Eastern Bay of Plenty VCC September 2017

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The Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch of

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand PO BOX 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159

September 2017


___________________________________________________________________________ Club Night: Last Thursday of the month (except December) at Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00 pm Social get together Branch meeting starts at 7.30 PM


THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NZ Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch Postal Address: PO Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159 Branch Officers: 2017/2018 Honorary Branch Member

Lorolei Pollard

Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Club Captain

Les Costar position to be filled Gail Costar Joy Growden Barry Keene

07 323 6406


07 304 9777 07 308 8204

les.gail.costar@slingshot.co.nz growden@xtra.co.nz btkeene@clear.net.nz


Steve Growden Lytle Hall Lorraine Stock Alan Stock Peter Hadley Gail Costar


Margaret McKerras

07 304 9777 07 308 4044 07 308 7890 07 308 7890 07 312 9069 07 323 6406 07 304 9917 07 307 0407

Beaded Wheels Reporter Almoner Name Badge Sales Parts Shed Supervisors:

Peter Donovan Lorolei Pollard Peter Donovan Phil Leaming Steve Growden Keith Watson

07 312 5848 07 307 0373 07 312 5848 07 304 8415 07 304 9777 07 312 9081

Keith Watson Les Costar Keith & Margaret Watson Margaret Watson Lorraine Stock

07 312 9081 07 323 6406

kandmwatson@clear.net.nz les.gail.costar@slingshot.co.nz

07 312 9081


Margaret McKerras Les Costar

07 307 0407 07 323 6406

Thava Guy

Archivist VIC Collators: Saleable Items: Supper Supervisor Raffles Community Liaison: Whakatane: Kawerau:

growden@xtra.co.nz emeny.hall@nettel.net.nz alan.lorraine@clear.net.nz alan.lorraine@clear.net.nz les.gail.costar@slingshot.co.nz margaretmckerras@gmail.com runningboard10@gmail.com donovanz@xtra.co.nz donovanz@xtra.co.nz phil.leaming@xtra.co.nz growden@xtra.co.nz kandmwatson@clear.net.nz

07 308 7890 mckerras@paradise.net.nz les.gail.costar@slingshot.co.nz

Club Regalia For Sale: Contact: Keith and Margaret Watson (these will be available at Club Nights) EBOP Cloth Jacket Badges $7.50 EBOP Cloth Jacket Patches $10.00 EBOP Car Window Stickers $1.00 EBOP Car Bumper Badges $20.00 EBOP Lapel Badges $6.00 EBOP VCC Windscreen Stickers $2.00 EBOP Cloth Caps $15.00 Rally Number Holders s/s $15.00 NZVCC Winged Lapel Badges $7.50 VCC Cloth Winged Badges $13.00 EBOP Name Badges $15.00 (to be ordered) Please wear your name badge to VCC functions.

Club Night: At:

Last Thursday of the month (except December) Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00pm Social Get-together Branch Meeting starting at 7.30pm


