Central Otago VCC June 2017

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JUNE 2017 Issue: 324

Puff ‘n Stuff Central Otago Branch, Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc


Front; my firewood stacking day, and “Makarora House’ my 23 TT is earning its keep as well I get to do a lap or two to warm up the oil. Rear;

Snow scenes, reminding us to attend to the firewood!

Club nights: Second Wednesday of Month. 8pm Clubrooms / Parts Shed: Litany Street, Cromwell. Copy deadline for next edition FIVE days after meeting day. Stories and photos unable to be used in next edition will be saved for later editions.

The stickers are now available e-mail Lindsay <olsen.cromwell@gmail.com> Or give him a call at 03 4450065 Please !! To date we have sold more than 1298 stickers to 22 Branches, with some repeat orders recently placed. Let others know which Branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made of high quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen or on the body-work. (They are easily removed with a hair-dryer.) Cost $1.50 each. (A worthwhile profit goes to our club.) To order yours, contact Lindsay Olsen; Phone: (03) 445 0065 E-mail: olsen.cromwell@gmail.com

The opinions and information presented in this newsletter are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the club or its officers. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information or opinions expressed.




Partner: Phone: Chairman:

Bill Crooks


Vice Chairman Murray George Secretary: Treasurer:

Murray Pryde


442 0255 0274333321


billandgill@vodafone.co.nz murraygeorgeelec@xtra.co.nz

443 5020


Club Captain: Club Rooms / Yard Rodger Bisset



0274 331 693 Social Conv.:

Roddy Maxwell


445 0682

Parts Conv.:

Roger Healy


442 0861


Alister Stewart


442 1146


Allan McDonald , John Loudon

Elaine Sheila

445 3255 448 7192


Editor: Magazine ;

Graham Taylor Cheryl 4431416 gtml@xtra.co.nz printers and distributors; Greg and Karelan Doran

Idle Torque

John Loudon


John Martin ,


448 7192


445 0598

Health and Safety; Greg Doran , Karelan

442 0962

Area Reps: Arrowtown Alexandra -

Alister Stewart , Mary John Loudon Sheila

4421146 448 7192

Lindsay Olsen Graham Taylor


445 0065


445 3181

Cromwell Wanaka Bar manager

Charlie Storey




Rally Convener: Blossom Festival; Graham Taylor Murray George, Murray Pryde National Day co-ordinator Lindsay Olsen Glenis Olsen.cromwell@gmail.com Golden Times

; Bill Crooks Kevin Vanderwater Rob Young

Moped Rally

; Lindsay Wilkie John Martin


SUNDAY RUNS and other Events; Next meeting Wednesday 12th JULY Oamarama over night run meet at Tarras 10 am, Saturday July 15th, , Morning tea at the Tarras coffee shop, over Lindis, invigorating alpine views , to Heritage Hotel Oamarama, for night, Hot pools at Oamarama, before or after Dinner, a great experience, Good shops for winter clothing purchases, morning tea at Wrinkly Ram, return home Sunday , Enquiries John Wilson 4453592 or Graham Taylor. Sunday 13th August Wanaka Area


The National day is set for the 27th August 2017 and will be coordinated by a central team somewhere around Hawkes Bay. I think the Cancer Society are doing the logo and there will be a template of what all branches should be doing, a standard charge of $10.00 per vehicle whether public or club will all go to the Cancer Society. . For the Central Otago area an event will be held in the Alexandra, Cromwell, Wanaka and Wakatipu areas the details will be sorted and confirmed at the JULY meeting. September 23rd Blossom Rally detail to be confirmed at the JULY meeting September 24th Wings and Wheels Alexandra Airport. January 20th 2018 meet

Cromwell Classic Car show and VCC swap-

March 17th 2018 Scenicland rally Greymouth always good value (contact me to keep in the loop.) as It would make a good trip from here , and you have a whole year to prepare for it, two days from here to Greymouth or longer if that is what is wanted, return as a group through Arthurs Pass . Register your interest with me. Graham Taylor.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. If you have an idea or suggestion for a Sunday run or otherwise, Please contact me and I will forward on for consideration.


