Horowhenua VCC May 2017

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May 2017

P O Box 458, LEVIN 14 Tiro Tiro Road, LEVIN


Tom Hayes


Colin Brooks

04 298 5458

Deputy Chair

Mark Morgan

06 368 4735


Michael Gaffaney

04 905 2402


Colin Geange colin.geange@xtra.co.nz

06 323 0933

Club Captain (Joint)

John White Bob Barton bobandthegaffer@gmail.com

06 368 3299 06 367 8216

Branch Delegate

Warren Birch

04 9052130


Derek Ransom Callum Farmer

06 368 1011 06 364 7238

Custodian Groundsman

Andrew Judd Wayne Thrower

06 368 6891 06 368 5611

Spares Team

Callum Farmer callumfarmer77@hotmail.com Rex Williams Mike Khull Mark Morgan Jeff Fox Colin Brooks Robert Cammish

06 364 7238

Library Archives

Peter and Bev Kelly

06 368 3474

Spark Editor

04 971 2858

Spark Distribution

Mark Gibson thegibbos@paradise.net.nz Bob Barton

VIC Team

Verdon Heath, Ivan Horn, Jeff Fox and Mark Morgan

06 367 0613 06 363 5633 06 368 4735 06 362 6013 04 298 5458 04 905 0772

06 367 8216

Meeting Branch Night - 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Committee Meeting - Last Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Working Bee - Saturday following Branch Night at 8.30 am Spare Parts - Open Saturday following Branch Night

At this month’s Club Night it was nice to welcome visitors Bill Laney and Denise Liddle who are looking at joining our Club. On a sad note, we learnt of the passing of Pam Crawshaw, who only a couple of months ago was happily at the Shannon Car Show with us. Pam had some good friends in the Club and will be sorely missed. At Club Night our speakers, Verdon Heath made it clear about Straight Line Navigation (I hope?) and Colin Geange about speedo calibration, not that this will make my car go any faster! Thanks both of you for trying to teach us about these topics. While in the Spares Department and looking at the way the new addition is filling fast, it was suggested we need more space! But I think a good sort-through is needed first, plus we have no land left to build on. The Ted Green Motorcycle Rally this year would have brought a smile to Club Captain Bob’s face. From only 3 entries last year to 22 this year, I believe a great day was had by all. Well done to the organisers! The Easter Sunday “Mystery Tour” was another well-organised run, with 24 cars taking part. It’s good to use our back roads and the odd paddock to make it a little different. My thanks to Carl Lutz for giving us the history of the Fordson Tractor, and for the use of his premises for our delicious morning tea of scones, jam and cream, prepared by Linda Barton and served with help from Meryll, Brigid and Janet. Many thanks to Mark Gibson and Peter Nightingale for organising this run. The weekend of 29-30 April celebrated 100 years of motoring in Wellington. Some of our members took part, and Michael Gaffaney gave a brief breakdown at Club Night on where we are heading in transport. On Queen’s Birthday Weekend a group of our members are going up to Wanganui for their Annual Rally. It should be a good weekend, if anyone is interested in joining us. th

Our 40 Anniversary Dinner is fully booked. If you missed out and want to go on a waiting list for this, give Bob Barton a call. I was very pleased to see 17 members at our Saturday morning Working Bee this month. Plenty to look at, and a chance to have a natter, cup of tea and a chockie biscuit. st

Don’t forget the Gymkhana and BBQ in our grounds on 21 May, combined with the Vintage Machinery members who will be bringing some machines for us to look at. See you there!


Roster for June 2017 Ray Blackwood, Neil Bowater, Dick Boyd, Cheryl Brooks, Rick Burke. If you cannot make it for either kitchen duties on Club Night 7 th June, or the Working Bee on Saturday morning 10th June (9 am till 12 noon) please let myself or Cheryl know on 04 298-5458. STOLEN: Alvis parts and machine tools stolen from a member’s garage in South Auckland worth tens of thousands of $. Includes two Alvis TCDI bumpers recently rechromed and a Myford Lathe. Any information contact Martin Howson Phone 09 4727323

________________________________________________________________ A request from National Office - Could members please update their vehicles on the National Membership List, remove those sold and add recent purchases. This is done by notifying National Office. They further request, to ease the workload, you should not wait until renewal of your Subs, but please do it now! Thank you. Michael Gaffaney

