April 2017
P O Box 458, LEVIN 14 Tiro Tiro Road, LEVIN
Tom Hayes
Colin Brooks
04 298 5458
Deputy Chair
Mark Morgan
06 368 4735
Michael Gaffaney
04 905 2402
Colin Geange colin.geange@xtra.co.nz
06 323 0933
Club Captain (Joint)
John White Bob Barton bobandthegaffer@gmail.com
06 368 3299 06 367 8216
Branch Delegate
Warren Birch
04 9052130
Derek Ransom Callum Farmer Fred Foothead
06 368 1011 06 364 7238 06 368 7667
Custodian Groundsman
Andrew Judd Wayne Thrower
06 368 6891 06 368 5611
Spares Team
Callum Farmer callumfarmer77@hotmail.com Rex Williams Mike Khull Mark Morgan Jeff Fox Colin Brooks Robert Cammish
06 364 7238
Library Archives
Peter and Bev Kelly
06 368 3474
Spark Editor
04 971 2858
Spark Distribution
Mark Gibson thegibbos@paradise.net.nz Bob Barton
VIC Team
Verdon Heath, Ivan Horn, Jeff Fox and Mark Morgan
06 367 0613 06 363 5633 06 368 4735 06 362 6013 04 298 5458 04 905 0772
06 367 8216
Meeting Branch Night - 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Committee Meeting - Last Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Working Bee - Saturday following Branch Night at 8.30 am Spare Parts - Open Saturday following Branch Night
First of all, this month I would like to welcome seven new members who have joined us recently. New members and their vehicles are listed in this month’s Spark. Members who have similar vehicles please introduce yourselves and make our new members welcome.
Our 20th Annual Swap Meet: What a day! Pete Collins, our co-ordinator, told me the week before he had organised the weather. And he surely did! What a cracker of a day! I would like to thank all members who turned up on the Friday to help set up for the day, and to all who came on Saturday for their part in making the Swap Meet a financial success, and a happy occasion to be a part of. Those on the gates who came so early, and the ladies in the kitchen who turned out the sandwiches etc from a very early hour, plus the dedicated team on the BBQ who had everything so organised. What would we do without you all? The Library team, the Spares team, the list goes on. Your input is so much appreciated, I can’t thank you enough. Also, a huge thank you to all of the members who donated muffins, scones, cakes, loaves, etc to be sold through the kitchen. It makes such a difference to the success of the day when there is such a response to the call for help. During the last month our Club Rooms have been made available to other organisations: Search and Rescue used our Rooms and field as operational HQ for rescue training. The Levin Rotary Club had lunch in our Rooms as part of their Cave Tour while raising money for the Arohanui Hospice. It is nice for us to share our rooms with other groups who are serving the community. th
The 25 National Motorcycle Rally was held at Waitomo Village in February, and our member nd Ian Bade came 2 in the Concours de Elegance with his 1913 L.M.C. Well done Ian! We will see th th the bike and side-car and Ian at our 40 Anniversary, where he will receive his 50 year badge. After being approached recently about slow vintage cars holding up traffic and not pulling over to let the traffic through, as I have a slow club car myself, it reminds me that we have to keep looking behind and do the best we can to let the traffic past. Otherwise, we could be penalised for impeding the flow of traffic. Please be considerate to those following behind. At Club Night this month Mik Peryer gave us a preview of his upcoming children’s book about the th Waikanae Estuary, to be launched at the “I” Site Coastlands 30 April, 1-2 pm. Our Speaker the same night was Sergeant Bruce Wilson, who gave us a very interesting talk with plenty to think about in restraining children in vintage cars. Some grey areas in the law, and good options in fixing car seats, plus offers of help to get over the problems made for some interesting discussions. I have to remind you all of the Easter Sunday run for Devonshire Tea, starting from the Club Rooms at 9.15 for a 9.30 am start. th
Also a reminder of the 40 Anniversary Dinner to be held at the Club Rooms on 25 June. Cost is $25 a head for a catered luncheon. See you at some, or all, of these events!
