THE WIPER The Newsletter of the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.)
July 2017 MEETINGS: SECOND TUESDAY of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore
Next meeting: 11th July Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424
2017-2018 Committee and Officers Branch Patrons Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Club Captain Assistant Club Captains
Neil McVicar, Ray Tressler Murray Proctor Greg Elder Katy Parish Tim Walsh John Tremaine Ken Buchanan Jim McFadzien Charlie Davis Greg Elder Bill Sheddan Keith Nunn Branch Recorder (Wiper Editor) David North Assistant Branch Recorder Position not filled at present House Convenor Des Brewster Assistant House Convenor P Corcoran Beaded Wheels Reporter Fay Graves Festival Rally Organiser Keith Dodds Assistant Rally Organiser Denis Knight Bar Manager Chris Scoles Assistant Starr McDougall Social Committee David McDowell, John Parish, Beb Kennedy Maintenance Supervisor Keith Nunn Maintenance Assistants Bill Ainge, Barry Clearwater, Alex McLennan, Keith Dodds Swapmeet & Parts P Corcoran Swapmeet & Parts Assistants Barry Clearwater, Bryan Neilson Hill Climb Evan Henderson Hill Climb Assistant Alex McLennan Sheriff Denis Knight Librarian Stewart Quertier Raffles Gerry Kennedy National Delegate David North Health & Safety Officer Des Brewster Privacy Officer Katy Parish Museum & HPP David McDowell Tuesday Ramble Co-ordinator Fay Graves Vehicle Identity Card signatories John Tremaine, John Parish, Evan Henderson, Denis Knight Front cover picture: Bill Ainge attending to loose wheel nuts on the End of Season Run
(03) 208 4768 (03) 202 5710 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 3531 (03) 208 9670 (03) 208 6901 (03) 208 0121 (03) 204 8848 (03) 202 5710 (03) 208 1237 (03) 208 5403 021 172 3281 (03) 208 1960 (03) 208 6862 (03) 208 1093 (03) 208 6038 (03) 208 5404 (03) 208 0052 (03) 208 5450
(03) 208 5403
(03) 208 6862 (03) 208 6479 (03) 202 5868 (03) 208 5404 (03) 208 7932 (03) 208 5806 021 172 23281 (03) 208 1960 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 6791 (03) 208 1093
Chairman’s Report July 2017 Another AGM over and to those members who stood again and also to those who have put their names forward for the first time I would, on behalf of our Branch, like to thank you all. To have every Executive and Committee position filled in around an hour was really pleasing. I guess that shows that the nomination forms, where they are used, really work well and also that our Branch is in a sound position. Having just had our End of Season Run, we now have a small window in our rally calendar to carry out those maintenance issues that we may have put off during the year. Remember it’s not that far away before our new rally season will start. Keep warm over the winter. Murray
Club Captain’s Report July 2017 Well AGM over, good to see all positions filled. You have me for Club Captain for another year. I hope this year is not so hectic. Thanks to all who put their names forward to help with monthly runs. We hope to have some good runs again this year. Hope to have more runs for the older cars, as some later cars are too fast for a group run. If anybody has any ideas for runs do not hesitate to let me know – all ideas are most welcome. Keep wheels turning. J. Tremaine. 4
From the Editor’s keyboard Thank you for re-electing me as Editor for The Wiper, either I’m doing something right, or I’m the only mug daft enough to take on the job – I’ll leave you, the readers, to decide! I am pleased to welcome two more new advertisers this month, Hokonui Pioneer Vilage and the MLT. We are grateful for their support, please, in turn, support them. David North
Important Request! Following the AGM, we have a number of new Officers and Committee members together with changed roles for others. Names and contact phone numbers are listed on the inside front cover of every issue of The Wiper. Please check NOW to see that I have got your details (name, spelling, role and phone number) correct. If not, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can correct them for the next issue of The Wiper! Thank you The Editor 5
