Branch Editor
Lamb Country
Branch Email:
Club Night 7.30pm
3rd Wednesday of every Month
The Night Witches were a remarkable group of female aviators who defied gender norms and played a significant role in World War II. Formed as part of the Soviet Air Forces in 1941, these courageous women flew night bombing missions against German positions. This remarkable group of Soviet women pilots played a crucial role in the war effort. These daring aviators flew under the cover of darkness, braving bullets, frostbite, scepticism and sexual harassment on the ground. They were feared and hated so much by the Nazis that any German airman who downed one was automatically awarded the prestigious Iron Cross medal. The 588th Night Bomber Regiment, known as the Night Witches, was an all-female Soviet air force unit. They flew bare-bones plywood bi-planes, which made a distinctive whooshing noise resembling a sweeping broom. Their small planes were difficult to detect on radar or infrared locators, and they never used radios, making them elusive and effective. They were basically ghosts in the night sky. All told, the pioneering allfemale 588th Night Bomber Regiment dropped more than 23,000 tons of bombs on Nazi targets. And in doing so, they became a crucial Soviet asset in winning World War II. These women pilots defied expectations and made a significant contribution to the war effort. Their courage and resilience continue to inspire generations.
JUNE 2024
TheNightWitches—The Daring Female Pilots—Bombed theNazis byNight
TheNightWitches—The Daring Female Pilots—Bombed
The squadron was the brainchild of Marina Raskova, known as the “Soviet Amelia Earhart”famous not only as the first female navigator in the Soviet Air Force but also for her many long-distance flight records. She had been receiving letters from women all across the Soviet Union wanting to join the World War II war effort. While they had been allowed to participate in support roles, there were many who wanted to be gunners and pilots, flying on their own.
Many had lost brothers or sweethearts, or had seen their homes and villages ravaged. Seeing an opportunity, Raskova petitioned Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin to let her form an all-female fighting squadron. On October 8, 1941, Stalin gave orders to deploy three all-female air force units. The women would not only fly missions and drop bombs, they would return fire, making the Soviet Union the first nation to officially allow women to engage in combat. Previously, women could help transfer planes and ammunition, after which the men took over.
Raskova quickly started to fill up her teams. From more than 2,000 applications, she selected around 400 women for each of the three units. Most were students, ranging in age from 17 to 26. Those selected moved to Engels, a small town north of Stalingrad, to begin training at the Engels School of Aviation. They underwent a highly compressed education, expected to learn in a few months what it took most soldiers several years to grasp. Each recruit had to train and perform as pilots, navigators, maintenance and ground crew.
The military, unprepared for women pilots, offered them meager resources. Flyers received hand-me-down uniforms (from male soldiers), including oversized boots. They had to tear up their bedding and stuff them in their boots to get them to fit. Their equipment wasn’t much better. The military provided them with outdated Polikarpov Po-2 biplanes, 1920s crop-dusters that had been used as training vehicles. These light twoseater, open-cockpit planes were never meant for combat. It was like a coffin with wings. The Bi planes were made out of plywood with canvas pulled over, the aircraft offered virtually no protection from the elements. Flying at night, pilots endured freezing temperatures, wind and frostbite. In the harsh Soviet winters, the planes became so cold, just touching them would rip off bare skin.
theNazis by
TheNightWitches—The Daring Female Pilots—Bombed
Due to both the planes limited weight capacity and the military’s limited funds, the pilots also lacked other luxury items their male counterparts enjoyed. Instead of parachutes (which were too heavy to carry), radar, guns and radios, they were forced to use more rudimentary tools such as rulers, stopwatches, flashlights, pencils, maps and compasses. There was some upside to the older aircraft. Their maximum speed was slower than the stall speed of the Nazi planes, which meant these wooden planes, ironically, could manoeuvre faster than the enemy, making them hard to target. They also could easily take off and land from most locations. The downside was when coming under enemy fire, pilots had to duck by sending their planes into dives (almost none of the planes carried defence ammunition). If they happened to be hit by tracer bullets, which carry a pyrotechnic charge, their wooden planes would burst into flames.
