Horowhenua VCC December 2016

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December 2016

Daniel Hobbs

P O Box 458, LEVIN 14 Tiro Tiro Road, LEVIN


Tom Hayes


Colin Brooks

04 298 5458

Deputy Chair

Mark Morgan

06 368 4735


Michael Gaffaney

04 905 2402


Colin Geange colin.geange@xtra.co.nz

06 323 0933

Club Captain (Joint)

John White Bob Barton bobandthegaffer@gmail.com

06 368 3299 06 367 8216

Branch Delegate

Warren Birch

04 9052130


Derek Ransom Callum Farmer Fred Foothead

06 368 1011 06 364 7238 06 368 7667

Custodian Groundsman

Andrew Judd Wayne Thrower

06 368 6891 06 368 5611

Spares Team

Callum Farmer callumfarmer77@hotmail.com Rex Williams Mike Khull Mark Morgan Jeff Fox Colin Brooks Robert Cammish

06 364 7238

Library Archives

Peter and Bev Kelly

06 368 3474

Spark Editor

04 971 2858

Spark Distribution

Mark Gibson thegibbos@paradise.net.nz Bob Barton

VIC Team

Verdon Heath, Ivan Horn, Jeff Fox and Mark Morgan

06 367 0613 06 363 5633 06 368 4735 06 362 6013 04 298 5458 04 905 0772

06 367 8216

Meeting Branch Night - 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Committee Meeting - Last Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Working Bee - Saturday following Branch Night at 8.30 am Spare Parts - Open Saturday following Branch Night

Well another year has nearly ended. I am sure they go by quicker each year! At this month’s Club Night we welcomed Gary Jacob, who originally worked in Levin but is now from Auckland, and also Selwyn Wishnowsky from Feilding. Members will remember us visiting his very interesting “museum” about 18 months ago. We have to say goodbye this month to our “chirpy” Fred Foothead, who is heading up to Tauranga to live. Fred and his wife Bev have worked hard for the Club over many years, holding office and editing our magazine. We wish you both well for your retirement up North. You will be missed. Thanks to Bruce Scott for his “chat” on he and Bernard’s trip to the U.S.A. It was very entertaining, but too short! There must be a few more stories to come from this, I am sure! It was good to see so many members and cars turn up for our Tararua Trundle last month. It was made more enjoyable by having good weather, which was the complete opposite for the Waiouru run two weeks later. It was a shocker of a day, and my thanks go to Andrew Judd and John White, our drivers for managing to hold the vans on the road. The horizontal rain and pounding westerly winds made driving hard work. Thanks to Linda Barton also for battling the elements and driving her car full of passengers as well. The trip itself was excellent and well organised. We are lucky to have Club Captains who are putting in the effort for us, so we can enjoy these events. It was great to see Brigid Williams on the trip. She is doing well with her recovery from a broken hip suffered some months ago. To me, both of these outings showed what the Club should be all about, meeting and enjoying one another’s company as well as getting out and seeing something different, and using our cars if the situation is right for it. A “little birdie” tells me our Peter Nightingale is to celebrate a “significant” birthday toward the end of December. Happy 80th, Peter! Shona will be 79 at the same time, and it is also their 58th Wedding Anniversary. Many reasons to celebrate! Congratulations to you both. By the time you read this month’s “Spark” our Christmas Party lunch will have been and gone, and Christmas Day will be nearly here. Cheryl and I would like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy Christmas, and our very best wishes for the New Year ahead. Let’s make it a good one for our Club!


Roster for February 2017 Murray Tinsley, Gary Tweddle, Barry Walker, Christopher Ward, Nigel and Angela Wheeler. If you cannot make it for either kitchen duties on Club Night on 1st February, or the Working Bee on Saturday morning 4th February (9 am till 12 noon) please let myself or Cheryl know on 04 298-5458.

Speaker for February 2017 The Speaker for February Club Night will be Warrick Laing, who has Norton and Velocette motor bikes. He works for a company called Carbonflo, which is fuel catalyst technology.


BURGLARY The Brooks have suffered the intrusion of some lowlife scumbag entering their property and forcing entry to a shed. They have removed the ride on mower and placed it on the Brooks own trailer and taken both! Should you hear of either being sold or see them, please contact Colin or the Police direct. Taken was, a yellow and green Yardman ride on and a two year old ‘Trayla’ 7x4 trailer with a cage. This is registered Y42M. The chassis number is known and is readily accessible if required. Both are identifiable by Colin. Phone Colin on 027 4451449 or Police on 111.

