Canterbury VCC May 2017

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May 2017


Official magazine of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (inc.) 1

Celebrity Dance, Sat 17th June Bar opens 8.00pm Band “Smooth Talk� $20 Single

Dress in Theme Light supper provided Tickets available from the bar, and committee members


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004


Main Committee


Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

342 9110


John Coomber (Christine)

03 310 7056


Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)

365 1938

Club Captain

Greg Lamb (Gail)

960 3077

Vintage Convenor

Paul Seaton (Margaret)

021 205 9101

359 7600

Veteran Convenor

Tim Palmer (Barbara)

021 338 692

03 313 3952

Assistant Club Captain Rod Thrower (Lynda) P Group Convenor

George R Kear (Jorden)

Commercial Convenor Mark Drury

338 2320 027 221 4332

347 0315

342 9297

Cover photo: Colin Hey’s 1912 Wolseley at the lunch stop at Waireka on the Rear Wheel Brake Rally.


2016-2017 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor

Les Freeman (Margaret)

027 339 0962

Spare Part Shed Rep

Des Fowler (Janet)

342 9974

9-90's Co-ordinator:

John Kuipers

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333

Maintenance/ Clubrooms

Mike Foster

359 8260

Bar Managers

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

389 7066

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

327 5743

Noggin Displays

Don Muller (Marlene)

385 6850


Owen Genet

358 2514

Assistant Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

Swap Meet Chair

Colin Hey (Jenny)

Swap Meet sites

Kevin Clarkson (Shona)

021 0270 6525

Barn bookings/ Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

027 407 5344

03 312 7255

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

027 446 6964

421 2426

North Canty Noggin

Jeff Rogers

022 131 7235

03 313 8432

027 424 2670

352 6266

027 279 9195

Hub Editor Cindy Hey (Peter) Hub Com. Advertising


358 4549

352 5217 359 8737




Sat Sun Wed Sat Wed Sat Sun Sat Sun

6 7 10 10 13 17 20 21 27 28

Ashburton Swap Meet Maintenance Committee Work Day 9-90s Outing - page 12 Motorcycle Noggin - page 10 Rural Run - page 14 Commercial Noggin - page 11 Quiz Night - page 15 Parts Shed AGM - page 14 Fish and Chip Motorcycle Run - page 10 Motorcycle Rough Run - page 10

Thurs Sun Sat-Mon Wed Sun Wed Sat Wed Sat Sun

1 4 3/4/5 7 11 14 17 21 24 25

Noggin and Natter Maintenance Committee Work Day Irishman Rally 9-90s Outing Restoration of the Year - page 15 Motorcycle Noggin AGM Dance - page 2 Commercial Noggin Fish and Chip Motorcycle Run Branch AGM



Mid Winter Motorcycle Run

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


Chairman’s Report They say that every cloud has a silver lining – and boy is it true for the plantings at our branch grounds! We couldn't have had more perfect conditions for the trees and shrubs that our hard working Ground Restoration team planted over the last few months. A loyal group of members answered the call to come to working bees and have joined the team spending endless back breaking hours picking up stones and boulders. The Maintenance team continue to work tirelessly in the background too, to ensure that our grounds are kept tidy and presentable. Well done to you all. Did you know that in the branch grounds is a cabin that is available to hire? This has been refurbished with new mattresses (and covers) new curtains (thank you Ann) and the paint refreshed. There are two double bunks, electric jug etc and is available at the reasonable cost of $20 per night for one, plus $10 per extra person (i.e. $30 for two people.) Contact Claire and Kevin Campion (telephone 312 7255) for bookings. I hope you are all sorting out your teams for the Quiz Night. (See page 15 for further information.) If you prefer, just come along and join a team - you will be assured of an enjoyable evening. For just $5 per person, you will enjoy exercising your “little grey cells”, savour a delicious supper and you never know, you may be able to take home one of the prizes up for grabs. Also there is a forward notice on page 2 of our Dance on Saturday 17th June. An enjoyable night is guaranteed and something to look forward to. Regretfully, our Hub Editor (Cindy Hey) has notified the branch committee (and members through a notice in the Hub) that she will be finishing before the end of the year. We are very grateful for the time she has given us, faithfully “turning out” our newsletter, month by month. (Cindy is working alongside someone who may be interested in taking on this important role – as they say, watch this space!)


