Canterbury VCC April 2017

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April 2017


Official magazine of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (inc.) 1

THE HUB Newsletter of: The Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ INC


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004


Main Committee


Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

342 9110


John Coomber (Christine)

03 310 7056


Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)

365 1938

Club Captain

Greg Lamb (Gail)

960 3077

Vintage Convenor

Paul Seaton (Margaret)

021 205 9101

359 7600

Veteran Convenor

Tim Palmer (Barbara)

021 338 692

03 313 3952

Assistant Club Captain Rod Thrower (Lynda) P Group Convenor

George R Kear (Jorden)

Commercial Convenor Mark Drury

338 2320 027 221 4332

347 0315 342 9297

Cover photo: Commercial Annual Rally, the Brooklands Volunteer Fire Brigade manned the Club Fire Engine.


2016-2017 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor

Les Freeman (Margaret)

027 339 0962

Spare Part Shed Rep

Des Fowler (Janet)

342 9974

9-90's Co-ordinator:

John Kuipers

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333

Maintenance/ Clubrooms

Mike Foster

359 8260

Bar Managers

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

389 7066

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

327 5743

Noggin Displays

Don Muller (Marlene)

385 6850


Owen Genet

358 2514

Assistant Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

Swap Meet Chair

Colin Hey (Jenny)

Swap Meet sites

Kevin Clarkson (Shona)

021 0270 6525

Barn bookings/ Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

027 407 5344

03 312 7255

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

027 446 6964

421 2426

North Canty Noggin

Jeff Rogers

022 131 7235

03 313 8432

027 424 2670

352 6266

027 279 9195

Hub Editor Cindy Hey (Peter) Hub Com. Advertising


358 4549

352 5217 359 8737



12 12 19 22/23 29 29

9-90s Outing - page 12 Motor Cycle Noggin - page 10 Commercial Noggin - page 11 Autumn Two Day Run - page 14 Scooter and Motorcycles Run - page 14 Fish and Chip Motorcycle Run - page 10

Sat Wed Sat Sun Sat Sun

4 6 10 10 13 17 20 21 27 28

Noggin and Natter Ashburton Swap Meet 9-90s Outing - page 12 Motorcycle Noggin Rural Run - page 15 Commercial Noggin Quiz Night - page 15 Parts Shed AGM Fish and Chip Motorcycle Run Motorcycle Rough Run

Thurs Sat-Mon Wed Sun Wed Sat Wed Sat Sun

1 3/4/5 7 11 14 17 21 24 25

Noggin and Natter Irishman Rally 9-90s Outing Restoration of the Year Motorcycle Noggin AGM Dance Commercial Noggin Fish and Chip Motorcycle Run Branch AGM

Wed Sat/Sun Sat May


Thur Sat Wed

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


Chairman’s Report Many of our newer branch members may not be aware that when you join the VCC, you join the club and not just the branch. We have 36 branches in New Zealand, all individual branches, but coming under the umbrella of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.).

When you join the VCC, included in the package received from our National Office are copies of the club's Calendar of Events with a list of Branch Officers and Branch meeting details nation wide. (An updated version of this is posted to every member following the club's AGM). Members are able to take part in any of the branches' rallies, runs, picnics, noggins etc. (Contact Branch Secretary John for the relevant entry forms or information.) If you are in another part of the country at any time, check the club's Calendar before you go and take the opportunity of joining like-minded members from around the country at one of their noggin and natters. Social opportunities which lead to lasting friendships have been forged this way and you can make the most of your club eligible vehicles by joining in other branches' activities. The club's insurance scheme through Vero CIS is well worthwhile investigating. All vehicles entitled to be included in the VCC criteria are eligible for the scheme provided they are not an every day use vehicle or used for business purposes. Vero CIS also cover your every day vehicles, boats, homes etc. Not only do you get a very favourable competitive cover and premium, every premium paid using the branch agency number benefits the branch. (See page 12 for details of this.) Autumn is well and truly upon us with the days decidedly drawing in and so much cooler. Let’s make the most of the days we have left before winter arrives, by using our vehicles as much as we can. Although our motoring calendar is not as busy as the summer months, there are still many opportunities for giving our vehicles an airing. Safe travelling if you are motoring (near or far) over the Easter holiday break. Leigh


