Central Hawke's Bay VCC November 2016

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November 2016

CENTRAL HAWKE’S BAY BRANCH of the VINTAGE CAR CLUB of NZ (Inc) Lamb Country Branch Email: centralhawkesbay@vcc.org.nz

Contributions should be emailed to the Editor no later than (25th of each month)


Club Nights

7.30pm 3rd Wednesday of every Month

Coming Events Postal Address 94 Mt Herbert Road Waipukurau, 4200 NOMINATED POSITIONS

Annual Veteran Rally & Fifth Birthday Celebrations Friday night 18th—Saturday 19th—Sunday 20th November

Open to all other VCC eligible vehicles

CHAIRMAN Bruce Poole brucepoole@xtra.co.nz 06 858 9940

Please note: Entries Close on the 9th November — NO late entries will be accepted — Please enter now!

SECRETARY Shirley Foot

The 2016 “Central Hawke's Bay Veteran Rally” will incorporate the branch’s fifth birth- jsfoot@xtra.co.nz day party, and all other club acceptable vehicles are invited to enter. 06 858 8301 They will travel a separate route with a common lunch venue. The rally will be based in Waipukurau, Central Hawke’s Bay. Veterans will cover an area of the district that TREASURER Suzanne McCool will include some hill work and travel across good sealed roads. 06 856 8087

Other vehicles will travel over some stretches of gravel surface. The roads are good, pandscool29@gmail.com but may provide some challenges for the less able single and twin cylinder vehicles.

Programme Friday 18th November: It is anticipated that some entrants will arrive in Waipukurau before the next day’s rally. A gathering of those entrants with BYO take-aways and refreshments can join with us for a noggin-n-natter which will take place in the evening at Rod and Scarlett’s home 39 Francis Drake Street, Waipukurau where we can all catch up with friends and meet any people new to the event. Saturday 19th November: The rally will start in Russell Park, Waipukurau. The first car will leave at 10.00am, so you may have some time to browse the shops before we leave. We will drive on good country roads to a Local Tavern where we will have lunch arranged for our group. There will be dinner and entertainment in the evening. Not a BYO thank you.

CLUB CAPTAIN Rod McKenzie rod.mckenzie.wpk@xtra.co.nz 06 858 9562 COMMITTEE John Foot V.I.C. (I.D. Card) Coordinator jsfoot@xtra.co.nz 06 858 8301 Lynn Cross secross@xtra.co.nz 06 858 9814 Peter McCool pandscool29@gmail.com 06 856 8087

Sunday 20th November: This day we will travel by back roads to Norsewood to visit a member’s shed and garden for lunch, and will Barry Smales finish in good time for those travelling some distance to barlyn@clear.net.nz get home before dark. 06 858 9956

Central Hawke’s Bay Members of the Vintage Car Club (Inc) look forward to your company.





CHB Branch

Events Calendar

Sat 12th

Car display at Waipukurau A & P show. Enter by Russell Park main gate. Car and Driver free entry for display purposes—Phone Rod for more details.

Fri 18th

Gathering of entrants and veteran owners at Rod and Scarlett’s home with BYO food and refreshments. Chin-wag and lies to be told.

Sat 19th

CHB VCC Veteran Rally and combined Fifth Birthday Rally [Is your entry in?]

Sun 20th

A run to Graham and Heather Cheer’s home at Norsewood for the rally entrants.

Other Events

Sat 3rd Waipukurau Christmas Street parade with the theme “Under the Christmas Tree”.

Sun 11th

Christmas Party at McCool’s Bach Waimarama.

Mon 19th

Committee meeting at McKenzie’s residence.

Sun 8th

[Tentative] Run with Wairarapa branch to Akitio Beach.

1st Jan. Taihape Gumboot Rally

Wed 18th

Club night dinner and meeting. May be a film will be shown.