Chairmans Annual Report June AGM 2017 Looking back over the past year at our rallies, monthly runs, projects and activities has in my mind posed many questions. Firstly to all the active members your support, input, working bees, and projects is the life blood of our Club. Without you there would be no COVCC. This poses the first question. We have gained an increase of new members more than most branches of the VCC. Yet I don’t see the numbers on rallies, or monthly meetings increasing to match this growth. The percentage of local members on our two main rallies to our total membership is poor to say the least How can we improve this? We attempted over the past year to formulate an annual plan we talked about the hardware things, maintenance issues and capital project the upgrade of the kitchen but there is always a but. We didn’t talk about the people things as these are much harder. It is time we did. I wrote a list that was published in the Puff n Stuff last year looking back there are not too many we can say can be ticked off. Graham wrote a good paper on promotional ideas which there was a short discussion at the May meeting. The number and range to discuss we would have been there all night. Graham has touched on these people issues he has put a great deal of thought and there are some great ideas but we need members from throughout the COVCC for their input instead of flogging the converted. Maybe involving more members may help to improve the percentage of active members. If elected as chairman again the annual plan will be the on the agenda for the July meeting. Firstly we need to agree on a format then the detail. The same needs to be carried out on Graham’s promotional ideas. May I remind all it is our responsibility to have an active Club for the next generation but my theme will be not to flog the willing. To our secretary Murray to beaver away in all that paperwork your persistence and input is much appreciated To Lindsay our treasurer the facts and figures man a big thanks I believe you are standing down but hope you will support and assist our new treasurer. To Graham our editor well what can I say not only have you always put out month after month a great local mag but you have organised the blossom Festival rally. Your changes in format only had one thing in mind to attract more members on the rally. Your enthusiasm to give it a go is an example to us all. Greg the improvements just look upstairs in the tunnel barn the Health & Safety will continue to improve. This reflects your enthusiasm and help as a Club Member. To John and Johnny hope you will continue as Co-Club Captains thanks for putting your hand up I’m sure together the work load will be manageable.




Swop meet


Sunday Run



25th Moped Rally

/ Grahams Trip to the Westland Branch Scenicland rally

21st Golden Times Rally Arrowtown

MAY 13th Sunday Run


17th Sunday Run

JULY 15th Sunday Run

AUGUST 27th National Day rallies

SEPTEMBER 22nd Bloosom Festival Rally Alexandra

OCTOBER 14th Sunday Run

At Church on Sunday we were told this tale of a married couple in their 90’s who had been to a councillor regarding their memories. Write it down, was the message so when the husband asked his wife if she would like some dessert she replied yes please, but with some strawberries and “write that down”. No need was the reply, “anything else? “ she replied that cream would be nice, and write that down, “Pavlova, Strawberries and cream”.

NOVEMBER 16th Overnight Run

“No I can remember that” says the husband….


And he took the plate into the dining room, “here it is, bacon and eggs as asked for”




“No its not” was the reply, “where is my toast?” Perhaps the younger members could come up with something but ‘senior’ jokes take a lot of beating!


Minutes of the AGM of the COVCC held on the 14th June 2017 in the club rooms Litan Cromwell Visitor -Alister Munro Queenstown- Borgward Isabella

Apologies- Rob Young, Noel Hassed, Tim Woods, Dave Manson, Maureen Johnson, Alan Porter, Trev Tamblyn, Ted Pope, - Moved Don Yeaman- Roger Bisset - carried Minutes of the previous AGM were rear and confirmed - Alon Mayhew - Graham Taylor - carried Treasurers report presented and adopted moved Lindsay Olsen -Roger Healy - carried Chairmans report was read and adopted . Bill Crooks - Geo Page - carried Election of officers Nominated


Chairman ; Bill Crooks

Murray George

Greg Doran

Vice Chairman; Murray George

Graham Taylor

Lyn Yeaman


Murray George

Roger Healy

Murray Pryde

Treasurer Karelan Doran Club Captain

Alon Mayhew

Murray Pryde

(Still to be formalised)

Clubrooms & Yard Roger Bisset

Graham Taylor

Roger Healy

Social Convener Roddy Maxwell

Murray Pryde

Alon Mayhew


Roger Healy ,John Loudon, Noel Hassed, Alan McDonald, Alister Stewart

Editor Graham Taylor

Murray Pryde

Magazine Distribution; Greg & Karelan Doran Idle Torque scribe ;

John Loudon

Graham Taylor

Murray Pryde

Lindsay Olsen Roger Healy Graham Taylor


ny t


Librarian; John Martin

Roddy Maxwell

Bar Manager Charlie Storey

Greg Doran

Health & Safety; Greg Doran

Murray Pryde

Geo Page Roger Healy Geo Page

Area Reps Arrowtown - Alister Stewart Alexandra John Loudon- Cromwell- John Martin Wanaka Graham Taylor Rally Conveners- Alexandra Blossom Festival Graham Taylor, Murray Pryde, Murray George Arrowtown Festival Bill Crooks, Rob Young ,Kevin v der Water, Greg Doran Moped- Lindsay Wilkie, John Martin. National day;

-Lindsay Olsen-

Club Delegate;

Bill Crooks.

