Horowhenua VCC June 2017

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June 2017

PO Box 458, LEVIN 14 Tiro Tiro Road, LEVIN


Tom Hayes


Colin Brooks

04 298 5458

Deputy Chair

Mark Morgan

06 368 4735


Michael Gaffaney

04 905 2402


Colin Geange colin.geange@xtra.co.nz

06 323 0933

Club Captain (Joint)

John White Bob Barton bobandthegaffer@gmail.com

06 368 3299 06 367 8216

Branch Delegate

Warren Birch

04 9052130


Derek Ransom Callum Farmer

06 368 1011 06 364 7238

Custodian Groundsman

Andrew Judd Wayne Thrower

06 368 6891 06 368 5611

Spares Team

Callum Farmer callumfarmer77@hotmail.com Rex Williams Mike Khull Mark Morgan Jeff Fox Colin Brooks Robert Cammish

06 364 7238

Library Archives

Peter and Bev Kelly

06 368 3474

Spark Editor

04 971 2858

Spark Distribution

Mark Gibson thegibbos@paradise.net.nz Bob Barton

VIC Team

Verdon Heath, Ivan Horn, Jeff Fox and Mark Morgan

06 367 0613 06 363 5633 06 368 4735 06 362 6013 04 298 5458 04 905 0772

06 367 8216

Meeting Branch Night - 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Committee Meeting - Last Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Working Bee - Saturday following Branch Night at 8.30 am Spare Parts - Open Saturday following Branch Night

Well the AGM has been and gone, and I thank members for electing me as your Chairman once again. This will be my last (and fifth) year in office. I would like to welcome our new Vice Chairman, Des St Clare. Des is a fairly new member but he was prepared to be elected for office. Another reasonably new member, Jackie Job, has been elected for the Treasurer’s position. Winton Cleal and Pete Collins are our elected Committee members, thank you both, but we still need another two members for the Committee. As I write this, we still need a new “Secretary.” Can you help, as Michael Gaffaney is standing down from this position? Colin Geange our Treasurer is also standing down and I must thank them both for their dedication to their jobs, plus the support they have given to me over the last four years. This month the Machinery Club joined us for a “Gymkhana” day. Unfortunately the ground was so wet we had to “can” the Gymkhana part, but we had a great “straight line” race across the ground between two “T” Raceabouts and Lawrie Cocker in his 1906 Cadillac. Even a couple of tractors had a go, and Richard Caldwell on his electric bicycle! A good day. On Queen’s Birthday weekend 14 members of our Club went to Whanganui (including me!) for their annual rally. Wanganui Branch always put on an interesting rally, but this year’s run was exceptional. The mainly unsealed road followed a tributary of the Whanganui River for what seemed like 40 miles or more, with fabulous scenery of sheer cliffs on one side and a steep drop down to the river on the other. Most of this was covered in native bush. The road twisted, turned, climbed and descended many, many times, which made for an interesting drive! That was just the morning run, then we travelled across a private road through a large farm, crossing many fords and cattlestops along the way. Again, an interesting drive! I thank the Wanganui Club members for their hospitality over this weekend, and to our fellow club members for their company and friendship. A great time was had by all! th


We now look forward to our 40 Anniversary dinner on the 25 . Well over 70 people will be attending, including our National President, Diane Quarrie, and her husband Geoff. We hope for good weather so some commemorative photographs can be taken outside. Two 50 Year Service Badges will be presented by Diane Quarrie on the day. I was very pleased to see 22 members at the Saturday Working Bee. We enjoyed th morning tea together and getting the clubrooms spruced up ready for the 40 Anniversary.