Jan 20th to 23rd. Veteran and Burma Rally at Wanganui. Great Parliamentary Tour Sunday 29th Jan to 5th Feb Email: 2017parl.tour@gmail.com



29th Jan. Wheels with Attitude display in Dannevirke. 20th Year. Aussie cars featured.

Wed 15th

Wed Art Deco weekend (Entry forms are now 15th Sun available from the Art Deco Trust) 19th Mar 4th

Ormondville Railway Festival [Bill Rendle will advise later]

Wed 15th

Club Night Dinner and Meeting

Sat 24th Club Run-weekend to Taihape and Waiouru Sun25th Organisers John and Shirley Foot Fri 31st Sat 1st April


Sun 5th Feb. Manawatu Veteran Rally

Club night dinner and meeting TBA

Model T Ford Club Rally in Waipukurau. CHB VCC to assist.


Chairman's Chat On Friday the 21st October (Hawke’s Bay Anniversary weekend I took my youngest grand daughter Alizae as unfortunately Mya was sick. Leaving Waipukurau at 7.00am and meeting up with Jim Spicer and his (1946 Vauxhall) and Mike and Elenor Green with their (1935 Oldsmobile) in Waipawa we headed North to meet up with all the other entrance in the Hawke’s Bay Safari Rally at Fernhill by 8.00am. Twenty three entrance left Fernhill in very cloudy with light rain conditions. Morning tea was at Cameron Carpark where the weather conditions were fine but not long before the rain set in again and then it was onto Moawhango Vally Road and on to the lunch stop at Gravity Canyon, were it was fine again. It was then into Taihape for fuel and back to the Wool Company at Utiku for re-grouping. Then by various roads to arrive in Fielding to settle in and have a happy hour with entrance at Race Way Court Motel. On Saturday morning it was a much later start, 10.00am at the Coach House Museum for morning tea, a look through and excellent museum and then up to Rangiwaha and then on to Cross Hills Rhododendron Gardens for lunch, a look around the wonderful gardens. We then went to see some friends who are also friends of Ian and Kay Elmsly. From there it was on down to the Rangitikei Club for dinner, and to look at a collection of Holdens (No Monaros) then to Peter and Jennifer Thomson collection of Motorcycles. Our lunch venue was The Gables Classic Car Museum with Daimler and Rolls-Royce Cars, after lunch it was on to Rua Mudgway’s collection of Caterpillar Tractors, 200 Chainsaws and other memorabilia. That night the final dinner was held at the Raceway Court Motel who served an excellent meal. A great big Thank you to Trevor and Lyn Charman who organised another great safari and I would urge C.H.B members to join Hawke’s Bay next year. Our Annual Veteran Rally and 5th Birthday Celebrations are next on the list, Friday evening the 18th, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th of November, this is the first major Rally held by the CHB Branch since the National Easter Rally.

We need you to en-

ter please by the 9th of November, (Entry form is in “The Bleat”) Sorry NO late entries. On the Saturday evening there will be a dinner and a guest artist to entertain us and another run on Sunday. Please get behind this event as a lot of planning has gone into this to celebrate our 5th birthday. There will be NO normal club meeting night in November or December. A quick meeting will be held for the Marshalls on the 16th of November to finalise plans for the weekend. A story on the three photos at the end of last months Chairman's Chat is in this months Bleat. This is one way the editor is gathering a story or two so I look forward to the next edition to give me inspiration to tell some more tales. It is a bit like “Ripley’s” believe it or not. I trust you’ve all enjoyed all the varied meal venues this year and a Big Thank you to Barry and Lyn Smales for all this. Welcome to our NEW MEMBERS

Doug and Bronwyn Goldfinch See you all at our veteran and Birthday Rally and safe motoring.

Bruce Poole CHB Branch Chairman

When insuring your valuable items (property, car etc) with Vero, quoting the CHB number (39) results in a commission being made to our Branch.