The Polikarpov's could only carry two bombs at a time, one under each wing. In order to make meaningful dents in the German front lines, the regiment sent out up to 40 two-person crews a night. Each would execute between eight and 18 missions a night, flying back to re-arm between runs. The weight of the bombs forced them to fly at lower altitudes, making them a much easier targets, hence their night-only missions. The planes, each with a pilot upfront and a navigator in back, travelled in packs. The first planes would go in as bait, attracting German spotlights, which provided much needed illumination. These planes, which rarely had ammunition to defend themselves, would release a flare to light up the intended target. The last plane would idle its engines and glide in darkness to the bombing area. It was this stealth mode that created their signature witch’s broom sound. There were 12 commandments the Night Witches followed. The first was be proud you are a woman. Killing Germans was their job, but in their downtime the heroic flyers still did needlework, patchwork, decorated their planes and danced. They even put the pencils they used for navigation into double duty as eyeliner.
Their last flight took place on May 4th 1945 when the Night Witches flew within 60 kilometres (approx. 37 miles) of Berlin. Three days later, Germany officially surrendered. According to Prowse, the Germans had two theories about why these women were so successful. They were all criminals who were masters at stealing and had been sent to the front line as punishment or, they had been given special injections that allowed them to see in the night. Altogether these daredevil heroines flew more than 30,000 missions in total, or about 800 per pilot and navigator. They lost a total of 30 pilots, and 24 of the flyers were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Raskova, the mother of the movement, died on January 4, 1943, when she was finally sent to the front line, her plane never made it. She was given the very first state funeral of World War II and her ashes are buried in the Kremlin. Despite being the most highly decorated unit in the Soviet Air Force during the war, the Night Witches regiment was disbanded six months after the end of World War II. And when it came to the big victory-day parade in Moscow, they weren’t included because, it was decided, their planes were too slow.
theNazis byNight
AGM—Tuesday 18th June—8.30pm
To be held at the Waipukurau Bowling Club, Mt Herbert Rd, Waipukurau.
Arrive from 6.00pm Dinner 6.30pm AGM starts at 8.30pm
• Apologies.
• Minutes of the 2022/23 AGM.
• Branch Office Holder Reports.
• Election of Officers.
• General Business.
• Notices of Motion are to be forwarded to:
• CHB VCC Branch Secretary
• Brian Connor
• Email: No later than 11th June 2024
All committee positions are vacant and nominations are to be received by the Secretary no later than seven (7) days prior to the meeting. Please email Branch Secretary for an application form.
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor provided the nominee is present at the meeting.
The Minutes of the 2022/23 Annual General Meeting will be emailed to all members prior to the meeting.
All members and interested persons are welcome to attend
Central Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.
AGM—Tuesday 18th June 2024
All nomination forms are to be received by The Secretary, no later than 14th June 2024.
Please Note - a nomination can be made at the AGM as long as the nominee is present and agreeable.
I hereby nominate: ___________________________________________________
For the position of: ___________________________________________________
Proposer: _________________________________
Seconder: ________________________________
Signature of Nominee: ______________________
Membership No: ___________
Membership No: ___________
Membership No: ____________ Date: _____
Chair General, Committee and or Special Meetings.
Work with committee members on matters arising from the meetings.
Welcome members, new members and guests on club nights.
Announce events and branch news.
Check route instructions prior to any rally/event being run.
Provide assistance to rally/event organisers if and when required. Keep the committee informed of progress with organisation of rally’s/events.
Keep the financial records of the branch.
Keep the committee informed of the financial position of the branch.
Produce a cash report for each meeting for the committee members.
Prepare final accounts.
Liaise with the accountant/auditor.
Take the minutes of meetings.
Send the committee meeting minutes out to committee members.
Send the branch night minutes out to all branch members.
Handle all inwards and outwards correspondence.
Communicate with National Office.
Be able to use Microsoft Word and email.
Keep an up to date record of members and their contact details
Work with club Personnel.
Receive, collate and publish articles photos, and club news of events.
Keep to deadlines. Verify facts and dates.
Keep an up to date list of email addresses.
Able to use graphic design, Microsoft word, Publisher, Email and the Internet.
Email or Print copies to members and sponsors.
Central Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.
