Gore VCC April 2017

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THE WIPER The Newsletter of the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.)

April 2017 MEETINGS: SECOND TUESDAY of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore

Next meeting: 11th April Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424

2016-2017 Committee and Officers Branch Patrons Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Club Captain Assistant Club Captains

Neil McVicar, Ray Tressler Murray Proctor Position vacant Katy Parish Glenise Corcoran John Tremaine Ken Buchanan Jim McFadzien Charlie Davis Greg Elder Bill Sheddan Branch Recorder (Wiper Editor) David North Assistant Branch Recorder Position not filled at present House Convenor Gerry Kennedy Assistant House Convenor P Corcoran Beaded Wheels Reporter Jim McFadzien Festival Rally Organiser Keith Dodds Assistant Rally Organiser Denis Knight Bar Manager Chris Scoles Assistant Star McDougall Social Committee Beb Kennedy David McDowell, John Parish, Noel Kelly, Paul Corcoran Maintenance Supervisor Ken Youngson Maintenance Assistants Bill Ainge, Barry Clearwater, Alex McLennan, Keith Dodds Swapmeet & Parts Evan Henderson Swapmeet & Parts Assistants Stewart Quertier, Barry Clearwater, Bryan Neilson, Paul Corcoran Hill Climb Alex McLennan Hill Climb Assistant Evan Henderson Sheriff Star McDougall Deputy Sheriff Denis Knight Librarian Stewart Quertier Raffles Gerry Kennedy National Delegate John Parish Health & Safety Officer Des Brewster Privacy Officer Katy Parish Museum & HPP David McDowell Tuesday Rambles Gerry Kennedy Vehicle Identity Card signatories John Tremaine, John Parish, Evan Henderson, Denis Knight

(03) 208 4768 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 6862 (03) 208 9670 (03) 203 8373 (03) 208 0121 (03) 204 8848 (03) 202 5710 (03) 208 1237 021 172 3281 (03) 208 5806 (03) 208 6862 (03) 208 0121 (03) 208 6038 (03) 208 5404 (03) 208 7023 (03) 208 5450 (03) 208 7582

(03) 208 6938

025 650 8056

(03) 202 5868 (03) 208 6479 (03) 208 5450 (03) 208 5404 (03) 208 7932 (03) 208 5806 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 1960 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 6791 (03) 208 5806

Front cover picture: Neil McVicar at the Stirling cheese factory Tuesday Ramble (Photo by Murray Proctor)



Chairman’s Report April 2017 What a great Festival rally we had last month. While there were a number of cars that arrived with tops down the rain forced them to be put up before the run started. This didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of all that were there. I thought it was a great idea to direct the runs through the grounds of the local rest homes. I bet some stories were told of memories brought back to the residents because of this. The rally itself was over some roads that I’d not been on before and some of those roads that I travelled on, no one else went on which is what can happen when the directions are not given the full attention required. No matter, we enjoyed the day and got to the lunch stop albeit a bit late. I would like to extend my compliments to Keith, Denis and their wives for a great day’s eventing. Also we all need to thank those who work behind the scenes, making and serving the morning teas and the meal in the evening, doing dishes, setting tables etc. all those jobs that go into making a great day. It was nice to see some of those who went on the first Festival Rally to Te Anau back in 1966 at our 2016 Rally. On the Tuesday after the rally we took part in the Tuesday Ramble to Stirling, something I don’t get to do very often because of work. I have to say, what a great day this was. The Fonterra staff made us welcome and their talk about the cheese making and the general information was clear and concise without being too technical, just enough. While I didn’t get to go through the plant I did get to see some of the processes from a viewing platform, and of course purchased enough cheese to keep us going for quite some time. A great casual day, well done Gerry.


It’s starting to feel like winter is just around the corner. So now would be a good time to have a look at replacing the anti-freeze in your pride and joys. Unless you have long-life antifreeze in the car then it should be flushed and renewed every two to three years. Don’t forget antifreeze is poisonous and needs to disposed of correctly. NOT DOWN THE DRAIN. Some of the entrants from the first Festival Rally present at the 50th

(L to R): Back row: Stuart Milne, Bob Herron, Graham Taylor, Barry Newland Front row: Wayne Nicoll, Colin Pearce, Joan Pearce, Neil McVicar, Cheryl Taylor, Gerry Pethick