Levin AP&I Show January 2017 This is being held from Friday 20 January to Sunday 22 January. The branch has received a request for a display of a dozen vehicles of various years. This includes cars, motorcycles, trucks etc. All will be on display the entire weekend within the secure main building. The AP&I Show organisers have employed security staff to look after them for the time the vehicles are in the complex. Please Note: Vehicles must remain and can only be removed on Sunday at around 4pm. Please contact the Club Captains as soon as possible. Thank you.

Subject: Magazines on website To all Branch Secretaries; The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand is creating a number of new online features that will be of advantage to members. The first one is now up and running. At a recent meeting of the Club Executive it was suggested branch monthly magazines and newsletters were made available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand website. Magazines are now able to be read by going to http://www.vcc.org.nz and clicking on “News from our Branches” on the menu down the left side of the home page. Then click on the magazine you want to read. Each magazine will be posted as soon as it is received and will appear in the alphabetical order of the branches. The current monthly magazine for each branch will be removed once the current months is received. There are a number of magazines already on the site. You can read them at vcc.org.nz/newsfrom-our-branches To ensure your magazine or newsletter is posted please send a PDF file to the Vintage Car Club Communications and Marketing Officer at comms@vcc.org.nz. If you print your magazine please send me the print PDF or just turn your word file into a PDF. In the event that you have any problems turning your magazine or newsletter into a PDF, please contact me and we can work through it together. I would be grateful if you could pass this information on to the person in your branch who produces the magazine or newsletter. Also could you advise your members that this feature is now available on the Vintage Car Clubs website. Thank you Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488

…from the Chairman and the Horowhenua Branch Committee

When insuring your valuable items (property, car etc) with Vero, quoting this number results in a commission being made to the Horowhenua Branch. Thank you for your support.

Number HO/300137

An overcast start to the day, but that did not deter our troops from turning up for the Trundle - the more people that turned up, the better. The weather improved, with brilliant sunshine in the afternoon. A grand total of 45 people, some young and some not so young, turned up at the club rooms all of them ready and raring to get off and have some fun. The route was scenic and relaxing, with a café stop halfway through. The event took in the Taurarua views and countryside, it was just over 143 km long and took approximately four hours or so to complete. A good day out, with good friends and colleagues. I was told that this is how rallies should be, laid back and relaxing, with good weather and a lovely café stop, plus the addition of our younger family members - all in all a great time full of fun. A big thank you from John and me to all who turned up, we had a right mixture, some from Whanganui, Feilding, Palmerston North, Wairarapa, Wellington, Kapiti Coast, and of course lovely Levin, well done to all of you. I would also just like to say again a big thank you to all our young, and hopefully future members, who gave up their computers for the day to pop along with mum and dad, it was really nice to see you all and I hope you will now be asking your parents to bring you to more of our outings. If you are old enough to drive, then pester the life out of them to buy you a car (any age of car will do). You can then drive to the club rooms and go on outings and enjoy yourselves. Don’t forget Sunday, 11December or Father Christmas will be disappointed. It is the Xmas Party, (the one to be seen at) - only $25. (Get in quick before Colin ups the price!) Please bring a small gift of not more than $5 and indicate male or female on it. All to be seated by 1pm. Saturday 21 to Sunday 22 January - AP&I Show Vehicles wanted for display please. All vehicles will be on display in the main building and will have security watching over them from arrival to departure. They are required ready and out on display on Friday 20 January. Please contact John or myself if you can help with the display of your vehicle. Sunday 29 January - Wheels with Attitude and Swap Meet 10am to 2pm Dannevirke A&P Show Grounds - $2 entry Sunday 12 February- British Car Day at Trentham 10am to 3pm - $5 entry We will be taking the gazebo, kettle and coffee with us. Bring your sandwiches and vehicles. Sunday 19 February - Shannon Car Show Arrive 830am for a spot beside the gazebo. Drinks available. BYO lunch.

Friday 24 to Sunday 26 February - The National BSA Rally Vertical Horizon, Inglewood Friday 24 to Sunday 26 February - The Jam Pot Rally Masterton, Wairarapa. All enquires to Ken Bain. Phone 04 934 0808 or email kenbain@clear.net.nz Trophy Winners for The Tararua Trundle November 2016 VETERAN VINTAGE POST VINTAGE POST WAR POST 1960

Laurie Cocker Norm Cook Phillip Janes Mike Khull Andrew Judd

Overall Winner: Mike Khull with Callum Farmer riding Shotgun. That’s all for now folks. See you all at the next outing!