From your Chairman: It has been quite a busy month for Gail and I and many of our Members. 8 Members in 4 cars joined with the BOP Branch on a run from Paengaroa to Pikowai and on to Pukehina then to lunch at Little Waihi, a great day was had by all. 25 of us enjoyed Nobby’s Nosh, a great night and meal at the RSA in rememberance of the original organiser Nobby Clarke. Gail and I went off to Blenheim for the National AGM and Executive Meeting. The Forward’s, Donovan’s, Growden’s, Spackman’s and Costar’s went off to Rotorua for the Sulphur City Rally, only to get lost, then back on track, but a great days rallying with Steve and Joy taking second place in Post War and Mark and Karen taking third place in P60 and bringing home prizes. The following day we had the National Daffodil Day Rally, with 20 of our Club Cars and about 5 other cars taking part. It was a great effort by all those that could take the time out to participate as this was a great cause, as most people have been touched by cancer one way or another, and of course the money raised stays in this area. I know Barry will have the amount raised in his report. Let’s see if we can beat it next year. At the Classic Car Breakfast on Father’s Day, there were 8 Club Cars with 19 Members and friends, enjoying the day. It has been a great month for Vintage motoring and socialising for all of those who have been involved. Now the NOTES FROM THE NATIONAL AGM & EXECUTIVE MEETING Notice of Motion to simplify the Membership Application Forms failed to pass with 67% support. The Notice of Motion to change 3 Vehicle categories failed with 22% support. The total voting turnout of Members was only 19% nationally, with the Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch only just beating this with 21 Members voting making 20% of our Branch Members. There was only one change on the Management, with no vote required, Paul Collins didn’t seek re-election this year so Kaaren Smylie of BOP Branch was declared the North Island Club Captain. There was concern over the 2021 International Rally, as the Rally Director has resigned. There was quite a bit of discussion on International Rally’s and how to attract more participation, compared to the likes of Beach Hop, Americana and Art Deco. The John Goddard Trophy was awarded to the Beaded Wheels Committee, which between them they have given 100 years of voluntary service. There was much discussion on many topics with many speakers having their say, it was great to be amongst and listen to the these Members on their view of what was being discussed, because whether you agree with them or not, they have the VCC at heart and they are true enthusiasts. Last but not least, if you are thinking of resigning your Membership of the VCC, remember you get a discounted Insurance Premium from VERO Insurance, so if you must resign, remember to change your Insurance cover from 3

VCC to general or you may not be covered. So this must be a good incentive to continue your Membership with discounted Insurance along with the Beaded Wheels magazine, your Membership is great value, plus the opportunity to drive your fully insured vehicle and socialise with like minded people at VCC Events, what more could you ask for. Les

From your Club Captain: Once again Nobby's Nosh was a success and about 25 members had an enjoyable and sociable evening. Nobby started this annual event many years ago and it is normally held at the RSA of Fishing Club. He wanted the Club to have a relaxed and enjoyable evening together and that is what has been happening ever since. The Daffodil Rally and display went off well and raised $462 for the Cancer Society. $300 came from those in the Rally and $162.70 came from the public at the display. We had a good turn out of 25 cars despite the wind and threat of rain. We had about 18 members plus some from other clubs. The preliminary total for NZ VCC is $20,000 with more clubs still to give their figures. Our next Club Run is to Paeroa to attend their Antique and Vintage weekend. - Steve and Joy are arranging this and we meet on Friday 15th September at 10.00am at the Kawerau turn off at the Rotorua end at the metal dump. Let Steve or Joy know if you are going. On Wednesday September the 27th the EBOP Alzheimer Assoc. is holding a simple low key rally. Many of their dementia clients will be on joining in on it so may enjoy seeing some old cars. If interested please RSVP to them at ph 3080525 Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12 noon. The rally starts from the War Memorial Hall, meet at 9.am and leave at 9.30am. It finishes with lunch of either fish and chips or roast pork and costs $16/head. In October we are visiting Bruce and Lorraine Seddon at Pikowai. They have an amazing model train set up. It is one of the best that I have seen. Also there is their collection of old vehicles which they have recently been adding to. We meet at the Awakeri School car park at 1.30pm on Sunday afternoon 15th October. Plans are underway for the Gisborne's Club visit to us in November. This is again being based at the Ohiwa Holiday Park on the second weekend of November, 10th to 12th. If you are staying the Friday and Saturday nights they have offered a 15% discount provided you book direct with them and not go through any middlemen. Mention you are from the EBOP VCC. There will be a BBQ on the Friday night, a run on Saturday followed by a 'dinner' at the Holiday Park and we depart after breakfast on Sunday. If you do not want to stay at night feel free to join the rally on Saturday. Several members attended the Rotorua Sulphur City Rally. I have not heard if we took away any of the prizes this year so I assume we may not have. Evidently most of the Rally Entrants did some extra kilometres. At the last Club night it was suggested that we get a P80 Class trophy to be awarded at our East Coast Rally. So we are looking for suggestions and ideas of what this could be. Ideas so far ranged from cambelts to computers but please pass your ideas on to a committee member.