_______________________________________________________________ Hi Folks I apologise if I have sent this before, but I cannot see an email having done so. I have been asked by the Management Committee to ask branches if they can include this in their branch newsletters:

"Could the person who mistakenly uplifted the FIVA Flag from the 2016 International Rally Headquarters in Dunedin, please return it to the National Office." I know that it was over a year ago, but so far it has not been located so it is hoped that one of the entrants may have accidentally picked it up. Kind regards Julie Cairns–Gee Administration Manager Vintage Car Club of NZ - National Office

________________________________________________________________ Hi Folks Someone by the name of HK Schwass has put money in to our bank account. I have absolutely NO IDEA who this person is. They are not members. Please contact me if YOU know who it is and what it relates to. Kind Regards Julie Cairns–Gee Administration Manager Vintage Car Club of NZ - National Office

……..to attend the Wanganui Branch Annual Rally. Twelve members of Horowhenua Branch are attending over Queen’s Birthday weekend. We extend an invitation to all those interested, to join the group and take part in a relaxed and enjoyable weekend away. We are booked in at the Grand Hotel, but it is not necessary to stay here. See Coming Events. The entry form is held by the Secretary and the Editor. Sing out and it can be forwarded, see the simple programme and be part of a great weekend away. Make yourself known to Colin Brooks. ________________________________________________________________

On 10 April Pam passed away peacefully at Arohanui Hospice, Palmerston North surrounded by her family. Who would have thought that six months after Ferg’s death we would be farewelling Pam after a short illness. Pam, like Ferg, was a keen supporter of our club events and enjoyed rallying where (in her own words) she was able to tell Ferg where to go and when – and get away with it! The end of the month Kapiti Coast mid week run was another feature she enjoyed immensely and she made many friends. It was a pleasure and a privilege for Joan and me to take her to the Expressway opening – an event for her which created a little bit of history being the first car outing without Ferg and first time on the Expressway. At the conclusion of a private service Pam was reunited with Ferg at the Manakau Cemetery. We will miss you Pam.

Joan and Win

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE HOROWHENUA BRANCH OF THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB INC HELD AT 14 TIROTIRO ROAD, LEVIN ON 3 MAY 2017 AT 7.30PM PRESENT: Colin Brooks (Chair) and 53 members. APOLOGIES: Mark Gibson, Mark Dunn, Mark Morgan, Peter and Shona Nightingale, Shirley and Hec Newton, Mike Khull, Doug Ashwell. WELFARE: Chairman reported with regret the passing of Pam Crawshaw the widow of Ferg Crawshaw. Also Shona Nightingale has been in hospital after breaking some bones in a fall. VISITORS: Bill Laney and Denise Liddle from Peka Peka who intend to become members. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Printed in Spark. Taken as read. Moved Michael Gaffaney/Rex Williams CORRESPONDENCE: Richardson Museum to produce weekly electronic newsletter. Malicious email warning from National Office. National Office Manager on leave from 1 June to 9 June. TREASURER’S REPORT: Colin Geange reported. Moved to approve Colin Geange/Pete Collins CLUB CAPTAIN: Bob Barton advised report will be in Spark. 22 bikes in Ted Green Rally, the best turnout in years. Gymkhana and Barbecue on 21 May at Clubrooms in association with Farm Machinery Club. SPARES: Callum Farmer reported steady stream of parts coming in during the month. LIBRARY: Bev Kelly went to Otaki book fair and bought 3 cartons of magazines at $1/carton. Now being sorted and catalogued. Peter Kelly advised latest issue of Classic Driver had photo of member John Rapley. GENERAL BUSINESS: Pete Collins thanked all the volunteers who helped at the Swap Meet and drew the raffle for 2 Quilts donated, one by Mrs Collins. Michael Gaffaney reported on the Motor Trade Assn centennial celebration in Wellington at which he and Warren Birch had cars on display. This was a very good event with a lot of public participation. Verdon Heath gave an interesting talk on Straight Line Navigation which led to some initial confusion, but in the end members were now fully conversant with straight line navigation. Motor Sport NZ is the ultimate source of the guidelines. Colin Geange talked on Speedos and showed a GPS speedometer that provides the speed in kph for older cars with a mph speedo. Can buy from Jaycar for about $100. Can also use an app on your Smartphone by downloading speedometers. Can have a readout in either mph or kph. Meeting closed at 8.50pm

THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NZ INC HOROWHENUA BRANCH Notice is hereby given: That the Annual General Meeting will be held in the Branch Clubrooms, 14 Tiro Tiro Road, Levin on Wednesday 7 June 2017 at 7.30pm

Michael Gaffaney Secretary

AGENDA 1 Apologies 2 Confirm 2016 AGM Minutes 3 Matters Arising 4 Chairman’s Report 5 Treasurer’s Report 6 Appointment of Auditor 7 Election of Officers 8 General Business Election of Officers Chairman Secretary Club Captain Committee Spark Editorial Team Librarian/Archivist

Deputy Chairman Treasurer Welfare Officer Custodian Beaded Wheels Scribe Parts Team

Nomination Form – Office Bearer for Year 2017 – 2018 I nominate ________________________________________________ For the position of __________________________________________ Proposer _________________________________________________ Seconder _________________________________________________ I accept nomination _________________________________________ Completed form to be returned to the Secretary to arrive no less than TWO clear days prior to the date of the AGM: PO Box 458, Levin

What a fantastic Ted Green Rally, great weather and a full team of 22 bikes turned up to set the countryside alight! A great display of bikes from vintage to modern and of course the famous Velo LE of “yours truly”! My very first run on it around the AP&I Showground and then John Rapley offered me his very nice Royal Enfield Bullet to ride. I really enjoyed it and thank John for the use of his bike, it was very kind of him indeed. All the lads and lasses who turned up had a great time and were all winners on the day. Thanks to Graeme McKenzie for organising another super run around the Tararuas. Thanks also to our back up trailer lads Rex and Pete, who did a marvelous recovery of Don MacDonald’s 1925 Norton when it decided that it was tired and packed in for the day. Also thanks to Linda for taking the photos, they all turned out really well. John Neill on his 1950 BSA B31 won the Ted Green Trophy again, he will have strong competition next year, the Velo will be running a lot better then. Well done John.      

Vintage trophy went to Jeff Fox on his Norton. Post War went to John Neill on his BSA. Post 60 went to Verdon Heath on his 1974 CZ. Post 80 went to Glyn Clements on his 1985 Honda GL400. Hard Luck Trophy went to Don Macdonald and his 1925 Norton. Guest Winner was Grant Prankerd and his 1967 Triumph T90.

A big “THANK YOU” to all who attended and to all the helpers on the day. I hope to organise more motorcycle outings later in the year. Watch this space for more details - see you all at the next run out.

Bob and John Club Captains

This year’s Ted Green Rally was held a month later than usual, amid fears that the weather might be a problem. However, the day dawned beautifully and we had a day ‘out of the box’. Chairman Bob had been furiously working on one of his collection of LE Velocettes, in order to get it running and complianced in time. However, he managed to get it running but the compliance proved to be a step too far. He trailered it to the event and had some fun riding it around the field outside the clubrooms. John Rapley generously loaned Bob a bike because it was his birthday, to enable him to take part in the rally. This year’s rally had for the first time, two runs, one of 60 miles and the other 120 miles. Both had small gravel sections with competitors on both runs finishing around the same time. The total number of participants was 21, the largest number we have had for a number of years. Feedback was fulsome, resulting in some potential new members. Bob is planning to have regular organised runs for the Motorcycle Section. Graeme McKenzie

Bob rode a loaner bike for the rally. While away, this for sale sign appeared on his bike - Shorty Cole snapped up the opportunity and after some enthusiastic bargaining, Linda finally accepted his offer, as she had Bob's birthday to pay for!! Bob appreciated the humour of the moment, but thought Shorty had probably overpaid!! G McK

Ted Green Memorial Motorcycle Rally continued....... After a cuppa at the clubrooms, we headed off across the field past the show grounds, out into the country, down Heatherlea Road and continuing into Shannon. Taking the second left heading north took us out to and around Opiki, through where the floods had closed the road and out onto the main road back towards Levin. After turning into Main Drain Road, well named after all the rain we have had, we ambled around back onto the main road before turning down Himatangi Block Road. This then took us out the back roads, where we were greeted by – what looked like a lost member of the Village People - taking our photos. Back to the main road, into Tiro Tiro Road and then the club rooms just in time for lunch. Great weather, excellent turnout of riders and bikes, very well organised, and the traffic was excellent as well. Thanks Bob and Graham for a really enjoyable run.