Central Hawkes Bay Branch oftheVCC— Directory 2023/2024
Chairman Gary Weaver
027 442 8920
Secretary/Delegate Brian Connor 027 488 5019
Treasurer —Kaye Carswell 021 124 3620
Club Captain—Laurie Malcolmson
06 374 9823 or 021 579 133
Vice Club Captain Vehicle Inspection
Keith Hopping
06 857 8255 or 021 742 302
Welfare—Sandra Cross
06 858 9814
Bleat Editor Joyce Calder 022 166 1403
Torqueheads Bruce Turner 021 100 4333
Committee Bruce Poole 027 244 9090
Committee Iain Gollan 021 170 9978
Committee—Rod McKenzie 027 446 7198
Committee—Neil Malcolm
06 858 5099 or 027 457 8945
Committee Gloria Malcolmson
06 374 9823 or 021 579 133
Catering—Eva Gollan
06 858 9105 or 021 170 9978
Raffles Scarlett McKenzie
06 858 9562 or 027 446 7198
Beaded Wheels—Heather Cheer
06 374 0864 or 027 235 6649
To be held at the Waipukurau Bowling Club, Mt Herbert Rd, Waipukurau Arrive from 6.00pm—Meal at 6.30pm—Meeting at 8.30pm
$35.00 per person—Eftpos Available
Menu: Glazed Ham with mustard sauce & cranberry sauce
Chicken in mushroom & curry sauce
Potatoes with mint sauce and butter
Carrots with tangy sauce
Broccoli & Cauliflower with cheese sauce
Pea's and Bean's
Dessert: Fruit Crumble with Ice Cream
Please contact Eva with numbers by the evening of Sunday 14th June 2024
06 858 9105 021 170 9978
No late bookings please
If you have any dietary needs, please advise when you book your meal.
PLEASE NOTE: The CHBVCC branch will make payment for any late dinner cancellations or no shows, then an invoice will be sent to the member/members concerned.
CHB Branch Chairman GaryWeaver
Branch of the VCC-NZ—AGM—TUESDAY
June 2024
June Thurs 13th
Torque Heads Day trip to Manawatu all members welcome Sat 22nd Manawatu Branch Night Trial
AGM Tues 18th
CHB VCC Dinner and AGM to be held at the Waipukurau Bowling Club
Wed 17th Club Dinner and Meeting venue TBA 18th-21st Art Deco Festival
Sun 25th National Daffodil Rally for Cancer
Wed 21st Club Dinner and Meeting venue TBA Sun 25th
National Daffodil Rally for Cancer
Sat 7th Veteran Car Rally
Wed 18th
October 14th-18th
Wed 16th
Club Dinner and Meeting to be held at the Dannevirke Citizen's Club combining with the Manawatu Branch.
Taranaki Tour Organisers Rod and Scarlett McKenzie
Club Dinner and Meeting venue TBA this date maybe changed?
Wed20th Club Dinner and Meeting venue TBA
8 CHB VCC 2024 Events Calendar Other District's Events
TO READ AII OTHER BRANCH MAGAZINES ONLINE go to then go to: News from our Branches Choose relevant Branch print relevant entry form Or contact the Rally Secretary. Also items of interest on
CHB Branch of the VCC—Chairman’s Report—June 2024
It is with sadness I start my report recording the passing of one of our loyal members-Shirley Foot. John and Shirley participated in many club events locally here in CHB and other Vintage Car Clubs they belonged to R.I.P Shirley.
The Big Event for June, is the CHB VCC AGM. Details are on pages 3 and 4. A list of names and positions held now, are on page 5. All committee positions are vacant and nominations are to be received by the Secretary no later than seven (7) days prior to the meeting. Please email Branch Secretary for an application form. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor provided the nominee is present at the meeting. The Minutes of the 2022/23 Annual General Meeting will be emailed to all members prior to the meeting.
URGENT Club Secretary/Branch Delegate Brian Connor, and Committee Member Iain Gollan are both stepping down at the AGM. PLEASE CONSIDER Any position on the CHBVCC committee, all are essential to the future success of the club. The current committee members are very diverse and a fun group who have a passion for people, their cars and their community. A little work from many helps to lighten the load.
May events included Ten Pin bowling in Hastings, a fun time for all those who participated. Thank you Ken Lyons for organised that.
An Autumn celebration, a walk in the park. A Fund Raiser for the CHB Rescue Helicopter. Thank you Henk and Ella Domper for organizing that. Both events were well patronised.
Daffodil Rally for Cancer is on the 25th August right across New Zealand. We are looking for someone to take charge of the CHB VCC Event. We did every well last year so let’s get together and participate in this year’s event, there must be lots of good ideas we can share out there.
The end of year Christmas Function date and venue has been set, more information to follow.
