Banks Penninsula VCC December 2016

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“Dripfeed” NEWSLETTER OF THE BANKS PENINSULA BRANCH OF THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF New Zealand (INC) VOLUME 38, No 11 December 2016 Editor: Craig Cowie 404 Bower Ave, North Beach, ChCh 8083 Ph 3833-159, e-mail: Club Officers: Chairman:

Craig Keenan

322 1006


Ron Hasell

942 1105

Branch Address: 27 Showgate Ave, ChCh 8042 E-mail:

AGM / Noggin & Natter: 2nd Thursday of the month. 

Noggin 7-30 pm at the Papanui RSA. Upham Room - enter either from 55 Bellvue Ave or the first entrance on the left on Harewood Road (Papanui Road / Main North Road. Thursday 8th December. We look forward to seeing you there. Supper is provided. ____________________________________________________________________________

From the Editor: Greetings to you all. Merry Christmas. Keep an eye on your email re a date for a picnic run early in the new year. The organisers have proved a little elusive at the time of publishing. Regards Craig If you wish to receive Dripfeed by email, please let us know. _______________________________________________________________________________

PAST EVENTS The ‘By Hoki’ Tour

By Craig Cowie

Over Christchurch Show Weekend, 11-13 November our branch held the inaugural “By Hoki’ tour. I think it’d be fair to say that it was a resounding success and I hope, the first of many. We passed through parts of North Canterbury that were two days later, ravaged by the recent Kaikoura quakes. The irony did not pass un-noticed that the theme of the weekend apart from driving and talking nonsense about obsolescent machinery, was geologically focussed around fault lines and general historical rearrangements of the earth along our journey. Organiser’s Ramon Farmer and Michael Pidgeon had arranged a great run and we were all pleased to see a good turn-out of seven cars and over twenty people. The cars ranged in age from the Pidgeon’s much rallied 1922(?) 501 Fiat to the Owen’s forty year newer Mk 2 Jag. Pedigree ranged from the purebred 4 ¼ Bentley of Ramon and Trish Farmer to the ‘uncertain parentage’ class of my Riley and the Chrysler Special of Garry Moore. Dripfeed December 2016

Near Kaniere, Chrysler Bentley and Riley ready for the Le Mans start,

The contingent at Kaniere, Day 2.

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Photo: Craig Cowie

Photo: Michael Pidgeon

Some of the older members found the first day a bit tiring. John and Nev resting.

Photo: Michael Pidgeon

Louise, Elizabeth and Michael supervising repairs near Carew Bay.

Photo: Craig Cowie

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Riley and the McConnell MGA near Carew Bay.

Photo: Craig Cowie.

Commencing at Pukeko Junction for breakfast we departed on a good solid day’s motoring. The Keenan’s Sunbeam 20.9, shed a generous dollop of new looking oil, which looked worrying, but was in fact only a consequence of a tap left open, so we all departed on time. The weather was looking a little uncertain, but one doesn’t go on a West Coast tour with any degree of certainty that it wouldn’t rain. We proceeded on through Amberley, before turning inland on SH7 through Waipara and Culverden. As is my habit, after Glynn Wye Station, I tried to spot the place where as a young bloke, at some considerable speed, I leaped an 8 strand wire fence. Following closely but at a slightly lower altitude, my motorbike didn’t make it despite a spirited attempt. The beautiful Lewis Pass came, fabulous as always and despite reasonable attempts to rain and a car with ‘special equipment’ raincoat in lieu of a hood, I wouldn’t have traded places with anyone. An unplanned meeting at the Deerstalker’s lodge with family coming the other way delayed me enough to miss the first of Ramon’s open air lectures on forms of geographical intrigue. This was at Marble point, about 5 km past Maruia, but I sped past thinking I was last in the queue. Through Spring’s Junction and into Victoria Forest Park, pushing on despite an interesting ‘moment’ induced by the odd combination of a dead possum and wet roads. Where’s health and safety when you really need them? Far from being last, I rolled into Reefton well ahead of the pack and had enough time to look around. It must be said that Reefton is starting to become a bit arty! West Coast hospitality was ever-present and when everyone caught up, we gathered at the historic Broadway tearooms to reserved tables, courtesy of the hyper-organised Mr Farmer.