Roster for April 2017 John Bellamore, Ivan Benge, Rod Benning, Warren Birch, Win Bishop. If you cannot make it for either kitchen duties on Club Night on 3rd May, or the Working Bee on Saturday morning 6th May (9 am till 12 noon) please let myself or Cheryl know on 04 298-548.
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Christopher Archer – 1954 Morris Minor Van Roger Begg - 1960 Dodge Sedan, 1967 Triumph T100 Mervyn and Cheryll Edwards – 1962 A40 Farina Saloon Robert Law – 1933 Austin Berkeley Saloon Bruce and Raewynn Lawrie – P4 Chrysler Sedan John Meulblok and Sharon Carey – 1969 ZB Fairlane Sedan James Reiley – 1930 James Motorcycle, 1950 Riley RMB
Easter Sunday Devonshire Morning Tea Sunday April 16th
A casual run south of Levin for approximately 50kms. We’re not using the main roads where possible. There’s nothing adventurous, just a little metal of no consequence. We will have a late Devonshire Morning Tea at a covered venue, with no cost to you. If the weather is cool, bring a warm jacket just in case. Meet at the Clubrooms 9.15am for a 9.30am departure. Children are welcome. The afternoon will be yours. See you there.
Damaged Roller Door There was some mysterious damage done to the roller door on the Spares addition at the end of March. This was discovered by Mike Khull when he came to the Club Rooms. He rang me immediately about it, and I informed the Police who did inspect the site. Mike arranged for Jeff Fox to come and assess what needed to be done. Between them they repaired the door within a day or so. This cost both of them quite a bit of time and effort, and on behalf of the Club, I say a very big “Thank You!” What would we do without members like you? Colin.
On Friday I called at the Spares Shed to drop off some donated parts and discovered our new roller door pushed in, the door studs bent and the door hanging in, out of its track. There’s a rubber scuff mark on the door suggesting a tyre pushed it in and bodywork hit the stud etc. The frame was pushed onto the single door, jamming it as well. I managed to work the door back into its channel and secure it. I’ve beaten the worst of the dents out of the door. After phoning Colin, I arranged with Jeff Fox to go down the next day and repair the damage. We had to remove the outside cladding and facings, then replace the bottom sections of two studs, then reinstate the cladding after panel beating. Two panels will have to be replaced later as we cannot get them flat enough. The Police arrived and we discussed whether this was an attempted break-in or just bad driving, the result being, it is not clear either way. The rubber marks on the door are very low suggesting a small wheel not a car etc. Maybe a side by side type vehicle? Whatever it is, its blue. Just another hassle we did not need, but it’s all fixed again.
Mike Khull
Branch Delegate’s Report on the VCC National Executive Meeting Held at Holiday Inn Auckland Airport: Saturday 11 March, 2017 President, Dianne Quarrie, opened the Meeting: delayed due to lateness of Airport transport. The minutes of the 2016 Executive meeting were passed as true and correct. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report: tabled and discussed. The Horowhenua Branch moved that: In future a Finance Report be included for the 10 month period, including a comparison with budget. The Balance of the various Bank accounts to also be included. Seconded Accepted. The Vero dividend has been received: $23,693.00. Membership Reports: Tabled and accepted North & South Island Club Captains’ Reports: Tabled and accepted ‘Beaded Wheels’ Report: I asked if there was any public reaction to the increase in the retail price to $7.95, but nothing has been received from the publisher yet. Also asked that the dates and places for both the Executive and Annual Meetings be listed with the other events in Beaded Wheels. Accepted. Speed Steward Report: There is space in the calendar for a National Speed Event: this could be a Sealed Sprint or Drag Race. Is there a Branch that would hold this event? The Archivist Report: Tabled and accepted. The Registrar’s Report: Six were received and discussed. Branches are asked to ensure that the Branch Technical Committee members, names, addresses and contact details are given to National Office. These are very important positions!! st
There are now 10,642 VIC Vehicles: 1987 manufactured vehicles become eligible on the 1 January, 2018. Please Note: three identical photos must be attached to applications for a VIC. ‘Historic’ or ‘Vintage’ Vehicles?? There is a Notice of Motion being presented to the August AGM to revert to using the name ‘Vintage Vehicles.’ The term, ‘Historic Vehicles’ is an International one recognised by both NZ and International Authorities. Neither the Registrar, the Management or the Executive, support this attempt to revert to using “Vintage Vehicles” or changing the names of the various categories of our vehicles: the expense would be considerable and would put us out of step with the International organisations. The NZ Transport Agency is reviewing the “Low Volume Vehicle (LVV) certification process to make it easier to complete, and have submitted a proposal to the LVVTA (Low Volume Vehicle Technical Assoc.) for comment.