Stay safe and keep warm
Gary Weaver QSM Club Chairman
Club Captains Report—Laurie's Lot—June—2024
First up for the month of May was Ken's organised trip to ten Pin Bowling in Hastings, twenty six including six from Hawkes Bay turned up. Over the two games there was much laughter and frustration, with some improving in the second game and some not so. The prize up for grabs was for the most consistent over the two games. This went to Henk. Well done Henk.
On Sunday 5th May, Ella and Henk had organised a fundraising run. Meeting in Takapau and travelling on the back roads to Norsewood, up to Ongaonga and on to Waipawa. At our destination, Woodland Hills there were tables set out on a sloping lawn overlooking valleys of autumn coloured leaves where we had our lunch, supplemented by tea and cakes supplied by the hosts. A very enjoyable day in the country and well supported.
Coming up on Thursday 13th June, the Torque Heads have organized a trip to the Coach House Museum in Feilding. This will be a very interesting trip and all CHB Branch members are welcome to join them.
In August there will be the National Annual Daffodil Day for cancer.
Wednesday 18th September the club dinner will be held in the Dannevirke Citizen's Club. We will be combining with the Manawatu Branch. We have the Piston Broke trophy at stake.
Saturday 7th September the CHB Veteran car rally will be held. All other vehicles are welcome to take part, but will not be eligible for prizes.
Last months teaser What 3 numbers give the same answer when added or multiplied together.. Answer 1,2,and 3.
Drive safe and we'll see you at another Club event.
Laurie Malcolmson, Club Captain.
When insuring your valuable items (property, cars etc) with Vero, please quote YOUR CENTRAL HAWKES BAY BRANCH MEMBERSHIP NUMBER, this will result in a commission being paid to our Branch.
Thank you for your support
The Manawatu Branch Night Trial
Saturday 22nd June 2024
Meet at the VCC Clubrooms on Kelvin Grove Road. For those who are keen to join us, the clubrooms will be open from 5.00pm. BYO Dinner Tea and coffee provided.
For entrants having dinner at home please be at the clubrooms for the Drivers briefing at 6.00pm. First car away 6.30pm
Rally will be approximately 110 miles finishing back at the clubrooms for hot soup, savouries and bread rolls. Followed by a short prize giving.
TELEPHONE (…….) …………………………………….. EMAIL:…………………………………………………………………..
ENTRY FEE $20.00
TOTAL: ` $..…………
Payment Details: Manawatu Branch VCC 03-0718-0027253-001 Please state name and Night Trial for reference.
ENTRIES CLOSE Friday 14th June 2024
RALLY ORGANISER Please send entries to: Derek Haycock, 375 Albert Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston North 4410 Phone: (06) 3561056 or 0274419153
YEAR:………………………………… REG NO:……………………………………………………………...
The driver of this Peugeot executed a very unusual manoeuvre at the Mont Ventoux in 1924
Thursday 2nd May—10 PIN BOWLING in Hastings—by Sandra Cross
On Thursday, 2 May sixteen CHB VCC members drove to Hastings for 10 pin bowling.
We were joined by some members of the Hawke’s Bay VCC for two sets. Nice friendly people made for very enjoyable games and everyone enjoyed their time there.
It was pleasing to see everyone participating, with some amazing scores being achieved (both upper and lower!)
Mention must be made of Cinderfella Bruce P who lost his shoes which had been appropriated by another member. Said shoes have been returned to their respective owners at a subsequent car event.
Many thanks to Ken Lyons for arranging such a fun event. We hope you do this again in the future Ken!
Gloria Malcolmson
Fifteen members of our CHB Branch met in Takapau on a Beautiful Sunny Day. We left there and travelled through the country side, on roads we have never been on before. There were some amazing views and the Autumn country-side made it a very beautiful and pleasant run.
We stopped in Onga Onga for and ice cream or coffee which was long overdue for some. On leaving there we continued on to Waipawa, then onto Woodland Hills. The view from the road were spectacular.
On arriving there, we were greeted by some very lovely ladies who were collecting money for the Local Rescue Helicopter. It was an open day so the public were there also.
Once there, we found tables set up for us in the beautiful sunshine to eat our lunch. There was tea, coffee and cake available which was apart of the fundraising donation.
Some of us went for walks around the property. Ewan the property owner came and gave us a talk about the history of what property improvements they have made and are going to do around tree planting etc. Enjoying the rural hospitality in a peaceful and relaxing setting was amazing.