On page 33 you will find a nomination form for committee positions to be elected at our coming Annual General Meeting on Sunday 25 June. Committee member, Paul Seaton and I will not be seeking re election and a couple of other committee members have indicated that they would like to stand down. Please give serious thought to accepting nomination or putting another member’s name forward. It is a tangible way to give something back to the branch and it is essential for the smooth running of the branch that these positions are filled. (Of course all the branch committee positions are elected annually and all current members must seek nomination for the coming year.) Happy winter motoring. Leigh

New Members Welcome to our branch. We look forward to meeting you at our coming events and activities.

Fraser Syme of Kaikoura - 1963 and 1965 Ford Anglia 2 door. 1962 Mercury Monterey 2 door. Martin Biddle - 1949 Morris Minor saloon, 1951 Morris Minor Saloon Barry Croucher - 1929 Buick tourer

THE HUB Newsletter of: The Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ INC


SECRETARY’S REPORT No Secretary’s report this month.

CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of Ron Kay and Bob Bruce Both 50 year plus members. Ron passed away in February. 8

Club Captain’s Report Besides the general calendar of events, there is a lot going on besides Rallies and Noggin Nights. There are a lot of other activities that make the Canterbury Branch the success it is. The parts department guys put in huge, uncountable hours supporting your hobby. The financial return helps to run the club and helps keep our subs down. The comradeship among the group makes joining them worth a thought. Maintenance of our club assets is managed by a small group of (not so young) dedicated members who spend many unseen hours keeping your grounds and buildings well presented. You could enjoy being part of this team. Swap Meet is another behind the scene team that spends much time making this event our most successful fundraiser. Join in and support your club by offering your help. This is a few of the activities where your expertise can be utilised for your enjoyment while helping support the organisation. The Motorcycle Noggins and Commercial Noggins are open to all members to attend. Those groups are enthusiastic in their hobbies and have some very interesting evenings. What I am saying is, get involved and enjoy what the VCC has to offer.

Happy motoring Greg




Motorcycle Report

Past Events 25th March – Fish and Chip Run – very wet day which put people off, only two bikes fronted up, so went on a garage raid to a member’s place. 12th April – Noggin, about 25 enjoyed a very good garage raid where we were treated to a magnificent display of vehicles and a well equipped workshop. Coming Events 29th April – Scooter Run, including veteran and vintage bikes. 29th April – Fish and Chip Run. Yes, on the same day as the Scooter Run, so will probably be a run to Darfield so that the Fish and Chip Run people meet up with the Scooter Run at lunch time. 10th May – Motorcycle Noggin. Being held at Smash Palace, lower High Street, from 7.30 pm. 14th May – Working Bee at Motorcycle Corner, Cutler Park. The Motor Cycle Section has been asked to, in addition to looking after the usual grounds around Social Corner, mind the newly formed garden area to the North West of the toilets. The committee on your behalf has said “Yes” to the request. Working Bee to place mulch and pea straw around the grounds in, near, and around the Social Corner. There are a large number of new trees etc. planted in the vicinity and we want to look after them, so please show your support by coming along. 9.30 am start. 27th May – Fish & Chip Run. Might be a good one to attend, as one of our members MAY have found a place in the Prebbleton area which MIGHT be suitable for a F&C Run garage raid! More details at the usual start at PMH, 10.30 am start. 28th May – Motorcycle Rough Run. Usual format, from 9.30 am onwards. 14th June – Advance warning, the Motorcycle Section AGM being held. Think of whom YOU would like as your committee representatives, or perhaps have YOU thought of doing your bit for the section?


