaps with any of the cars, and we all arrived at our destination safe and sound. A welcome drink was enjoyed by all, as the meal was not quite ready. When we were called to the dining room a lovely roast meal was awaiting us, followed by a yummy sweet.

Neil and Pat were then ready to do the draw, and a chance to choose from the table groaning with an assortment of gifts kindly donated by various local businesses. Everyone eventually went home with something as it was one car one gift.

Many thanks to the Malcolm's for organizing a very interesting and enjoyable run, not an easy task.

May Thurs 2nd

Sun 5th

Ken Lyons has again organised a day at Ten Pin Bowling, Hastings, starting at 10 00am Sun 5th

CHB Branch Club Rally A Celebration of Autumn fundraiser Rescue Helicopter organised by Henk and Ella Domper

Wed 15th Dinner and Meeting to be held at the Waipawa Bowling Club, Harker Street, Waipawa





Thurs 13th

Torque Heads day trip to Manawatu all members welcome

Wed 19th Dinner and Meeting Venue TBA

HB Swap Meet Sandy Road Meeanee

Events Calendar
CHB VCC 2024
Other District's Events
December TO READ AII OTHER BRANCH MAGAZINES ONLINE go to then go to: News from our Branches Choose relevant Branch print relevant entry form Or contact the Rally Secretary. Also items of interest on
October November

CHB Branch of the VCC—Chairman’s Report—May 2024

Another ANZAC Day has been and gone. This is the first year in 29 years I have not attended the dawn service, just didn’t feel right, however I did hear an interview with Wally Malcom,102 years young world war 2 veteran, prisoner of war gave an interesting account of his war History.

Eva Gollan attended 2024 Gallipoli Celebrations I am sure she will have a once in a life time story to tell.

At our April meeting at the Waipukurau Club Laurie and Gloria organised a Baby Photo Competition, not easy trying to guess who is who.

Thursday 2nd May Ken has a 10 pin bowling morning organised for those looking for a challenge.

A Thursday morning tea run to The Coach House Museum

Sunday 5th May Hank and Ella have a run for the CHB RESCUE HELICOPTER FUNDRAISER

It’s time to start thinking about the annual cancer/daffodil day, looking for a committee to run this, get on the organising team and make this another GREAT EVENT.

I understand our newest members Peter and Viv Paton have sold their Landover and brought a Mercedes.

If you are looking for a fun car John James has his MGB GT up for sale.

For those who have never put a run together, give it some thought, and give it a go and let’s get MOTORING


Club Captains Report—Laurie's Lot—May—2024

Saturday 6th April was the night rally, organised by Neil and Pat Malcolm. Twenty entries were received and Kevin and Pauline McGrath from the Hawkes Bay branch also joined the rally.

Next up for the branch is ten pin bowling on Thursday May 2nd, again organised by Ken Lyons. If you are thinking of joining the team, get your name into Ken ASAP please.

On Sunday 5th May Ella has organised a fundraising run to raise money for the CHB RESCUE HELICOPTER.

On Thursday 13th June Torque Heads is taking on a different look. It is a trip to meet up with a similar group from the Manawatu Branch. They meet at the Coach House Museum at 10 00am for coffee and scone etc and story telling. Those going, meet in Tavistock Place from 8 00am to leave before 8.30. Then we can look through the museum, and afterwards make our way to Rongotea to view a Holden collection. This trip is open to ALL BRANCH MEMBERS not just the Torque Heads.

Last months teaser: What makes the following number unique 8,549,176,320, It has each number 0 to 9 listed in alphabetical order.

This months teaser: What three numbers give the same answer when added and multiplied together.

Safe motoring

Laurie Malcolmson, Club Captain.

When insuring your valuable items (property, cars etc) with Vero, please quote YOUR CENTRAL HAWKES BAY BRANCH MEMBERSHIP NUMBER, this will result in a commission being paid to our Branch.

Thank you for your support

13 Hawkes Bay Branch Proudly presents the Back to Basics Swap Meet  New and Used Automotive Parts  Automotive Memorabilia + Collectables  Models, Books + Brochures  Car Corral for the sale of cars $20.00 per car  Sellers to set up at 7am  Public Entry 9am entry $10 per person  Site $20.00, includes one person Any enquiries: Phone Steve Donovan on 027 217 7730 Meeanee speedway Pit area 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee 5th May 2024 Any enquiries: Phone Steve Donovan on 027 217 7730 Or contact HBVCC at
Radiator Sales, Service & Repair
Phone-06 22 Takapau Road, Waipukurau, CHB Wanted Old 60’s Scalextric or other brands Slot Car parts or old Slot Cars. Please Phone Nick 027-437-1511 For
and Body Parts
aid Restoration
very rare.
essential. Prices
Please contact Ron Day at or call 027 338 1126
Warrant of
Exhaust Specialist Brakes Cambelts Shocks & Suspension—Tyres Motorcycle & Bicycle Servicing
Vehicle Servicing
Pre-war 8 and 10 HP models,
Anglia's and Prefects.
Also a large supply of mechanical and body parts to aid restoration and maintenance. Happy to sell individual cars or parts Inspection
are very
as everything must go.