OLD MAN It was raining hard and a big puddle had formed in front of the little Irish pub. An old man stood beside the puddle holding a stick with a string on the end and jiggling it up and down in the water. A curious gentleman asked what he was doing. “Fishing”, replied the old man. “Poor old beggar”, thought the gentleman, so he invited the old man to have a drink in the pub. Feeling he should start some conversation while they were sipping their whisky, the gentleman asked, “And how many have you caught today?” “You're the eighth.” Glenise Corcoran 10
Hokonui Pioneer Village & Museum Open Day – 2nd April
(Clockwise from top left): one of the stationary engines on display, one of the cars in the museum, the Park’s Austin Maxi, Burrell traction engine
A sunny day, crowds of people, Devonshire Teas in the Pavilion, the museum to explore, stall-holders, outdoor and indoor displays of olde worlde crafts, etc., etc. There was lots to see and do – and mostly for free, what more could you ask for?! My wife and I certainly enjoyed ourselves wandering round, if you didn’t go, you missed a real treat! The Editor 14
FROM NATIONAL OFFICE Hi Folks I just wanted to highlight that the Club membership numbers are at the highest they have ever been. It is nice to see how strong the Club is remaining. Even with all the people we have lost through the years, we are still getting new members. As of today, our current membership is 8,544. In January 2000, our membership was 6,537. Kind Regards, Julie Cairns – Gee Administration Manager Vintage Car Club of NZ - National Office
Vintage Car Auction, Gore (1981) (Held by Wrightson NMA) 29 Vintage vehicles up for auction. Some sample prices: Trekka $1050 1957 Customline $2,900 Ford A Tudor $5,300 Ford A Pickup $4,400 1936 Pontiac $800 1955 Alvis Grey Lady $5,850 1950 Daimler $3,800 1935 Austin 7 $1,800 1930 Essex Super 6 $3,000 1935 Morris 8 $1,450 Gerry Kennedy
Useless Information May 1971 101 steel stack-away chairs purchased from Gore High School for $100.00 August 2009 The late Gordy Diack started the Mid-week Ramble, now known as the Tuesday Ramble Gerry Kennedy
Five Old Biddies Sitting on the side of the highway waiting to catch speeding drivers, a Police Officer sees a car puttering along at 22 kph. Says he to himself: "This driver is just as dangerous as a speeder!" So he turns on his lights and pulls the driver over. Approaching the car, he notices that there are five old ladies, Two in the front seat and three in the back...wide eyed and white as ghosts. The driver, obviously confused, says to him "Officer, I don't understand, I was doing exactly the speed limit! What seems to be the problem?" "Ma'am," the officer replies, "you weren't speeding, but you should know that driving slower than the speed limit can also be a danger to other drivers." "Slower than the speed limit? No sir, I was doing the speed limit exactly...Twenty-two kilometres an hour!" .....the old woman says a bit proudly. The Police officer, trying to contain a chuckle explains to her that 22 is the highway number, not the speed limit. A bit embarrassed, the woman grins and thanks the officer for pointing out her error. "But before I let you go, Ma'am, I have to ask.....Is everyone in this car OK? These women seem awfully shaken, and they haven't made a peep this whole time," the officer asks. "Oh, they'll be all right in a minute officer. We just got off Highway 189." Evan Henderson
Action Photos from the Gore VCC Annual Hillclimb November 2016 Kindly supplied by Evan Henderson
Evan Henderson, Mk2 Jaguar
Dave Harris, Johnston Formula Ford
Neil McDonald, Monroe Special
Pat Hurley, Mini Cooper S
D Ryan, Ford V8 Special
Gerald Longman, Austin 10 Special 18
David North, Toyota Corolla
Jim McFadzien, Singer Vogue
Dick Shanks, Daimler SP250 Dart
Mervyn Frew, Porsche 911
Jim Bennett, Furi (photo by the Editor)
Terry Inder, Datsun 180BSSS
Greg Elder, Ford Falcon GT
P Pryde, Ford Anglia GT 19
Gore Branch events for the 2016-17 Season Event
Proposed Dates
People Responsible
2017 th
VCC National Day
27 August
Tuesday Ramble
Normally the last Tuesday of the month. (Variable in December)
Co-ordinated by Fay Graves
Editor's note to event organisers: if you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (N.B. This usually works best if you ask them before the event!)