There are many VCC events and runs that the Branch organises that are perceived to be for cars only, but motorcycles are most welcome and are encouraged to enter. Events including the Annual Rally, Veteran, Vintage and P Group Rallies all have trophies that are available for motorcycling entrants, but year after year are simply “not awarded” through lack of motorcycle entrants. It is recognised that quite a few motorcyclists do have club eligible cars with which they enter these “VCC Branch” rallies but please consider entering on your motorcycle instead once in a while. CML

Commercial Report

The April Noggin had a good turn out and we went to Protranz and viewed many Mac Trucks, thanks to Arthur Bodger for organising this trip and also thanks to Protranz for hosting us.

This Month’s noggin will be held at 7 Birkenhead Street, Mark Drury’s home. Bring your partner along as well. - . 7.30pm on the 17th May Mark Drury


Tony Becker Phone 421-2426 11

9 - 90s

We arrived at the Carpark at the Belfast Hotel at 9:45am and it was raining. Only 20 hardy souls turned up so we decided the trip was off and adjourned to The Barn. Before long we had a blazing fire to keep us comfortable and Surprise! Surprise! The Swords arrived with scones and coffee which we really appreciated. Thank you! A friend, Bill Thomas, with his piano accordian, came too and he entertained us with good music, old favourites and anecdotes of his life as a musician. Everyone enjoyed this and we had plenty of applause.

We observed a minutes silence in remembrance of Bryan McSaveney, a very loyal member of our group.

Lorraine Andrews donated a lovely Easter Bunny and chocolate eggs for the usual raffle. All in all it turned out to be a much better day than we expected given the weather. May 10 Frederick Maginnes Meet at the Rolleston Community Hall at 10am. We are going to a robotic dairy farm and a car collection. June 7 Ross Andrews is going to take us on his postponed April trip. Meet at the Peg Carpark, Belfast Hotel at 10am. July 12 Mid Winter Christmas Lunch. Meet at The Barn at 11.30am. Everyone please bring a plate of homemade food. We’ll do it the Maori way again. Bring for two and eat for one! August 9 Geoff Townsend I don’t know yet where we are going to meet.

Looking forward to seeing you all in May J K and the Team


Open Hours Monday to Friday 8.00-5.00 Saturday 8.00-12.00

96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630


Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events Rural Run. Saturday 13th May 2017

Come prepared for a full day’s motoring on wonderful North Canterbury roads with time for stops for tea and chatter. Meet at the Belfast Tavern (The Peg) Main North Road at 9.00am for a 9.30 start. Be self- sufficient with food and drinks for the whole day. Field tests will be at the lunch stop in a domain. This year’s theme is to the tribute of Murray Ball who recently passed away. With his witty cartoons so well known to us all I am sure there is plenty of scope for both Male and Female to participate. Please, No Dogs. Leave The Dog and Jess at home. Judging for this will be at lunch. A shorter afternoon run will finish at a domain for afternoon tea and the presentation of the trophy. This event is open to all club eligible vehicles. Being a rural run shingle roads and fords are to be expected within reason. See you there. Entry Form in April Hub.

PART’S SHED AGM Sunday 21 May

To be held in the Part’s Shed 10.00am


Quiz Night! Come along and enjoy a fun night out. Saturday 20 May Bar opens 7pm, quiz starts at 7.30pm Get your team together (6 - 8 people per team) Only $5 a head, supper provided Come along and see if the little grey cells will win you a prize!

Restoration of the Year Sunday 11 June The Restoration Of The Year Rally is open to all club members to attend, whether you are entering for a trophy or not. It is a small run, starting from the clubrooms around 10am and returning for a picnic lunch around midday. While lunching in the sun, cars that are entered for a trophy, will be judged in front of the hall. This year, to make things easier for the judges, we request that the form on page 37 be completed by those who wish to enter for a Trophy. This will allow the judges to have more information on the vehicles before the day and understand their history. There is no cost for entering, but the close off date for this information is 3rd of June. Only cars entering for a trophy need to provide this information. You just need to turn up on the day if you wish to join the rally. Send To: George Kear, 40 Rossendale Road, RD 5,Christchurch 7675


IRISHMAN RALLY Queens Birthday Weekend 3-6 June Starting in Twizel on Saturday Morning.