Happy Motoring Murray


Club Captain’s Report April 2017 Unfortunately, as John is indisposed, there is no Club Captain’s Report this month. I’m sure we all wish John a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him at meetings and on runs very soon. The Editor

From the Editor’s keyboard There is plenty of reading for you this month, thanks to a plethora of run and rally reports from a host of (mostly) willing contributors. (It’s amazing how effective a little gentle persuasion can be!) I have also been sent a bumper bundle of photographs so, rather than leave some of the reports over to next month, by which time they will be rather “old” news, I have decided to use just a few photographs this month and publish the rest in a sort of “picture special” later on. Unfortunately, like a small boy, The Wiper needs a steady supply of food, so the arm-twisting will continue. Talking of food, I am very short of recipes and may soon have to resort to my “prize” recipe book – you have been warned! David North





Bentleys at Mandeville 2017 Members of the Bentley Drivers Club recently toured New Zealand and Katy and I were lucky to be able to catch up with them at Mandeville on the 2nd of February. Their tour guide was Tony Haycock (our VCC speed steward) and the tour started in Christchurch on the 23rd of January and finished in Auckland on the 4th of March. They visited both Bluff and Cape Reinga and have zigzagged the North and South Islands. A highlight was participating in the Napier Art Deco Festival where the feature marque this year was Bentley and Lagonda. There were 24 cars on the tour, 19 Bentleys, 4 Lagondas and 1 Porsche (Tony’s). The cars were all to be pre-WW2 models but due to a late glitch one of the vintage Bentleys was substituted with a late model Continental GTC, not a bad substitute. Of the cars and crews, 15 were from the UK, 3 from Australia, 3 from the USA, 1 from Canada, 1 from Germany and Tony from NZ.

Some of the cars at Mandeville


The group had been in Invercargill for the previous two nights and had visited the Richardson Transport World, the New Motorcycle collection, E Hayes & Sons and been to Bluff. They visited Mandeville on their 2013 tour and enjoyed it so decided to repeat it this year. They were amazed at the work going on in Colin Smith’s workshop and a number took the opportunity to have a flight in the Tiger Moth.

Relaxing at Mandeville

At short notice John Tremaine was kind enough to open his collection. Those that took the time to visit were gob smacked!!! Thank you John. Then they were off to Te Anau to continue the tour. John Parish (My apologies for the delayed publication of this story, this was due to producing last month’s edition while away in the UK. The Editor.) 11

Southland VCC Rally 2017 (1) A mild summer’s day with a light breeze heralded our Saturday Rally. After morning tea at the Clubrooms we were off on the short run out around the back of Otatara, east of Invercargill to Waimatua, Mokatua, Oteramika, Seaward Downs, Mataura Island to our lunch stop at Glenham Community centre. Whilst there the Field Events were held which combined with questions along the route to give a total result. After lunch there was a visit to the Maple Glen Gardens then to the Clubrooms for an evening meal, Rally results and prize-giving. I missed my navigator – clock not started and mileage recorder not tripped, not a great start but however managed to win the overall Rally. Members from Gore attending were Neil and Doris McVicar (Austin), Keith and Linda Nunn (Triumph), Paul and Lynne Herron (Ford A), Jim McFadzien and David O’Hara (Singer), David and Donna North (Toyota) and Bill Ainge (Austin). Bill Ainge

1930 Aston Martin International 1924 Beardmore (11 built, one survivor!) (Photos by the Editor)


Southland VCC Rally 2017 (2) I saw an entry form for this year’s Southland Rally in their branch newsletter, Rumour and thought it looked like a fun day out. Apart from our participation in the Vero Rally last January, Donna and I have only been on Gore branch VCC runs and rallies, so we decided we ought to broaden our experience. (I also knew that a number of Gore members usually took part, so was fairly confident there would be one or two familiar faces.) Once I’d sent off the entry the nerves began to set in: suppose the rally included straight-line navigation, “Tulip” symbols or silent checks, none of which we were particularly familiar with…. The appointed day, February 4th, eventually arrived, warm, cloudy and a bit windy, so we packed our lunch and chairs and set off in the Toyota for the Southland clubrooms in Invercargill. There were already several cars in the car park when we arrived and we joined a small crowd in the main hall reading through the route directions and questions. To our relief, these were the same style as we were used to and, shortly after we sat down, the first of nine other Gore members turned up! In exchange for a gold coin donation, there was a cuppa and a cake for those who felt the need. A short briefing followed and then we waited for our appointed departure time. There was a slight hiccup as the official clock seemed to have stopped, but we were soon away. We had chosen the long route and were given an average speed of 63kph for the timed section. The route took us on a somewhat circuitous journey out through Otatara and Invercargill to Te Tipua, Mataura and Wyndham before ending up at the Glenham Community Hall. We had a number of questions to answer on the way, the most difficult being to name the three rivers from which the pub in Wyndham got its name. Apart from that, my main problem was confusing kph and mph when trying to keep to our average speed! The Community Hall was the lunch venue and also where the field tests were held. These consisted of the navigator being asked how long it would take them to get out of the car, walk round it and get back in and then being timed doing so. Penalties were awarded based on the difference between the nominated and actual times. Then I was asked for the size and brand of the two rear tyres on the Toyota. They were fitted a 13

