Canterbury VCC August 2017

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August 2017


Official magazine of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (inc.) 1

VCC emails and notifications Would you like to help us save paper and printing costs? We can send you 'The Hub' newsletter via an email each month. (as a PDF attachment) Would you like upcoming Events information sent to your email? (i.e. Rallies, Dances, Suppers, reminders etc) Then email: to action ...and thanks for thinking of the environment and cutting the branch expenses down!

THE HUB Newsletter of: The Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ INC


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004


Main Committee


John Coomber (Christine) johnchriscoomber@gmail. com


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320


Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)

03 365 1938

Immediate Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

Club Captain

Dave Inwood (Linda)

327 4156

Vintage Convenor

Brendon Eason (Elizabeth) 027 03 027343 3462979 8324 3468 324

2979 3432979 343

Veteran Convenor

Tim Palmer (Barbara)

03 313 3952

027 2925206

021 338 692

Assistant Club Captain Greg Lamb (Gail) Group Convenor

George R Kear (Jorden)

Commercial Convenor Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 310 7056

03 960 3077 027 221 4332

03 347 0315 03 352 8802

Cover photo: Homestead Run, 2016 after the wet and cold weather of the last couple of weeks, it is a reminder that we will get blue skies and sunshine again. 3

2017-2018 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor

Les Freeman (Margaret)

027 339 0962

Spare Part Shed Rep

Des Fowler (Janet)

342 9974

9-90's Co-ordinator:

John Kuipers

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333

Maintenance/ Clubrooms

Mike Foster

359 8260

Bar Managers

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

389 7066

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

327 5743

Noggin Displays

Don Muller (Marlene)

385 6850


Owen Genet

358 2514

Assistant Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

Swap Meet Chair

Colin Hey (Jenny)

Swap Meet sites

Kevin Clarkson (Shona)

021 0270 6525

Barn bookings/ Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

027 407 5344

03 312 7255

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

027 446 6964

421 2426

North Canty Noggin

Jeff Rogers

022 131 7235

03 313 8432

021 447 048 027 424 2670

03 325 3011 03 352 6266

027 279 9195

Hub Editor Daniella Judge Hub Com. Advertising Cindy Hey (Peter)


358 4549

352 5217 359 8737


Thur Sun

3 6 6 9 9

Noggin Natter Winter Run - page 15 Working Bee - page 15 Motorcycle Noggin - page 12 9-90s Outing - page 11

Fri/Sun Sat Wed Sun Sun Mon Fri

11-13 12 16 20 27 28-1 Sep

National AGM—Blenheim Around the Bays Motorcycle Run Commercial Noggin - page 10 Night Trial and Dinner- page 15 Daffodil Rally for Cancer- page 16 Planting Week

Sun Sun Sat

10 17 23

Women Drivers Rally Motorcycle Rough Run and VIC's Awards Dinner




Fri-Sun 6-8 Swap Meet Sat-Sun 14-15 Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally Sun 29 Veteran Annual Rally

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT On Sunday 25 June 2017 our 61st AGM was held at the clubrooms at Cutler Park. Thanks to the one hundred members who attended. This was the final AGM chaired by our past Chairman Leigh Craythorne. Leigh persuaded me to take over from her, and it is my privilege to present this first report to the members as Chairman. Leigh may be petite, but she has very large shoes to fill, and I am grateful that she will be on the branch committee as Immediate Past Chairman for the next year to assist and guide the committee. A presentation was made to Leigh, Paul Seaton and Mark Drury who were standing down from the committee. A presentation was also made to Cindy Hey who is standing down as our Hub editor, and a special trophy was presented to Graeme Sword for all the assistance to our branch over many years, as the Sword family have now ceased to cater for our branch events after seventeen years of wonderful service. Rod Thrower has been elected as our branch secretary, delegate to Executive meetings, and privacy officer. The presentation of the Secretary’s Rose bowl trophy is to be made at the first committee meeting in July. We welcome Brendon Colin Eason Eason to the committee, and thank Greg Lamb for agreeing to remain on the committee after standing down as Club Captain. I also want to thank and congratulate the returning committee members and representatives for their dedication to this branch. We are very well served. We do not have a Club Captain at present. Please think about the effect this will have on our ability to organise the events set out in our calendar of events for the next year. Without a Club Captain, some events may have to be cancelled. If you are prepared to consider this position, or can suggest someone suitable, please contact me or any branch committee member urgently. Greg Lamb will be happy to assist anyone who takes the position on. George Kear gave a brief presentation on the upgrade to our clubrooms property including all the new plantings and irrigation system installed