Well, the great Easter Sunday tractor 'n' scones trip dawned bright and clear, Mark G claims this was due to special dispensation from Dan the Channel 1 weather guy! We had 24 cars arrive at our clubrooms for a 10 am kickoff. We all enjoyed the slow meander thru' the back roads and farm tracks of rural Horowhenua. No one got lost, a club first! We all rolled up to Carl Lutz's farm near Otaki township. Quite a sharpish turn off here, with Peter Nightingale doing traffic cop duty, all went up the hill safely. Parking was at a premium, recent rains turned the proposed parking paddock all boggy, so we all just squeezed in. Well, Carl seems to have well and truly cornered the market on Ford tractors! All displayed in a nice newish shed too! I need one that size! The oldest was a 1917 Fordson that he started up for us, yes, 100 years old! These old tractors start up on petrol then when hot run on kerosene! Carl gave us a good talk, describing the history of some of his collection, some of the work these tractors have been used for. He also introduced us to his immaculate Ford V8 'Jailbar' pickup truck, real nice, Carl! The ladies put on tea, coffee and cream scones, which disappeared real quick! Driving old cars, being hungry work alike! Wandering out the back after morning tea, we discovered another tractor shed, plus a paddock full of rusty carcasses! I reckon a grand total of 30 odd machines? All in all, a good day out, thanks to all who attended, good to see more of the ladies out with us! A special thanks to Linda and Meryll for the baking, plus the washer-uppers. A super special thank you to Carl Lutz, Mark G and Peter N for putting this on for us!

John W

See you on the next outing!

A big ‘Thank You’ to Carl for his superb hospitality.

Part One by Mike Khull

I asked Bev and Pete if the Library had any history, and was impressed with their response. Bev gave me four A4 files covering the early years, 21st , 25th and 35th Anniversary years. Very detailed articles have been done over the years and record the past extremely well. I would recommend anybody who is interested in the Branch past to have a look in these files. I will attempt to record a brief record of the main events in this article. The Beginning‌.. 1961 saw a group of likeminded individuals get together and form a group to look at motoring old cars and motorbikes. Early records show, Les Heath, Gavin Hicks, Donald Murray, Trevor Hudson and John Harvey as the original members. Three of this group motored to the Hastings Easter Rally, and so started our rallying. Early meetings were held at the Townshend home and Rob Knight, Gordon Routledge and Bernie Ramlose then traveled to Palmerston North Branch in the mid 60's. Next to arrive was Tom Hayes looking for parts for his ‘30 Harley Davidson. Meetings transferred to his shed. Then Alton Harrison provided the Brick Kiln at his caravan yard and the Grand and Oxford Hotels were made use of. Manawatu and Levin members met and rallied together on a regular basis. A van load attended the monthly Palmerston North Branch meetings. With younger members Ray Disher and Wayne Holling joining, the pub meetings were out, so clubrooms were discussed. Bob Disher donated his work smoko shed and this was transported out to Gordon Routledge’s farm at McLeavey Road. The crane hire for the job was a crate of flagons.

This led to creating a Sub Branch to Manawatu as the membership was increasing and local interest was growing all the time. This happened in 1975, the Branch was active in rallies and get togethers and a very social group formed. By 1977 there was a feeling in the group to become a Branch in our own right. Letters were sent to the Executive asking what the procedure was. Letters went back and forth, this was granted when the Vintage Car Club Executive and Manawatu Branch had no objections and on 29 May 1977 the wheels began turning. On 28 October at 11 39 am the Seal of Approval was stamped and we became a Branch. One month later the first Spark newsletter appeared asking the members to supply articles etc. Records show the first Tararua Trundle was held on 29 October and 24 car loads attended. Six were from Manawatu and Wellington. 1978 saw the building shift to Ohau, with a lot of work done on enlarging the rooms to fit the growing crowd in. All was completed and the first meeting at Ohau was on 1 November 1978. Bottle drives and scrap metal were collected to raise funds and even hay bale twine was collected and baled. Grant Taylor provided his 1950 Ford V8 bus and a progressive dinner was held to raise funds as well. Stationary engines played a big part in the branch with large turn outs at the AP&I Shows. Ted Jarvis donated the trophy and the Ted Green Motor Cycle Rally was started. It had a big following. The Branch was very active through the next few years with combined rallies with Wellington, Manawatu, Wairarapa and Wanganui meeting on a regular basis. Over the years the Branch continued to grow and we have held motor shows and visited many interesting places. Members were active in restoring vehicles and several ‘specials’ were built and raced at Levin and Ohakea with Ray Disher’s Studebaker being very successful. Sadly Ray lost his life in this car when he was involved in an accident in the Wairarapa. In 1985 the Branch hosted 42 vehicles overnight on the 100 Years of Motoring in New Zealand and then took part with Wellington on a run to Southwards and back. A nice booklet was produced to mark the event.