Thank you for your ongoing support. 4

1971 H.G 350 Monaro (Lakeside Green) by Bruce Poole Early in 1970 three of us V.C.C. members Myself , John Hastilow (CHCH) and Harvey Kerr (Now passed on) went to Australia for the 1970 B.I Centennial International Vintage Car Rally from Sydney to Melbourne, this was in the 1930 Chrysler 77. On the first day out to Goulbrn the car was having a little electrical problem (Twin point Distributor) and we were gassing up at a service station with the bonnet up and a guy pulled up to look and could see we were having problems. He had a friend who was an auto electrician and we followed him down to sort it out. He discovered that a bush in the distributor was warn (about 1000 miles since total rebuild) so he fitted and machined a new bush. Very cheap $5.00.

The guy who helped us had a 1970 X.Y 351 GT Falcon and he said he was going out to see a mate in the country and would we like to go for a ride. All to quickly we accepted as none of us had even seen a GT Falcon and off we went. Really something. On arriving at his mates place he had an HT 350 Monaro. Boys will be boys and on the drive back to town we were doing 120mph and the Monaro pulled out and past us. We all looked at each other, the Falcon was nice but the Monaro was obviously the car to purchase.

At the end of the rally in Melbourne the South Australian V.C.C. had organised a run from Melbourne to Adelaide so it was on the road again. We had meet some very nice South Australian people and after the rally we stayed with them for about a week and saw some sights around Adelaide. John Hastilow flew back to New Zealand, Harvey Kerr had a sister in Darwin and he hitched hiked through the middle of Australia to see her. Two other builder mates from Palmerston North had arrived in Adelaide (Prearranged) and the three of us set off for Perth in the Chrysler.

I could write another thousand words on that trip, some other time, and we eventually arrived in Perth, stayed two nights at a back packers hostel walked into good building jobs got a new flat in Mossman park (Just North of Freemantle) and started work.

The idea of the Monaro was still there and the idea grew. We wrote to several Holden dealers in WA (Western Australia) and Adelaide and eventually found a new dealer in WA and we discussed the idea with him, he would have imported new cars from the U.S.A. if we wanted them but an order for two 350HG and one 253HG Monaros was placed, all Lakeside Green and for delivery early in 1971. We saw the cars arrive at the Holden delivery depot on a transporter and on the 5th of January at Lance Gibbons Motors with the photographers and the 77 lined up out front they were ours.

The cars were brought home to New Zealand, and my old one is still alive and probably the most original one in the world, the 253 had an argument with a bridge and lost and the other 350 has disappeared no trace at all. Someone reading this article may know of it. A write up on the car was done by Tony Haycock (Editor Classic Driver issue 51 Oct Nov 2013). I sold the car in late 1974 and have 5 regrets still to this day a very unique and rare car now.

Rod’s Rattling's October has seen members at various places throughout the country. A number attended the Canterbury Swap Meeting held at their club area at McLean’s Island west of the Christchurch airport over three days, and by all reports was a very successful meeting. Just the display cars were worth seeing I was told with 1000 plus vendor sites as well. Several also went to the Manawatu Branch swap meeting at Manfield, all under cover and just as well too, as it was wet and cold as charity. I parked up the MGB with a “For Sale” sign on it, lots of lookers and that’s about it. And several members have attended rally's in other branches too. There may even be a report for you to read.

Scarlett McKenzie viewing a very large Weta on one of the October Bush walks

We had a very pleasant run to three local bush parks on Sunday the 16 th, with 12 cars turning out. Six pre 1931 vintage vehicles appeared, with a very good cross-section representation from the Norsewood and Ormondville members. There should be a short write up on the day herein. Thanks to the Cross’s for their efforts.