SECRETARY’S REPORT Executive Meeting 11 March 2017 I attended the March Executive Meeting in Auckland as the Canterbury Branch Delegate. The meeting was quite late starting due to weather and travel difficulties. After discussion at this meeting, it was decided the Management Committee would bring a rule change to the AGM in August to hold all future March Executive meetings in Wellington. This is to ensure all delegates can attend and return home the same day. A facebook presentation was made by Mellissa Holmes and it is proposed to set up a VCC facebook page so members can keep track of events, and the public can also be made aware of VCC events which may be interesting to them. Notes on the presentation will be forwarded to branches for those interested. The page and links will be monitored by Ross Holden, our communication officer, and Tony Haycock, National Speed Steward. A club National Day has been proposed in the past, but never got off the ground. The President presented a plan to hold a National Club Day each year with each branch holding an event on that date, with the entry fees to be donated to a national high profile charity. This will raise the profile of our club and we will receive valuable national publicity about our club and activities. The marketing of this day will be done locally by branches, but the National Office will provide a template to branches to use for publicity to achieve uniformity. A special logo will be produced for the event by Ross Holden and supplied to branches. Local branches can decide on the nature of the event, but the entry fee will be decided nationally for uniformity. This event will be placed on the calendar of events and is likely to be late August or early September, as this is the least busy period on the calendar. The first National day will be held this year, so we need to start planning for it now. Further information will be forwarded by National Office. This is an exciting project. The Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring 2021 will be held from Tuesday 19 January to Thursday 26 January 2021 in New Plymouth. Rally Director, Colin Johnston, presented an outline of this as a unique rally. The TSB Stadium will be Rally HQ, The racecourse used for camping and an Open Day, with Pukekura Park and the Brooklands Bowl used for entertainment. 7

Five days of rallying with 80 – 100 mile routes, and 50 – 60 mile veteran routes. Motoring will be either morning or afternoon – to or from the lunch venues. A new website is currently being developed. This event is planning for 450 entries, and is less than four years away. Accomodation is available within walking distance of the venue. 2018 National Veteran Rally will be held in Nelson in November next year with a Prince Henry to follow. South Canterbury has asked to host the 2019 National Veteran Rally. We are looking for a bid to host the 2019 National AGM in the South Island. Nelson is proposing to run a 50th anniversary re-enactment of the 1972 International Rally at Nelson, and will be asking for national rally status. The notices of motion proposed by Leon Salt of Wellsford/Warkworth were discussed and received no support from delegates. Income Tax exemption – Tony Bartlett produced a paper in 2010 regarding the changes in requirements to update constitutions to be eligible for tax exemption. He reminded branches to check to see if their constitutions had been updated, otherwise they will be liable to pay income tax. A request for Health and Safety policy for running rallies was advised that the Parliamentary Tour Health and Safety Plan is being studied and a guide will be produced for branches. The Vero profit share for 2016 was $23,693.97, slightly down on last year. There was a loss on domestic insurance but a good profit on the motor vehicle scheme. The National AGM will be held at the Clubs of Marlborough Covention Centre in Blenheim from 11 – 13 August 2017. Marlborough Branch is going to organise a Sunday run for any members driving to the AGM and prepared to stop over for one more night. Details will be available on the registration form. John Coomber

CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of Bernie Kiesanowski Barry Emms Bryan McSaveney 8

Club Captain’s Report Autumn is here. What a lovely time of year, leaves changing colour, winds dropping, ( thank goodness) a good reason to get out and enjoy our lovely countryside. The Rural Run is coming up so join in and enjoy the magnificent scenery. It will be a fun day out. Irishmans is not far away so what better opportunity is there to do a shake-down run. Soon after Irishmans is the A.G.M (not that far away) so give some thought to joining the committee. We can do with some young blood and new ideas. We have to accept that the older members are dwindling. We need to encourage younger members and their younger cars. Please support them. Remember you were one of them years ago and probably your car then was not even 30 years old. Happy motoring.