1986 saw some of our vehicles star in the movie 'Fire-Raiser' with the Dodge Fire Engine, Model 'T' car, Depot Hack and the Albion truck taking part. Two Model ‘T’ Fire Engines were restored about this time one from Otaki and one from Woodville. Both are still in working order. 1988 saw a reluctance by members to serve on the committee Stewart Fox stepped up to take the Chair and get things going again. Sadly it was to be short term as Stewart died of a heart attack in November, one day before the Tararua Trundle. The Fox family were adamant the Trundle should go ahead as planned and it was well attended but understandably a sad event that year. This left the Branch leaderless again but Laurie Jensen stepped up also and stayed for the next three years. To be continued…….

I have just completed putting together the 1929 running chassis of a Ford Model A Town Car. It had been dismantled and stored around 1976. The log book shows that the car has only done 54,000 original miles. All parts are original and there is almost no wear in the pins and bushes. They’re perfect! The car belongs to a Wellington person and due to ill health is for sale. At this stage a local is interested in buying and is a prospective new member for the branch. Mark Morgan continues to make progress with his ‘33 Chev pickup and is awaiting parts from the USA. Jeff Fox has nearly completed building a radiator for a 1914 SE5a Biplane. This is more like a piece of art work! Shona had another mishap, a fall but is making good progress, but still in hospital.


This is the second year in a row, where we have received a very complimentary write up extolling the virtues of our Swap Meet. We’re doing something right and the car enthusiasts like it! We place an advertisement in this magazine to promote our event, but we don’t pay for this sort of publicity. This is gold! To Craig ‘Style’ Counsell, thank you, we appreciate your coverage and attention to detail.

Doug Curtis creates his art work and writes the articles for the Gisborne Herald. Would you believe he is not paid to do this, yet it consumes hours of his time and he’s been doing it for nearly 10 years. In this case he has drawn Derek and Margaret Ransom’s well known 1929 De Soto. He has supplied them with colour printed copies of his work as he feels compelled to do.


MID MONTH MEANDER – 18 May 2017 The May Mid-Month Meander is on a Thursday and is a 20 mile (30 km) run to a Café and General Store for lunch. Meet in the Feilding Railway Station carpark at 11 am. While the Café we are going to does not have the ‘usual’ sandwiches, filled bread rolls and savouries, there is a range of pizza ($14-$18 each) – and one pizza shares nicely between two ; soups ; wraps ($8) ; pasta ; burgers ; pies with salad ($14) ; pasties / turnovers ($8) ; desserts ($6>$8) and cakes. At the Café there is also a range of handmade gift items for sale ranging from soaps and candles to woodwork and textiles and other things in between. Don’t forget that if for any reason it is not convenient for you to use your club eligible vehicle on any of the branch events, you are more than welcome to join in using your ‘modern’.

SUNDAY RUN - 28 May 2017 For a leisurely run on easy roads to a Café for afternoon tea and a chit-chat. Meet at 1 pm at the Chesters Plumbing and Bathroom carpark in Tremaine Avenue (Palm Nth). The total mileage for the afternoon (ie including back to Palm Nth) will be approx 60 miles. NIGHT TRIAL – 17 June 2017 Join your fellow club members for an approx 55 mile (90 km) night trial on easy sealed roads. The night trial concludes at the White Horse Inn, Longburn with a 7 30 pm roast pork meal and dessert of apple crumble with ice cream and cream. Meet at the Manawatu Branch VCC clubrooms any time after 4 00 pm for a hot drink and a biscuit or two before the 4 30 pm briefing. The first car will be away at 4 45 pm.     

