Horowhenua VCC February 2017

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February 2017

P O Box 458, LEVIN 14 Tiro Tiro Road, LEVIN


Tom Hayes


Colin Brooks

04 298 5458

Deputy Chair

Mark Morgan

06 368 4735


Michael Gaffaney

04 905 2402


Colin Geange colin.geange@xtra.co.nz

06 323 0933

Club Captain (Joint)

John White Bob Barton bobandthegaffer@gmail.com

06 368 3299 06 367 8216

Branch Delegate

Warren Birch

04 9052130


Derek Ransom Callum Farmer Fred Foothead

06 368 1011 06 364 7238 06 368 7667

Custodian Groundsman

Andrew Judd Wayne Thrower

06 368 6891 06 368 5611

Spares Team

Callum Farmer callumfarmer77@hotmail.com Rex Williams Mike Khull Mark Morgan Jeff Fox Colin Brooks Robert Cammish

06 364 7238

Library Archives

Peter and Bev Kelly

06 368 3474

Spark Editor

04 971 2858

Spark Distribution

Mark Gibson thegibbos@paradise.net.nz Bob Barton

VIC Team

Verdon Heath, Ivan Horn, Jeff Fox and Mark Morgan

06 367 0613 06 363 5633 06 368 4735 06 362 6013 04 298 5458 04 905 0772

06 367 8216

Meeting Branch Night - 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Committee Meeting - Last Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Working Bee - Saturday following Branch Night at 8.30 am Spare Parts - Open Saturday following Branch Night

First of all, a big welcome back to everybody for what we hope will be a very successful year for the Club. There is plenty coming up to amuse you! 2016 ended with our Christmas Lunch, with over 50 members enjoying each other’s company in our own Clubrooms. This seems to be a popular choice of venue judging by the numbers who attend. We had one small problem, with some members deciding to come at the last minute, which pushed the caterers to the limit! Some missed out on dessert, for which I apologise! Next time it would appreciated if you could let the organisers know before the day of the event if you intend to come. The New Year’s Day run, organised by Len Haycock saw 35 cars from Wanganui, Manawatu and Horowhenua Clubs meeting up at Bulls before travelling to Lees Reserve for a picnic lunch. We all enjoyed a good day out in reasonable weather, which was better than we had left behind in our area! Summer seems to have passed us by causing a few events to be well down on numbers, the Ford Day for one, and the AP&I Show at Anniversary Weekend. I thank Bob Barton for organising the cars on display, and sticking with the event to the end on a shockingly wet Sunday! This same weekend a few of our members attended the Vintage Weekend at Whanganui, which I believe had great weather on Saturday, and very wet on Sunday. Let’s hope the weather in February is kinder to us, so we can enjoy the All British Car Day on the 12th, and the Shannon Spectacular Car Show on the 19th. This is our Club Run, so we hope to have a good turnout. See Club Captains Report for details. The Spares Department had a working bee on 6th January to erect new shelving that we had bought over Christmas. We want to get it organised and ready for the crowds to peruse on Swap Meet Day, 18 th March! If you are able to help on this day in any form, please let Pete Collins know! Hope to see you at some or all of these events!


Roster for March 2017 Rex Williams, John White, Martin Wilman, Michael Wintringham. If you cannot make it for either kitchen duties on Club Night on 1st March, or the Working Bee on Saturday morning 4th March (9 am till 12 noon) please let myself or Cheryl know on 04 298-5458.

Speaker for March 2017 The guest speaker for the March meeting is Sergeant Bruce Wilson. He has a passion for keeping our kids safe and will talk about carrying children and fitting seat belts in our old cars. This is a murky area so his talk should be very informative. ________________________________________________________________

ATTENTION PLEASE! Our annual fund raiser, the Swap Meet, requires input from all members please. Help is required on the gates, with parking, at the BBQ and in the kitchen. Please supply baking, scones etc. To be delivered to the kitchen for sale during the day. This contributes significantly to income. One or two turns on the gates helps enormously, flip a few bangers on the BBQ, please see Pete Collins or phone him. Help in the kitchen is managed by Linda Barton, please contact her and offer assistance. We need your help please!! Bring your club car along for the show. Phone: Linda Barton 06 3678216 Pete Collins 06 3688656 Hello all Branches. The advert in Beaded Wheels Magazine (Issue 343, page 47) for the North Island Club Captain's Tour shows the wrong dates. The correct dates are 2nd April to 12th April. Could you please let your branch members know these correct dates. Thank you Paul Collins NICC