Included in this report are some guidelines on Straight Line Navigation. They are copied from the NZ VCC Club Manual. Next month as part of a rally to visit Bruce and Lorraine's I have put in a Straight Line exercise around Matata. This can be missed out if you want to.

Barry Keene


From your Secretary: Let me know if you would like an Entry Form for any of the following Rally’s: Northland Branch Far North Tour 3rd to 6th November. South Waikato TTT Rally Sunday 26th November – this is a one day Rally starting at 9.00 am at their Lichfield Clubrooms (between Putaruru and Tokoroa). Lunch and Prize-giving is all finished by about 2.30 – 3pm allowing plenty of time for the return trip home. King Country Branch Rally based in Taumarunui Saturday 14th October (entry forms should be available soon). We have been advised that Members with Vero Insurance who resign from the VCC should let Vero know, as they may not be fully covered if they have a claim. Cook Straight Ferry Crossings for VCC Members: Bluebridge Ferry Discount Code ANTIQUE CAR 10% discount off all available fares between now and 30 June 2018 (excl. 15 Dec – 15 Jan and Easter Weekend). www.bluebridge.co.nz

Interislander Discount Code WH5465 for fares each way: Off Peak Adult $47.00 Car $124.00 Peak Fares Adult $52.00 Car $137.00 www.interislander.co.nz VINTAGE CAR CLUB DISCOUNT FUEL OFFER: Application Forms available. Let me know if you would like one. Bay of Plenty Branch have extended a welcome for our Members to attend their Branch Events and would like to have more combined events with us. If you would like to receive emails of their events, let me know and I will forward them to you. Gail

From the Editor’s Desk The car on the front of this issue is Barry and Tessa Keane’s Willys Knight. Barry is our Club Captain and his headed up our Daffodil Run last Sunday. It was a good day with no rain thankfully. Some of the American cars are just beautiful – eye candy for me as a left driver doesn’t appeal to me and too expensive to run for our pocket however there was one superb red Mustang in that line up which I was most impressed with. I have added photos of the other cars in the “Out and About” section. You will remember last month that we had Part 1 of an article written by John Couch and Doug Wheeler about transporting trucks. Part 2 of that article is in this issue. Today is the first day of spring and it seems like it started a couple of weeks ago with warmers days and nights. We spent a few days in the garden cleaning up after the winter, and really felt my age for a couple of days after that.


John is getting ready to put another clutch in his old Peugeot 405 diesel that he uses as a runabout. It is a lovely old car and he reckons it is worth fixing. It seems to be a fact of life, with older cars, we are always needing to maintain them. Last month, John and I drove over to the Tauranga Branch movie night. It is held in their clubrooms and we arrived about 6.30 PM with a take away Pizza and then we watched the movie which was The Dam Busters, it was an oldie but a goodie. We really enjoyed the evening and it wasn’t a late night - movie started at 7.15 PM. Well worth going up there – the details of their next movie are in the BOP Klaxon however as I have read this I can tell you now that the movie is a double feature – Cheyenne Autumn – a western starring Richard Widmarkn, Carroll Baker and James Stewart. The other feature is a short movie filmed by NZBC of the 21st 1980 VCC Rally held at Rotorua. As they put it in the Klaxon - Real flicker movies night. The Club rooms are open at 6pm movie starts 7.15 pm. This month you may have noticed that there is a Pill Ribbon Country Ramble – in aid of breast cancer. Details of this are further in this issue. Some of you may like to get up a group to do this – it does look good and it is for an extremely worthwhile cause. Another item of interest for our American car owners is a proposed trip to Whakatane over Labour Weekend by the “Early American Car Club” (formed in 1974). Details of this are also in this issue. Until next time – happy and safe motoring. Margaret

East Coast Rally 3rd February 2018 The rally will be starting at Bunnings Whakatane and the Prize Giving dinner will be at Lyceum Club, Cnr Domain/McGarvey Rd (Bill Burt – River Mill Caterers is doing the meal) Mark & Karen Spackman are plotting the rally but require people to help with the organization plus Marshalls on the day. So if anyone is available please contact Karen on karen2mark@xtra.co.nz or phone 07 315 880