and the new boundary fencing. A number of smaller picnic areas have been created and the swap meet sites are being reorganised to create more space and easier access. New water tanks have been installed, and the irrigation system extended and further planting towards the rear of the property is being undertaken in the next two months. We are indebted to George, Peter, Mike and all the team involved in the development and maintenance of our property, and look forward to enjoying these improvements in years to come. We have two new events on our calendar to look forward to over the next twelve months. Malcom McGibbon has proposed an Anzac Day run to coincide with memorial services at war memorials around the district, and he did a trial run this year, and it was well received. His proposal was aimed at getting veteran and vintage vehicles involved, as these played a major part in both world wars, and suggested that all pre 1946 vehicles should be involved. I reported from the March Executive meeting that a National VCC day was being proposed for late August, and it is to be held in conjunction with the Cancer Society two days after daffodil day. I am very grateful that Colin Hey has volunteered to organise this event at short notice, and it will be open to all car clubs, or members of the public who wish to attend. The $10.00 entry fee will be donated to the Cancer Society, along with any fundraising associated with this event. Every branch will be holding similar events on Sunday 27 August. This will be an annual event aimed at raising money for charity, and raising the profile of our club and encouraging membership. We have an interesting year ahead of us and I look forward to sharing it with you. Remember that our national AGM will be held in Blenheim on 11 –13 August. I hope some of you will join us there for the weekend.

John Coomber Chairman


SECRETARY’S REPORT Hi folks. Well one month into this and I feel I am just starting to find my way. It’s a relatively quiet time of the year although there are always emails and correspondence still flowing in every day from new membership enquires to other branches’ online versions of their monthly magazines. This form of magazine is taking off through-out the country and the world as the savings to Clubs and Branches are huge. So if you haven’t had a look at the array of styles and quality then now is the time. Just google this link: From a quiet month to a busy one with three Sundays and one Saturday taken up this month, so get out last month and this month’s Hub and get all the info and please check the dates as quite a few have changed from last year’s program. Now if you are looking for me for applications or any forms I will be around the Bar area with my black case to help out (hopefully). I will be away in Blenheim for the National AGM from the 11th to 13th August as delegate representing the branch. There are two remits on the proposed rule changes to our Executive Meetings and Constitution which have been circulated and will be discussed and voted on at the Friday night Executive Meeting. These changes are tidying up wording to the document and have been presented to your Branch Committee. There is also a proposed motion (re changes to vehicle classes) which has been displayed on the notice board in the foyer for you to read as per mentioned at the July Noggin. Happy motoring. Rod Secretary


Club Captain’s Report My name is Dave Inwood and its back on the Committee for me. I'm not sure if this is the most intelligent decision I've made lately however I will give it a go. This is my first report as Club Captain and I will start by thanking Greg Lamb for staying on to assist me, at least until after the swap meet. Michelle Meynell has been organizing the Women Drivers Rally and has everything in hand. The entry form is in this Hub so come on ladies lets have a great turn out for this run. The Swap Meet Committee members are working away feverously. The program is coming together nicely. There are a few changes again this year so bear with them as they try to improve the weekend for everyone. Apparently they have already ordered good weather. While on the subject of the Swap Meet we shall require volunteers for a short time over the weekend. Colin Hey has a roster sheet for those willing. We need people for the main gate and security - volunteers for this should contact myself (Dave Inwood 327-4156). On the gate we need people for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. The Show Weekend Tour will start at Cutler Park and will be centred in Oamaru so you can reserve your accommodation bookings Friday and Saturday night, 17th and 18th November. On Sunday, 27th August we have the Daffodil Rally for Cancer coming up. Colin Hey is organizing this and has a great program planned. Lets make this day a real "statement" for our club with a really high