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE HOROWHENUA BRANCH OF THE NZ VINTAGE CAR CLUB INC HELD AT 14 TIROTIRO ROAD, LEVIN ON 1 FEBRUARY 2017 AT 7.30PM PRESENT: Colin Brooks (Chair) and 53 members VISITORS: James Riley, Roger Begg APOLOGIES: Bruce Scott, Mark Dunn, Tom Hayes, Bill Shattky, Barry Walker. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: In Spark and taken as read. Moved Michael Gaffaney/Mark Morgan CORRESPONDENCE: David Young and Geoff Bertram transferring to Wellington Branch as they live in Wellington. New Laptop purchased. TREASURER’S REPORT: Colin Geange reported. Moved Colin Geange/Pete Collins CLUB CAPTAIN: Bob Barton said 10 unscheduled arrivals on the day at the Christmas lunch meant shortage of food as caterer unaware of extra numbers. Need to address this issue for this year’s lunch. Club will have a presence at Shannon and Trentham events. SWAP MEET: Pete Collins spoke of requirements for the day and as this was our only fundraiser for the year it was very important that members helped on the day. Duties are not onerous and a lot of fun. SPARES: Callum Farmer’s report will be in Spark. LIBRARY: Bev Kelly’s report will be in Spark. GENERAL BUSINESS: If members are aware that they qualify for 25, 35, or 50 year badges please let the Secretary know as branch records are not complete. SPEAKER: Warrick Laing spoke on Carbonflo, which is a fuel catalyst technology. Used on Ships, Trucks and down to motorbikes. Should be very appropriate for vintage cars that are stored for periods. Will reduce fuel consumption as well as emissions. Also spoke of his experiences with Norton and Velocette motorcycles. An interesting talk. Meeting closed at 8.45pm

John and I would like to wish a ‘Happy New Year’ to all our members, we hope you all keep in good health and enjoy the friendship of our lovely Club in the year ahead. AP&I Show 21, 22 and 23 January Probably the best turnout of vehicles to date! A wonderful selection of cars and motorcycles. On display were Basil and Bev Gowenlock’s 1927 BSA Model L 350cc in absolutely pristine condition. Verdon Heath’s totally rebuilt CZ in stunning condition and the two world famous Velocette LE’s nearly immaculately restored and nearly working brought to the show by “yours truly”! Roll on the Ted Green Rally, I hear you all shout. It was a good display of motorcycles and a lot of interest was shown, maybe we can add some more next year? The motor vehicles (apart from mine) really stood out and lots of interest was shown throughout Saturday when the weather was good and people turned out in force. There were Verdon’s Saab 96, Mark Morgan’s Chevrolet, which had just completed a fifteen year restoration and was on its first trip out, well done Mark, it looked beautiful. We also had the one and only “Matilda” the Model A Ford of Peter and Shona Nightingale, a well known vehicle in the local area that Peter has owned for over fifty years I believe. Des and Pauline Sinclair brought along their 1946 Series E Morris 8 painted in burgundy and black, it looked really nice. Peter Kelly raced in with his beautiful 1971 Fiat 850 Sports. John White (my oppo in crime) brought along his MGB GT that he has sympathetically restored (or so he tells me) then legged it off on holiday. He must have known the weather was going to turn nasty! I took my 1954 Morris Minor just to lower the tone a little and lastly the “Star of the Show”, no it wasn’t the little Austin 7 Boat Tailed Racer but it’s owner Barry Cardiff! The rapport between Barry and me over the two days was fantastic; we had the crowds in stitches. Just ask Des Sinclare who was laughing so much he had a bad case of camera shake as Barry was whispering sweet nothings in Pauline Sinclare’s ear! Thank you Barry, and thank you to everyone who turned out with their vehicles and helping our club the best way that they can, by joining in and having some fun, long may it last! Planning ahead:Sunday 12th February. BRITISH CAR DAY at Trentham Upper Hutt. Entry off Barton Road, off Fergusson Drive. 10am –3pm. Sunday 19th February. SHANNON CAR SHOW at Shannon Domain. All meet at Shannon around 8.30am for a place near our Gazebo. Or 8.30am at the club rooms if you wish to travel in convoy. Bring your lunch, we will have tea and coffee provided. Saturday 18th March. Start thinking “SWAP MEET” We need people to help out in the Kitchen, also with car parking, BBQ etc. If you can help please let us know? All the best,