North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm




Motorcycle Report

Past Events 4th March – Moped Run. By all accounts about 19 bikes enjoyed a 90 km run out to the Selwyn Huts – for a muffin break – before returning to a suitable watering hole in Lincoln. The weather started out threatening rain but fined up for a good day with a little wind… 8th March – Noggin. A good turn-out of about 18 – 20 members who conducted a garage raid on a member’s garage where a number of interesting bikes and engineering gear was on display. 18 – 19th March – Jim Toohey Over-night Run to Kaikoura. About 20 bikes and up to 25 individuals braved the dreadful weather on Saturday but had a good run back on Sunday. The guest of honour, Jan Toohey, was declared the winner of the Jim Toohey Trophy. 25th March – Fish and Chip Run. Took the form of a run to Springston for the Ellesmere Vintage Club fund raiser.

Future Events. 12th April – Noggin. Meet at Speights Ale House, Tower Junction, at 7.00 pm. At about 7.15 pm – 7.20 pm we will adjourn to our destination to enjoy yet another garage raid. For more info please ring Mike Glenday, 344 0425. 29th April – Scooter and up to 249cc Motorcycle Run. John Benn to organise, veteran and vintage motorcycles (any size) invited to join. See page 14 for details. 29th April – Fish & Chip Run. As usual, meet at PMH at 10.30 am, riders decide on destination. As the Scooter Run is on, the Fish and Chip Run will try to meet up with that event at lunch time… The VCC Canterbury Branch does own a number of eligible vehicles which club members can use on club events. The list includes two motorcycles, which any of the Motorcycle Section can book and use on a club event. One is a 1928 Ariel 500 cc, perfect for the Akaroa Girder Fork Rally in October. If you would like to book this machine for an event, see Les Freeman (ph 358 4549 or 027 339 0962). It is there to be used, so let’s see it out on events. November is the Motorcycle Annual Rally, so how about it?


Advance warning – Mid Winter Run, middle of July. Rumoured that it may go to either Cheviot or Waimate. Both areas are being surveyed for possible inclusion. Also, it is planned to visit the Mike Pero Museum of Japanese Motorcycles, both racing and street, at some stage. This will probably be the destination for a Fish & Chip Run. Keep an eye out for this. We have heard some very good comments about this collection! Until next time, keep the rubber to the road, CML.

Commercial Report A very pleasant evening was hosted by Dave and Linda Inwood at Clarkville in March. An impressive display of vehicles was viewed by a good turn out of interested club members. Thanks Dave and Linda. Mark Drury The next Noggin on Wednesday 19th April will be at Protranz Earthmoving, on the left at the end of Broughs Road off Sawyers Arms Road from 7.30pm. Look for the VCC sign. Contact Arthur Bodger 027 204 3432 Results of the recent VCC Canterbury Commercial Rally held on 24th February 2017 are as follows: Field Tests 1st Linda White 1954 Desoto Overall Winner Brian Fairbrass 1958 Morris Hard luck prize Greg Lamb (Please see pages 24 and 25 for Commercial Rally report). 11

9 - 90s

Greetings to all of you

We had another great day. The Weather Gods were with us. The sun came through 10 minutes after we arrived at Waikuku. What a great place for a picnic! 38 cars. A little bit down from last month when over 60 turned up. Bruce, the man with the original Ford went home with the prize of the day. We had another successful raffle, a lot of bantering and I had to explain the difference between a straight line, a square and a circle. If you don’t know it ask anyone who was on this outing. April 12 Organiser – Ross Andrew Meet at the Peg Car Park, Belfast at 10am. There will be a prize for a pre 1950s car. May 10 Organiser – Frederick Maginnes Meet at Rolleston Community Hall at 10am. We look forward to seeing you all in April. J K and the team PS Thank you all for the good traffic manners

INSURANCE Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit.


Open Hours Monday to Friday 8.00-5.00 Saturday 8.00-12.00

96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630


Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events Reminder Hanmer Springs Two or Four day Autumn Run Saturday 22nd - Tuesday 25th April Starting at New World car park, Kaiapoi. Be there by 9.00am for a 9.30am start. Tea and coffee supplied at start. Please remember to bring with you cutlery, plates cups and glasses and food for the B.Y.O. lunches. For all of you staying at the camp you will need to bring some warm sleeping bags, pillow cases etc.

Annual Scooter and Small Motorcycle Run Saturday April 29th 2017 _______________________________

Calling all Scooters, Small Motorcycles (up to 250cc), Veteran and Vintage Bikes (up to December 1931). The run will start and finish at the Yaldhurst Hotel Car Park START TIME: 9.30 AM SHARP, SO GATHER FROM 9:00 AM ONWARDS.