participation. For those members who do not have a mobile vehicle at the moment, Colin is looking for helpers on the day. George Kear has organized another tree planting effort starting the week of 28th August. Volunteers for this exercise are also needed so try to set some time aside. Contact George at night on 347-0315. I have nothing to report on any rallies past as I have not been along, except for the Commercial noggin held at Dave & Wendy Coopers - a nice warm fire in the garage and great supper. Hopefully that's most things covered and I must apologise for seemingly continuing to ask for help on various projects. Cheers Dave Inwood



Commercial Report

Thanks to Dave Cooper for hosting July’s noggin, around 20 people made their way out in the winter darkness to catch up in a very cosy workshop, and braved the cold to check out the work in progress in the garage next door. I was made welcome by a very friendly bunch and thoroughly briefed on the extensive list of duties that are expected of the commercial convener, as well as several offers of assistance which I will no doubt call on later, thanks to Mark Drury for passing on his accumulated knowledge. If you’re reading this on noggin night there’s still time to get organised and have some commercials out for the winter run on Sunday 6th August. This month’s noggin is on 16th August at Tony Brown’s, 301 Tram Rd, look forward to seeing you there. Neil Shaskey 10

Hi to you all

9 - 90s

Well, on a day when you wouldn’t send your dog out to fetch the paper 25 cars and 45 people braved the weather to attend our mid winter Christmas Lunch. At 11.30am we met at the Barn where Graeme Sword and Tony Meikle had a blazing fire going and coffee ready. Graeme had made scones at home and baked them at the Barn. What else could you ask for? Thank you very much. In one word, the variety of food was “staggering”. Two tables of mains food and two tables of dessert and there was some left over for the Parts Shed guys. A big thank you to everyone for the effort you put in. It makes the 9-90s such a nice group to convene. We had a very successful raffle but no pre 1950 cars turned up so no prizes were given away. August 9 Organiser Geoff Townshend Meet at the Peg carpark, Belfast Pub at 10am. September 13 Tony Becker is organising a trip to Ashburton. This will interest both men and women. Meet at the Big Salmon in Rakaia, (handy to the toilets). We will be leaving there at 11am sharp. Looking forward to next month’s trip, hopefully with better weather. J K and the Team


Motorcycle Report Been a very quiet month during July, what with torrential rain towards the end it was probably just as well the annual Mid-Winter Run was held earlier rather than the usual 3rd weekend… Past Events 8 – 9 July Mid-Winter Run. About a dozen riders set off from Belfast’s Coffee Culture but only 8 riders did the overnight thing at Cheviot. Most of the riders had WAG’s joining them, so that boosted the numbers considerably. The run went via the inland scenic route to Waikari, then the Greta Valley Road to a lunch stop at The Fossil Point Café – very nice it was too! After lunch we viewed the engine reconditioning workshop of Robert Hays – how impressive is this place! Then began the run to Motunau via Happy Valley Road to the Hurunui River mouth passing through Gore Bay to Cheviot. The back-up was there, but not required…J 12 July – Noggin Night. Decided not to have the slide show, but a number of photography books full of photos from events back to 1986 were on show. Interesting to see the number of bikes we no longer see, some riders who are no longer with us, and the change in colour and density of the heads of hair!! 29 July – Fish & Chip Run. As at time of writing this is actually a future event… Future Events 9 August. Noggin Night. This is a garage raid on a member’s garage and bike collection. Meet at the Brickworks Tavern, 69 Centaurus Road, Cashmere, at 7.00 pm for final address instructions. 12 August. Round the Bays Run. Meeting at the Woolston Working Men’s Club, for time and other information see elsewhere in Hub. 26 August. Fish & Chip Run. Meeting at The Coffee Culture, 286 Main North Road, enter car park at rear via Daniels Road. 10.30am, riders decide on destination. 26 - 27 August. Not a club event but there is a British Bike Show at Woolston Working Men’s Club in their bowls pavilion. Rumour is this will be the last such event. 10 September. Japanese Motorcycle Group show, also at the Woolston Working Men’s Club.