Rod Brayshaw, as Registrar, attended the FIVA General Assembly Meeting in Paris representing New Zealand. A number of overseas countries are attempting to limit the use of Historic Vehicles on the roads. We will need to ‘watch this space’ for reactions within the NZ Govt. New Zealand Federation of Motoring Clubs (NZFOMC): Tony Bartlett reported that a National Auto Industry Technology Assn. has been established and they are seeking to apply for special authorisation from NZTA to access the Motor Vehicle Register. WATCH THIS SPACE. International Rally 2021: New Plymouth: Colin Johnston gave us a verbal report: TSB Stadium will be Headquarters and both the Racecourse and Pukekura Park will be used. There will be five days of rallying to five destinations, with a special Veteran Rally on the Tuesday before the rally starts. We will be kept informed and up to date with progress and a web-site is to be developed. There will be options for competitive and non-competitive routes with daily mileages of between 80 – 100 miles. Budget is for 450 entries. Notices of Motion – to be voted on at AGM 2017. Motion No 1: Make it easier to apply for membership: agreed by Horowhenua Branch and the Exec Mtg. Motion No 2: To amend Section 3.1 of the Constitution to change the name of the categories of our vehicles, but within the same age groups. Not accepted by the meeting or by Horowhenua Branch but goes forward to the AGM. General Business: a) b)
New Membership Lists have been issued to each Branch on a Memory Stick. This will allow individual Branches to print them off at a print size of their choice. Presentation by Mellisa Quarrie, daughter of the president: National Day Proposal: To promote the VCC on a National Basis and at the same time raise funds for a specific charity, initially for a three year period – the NZ Cancer Society. Each Branch to organise a run with the entry fee going to the charity. With 36 Branches – and say 2000 entries and open to other motoring clubs - $40,000.00 could be raised, if the entry fee was set at $20.00. It was also expected to attract new members and would raise our profile as the leader of Historic Motoring in NZ. The concept was endorsed by the meeting. Proposal to establish our own national “Facebook” page. The many benefits and uses were outlined in detail. It would be limited to VCC members, would be little or no cost, could link members in different geographical locations (and appeal to younger members – Lorraine) Wanganui has one currently; this proposal was also endorsed by the meeting. Branch Newsletters: Many of these are now on the Club Website; undoubtedly the number of clubs that have their newsletters listed will increase.