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The Pidgeon Fiat 501 S near Lake Kaniere. Never rallied and only driven to church on Sundays. Photo: Craig Cowie

Late lunch downed, we were off again, the weather threatening, but without baring its fangs…..yet. Staying on SH 7, we crossed the Inangahua, over the Reefton Saddle down to Mawheraiti and on to the Grey River Valley and South to Nelson Creek. Roads less travelled. On through Kotuku and eventually to Moana and Inchbonnie in the vicinity of the Alpine Fault. South towards Mitchells and around Lake Brunner on great vintage roads. My front mudguard stay broke which when I looked at how it had been joined, did not surprise me at all. The drizzle had set in by this stage, but we weren’t bothered by dust. A few civilised fords of the aquatic variety were traversed and the Keenan’s Sunbeam complained by popping a Perrot shaft out of its’ housing. A nice excuse to stop and watch it being fixed before continuing into serious gold rush country. I only know this because Ramon had written a bound route description which approximated a short book in length and an academic essay in quality. Rolling into Kumara, the rain started in earnest, but the trip to Hokitika and accommodation in the old Seaview Hospital passed easily. A long day’s motoring and I couldn’t find anyone who assessed it as anything worse than fantastic. Saturday’s run was shorter. From Hokitika our wee convoy headed South East towards Lake Kaniere, the weather again a bit undecided, but improving as the day progressed and never quite managing to rain. Stopping regularly at areas of geological significance and having a host who knew everything made a really stimulating morning. Pausing at the Koiterangi Incident Memorial (the Stanley Graham murders) site gave me an insight into an event that I had only read of until now. Through the Hokitika Gorge, the weather behaving nicely we stopped again before heading back to Ross. At Ross, we were shown three of the locally manufactured Problygo’s, an amalgam of Japanese 4WD running gear and West Coast pragmatism which are designed to go where no man has gone before…..on earth only in this case though. We heard that the Sunbeam was limping straight back to Hokitika with something seriously askew in the driveline, to be parked up and trailered home the Dripfeed December 2016

following weekend. Craig and Elizabeth had to slum it in the back of the Bentley for the last day. A generous ‘eat as much as you want’ meal at the Pub for the rest of us. The locals were very warm and hospitable, making for an enjoyable sojourn. The day’s motoring and education ended with a trip back to Hoki along the main drag.

Hokitika, Saturday morning. Sunbeam pushing Riley with a high tensile rope. Australia in the distance. Photo: Michael Pidgeon

Put a French designed part on an English car and guess what craps out. Perrot shaft troubles near Brunner. Photo: Michael Pidgeon

Festivities over, Sunday’s route back home was via Goldsborough and criss-crossing the Waimea Creek precinct. Native bush, forest and interesting roads with plenty of sun to go around was a recipe Dripfeed December 2016

for a nice morning’s drive, but more adventure was to come. Stopping at various areas of geological and gold mining interest went without a hitch for a while. The plan was to view a 3000 ton boulder, the Londonderry Rock. The hitch became apparent as the road, previously mapped a few years earlier became less of a road and more of a track, obviously somewhat altered since last passed. At some point, even our intrepid guide decided that it was becoming a bit dodgy. We stopped on masse and the plan was to back up the considerable distance we’d so far come. No problem until Pat O’Connell managed to drive most of the way off the very soft and definitely steep side of the road, wisely halting before they plunged over (I dramaticise for effect here). An exit out the high side by Pat and Colleen was unfortunately not captured on my camera, but Shirley Owen has promised to send me her photo. The instructions, right and left had apparently been transposed, but I’m not sure by which party and one doesn’t gain friends by guessing. Colleen says it was Pat’s fault though. A few ropes and Jaguar power eventually resulted in the MGA reclaiming terra firma and the backing up commenced. Ramon made the first ever witnessed 87 point turn a bit further on and came out in the proper direction. Kumara then and lunch at the pub. Recommended, good value, good food and well worth the stop if you’re heading through. From Kumara, the normal route back. Normal in this case equating to magnificent. Otira and Arthur’s pass, stunning as always. Arthur’s is steep though past the avalanche tunnel. My gallant wee Riley with a very high first gear, high diff ratio and big wheels combined with no fan and bugger all torque had me searching for a few spanners to chuck out at one point, but we made it in one go. A hundred fewer revs maybe not! Plain sailing the rest of the way and I arrived home thinking that this event should be on our permanent schedule. Great motoring and pleasant company. That’s always a good recipe. Many thanks to Ramon and Michael for an outstanding weekend.