1906 Cadillac 1928 Ford Model A 1939 Vauxhall 1957 MGA Coupe Austin 1800

Bob and John Club Captains

The November run was an excellent trip to the Waiouru Army Museum. A great time had by all and will be reported on in February Spark.

This advertisement appeared in the 1926 edition of the Wellington Auto Club book. You can take or leave the advice!



to Shona and Peter Nightingale

from all your friends at the Horowhenua Branch of VCC

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE HOROWHENUA BRANCH OF THE NZ VINTAGE CAR CLUB INC HELD AT 14 TIROTIRO ROAD, LEVIN ON 7 DECEMBER 2016 AT 7.30PM PRESENT: Colin Brooks (Chair) and 55 members VISITORS: Selwyn Wishnowsky, Gary Jacob APOLOGIES: Michael Wintringham, Tom Hayes, Dave Hobbs, Bill Shattky, Mick Peryer, Margaret and Graham Lawton, Murray Tinsley. WELFARE: Shona Nightingale and Margaret Ransom continue to make good progress. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: In Spark and taken as read. Moved Michael Gaffaney/ Peter Nightingale CORRESPONDENCE: National Office advising that their website now contains the latest issue of each branch magazine. New amendment to Vehicle Identification Manual received. Also a new central repository for events being set up so branches can see how other branches organise particular events. Letter from South Canterbury Branch of VCC expressing concern re results of Dunedin International Rally and way it was managed. Asked for our support. Warren Birch spoke and read out our letter of support with a copy also going to National Office. TREASURER’S REPORT: Colin Geange reported. Moved Colin Geange/Pete Collins CLUB CAPTAIN: Bob Barton spoke on Tararua Trundle which was a success with 20 cars and 45 people. Coming events include Christmas lunch on 11 December, AP&I Show on 21/22 January. Wheels with Attitude in Dannevirke on 29 January, Shannon car show on 19 February. Club will also have a presence at the British Car Day in Trentham on 12 February. SPARES: Callum Farmer reported a quiet month. Still working on setting out spares in extension. Query received on whereabouts of a 1904 Oldsmobile thought to be in Levin. LIBRARY: Bev Kelly advised that report will be in Spark GENERAL BUSINESS: Fred Foothead is leaving the branch to live in Tauranga. Fred has been an active member including several years as Spark Editor, also in charge of the club’s audio visual equipment. Was very active in the Swap Meets over the years. Members wished Fred and Bev well for their new life in Tauranga. SPEAKER: Member Bruce Scott talked on his and Bernard’s trip to USA. Looked at the space station in Houston which was very interesting, then 3 nights in Washington and flew up to Lancaster and onto Hershey. This was a very worthwhile experience with a large range of goods for sale. Made several purchases but constrained by baggage limits. Meeting closed at 8.48pm

a countryside cruise

Daniel Hobbs son of David and Debbie Hobbs

On Sunday, 13 November I should have been studying for my NCEA level 1 Science exam which I had the next day, but instead I found myself in the back seat of a 1957 Morris Oxford travelling at “speed” towards the Levin Vintage Car Club. Now this wasn’t the first time I had been to an event like this, however it was the first time being able to sit in the back of a car that had windows and a solid roof. Most of the time on vintage car runs, I’m wrapped up in a sleeping bag in the back of a Ford Model A Phaeton. When we arrived we parked up and went into the clubrooms to catch up with everyone. As my parents went off and had their own discussions with others, I decided to go and look at all the different cars that had arrived. Now there were a lot of different cars there to see as it was quite a good turnout. Some were cars that I had actually heard about like a Porsche, Model A, and of course the Morris, but there were some I had not seen before, like a Hillman, Rover and several others.

After this we all gathered in the clubrooms and were handed our instructions for the day. Then we were off in a car that was nice and warm for once. After about 10-15 minutes we realised that the “simple” controls for the heater were actually not so simple, and discovered that Morris cars’ reputation for having a good heater was spot on, and that it was a little too good at warming the inside of the car. Not to worry the winddown windows helped us out there, and we were off motoring down country roads, and the highway. This was set to be another great journey around the Horowhenua-Manawatu region. My mother decided to allocate me the role of navigator from the back seat. We had been travelling quite well with me understanding the instructions very well for a while, then the first question came and now it was my time to really shine. However, this was nothing like an exam with the easy questions at the start, it was straight into the hard questions. I missed the first question so with some creative thinking and a discussion with my parents we came up with a fitting answer to the question. My restful place was “The Morris Oxford”. As we got further and further out of town the roads seemed to get better with little traffic. We could just “fly” in the Morris Oxford. The roads and challenges faced ahead were getting even better as well, with a bit of gravel thrown in the mix. I believe I remember my Dad saying “The Morrie just idles over the gravel”, and in some ways he was right, it did handle better than a Model A, but still was no rally car! So, on we continued flying around corners and over little hills until finally we arrived at our refuelling station, The Woolshed Café. We all gathered around for another yarn and some good food. Once everyone was full we continued on with the return part of the journey.