Approximately 115 km on sealed roads. The run will be in 3 sections (stopping for morning-tea, lunch, finish/prize-giving) Ample room for parking if trailering your bikes to the start. BACK-UP TRAILER PROVIDED. Dust the ol’ girls down and get ‘em out. The bikes as well!

Organiser: John Benn 022 078 2002 14

Rural Run. Saturday 13th May 2017

Come prepared for a full day’s motoring on wonderful North Canterbury roads with time for stops for tea and chatter. Meet at the Belfast Tavern (The Peg) Main North Road at 9.00am for a 9.30 start. Be self- sufficient with food and drinks for the whole day. Field tests will be at the lunch stop in a domain. This year’s theme is to the tribute of Murray Ball who recently passed away. With his witty cartoons so well known to us all I am sure there is plenty of scope for both Male and Female to participate. Please, No Dogs. Leave The Dog and Jess at home. Judging for this will be at lunch. A shorter afternoon run will finish at a domain for afternoon tea and the presentation of the trophy. This event is open to all club eligible vehicles. Being a rural run shingle roads and fords are to be expected within reason. See you there. Entry Form page 28.

Quiz Night Come along and enjoy a fun night out Saturday 20 May 7.30pm Get your team together (6 - 8 people per team) Further details May Hub


Irishmans Rally Margaret Rogers from Ashburton is looking for a couple of seats for some visiting Australian men from Melbourne for Irishmans. One of them has been on the rally before. They are happy to share costs. Accommodation has already been organised for them staying in Fairlie. If you can assist phone Margaret (1928 Chev Special) 03 6891001


March 2017 Noggin Display. March Noggin Display were some of the 2017 Annual Rally Winners. Thank you to the following for displaying their vehicles: Kay and Graeme Shaskey 1929 Dover. Andrea and Gilbert Dallow 1954 Jetliner. Duncan Gunther 1981 BMW 635 csi. Malcom Mc Gibbon 1959 Mercedes Benz 190 SL.

Future Displays. May: Moped, Scooters and Motorcycles under 249 cc. (from 2 recent Moped / Scooter runs.) June: Commercial Rally Winners. Proposed, Motor Cycle Under Restoration Display. Are there any members, who are restoring a motor cycle / moped / scooter etc, who are interested in displaying “their M/C restoration in progress�, in the future, maybe, Octobers Noggin? I already have one member who is interested in displaying his restoration in progress. If you are interested, please give me a call. That would be great! This is the last time this request will be published. Also, if any members have any suggestions for future displays or themes etc, please call me. Thanks, Don Muller.


Tony Becker Phone 421-2426 Hub Editor email: 17

Results for the Canterbury Riders from the 25th National Motorcycle Rally held in Waitomo Post Vintage Class 1st Steve Murray

1937 Harley Davidson U

Post War Class 1st Ian McKinlay

1955 BSA B33

Post 1960 Class 3rd Terry Cole

1972 Honda SL450

Post 1980 Class 1st Kevin Stevenson 2nd Gill Stevenson

1981 Suzuki Katana 1980 Suzuki Katana

Best Performance - Lady Rider 1st Gill Stevenson 1980 Suzuki Katana 3rd Fiona Clark 1959 Triumph 3TA Hard Luck Prize Melville Rees

1914 Rover Coventry

OTHER BRANCH and ORGANISATIONS EVENTS April 8/9 Steam Scene Extravaganza May 1

Ashburton Swap Meet


Annual P Group Rally

At the start of the P Group Annual Rally on Sunday 2 April - more photos next month.


Commercial Annual Rally Donald Crawford and one of his crew.

The branch vehicles (1959 International Truck and 1939 Dennis Fire engine.

Line up of interesting exhibits at L McAllisters property near Cust 20

Andrew Mertens being weighed on Richard Spencer Bowers weighbridge supervised by Dave and Wendy Cooper. Above: Inside Matts Mini Museum Darfield.

Nice day, happy people Lunch stop Oxford.