Horowhenua Branch Chairman’s Report 2016/17 It is with great pleasure that I present my Chairman’s Report to you on the past year’s activities. It has been yet another busy year, firstly with the closing in of the Club Room’s addition to the Spares Department. After all the hard work fundraising and getting approval through Council in the previous year, seeing it now finished is a huge achievement. My thanks go to Jeff Fox our builder, to Mike Khull, and many other members of the Club, for helping to see the project through. It was a real team effort! Thank you all. Again this year, it is has been good to see an influx of new members who are keen to become involved in Club activities. Your interest in participating is very much appreciated. Unfortunately this year we saw the passing of members Bill Doddington in June, and Ngaire Lutz in September. We lost Ferg Crawshaw in October, and his wife Pam in April. In February Verdon lost his father, Les Heath. Our sympathy goes to all of the families. Our Club Captains Bob Barton and John White have done an excellent job this year organising a variety of Club runs and social events. An excellent run to Waiouru Army Museum was of special interest, and was well attended. Our “Tararua Trundle” in November was also well attended. I thank you both for your ongoing enthusiasm and input into the Club this year. The numbers attending these events speak for themselves! Our Christmas Party was again held in our Club Rooms. What a great venue we have, with plenty of parking just outside. The day was a great success. To those members who turned out for the New Year’s Day run, the Foxton Fling, the British Car Day, the Shannon Car Show, and the Easter mystery run, it was great to see you enjoying these events. A bonus in February this year was for our members to have the chance to be the first to drive over the new Peka Peka to Mackays Expressway. A huge “thank-you” to Mark Gibson for making this opportunity happen! th

This year was our 20 Annual Swap Meet. It was another great day, with good weather and over 150 stalls. My thanks must go to Pete and Rex for co-ordinating the team of members to run the day. Special thanks to Linda Barton and her kitchen helpers, Andrew and Wendy Heffey and their team on the “barby,” Peter and Bev and helpers for selling excess library books, and to Callum and his team for taking good money in Spares. Also my thanks to the gate-keepers and book-keepers, who helped to make the day a financial success. For the second year in a row, a good write-up of the day was documented in the “Petrolhead” magazine, so we must be doing something right! A big “thank-you” to you all!

The “Ted Green” motorcycle run this year was a great success. Coming from just 3 entries last year to 22 this year, we must say well done to Bob, John and Graeme for coordinating such a successful day! I would like to thank our Treasurer, Colin Geange, for all of his hard work over the last four years. He has the finances of the Club in a sound position to hand over to the new Treasurer, as he will be stepping down from the role. Colin has been a pleasure to work with, and I thank him very much for all of his efforts. Our Secretary, Michael Gaffaney, is also stepping down this year. He has been very supportive of me, and has kept me informed of information and events for our Club from all over New Zealand. I thank him very much for his hard work and expertise, and I have enjoyed working with him. To our hard-working Librarians, who continue to develop the Library and Archives into a great asset for the Club, my thanks for your ongoing efforts. Callum is busier than ever, filling up the spaces in his new Spares Department. He and his team work hard at keeping it stocked, to provide a service to members and others, plus providing the Club with an income. Thank you, Callum, for all of your hard work. What can I say about our Spark Editor! Mark gives us all the information, and keeps me on my toes! The magazine just gets better and better. Thanks Mark, for your enthusiasm and attention to detail. I must also thank our Branch Delegate, Warren Birch, for attending the Head Office AGM’s and reporting back to us on the latest happenings. Your time and effort is much appreciated. Extra to Committee: To the grounds people Julia and Warren MacMillan, and Wayne Thrower, many thanks for keeping us looking good on the outside of the building. Also, thanks to our Custodian Andrew Judd who does a great job in co-ordinating all those people wanting to hire the rooms, plus arranging all the necessary supplies for the rooms to function etc. Last, but not least, our VIC Team for their authorising the originality of vehicles. Finally, they say behind every successful man there is a good woman. This has to be true in my case, as you would not be reading this without her! Thank you, my dear, for keeping me on the straight and narrow! th

Here’s to another successful and enjoyable year, as our Club’s 40 Anniversary approaches!

Colin Brooks Branch Chairman ________________________________________________________________

Roster for July 2017 Ian Butler, Bob Byers, Richard Caldwell, Robert Cammish, Barry Cardiff. If you cannot make it for either kitchen duties on Club Night 5 July, or the Working Bee on Saturday morning 8 July (9 am till 12 noon) please let myself or Cheryl know on 04 298 5458.

Speaker for July 2017 We are hopeful that James Riley will be making a presentation on the setting up of a Facebook page for the Branch. As long as his work permits he will be there!