We also had our monthly meeting at the “Civic Theatre” where we were treated to a very good meal along with a relaxing and enjoyable couple of hours of chat. This month there is a lot of activity coming up once more. The CHB A & P Show has invited us again to park up with a display of our vehicles. Bring your picnic lunch [or have a hot dog] and enjoy what there is to see. We have a sheltered area in a different place this time where it should be a bit quieter. There is also a display of vintage machinery which could be worth some time inspecting. It has become a huge horse sport event now which actually seems to go for about three days. The horse trucks parked behind our place make a “total eclipse of the show” for us whose section backs onto the showgrounds. The biggy this month of course, is our combined Veteran Run and Fifth birthday Rally on 19 th and 20th. The entry forms are attached again, so get yours in pronto to Suzanne McCool as we need to know numbers for catering and so on. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU PUT IN YOUR FORMAL ENTRY IF YOU WANT TO TAKE PART IN THIS CELEBRATION AS THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER MONTHLY RUN. There are quite a lot of entries already to hand, so come along and enjoy your old car on a full weekend’s rally.

There will NOT be a formal monthly meeting this month at a café as the committee felt it may be a bit tough on the pockets of some of our pensioner members. Coming up in December there is, first of all the Waipukurau Christmas Parade. Your committee have decided to enter a float *along with some of our cars+ as there is a prize of $1500 to win. I reckon a “free night out” at a café for our members could result if our float is good enough and successful. Come along and help with this by contacting one of the committee to see what is happening. On the 11th December is our Christmas Party, this year it is being held at McCool’s Bach at Waimarama. A run will deliver us all safe and sound to Waimarama prior to lunch. Again, there will be NO formal monthly meeting as it would be too close to Christmas for most members. The normal calendar will resume in January. A short meeting will be held at Waimarama if deemed necessary. In January the Wairarapa branch have invited us to join with them on a run to Akitio Beach. As we usually seem to have a beach run in January, the plan will be to join with them as requested. More information closer to the time will be forthcoming. And into the New Year there are umpteen other events on to attend held by other branches which information should come available closer to the dates if you have the time.

Rod McKenzie CHB Branch Club Captain For Sale Metal cabin trunk donated to the CHB branch by interested party. Scruffy condition and in need of restoration, but very suitable for putting on the back of a vintage car once done up. Measures 440mmW x 250mmD x 800mmL. Half the sale price to branch funds. Other half to the donor. Best offer secures, probably in the region of about $30.00. Rod McKenzie. Phone 06 858 9562




by Pat Malcolm

It was a welcome sight waking to a nice sunny day after rain on Saturday night and a huge thunderstorm further north. Twelve cars arrived at the Memorial Hall and it was great to welcome Pip and Jenny Halford from Norsewood in their Mark 11 Zephyr and Bill and Janet Rendle’s grandchildren Ella and Samuel.

Members standing in front of the very large Totara Tree, said to be around 600 years old.

After a good natter we headed via Lindsay Road to the Lindsay Reserve. It was a very enjoyable walk through the Reserve and various groups went different ways. Once out everyone was happy to chat but after a while we were on the way to our next stop. We travelled via Swamp Road (lucky there was no “Wally” award as the navigator in our car misread this instruction!) to come in by the Onga Onga golf course and travelled on SH50 before turning into Tukituki Road. After much twisting and turning we arrived at our lunch stop – Monktons Bush. It was a great sheltered, peaceful spot for our picnic lunch and the wood pigeons and Tuis were also enjoying the sunny day. Unfortunately we couldn’t do the bush walk as the swing bridge at the start was closed due to it being washed out at some stage. The stream was far too wide for us “mostly senior citizens” to attempt to cross and climb up a steep bank on the other side to start the walk. However, everyone was happy to sit in different areas in the sun and natter – very relaxing. It was off again travelling on several more country roads to arrive at Adeane’s Bush. Everyone enjoyed this easy bush walk and photos were taken beside a massive Totara tree said to be 600 years old. It was approx. 3 metres in diameter so very impressive. There was a nice picnic area and no one was in a rush to leave, so another very relaxing chat was enjoyed by all. The countryside on our travels looked so lush and green with country gardens showing a lot of lovely spring colours. Many thanks to Lynn & Sandra Cross for organising a very enjoyable, relaxed outing. Lynne Smales commented at the start that we really only needed to set up our chairs in the car park at the Memorial Hall and have our picnic lunch as everyone was so happy just nattering. 7