year ago and I remembered the size without any difficulty. The brand, however, took a lot more dredging through the memory banks! Finally, I had to drive forward one revolution of the wheels. Then it was time for lunch, socialising, and some time spent looking at the other cars.

Some of the cars at the lunch stop


“Hector�, a 1974 Leyland P76 Executive

A very shiny 1926 Alvis 12/50

1918 Ford Model T van

Oh dear, what happened there Neil?!

After lunch we had the option of visiting the Maple Glen gardens, following a touring route back to the clubrooms or making our own way. Some of the Gore members opted to head straight home, but we took the suggested route back, detouring into Invercargill to watch a bit of the Buskers Festival before going back to the clubrooms for the prizegiving. Gore members did quite well: we won the P80 Field Tests and were overall winners of the P80 Section in our 1986 Toyota Corolla, which I believe was also the first Japanese car to win with the Southland branch. Bill Ainge, in his 1929 Austin 12/4 and without a navigator, won the Vintage Field Tests and was the Overall Winner of the Vintage Section. He also won the New Zealand Motor Corporation Challenge Cup and the New Zealand Automobile Association Plate for the Overall Winner of the Southland Rally. Well done Bill! David North 15



MTA100: CAR SHOW OF THE CENTURY Anyone who loves cars is going to love the line up at the MTA centenary being celebrated in Wellington with the Car Show of the Century at the end of April. The Motor Trade Association has carefully selected over 100 cars, and a few motorbikes, to showcase the past, present and future of motoring. With support from museums, private car collections and private car owners as well as the big brands, the MTA centenary brings together some of the country’s most historic, iconic and beloved vehicles. These include a John Britten motorbike, a replica Burt Munroe Indian, Chris Amon’s Maserati, and the Kiwi-made Trekka. The event also gives a taste of the future, with concept cars and autonomous vehicles on show along with some of the latest models from major brands. The centerpiece of the MTA100: Car Show of the Century is the Rinspeed Budii – one of the annual concept cars developed to tour the international car shows to demonstrate the very latest in technology and imagination. The Swiss auto think tank, Rinspeed, works closely with the auto and software industry to create a car that pushes the boundaries. The Budii is electric, autonomous and intelligent – it has been built to learn. It’s the first time Rinspeed has ever shown one of its cars in Australasia. The event includes a Speakers Programme with presentations from the head of Rinspeed, Frank M Rinderknecht, his Kiwi designer Alain Brideson, Kiwi entrepreneur Ian Wright who helped set up Tesla and then went on to develop electric power trains for trucks, and other future thinking commentators. The MTA100 Car Show of the Century is on in Wellington and open to the public 29-30 April. To book a ticket go to www.mta.org.nz/mta100 Karlum Lattimore MTA100 Communications Manager/Editor Radiator Magazine Motor Trade Association DDI: Phone: 04 381 8832 Mobile: +64 22 0121089 Level 12 Nokia House 13-27 Manners Street P O Box 9244 Marion Square Wellington 6141 18

Petrolhead Breakfasts at Bill Richardson Transport World Good afternoon all, Bill Richardson Transport World is set to spin your wheels! The Grille Cafe is now holding a Petrol Head Breakfast on the first Sunday of every month, starting from Sunday 5 March. With an exceptional morning menu this is an event not to be missed! Please spread the news and accept our invitation to come along. This event is open to all. We plan to have reserved parking set aside around the perimeter of Bill Richardson Transport World as we would, of course, love to see you bring your vehicles along. Breakfast options include (all $18pp): Eggs Benedict with ham OR salmon Mushrooms on toasted ciabatta Bacon, sausages, toast, hash browns, The Grille's famous beans, scrambled eggs