________________________________________________________________ Hi Folks I just wanted to highlight that the Club membership numbers are at the highest they have ever been. It is nice to see how strong the Club is remaining. Even with all the people we have lost through the years, we are still getting new members. As of today, our current membership is 8544. In January 2000, our membership was 6537. Kind Regards Julie Cairns–Gee Administration Manager Vintage Car Club of NZ - National Office


The Club Captains are arranging cars upon their arrival to pose for a photograph along with the clubrooms. This has not been done for years and a quality photo is desired. This will be one of those pictures our grandkids will admire when they’re running the club. Please be present with your car or cars by midday! Chaos will be organised and you will be directed where to present your pride and joy. Dinner is being served at 1pm. Thank you for your patience now! If you haven’t paid, please do so ASAP!

Are you conducting business on behalf of the club? Make your enquiry or visit a little more professional by leaving a card with your name and phone number. Better than a scruffy piece of note paper! The Club Captains have arranged for a generic card that can be used by all members. Please make use of them. ________________________________________________________________

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand now has a new facebook page. The page will have interesting stories, posts on events and photos of vintage car activities from around the country. To start with, we would like you to do the following: 1) For those who already have a facebook account: Go to the VCC facebook page and LIKE it. Posts will then appear in YOUR facebook stream and you can share them with your friends 2) For those who don’t have a facebook page or don’t want to set up an account: Click on the link below and then save it in bookmarks in your internet browser. You will then have easy access to the page whenever you want to see the latest posts. Please note that this facebook page will include notification of upcoming events and stories but it’s not a buy, sell and exchange page. There are other avenues for that information. We would also like you to email pictures and include a couple of words about the photo from club events around the country for posting on the page. This will provide content of interest for enthusiasts around the world. Send pictures and stories to: comms@vcc.org.nz To access the club facebook page go to: https://www.facebook.com/vintagecarclubofnewzealand/ or type Vintage Car Club of New Zealand into facebook search. This page is your portal for fun stuff that is happening for vintage car enthusiasts around the country. The more stories you supply, the more relevant the page will be.

MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE HOROWHENUA BRANCH OF THE NZ VINTAGE CAR CLUB INC HELD AT 14 TIROTIRO ROAD, LEVIN ON 7 JUNE 2017 AT 7.30PM PRESENT: Chairman Colin Brooks and 48 members APOLOGIES: Shona Nightingale, Hec and Shirley Newton, Mik Peryer, Bill Shattky, Norm McBrearty. VISITORS: Peter Brownie MINUTES OF PREVIOUS AGM: Previously appeared in June 2016 edition of Spark. Taken as read Proposed Michael Gaffaney/ Warren Birch MATTERS ARISING: Nil CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Colin Brooks read Chairman’s address which will appear in Spark. He covered the activities of the branch during the year and thanked all those who had helped run the club activities during the year. Moved Colin Brooks/Colin Geange TREASURER’S REPORT: Presented by Colin Geange. The Club had a profitable year and was in a sound financial position with funds invested. The clubroom extension had been funded in large part due to the trailer donated as a raffle prize by member Dave Hobbs. The meeting approved the annual accounts. Moved Colin Geange/Pete Collins APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR: New auditor yet to be appointed and left to Committee. PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES: Club Captain for Outstanding Service to Editor of Spark, Mark Gibson. Tilson Trophy to Julia McMillan. Chairman’s Trophy to Michael Gaffaney. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Nominations were received for all positions except Secretary and a vote was not necessary. Officers selected are as follows Chairman: Colin Brooks. Deputy Chairman: Des St Clare. Treasurer: Jackie Job. Secretary: Vacant. Club Captains: Bob Barton and John White. Branch Delegate: Warren Birch. Committee: Pete Collins, Andrew Judd. Officers confirmed. Colin Brooks/Pete Collins. GENERAL BUSINESS: The Club has a Facebook page and a member of the branch has offered to setup a facebook page for the branch. Several branches already have a facebook page which is becoming essential to attract new younger members and advertise events. Graeme McKenzie thanked Colin Brooks for his efforts as Chairman during the year. Bob Barton advised that the 40th Anniversary Dinner was booked out and no further people could be accommodated. The meeting closed at 8.35pm