13 September. Noggin Night. Advance heads up; this will be held as a “garage” raid, on an extensive collection of motorcycles in Christchurch’s North West. There is a cost ($15) to get into this show, but to soften the blow the motorcycle committee has decided to put on a supper and a drink for members at the conclusion of the visit. We would like a good support for this visit, so please come along. As usual, we will meet at a local watering hole (Avonhead Tavern at 7.00 pm) first where the address will be made available. More info next month… 6 – 7 – 8 October. Recognise these dates? You should, this weekend is that of the VCC Canterbury Branch Swap Meet. I have already sent out an advance note by email (BTW, if you do not receive the emailed notes please let me know and I will put you on the list…) to the M/C members. Essentially, there is to be a display of motorcycles on the old tennis courts by the children’s play area. Those who do display will receive a 3 day pass to get into the Swap Meet any time without paying… Please consider supporting your club by displaying your motorcycle. There may be room in the tunnel barn etc. for overnight placement, and if you bring your bike on a trailer there will be a place made available to leave the trailer. If you can display your bike then please advise the Swap Meet Committee’s display co-ordinator (Tony Meikle, ph. 02040253911, email ) or drop me a line at and I will pass the message on. At the risk of verbal diarrhoea accusations that’s it. CML


Swap Meet Update The countdown to the big weekend continues…. Thanks to all those who have already volunteered for the various tasks that need doing for Swap Meet. Many more are needed yet. We really, really need the assistance of every member of the branch to make this event work, and all we’re asking for is no more than 1½ hours of your time at some stage during the weekend. Remember to get in early so you can decide what you would like to do, and at what time. If we do not get all of the time slots filled, we will begin picking names at random from the membership list and calling you. We simply must meet not only our obligations for the operational, security and safety requirements of the event, but also for site-holders and the public who pay for the privilege of being there. I will continue to collect names at the August and September noggins, or you can’t get to noggins, please call me on the number below. There has been very little feedback regarding the wrist-band ticketing system to be introduced this year, which I’m taking as an indication that everyone is pretty happy with the way it will work. To re-cap - everyone entering the Swap Meet grounds will have to wear an official wrist-band as proof that they have either paid to get in; have volunteered to help in some way (whether by volunteering for a specific task, or by just arriving in a club-eligible vehicle for the display area); or are supplying goods and services to the event. Note: General admission entry wrist-bands will be available to volunteers or for pre-purchase at the August, September and October Noggins. This will greatly speed up your entry into the grounds – flash your wrist-band, and you’ll be waved straight through the gate! We will also have the small street fence signs available at the noggins – if you can take a couple of these and find a good spot to put them up (with the permission of the property owner), we would certainly appreciate it. They will need to be taken down and returned after the event. Colin Hey – Ph 03 359-8737 (between 7.30pm and 9.30pm only please). 14

Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events Winter Run Sunday 6 August Meet at Speights Ale House Car Park, Tower Junction at 10.00am See July Hub for further details Ground Restoration - Sunday 6 August Planting Week - Monday 28-1 September

We are having a working Bee on 6th August to tidy up areas for our planting week. If you are available from 9am to Midday to help out please head out. Planting week is planned for Monday 28th August to 1st September. Much like last year we have hired students to do the hard digging but require members to install stacks, plastic shields and place shingle around the bottoms to stop these blowing away. If you can please help out that would be great. Small easy jobs. We have the whole back boundary to plant and the more people the easier it will be. Please call George to add your name to the list. 347 0315 or 027 2214332

Night Trial and Dinner Sunday 20th August 2017

Assemble at the Avonhead Tavern Car Park (120 Withells Road) from 5.00 pm for a 5.30 pm departure. Bring your Club acceptable vehicle if possible or modern as a last resort. The age of your vehicle will provide bonus points. Please Note: Regrettably, because of the venue capacity, numbers may have to be limited so it will be “first in, first served.� Entry Form : See July Hub for entry form Closing Date 8th August 15