PROPOSED TRIP TO THE WAIOURU MILITARY MUSEUM The programme organisers — John and Shirley Foot Friday 24th March 2017 Travel to Taihape and visit some of the local V.C.C. members premises in the afternoon. Saturday 25th March 2017 Travel via back roads to the Tangiwai rail crash memorial then on to the museum for lunch. After lunch we will do the Museum tour which will be followed by the behind the scenes tour. Each tour takes 1 to 1 ½ hours. Sunday 26th March 2017 We will travel South to Gravity Canyon after which we will travel via back roads to come out on the Napier Taihape road approx. 5km from the Ngamatea Station turnoff.

The total cost for the museum guided tours is $25.00 per person If you are interested doing this tour please contact John or Shirley Foot. Phone 06-858-8301 or Email jsfoot@xtra.co.nz no later than the 15th November 2016.

Vehicle year, make and model Name Badges. This is an optional idea from Michael Harding. If you wish to have the details of your vehicle on a separate badge, we can do this for you. The cost is $12.00 per badge. It will look just like your name badge but your name will be replaced with your vehicle details. Michael has a sample. Please contact Scarlett McKenzie 06 858 9562 if you wish to order one/two/three? depending how many vehicles you have!

Ford Motor Co ends car manufacturing Ford Motor Co. ended 91 years of car manufacturing in Australia on Friday 7th October, with the remaining two Australian car makers due to close their doors next year. Ford Australia said it built the world's last six-cylinder, rear-wheel drive Falcon XR6 at its Broadmeadows plant in Melbourne where 600 employees lost their jobs. About 3.5 million Falcons, once Australians' most popular car, have been built since 1960, although few have been exported. Perhaps the most famous was a black 1973 XB GT Ford Falcon Coupe that became the Interceptor driven by Mel Gibson's character in the 1981 movie "The Road Warrior."

Australian Ford Falcon almost replaced the Crown Vic The last Falcon will be exhibited in the Ford Australia museum, the Australian subsidiary's chief executive officer, Graeme Whickman, told reporters outside the plant. "Today is an emotional day for the entire team of Ford Australia,"Whickman said. "We are saying goodbye to some wonderful manufacturing colleagues who have done a great deal for Ford in Australia," he said. Ford, General Motors Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. announced in 2013 that they were quitting Australia and shedding 6,600 jobs because of high production costs, distance from potential export markets and increasing competition. Ford will continue to sell and service imported cars in Australia and Australia-based engineers will help develop designs of vehicles that will be manufactured overseas, the company said. Because of that continuing presence, Whickman said Ford will become the largest employer in the Australian automotive industry when Toyota and General Motors subsidiary GM Holden end production in 2017. The V8 Holden Commodore is sold in the United States as the Chevrolet SS. Ford will employ 2,000 staff at Broadmeadows and the Victoria state towns of Lara and Geelong. Ford opened its first Australian production line at Geelong in 1925. 8

Falcon Funds the Future — Historic Auction of Final Falcon — Other Fords Nets $353,000 to Support Broadmeadows and Geelong Communities Inspire Next-Generation Innovators —Media Advisory The iconic Ford Falcon’s legacy lives on in many ways, including through local kids after $231,000 was raised from auctioning the final saleable Falcon, Falcon Ute and Territory to fund STEAM robotics programs at Northern Bay College in Geelong and Hume Central Secondary College in Broadmeadows. Ford raised $122,000 from auctioning the Falcon XR6 Sprint No. 500 of 500 with proceeds (minus taxes) going to its longest-standing charity partner, ‘Give Where You Live’ in Geelong. Ford’s continuing product development operations across Broadmeadows and Geelong, including nearly $2 billion in local R&D investment in the past six years, trace back to development of the early Falcons to meet harsh Australian conditions. The auction taps the rich legacy of Falcon and the manufacturing teams as the company builds on the largest automotive R&D presence in Australia, including $300 million this year alone. Ford will keep the absolute final Falcon, Falcon Sprint, Falcon Ute and Territory in Australia, which are nonregisterable, for public display at local museums and events to keep the manufacturing team and vehicles’ legacies alive well into the future. Auction Results: Auction results for the final saleable Falcon, Falcon Ute, Territory and Falcon XR6 Sprint No. 500 of 500 are as follows:  Kinetic “Ford blue” Falcon XR6 sedan  Sale Price: $81,500  Purchased by Mark Jeffs (Boronia, Victoria)   