I would like to thank the organisers, Henk and Ella Domper for a beautiful day. Doing something different for our runs makes a lazy Sunday, amazing and beautiful. Thank you to the members who came on the run we hoped you enjoyed your day.
Woodland Hills raised $1,100.00 on the day for the Local Rescue Helicopter Service. A Great Effort from members who where able to attend.
Sunday 5th May 2024—Celebration of Autumn Rally—Fundraiser by
AA Automobile Association—Rego and WoF stickers —Go digital?
Is it time to scrap paper stickers that display vehicle registrations, warrants of fitness, and road user charges and digitalise the whole process?
The Automobile Association (AA) says yes, believing it could save road users and the taxpayer a fair chunk of money. And the Government seems to be of the same mind, so change may not be far away. Vehicle registrations and road user charges are significant funding tools for the Government's transport projects. According to NZ Autocar, they add roughly $470 million to the Government's budget and cost $50 million to administer.
But the AA says the current system of windshield stickers and accompanying paperwork is outdated and should be dropped, because it is pretty much all digital anyway. "All that information is currently available," AA's principal adviser for motoring policy Terry Collins said. "If you get stopped by a police car, the police already know whether your road user charges are up to date, whether your vehicle is registered, or whether you've got a warrant of fitness. He said AA thinks removing paperwork and other administration costs would see savings passed through to motorists. "If you use the road user charges, it's 10% more expensive to buy it at the counter than it is to buy it online. "Yet, they're still posting all the paperwork, which can take up to 10 working days." Collins added that the only reason paper stickers still exist is so motorists can keep up to date with when everything is due, but he said the government already has systems that help this.
Last week, a new NZTA app that streamlines the process was announced. The app displays expiry dates for cars' Warrants of Fitness, Vehicle Registrations, and Road User Charge end distance. It also allows road users to pay for everything in one place. Collins said this will make "life easier for our members and motorists". "With friendly reminders, they're more likely to get that done if they know it's due." He also said compliance would likely improve through a more digitised system. "Fewer excuses around 'I forgot' or 'I didn't know it was due' because now you've got all these reminders going out.
“His only suggestion was to keep the paper stickers for older drivers who use technology less frequently or people in rural areas. "Some type of alternative may be necessary for them to make the application," he said. "But to be honest, we probably just don't need them."
1 News approached Transport Minister Simeon Brown to see if the Government was looking into a digitised system. Brown replied with a statement, saying: "The Government is committed to cutting out unnecessary bureaucracy and delivering services New Zealanders need in a convenient and timely way!!
Central Hawkes Bay Settlers Museum—byBrianConnor
This page was scanned from a handbook (at CHB Settler's Museum) that was given out to farmers 100 years ago. Trying to trace the cars advertised brought up some interesting information. It appears that “the King” is the BriggsDetroiter (or more often, just the Detroiter).
It was an automobile manufactured in Detroit, Michigan, by the Briggs-Detroiter Motor Car Company from 1912 to 1917. It was planned to be a bigger and better version of the Brush Runabout.
The Detroiter was a popular model, and many vehicles were sold. The early models were built with a 32 hp, L-head engine. A five-seater touring car was sold in 1915, and had a V8 engine of 3.3L capacity, and sold for $1,295. The car had radiators with curved cross-sections.
The other vehicles listed by the dealer were the 1912 Regal Coupé
The Regal was a United States automobile produced by the Regal Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan, from 1907 to 1918. In addition to American sales, the cars were exported to Britain as the Seabrook-RMC. In 1916, the touring car sold for US$650
Maudslay Commercial Vehicles
The “Mausley” This brand appears to be a misprint of the name Maudslay. Maudslay commercial vehicles were built in England from 1902 – 1948. Starting at Coventry, they later merged with AEC
Central Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand [Inc]
Sixth Annual Mid-Week Run “Taranaki Tour”
14th to 18th October 2024
Organisers: Rod and Scarlett McKenzie
Entry forms will be available at the July dinner meeting [we hope].
Tawhiti Museum
It is with sadness we announce the passing of Shirley Foot
Shirley Foot was a valued member of the Central Hawke’s Bay Branch, of the VCC, helping out where she could. Shirley and husband John have both been stalwarts of the Vintage Car Club over many years. Shirley and husband John were members of other Branches over the years and have travelled extensively around NZ joining many Branch Rallies from one end of the Country to the other. Shirley was an excellent navigator for husband John, enjoying success at many prize giving events. Shirley has been the support behind her husband John, family and friends throughout her life. Unfortunately, because of her declining health, it became time for her to say goodbye.