It was a week of very wet weather, heavy showers and soggy underfoot, but when Sunday arrived, the day of our BBQ with the Vintage Machinery Club, the sun came out and the day turned good. Although the showground was still very wet, we decided to cancel the Gymkhana and set up the BBQ. Over 50 people attended with an assortment of vehicles including a great selection of vintage tractors. As the day went on and the showground began to dry we put out a series of cones and let the two Model T Racers owned by Bernard Scott and Ivan Horn, race around. Both cars are in beautiful condition. It was a fantastic sight with Bernard just beating Ivan at the post by a second or two. A couple of tractors had a go and surprisingly were only a couple of seconds slower than the racers! Well done to you guys for giving it a go. I must thank my ladies, my little lovely helpers, who worked hard in the kitchen and brought a smile to everyone’s face. Thanks also to Rex for his help on the day and also to our “Quiz Master” Pete who set a quiz that nobody had the answers to, well done Pete.

‘A lovely day, with lovely people.’ th

Sunday, 25June midday, arrive with your old vehicle for the 40 Anniversary Dinner. We will have the cars parked at the side of the clubrooms to have photos taken of the event, please contact me if you have not yet paid. Sunday, 20 August midday, meet for lunch at “Fisherman’s Table” Paekakariki. After lunch we will be visiting the “OLDEST WORKING GARAGE IN NEW ZEALAND” owned by Chris Clark, he will be giving a talk about the fascinating history of his garage throughout the years. This is another not to be missed run, everybody welcome, come and enjoy yourselves. Please contact John or myself so that we can get numbers for lunch. That’s all for now.

Bob and John Club Captains

Horowhenua Branch Sunday 16 July at 7pm


Get yourselves ready for July’s Spectacular “NIGHT OWL RALLY”, this year’s run has been set by our own Verdon Heath, so you all know it will be interesting and something special. Arrive at the club rooms at 7pm to get your details and a “MAP”. To those members that make it back to the clubrooms, John and I will be putting on “FISH and CHIPS”. Please bring a plate if you do not like fish and chips. Everybody is welcome including friends and family, this is a “Fun Run”. Verdon is researching it, I must kindly insist that the driver does not shout abuse or attack the navigator whilst driving!!!!! The run is approximately one hour long and is in the Levin and surrounding area. If you are not back by midnight you will have missed your fish and chips! Callum will have eaten them! John and I are hoping for a good turnout and good weather, so don’t be shy, have a go, “it costs nowt” you will enjoy it. See you all on SUNDAY, 16 JULY at 7pm.


Part Two by Mike Khull

I asked Bev and Pete if the Library had any history and was impressed with their response. Bev gave me four A4 files covering the early years, 21st, 25th and 35th Anniversary years. Very detailed articles have been done over the years so I will continue covering the Branch history from 1990 onwards ‌ 1990 saw an extension to the clubrooms at Ohau, doubling the floor space for the large attendance at meetings etc. The $1,600.00 cost was raised with a lot of effort by members and donations of materials. About 2000 the branch purchased the burnt out restaurant next door and spent many months replacing the roof and refurbishing the interior to end up with bigger clubrooms more suited to our activities. These rooms worked very well but in 2005 we could see the exit from the car park was getting too dangerous for the slower cars and it was decided to move again. Peter Nightingale suggested a site may be available at the AP&I Show Grounds for long term lease and this came to pass in 2006. The new clubrooms were started in December 2006 and completed in May 2007 by a team of members and volunteers. They were completed debt free, thanks to many donations of materials, services and the hard work of members. The design included a parts shed and Bob Disher donated the entire contents of his seven sheds of parts and the first Swap Meet in 2007 saw it ready for business. Sales were steady that day. The new clubrooms have worked out very well and the workabilty of the kitchen and library are able to handle large crowds with ease. The membership has continued to grow and we now have over 160 members and a very positive feeling to the branch.