Smoke grey Falcon Ute XR6 Turbo Sale Price: $81,000 Purchase by John Bradbury (Sunbury Ford)

  

Silver Territory Titanium diesel Sale Price: $68,500 Purchased by Mark Jeffs (Boronia, Victoria)

  

Winter White Sprint XR6 (No. 500 of 500) Turbo Sale Price: $122,000 Purchased by John Bradbury (Sunbury Ford)

Where will the proceeds go? Ford will donate the auction proceeds (minus taxes) from Falcon XR6 Sprint No. 500 of 500 to its longest-standing charity partner, ‘Give Where You Live’ in Geelong. This year, Ford celebrated the 50th anniversary the charity’s Loaned Executive Program in which Ford leaders inspire local community members. Ford also is doubling contributions to Give Where You Live this year through corporate funding. Ford will continue to be a major employer in Geelong through the Research and Development Centre and at the You Yangs Proving Ground. Proceeds (less taxes) from the auction of the last saleable Falcon XR6 Sedan, Falcon XR6 Turbo Ute and Territory Titanium will fund the expansion or creation of hubs for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM, formerly STEM) programs Northern Bay College in Geelong and Hume Central Secondary College in Broadmeadows. Ford engineers will also work with the schools to mentor and sponsor teams of kids competing around the world in STEAM robotics competitions. Comments: “Our support of STEAM education and ‘Give Where You Live’ underpins our commitment to serve our communities as we become Australia’s largest automotive employer,” said Graeme Whickman, Ford Australia President and CEO. “Ford will remain a major presence in Australia and we will carry forward the legacy of our manufacturing team by continuing to design and engineer world-class vehicles for Australia and the world for many years to come.” “Our talented team is designing and engineering cars with leading safety, fuel economy technology and quality for Australians,” said Dave French, Director, Vehicle Programs, Asia Pacific Product Development Centre. “The $353,000 raised from the vehicle auctions will go towards STEAM education programs to inspire the next generation of Ford employees, as well as investing even more to ‘Give Where you Live’ in Geelong.” “The funds donated by Ford will support staff and students to take STEAM curriculum to a new level with additional infrastructure and programs that will inspire engagement and pathways in STEAM,” said Irene Iliadis, College Principal, Hume Central Secondary College. 9

National Veteran Rally 20th - 23rd January, 2017

Whanganui Newsletter (1) June 2016 Whanganui Branch is proud to host the National Veteran Rally in January, 2017. The proposed program allows entrants to enjoy activities and social events of the club as well as being part of Whanganui’s fabulous Vintage Weekend activities. The branch will also be running the historic Burma Rally on Sunday 22nd. There will be a combined prize giving dinner. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends with vintage cars to travel together and experience a unique Wellington Anniversary Weekend.

Proposed program: Friday 20th January:

6.00pm at the clubrooms for registration, parts shed open and BBQ dinner

Saturday 21st January:

8.30am River city Farmers Market open, on the Whanganui Riverbank. 9.00am Free park up and display in Victoria Avenue, registration continues. 11.00am-2.30pm optional MV Wairua Riverboat Lunch Cruise. 5.00pm Classic Cruise organised by Vintage Weekend Trust, 50 minutes around the town, separate start time for veteran vehicles. 6.00pm Classic Cruise prize giving at The Grand Hotel, light dinner Vintage Weekend activities continue around Victoria Avenue.