Warren Birch Branch Delegate
MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE HOROWHENUA BRANCH OF THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB NZ INC HELD AT 14 TIRO TIRO ROAD, LEVIN ON 5 APRIL, 2017 AT 7.30PM PRESENT: Colin Brooks (Chair) and 44 members. APOLOGIES: Peter Nightingale, Tom Hayes, Norman Mc Brearty, Verdon Heath, Pete Collins, Bill Shattky, Murray Doreen, Ivan Horn, Jeff Fox. NEW MEMBERS: Christopher Archer 1954 Morris Minor Van, Mervyn Edwards 1962 Austin A40 Farina, Bruce Lawrie 1937 Chrysler, Robert Law 1933 Austin Berkeley, James Reiley 1950 Riley and 1930 James motorbike, John Meulblok 1969 Ford Fairlane, Roger Begg 1960 Dodge and 1967 Triumph bike. Welcome to you all. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Printed in Spark, Taken as read. Moved Michael Gaffaney/ Rex Williams. CORRESPONDENCE: Received Manual Updates re sending copies of magazines to other branches, 50 year awards, guidelines for hosting annual conferences, eligibility for National Events, and sponsorship. VCC AGM in Blenheim on 12 August, Auction in Hawkes Bay on 7 May of Dick Goodhall collection of memorabilia. Moved to accept Michael Gaffaney/Andrew Judd. TREASURER’S REPORT: Colin Geange reported. Swap Meet was very successful and better than last year. Moved to approve Colin Geange/Warren Birch. CLUB CAPTAIN: Bob Barton advised of coming events, including Ted Green Rally on next Sunday, a barbecue in May, Night Owl in July, Lunch at Fisherman’s Table in August, trip to Tui Brewery in September. SPARES: Callum Farmer reported. The outside door to the extension was damaged possibly an attempted break in that caused some damage which Mike Khull and Jeff Fox had repaired. Thanks to them. LIBRARY: Bev Kelly advised there would be an article in Spark on how to make best use of the library. GENERAL BUSINESS: Chairman advised he had received a complaint about slow cars holding up traffic. Mik Peryer spoke on the new children’s book he had written, and presented a slide show to accompany his talk. SPEAKER: Andrew Heffey introduced Sergeant Bruce Wilson who works out of the Police College and is the National Crash expert. A lot of useful information. Child restraints required up to 7th birthday. If under 15 years can be in front seat if have a restraint or seatbelt. With children the necks are most vulnerable to injury. If vehicle first registered before 1955 then can carry children without restraint. Meeting closed at 9 pm.
What a great day, lots and lots of people buying and selling, it was a very busy time for our Club. Well done to all the members that turned out to help in the Kitchen, on the gates and grounds, the BBQ, Spares Department and Library, you were all fantastic! Without you people to help, our Club would not be what it is today. Thank you to all of you for your hard work. Barry Rollinson, President of the Rotary Club, put on a great “CAVE TOUR” on Sunday 26th March with 20 places of interest to visit and a lunch break at our Club Rooms. Some of our members were involved and I have been told it was very successful and raised quite a substantial amount for the Arohanui Hospice, well done to all involved. By the time you read this we will have had the most famous “TED GREEN MOTORCYCLE RALLY”. This year we are expecting lots of bikers attending mainly to take the mick out of my motorcycle, which hopefully will be on the run or on display. With less than four days to go I still need piston rings, re-vinning and WoF and rego. It’s going to be a close thing. My sincere thanks go out to Graeme McKenzie, Verdon Heath, Basil Gowenlock, and to anyone who has given advice or help with the bike, we will see on 9th April if we have succeeded (my birthday). Easter Sunday 16th April is a Devonshire Morning Tea. See Notices. Set by Mark Gibson and Peter Nightingale. No cost to you. Enjoy a relaxing morning. Sunday 21st May at 11 am, we are having a BBQ at the Clubrooms with the Vintage Machinery Club joining us. If the weather is fine we will be having a Gymkhana. Sunday 25th June a 40th ANNIVERSARY LUNCH, 12 o’clock for 1pm seated. Get your names down now, there are only 30 places left, contact myself or John to book a place, can I also please ask that members bring their old vehicles if possible for a photo shoot of the occasion. Sunday 16th July at 7pm, NIGHT OWL “COULD BE FISH AND CHIPS ON THE MENU”. Sunday 20th August at 12 o’clock meet at “FISHERMANS TABLE” for lunch. Numbers required and if possible you Southerners, “that’s South of Levin”, please bring your old vehicles. Sunday 24th September meet at the Clubrooms at 10am, for a trip to the TUI BREWERY and a BBQ lunch cooked by the famous TUI GIRLS! $25 per person, also a guided tour of the Brewery with tasting of up to three beers of your choice from the tap. Receive a Mangatainoka Passport all for an extra $20 (minimum of ten people for guided tour). Please note you will need to wear covered shoes on the tour (no jandals). So let myself or John know if you would like to do the tour. We will also be entertained with a live band in the Brewery Garden Bar. Get your names down early, bring your friends; all are welcome this is one not to be missed. We need numbers, so contact (Bob or John) and we can let the Tui Brewery know.