Radiator Sales, Service & Repair
Phone-06 22 Takapau Road, Waipukurau, CHB Wanted Old 60’s Scalextric or other brands Slot Car parts or old Slot Cars. Please Phone Nick 027-437-1511 For
and Body Parts
aid Restoration
very rare.
essential. Prices
Please contact Ron Day at or call 027 338 1126
Warrant of
Exhaust Specialist Brakes Cambelts Shocks & Suspension—Tyres Motorcycle & Bicycle Servicing
Vehicle Servicing
Pre-war 8 and 10 HP models,
Anglia's and Prefects.
Also a large supply of mechanical and body parts to aid restoration and maintenance. Happy to sell individual cars or parts Inspection
are very
as everything must go.
My lovely Mk4 Zephyr V6. Purchased new in August 1971, I have cared for this vehicle for 53 years and it has always been housed. It has never been in an accident and the paint is original (Ivory white) as is the upholstery which is red. A complete new exhaust system from front to back including mufflers was fitted in 2019 also new boots on all steering joints and front forks in 2021. New battery in 2022. New oil pump drive fitted last month. Drivers side seat fitted with new springs and padding. Tyres are high profile radials and near new also new carpets. The motor was rebuilt at 93,000 miles and it has now done 135,900 miles. The mileage is genuine. The only reason I am selling this vehicle is I am now too old at 87 to drive it.
For any further particulars contact Robin Mackie 06-856-6871 or 027-310-8016
1973 Wolseley 1300 MkII
54,155 miles.
For Sale
4 Speed Auto transmission. Very original condition.
Runs well with current WOF (expire 24/9/24) and registration.
Asking Price $5,000 ono.
For further information contact:
Colleen at or 027-221-2559.
22 1 owner 84,000km Price—negotiable For more information please contact: Chris 027-635-1219
1986 Series 3 Jaguar Sovereign
4.2 litre Six cylinder fuel injected
Argent Silver—Red upholstery
Cruise Control
Sun roof Air Conditioning Pepper pot wheels Very tidy car
Car can be viewed in Waipukurau
Asking price—$15,000 Any Enquiries—please contact Albert—021-1222-343
For Sale—1938 DX10 Vauxhall
It is out of Registration and needs WOF - Last Registered in 2022.
Has been in storage.
Mileage 99109.
General Condition is very good / Repainted 2019, some rust on front grill.
Tyres good.
Interior is very clean - new carpets 2019.
Asking $20,000.
Location Wairoa — please contact:
Wendy Lee Rattenbury
Angela Annear
An authorised Travel Broker for Searle Travel Ltd.
Consultations are by appointment. Angela Annear Travel Broker
10 Brooker Place, Waipukurau 4200, Central Hawkes Bay.
For more details: Email:
Phone: 06 858 9082 Cell: 027 281 1306
Vintage and Classic Car Restoration Services • Machine Castings • One off Fabrication • Weld Repairs • Brazing & Mouldings NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Stevenson & Taylor 2294—Takapau Road—Waipukarau Phone—06 858 6041
Hello my name is Lory Cribb and I specialise in custom printing of products. I love turning peoples ideas into reality especially when I am able to supply an extremely hard to fined personal gift.
I am based in Napier and courier nationwide. Some of my products are listed below.
Coffee mugs, reusable face masks (3 layered), coasters, stubby cooler holders. Custom clothing is available from newborn through to 7XL
Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any enquiries
Facebook: @personalisedbylory
Cell phone: 020-4117-5900
Vintage Car Club—Rally Number ID plates (200 x 150mm)—$10.00 each
Available from Brian Connor
Contact: Brian Connor
06-855-6447 027-488-5019
occasion For Sale
& customised printing for any
Free Advertising available for members OR non members for PRIVATE SALE Vehicles, parts, machinery etc, please contact Gary Weaver or Brian Connor “The Bleat” Editor to place your advertisement.
Four luxurious units available to hire
Contact us now so we can show you how to add luxury to your event
06 857 8757 or 027 235 5996
We now have CHB VCC windscreen stickers available Contact TREASURER
Kaye Carswell 021-124-620
visit the CHB Library Advertisements