The breakfasts will be held on a monthly basis from 8.00am – 10.00am. Bill Richardson Transport World will retain standard opening hours from 10.00am – 5.00pm daily. If you would like to include a visit to either Bill Richardson Transport World or Classic Motorcycle Mecca, please let us know. We offer a great 20% discount to group bookings of 10 paying customers or more. We do require prior notice to issue the discount. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. If not, come along with your car, bring the family or meet with the club as we'd love to see you there. Kind regards, Amelia Munro MOTORCYCLE MECCA - NOW OPEN Tourism Coordinator DDI +64 3 217 1690 E Amelia.Munro@transportworld.co.nz PO PO Box 1104 Invercargill 9840 HOME 491 Tay Street facebook.com/transportworld instagram.com/transportworld www.transportworld.nz 19

Gore Branch events for the 2016-17 Season Event

Proposed Dates

People Responsible

2017 th

Ladies Run

9 April

Marilyn Proctor

Night Trial

13th May

Bill Sheddan

End of Season Run

10th June

Greg Elder

Tuesday Ramble

Last Tuesday of every month (variable in December)

Gerry Kennedy

Editor's note to event organisers: if you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (This usually works best if you ask them before the event!)

Other Events 2017 2nd April

Hokonui Pioneer Village Open Day. Further information from the Secretary, Nancy Stronach: phone (03) 208 1161 or email nancy.stronach@woosh.co.nz

14th – 17th April

North Island National Easter Rally, Auckland Branch. Rally Secretary Tracey Winterbottom, phone 09 232 0246 or email vintagesunbeam@hotmail.co.nz

2021 14th – 24th January VCC International Rally, New Plymouth


LADIES RUN 9 April th

Assemble 1.00 pm at the clubrooms Please bring something for a shared afternoon tea Marilyn Proctor


Wednesday Ramble 26th April Please note – due to Anzac Day on the 25th, we will be holding this Tuesday Ramble on the Wednesday! 10.30am: assemble at Gore VCC clubrooms 11.00am: depart for Winton 12.30pm: meet at Central Southland Lodge (“Middle Pub”) for lunch. Cost $20: roast beef & trimmings, apple crumble etc. for dessert 1.30pm: visit Olly Olsson’s garage Collection of number plates, hub caps, cars, etc.

2.30pm: Watch this space!

Contact: Gerry Kennedy Phone: (03) 208 5806 Cell: 027 233 4634 No later than 19th April as we have to advise numbers 22

50th Gore Festival Rally - Long Route Saturday dawned overcast but fine. I consulted computer’s met service site which promised us a mild dry day, perfect motoring conditions. We packed lunch, dressed for 1960’s period theme and readied for an anticipated and exciting day’s motoring, then just as we were ready to leave it started to rain. Will we, won’t we put the hood up? What does the weather man know anyway, so up it went. We gathered at the clubrooms where many chic 60’s dudes and chicks were already enjoying catching up with members from other branches. The car park was arrayed with a varied collection of vehicles from a 1930 20/25 Rolls-Royce to a 1954 Trojan 20 truck and a good cross section of years represented from 1908 Cadillac to 1985 Rover SDI. There were just under 60 cars entered. We were first car away at 10am which was just as well because my navigator had set me 40mph average speed and I didn’t need any hold ups to achieve that on the gravel roads with many ups and downs and turns we encountered. Third instruction came 400m after turn, so not off to best of starts. That was to turn into Windsor Park Rest Home so we turned around and got back on track. Visiting Rest Homes was a nice theme of the rally. Residents had been told to expect us driving through and were out to wave which, of course, was replied to with a beep on the horn. We had a short run round the streets before crossing the river and driving along the back road to Mataura. A nice change from most runs that way which would have stuck to seal and turn off onto Diamond Peak. It is a lovely scenic drive along the river. After leaving Mataura heading towards Wyndham, we then headed up into the hills up Shanks Road where we pulled over to allow a speedy Singer to race past and it was soon out of sight ahead. We knew we were well down on time by now but a long stretch of gravel combined with heavy rain now falling and our ineffectual wipers (more use turned off) we opted on the side of caution. The route took us around past the Tuturau school and along the hills giving us a great view over the Mataura river and out towards Edendale.