Bob and John Club Captains

Our trip to At 7 30 am on a wet and windy Sunday morning, twenty four of us club stalwarts met at the clubrooms and departed for our Waiouru visit. First problem, we had more bums than seats for the two shuttle vans! To resolve it Bob and Linda loaded up their trusty Rav4 to transport the extras! Andrew Judd had the Harvey Bowler company van. No, not the hearse! Kindly donated to us for the day, free of charge! I had picked up a Toyota Hiace from Tom Lancaster Rentals and spent the drive up with my boot to the floorboards trying to get enough power to counter the stiff headwinds and climb the hills! Didn’t help when lead foot Linda Barton whizzed past on the Mangawekas! Give yourself a speeding ticket Linda! We all caught up at Flathills Café for our coffee fix, plus breakfast for Callum! Arriving at the Museum we found a staff member awaiting us, we were ushered in and given a briefing, a bit of history, then left to wend our way thru’ the very interesting displays. These were the early Maori wars, Boer war, WW1 and 2, right up to the present problems in Afghanistan and the Middle East area. We had to hurry the last few exhibits, as we had a 12 30 pm date with lunch, supplied on premises.

The Home Fires Café staff did us proud. We had a separate seating area away from the general public and our food was all laid out for us on adjoining tables. There was far more than we could eat, and all very good tucker - infinitely better than service rations! We were encouraged to take the remainder home in doggy bags! We were at the coffee stage, when another volunteer arrived to whip us off to the main Army Camp area. So back to our wheels and thru’ security to arrive at the old Armoury area where we were shown a great collection of trucks, Jeeps, motorcycles, armoured cars and tanks. They even had a 1953-54 Royal Tour polished Landrover with its clear perspex standing area in the back. Brigid, followed by Linda practiced their best ‘Royal waves’ while we were pleased at the absence of Corgi droppings! These vehicles mostly (90%) still run and are hauled out for various commemorative events. We were next taken to another hanger where there was artillery on display. The oldest being a Queen Victoria era brass cannon, ex- Edinburgh Castle, all the WW1 and other stuff. There is a neat little radar gadget that plotted incoming enemy shell fire, worked out the source of fire, so they could drop nasty stuff back on the enemy—all very fast! A bit like computer game stuff, and this is like 40 years old, and obsolete? Think I will stay at home for the next war! All of this ‘back room’ stuff the general public never gets to see, all they get is the front of shop stuff in the main museum. So we felt privileged indeed. More so when the gentleman (Retired WO) showing off all this was a good speaker and certainly knew his stuff! Apparently, the museum gets first pick when military hardware is being disposed of and has a great relationship with the powers-that -be in NZ Defence HQ Wellington. The museum is not run by Defence, but operates as a trust and has to finance themselves. They also rely heavily on volunteers. So back to Levin in the pouring rain with no stops on the way this time. A longish day but thoroughly enjoyed by all. I have sent a note of thanks to the Museum and Cafe’ staff for looking after us so well. A big thank you to all who attended, you made it a great outing. Till next trip!


‘Tears on Greenstone Memorial’ - Roimata Pounamu memorial wall. The largest greenstone wall in the southern hemisphere constructed of 430 tiles of Pounamu. Commemorates the war dead of the New Zealand Army, Air Force, Navy and the Merchant Marine. We receive our Briefing before the memorial wall and beneath thousands of red knitted Poppies hanging above our heads. A magnificent lunch put on by the Home Fires Café, consisting of chicken drum sticks, savouries and beautifully healthy gourmet sandwiches. Followed by a choice of cakes, tea and coffee. Spot on!

The retired Warrant Officer giving us a guided tour had an incredibly intimate knowledge of every exhibit. An interesting history goes with each one. There’s a clown and comedian among us all, wannabe Queen Brigid, pictured in a rare public appearance waves to her loyal Subjects. For some reason they were all in stitches! The short wheel base Landrover is the actual vehicle used for the Royal tour in 1953 and 2016.

The Artillery Collection housed in a separate hangar. This also displayed a Japanese Field Gun. One of the many vehicles on display within the Museum.