Bob and John Club Captains
Vehicle manufacturer ‘Mathieu’ and any of their vehicles seem to be so rare that little or no information is available using the internet. Wikipedia, if they’re to be trusted, can’t make up their minds whether Mathieu is of French or Belgium origins. The only information seemingly online is an item produced by ‘Stuff News’ a subsidiary of Fairfax Media. This appears to have been generated by Manawatu member Brian Rankine and shows him in the accompanying photograph. This vehicle is the subject of this article, not the history of Mathieu. I would like to have provided some background but simply cannot. Horowhenua member, Mike Khull has a part of an extremely rare and interesting project in his shed……….
Mike tells what he knows, “The Mathieu Company built cars for only three years. This one was built in France in 1902. For the ‟03 and ‟04 years they were built in Belgium. The car was found somewhere in Nelson and is maybe the only one left in the world. It is powered by a 1300cc single cylinder engine and utilises a 3 speed gearbox. It is of 9HP rating. Brian Rankine of Manawatu Branch has asked me to assist him in the restoration of the car. He wants me to complete the woodwork for the front seats. Brian has almost finished the rolling chassis with the exception of a few linkages. So the end is in sight. At some point in the cars life, the rear seats were removed. These were then stored up in a barn somewhere. Whoever did this has been very particular, meaning it has survived in exceptional order and is totally reusable as found. It is almost brand new with no rodent damage as could be expected. The leather has hardened and this has since been dressed and is becoming more supple. This was a very interesting project to work on with lots of curves and angles to match the back body work. I have finished the seat, floor and compartment below etc. The body is now with Ian Chamberlain in Whanganui getting the steel fitted. Then it gets put back on the chassis ready for painting. The line drawing is a factory plan and the car photograph is from a glass slide. Brian has sourced these; he has done an incredible amount of homework on such a rare vehicle.”
Thanks to our Patron, Tom Hayes who sourced this almost comical photograph from a delicate yellowing original copy of The Auckland Weekly News dated 1925. Perhaps that’s just why it was published in New Zealand, us Kiwis saw it as bureaucratic #*!~.
In 1925 it could be said of Roading Engineers, “Because they’re obviously, definitely nuts! Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun”. Playwright, Noel Coward summed these fellas up well! They must’ve recently returned from their ‘Tropical climes’ and threw this idea out there! Madness!
When insuring your valuable items (property, car etc) with Vero, quoting this number results in a commission being made to the Horowhenua Branch. Thank you for your support.
Number HO/300137
Horowhenua member achieves ‘Runner Up’ in Concours d’ Elegance Our very own Ian Bade has achieved ‘Runner Up’ in the Concours d’Elegance on Saturday, 18 February at the 25th National Motorcycle Rally. Quite an achievement in itself, he was pipped at the post by a ‘modern’ 1954 Triumph Tigress from Auckland. Ian was presented with a very stylish trophy and won a very handy emergency cell phone charging battery, along with a selection of automotive care products. Congratulations Ian! Ian was the sole representative of Horowhenua Branch and was supported on Sunday at the event by member Michael Wintringham. Unfortunately the Gymkhana and Public Display held that day had to be cancelled due to weather. Judging was conducted under tent cover. Ian’s 1913 LMC (Lloyd Motorcycle Company) 4hp Tourer achieved second place. To Ian’s understanding he was marked down by the fitting of an unrestored tail-lamp shell and a ‘bodgied’ lens and bezel! Not entirely happy, he has set to and is in the process of rectifying matters! He also has a little gremlin in the engine which he hoped would resolve itself with a few good runs. Sadly this hasn’t settled down and Ian wasn’t able to ride it. The engine will receive some fettling in the near future. From 127 bikes in attendance and some 180 attendees, this is an excellent result. The branch congratulates Ian on his success.