Some of the lucky winners of the VCC Commercial Rally 2017. From left Linda White and son, Mark Drury (Rally Organiser), Brian Fairbrass (Overall winner),Leigh and Tony Craythorne. 21

Left: the Moped and Clip-on Run at the Laboratory in Lincoln. Below: Jan Toohey on the Jim Toohey Run and to the left Jim’s grave in Culverden. Below: Andrea Dallow receiving her certificates and silver plate after winning the Annual Rally. Below: At the March Noggin the display of vehicles from the winners of the Annual Rally. From Left: Kay and Graeme Shaskey 1929 Dover. Andrea and Gilbert Dallow 1954 Jetliner. Duncan Gunther 1981 BMW 635 csi.


2017 Moped and Clip-on Run. Saturday 4th March 2017 The weather started with a brief shower of rain, but cleared before the riders assembled outside Princess Margaret Hospital for the 10.30am start. A total of 19 keen riders arrived on various different makes and models of mopeds and clips-ons. Following the welcome, the first instruction sheet was handed out, and with this in hand, motors were kicked into life. The sound and smell of 2-stroke motors hit the air and we were off. Unfortunately, less than one kilometre was travelled before the backup trailer was required to return one bike and rider back to the start (hopefully better luck next time). Some riders mistimed the farm irrigation on River Road and got wet for their efforts. The scheduled morning tea stop was at the Selwyn Huts, where we all enjoyed a cup of tea and coffee, with Sharon also supplying muffins and meringues (including cream and jam). Thanks Sharon, the morning tea was fantastic and we all loved your home made cooking, especially Kurt who had four of your muffins! Riders fuelled, the second instructions issued and we were off again, leaving a blue haze of smoke in our wake as we made our way to The Laboratory in Lincoln for lunch. Lincoln was abuzz, as the Selwyn Sounds event was on at the same time. After lunch the final instruction sheets were issued, guiding us on a scenic route to the Halswell Tavern and a well-deserved ale. Total kilometres travelled by those who followed the instructions, was 88 km, but most of us would have done a few more or less depending on which instruction we got wrong. No one got lost and the backup trailer was not required for any other bikes or riders. Special thanks to Sharon for being back up driver so the rest of us could enjoy a day out with the security that we would get home one way or another. Gary Hodder


Annual Commercial Rally 2017

The rally started at Bruce and Colleen Scott’s in Mandeville. Generously they provided scones and jam, with a welcome cup of tea. There was a chance to look around the other entrants. The Club truck was there. The Club fire engine was crewed by the Brooklands Volunteer Fire Brigade dressed in vintage uniforms with gorgeous brass firemen’s hats. A local lad was surprised with the invitation of a ride in the fire engine and by the look of that grin he had a happy memorable experience. The morning run included instructions to circle an irrigation pond on the embankment located on the Spencer- Bower farm property. I don’t think Lyndsey realized there was a pond before that instruction and someone had left that gate open. So those who misread the instructions were rewarded by driving around two irrigation ponds. We blame the fire engine whom we were following. Something strong draws you to follow a fire engine, even though you know there wont be a fire at the end of the ride. One of the ponds was so large there were a couple of speed boats out pulling skiers. A very challenging field test was held on the Spencer-Bower property. We were directed off the road into a paddock which had a weigh bridge. The driver had to guess the weight of his vehicle. What a surprise, should have asked the wife to get out. This was followed by matching petrol caps with the name of the vehicle. There was a short scheduled stop at Cust for shopping and toilets before proceeding to Lou McAllister’s where we enjoyed viewing a Chipmunk aeroplane along with his truck, tractor and car collection. Ivan Campbell flew his ¾ size Spitfire replica over the cars and farm house which stunned us all. Lunch was at the grounds of the Oxford Museum where the locals were having a picnic and had a miniature train running. We had a stroll around the shops enjoying a very tasty ice cream. I spent my Christmas money on a royal item in the antique shop. The afternoon route took us up to Coopers Creek before crossing the Waimakariri River. It was nice to view one of our beautiful braided rivers glistening in the summer sun. Families were enjoying a swim and boating below. The wind was warm and I was so comfortable that I had my first snooze whilst travelling in our 1926 Graham Brothers Truck. The cab has no doors being an open C style cab but I felt very safe snoozing off. 24