Warrant Officer Hec Newton (ret), standing before a Wiles Steam Kitchen identical to those he used during his time in National Service.

A special note of thanks, to Harvey Bowler Funeral Services and Andrew Judd for the supply of the company mini bus to transport Horowhenua Branch members on the National Army Museum trip. A generous donation to our club which made the trip comfortable, pleasant and economical for all attendees. Thank you very much, it is appreciated.

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!

Restoration of the Year, awarded to Helen and Martyn Wilman. A beautiful red 1951 Morris Minor Convertible.

Something needs adjustment, would you like a hand Santa? Hic!

……..I’m gonna be in big trouble with Mum when I get home!

New Years Day saw six Horowhenua cars and members inviting themselves along on Len’s Manawatu Branch run. He’s been doing this for years. With 37 cars in attendance and a short drive to Mt Lees Reserve we all enjoyed a picnic lunch. Elvery and Ada Hunt had their Mk4 out for its very first run, having been passed by the Testing Station only 3 days before. Lovely car!

This weekend was the joining of the Whanganui celebration of the Vintage Weekend, the VCC National Veteran Rally and the Burma Rally. A magnificent showing of vehicles on Victoria Avenue would be the highlight for any enthusiast. Just over 200 flyers were distributed to cars on show advertising our Swap Meet. The public by the thousands streamed through the main street to view the vehicles and partake in festivities. Attendees from Horowhenua were Peter Roe (1970 Merc), Mike Khull (MGA), Janet and Mark Gibson (Alpine). Seventy cars participated in the Burma Rally. Earliest was a ’22 Ford T and most recent were a 1978 MGB Roadster and a Chevrolet El Camino.

Happy New Year to you all. Well things are a lot better in our house now, Shona is making great progress with scans and doctor’s reports indicating that all is well at the moment. So press on regardless, one never knows what’s around the corner! Bob and John have been busy with the AP&I show after a request to display some vehicles this year. Bob has also got hooked on Trademe and now has the finest collection of LE Velocettes in the country! He and some mates have got one running and this will be at the show. For those that don’t know, the LE is a water cooled horizontally apposed twin and used by the Police here and in England for traffic duties. They came out of the factory grey and remained this colour throughout their service. With a small prod and some advice, Bob has started looking at what has to be done to get his rare 1918 Model T on the road. Linda says fine, but a few things are going out! She doesn’t want to live in a tent on the lawn. This ‚T‛ is ex France. To quote Bob, ‚I couldn’t turn it down when I saw it‛. This is a left hand drive with a luggage carrier in place of dickey seat. It was owned by an hotelier and was used to transport guests from the railway station to the hotel. With luggage on the back and a squeezed seat in the front, it is only good as a two seater.

Jeff has made a New Year promise to all that he is putting aside work and is going to restore his 1930 Argentinean Ford A Tourer. This will be a gem when done and as far as I know there are only a few in the country. His close friend next door Gerry Harvie has been busy on a 1930 Ford A Pickup.

Mark Morgan has completed his Chevy Tourer! It’s a really nice car with a great history. The 1933 running chassis has also come together and is looking good.

The above advertisement is the ad that will appear in the Petrolhead magazine on behalf of the Branch. Just keeping you up to date!