We eventually came off the gravel as we came down towards Wyndham but then found our progress further impeded by a mob of sheep and a short queue where the lead driver was in relaxed conversation with farmer and apparently unaware of cars behind him. Time was ticking and we were now even further behind schedule. Once in Wyndham we again whizzed past a Rest Home with residents out waving us through. Out of Wyndham it was onto Wyndham-Letterbox Road and a chance to make up time. The Singer driver who had passed us had once told us that the roading engineers that formed this road had gotten into some trouble with officials for putting such good cambers on the corners and making it faster than intended. It makes for a lovely road to drive. The route then took us though Waimahaka and on to Fortrose and, with straighter roads and the rain reducing, we finally starting hauling back our big time deficit. We had a little tiki tour around Fortrose then headed back in the direction of home at Gorge Road. We now had some long straight sections and I wound the old girl out and she seemed to love it. She might be well over 90 but she can get up to and easily exceed the speed limit if asked. I’m not saying she was or did of course but we were making up time better than we ever expected we’d be able to. As good as it was the check point was upon us before we were confident we had any show of being close enough to the required time but we had enjoyed a great drive so were winners anyway.

Some of the cars at the lunch stop 24

The route finished with Field Tests and our lunch stop at the tulip and bulb processing plant. It was a wonderful destination as it allowed the Field Tests to be conducted undercover indoors and with the rain returned this was much appreciated. Silly games followed: folding maps, tossing tulip bulbs and backing into tight spaces. I don’t think you could find anything more unpredictable to throw than a tulip bulb which bounces in every other direction than that desired then either stops dead but mostly rolls away at surprising pace but it was great fun. Being early to arrive we were able to have a look around the factory where they were sorting daffodil bulbs for their own plantings for next season. We learnt that it had been a great season for bulb growing and they had enjoyed a record harvest - 23 million bulbs were currently stored on site. Each car was generously given a bag of tulip bulbs to take home. Here’s a big “THANK YOU” to Keith and Raewyn Dodds, Denis and Marie Knight and all those who helped to make it a great day. Katy Parish

2017 Festival Rally – Short Route Fifty Years was the theme for this year’s Gore VCC Festival Rally, festival in name only due to the changing times where festivals are no longer in vogue but more trendy names like Moonshiners Street Party seemingly is the way to go in this digital age! It has been 50 short years since the first “Festival” rally and to help celebrate this milestone on 25 February 2017 there were ten of the original attendees from the first rally 50 years ago. They were Stewart Milne, Neil McVicar, Bob Herron, Ray Tressler, Colin and Joan Pearce, Wayne Nichol, Gerry Pethick, Barry Newland and Graham Taylor.


Some of the entrants from the first Festival Rally who also participated in the 50th one, (L to R): Bob Herron, Gerry Pethick, Barry Newland, Cheryl Taylor, Graham Taylor, Neil McVicar, Colin Pearce, Joan Pearce, Ray Tressler. (Photo by Katy Parish)

Fifty-five entries were received for the Rally and we all met, bar three due to health concerns, on a rather dismal drizzly Saturday morning. Over the previous week we had brilliant weather but today dull and drizzly, but only the weather. The atmosphere was warm and friendly in the club rooms as we prepared for our departure, with the first car leaving at 10am. With the majority of us dressed in clothing roughly representing the style of the year our car was produced, despite the weather there was much hilarity and welcoming old friends over the morning cuppa which is the norm and the basis of any “nostalgic” club. And nostalgic we are, especially after 50 years. Personally, we were on the short sealed road run of 40 miles as opposed to the 60 mile run with gravel. We departed at 10.33 and meandered around the Gore streets for a while then a drive through the Resthaven rest home complex so the “inmates” could indulge in their own nostalgia. There was some confusion with which entrance to take and of course we had a slight miscalculation, took the wrong entrance and became becalmed on top of a speed hump. After a bit of wheel spinning and scraping from the bilges we came adrift and were able to continue. 26

We departed Gore on a southerly course and had a leisurely drive through the lush Southland farmland with the wipers on, brushing away the stuff that makes Southland green. Our little Hillman Minx convertible was making sure we were also being irrigated with its illfitting top but after driving through green pastures and prime stock for an hour or so we arrived at our destination, Haakman Bulbs Edendale where they have a large mowed area beside their bulk bulb warehouse. The warehouse is where their tulip bulbs are processed and stored in a large cool store thus cheating the seasons. These bulbs are ready for northern season planting six months earlier than if they were planted in the northern hemisphere.