Reminders Non-commercial FOR SALE and WANTED advertisements are free to Club members. Each advertisement will be published in 3 consecutive issues of The Wiper. Please contact the Editor. The vinyl “VCC Wings” badges (as featured on the front cover) are still available from the Treasurer, cost $2 each. VCC name badges If you haven't got one, they are available from Van De Water Jewellers at a discounted cost of $18. The badges are black with white lettering and bear your name and Gore VCC. NB. Not wearing one at a meeting is likely to attract the Sheriff’s attention and result in a fine! The Wiper is also available by email. It arrives earlier than the postal or hand-delivered ones, the pictures are in colour and there are (working) hyperlinks. There are two versions, a pdf file and an online one. Let me know if you would like to try this out. The Editor
Other Events 2017
9th July
37th Central North Island Swap Meet & Car Show Spectacular, Rotorua branch. Enquiries to: Neville Harper, ph 07 348 2412, cell 027 494 7249 or email
12th August
VCC National AGM in Blenheim. Details in Beaded Wheels No. 345 (April/May 2017) Or from the National Office, ph 03 366 4461
23rd September
Blossom Rally, Central Otago branch
6 - 8 October
Swap Meet & Display, Canterbury branch. Enquiries to Kevin: phone 021 0270 6525 or email 2018
20th January
Cromwell Classic Car Show and VCC Swapmeet Central Otago branch
27th January
Dunedin-Brighton Run, Otago branch
17th March
Scenicland Rally, Greymouth
30th March to 1st April
2018 South Island Easter Rally, Southland Branch Contact Glenys McKenzie, Rally Director Mobile: 021 388 649 2021
19th – 28th January
Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring New Plymouth 2021
Tuesday Ramble 25th July 11.30am: Meet at VCC Clubrooms Noon: BYO lunch (tea, coffee and hot water supplied) 1.30pm: afternoon visit being arranged. Possibly visit to the bulb factory in Gore. If not ??????????? Contact: Gerry Kennedy Phone: (03) 208 5806 Cell: 027 233 4634 No later than 20th July
Tuesday Ramble - 30th May 2017 Thirty six people, and I’m not sure how many cars, left the club rooms and drove to Lumsden, where we had pizza, savouries and chips for lunch at the Route 6 Café and Bar. A few new people that I hadn’t seen before on the run and a car that attracted my attention were a black Ford Galaxy. Gary & Dave Mulqueen were their passengers.
Route 6 Café & Bar
The Craft Shop opposite
Freedom campers were a topic of conversation with quite a few vans parked in the designated area, but everything was tidy. Lumsden has been in the news because of the big numbers of vans that stay there and quite often leaving things in a mess.
Catherine Julian
Eager plant buyers!
After lunch we visited a house in Garden Street, where Catherine Julian propagates and sells plants. Most of them appeared to be natives or low growing types and all stock was selling for $5 per plant. According to 24
those in the know, they were a very good bargain. From there we went to Greg Elder’s at Riversdale. Thanks to Gerry for putting it all together once again. As Jeanette and I will be away all of June, we will miss the Annual Dinner & Prize-giving night so all the best for this function. Noel Kelly Post script As Noel didn’t go to Greg’s, it has fallen to me to add a few words on his behalf. Greg has a very varied selection of goodies in his sheds and it was difficult to know which was the most eye-catching. His 1917 Cadillac draws the eye for two reasons: its immaculate condition, a real credit to Greg’s restoration skills, and its sheer size! In another shed there was the most recent of Canadian Jack Ondrack’s enthusiasms, a Pontiac Fiero race car for Greg to sort out. Greg told us that, as well as the Fiero and Jack’s well-known TVR race car, he will soon have at least two more cars from Jack. The Iso Rivolta that we saw on a previous visit has been relegated to a container as enthusiasm for this has waned. Greg also has a number of his own projects on the go, including a Ford V8 truck, an Escort and an Anglia station wagon.