Alon Mayhew , Alan McDonald

My Favourite, 35 Ford Coupe at the Petrol Heads Breakfast June 17


Minutes of the June 2017 General meeting held on the 14th Minutes of the May meting were confirmed -John Martin - Graham Taylor-carried Correspondence - New member - Gerry Vaughan Wanaka- 39, 54, Chevs 55 landrover Email from Graham Taylor re guest speakers etc Insurance- New valuation completed email from Jonny Price re National day Treasurers report, tabled -Lindsay Olsen - Roger Healy Parts - thanks to the people for donations of parts-lots of sales last month Roddy Maxwell donated lights for the tunnel barn Moved Geo Page -Lindsay Olsen that we purchase LED lights for the sheds and clubrooms carried $300 offer given for a Austin A35 Editor - reports in quickly please General - Colour steel new spouting and facings to be looked into by Geo Page Geo also to give a demonstration next meeting on re riving a chassis. Supper was served on the occasion of the appointment of Alon & Tracy Mayhews Life Membership. Alon spoke on the notice of motion 2 for the National AGM that could cost the club serious money Maybe $150000

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Your Health, winter is harder as we age so best wishes for those of you who have health problems, and that you have a successful recovery.


Editors Comment; Well we had a good turn out at the AGM, the room has been arranged to have a more meeting friendly set up, the most important new position is that of Karelan Doran ‘volunteering’ to be the treasurer. Alon and Tracy Mayhew were made life members of the club in recognition of the work done in many areas of activity. The question was raised re the notice of motion 2 inserted into this months Beaded Wheels, please read it carefully as well as the message from the management committee and comment by Rod Brayshaw on page 30. The proposer of the remit is Leon Salt chairman of the Warkworth -Wellsford branch, who is a very active member. Leon was in the committee appointed to look into the future of the VCC and this classification was discussed at our meeting in Auckland. The intention is to make the VCC more relevant not only to the public but ourselves, and in todays terms some of the classifications are ‘quaint’. However I have to agree with the management committee in this case is that the proposed change would be expensive and more importantly impact on how REGULATORY AUTHORITY views our activity… In that we as a club have had years of negotiation in order to have our vehicles on the road at an affordable cost, both in registration and insurance fees . Other clubs such as the Hot Rodders and Classic Car Clubs have benefitted from the VCC’s ability to lobby. Rod Brayshaw is rightly concerned I had a phone conversation with him regarding the legality of my Overland now five years and 10,000 miles ago. I realise this will not seem to affect a lot of our members who have gained the benefits with little or no input to the club however think of the possible reality of paying full registration, and insurance for a start and consider dealing with a system that does not recognise the relevance of age when going for a WOF. For those of you who are active please consider your vote carefully. I feel that Leon is reacting to the general lethargy in our club by suggesting a bold move something I can relate to, but needs quite a bit more though as to its possible implementation. We all have a chance to wake up and get in behind the NATIONAL Day on the 27th of August and show the public that we can have some fun and our vehicles have a fascination befitting any worthwhile hobby. ED


Seen at the Chelsea Flower Show Photos; John Taylor


Blossom Festival Possible format for discussion at the July Meeting. Meet at the Bowling club. Cars in procession carry Senior Citizens ? Display on Bantry St visit the festival. Field tests 80 km run to Omakau / Ophir for evening meal and prize giving. Sunday join in with Wings and wheels Alexandra Airport.

FOUND the ideal Club Captain, He’s a cool hard working upright citizen, seen here waiting for the last rally entrant to snow up. Oh well you gets what you pays for!


More photos from the Chatto Creek Hayes Workshop Sunday run




Vintage Cars through the decades from 1900





The Value of a good vocabulary; I called an old classmate and was asked what he was doing . He replied that he was working on “Aqua-thermal treatment, of ceramics, aluminium and steel under a constrained environment. I was impressed. Upon further enquiring I learned that he was washing dishes with hot water under his wife’s supervision………..

Puff N Stuff DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT RATES From June 2017 Full Page $300.00 Half Page $ 150,00 Quarter Page $ 75.00 Note for Wanaka Members Barry Bain would like a member to take his car for a run as he is unable to drive due to recovering from surgery, 6 Merino Drive, Aspiring Lifestyle Village ph 265 3032

Other good stuff;

in the parts dept

Tyres, Tubes, Wheels, axles, brakes, transmissions, chassis, spark plugs, engines, body parts, gauges, caps, bearings, brake kits, Head and sundry gaskets, electrical bits, Carburettors , fuel pumps, Ford, models T , A and V8, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Austin and Austin 7 , Morris, Minor, Mini , Vauxhall, Standard, Rootes Group, Spark Plugs Galore at $ 2.50 each, some of these have matured to the point where they will be self igniting ! (saving on expensive distributors and all that wiring). And many other makes have bits here!!!



Watch Repairs


Level 2 O’Connells Pavillion Queenstown 027 217 0442

twinbridges@xtra.co.nz 5-14

Graham Taylor Mechanical Ltd 114 Shortcut Road, Luggate. gtml@xtra.co.nz 443 1416


Return Address: 114 Shortcut Road, RD2, Wanaka


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