In 2016 Spares was becoming very tight for room and the members voted to put on the extra bay we had planned for. This was started in April 2016 by three members who are builders and a small team of volunteers. It was handed over for use in June 2016, once again debt free. Since then extra shelving had been found and installed and the Spares Team worked flat out to have it ready for the Swap Meet in March. The present … The Branch is in a good place with kitchen, library, Swap Meet Committee and Parts Teams working together to achieve many things. Volunteers look after the grounds and keep the Club looking clean and tidy. Our two Club Captains’ Sunday runs are well attended and interesting. The Club newsletter "SPARK" gets better each month with interesting articles and pictures of the Branch’s activities to keep us informed. Members are still active in restoring, attending rallies, weekend events and some very nice restorations are presented for the Restoration of the Year trophy. Thanks to donations of books and manuals the library now has one of the best reference sections of any branch in New Zealand. Bev can tell you where to look, to find what you are after and which shelf it is on. Thanks to the Swap Meet the Branch is able to run the Club and put aside some funds each year to go towards purchasing the land if the lease ever comes up for sale. The Future …? No-one can see into the future, but I think the branch can be confident it is doing all it can to plan for whatever turns up. Membership and activity is the key to surviving and we have a good cross section of ages to see us forward. As long as we have a full committee, with the members working to back them working on the sub committees, we will be okay. A lot has been said about getting younger members to join and the only way this might happen is to encourage them by including them in our activities. Maybe combining runs with the other motoring groups would be a place to start or just invite them to an open day. After all they have the same interests as we do!

The branch has come a long way in 40 years with some large building projects handled and now has a very good base in Tiro Tiro Road to work from. The rooms and section are very well suited for us and the founding members can be well satisfied with where we are.

“We can go forward into the future with confidence.” Mike Khull ________________________________________________________________

Our first badge was developed in 1985 in preparation for the 1st Pan Pacific Rally in Christchurch 1986. Designed by Dave Munns’ wife Brenda, the badge was intended for swapping as a collectable with members from other branches. Dave was a foundation member of Horowhenua. This evolved from a practice used at a Scout Jamboree Peter Nightingale was involved with. Towards the end of 1988, the Horowhenua Branch of the Vintage Car Club began exploring the creation of a design for a rally plaque for our two main Club events: the ‘Tararua Trundle’ and the ‘Ted Green’. This was borne from a meeting where it was pointed out most branches gave a rally plaque for participation and not just a certificate as we were doing. This task was allocated to Norm Cook. Rob Knight approached Jim Montgomery who had made many other branch badges and by February 1989 a design prototype was ready and had received Branch approval to go ahead and manufacture. By April 1989 the first order of 100 of the Branch plaques were cast by Jim Montgomery of Whangarei. It was enthusiastically received and payment of $475 was authorised. The same design can be seen as a monogram sewn onto jackets, T shirts, sweat shirts and caps – all proudly displaying our Branch logo. The logo can also be seen as signage on our clubrooms. The library has a few monogrammed caps and Branch plaques for sale at a small charge. This article is a compilation of information from our Archivist Bev Kelly and Peter Nightingale.

In 1991, I put forward a suggestion to get some badges run to fit into the number plate holders fitted to our cars. This was put to a meeting and was well received. I worked with a sign writer on a prototype and pricing. Bruce Hutton suggested we number 10 of them as ‘Limited Edition’ and put them up for sale at the 1992 Pan Pacific Rally in Palmerston North, as well as make them available to our members. Getting approval from the then committee took longer than expected and we had to rush them through late in the year. We made it and most of our cars at the rally had the plate on. There were a lot of favourable comments about how they looked and they have worn well and still look good. All the plates sold, as well as our badges with overseas members commenting on the NZ content, which made them popular as it showed where they had been. I’m not sure if the Limited Edition plates have increased in value but the aluminium 1992 Pan Pacific ones are very collectable now.

Mike Khull

The following are some interesting excerpts from the very first issue of Spark, November 1977.

Queen’s Birthday Weekend was the Wanganui Branch Annual Rally. Several photos are displayed of the rally. Attendees from Horowhenua were:  Janet and Mark Gibson – 1964 Sunbeam Alpine  Mike Khull – 1957 MGA  Warren and Lorraine Birch – 1967 Jaguar SII  Elvery and Ada Hunt – 1969 Ford Zephyr Mk4  Colin and Cheryl Brooks – 1959 Hillman Minx  Barry Walker – 1966 AMC Rambler Classic  Win and Joan Bishop – 1980 Ford Cortina  Winton and Ruth Cleal – 1956 Wolseley 6/90