Vintage and Veteran Tour Sept – Oct.2016

by Digby Gemmell

On the 26th of September, 40 like-minded people gathered in an assortment of vehicles ranging from a 1906 Cadillac through to a 1931 Bedford truck (the latest vehicle allowed to be in the tour), met at Brayshaw Park VCC rooms in Blenheim to get together and get to know each other, collect our rally packs and be briefed on the next 10 days of the tour. I decided to travel to Havelock on Sunday the 25th with my brother Garry to stay at my holiday home, so we only had to travel back to Blenheim the next day. I loaded up the Graham Paige on Sunday morning and picked up Garry from his house at Woodend. We set off in cold grey weather to head north. By the time we got to Kaikoura it was raining and quite cold, but at least we were warm and dry in the car. We almost had a nasty incident around the Kaikoura coast as we came around a bend in the rain and the dark to see a very large rock on the road right in front of us. Garry was driving and managed to take evasive action to miss it, otherwise our rally would have finished there. We stopped and rolled the rock off the road to prevent anyone else from hitting it. It was extremely heavy, the two of us were struggling to shift it. The rest of the trip to Havelock was uneventful and the headlights were quite good. I have never driven the car at night before so it was very pleasing to see how well they worked. Tuesday the 27th was the day the rally started. We drove back to Blenheim and followed the route to Port Underwood following the coast around 6 bays. The road is quite steep and winding in places and being shingle and clay, after the rain it was quite soft and muddy, I should add the rain had stopped overnight and the day was quite sunny and warm. From Tumbledown Bay the road is sealed to Picton where we stopped for lunch and then around Queen Charlotte Drive, through Havelock and on to Cable Bay Road. A visit had been arranged at Tina Romano to see an amazing collection of vehicles and parts sheds full of stuff, the most amazing collection of Coca Cola memorabilia, bottles of coke still full in their crates. A whole wall of one shed is covered entirely with this collection, but the chap who collected it all has died and the family have to try and get rid of it. Dripfeed December 2016

After leaving Cable Bay we travelled on to Nelson and finally Richmond for the first night stop. After finding our motels we had a meal provided by the local VCC club members and it was very nice as was the meal the night before at Blenheim. Wednesday the 28th, we left Richmond for Murchison travelling on the main highway until we turned off at Pigeon Valley road which took us through some nice undulating countryside and as it was a nice sunny day, the views were great. This road is sealed for about 25 0r 30 kms, then becomes Dovedale road which takes you to Dovedale Hill summit and continues on to Motueka Valley Highway and Tapawera. On then into Tadmor Valley road then onto Tadmor – Glenhope Road which brings you back to SH6 and Murchison. The drive through was really nice with a mixture of seal and unsealed

Graham Paige on the Vintage and Veteran Tour.

roads, mostly in good condition. Off SH6 into Gown Valley Road which took us to Lake Rotoroa, a beautiful spot with stunning views but plagued by sand flies! Leaving the lake we went through Tutaki Valley and Braeburn Track which is a TRACK. Steep climbs and all clay and shingle which brought us out to the main highway again and 22 kms to Murchison where we arrived at our motel about 4 pm, having covered about 95 miles, a good days motoring. Another excellent meal put on by local members amongst good company, a good day. Thursday 29th, we left Murchison heading to Hanmer Springs, another lovely fine day, we went on secondary roads right from the start Matakitaki Road which is quite a good shingle road travelling through farming country and leads into Maruia Saddle Road which has steep climbs and several fords. It is quite lumpy and bumpy with tree roots under the road surface but is a pretty drive through the bush with trees on both sides. We eventually came out onto the main highway SH65 Shenandoah Highway with 36 kms to Springs Junction, arriving at 11.30 and deciding to have lunch at the good cafĂŠ. Parked up in hot sunshine, we had our lunch and waited with dozens of other vehicles for the road to be cleared, a result of a crash in the Lewis Pass. A truck had rolled and tipped a load of timber all over the road, causing a major hold up. The crash was at 6 am and was finally cleared at 2.30 pm, Dripfeed December 2016

so some people had a long wait. We followed the main highway through the Lewis Pass and the rest of the way to Hanmer without any more problems. Arriving at Hanmer at about 4 pm to a nice motel and joined by most of the group. We had a happy hour each day and the wooden spoon was awarded to a worthy recipient. Another nice meal at the 5 Stags restaurant, which is part of the motel. Friday 30th was a free day. Some went shopping and six cars decided to drive over Jollies Pass, very steep and rough in parts and on to the Molesworth road to the old accommodation house. We walked over the bridge and inspected the old house, being able to enter and walk through, see the rooms and how it was constructed. We all had lunch there then drove back to Hanmer down Jacks Pass which is