The Cadillac’s engine
Pontiac Fiero (All photos by the Editor)
Thank you for your hospitality Greg, you certainly like to keep busy! David North 25
End of Season Run - Saturday 10th June 2017 Seventeen vehicles and crews assembled at the Gore clubrooms ready for a 1.30 pm start. The weather was calm and overcast after heavy overnight rain and wind. Greg Elder gave members a briefing and warned that if you found yourself on a gravel road you were lost!
The Corcoran’s Trekka
Pat Hurley’s Mini (photos by the Editor)
Vehicles left at about 2 minute intervals after answering some questions. First away was Neil McVicar in his Austin. Vehicles travelled through Gore and out over the Mataura River and turned towards Knapdale and then out through Otama on round past the Pyramid Hill and on to Wendon and again crossed the Mataura River and turned toward Waikaia. Up on the terrace then onto the Wendonside district where many cows were seen grazing for the winter along with many acres of harvested grain paddocks. They then motored back down into the Waimea Plains Valley, crossed the Mataura River at Keowns bridge and then onto the township of Balfour and out towards the Hokonui Hills, past where bulbs are grown and the old Balfour limeworks which is now finished production. Turned right out near the main highway and made our way back to Greg and Daphne Elder’s workshop near Riversdale where members had afternoon tea and a chat plus a look round Greg’s cars. When it came time to depart, Bill Ainge had a lucky escape when a loose wheel-nut was noticed on his Austin! 26
Branch vehicles of all shapes and sizes turned out (photos by Greg Elder)
Greg’s latest project,
and his Star Roadster.
his 1917 Cadillac,
Two Stars in one picture! (Photos by the Editor) 27
Two cars on the End of Season Run that haven’t been seen for a while: the Newland’s MGB GT and the Martyn’s Rover 2600 (Photos by the Editor)
Winner on the day was Neil McVicar. Second was John Tremaine. Third was Murray Proctor. Organiser’s “Shiny Car Award” to Pat Hurley in his Mini. Greg Elder donated packs of frozen whitebait to above winners. Happy Motoring. Greg Elder
More Photos from the May Tuesday Ramble (by the Editor)
Tony Nicholson’s Ford Galaxie 500
Jack Ondrack’s TVR
More Photos from the End of Season Run (by the Editor)
Another of Greg’s Star cars
Greg’s Suzuki moped 30
What’s In Your Shed? 1978 Triumph 2.5S by Keith Nunn We shifted house about two years ago and knew we would have to sell a car or two, and first to go was our TR4A. It was sold to a couple in the TR Register from Central Otago. We thought we would like another Triumph and Gordon Diack always said a Triumph 2.5S was the one to buy for comfort and handling, and I wanted a manual rather than an automatic. We heard that one was for sale in Balcutha and checked it out on the way home from the Vero Rally in Dunedin. It was a one owner with 43,000 kms on the clock, but had sat outside and had not been looked after that well. I said to the owner if the mileage could be proved correct we would be interested - which he did. We went back for a drive and decided that I could do with a project!!
The motor needed a major rebuild with a new clutch plate etc. After it was run in I did front wheel bearings and seals, checked brakes, undersealed the floorpan and fitted new seals in the diff. A good tidy up of the electrics needed to be done to get the overdrive working and the woodwork faded by the sun had to be re-stained. Still have the windscreen rubbers and some body work and painting to be done, but it cruises very nice on the runs we have done so far. We have also sold the Riley 4/72 and it has gone to a car collector in Leeston. It seems as we age we like comfort (funny that) and we are finding that the more modern car is becoming popular in the Club. Keith Nunn
Newsletters from other branches Many Branch Newsletters are now posted on the VCC Website: A few branches are still sending us printed copies and these are displayed on the stand in the Library for three months. Others are received as pdf files by email and can be forwarded to you on request: Ashburton, Auckland, Banks Peninsula, Eastern Bay of Plenty, Far North, Hawke’s Bay, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Rotorua, South Canterbury, Southland, South Otago, Wellington and WellsfordWarkworth. If you would like a copy, please contact the Editor or the Secretary.