My lovely Mk4 Zephyr V6. Purchased new in August 1971, I have cared for this vehicle for 53 years and it has always been housed. It has never been in an accident and the paint is original (Ivory white) as is the upholstery which is red. A complete new exhaust system from front to back including mufflers was fitted in 2019 also new boots on all steering joints and front forks in 2021. New battery in 2022. New oil pump drive fitted last month. Drivers side seat fitted with new springs and padding. Tyres are high profile radials and near new also new carpets. The motor was rebuilt at 93,000 miles and it has now done 135,900 miles. The mileage is genuine. The only reason I am selling this vehicle is I am now too old at 87 to drive it.

For any further particulars contact Robin Mackie 06-856-6871 or 027-310-8016


VETERAN: Motor Vehicles constructed prior to 31st December 1918.

VINTAGE: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1919 and 31st December 1931.

POST VINTAGE : Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1932 and 31st December 1945.

POSTWAR : Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1946 and 31st December 1960.

POST 1960 : Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1961 and 31st December 1980.

POST 1980 : Motor Vehicles constructed after 1st January 1981 provided that no vehicle is deemed eligible for this category until the day immediately following the 30th anniversary of its original date of construction as determined in accordance with Section 2 of the Club Vehicle Technical Code. (refer to the Club By-laws)

AUTHENTIC REPRODUCTION VEHICLES: Motor Vehicles newly constructed to the exact specification of an original factory production vehicle. (as described in the Club By-laws)

FACTORY BUILT & HISTORIC RACING VEHICLES : (as described in the Club By-laws).

PERIOD SPECIALS : (as described in the Club By-laws).

18 1 owner 84,000km Price—negotiable For more information please contact: Chris 027-635-1219        

 1986 Series 3 Jaguar Sovereign

 4.2 litre Six cylinder fuel injected

 Argent Silver—Red upholstery

 Cruise Control

 Sun roof  Air Conditioning  Pepper pot wheels  Very tidy car

Car can be viewed in Waipukurau
 Asking price—$15,000 Any Enquiries—please contact Albert—021-1222-343

For Sale—1938 DX10 Vauxhall

 It is out of Registration and needs WOF - Last Registered in 2022.

 Has been in storage.

 Mileage 99109.

 General Condition is very good / Repainted 2019, some rust on front grill.

 Tyres good.

 Interior is very clean - new carpets 2019.

 Asking $20,000.

Location Wairoa — please contact:

Wendy Lee Rattenbury


Angela Annear

An authorised Travel Broker for Searle Travel Ltd.

Consultations are by appointment. Angela Annear Travel Broker

10 Brooker Place, Waipukurau 4200, Central Hawkes Bay.




For more details: Email:

Phone: 06 858 9082 Cell: 027 281 1306


Vintage and Classic Car Restoration Services • Machine Castings • One off Fabrication • Weld Repairs • Brazing & Mouldings NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Stevenson & Taylor 2294—Takapau Road—Waipukarau Phone—06 858 6041

Central Hawkes Bay Branch oftheVCC— Directory 2023/2024

Chairman Gary Weaver

027 442 8920

Secretary/Delegate Brian Connor 027 488 5019

Treasurer —Kaye Carswell 021 124 3620

Club Captain—Laurie Malcolmson

06 374 9823 or 021 579 133

Vice Club Captain Vehicle Inspection

Keith Hopping

06 857 8255 or 021 742 302

Welfare—Sandra Cross

06 858 9814

Bleat Editor Joyce Calder 022 166 1403

Torqueheads Bruce Turner 021 100 4333

Committee Bruce Poole 027 244 9090

Committee Iain Gollan 021 170 9978

Committee—Rod McKenzie 027 446 7198

Committee—Neil Malcolm

06 858 5099 or 027 457 8945

Committee Gloria Malcolmson

06 374 9823 or 021 579 133

Catering—Eva Gollan

06 858 9105 or 021 170 9978

Raffles Scarlett McKenzie

06 858 9562 or 027 446 7198

Beaded Wheels—Heather Cheer

06 374 0864 or 027 235 6649



Hello my name is Lory Cribb and I specialise in custom printing of products. I love turning peoples ideas into reality especially when I am able to supply an extremely hard to fined personal gift.

I am based in Napier and courier nationwide. Some of my products are listed below.

Coffee mugs, reusable face masks (3 layered), coasters, stubby cooler holders. Custom clothing is available from newborn through to 7XL

Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any enquiries

Facebook: @personalisedbylory


Cell phone: 020-4117-5900

Vintage Car Club—Rally Number ID plates (200 x 150mm)—$10.00 each

Available from Brian Connor

Contact: Brian Connor

06-855-6447 027-488-5019

occasion For Sale
printing for any

Free Advertising available for members OR non members for PRIVATE SALE Vehicles, parts, machinery etc, please contact Gary Weaver or Brian Connor “The Bleat” Editor to place your advertisement.

Four luxurious units available to hire

Contact us now so we can show you how to add luxury to your event

06 857 8757 or 027 235 5996

We now have CHB VCC windscreen stickers available Contact TREASURER

Kaye Carswell 021-124-620

visit the CHB Library Advertisements

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