On the way back it was very much the same with lovely country roads to zoom around and more questions for me to answer, until finally we got back to the clubrooms where we all gathered for a cup of tea, some quick snacks, along with some more discussion. Then finally the winners of the classes were read, prizes were given, and the 2016 Tararua Trundle came to an end. I would personally like to thank Bob Barton and John White for organising such a fantastic day, and thank everyone for coming to the event making the day even better. Good luck with those

Inland Kaikoura route advice!

________________________________________________________________ exams Daniel.

Summer wasn’t much fun for some!!

Before I met Shona my first car was a Ford Model ‘A’. A nice old 1928 sedan! After handing over £75.00, I had my first car. It was used to convey me from Palmerston North to Dannevirke where Shona was in her first year of teaching. In 1962, we were well married, on Shona’s orders, ‘Gertrude’ was sold for £50.00. The money being needed to buy a sewing machine! By this time two of our children had arrived and Shona made or repaired all their clothes.

I always missed Gertrude and a few years later purchased an old cut down ‘A’ called Henry. All of our children learnt to drive in this.

1970 arrived and I found Matilda for sale in Woodville. She was purchased for $125. ‚BIG MONEY‛ in those days for an oldie! She was not as you see her today. The top was off. However she was registered and warranted and used. A Neilson body had been fitted instead of a hood. I joined the Manawatu VCC in 1972 and started the restoration and put it back to original. Not so easy to get parts then, so I made the hood bows myself. I used old spade handles for the tapered ends then later cast some. In 1973 we moved to Levin. With the kids on board, I set off from Dannevirke and Shona in a new Chrysler Valiant. At this stage the car was mobile but the hood had not been fitted. I recall coming up a hill and caught up to a sheep truck. I soon found out you don’t follow too close! Sheep have no respect for Model ‘A’s with no roof!!! We have used Matilda for all that time and have fitted a couple of motors over the years. Matilda has been a bit shed bound of late as we have not been out as we once did. I had noticed a trace of water in the oil! I’ve done a couple of oil changes but after a while the same reoccurs. I decided that the head gasket may need replacing. After putting this off and off, I did the job the other week. I just thought that I would share this with you as you might learn something, as I did! 

Drain the water.

Remove the bonnet by releasing stays and loosen the top radiator hose.

The radiator will be able the be pulled forward to allow the bonnet removal.

Slacken generator bracket and remove fan belt.

Remove distributor. This can be tricky with a Model A, as if this has been in place for some time it will rust in the head. As the stem is cast iron take care it is not broken off with too much effort.

It pays to clean it when out and add graphite or similar when refitted.

11/16 AF socket fits the head studs.

Start in the middle and work out.

Fit lifting tool in No 3.

The head will stick on the two long studs which secure the water outlet. Take care these are moving.

After removal and clean up, if this is your problem, as was mine, fit a new head gasket.

I looked at the new gasket which was not labeled ‘top’ and found it fitted both ways.

I decided to ring Mark Morgan for advice.

He said fit the joined seam to the block. This I did after a light spray of copper coat sealer.

Now I realised that the old gasket had been fitted the other way up. I could see the seam had lifted.

Reverse instructions, tighten to around 50 foot pounds, re-check when hot, in the correct order. Centre out, check this as it is important.

I am open to comment on my method as I am not a mechanic, just another keen Model ‘A’ fan!

‌all tickety boo again!

Peter N

NB: The entry form is held by the Secretary, Editor and Librarians, just sing out. We have the form in an electronic version so it can be emailed and printed. The entire document was too large to fit in Spark. Ed

Contact for this rally is Ashley Blair on phone 027 2278603 or website http://bsa.org.nz A rally entry form is held by our branch Secretary and Editor.