Sunday 22nd January:

9.00am First car away, return for lunch beside river, park up and display 12.00pm Riverside Festival Opens, lots of activities, food & drinks for all ages 1.00pm Paddle Wars racing on the river, Paddle Steamer versus traditional Waka 6.00pm Pre dinner drinks at the racecourse 6.30pm Combined dinner and prize giving with Burma Rally entrants, Whanganui Raceco

Monday 23rd January:

Morning – early afternoon Vintage Weekend Soapbox Derby, 10.00am Visit to Bruce and Jenny Ardell’s Vintage Museum, Parts Department and Homestead. Late morning tea/ light lunch provided.

Entry forms will be available in August 2016. This newsletter has been posted to all VCC of NZ registered veteran vehicle owners. It is an invitation to register your interest in receiving further information regarding this rally. If you know of anyone who has missed out on this newsletter, or the address is incorrect, or you do not wish to receive further newsletters please let us know. The preferred method of circulating further information is by email. Please give us your email address or advise us that you would like to receive future information by mail.

For further Information please contact Linda O’Keeffe Rally Secretary Whanganui Branch Postal: PO Box 726 Whanganui 4540 Phone: 027 4733 767 Email: lokeeffe@xtra.co.nz 10

2017 National North Island Easter Rally


Friday 14th April — Monday 17th April The Auckland Branch would love you to join us for a weekend of great rural vintage motoring, excellent company and fun entertainment – all at a low cost. Most Aucklander’s leave Auckland for Easter weekend so please come and enjoy what Auckland has to offer without the traffic hassle. The format for the weekend is as follows: Friday: A Welcome Garden Party and casual dinner at our clubrooms in Penrose. Our spare parts and extensive library will be open. Pick up your rally pack, catch up with other entrants over a drink and afternoon tea and stay on for an early light dinner. Saturday: Rally Day – competitive and touring options: starting in South Auckland. The rally will be held over rural South Auckland roads, including some private roads. These are as quiet as anywhere else in the country. In the evening we will again host entrants at our clubrooms for dinner and light entertainment. Sunday: Starting again from South Auckland, entrants will tour at their leisure to the rural village of Clevedon, where we will host you at a member’s property for a picnic lunch and gymkhana. There are also other options close by to visit – markets, historic homestead, winery and beaches. Sunday evening will be the Prize giving Dinner and Dance held at the Commercial Travellers Club in Remuera. Monday:

Free for you to head home.

Your organising committee is aiming to make this a fun,low cost weekend. As a branch we are now travelling to other branch events in a group, traversing less travelled back roads and find this is becoming very popular. So take up the challenge and get your branch organised to do likewise for National North Island Easter Auckland 2017. If you have any route suggestions for avoiding the main highway or going to places of interest closer to Auckland please make contact. For all queries regarding any aspect of the weekend please contact the Rally Secretary. Tracey Winterbottom vintagesunbeam@hotmail.co.nz


For Sale 1914 Overland Model 79T Touring Fully Restored A great motoring vehicle Spare parts and information Won best restoration award in 2008 Willys Overland Club Victoria, Australia.

Price: $60,000 Phone: Neil Cox 021 023 33948 Competing in the CHB Veteran Rally, February 2016

Wanted to buy 1.

One black & silver number plate starting with CA


Two black & silver plates ending with 52 doesn't matter what they start with. Please contact Keith Hopping oldhop@clear.net.nz or phone/text 021742302. CAN YOU HELP This photograph was taken outside CADMAN THOMPSON MOTORS Ltd, 95 Albert Street, Auckland sometime in 1938. The VACUUM OIL petrol tanker on the left of the photo was built on a Reo bus chassis. I have an A.B. DONALD LTD. (New Zealand REO agents) sales advertisement from the WEEKLY NEWS that states they sold several of these tankers to Vacuum Oil Company (Pty) Ltd. New Zealand. Does anyone remember these vehicles or know what became of them. The car is a 1937 Buick and appears to have a 1938/39 number plate. If you have any information please contact: John Foot, 94 Mount Herbert Road, Waipukurau. 12 Phone 06-858-8301 Email: jsfoot@xtra.co.nz

Angela Annear An authorised Travel Broker for Searle Travel Ltd. Consultations are by appointment.