Arriving in Darfield, we explored Matt Wiliam’s “Matt’s Mini Museum” in the township. Not so small collections of many small things. Don’t forget the stationary engines. Something for everyone to reminisce about. A big day was finished off in the Clubrooms garden and a BBQ ably cooked for us by Graham Sword, family and friends. Richard Spencer-Bower spoke about his farming history in Mandeville, the challenges of irrigation and dealing with changes to dairy farming and accounting. Thank you to Lyndsey and Myra plus their friends, for a very interesting, varied day with loads to explore and discuss. A rally with loads of interest in it for all drivers and passengers. A thoroughly enjoyable day. Heather Glenday

BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255


VELOSOLEX OWNERS GROUP Bob’s March Run – From VOG 1 in absentia I’m writing this report in the depths of the ’Naki, sitting in my caravan, overlooking a tranquil campsite somewhere near the CBD of New Plymouth. Through the wonders of modern technology, I’m able to share with you the joys of the latest VOG run held Tuesday 21st March. VOG 1 has it on good authority that there was a good turnout of lads including yet another new member to our group, Graham Smith. Wow. The VOG’s are growing from humble beginnings, to a list of 22 eager members! I’m told they all had an enjoyable day out on their mighty machines even though the day was somewhat inclement for most of their jaunt. For this March run, Bob Kinnaird once again stepped into the breach to map out a run. They started from Brian Newberry’s amazing warehouse in Heathcote Valley where he has a great collection of motor vehicles, including the lovely “Little” car that we recently viewed on our Club’s Annual Rally, Brian also has an assortment of interesting curios there. The lads enjoyed this viewing, very much thanks to Brian. From Heathcote, it was off to Sumner and by this time, things weren’t nice at all, with much precipitation leaking from above, so the lunch stop at Joes Garage café was very welcome. I’m told that it was not good following behind some of the “faster” machines due to the “fishtail” of high water pressure spraying off the rear wheels!! I’m sure glad I was a tourist in the “Naki”. After lunch it was a quick trip off to Ferrymead Heritage Park where Alister McKenzie had organised a trip through the Tramway Sheds. I believe everyone enjoyed seeing the various tramcars. under restoration, I wish I had been able to see these. Thanks to Alister for this. A hasty retreat was then made back to the start-finish line and load the bikes back on trailers and into the dry of their cars. I believe Bob, being the brave fellow that he is, had ridden his Velo’ to the start all the way from his home in Lower Cashmere, so a rather wet bedraggled man arrived home to the welcoming arms of his lovely wife, Rose. Thanks Bob for organising this event. Your Roving Reporter, VOG 1 26


OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4.30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7.00pm.


ENTRY FORM RURAL RUN /ALL DAY TRIAL Saturday 13th May 2017 Vehicle Make_____________________ Year _____________ Driver name ________________________________________

Contact phone No ___________________ Number of passengers ________________________________ Please post your entry by 6th May 2017 to Rod Thrower 55 Warren crescent Christchurch 8025. Email entries to

(Duplicate entry form for your information) ENTRY FORM RURAL RUN /ALL DAY TRIAL Saturday 13th May 2017 Vehicle Make_____________________ Year _____________ Driver name ________________________________________ Contact phone No ___________________ Number of passengers ________________________________


THE 2017 SWAP MEET COMMITTEE NEEDS YOU Nominations are invited for the positions of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Headquarters, Workforce, Tenders, Sites, Traffic, Handbook We meet once a month on a Thursday. We're a bunch of members that do our best to raise money to help run our branch for the benefit of all branch members.

SWAP MEET COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM 2017 I .......................................................................agree to be nominated for the Position of............................................................................on the 2016 Swap Meet Committee. Signed............................................Membership No................................

Proposer........................................Membership No................................ Seconder........................................Membership No................................ Post to the Secretary, P O Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch.

No later than Thursday 20 April 2017. All inquiries contact the Chairperson, Colin Hey 03 359 8737


Jim Toohey Rally We had twenty-two people turn up for the Jim Toohey, this also included Jan Toohey, Jim’s widow. This was Jan’s first ever Jim Toohey Run. I must say Jan thoroughly enjoyed it. She had a big smile on her face the whole week-end and also brought along some old photos of Jim in a small album for all to see.