Waiting for the (not) field tests (Photo by Katy Parish)

Their lawn would have been a great place to set up for our picnic lunch under the sun and watch the field tests but last minute rescheduling saw us drive inside the warehouse and instead of field tests they became concrete tests out of the drizzle. Three simple tests followed, the usual but with a twist. The navigator throw, the driver backing and something different, for me at least, correctly folding a large road map - to the stop watch. 27

After lunch we had the option for those that had not viewed Ken Muir’s collection of cars to hop on a minivan and take us down the road to his house and shed. He has an impressive collection of cars, most of a sporty theme, both full size and several go-cart size of battery and petrol propulsion. These cars he built up mainly for the satisfaction of his grandchildren and of course the pleasure of seeing his creations enjoyed. Restrictions to parking made it impossible for 50-plus cars to assemble at his shed hence the minivan. Our rally organizers provided us with a plotted return route with points of interest including the sites of interest to the early club members. With our return to the clubrooms we had the raffle drawing, rally prize-giving and a delicious meal provided by our lady club members. Points of interest at the presentations was a special prize awarded to Gerry Kennedy for 50 years of service to the club. From the first meeting 50 years ago Gerry has had an active interest in the club having held all positions at various times over the years and still having a very active presence with his monthly Tuesday Ramble.

The overall winner at the map folding field test (Photo Katy Parish) 28

The overall rally gong went to Wayne Nicoll in his 1908 Cadillac delivery van with Lochie Young and his immaculate Studebaker Hawk runner-up. All in all a very enjoyable and well run day. Thanks to rally stewards Denis Knight and Keith Dodds and helpers. Also thanks to Haakman Bulbs for the venue and the complimentary little bag of bulbs that each entry received. Bill Sheddan

Assistant Festival Rally Organisers’ Report Sunday morning Feb 25th wake up 06.45, quickly pull back the curtains thank goodness it's not raining!! 08.15: fed and watered, Marie and myself set off for the VCC clubrooms, it’s clouding over a bit but it’s still ok. 09.15: setting up begins, as does the rain. 09.45: drivers’ briefing, rain getting steady now, damn it. Can't do anything about it now. 10.00: first car away right on time, followed by 54 vehicles at two minutes apart to do their designated timed run. Meanwhile at the finish venue the organising team were hastily setting up the newly-named shed tests as the fields were a tad damp. On arrival the navigators were tested on map folding abilities as well as tulip bulb throwing skills, then the drivers tested their reversing skills. Various levels of competence were shown: Stewart Q for example showed that even though you are all but angle parked in the designated area you can still score well as the points are for how close you can get the vehicle to the rope at the rear of vehicle not the sides. Stewart managed to stop just over half an inch away from rope unlike someone who shall remain nameless who parked just over 3 foot 6 inches away 29

from the rope. His navigator (Starr) informed me that it didn't matter anyhow as he had already got them both lost on the time trial run adding he did not expect to get asked to be the navigator next year, Starr even going as far to say Gerry (oops, said his name) should get the hard luck award for ending up with him as navigator but it didn't matter as even though there was a serious side to the event for most entrants it was about having a great day out motoring in your vintage car, enjoying yourselves in the company of like-minded people. One by one, after a picnic lunch, participants headed back to Gore. Many took the opportunity to visit the Wyndham Rest Home, while others followed a set route with a bit of a Gore VCC history lesson thrown in for good measure. Once the rally team tallied up all the results they once again met up with everyone back at the clubrooms. Raffle results were drawn, speeches and presentations took place closely followed by prize-giving, a quick quiz and then a few laughs, all topped off with a wonderful meal. The highest of praise must go to Keith and Raewyn for the amount of time and effort put in to the running of this event, it was huge. A massive thank you also must go out to all our helpers before, during and after the event. You guys know who you all are, I am not going to single anyone out because I could miss someone. However you guys in the kitchen put in a huge effort and for that we on the committee thank you very much. Finally a highlight for me was acknowledging the ten 2017 participants who were also on the original run 50 years ago in 1966 along with the presentation to Gerry for his 50 years of service and commitment to our club. Rumour has it that this possibly is the first time ever that Gerry has been lost for something to say, however this was short-lived and he was back to his cheeky best and bad jokes soon enough. Thanks again everyone a great day all round. Denis & Marie Knight, assistant convenors 30