Ph: 06 8589082

Cell: 027 2811306

Email: angela@searletravel.co.nz Website: www.angelas-travel.co.nz

Searle Travel Broker

PO Box 264, Waipukarau, 4242. 10 Brooker Place, Waipukarau, 4200, Central Hawke's Bay

I am an experienced Travel Consultant beginning my Travel Career as a school leaver in the Government Tourist and Publicity Department in Wellington. After that I trained as a school dental nurse, married and raised a family of four in the countryside and then retrained in travel in 1990 attending Polytechnic two evenings a week. My first travel venture was “Angela’s Travel Club” which took many Central and Southern Hawke's Bay people to shows in Wellington and Auckland. We also organised garden trips and my biggest achievement was to arrange the trip for forty people to the Floral Art Exhibition in South Africa in February 1999. I arranged a Magical Music Tour to Europe in 2015. The Beethoven Festival in Bonn will be the highlight of this tour. Other highlights include Concerts, Opera in Venice and Milan, Mass with the Vienna Boys Choir, and a short river Cruise.In December 1999 I purchased Budget Travel in Waipukurau, which went on to become Holiday Shoppe. This was a very successful time for me and I was delighted to win “Top Shop” in 2005 within this franchise. I now work from my home office in Waipukurau. I can offer personalised service and attention to detail by an experienced senior travel consultant. Phone me when you need flights, accommodation, tours, shows and ferry bookings.

Graeme and I are now home from our Peru “adventure” and yes we got to Machu Picchu. As always, it was cloudy and mysterious looking and a real highlight of our Peru adventure. And then we tasted “cue” the Peruian treat, known to us New Zealanders as guinea pig……cooked Peru style. Peru was a great adventure. We thoroughly recommend a small group tour to South America. Contact me for trip details.

e-mail: angela@searletravel.co.nz Phone: 06 858 9082 Cell: 027 281 1306




Gavin Harris


Architectural Designer Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 2

For all engine reconditioning and parts supply 298 Broadway Avenue Palmerston North

27 Coventry Avenue Napier

Phone: 06 35 71182

Phone: 06 844 4267

Fax: 06 356 6722 Email: bhengserv@clear.net.nz

Cell: 027 478 4215 Email: gavinharris@xtra.co.nz

PERRY’S CARWRECKERS Wide Range of Second-hand Car Parts 60’s to Today

Wayne Coughlan Road PO Box 442, Waipukurau 4242 Phone: 06 8589123 Fax: 06 8589126 Cell: 021 127 3064

pudsrepairs@hotmail.com Labour $50.00 per hour + GST and Materials

RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL LIFESTYLE & RURAL Central Hawke's Bay — Takapau to Otane Make Real Estate A Cruise Our Clients & Customers will receive the finest service in Real Estate

Dianne Ogilvie — Sales Manager Licensed Real Estate Salesperson under REAA 2008 36 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau.

Phone: 06 858 5515 — Mobile: 027 294 8506 Email: dianne@patrickandscott.co.nz 14


Free Advertising available for members OR non members for PRIVATE SALE Vehicles, parts, machinery etc —please contact Bruce Poole, Rod McKenzie, Shirley Foot or “The Bleat” Editor joycecalder@gmail.com to place your advertisement. For Sale Two well worn 4.75-5.00 x 19 Firestone tyres. Good for a display vehicle or to use on a restoration so you can push it round the shed.

Phone: Rod McKenzie 06 858 9562

LAMB COUNTRY CENTRAL HAWKE’S BAY NEW ZEALAND CHB Information Centre at the Old Railway Station info@lambcountry.co.nz: Phone 06 8586488


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