Members will recall this motorcycle was reported on in Spark issue No 51. Bill Hohepa filmed the 25th Rally and extensively interviewed Ian. His work was screened on ‘Face TV’, Sky Channel 83 at 7.30pm on Wednesday, March 7. If interested, hopefully this reference will guide you to a replay. Well done Ian! ________________________________________________________________
Five blokes in an Audi Quattro arrived at the ferry checkpoint. Blonde Tracey, in her brand new uniform, stops them and tells them: "I can't let you on the ferry. It is illegal to have 5 people in a Quattro. Quattro means four. One of you will have to get out and stay behind." "Quattro is just the name of the car," the driver replies disbelievingly. "Look at the papers: this car is designed to carry five persons." "You cannot pull that one on me. This is Tracey you're talking to here," she replies with a smile. "Quattro means four. You have five people in your car and you are therefore breaking the law. So I can't let you onto the ferry. It's more than my job's worth to let you all on." The driver is now very cross and replies angrily, "I've had enough of you. Call your supervisor over. I want to speak to someone with more intelligence....!" "Sorry," responds Tracey, "but Sharon is busy with those two blokes in the Fiat Uno."
Shorty Cole
Owners Rally 2017’ Story and Photographs:
Shorty Cole
We ran this rally during the week, to see how it would work as all other rallies were being run on weekends. This would allow people travelling from the south to enter this rally then continue on to attend other one make runs and the National Rally. As a considerable number of our members are retired, we thought this may work well. The event was held in Pahiatua at the old hospital, now called Masters Hall. Riders started to arrive from lunch time, through to that evening. An enjoyable BBQ was hosted and cooked by the organisers and after some late night talk it was off to our bunks. We were camped in the old maternity ward, put your gear on the top bunk, sleep on the lower. Bedding and towels all supplied. Up for breakfast, all prepared by our hosts, plenty to eat to start the day.
All riders had been given a number to put on their machine and most of the judging was by rider’s choice. A group run went out to the Manawatu Gorge, on neat back country roads, continuing up to see the windmills. We were riding in a group, followed by Mike Marshall in his van and trailer. It was required by a Square Four, which sprang an oil leak. Then onto Ormondville, to see Clive Boyden’s collection of bikes. These were mainly off road and trail bikes that were all restored and very well presented. A very interesting collection.
Lunch was at the Black Dog Hotel. This was followed by a visit to Paul Gleeson’s collection of trucks, bikes and agricultural machinery. As this was all untimed, there was no rush, so you could take your time to look and study his collection. Back to our dig’s for a shower and a well deserved cold one, followed by a quick AGM, and a very good dinner. Once again this was prepared by our hosts at Masters Hall. This was followed by a talk from our guest John Bloemyers who spoke on his exploits of racing a Moto-Guzzi powered side car.
Attendees were 12 Ariels, 2 Indians, 2 Triumphs, 2 BSA, 1 Moto Guzzi and 1 Norton, made up the total number. These were down on previous years, we are not sure if this was the mid week timing of the run, or due to the extra traveling required from the south. Thanks to Mike for all his running about and to Masters for their effort to ensure we had a comfortable stay. As new owners that week, we were their first customers, and they passed with flying colours!