Vintage and Veteran Tour.

quite a good road. Another fine weather day, the North Islanders were stunned by the scenery. The meal that night was left up to yourselves to sort out. Saturday the 1st we left Hanmer heading for Cheviot on SH7 Mouse Point Road. After a few miles we turned into Leslie Hills Road, a gravel road and we followed this road to Waiau River Road to Leslie Street which took us into Waiau township where we stopped for morning tea and inspected the quaint little museum in what looks like a little church building. Into Waiau and immediately after crossing the one lane bridge turned left into Iverachs road, more shingle and onto Mt Palm Road which is seal then onto Constitution Road, into Jamesons road, shingle again into Lowry Peaks Road and St Leonards Road onto Kaiwara Rd. It becomes a narrow with gates and steep uphills, good vintage motoring. After several gates and approximately 18 kms, into Eggleston Rd. and 26 kms to Cheviot where we found our motels in Ward Rd. The drive through the roads we had just come through might be worth a thought for an opening run. It is great country. Sunday 2nd Left Cheviot heading to Gore Bay following Tourist drive, through Gore Bay settlement into Cathedral Road. At the top of the hill, we stopped at the lookout over stunning views of cliff faces that erosion has made to look like two cathedrals side by side. Continuing on this road towards Domett, where John Campbell from Timaru broke an axle in his nice 1930 Chev roadster. Being a versatile chap he had an axle with him with bearing already in place so he was back on the road again in about 30 t0 40 minutes. Followed Hurunui Mouth road into Blythe Road into Stoneyhurst Road and finally back to SH1 for a short distance before heading to Scargill and then into Foxdown Road which we

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followed till we came to the end of the road. A museum and car collection owned by Andy Fox was

viewed. Lots of interesting vehicles and farming memorabilia. We had lunch here with about 300 other cars. The Model A club and Classic car club were also there. Leaving Foxdown back to Waikari, through the village carry on to Old Weka Pass Road and after a few other left and right turns finally into Ram Paddock Road and into Iron Ridge Quarry Sculpture Park where there is an amazing young blacksmith who makes wonderful metal sculptures including a full size Clydesdale horse out of steel which he had polished and clear lacquered to look like stainless steel. Leaving the Sculpture Park we headed down roads towards Amberley and Balcairn and into Rangiora where the main group were staying. I dropped my brother home to Woodend and carried on home. The next day I picked Garry up from his place again and we headed off Okuku Pass and Lees Valley, which turned out to be a very interesting drive with Okuku Pass road being the roughest road we had travelled on, a lot of 2nd gear work winding and quite steep. After a lot of miles and several fords we came to the Okuku River which we had to ford. The water was about running board deep or a little higher but the old girl ploughed through, no trouble. After more miles of shingle and a steep dusty climb out of Lees Valley, there are great views over the Canterbury Plains before the descent down to Oxford and back to Rangiora, where we caught up with the others for happy hour before heading home again, an interesting days motoring. Tuesday 4th. Rangiora to Akaroa. The main group who stayed at Rangiora headed off to Akaroa via Lyttelton through to Diamond Harbour and Pigeon Bay, Okain’s Bay, around the Summit Road through Robinsons Bay and Takamatua into Akaroa. Meanwhile Garry was having trouble at home with no hot water, so by the time it was fixed we got away after lunch and took the main road to Akaroa. We left home in grey cold easterly weather, but by the time we got out through Halswell we were in bright sunshine and had this all the way to Akaroa where we arrived after about an hour fifteen minute drive. The others who went around the Summit Road had grey cold misty weather with no views so we did not miss anything! Another nice motel right on the water front with views over the harbour. Dripfeed December 2016