The route took us up the ‘true’ right (west side) of the Whanganui River to Kai Iwi and Paparangi. This involved some spectacular country, predominantly on excellent unsealed roads. Great instructions with no stress - simplicity. Lunch was back to the clubrooms, with the building bursting at the seams with participants. Great camaraderie and conversation. The afternoon route took us out to Fordell and through a private farm access road out onto the Para Paras. What spectacular country! An excellent route chosen by the committee. Beautiful driving country, enjoyed by all. Sunday night saw us all park our cars at various accommodations and catch a taxi van to the Prize Giving Dinner. A superb dinner and drinks were put on. Sadly no prizes for the Horowhenua crowd who were there for a good time. Next to Wanganui Branch, we were the next best represented branch. A very good night! Just like last year, Monday was travel home day with lunch again at Viv’s Kitchen Sanson. Thank you very much Wanganui Branch for a great weekend of relaxation, great motoring and dining. Well done!

Thanks to our Patron, Tom Hayes who sourced this very interesting photograph from a delicate yellowing original copy of The Auckland Weekly News dated 1925.

What the heck? Another crazy car crank!

NIGHT TRIAL – 17th June 2017 Join your fellow club members for an approx. 55 mile (90 km) night trial on easy sealed roads. The night trial concludes at the White Horse Inn, Longburn with a 7.30 pm roast pork meal and dessert of apple crumble with ice cream and cream. Meet at the Manawatu Branch VCC clubrooms any time after 4.00 pm for a hot drink and a biscuit or two before the 4.30 pm briefing. The first car will be away at 4.45 pm. 

For those who enjoy a challenge the night trial will be competitive.

For those who do not wish to be competitive just come along and enjoy the run.

There are no unsealed roads on this night trial.

The night trial route passes 2 public conveniences.

Bring a torch.

Entry Form Options : 

Complete the form that is in this Tourer and mail it to the address on the form.

If you would like the form emailed to you to prevent you from having to cut into your Tourer, email the Rally Organiser requesting that a PDF version be emailed to you.

Alternatively forget the form and just send an email to the Rally Organiser with all of the details that are requested on the form included in the email text.

Payment Options : 

Send a cheque in the post with your entry form.

Pay on the day.

Email the Rally Organiser requesting account details so that you can pay by internet banking.

Register early for the night trial as numbers for the meal are limited to 50 and must be booked with your entry for catering purposes. The meal is to be paid for on the night – not with your night trial entry. For a meal to be prepared for us there is a minimum of 20 persons required. If you do not wish to participate in the night trial but would like to come along and join the group for the meal please book in by contacting the Rally Organiser (phone or email) no later than Wednesday 7 th June. Rally Organiser : Bryan Abraham - email bryana@xtra.co.nz - phone ((PM) 06) 3584014

SUNDAY RUN - 25th June 2017 Meet at the Chesters Plumbing and Bathroom carpark in Tremaine Avenue (Palm Nth) at 1.00pm for a run to a small country café. The run is on fairly easy roads (i.e. not too hilly) but please note that the Café does not have EFTPOS facilities. The total mileage for the afternoon (i.e. including back to Palm Nth) will be approx. 55 miles.

More history from Spark - November 1977 You reckon this month was easy! Next one will burn some brain cells! You’ll see‌.

Answer later in this issue of Spark

Your library reached a significant milestone of 8,000 titles on the shelves this year. At present we are on the way to putting the next 1,000 titles on those shelves. As each item, book, magazine or manual, is cleaned, mended and recorded in the register, we were kept very busy processing your donations. It was a very welcome surprise to get a donation of 59 photos of the 2017 Ted Green Memorial Rally for Motorcycles from Michael Wintringham. This meant the creation of another scrapbook. With the assistance of Basil Gowenlock, most of the photos have been identified. th

I have also started a scrapbook to record our 40 Anniversary celebrations. It will suitably be scrapbook #40. Please feel free to visit the library and look through the other 39 scrapbooks. As they are archival documents they are not for borrowing, but they are to enable you to recall the great history of our branch’s vintage motoring and enduring friendships made. John Rapley has donated books on his specialist subject: Motor Sport. Thanks John. John White donated “The Motor Show” - a descriptive magazine of 1955. A “must see” for those “updating” their current club eligible vehicle. Allan Thompson of Classic Apparel and Print donated Levin Racing Club memorabilia including two badges. We have been very pleased by the large numbers of you who find your way into the library on club night and on the working bee on the next Saturday. Our hope for next year is that more of you will be encouraged to become borrowers, especially borrowers of the lovely “coffee table” type books. Remember: Borrow a book on club night this month: Bring it back next club night.