Pink Ribbon Country Ramble Saturday 9 September 2017 2 Groups: 11 am – 3 pm 11:30 am – 3:30 pm Tickets $20, from Pattersons & Presentables, The Strand Self-drive the Rangitaiki Plains. Gardens. Crafts. Shopping. Wine & Food Tastings 11 venues: including free food & fruit wine tastings @ White Goose Orchard, Bread Asylum & Sublime Caterers; 5 gardens & a Nursery; ending with a discounted swim @ Awakeri Hot Pools. Complimentary tea & coffee @ stop (8). Buy lunch @ stop (8), en route or bring a picnic. If extreme weather, transferred to Sunday 10. Maximum 100 tickets. I would recommend that groups start @ venue 10 – 9 – 8 etc so that they can travel together.

Early American Car Club Visit to Whakatane Labour Weekend Sunday – (22nd October) The plan is to meet at The Red Barn at about 9.30 for a late breakfast then drive to Sisam's Valley via Rewetu Road ,arriving there at about 12.30. Richard Sisam will arrange a BBQ (or similar ) out on their farm and we have suggested a $20 cover charge for this. Richard is involved in fundraising for local charities and has someone lined up for this, and the funds raised. We would get away from there about 4.30. Contact your Club Captain – Barry Keane to register your interest and for more information as it comes to hand. Also – check out their web site to see if that is something you would like to belong to. http://earlyamericancarclub.tripod.com/


Moving, Transfer and Transport A story in two parts by John Couch and Doug Wheeler

Postscript Karl had already picked up many smaller parts from Graeme and carted them home leaving the bigger items for movement by truck. The half cab bus chassis being so rusted and weak it couldn’t support its centre section off the ground; the decision was made to slice it in two for ease of transporting. At some stage in its working life it had a large winch mounted to the chassis; the additional drive line, gearbox (from an earlier 1920’s Leyland) and steelwork was mostly still attached. The original bus engine and gearbox, which were the same design as used in the Leyland Cub of the 1930’s, are still in place. With no identity plates or stamped chassis numbers having been located it has not been possible to date the chassis. A search of the Leyland and Omnibus Society records showed that only three Leyland half cab Cub buses that used an E110 engine came to NZ from new. These all went to the South Island, one to Nelson and two to Dunedin with NZ Railways Road Services in 1937. Most of the half cab buses were heavier and designed for city routes, while the Cub was classed as a light weight bus more suited to work between towns. Most Cub buses were of normal control with the driver seated in the passenger compartment. Graeme had collected this chassis from a farm at Waiaua twenty five years ago. There it was used as a winch for hauling logs for milling on site. Its history prior to this is not clear.

For Sale VCC of NZ Winged Cloth Badges $13.00 each. Contact EBOPVCC on easterbayofplenty@vcc.org.nz or Keith Watson on kandmwatson@clear.net.nz

Willy’s Knight Truck 1926 A member from Tauranga branch has inserted the following: I wonder if you would do these people a favour please. They have a Willy`s Night Truck 1926 for sale: .Sleeve Valve Engine. The body is lovely but the upholstery needs a tidy and the parts are there for the motor. Phone number is 07562336. Would you pass this onto the club as some one might like it. Truck is in Tauranga.


Out and about Daffodil Day Run

We all met at Bunning car park at 1 PM and there were about 25 cars. At least it wasn’t raining and Tessa collected our $10.00 entry money and gave us a yellow ribbon to tie onto our cars. Club Captain Barry Keane started the rally and we all followed out onto the main road and into the town via Hinemoa Street. As we had to give way to other traffic at times, we managed to lose sight of the lead car and while we knew where it all ended, we weren’t sure of the actual route. By this time we were in the main street, so we carried

on down to the Heads, following the car in front, then we lost them due to traffic but we finally made it to the car park at the back of The Strand where the first cars had already lined up.