Wednesday 5th and the final day from Akaroa to Ashburton. We left Akaroa in rain, passed through Barry’s Bay and headed through Wainui and up the Bossu Road, the last section to the top being very steep. We stopped at the top lookout for some photos. It was blowing a freezing cold gale and raining so we did not stay too long. Carried on down Bossu Road to Little River where we stopped for petrol and a cuppa, still raining and cool. Left Little River heading to Leeston passed Lakes’ Forsyth and Ellesmere, through Coe’s Ford and on to Leeston where we stopped for lunch with several others of the group. Left Leeston and headed for SH1 which we joined just north of Rakaia and then to Ashburton where we called in to Rob and Diane Ross’s property to inspect what he has tucked away in sheds. It is quite surprising what they have in the way of cars and machinery to make parts he needs to complete these cars, a very clever man. After leaving the Ross’s we headed to Tinwald where our motels were and the final dinner was held at the Ashburton branch of the VCC rooms at Tinwald. Another great meal by the local members. It was a great evening with a lot of merriment and good cheer, along with a birthday celebration for Joan Pearce from Mosgiel who turned 80. Not bad for an old lady travelling with her equally elderly husband in a 1914 Sunbeam, 80 years young! All in all a brilliant rally well organized and run by Ray and Glenis Miller from Hawarden with help from Diane Ross, leaving lots of happy memories for everyone involved I think everyone would love to do it all over again. By the time we got home again the car had travelled 1358 miles the longest run it has done so far.

Vintage Car Club – New Online Features The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand is creating a number of new online features that will be of advantage to members. The first one is now up and running. At a recent meeting of the Club Executive it was suggested branch monthly magazines and newsletters were made available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand website. Magazines are now able to be read by going to and clicking on “News from our Branches” on the menu down the left side of the home page. Then click on the magazine you want to read. Each magazine will be posted as soon as it is received and will appear in the alphabetical order of the branches. The current monthly magazine for each branch will be removed once the current months is received. There are a number of magazines already on the site. You can read them at

Skope Classic Meeting. Mike Pero Motorsport Park Ruapuna. 3rd – 5th Feb 2017 Entries close Tuesday 20th December 2016. For further information contact Ron Ph. (03)942 1105 or Email

Enzed Southern Classic. Timaru International Motor Raceway Levels, 10th – 12th February 2017 Members of the V.C.C. have been invited by the Classic Motor Racing Club to participate in the above event. This will be open to pre 1960 historic racing cars, sports cars, and sporting type touring cars. Some post 1960 cars have been accepted by Motor Sport, others that do not fit into any other field because of lap times have also been accepted. All entrants must have a Vehicle Identity Card, Log Book and Historic Licence or Motor Sport equivalent. This is another opportunity to exercise your vehicle in an appropriate manner with similar vehicles. If you intend competing at this event please return enclosed entry form and indemnity form fully completed together with payment by Tuesday 20th December 2016. For further information contact Ron Ph. (03) 9421105 or Email

Dripfeed December 2016

Evolution Motorsport Classic Teretonga Park February 17-18- 19 Feb 2017 Historic muscle cars - 60 years of formula juniors - historic touring cars - classic saloons - sports & racing cars The vintage class is definitely a goer. As you can see and may have already known, this is the 25th running of this event. The Vintage class, although very strong in other regions, has had a bit of a diminished field of late down our way. There are some new entrants this year, and some cars returning to the fold, but we can never have too many. Make the effort to join us and see how good this venue really is. I know I'm missing a couple of email addresses I would like to send stuff to, and am making good progress on fixing that, but if you know of someone with a suitable car, you could let me know their details and also forward this to them. Thanks

Ferg McDowell 03 2358449 0276149723

Bluebridge Discounts Blue Bridge have updated their discount for VCC members until November 2017. Please see attached. Please print off and insert in the front sleeve of your branch manual. Discount code: ANTIQUECAR Valid Travel Dates: Between now and 30 November 2017. Discounted Fares: 10% off all available fare Members must present a current Vintage Car Club of New Zealand membership card upon check-in as proof of eligibility to Bluebridge staff. Failure to do so will result in a fare difference being required to be paid prior to boarding. • Full payment is required at time of booking. • Transferring to a sailing outside of the discounted offer period will require an additional payment to match the available fares. Bookings can be made online at by entering the promo code above or by calling 0800-844-844 (8am to 8pm, 7 days), and quoting the promo code.

Coming Events (Banks Peninsula Branch events highlighted) .  