Libraries love books – Books love readers.

Bev and Peter Kelly Librarians and Archivists

Winter has begun to bite here in the Horowhenua, with the first winter frost this last week. With nothing but positive comments coming from club members about last month’s report, this month however will be more traditional in its nature. The working bees are running at full steam. It was excellent to see the collection of Ford 100E body parts, collected just in time to make way for the running boards, doors and solid wheels of a 1929/30 Packard and also two front guards of a 1938 Buick Special put aside on Swap Meet day. Also during the course of the month we picked up a plastic container full of boxes of brand new AC Delco spark plugs, along with a number of loose plugs in various partially filled boxes. S42F (4)

43CTS (11)

AC Commercial C82 (1)

AC Commercial 18 (1)

The AC Delco S42F will fit a number of English motorcycles, such as BSA Bantams D1, D3, D5, and D7 also B32, B34 and A7 Star Twin, along with Triumph Tigress Scooters and Villiers Mk 1H, Mk 2H, and Twins 2T, 3T and the 4T. Safe motoring everyone.


WANTED: Storage wanted for my car, prefer Paraparaumu Beach area or somewhere close to Paraparaumu. Dry, undercover and lockable would be good. Thanks Barry Walker 027 3487661.

For Sale: 1947 Austin 10 and spares. Not going. In parts. Phone Dave Ivin on 04 4785202. For Sale: 1974 Hillman Hunter. Automatic, fully recon’d motor last year ($6,000). Good tyres. The interior is like new. One elderly owner from new. Paint needs a polish but still in good condition. Car is located in Napier. Motor has had a recent tune as has been sitting in a shed under cover. Fuel tank cleaned. Brakes, one is slightly sticky and should free up with use. $2,000. Contact Shorty for photos and details. Phone 06 3636795.

Wanted: For 1930 Plymouth 4 cylinder. Right rear ‘interior’ window surround. Two rear engine mounts. Please Phone Hugh 06 3069847. VCC Member. For Sale 1964 Austin A55 wellside utility. Complete. 1655 cc. Not running, fuel pump missing. Turns over freely with crank handle. Rusted sills but otherwise only surface rust. Chassis good. All chrome good. Some spares. Lights etc good. Offers around $2000. Phone 021 02628307

1971 Triumph Herald 1360. Urgent sale. Car was fully rebuilt in 1990 and has done very few miles since then. Apart from minor paint blemish is in very good condition. Asking $8000 but will consider offers. BoP Member. Contact Snow on 07 5481140 or 021 2803311


40th Anniversary Dinner. Limited spaces. $25 per head. Contact the Club Captains. Your old car is just as necessary as you! We want to produce a quality photograph. Arrive 12pm to arrange cars, 1pm meal. th June 28 Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run th July 5 Horowhenua Club Night July 16th Night Owl Rally and Fish and Chip Supper - 7pm start August 2nd Horowhenua Club Night th August 12 The Annual General Meeting of the VCC of NZ to be held in Blenheim at 9am. See Notice in Beaded Wheels. th August 20 Meet at Fisherman’s Table midday for lunch. Advise Club Captains. Bring your old cars. After we will visit NZ’s oldest working garage and hear of its history. th September 6 Horowhenua Club Night th September 24 A trip to the Tui Brewery and a BBQ cooked by the famous Tui Girls. Plus an optional Brewery Tour. See information in Club Captain’s Report April issue. 10am. th October 4 Horowhenua Club Night Any enquiries to: John White Phone 06 368-3299 June

Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (Last Wednesday of the month)

Wednesday, 28 June 2017 Mid-Year Xmas Dinner - Venue: Manakau Hotel

Address: Honitai Pua Street, Manakau. Honitai Pua Road runs parallel to State Highway One. The Hotel is situated opposite what was the Deer Museum, now a Bistro Café on State Highway 1. 11 30 am

Meet for a drink and a chat


Dinner is served and is $35.00 per person

If you would like to join us, please contact John or Alison Kinvig by 25 June 2017 either: email jakinvig@xtra.co.nz or phone (04) 234 1262, John mobile 027 4524326.


the print bureau 06 367 9330

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