We all met up at The Peg Hotel in cool to cold weather with rain looking clouds all around. Although the rain held off until after lunch, it was cold all day. Only a few of the group stopped at the grave site to witness the laying of flowers at Jim’s grave in Culverden before heading to the lunch stop at Rotherham. This was a drawn out event due to the cosy atmosphere in the bar along with some fine hot food. The inland road was in a reasonable condition for what it has endured of late, yes many road works, metal stretches and slippery wet corners with loose fine grit, all nice things to keep a motorcyclist awake, holding their breath and other parts of the body. We all arrived safe and sound in Kaikoura albeit a little damp and cold. Most of us were booked into the Canterbury Underwater Clubrooms, and were very glad to arrive there and warm up, then a trip to the Pier Hotel for drinks, where my wife “ Chrissy “ acted as chauffeur, ferrying people to and from accommodation and the hotel, in our vehicle. Later we all enjoyed a fish-n-chip supper back at the Underwater Clubrooms before retiring for the night. Next morning saw us early birds watch the wonderful sunrise from the upstairs balcony.

Canterbury Branch Web Site 30

After a very filling breakfast at the Cave’s Tearooms, we headed off to view two collections of motorcycles and memorabilia. A most enjoyable collection they were too. By late morning, the day was becoming very pleasant and warm with no wind. What a contrast to the day before, the sea was calm and this made for a wonderful ride along the coast road to Cheviot for a lunch stop. The Trophy was awarded to Jan Toohey, as I found this was the most fitting person to hold it for the next 12 months, considering Jan being Jim’s widow and not having her name on the Trophy. A big thank-you to Lynette Barnett for driving the back up, with nobody using the service was good, It appears that everybody enjoyed their ride over the week-end. We raised $88.50 for the Kaikoura Relief Fund from the proceeds of the Jim Toohey Thank-You all for attending. Scribe, Jeff Rogers.


FOR SALE Speedie LP Compressor on trolley with tank and pressure gauge. 2xLP spray guns. $50.00 ONO Mistral dust extractor (no motor) un used. Has some fluming $35.00 6V Battery—Holds reasonable charge $15.00 Compression Tester “Workmate” $10.00 Torque wrench “Tension Master” $15.00 Vaux 10 Torsion bar and cover $5.00 Paint mixers fit electric drill $5.00 pair Table made from flash panel door—6ft. 4 removable legs $30.00 Wooden extension ladder. Stored under cover 6 metres $40.00 Steel pan 23” x20”x4” high for dismantling motor cycle engine and gear boxes. $10.00 Camp stretchers. Old style $5.00, $10 and $15 Timing Light $5.00 A F Spanners, Slipjaw wrench, Shock nuts $1.00 each Jars of washers etc $1.00 each Vintage Posters suit garage wall approx. 15. $15.00 lot 1/4 hp electric motor, not going $2.00, Screw Jacks (holden?) $5.00 each, Crank handle long $5.00 Pol Filter ACZS1 - Bedford truck, hard to find $30.00 or swap for smaller vaux 12-12 type. Vaux H10-12 crankshaft $30.00 Phone Tom Clements 3527 457 ****************************************************************************** Partly Restored Willys Overland Model 91 Tourer and collection of spare parts. Price by negotiation.

Contact Rex 03 359 7940


Parts Shed: 1957 Morris Minor 4 Door, one owner from new no rust in good restorable condition. Make an Offer Tyre changing machine all there needs work. Tyre balancing machine with all the bits and pieces. Contact Parts Shed. *************************************************************************** The motor electrical manual $10 Price Guide and Identification Automobilia $15 Popular Mechanics shop notes 1912 $15 Modern Motor Repair volume 11 $10 Folder timing charts 1925 on plus brake layouts $20 Daily Express Road Book GB $10 Motorists Road Guide North Island $10 Veteran and Vintage Cars $10 Or buy all of the above $70 Contact Malcolm on 03 365 6223

WANTED Water pump kit, or shaft and bearing for Vauxhall 10-12, 1940 Phone Tom Clements 3527 457 Andrew Morison has taken many hundreds if not thousands of photos of different Canterbury Vintage Car Club Events over the years and is now putting these onto a facebook page. To find these search for @AndrewMorisonVintageMotoring Or Vintage Motoring Photos - Andrew Morison More photos will be loaded up in the coming months. 33