Please Note: The entry form supplied for the Post Vintage Rally unfortunately didn‟t replicate well and subsequently is not included. Should you require it, go to the VCC NZ website, go to News from Branches‟ and look up „The Tourer‟. It can be found there. Alternatively contact the Rally Organiser, email included below. Ed. rd
MID MONTH MEANDER – 23 April 2017 General Motors enthusiasts and in particular Holden fans will love this meander which is to a private collection of over 30 Holden vehicles dating back to the first model to come to New Zealand. But even if you are not a General Motors fan this is a car collection worthy of viewing. Meet at Chesters Plumbing and Bathroom carpark in Tremaine Avenue (Palm Nth) at 1.45 pm for an easy Sunday drive of approx. 20 kms to look over this collection. There is no entry charge to view this collection. After viewing the collection it is just a short drive to a nearby pub for a tea, instant coffee, or any other beverage that you would expect a country pub to dispense (no coffee machine so no specialty coffees - or any cabinet food sorry). Note the different (later) than usual meeting time of 1.45 pm – it is not a misprint. SUNDAY RUN – 30th April 2017 Meet at 11.00 am at the Chesters Plumbing and Bathroom carpark in Tremaine Avenue (Palm Nth) for a drive to a local picnic spot. Bring your lunch, hot water, chairs and whatever else you might need to settle in for the last of our ‘summer’ Sunday picnics. If the weather is against us on the day still come as there is a plan in place that will allow us to go ahead with our picnic plans under shelter.
POST VINTAGE RALLY - 06 May 2017 The Manawatu Branch VCC clubrooms will be open from 9.00 am to allow you and your crew to indulge in a hot drink and a biscuit or two before the 9.30 am briefing. The route for the Post Vintage Rally has been set and because it is of similar terrain to the recent Ruahine Ramble it has been decided that this year the Rally will be open to Vintage classification vehicles (Jan1919 > Dec1931) allowing them to participate as non-competitive entries. A slightly shorter morning route has been prepared for this group. Morning section of rally: Vintage entries – approx. 70 miles (112 Kms) Post Vintage entries – approx. 75 miles (120 Kms) Afternoon section of rally: All entries – approx. 30 miles (45 Kms) Members who have only a veteran classification vehicle, or whose ‘vintage’ is currently off the road are more than welcome to participate in their ‘modern’ as non-competitive. There are no unsealed roads on this Post Vintage Rally. Bring your own lunch, hot water etc., plus chairs, picnic rug or whatever - to help you settle in for an enjoyable lunch stop. If the weather is against us there is a sheltered area at the destination in which we can have our picnic lunch. After the short afternoon section the rally concludes at a café. After the café there is approx. 20 miles (30 Kms) to return to Palmerston North. Entry Form Options: complete the form that is in this Tourer and mail it to the address on the form. If you would like the form emailed to you to prevent you from having to cut into your Tourer, email the Rally Organiser requesting that a PDF version be emailed to you. Alternatively forget the form and just send an email to the Rally Organiser with all of the details that are requested on the form included in the email text. Payment Options: send a cheque in the post with your entry form; pay on the day; or email the Rally Organiser requesting account details so that you can pay by internet banking. Rally Organiser email: bryana@xtra.co.nz
Answer later in this issue of Spark
The library is open on Club Night (1st Wednesday of the month) and on the Saturday morning following, for you to browse, ask questions, and access information. We have over 8,000 titles on the shelves and members are invited to borrow any book, manual, video or DVD, signing the borrower’s book as you leave with your choice. We suggest you bring the book etc back on the next Club Night, to help you to remember to return it. Cross your name out of the borrow’s book and if you remember where the book came from, place it back on the shelves. Otherwise leave it on the table for us and we will replace it. We recommend that members borrow and read: “10 Times Round The Clock” by NZ’s leading motoring writer Peter Gill. This book is an engaging mix of hilarious anecdotes and common sense advice. If you would like your own copy, we have one in the For Sale Section of the library. Thanks to Shirley and Hec, Bob and Jackie for your enthusiastic and friendly help at our Swap Meet. Once again the library sales of surplus books, manuals and magazines surpassed last year’s effort so the library can continue providing its services of cleaning, mending, labelling and processing all of the new donations. Many thanks also to those who have donated books, manuals and magazines to the library. Check the Latest Arrivals folder in the library for the new titles. Thanks too, to those of you who continue to supply back copies of Beaded Wheels for redistribution in the New Membership packs and for placing in various waiting rooms around the district. We are told the magazines are very welcome and are an excellent advertisement for our Vintage Car Club.