Answer later in this issue of Spark

Your Library has had a very busy year. We have cleaned, mended, processed, and put a further 1,000 titles on your Library shelves, to make a combined total of over 8,000 titles! Thank you for your donations, which have made your Library a collection to be proud of. We were very pleased to accept a further three books from Roy Benseman’s special collection. The books cover information about Henry Ford, Austin cars, and another on Collectable Cars. (A couple of our vehicles made it to the Collectable Cars Book!) Your Library is filled with books Roy has donated over the years, for which we thank him very much. Peter has added more badges to the display boards in the Library. The Library sells vehicle-shaped display boards if you want to mount your badges for display in your man-cave. We also have a few number-plate surrounds for sale too. Check them out next time you are in the Library. Library sales monies are used to finance the Library. They provide copy paper, copy-safe pockets, mending and cleaning essentials, as well as the usual pens, cellotape, etc. If we raise enough, we go to the book sales with our list and purchase books we don’t have. We wish you all a Merry Christmas, and enjoyable and safe motoring in 2017.

Bev and Peter Kelly Librarians and Archivists

It’s that time of the year, Christmas, with Spares looking to shut down on the 11 December for the Christmas and New Year break. I can report that November’s working bee was especially busy, with members bringing in various parts including a collection of wheels. Not tyres! There looks to be a pair of early 1930’s Studebaker President wire spoke wheels among them. There’s a chance the full set could be there! As promised last month, the Ford Model A, T and V8 members of the branch should be happy with their early Christmas present! Some of the new shelves are now full with Ford parts. Over the course of this month, I had a ring from a Manawatu member looking for a 1903/04 Oldsmobile, which he had been told, was in a shed in Levin! It apparently has been there for the last 60 to 70 years! Should anyone know anything about this car, please contact me. Last but not least, a club member has purchased the two Castrol Oil Dispensers from spares. Merry Christmas everyone.


Spares are selling the two ‘Castrol Oil Dispensers’. They’re firstly being offered to branch members for sale. If no interest, it will be opened up to others. For more information please see Callum or phone on 06 3647238 or 021 1553445 after 5pm. Or email at callumfarmer77@hotmail.com

1966 Chrysler Newport 2 door pillarless Recent import to NZ. Not yet registered here. Good sound car. Contact Barry Gill from Kult Kustomz Levin, $16,000. Phone 021 0517173

WANTED Storage wanted for my car, prefer Paraparaumu Beach area or somewhere close to Paraparaumu. Dry, undercover and lockable would be good. Thanks Barry Walker 027 3487661

Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (Last Wednesday of the month) Wednesday 14 December: Christmas Luncheon at the Waikanae Club 12:00 noon

Meet for Christmas lunch at the Waikanae Club, 8 Elizabeth Street Waikanae (across railway off SH1). $25 per person for:

Honey Glazed Ham off the Bone with Roast Potato and Carrots, Cauliflower and White Sauce, Minted Peas. All with traditional condiments -----------Plum Pudding with Custard, Ice Cream -----------Tea and Coffee Please note the earlier date. If you would like to join in, please register by emailing kay.murray@clear.net.nz or tel. 04 2933601 by Sunday 11 so we can advise numbers.


January January


February February February


February February March March March April April

14th 1st

Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run - Christmas lunch. Len Haycock’s New Years Day Run. Meet in Bulls at 11 15am. Fifteen minute drive to picnic spot. BYO food and drink. th 4 No Club Night meeting. st 21 to Whanganui Vintage Weekend and National Veteran 23rd Rally 2017. Both held on Wellington Anniversary Weekend in Whanganui. A celebration of all things vintage. See ads in July and October issues of Spark. th 29 Wheels with Attitude and Swap Meet. A&P Showgrounds Neptune Street Dannevirke, 10 to 2pm. See Coming Events in this issue of Spark. st 1 Horowhenua Club Night. th 5 Manawatu Branch Veteran Rally. See notice this issue. th 12 All British Car Day, Trentham Memorial Park. Fund raiser for Wellington Free Ambulance. See Club Captains Report this issue of Spark. th 19 The “Super Cheap Auto” Shannon Spectacular Car Show. This is the confirmed date. Meet at the Club Rooms 8 30am and we’ll travel in convoy. Open from 9am, starting officially 10am at the Shannon Domain. $2 entry. This is a community fund raiser. th 17 to 25th VCC National Motorcycle Rally and after Rally Tour 19th 2017. See the ad in July issue of Spark. 24thto Jam Pot Rally. Held by Wairarapa Branch. See Club 26th Captains Report this issue for contact details. 1st Horowhenua Club Night. th 4 Manawatu Branch Ruahine Ramble. See the Tourer. th 18 Swap Meet. Horowhenua Branch Swap Meet at Levin Show Grounds. Gates open at 7am. 5th Horowhenua Club Night. th 9 Ted Green Memorial Motorcycle Rally. Further TBA. Any enquiries to: John White Phone 06 368-3299


the print bureau 06 367 9330

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