Bryan McSaveney – Obituary Member Bryan McSaveney passed away last week. He was not however to leave his beloved car club without a decent Cutler Park farewell. And he got it. Although not a long time Canterbury Branch member, Bryan gave more of himself in just eight years, than many members of much longer standing. Volunteering himself onto Swap Meet Committee, he last year took charge of the Vehicle Displays, by then he was seen buzzing around on a mobility scooter. Taking a liking to 9-90s midweek activity upon retirement, Bryan applied himself to the job of arranging outings to places of interest. He deputised for John Kuiper's role as 9-90s leader in his absence, always assisted by wife Nancy, his rock throughout recent years of illness. These involvements broadened Bryan's member contacts to such an extent that a well supported “send-off” was celebrated in the Branch Clubrooms last Wednesday. Friends and family speaking at his funeral frequently referred to Bryan's 55 year romance with devoted wife Nancy. Not many knew he had been a keen stockcar competitor at Woodford Glen before enjoying more sedate motoring in the Morris Owners Club, where he became a most effective Club Captain. Bryan and Nancy motored their Morris, Austin and Triumph cars as members of Canterbury Branch. Some of the cars lined up in a display of supporting VCC vehicles at the funeral.

Bryan driving his Minor Convertible with Nancy as always by his side.



18mm BS 1088 - $165.00. 1220x2440mm. Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm.

* High Pressure Laminate - 12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip - 18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm.

* Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049


63nd IRISHMAN CREEK RALLY 2017 ENTRY FORM June 3 – 5, 2017 Driver/Entrant Name___________________ No of Crew_____ Address_____________________________________________ Home Phone_______________ Cell______________________ Email Address________________________________________ Vehicle_________________________________ Registration Number___________________ Year____________

VCC Branch_______________ Member Number____________ Entry collect



Entry Fee Per Vehicle Irishman 2017 Plaque @$10.00ea ___ Saturday Lunch ____ @$20.00/Head Sunday Lunch ____ @$20.00/Head

$___50.00___ $__________ $__________ $__________

Total $__________ Entries to: George Kear, 40 Rossendale Road, RD 5, CHCH 7675 Make cheques payable to VCC Canterbury Branch or direct credit to a/c 03-1594-0096832-00. Please reference payment with name and Irishman Rally. Any queries to George on 3470315 or email Entries close 12 May 2017


Irishman Rally 2017 This year’s rally will start from Max Smith Drive, Twizel. This road runs beside Lake Ruataniwha, just out from Twizel. Can we please gather at 8.00am for a quick briefing before departing. Rally sheets can be collect from the Gladstone Hotel in Fairlie or at the Top Pub in Twizel on Friday night from 5 to 8pm. Please mark on the entry form where you will collect from. They will also be available at the start, for those late to arrive. There are 3 fuel options in Twizel for the morning: McKeowns 24/7 Card pumps. On Ostler Road, close to the Main road. Mobil (Cnr of Ruataniwha Road and Mckenzie Drive) Hours 6am- 9pm There is also 2 Card pumps on the Cnr of Ostler Road and Hooker Crescent.

Sunday’s run will start from outside the Gladstone Hotel, Fairlie.

Can we please gather at 8am before the start. Prize giving and supper will be in the Community Hall which will open from 6.30, for 7.30 presentation. While back up vehicles are provided, all vehicles must be self sufficient and carry chains for mud or snow and be adequately prepared to cover some distance on back country roads with river crossings. The Irishman Rally is for Vintage and Veteran vehicles only. The winner and runner up will be drawn as per tradition from the entrants participating. All entrants are eligible without exception. The winner and runner up will be joined by a small team to assist with the task of organising the following year’s event. This is what makes the rally special and provides the variety we see each year as a new person gets to put their mark on this event. While this is a challenge, there is a team behind you.


Copy for the May Hub closes on Friday 21 April , 2017 Post to "The Editor", Cindy Hey 6b Aztec Place, Redwood, Christchurch 8051

phone 352 6266 email The views expressed in the 'Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

Situations Vacant The time has finally come for finding a replacement editor for the Hub. Due to work commitments and wanting to do other things I will be finishing up before the end of this year. Ideally it would be good to get someone to start learning the job within the next couple of months. If you are interested contact Cindy Hey to find out what the job entails. 3526-266

Canterbury Branch Web Site Email: Postal address: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall

A/C 03 1594 0096832 00

Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit.



April 2017


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