Entry Form and full details in April Hub.

Entries Close 12 May.

Dance June 17, 2017 See inside front cover for details of this years dance.

CANTERBURY BRANCH A.G.M. Sunday 25 June, 2017 2.00pm Held in the Club Rooms Remember to have your membership card with you, as there will be a check at the door. 16

Aprils 2017 Noggin Display. April Noggin Display was, some of the 2017 “P “ Group Annual Rally Winners. Thank you to George Kear Jnr, for organizing it and to the following for displaying their vehicles.

Future Displays. June: July:

Commercial Rally Winners. Irishman Rally Winner, Plus Restoration of the Year Winners.

Hub Editor email: 17

Looking ahead – 25/35/50 year badges. Our Awards Dinner is being held Saturday 23 September this year. If you are due for 25, 35 or 50-year membership badges, please contact me for forms and confirmation of your joining date. It is particularly important to contact me as soon as possible for a 50-year application as they are required to be into National Office at least 3 months before presentation. Leigh Craythorne Badge Coordinator Telephone - 342 9110 Email -

North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm


Rear Wheel Brake Rally

1911 Ford Model T - Alister and Denise McKenzie Blackheath start venue

1924 Austin 12-4 Tourer. Jim and Kaye Paterson have been on every Rear Wheel Brake Rally.

1926 Ford T of Chris Dyer and 1925 Hupmobile of Dave and Felicity Backhouse.


Left 1925 Hupmobile Dave and Felicity Backhouse Below 1923 Ford T - Ray O’Brien

Below 1927 Dodge Coupe Bernard and Marie Crossen

Waireka Homestead

Norman Willis travelled from Wellington here he gives the owner and his three sons a taste of vintage motoring in his 1925 Fiat 501C.


1923 Essex meets 1926 Dodge

Above 1912 Albion - Don and Judy Bennetts Below: Lunch time and below that the lunch time line up.

Above 1920 Briscoe - Mel and Isabella Reese

Thanks to Peter Barnett for providing photos of this event.


P Group Rally - Noggin Display

Photo Left to Right, Thomas Brown 1978 MGB. Tony Smith Austin A35. Esme & Bob Humm 1965 MGB. P Group Rally Results 2017

1st Time Trail Burbury Trophy - Thomas Brown 1978 MGB 1st Field Tests Sandy Goodman Memorial Trophy - Tony and Barb Smith 1958 Austin A35 Concourse Les Humm Memorial Trophy - Athol Garth 1938 Triumph Dolomite


REAR WHEEL BRAKE REPORT – 5 March 2017 As I write this report the rain outside reminds us that autumn is here, yet earlier this month we were treated to a warm summer’s day for this year’s Rear Wheel Brake Rally. This year’s start venue was at Christchurch’s only example of brick terrace housing. Built by Frank Hitchings who worked as a bricklayer and chimney sweep after he emigrated from Blackheath, London. In 1876, he built a small brick house on this Durham Street property and, as his family grew, he built another larger home next door. After successfully renting out the first house, he then built two more homes in the gap between. He named the buildings ‘Blackheath Place’. As his sons grew up Frank taught them the brick laying trade, and together they expanded Blackheath until ten houses were built. Blackheath remained in the family until 1983 when it sold and developed as a number of commercial suites. Since then another block has been built behind the original with the new buildings in the style of the original tenant houses. After the usual time to chat and say hello to other entrants, the cars headed away on three different routes. This year, we let the long route away first and this seemed to work well, getting everyone into lunch in good time. From Sydenham, we all headed through Birmingham Drive and over the new bridge connecting it to Wigram Road, Through Rolleston and Sandy Knolls before splitting into three routes. The first and shortest was fully sealed and we travelled on rural roads through Greendale towards Coalgate. The other two routes traversed the now, traditional dirt road sections via Coaltrack Road and for the longest route the rolling country of Malvern Hills before both heading through Coalgate. Our luck continued with no need to use our wet weather venue in Coalgate, so all could head for a picnic lunch at Waireka Homestead. The grounds of this 1870 home include huge lawns and shady areas which were perfect to picnic away from the sun. Most even managed to get their cars under some shade. Waireka lies just below Homebush, between the Hawkins and the Selwyn Rivers, and was first taken up as a run in 1852 by William Macdonald who ran sheep on the 8,000 acres.