MID MONTH MEANDER – 12 February 2017 If you fancy a quiet Sunday drive to the Colyton Clocks collection meet at 1.00 pm at the Chesters Plumbing and Bathroom carpark in Tremaine Avenue (Palm Nth). There is an entry charge of $3.50 per head to this venue – please try and bring the correct change. Colyton Clocks is housed in a 100 year old building and is promoted as containing the largest collection in the southern hemisphere of clocks, watches and timepieces from around the world. With the collection typically taking less than an hour to look around, a short drive of a few kilometres to the Herb Farm & Café after looking around the clock museum will be an attraction for most. Bring suitable footwear for walking on non-sealed surfaces as the entrance to Colyton Clocks is across a grassed area, and the paths around the gardens / bush area at the Herb Farm are also not sealed. SUNDAY RUN – 26th February 2017 Meet in the carpark at the northern end of the Feilding Railway Station at 11.00 am for a 25 mile (40 km) drive to some well-established gardens for a picnic. There is an entry charge of $5.00 per head to the gardens – please try and bring the correct change. The gardens are set in 7 hectares of grounds so there is an extensive network of paths in place to allow you to explore the maples, oaks, beeches, liquidambars, conifers, and many other rare and beautiful deciduous trees, along with Dahlias and other perennials, ornamental pools and a waterfall. If the weather is against us on the day a route to an alternative venue has been prepared which will allow us to proceed with our picnic in a sheltered pavilion. If for any reason it is not convenient for you to use your club eligible vehicle on any of the branch events please remember that you are more than welcome to join us using your ‘modern’. RUAHINE RAMBLE - 4th March 2017 The entry form for this years’ Ruahine Ramble is in this Tourer. The Ramble follows the format of the 2016 Ramble in that it is non-competitive. There are several opportunities en-route for petrol, conveniences, ice creams and coffees etc. The Ramble is a 70 mile run to Ormondville with the destination being a roaring 40’s themed Festival Day promoting the restoration work which has been done by the Ormondville Rail Preservation Group. The day is also a Fundraiser for the Group and they have the Pahiatua Railcar coming over and making rides available (at a cost), for people to travel to the nearby Kopua, Ormondville and Makotuku Viaducts. There will be stalls, food, tours of the Station and restored Goods Shed, entertainment, rides etc. It is planned to be a Fun Day so it will be an opportunity to bring children / grandchildren along on the Ramble for a family day out. The organisers have put aside a designated parking area for VCC members to use and if the weather is wet they have made arrangements for a nearby building to be available for VCC members to use for lunch. NB: The Entry Form is held by the Horowhenua Secretary and Editor. It can be sent to you via email.

When insuring your valuable items (property, car etc) with Vero, quoting this number results in a commission being made to the Horowhenua Branch. Thank you for your support.

Number HO/300137

Well, December’s ‘What Am I’, generated some interest with Gisborne Branch member, the infamous Doug Curtis! He has emailed with several memories of the Cadillac Service Car. He says, ‚That Service Car ran between Rotorua and Whakatane. It included Te Kaha,

Hicks Bay and Te Araroa. As a kid I rode in it a few times, mostly school holidays, and was dropped off at Lake Rotoehu at Tunnicliffe’s Timber Mill. I was there to stay with my sister Alice and brother in law Ron Tunnicliffe. That was around 1938 to 1941. I was riding in it once going towards Taneatua, that was the main road in those days, through the Waimana Gorge and sitting in the seat just above the rear wheels when a Synthetic Tyre (the driver called it this) blew out, scared the shiite out of me. One trip my sister and I did was from the Oweka River just north of Hicks Bay. The Service Car could not get over the river crossing because of flooding. Dad had taken us as far as the Oweka River to catch the Service Car in the PWD 1936 Chevrolet truck. We were taken over the flooded river behind a Maori guy swimming his horse to catch the Cadillac. That would’ve been 1938. I often watched these Service Cars go past the Mill in a cloud of pumice dust as they blasted their trumpet horns. That was to let us know, so us kids would run out to collect the paper they tossed out. My favourite Service Car had a chrome fin on the back and a fancy radio aerial along the top. Been there and done that!‛ Doug.

Answer later in this issue of Spark

“11.39am 28th October 1977. Seal of approval was stamped by the Registrar of Incorporated Societies and we were in business” Alistair Jones Chairman. Horowhenua Branch of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. Inc. Welcome to 2017 and our 40th Anniversary as a Branch of the VCC of NZ. From the following Archive Scrapbooks we remember 40 years of our VCC motoring and the folks that made it happen. History of the Horowhenua Branch of the VCC of NZ. 21st Anniversary. 25th Anniversary. 35th Anniversary. Browse through these Scrapbooks as we prepare to celebrate 40 years. A list of Foundation Members can be found on the first page of the Visitors Book in the Clubrooms. Those YOUNG folk were “movers and shakers”! Hopefully we can be just as enthusiastic 40 years on. Watch this space! Your library received its first donation of 2017 the 1st week in January! Murray Hill donated several manuals including ones about Triumph TR2 and 3. Murray is not a member but, like so many others, he was looking for a safe home for his treasured manuals. The current issue of “Spark” is on line for all the world to see. I would rather have a hard copy on hand as an instant reference. With that sort of exposure, I will have to watch what I write in our report! See Beaded Wheels for a list of websites. I hope our neighbouring Branches still send us a hard copy of their magazines, or at least the entry forms for their major runs. One of our very active past members Sandra Lawn [Sandy] is back in NZ. Sandy passed through Levin on her way to see her daughter in Dunedin. Sandy bicycles around Great Britain and Europe as well as crossing the Nullarbor Plains in Australia. Sandy says “Hi” to all of her Horowhenua VCC friends. Welcome home Kiwi!