Links to other branch newsletters and websites Southland branch website, includes their newsletter (Rumour): Auckland branch website, includes their newsletter (The Bulletin): Bay of Plenty branch website, includes their newsletter (Klaxon): Hawke’s Bay branch website, includes their newsletter (The Mag): Rotorua branch website, includes their newsletter (Side Curtains): South Canterbury branch website: Wairarapa branch website: 34
Online bonuses this month 1962 Motor Show from Earls Court, London Classic British Cars, “One Lady Owner”: Alain de Cadenet talking about the “good old days” of privateer racing: Vic Elford recalling the Targa Florio: Do you think this will catch on? (Audi’s concept for new tail lights)
Spotted! On page 43 of the Southland Express, 25th May 2017, Bill and Annette Ainge pictured with their 1976 MGB GT before the start of the Southland branch’s Post War, Post 60, Post 80 Rally on the 20th May. On page 7 of the Southland Times, 2nd June 2017, Mark Quertier and Barry & Betty Clearwater pictured at the premier of McLaren at the Reading Cinemas, Invercargill. The Editor
The $50 lesson Recently, while I was working in my front yard, my neighbours stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog. During our friendly conversation, I asked their 12 year-old daughter what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be Prime Minister some day. Both of her parents who are Labour were standing there, so I asked her, “If you were Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would do?” She replied, “I’d give food and houses to all the homeless people.” Her parents beamed with pride! “Wow! What a worthy goal!” I said. “But you don’t have to wait until you’re Prime Minister to do that!” I told her. “What do you mean?” she replied. So I told her, “You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I’ll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.” She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, “Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?” I said, “Welcome to the Liberal Party”. Glenise Corcoran
Advertisements FOR SALE Austin 8 1939 (we think). Body all panel-beaten. Heaps of spares: 4 motors, 3 heads, 2 gearboxes, 2 sets of windows. Phone Stewart: 0272289370 1/3
WANTED One 15” steel wheel rim to suit a 1962 MGA. Phone Starr McDougall, (03) 208 6501 (business hours) or (03) 208 5450 (evenings). 1/3
WANTED The “square” centre cap for a standard fitment alloy wheel and a windscreen washer solenoid (as pictured) for a 1986 Toyota Corolla 1.6GL Liftback. David North. Phone 02117 23281 or email 3/3
Piece of Corn A man was in a psych ward for thinking he was a piece of corn. He was finally cured and set free, but immediately came back to the mental hospital trembling in fear. When asked why, he said: "There's a chicken outside." Doctor: "But sir, you do know you're human right? Not a piece of corn?" Patient: "Of course I know that! But does the chicken know?" Bill Sheddan 37
COOKERY CORNER Cornflake Dessert Ingredients 125gms butter 125gms sugar 2 level tablespoons cocoa 4 cups cornflakes 1 packet chocolate instant pudding 1 large can pears 2 sliced bananas Whipped cream Chocolate chips to decorate Method Mix butter sugar and cocoa in a pot and heat to melt butter Add cornflakes, mix and press into dish and place in fridge for 1hour Make instant pudding and pour onto cornflake base Cover instant pudding with drained chopped pears and sliced bananas Cover with whipped cream and decorate with chocolate chips Betty Clearwater
Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome. Please send all contributions to David North
before the 21st of each month for inclusion in the next Wiper If you don't have a computer I can type up a hand-written article or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how! e-mail: physical mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822 telephone (mobile) 0211723281 Remember that insuring your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quoting the branch number (300135) results in the branch receiving a commission payment Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore branch or of the VCC. The branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements. The Wiper is printed by i-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill. Telephone (03) 218 3350 39