In 1854, they moved to South Canterbury and sold the property to George Ross. He named the property Waireka and had 2,000 sheep by 1858. When Ross became the first Clerk of the Canterbury Provincial Council, he left Charles Harper, son of the first Bishop of Christchurch, to manage the station. Ross sold Waireka around 1862, and it was sold again in 1867 to the Rt. Honourable Joseph Chamberlain’s two brothers who were absentee owners, living in England. Reginald Wade managed the property for the Chamberlains, and it was during this time that the present house was built. After Wade left, the Chamberlains let the station to various tenants, then had a manager working the station again from 1882 to 1886. By then, it carried about 5000 sheep. They then leased it again, including a period being leased to Cresswell, the Hororata butcher. In 1901, William Broughton went to England and bought the land from the Chamberlains and ran the property until the late 1920's when he subdivided it and transferred it to his sons. Broughton family members farmed on the property for 100 years. The present owners purchased the homestead about three years ago. The two storey weatherboard homestead has seven working fireplaces, servant bells in the hallway, and a basement wine cellar and is a perfect spot to bring up their young family. The eldest three boys were more than happy to accept a ride in one of the cars, and the owners also gave a short talk on the history of the property. After a relaxing lunch the afternoon run offered a single route back through Darfield and Halketts Road to Church Corner for the evening meal. The area was busy so car parking was at a premium but we got everyone in and settled for an excellent meal to finish the day. This was the first time I had seen Colin Hey with his 1912 Wolseley, and Alister and Denise McKenzie with their 1911 Ford Model T, though they had attended before in their more modern 1926 T. Alistair and Nola Day brought their 1926 Dodge Tourer up from South Canterbury again, and Norm Willis and Cristina from Wellington also took part in their 1925 Fiat 501C. As organisers, we appreciate the continued support of this event by members as we aim to promote the use of our earlier cars and motorcycles.


Next year will celebrate running this event for twenty years. There are many eligible cars and motorcycles in the club that we would like to see out to celebrate with us. The day is non-competitive with clear instructions and plenty of time to tell a few stories. Why not note the date down now and aim to join us next year on the 4th March 2018. Peter Barnett


SWAP MEET INFORMATION HELP REQUIRED FOR SWAP MEET Can you help with any of the following? HEADQUARTERS Headquarters at Swap Meet is a fun place to help in. The number of hours you do is up to you. CARS WANTED We require a good representation of our club’s vehicles at Swap Meet. If you can display a vehicle on any day of Swap Meet please contact Colin Hey see below. SECURITY ROSTER The security of the displays at Swap Meet is important. Each year we have 2-3 members on for a short, rostered time. VOLUNTEERS FOR EFTPOS We require volunteers to operate the EFTPOS terminal in Headquarters. This is a service offered to site holders and buyers. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT We have a traffic management plan for McLeans Island Road, outside our club grounds during Swap Meet. We require at least two people each morning, to help put road cones out prior to the opening of the event. We are also looking for volunteers: to erect coreflute signs around the city two weeks prior to the event. Workforce Helpers, prior to event and post event. Please contact Colin Hey if you can help with any of the above. Phone 03 359 8737 or 021 883 807.



OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4.30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7.00pm.