Bev and Peter Kelly Librarians and Archivists

With the summer being the way it is, I would imagine members have been doing their winter jobs in January! They would not be alone. Spares came back on the 7th January to continue working towards the Swap Meet in March. The last of the shelving being purchased prior to Christmas has now been assembled. Over the Anniversary weekend, a ute load of Chevrolet and Vauxhall PA parts were picked up from a former members property. Of particular interest is a set of Chevrolet Corvette hubcaps! Safe motoring everyone.


1964 Rover 95 sedan. First registered February 1964 – NZ new. 4-speed manual, 2.7L, three owners, 90,000 miles. In all original condition, Juniper Green with red leather upholstery, wood grain dash and door caps, clock, heater, tow-bar and wiring and original tool-kit. New radial tyres just fitted. A luxury English Sedan which presents and motors exceptionally well. $10,950.00. Warren Birch: phone 04 9052130 or 0274 441088

Members can place a For Sale, Wanted or Swap advert here – Free Just contact the Editor, details on inside cover.

Dear Sir/Madam, I am a retired Automotive Engineer. Over the years I have worked partly for myself and overtime purchased many tools. I am in the process of selling those tools, not spanners, pliers, etc., but heavy duty tools for in a garage because they are surplus to my requirements. Valve refacer (Warren and Brown) with spares Seat refacers (handheld) Ridge remover Cylinder hone And a few more items. Also many car manuals (50+) If you or any of the members are interested in it, could you please ring or email me. Prices are negotiable. Email address myndert@xtra.co.nz or use my land line 06 3268723. Many thanks, Kind regards, Joe Erkens 136 Salisbury Street Ashhurst 4810

Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (Last Wednesday of the month) Wednesday 22 February: Waikanae Museum and Summer Sausage Sizzle 11:30 am

Meet at The Kapiti Coast Museum, 9 Elizabeth St Waikanae (across railway off SH1) http://www.kapiticoastmuseum.org.nz/ Donation appreciated. New displays of ‘Memory Lane’ (then and now) photographs, and ‘A Trendy Century’ of clothing.

12:15 pm

Short drive to Kay and Murray’s place for a backyard sausage sizzle. Sausages and bread, onions, salad etc. tea and Coffee $5 pp - other drinks please BYO.

To avoid overcrowding (especially if weather doesn’t cooperate) registrations will be limited to 30 on a first-in basis. On this occasion please reply directly to Kay and Murray by emailing kay.murray@clear.net.nz or tel. 04 2933601 by Sunday 19.



All British Car Day, Trentham Memorial Park. Fund raiser for Wellington Free Ambulance. Entry off Barton Road, off Fergusson Drive. 10am – 3pm. See Club Captains Report this issue of Spark. th February 19 The “Super Cheap Auto” Shannon Spectacular Car Show. Meet at the Club Rooms 8 30am and we’ll travel in convoy. Or 8 30am at the Domain if going directly. Open from 9am, starting officially 10am at the Shannon Domain. $2 entry. This is a community fund raiser. th 17 to 25th VCC National Motorcycle Rally and after Rally Tour February 19th 2017. See the ad in July issue of Spark. 24thto Jam Pot Rally. Held by Wairarapa Branch. See Club February 26th Captains Report in December issue for contact details. March 1st Horowhenua Club Night. th March 4 Manawatu Branch Ruahine Ramble. See the ad this issue under Coming Events. th March 18 Swap Meet. Horowhenua Branch Swap Meet at Levin Show Grounds. Gates open at 7am. th April 5 Horowhenua Club Night. th April 9 Ted Green Memorial Motorcycle Rally. Further TBA. th April 16 Easter Sunday Devonshire Morning Tea. No cost! A run south of Levin utilising back roads avoiding the highway where possible. Further to be advised. Any enquiries to: John White Phone 06 368-3299


the print bureau 06 367 9330

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