Daffodil Rally for Cancer Sunday 27th August As part of a VCC National Initiative to fundraise for the NZ Cancer Society, the VCC Canterbury Branch is running a special and open event on Sunday 27th August. This will be one of dozens of similar events held around the country on the same day. Assemble at the VCC grounds at McLeans Island between 10.00 and 10.30am for registration in the clubrooms. Devonshire teas (or coffee) will be available there at $5.00 per head. Registration costs $10.00 per car. Refer to July Hub for full details. Swap Meet Helpers Needed Add your name to the roster sheets at Noggin, or for: Grounds Set-up and final tidy-up work Contact Ian McKinlay Ph 349-6951 Display area security Contact Colin Hey Ph 359-8737 Headquarters Contact Katryna Shaw Ph 021 0277 2375 Traffic Management manpower (no experience needed) Contact Kenneth Lowden Ph 3526735 Entry gate helpers (no money handling required) Contact Dave Inwood Ph 327-4156 Bar (Friday and Saturday night) Contact Gill Stevenson Ph 327-5743


BRANCH AWARDS’ DINNER SATURDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2017 Bar opens 6.00 pm. Please be seated for the meal by 6.30 pm This dinner is held annually to present branch members 25, 35, 50 and 60 -year membership awards. Tickets ($54 double) are available from committee members and at the bar at August and September's Noggin. Come along and support your fellow members on their special night. 60 -- year presentations to Don Johnson and Peter Shaskey 50 – year presentations to: Des Fowler, Ted Hockley, Ian Lamb, Terry McQuinn, Paul Seaton and Norm Sisson

25 AND 35 -YEAR BADGES This is the last chance to apply for these before the required paperwork is completed prior to the presentations at the Annual Award Dinner (23.9.2017). Please contact me for information and forms asap so you can be presented with your badge at the dinner. Leigh Telephone 342 911


MARSHALLS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR THE DAFFODIL RALLY Sunday 27th August 2017 We are now expecting a huge turnout for this event, and I urgently need about 15 people on the day to assist with registration of participants, parking in the grounds, and to keep an eye on things at some of the venues to be visited on the runs. You will still be able to enjoy the event as a participant. If you can help, please contact me. Colin Hey Ph 359 8737 (between 7.30pm and 9.30pm only please)

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8.00-5.00 Saturday 8.00-12.00

96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630


Swap Meet We need your club-eligible vehicle for display at the Swap Meet! The vehicle and driver will get free entry, as well as a spot in the display area right beside the Swap Meet!0 Do your bit and be part of a display that will offer the wow-factor for the public who attend. Please get your vehicle WoF’d and Registered, and plan to bring it out – we’d love to see you there in (or on) it. It will then also be all set for the motoring season ahead.

North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm

CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of Dennis Sincock and John Parrot


Motorcycle Run to Cheviot




16 30

Hororata Swapmeet Otago Branch Dunvegan Rally

22-25 25-29

Vintage Country Fair and Rally MG National Rally

HORORATA SWAPMEET Saturday 16th September. Hororata Domain

Vintage , veteran, classic, motorcycle and car parts tools and machinery , gates open 7am

NO BRIC O BRAC OR HOUSEHOLD JUNK phone john for details 03 3180008

Otago Vintage Car Club Dunvegan Rally 30 September - 1 October Entries Close 22 September 22

Ne Zeala d Vi tage Ma hi ery Clu I SEPTEMBER AUCTION The A ual Au io is ei g held o Satu da th Septe e At Keai g Pa k M Lea s Isla d Road, CHRISTCHURCH. Sta t Ti e: a Etpos: Is a aila le fo Pa e t O l E ui ies a d E t Fo To: Stua t Sa de s E M: sa de s o t a i g@ lea . et. z