Bev and Peter Kelly Librarians and Archivists
With the promise of a excellent day ahead, the morning of the Swap Meet dawned cloudy but fine. With reports of well over a 150 sites, there were many treasures to view and purchase. Some of the highlights from the paddock were the 1955 BSA B31 (sold), the 1918 – 1921 Henderson Motorcycle (American Bike) and the 1939 Plymouth Sedan along with the 1956 Buick Road Master plus many, many more items. With the opening of Spares at 10am the rush was on, with the Hillman Hunter motor flying out the door. Things soon settled down to a steady pace with wheels, bumpers, carburettors, gauges, Austin and Chevrolet dash-boards, Ford Model A and T parts, lights both head and tail, along with a Standard Flying 12 head all being sold. The last Sunday of the month, the Levin Rotary Club had their major fund raiser going on, for the Aorangi Hospice, in which they visited folks and their projects in sheds, including Spares. Safe motoring everyone.
For Sale: 1947 Austin 10 and spares. Not going. In parts. Phone Dave Ivin on 04 4785202. For Sale: 1974 Hillman Hunter. Automatic, fully recon’d motor last year ($6,000). Good tyres. The interior is like new. One elderly owner from new. Paint needs a polish but still in good condition. Car is located in Napier. Motor has had a recent tune as has been sitting in a shed under cover. Fuel tank cleaned. Brakes, one is slightly sticky and should free up with use. $2,000. Contact Shorty for photos and details. Phone 06 3636795.
Wanted: For 1930 Plymouth 4 cylinder. Right rear ‘interior’ window surround. Please Phone Hugh 06 3069847. VCC Member.
Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (Last Wednesday of the month) th
Wednesday 26 April 2017. Trip to Austin Mews, Feilding, to view the Collection of Austins and Mosaic Art Work 9.30 to 9.45am Meet at Hyde Park Village Café, State Highway 1, for morning tea. The Café is on the left, approximately 5kms north of the end of the Expressway. 10.30am Leave for The Woolshed Café for lunch. Located on State Highway 1, 1 km south of Sanson, and on the left hand side of the road. The drive is approximately 75 mins. View the menu on www.woolshed.co.nz/themenu 1pm Leave for Austin Mews, Feilding, to arrive at 1.30pm. Cost to view the exhibitions including afternoon tea is $10.00 per person. th
If you would like to join us, please contact John or Alison Kinvig by 26 March. Either E-mail, jakinvig@xtra.co.nz or phone (04) 234 1262 or (John 027 4524326)
STOP PRESS: As we go to print, this photo has been produced showing incredible progress on the Rankine Mathieu.
Easter Sunday Devonshire Morning Tea. No cost! A run south of Levin utilising back roads avoiding the highway where possible. 9.15am arrival at Clubrooms, 9.30 departure. See Notices in this issue. th April 26 Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run. rd May 3 Horowhenua Club Night. May 7th Auction of Dick Goodhall Collection of Memorabilia. At HBVCC Clubrooms. Viewing on 6th. See ad this issue. st May 21 Gymkhana and BBQ at the Club Rooms. The Vintage Machinery Club will be there along with their machines. This is subject to weather conditions. Further TBA. th June 7 Horowhenua AGM and Club Night. th June 25 40th Anniversary Dinner. Limited spaces. $25 per head. Contact the Club Captains. Come and celebrate the clubs 40 years. Old cars mandatory for a 40th photograph. Arrive 12pm to arrange cars for 1pm meal. th July 5 Horowhenua Club Night. th July 16 Night Owl Rally and Fish and Chip Supper. Further to be advised. th August 20 Meet at Fisherman’s Table 12pm for lunch. Advise Club Captains. Bring your old cars. See report this issue. th September 24 A trip to the Tui Brewery and a BBQ cooked by the famous Tui Girls. Plus an optional Brewery Tour. See information in Club Captain’s Report this issue. 10am. Any enquiries to: John White Phone 06 368-3299
the print bureau 06 367 9330