February Tuesday Ramble February's Tuesday Ramble was a visit to Fonterra's Stirling factory near Balclutha. We were all welcomed into the hall at Stirling by three Fonterra staff, and were given a cheese tasting as they explained the cheese making process. The site was built in 1982 and receives up to 1.7 million litres of milk each day during the season, and processes that into 200 tonnes of cheese. 90% is exported – key markets being South Korea and Japan. The retentate is trucked to Candeboye for drying to form Whey Protein Concentrate powder, then used in numerous foods including soups, diet drinks, confectionery etc. They have a 'state of the art' waste water plant which filters the water, and discharges it back into the river cleaner than the water in there. Only 25 of us were able to have a tour of the plant, while the others were able to view some of the process from a viewing room. After we were attired in Hi Vis vests and safety glasses the tour included seeing the blocks of cheese being packed into cartons, loaded onto pallets by robot, then by forklift onto Dynes truck and trailer. A look in the cool-store (the Vintage cheese is stored for four years in Mosgiel) then back at the site shop (which is open to the public) where we were able to buy our favourite cheeses.

(Photo by Murray Proctor)

After lunch back at the hall Club-eligible cars were lined up in front of the plant for a photo. Several staff own classic cars and two were visible in the car park – a Valiant and a Sunbeam Rapier. Linda & Keith Nunn 31

Frank Robson Run The Frank Robson Run for Vintage and Veteran Vehicles left from the club rooms on Sunday 12th March at 1.30 pm. Seven vehicles made their way in light rain to Tapanui on sealed roads via River Road out through Knapdale and then turned right at Chatton Corner, up the hill and down East Chatton Road to the Waikaka road, onto Glenkenich Road, right into Seddon Road, and then made our way to the finish at Ray Taylor’s Cola Culture Cafe where we were joined by the cars that were on a different route for the Clearwater Capers. Unfortunately Ian Chittock did not complete the run and had to return to Gore with ignition problems. We motored 48 kms on very good roads with virtually no other traffic. We certainly are lucky to be able to enjoy motoring amongst amazing rolling farming land. The previous Sunday I had checked the rally route in my BMW Z4 Convertible in sunny conditions. (Yes David there is another one in the Club!!!) It was great to see the old cars out, but we need more to come out from their sheds and be used. I had spent most of the week getting my 1925 Star Roadster ready for its first club outing. When I went to start it on Sunday morning of the rally it decided that the weather was not going to be good for no hood motoring, so its magneto would not give any spark. So I thought this car is trying to tell me something so out with my 1917 Cadillac, up with the hood and side screens and motored to Gore. The overall winners were Bob and Myra Herron in their 1915 Ford Model T. Great that Bob and Myra had come down from Mosgiel for the day and motored with no side curtains. Second Place was Ivan Scobie in his Chrysler 52 and third Paul and Lynne Herron in their 1911 Ford Model T. Thanks to the members who brought their cars out. Happy Motoring Greg Elder 32

Clearwater Capers The car’s now rather dirty, but getting it that way was worth the cleaning job at the end: Sunday the 12th of March we gathered at the Clubrooms along with those who were going on the Frank Robson Memorial run. Charlie started off our run with a sheet of general knowledge questions most of which we didn't know the answer to. So not many points scored there. We headed off in the rain with the wipers chugging away and the heater full blast, motored through Gore across the bridge travelling to McNab, Willowbank and on through Waikaka. Here we turned towards Greenvale veering to the left at the Leithen sign. After turning onto the Switzer Road and past Park Hill Domain we travelled on a sealed section of road until we came to a narrow gravel road (Parkhill Road) which we motored down almost to Heriot. From here we travelled on the flat to Tapanui and afternoon tea at the Cola Culture cafe where Charlie told us that the winners this year were Jim and Dorothy McFadzien. What a pity the weather was a bit ugly. With the mist and rain the views that we were told were quite spectacular remained hidden. Still we thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. The Cola Culture cafe, if you've not been there before, is well worth a look. The photo (overleaf) shows just a tiny part of what's there to see and buy. On the way home to Gore we came across Bob Herron and the Model T stopped on one of the hills. The fuel level got a bit low and with the tank being under the seat he just couldn't get fuel to the carb. Cure, top up the fuel level a bit and away you go. Nothing serious but a bit of a bugger in the rain and wind and no side curtains. Thanks Charlie, a good run, even if it rained the whole afternoon. Murray Proctor


Part of the displays at Cola Culture café. (Photo by Murray Proctor)