_________________________________________ Boot Sale For the S aller Ite s Sta t Ti e : a You a e espo si le fo looki g ate ou o Cash / Cha ge fo the da Co ta ts : M s. Gill D e Ph EM hg @ t a. o. z M s. Be e le Haggit Ph EM hagish@ t a. o. z

ou o





Cost $ . pe site site a d o ga isi g

The New Zealand Vintage Machinery Club Inc. Vintage Country Fair and Rally 22 to 25 March 2018 at Andrew Booker, 1531 Highfield Road, Kirwee. It will be a working rally run by The New Zealand Vintage Machinery Club Inc. with such events as ploughing, harvesting and haymaking All members are welcome to attend. 23

FOR SALE FREE 1934 BXC Bedford front axle & Differential complete Ring Malcolm 03 3656223 1954 Austin A40 Somerset, Tidy condition, 91,000 miles. Has current WOF and Rego Phone Tony 027 222 7918


Tony Becker Phone 421-2426


Hub Editor email: 25


8, MG Naio al Rally

Will be held in and around South Canterbury’s favourite seaside resort “Timaru by the Sea” from Sunday to Thursday, March 25th to 29th. Contacts: For details and registration. Or Web Entries & Registration Di /Dren Errington

Sandra Frame / Tony Reid

020 409 03510 or 03942 0251

022 302 2622

INSURANCE Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

Note from the Editor: We did ot re ei e a y photos this o th a d u fortu ately o e fro the Irish a Rally so therefore o olour photos this o th. If you ha e photos i the future ake sure to e ail a ter ury hu @hot ail. o ith i for aio a out the pi ture.


July 2017 Noggin Display. The July Noggin Display was, the winner and runner up in the 2017 Irishman Rally, as well as a section winner in the Restoration of the Year. Thank you to the following for displaying their vehicles on a cold night: James & Jan Webb, 1929 Buick. Irishman Rally 2017 Winner - James Webb, 1926 Dodge Runner up - John Chamberlain, 1915 Rolls Royce Commercial section winner in the Restoration of the Year Graeme & Kay Shaskey, 1929 Dover Truck. Brian Newbury the Veteran section winner, with the 1912 Little was unable to attend. Future Noggin Displays. September: Mini display. (5 variants). October: Motorcycles & mopeds under restoration.


The work the part’s shed team go through to collect a vehicle:


All loaded and ready to go!


Women Drivers Rally 2017 Ladies its that time again! To spring in to the driver's seat for a day of motoring and frivolity! And, this year we will be looking for the best bright "Spring Ensemble" (outfit)! We will be starting at the West Melton Market (600 West Melton Road) at 9.30am for 10.30am start. Time to have a wander, grab a coffee/tea and collect your first answer to the quiz! before departing. (This will be your morning tea stop). Parking in Domain, opposite Church (market in grounds of church). (12 noon) Lunch Stop is at an interesting winery - a picnic affair (BYO), shelter is provided and their product can be purchased. After lunch it is a short run back to VCC grounds for some enjoyable Field Tests!, a lovely "High Tea" (4pm) (catered by 'Little Sister') and prizegiving in the Barn. This will be BYO drink. Coffee and Tea supplied. Organiser Michelle Meynell


Women Drivers Rally Saturday 9thSeptember 2017 - Entry Form Name: _______________________________ Telephone: _____________ Vehicle:_______________________________ Year: _____________ Email: _______________________________ Entry fees: Driver (includes afternoon tea and rally plaque) $25.00 Number of passengers at $10 per head for tea ______ Total $_____

Make cheques out to VCC Canterbury Branch or Direct Credit 03 1594 0096832 00 with name and “Womens Rally” Closing Date for entries –Friday 25th August. Post or email direct entries to: Michelle Meynell (Phone 359-9429) 1 Nunweek Boulevard Harewood Christchurch 8051


Jeff who?

Some of the Wednesday working team making a vital decision.


MARINE PLYWOOD * 18mm BS 1088 -$165.00. 1220x2440mm. * Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm. * High Pressure Laminate -12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip -18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm. * Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049

Canterbury Branch Web Site


Copy for the September Hub closes on Friday 25 August , 2017 Contact "The Editor", Daniella Judge By phone 3253011 or email The views expressed in the 'Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255

Canterbury Branch Web Site Email: Postal address: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall

A/C 03 1594 0096832 00

Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit.



August 2017

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