The day was cold but no rain. We had the top down on our car, it was chilly around the ears so hats were a must. There were people selling daffodils plus other members of the public looking at the cars. I was please to read in Barry’s report that we raised $462.00 which wasn’t a bad effort for our branch I thought. The photos are some of the cars at the end of the run.

Post Script from Margaret and Keith

We really enjoyed Barry's run for Daffodil Day how ever we had a blow out on the way home. Bugger! Our very first puncture in "Vicky"


Classic Car Breakfast This was well attended last Sunday – 40 cars were there this month and 8 of these were from our Branch. These photo were taken by Barry Keane and Margaret Watson.

Great cars, great company and a lovely breakfast started the day well for Father's Day. The weather behaved it's self for us all to be able to enjoy tyre kicking along with like minded folk and a good selection of of cars.

BOP BRANCH CLUB RUN Sunday 30th July Eight Members from our Branch accepted the invitation from Bay of Plenty Branch to join them on their July Club Run. Les & Thelma in the MGB, Steve & Joy in the LIP Vauxhall, Mark & Karen in the Rambler Marlin and Les & Gail in the MGB, we met at Matata for the run over to Paengaroa to meet with BOP Members in their 32 vehicles. We were given our instructions to proceed down and stay on Old Coach Road until we arrived at SH2, turning right to proceed to Pikowai Reserve, where we parked for morning tea and enjoying the company of like minded 12

people, just out for a drive in their Vintage Vehicles and enjoying the lovely sunny winters day, as luck would have it. Next we were to head out onto SH2 again for the drive through to Pukehina Beach to the Reserve, with stunning views looking across to Little Waihi, which was where we were to go for our lunch. After taking in the views and a comfort stop, we headed back through Pukehina with the locals out watching the 36 Vintage Vehicles passing back through their village. Back onto SH2 and right onto Wilson Road toward Little Waihi, some of us went through to Maketu to buy fish & chips for our lunch before arriving at Little Waihi. What a lovely spot for a picnic, the weather was perfect and the drive was great. We EBOP Members, thank you BOP for the opportunity to meet with you and join in on an awesome run. Gail.

Les & Thelma Forward’s MGB Roadster Les & Gail Costar’s MGBGT Steve & Joy Growden’s LIP Vauxhaul Mark & Karen Spackman’s Rambler Marlin

Nobby’s Nosh Here are a couple of photos of members at annual Nobby’s Nosh dinner at the RSA earlier last month.


Calendar of Events 2017 September Sun 3 Classic Car Breakfast at the Red Barn from 8am. Sat 9th Pink Ribbon Country Ramble Tickets $20 Fri 15 – Sun 17 Club Run to Paeroa Antique & Vintage Weekend (organised by Steve & Joy)Meet at 10.00am at metal dump at Kawerau turn off Rotorua end. Sat 23 Kawerau Woodfest Wed 27th EBOP Alzheimers Assoc. Car Rally. 9.00am War Mem. carpark. Finish with lunch. $16/hd. RSVP to office, 9am-12, 308 0525 Thur 28 Club Night October Fri 6 – Sun 8 Sun 15th Thur 26

Brits at the Beach – Whangamata Club Run in the afternoon to end up at Bruce and Lorraine Seddon's. Start from Awakeri School car park at 1.30pm. Club Night

November 3rd to 5th

Far North Tour plus optional tour to Cape Reinga on the 6th. Entry Forms from our Secretary. These are always worth attending. 10th to 12th Gisborne Branch weekend visit to our Branch based at Ohiwa Holiday Park. Rally on the Saturday. th 19 All USA Day Car Show. 10 - 2pm. Jean Batten Drive Mt Maunganui. US vintage cars welcome. Contact bopmustangclub@gmail.com 26th South Waikato TTT Rally. This is a good half day rally based from Lichfield and usually includes forestry roads. Thur 30 Club Night December January

Chairman’s Run Christmas Parades No Club Run

February 3rd East Coast Rally ___________________________________________________________________ If you don’t have a vintage vehicle on the road, come along to club runs in your modern.


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