Banks Pen Branch New Year’s Day Picnic) 11 am, Sun 1st Jan 2017. Little River Domain. Gold coin donation entry. Bring a picnic lunch. Music as per usual. National Veteran Rally 21st- 22nd January 2017. Open to all eligible pre 1919 vehicles as per NZVCC regulations. Wanganui Branch is proud to host the 2017 National Veteran Rally. The rally will be held on Sunday 22nd January, right in the middle of the Vintage Weekend, Wanganui’s premiere heritage event. The rally programme gives you the opportunity to be involved in Heritage Weekend activities and attractions, and social events that combine with the entrants of the Burma Rally (to be run on the same day). They are trying to get a list of veteran vehicle owners, and others, who may be interested in getting further information about this rally.

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Entry forms will be emailed to all VCC branches mid-year Or by contacting the Rally Secretary. Linda O’Keeffe: Please contact:

Linda O’Keeffe Rally Secretary, Wanganui Branch VCC Ph. 0274 733 767

Banks Pen Branch Picnic Run) Details to be confirmed by email

Skope Classic Meeting. Mike Pero Motorsport Park Ruapuna. 3rd – 5th Feb 2017. Entries close Tuesday 20th December 2016. For further information contact Ron Ph. (03)942 105 or mail See above.

2017 Wallaby Rally. Waimate Branch, VCC. Sat 11 Feb. Entry forms from Ron

Enzed Southern Classic. Timaru International Motor Raceway Levels, 10th – 12th February 2017. See above.

Evolution Motorsport Classic. Teretonga Park February 17-18- 19 Feb 2017. See above

25th VCC National Motorcycle Rally 2017 and Hub Tour Friday 17 to Sunday 19th Feb, 2017. All events based at Feilding. Friday 17 February 2017 Registration Saturday 18 February 2017 Competitive and non-competitive VCC Motorcycle Rally Presentation dinner Sunday 19 February 2017 Motorcycle Show

Parliamentary Tour. 29th January - 5th February 2017. Thirty five veteran cars, some to carry and escort Members of Parliament on a tour of the Winterless Far North to mark the centenary of the great Parliamentary Tour of 1917. The cars will leave Devonport on Sunday 29th of January and arrive back in Auckland on the 5th of February 2017. The run will finish at the Auckland Town Hall as it did in 1917. There will be a baggage vehicle and a tow truck behind the last vehicle each day. Participants can start and finish the tour in Warkworth if you wish. There will be somewhere to store cars and trailers both in Auckland and Warkworth. Participants on the tour will be responsible for their own costs. If you want more information contact Reece Burnett. Email

Leadfoot Festival 2017. 4th - 5th February 2017. See the website.

Haast Tour – 4/10 February 2017 South Canterbury Branch is still inviting registrations of interest for our next tour of the scenic West Coast. All Club vehicles eligible, though paced to suit older vehicles. Start and finish at any point. Format: Saturday 4 February: Check in, briefing, social evening at the Central Otago Branch Clubrooms at Cromwell. Sunday 5 February: Participating vehicles start from Cromwell in own time. Overnight stops: Haast, Fox Glacier, Hokitika, Westport and Hanmer Springs where the Final Dinner will be held. Start times: Each day entrants can leave in own time. Daily activities: The Tour Instructions will provide suggestions for places to visit en route or after arrival and Happy Hour venues. Entry Forms: These will be sent to everyone who has registered for the event and will also be downloadable from our Branch website:

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Accommodation and Meals: Entrant’s own responsibility. Tour Instructions will be sent out to all entrants well in advance of the Tour start. Further information on website: Register now without obligation. Should it be necessary to limit numbers those who register will receive priority entry. Contact Barry Barnes or phone 03 6885105 or Norm Bunt or phone 03 6846554 

BSA Motorcycle Owners Rally Inglewood 24-26 Feb 2017. Ashley Blair. President, New Zealand BSA Motorcycle Owners' Club. Cell: 0272278603. Web: Vertical Horizon, 558 Everett Road, RD 8 Inglewood, Taranaki Please post to: NZBSAMOC Rally Secretary, PO Box 33-018, Petone 5046 Entries Close 5 February 2017

Irishman Creek Rally, Sat 3- Monday 5 June 2017. Start time is 8am for an 8.30 departure from Twizel. There is accommodation in Twizel or 30km up the road on Omarama. Alternatively you could start at 6 in Fairlie. Ring for bookings as we have found that websites show this weekend booked out but this is not the case. Saturday and Sunday will be in Fairlie so please make your accommodation arrangements with this in mind.

Dripfeed December 2016

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