FOR SALE 1969 Ford Cortina MkII, good original unrestored condition. Ph Carl Christchurch 960 6572 Mobile 021 168 9265 email ************************************************************************* 1968 Triumph Vitesse convertible (non factory) for sale. Still on original engine at 108000 miles. All ready to drive. Comes with some spares including spare motor. $4500 or offer Phone Tony 332 457 ************************************************************************* 21� chains set of two, suit 4-50 to 5-50 wheels. Phone Ian 03 3277 345 ************************************************************************* Hupmobile Motor R137342 approx 1923 and parts, $333.33. Firestone Retread tyre 670x16, Very good re tread not used, 10mm heavy duty 6 ply, tread 10mm. Phone Ivan 03 323 8769 ************************************************************************* 6 Volt deep cycle, 11 plate battery holds charge $15.00 Phone Tom 352 7457 *************************************************************************


Free 1914 Stutz Bearcat 1/16 Plastic Model Kitset. Phone Derek Moorhouse 354 9264

WANTED Matching pair of cut crystal glass decanters, matching glasses would be a bonus. Phone Philip 338 0666 ************************************************************************** Jaguar E Type, prefer series 2 Roadster. Approximately 1968-1970 or would look at other years. Phone Brian 03 3585 322 **************************************************************************

Velo Solex - Green model preferred. Phone Yan 389 3001


Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit.



Ashburton Swap Meet South Canterbury PV/PW/P60/P80 Rally South Canterbury All British Day South Canterbury Restoration Rally

North Canterbury Classic Tour Starting at the Woodland’s Cafe in Leithfield, this event run for the 15th time, attracted 212 classics, on Sunday 19th March. The route took the vehicles through Broomfield, Weka Pass, Waikari, Scargill, Greta Valley, Cheviot, then the Leader East Road to Waiau. The primary school grounds was the venue for lunch and relaxing in the sun. The school PTA sold lunches by the dozens, while a jazz band played tunes from the 1950’s to the 1970’s, all under the shade of oak trees in front of the school rooms and play area. The tour raised $3,030 towards the replacement of the earthquake wrecked school/ community swimming pool, while a further $1,338 was raised by the PTA. We wish to thank all those who helped make this a very successful event. See you all next year? Photos on North Canterbury Classic Tour Facebook page. Trevor & Lorraine Stanley-Joblin I do not receive a lot of information on events being run by other branches or other organisations. If you are aware of an event or rally that would be of interest to other members please let me know or forward the information by email so that it can be included on this page. (This will also be helpful for the new hub editor). Thanks Cindy 30


18mm BS 1088 - $165.00. 1220x2440mm. Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm.

* High Pressure Laminate - 12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip - 18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm. * Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING CANTERBURY BRANCH Notice is hereby given that the 61st Annual General Meeting of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) will be held on Sunday 25 June 2017 at 2.00 pm in the clubrooms, Cutler Park, McLeans Island. Nominations are invited for all positions on the Committee in accordance with Rule 9, which states: “The election of the members of the Branch Committee shall be carried out by secret ballot at each Annual General Meeting of the Branch.

Any financial member of the Branch unable to attend may appoint a proxy to vote at such a ballot on his/her behalf by notifying the Branch Secretary in writing two clear days before the Meeting. A proxy must be a member of the Branch. A proxy may represent one member only. Each such nomination to be signed by the person nominated that they are willing to serve in such capacity. Each such nomination shall require to be proposed and seconded by Branch members and shall bear the signature of the proposer and seconder.� All nominations must be forwarded to the Branch Secretary, P O Box 11 082, Christchurch 8443, by 27 May 2017.



I…………………………….. (Membership number)………………… Hereby agree to nomination for the position of ………………………. Signature………………………………………………………………. Proposer……………………………..Signature………………………. Membership Number …………………………………………………. Seconder……………………………..Signature………………………. Membership Number…………………………………………………… Nominee, Proposer and Seconder must be financial Members of the Canterbury Branch. BIOGRAPHY:

To be forwarded (by 27 May 2017) to Branch Secretary PO Box 11082 Christchurch 8443