Online bonuses this month Classic British Cars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnIhUqkeszY Short (8 minute) taster of this year’s Classic Speedfest at Teretonga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF7_MpHopBw Andy Wallace maxing the McLaren F1 on the 31st of March 1998: http://cars.mclaren.com/featured-articles/mclaren-f1-recordbreaker.html?utm_source=crm&utm_campaign=enews_jan_20170126_ header&utm_medium=email 34

Links to other branch newsletters and websites Branch Newsletters on the VCC Website vcc.org.nz/news-from-our-branches Southland branch website, includes their newsletter (Rumour): http://www.sporty.co.nz/southlandvintagecar Auckland branch website, includes their newsletter (The Bulletin): http://www.avvcc.org.nz Hawke’s Bay branch website, includes their newsletter (The Mag): http://www.hbvcc.org.nz/ Bay of Plenty branch website, includes their newsletter (Klaxon): www.bayofplentyvintagecarclub.com South Canterbury branch website http://www.southcanterburyvintagecarclub.co.nz Gawler Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Club Inc. (Australia): http://www.gawlercarclub.com/

Newsletters from other branches These branches are now sending us their newsletters as pdf files: Ashburton, Auckland, Banks Peninsula, Bay of Plenty, Eastern Bay of Plenty, Far North, Hawke’s Bay, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Rotorua, South Canterbury, Southland, Wellington and Wellsford-Warkworth. If you would like a copy, please contact the Editor or the Secretary. The Editor 35

Gore VCC Supper Roster 2017 April May June July August September October November December

David McDowell Beb Kennedy Gerry Kennedy Paul Corcoran John Parish Noel Kelly David McDowell Beb Kennedy Gerry Kennedy

January February March

Paul Corcoran John Parish Noel Kelly

IF YOU ARE UNAVAILABLE ON YOUR ROSTERED NIGHT, PLEASE ARRANGE YOUR OWN SUBSTITUTE. We need to cater for about 30-40 members each night. If necessary, small items can be bought at Gore New World and charged to the Gore VCC account.

Some of the cars on the Frank Robson run. (Photo by Greg Elder) 36

Advertisements FOR SALE Five white-wall tyres, size 16” x 650; four have done 11,000kms, one never used. Reasonable offers to Charlie Davis 0274 515 234. 2/3

FOR SALE Haynes MGB Automotive Repair Manual (soft cover) $20. Haynes MGB Restoration Manual (hard cover) $25. Both in “as new” condition. Phone Star McDougall, (03) 208 6501 (business hours) or (03) 208 5450 (evenings). 2/3

WANTED The “square” centre cap for a standard fitment alloy wheel and a windscreen washer solenoid (as pictured) for a 1986 Toyota Corolla 1.6GL Liftback. David North. Phone 02117 23281 or email northd14@gmail.com 3/3

WANTED One 15” steel wheel rim to suit a 1962 MGA. Phone Star McDougall, (03) 208 6501 (business hours) or (03) 208 5450 (evenings). 2/3

Spotted! On page 93 of the March 2017 issue of New Zealand Classic Car magazine: Alec McLennan pictured in his Amilcar, above a story about him, his cars and his MG PA restoration. The Editor


COOKERY CORNER Kumara Bake Ingredients 2 kumara scrubbed & finely sliced 1 onion, sliced Bacon chopped 1 can creamed corn 1 cup grated cheese 1 tsp chicken stock 1 tbsp cornflour 1 cup hot water Method Sauté onion & bacon and leave to cool Layer kumara, onion, bacon, corn & cheese in dish - repeating layers, finishing with cheese Mix cornflour & chicken stock, stir in hot water and pour over layers Cover & microwave on 50% for approx. 20 minutes (depending on microwave) or Oven bake at 180°C for 30 minutes Linda Nunn

Tailpiece Due to global warming, Wales is sinking into the sea. Apparently there’s too many leeks in the ground. Q. What’s got six eyes but can’t see? A. Three blind mice! Gerry Kennedy 38

Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome. Please send all contributions to David North

before the 21st of each month for inclusion in the next Wiper If you don't have a computer I can type up a hand-written article or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how! e-mail: northd14@gmail.com physical mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822 telephone (mobile) 0211723281 Remember that insuring your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quoting the branch number (300135) results in the branch receiving a commission payment Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore branch or of the VCC. The branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements. The Wiper is printed by i-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill. Telephone (03) 218 3350 39




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