TROPHIES TO BE AWARDED AT AGM McLACHLAN TROPHY Donated by J.A. McLachlan Awarded annually to the veteran vehicle, which covers the most mileage for the season. The mileage includes travelling to and from calendar events and also includes the Mount Cook Rally. This trophy is for the combined competition between Canterbury, Ashburton, South Canterbury, West Coast and Banks Peninsula Branches. All Members who wish to compete for the above trophy should send a record of the rallies attended and their mileage covered to: Greg Lamb - see below for details MAX SMITH MEMORIAL TROPHY Awarded to the Veteran Vehicle competing in the greatest number of Canterbury Branch events for the 2016/2017 season. USE NOT ABUSE TROPHY To be awarded each year and available to Members of the Canterbury and Banks Peninsula Branches to acknowledge the most creditable effort during the year for the same driver and vehicle (car or motor cycle) where at least two speed events and two endurance events have been successfully completed. Contact Ron Hasell for updated criteria phone 942 1105 All Members who wish to compete for any of the above three trophies send all relevant details to Greg Lamb 2 Orion Street Christchurch 8013 Canterbury Branch Club Captain This is to arrive no later than 1 June 2017


RESTORATION OF THE YEAR TROPHIES: NOEL BEECROFT TROPHY for Veteran Cars THE RAE TROPHY for Vintage Cars ROBERT HAYES FAMILY TRUST TROPHY for PV and PWV Cars C.J.S. and M.HEY TROPHY for P60V Cars ERIC WALKER TROPHY for Motorcycles The Awards are for any vehicle restored or re-restored by the present owner in the 2015-2016 season. The trophies are for Canterbury Branch members only. Vehicles must have completed at least two Club events. Judging will take place after the Restoration of the Year Run at 1.00pm on the drive outside the Main Hall (or if wet, in the hall) at Cutler Park, Sunday 11 June 2017 Any enquiries to Greg Lamb phone 960 3077 CRITERIA FOR JUDGING The correct criteria for judging of the Restoration of the Year. As agreed by the then Committee and the Donors of the Trophies, are as follows: 1. A vehicle must have participated in at least two official VCC events. 2. Judging to be done by a panel of at least three judges. Judging to be based on: a) The amount of work carried out by the entrant themselves, showing their ability in different aspects of the trades, e.g. mechanical, electrical, panelling etc. b) Having regard for the condition of the vehicles before restoration started. c) Final appearance and standard of work. d) Regard to originality. Would entrants please bring photographs etc for the judges to view. Trophy winners will be announced at the Branch AGM 25 June 2017.


MOTORCYCLE TROPHIES TO BE AWARDED AT AGM TOLHURST TROPHY Awarded annually to the oldest motorcycle competing in both the Annual Rally and Annual Motorcycle Rally for the Canterbury Branch for the 2016/2017 season. MacGREGOR TROPHY Motorcycle Trophy for the PWV motorcycle, which attends the most Canterbury Branch runs for the 2016/2017 season on the same PWV motorcycle. It has to include two of the following - The Annual Rally, Annual Motorcycle Rally and /or Jim Toohey Run. Please contact Les Freeman 358 4549 (Motorcycle convenor) By 1 June if you are eligible for these trophies.

Canterbury Branch Web Site


Restoration of the year Entry Form

Name of Entrant: _______________________________________ Make and Model of vehicle: __________________________________ Year of Manufacture: __________________________________ Group Trophy entering for ___________________________________ Date Restoration Completed: __________________________________ Known History of Vehicle: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (Continue on separate page if necessary) Please describe the extent of the restoration: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Continue on separate page if necessary) Please Indicate what task completed by yourself and/or by professional: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (Continue on separate page if necessary) We would appreciate any photos you have tracking the progress from start to finish being made available on the day of judging. Entries Close 3rd June To: George Kear, 40 Rossendale Road, RD5, CHCH 7675 Ph 347 0315 37

Copy for the June Hub closes on Friday 19 May , 2017 Post to "The Editor", Cindy Hey 6b Aztec Place, Redwood, Christchurch 8051

phone 352 6266 email The views expressed in the 'Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255

Canterbury Branch Web Site Email: Postal address: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch

Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall

A/C 03 1594 0096832 00

Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit.



May 2017


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