For those who enjoy a challenge the night trial will be competitive. For those who do not wish to be competitive just come along and enjoy the run. There are no unsealed roads on this night trial. The night trial route passes 2 public conveniences. Bring a torch.

Rally Organiser : Bryan Abraham - email bryana@xtra.co.nz - phone ((PM) 06) 3584014 Please Note: The entry form supplied is held by the Secretary and Editor. Should you require it, please email either of us. Alternatively contact Bryan direct. Ed.

Ever thought about stacking your cars? Check out this link and see what a young Auckland Architect did to his garage! A very common sense approach to an everyday problem. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11834179

Rally Contact: Graham Boswell – heathergraham@callsouth.net.nz

Answer later in this issue of Spark

We went to the Lions Book Sale at Otaki Railway Station and purchased three banana boxes of the car magazines that we keep in the library. We spent the working bee and the next day putting 93 titles onto the library shelves and another 21 on the For Sale shelves. We also purchased three manuals which Peter had to mend before they were in a suitable condition to be processed and put on the shelves. Amongst the magazines were another dedicated to Chris Amon and one celebrating the 50th Anniversary of a famous Kiwi victory - Le Mans 1966. They can be found in the Motor Sport section of the library. We also received donations of manuals, books and memorabilia from: Robbie Ericsson, a non-member and Levin Auto Electrician Supplier: Richard Caldwell and Mike Khull. Mike has donated his ‘Beaded Wheels’ collection. The set is in consecutive order and well worth reading especially as it is our Branch’s 40th Anniversary this year. We don’t want to see Mike’s set broken up, so if you could give the set a good safe home, please see the librarians. Doug Curtis has been sketching again. This time he has captured Derek Ransom’s 1929 De Soto along with a newspaper article. Look for his art work in R-Members and D-Vehicles scrapbooks. Read Hayley’s comments. She is a very discerning dog! The 1928 Chevy is not too bad either. Perhaps you would like to borrow one of the illustrated picture books or a DVD for those cold winter days? The library has a DVD ‘Motorcycling in New Zealand, Riding in Groups’ for example. Enjoy.

Bev and Peter Kelly Librarians and Archivists

As a motoring nation, the United Kingdom does Vintage Motoring Auctions especially well, be it in cars, motorcycles or parts, because they take their time to photograph every Lot and these photos are made available to everyone. With the latest Beaded Wheels coming out, all of our members by now will have spied that there are two significant Motoring Auctions coming up in New Zealand. Having spent the best part of a week trying to get photos of the two Lots I was interested in out of the Art Deco Capital of New Zealand, to be told by e-mail it was impossible and wouldn’t be happening is one thing. This was followed up by those running the Auction, not replying to emails I sent over three days. In the end I picked up the phone and rang them, to be told I could have the photos on the Thursday afternoon, one full day before the Auction. One has to wonder why they went to the trouble of placing ads in the Beaded Wheels in the first place, when they had no intention of running the Auctions on a professional basis. At the end of the day, either do it properly or don’t do it at all. Safe motoring everyone.


For Sale: 1947 Austin 10 and spares. Not going. In parts. Phone Dave Ivin on 04 4785202. For Sale: 1974 Hillman Hunter. Automatic, fully recon’d motor last year ($6,000). Good tyres. The interior is like new. One elderly owner from new. Paint needs a polish but still in good condition. Car is located in Napier. Motor has had a recent tune as has been sitting in a shed under cover. Fuel tank cleaned. Brakes, one is slightly sticky and should free up with use. $2,000. Contact Shorty for photos and details. Phone 06 3636795.

Wanted: For 1930 Plymouth 4 cylinder. Right rear ‘interior’ window surround. Please Phone Hugh 06 3069847. VCC Member. For Sale 1964 Austin A55 wellside utility. Complete. 1655 cc. Not running, fuel pump missing. Turns over freely with crank handle. Rusted sills but otherwise only surface rust. Chassis good. All chrome good. Some spares. Lights etc good. Offers around $2000. Phone 021 02628307

1971 Triumph Herald 1360. Urgent sale. Car was fully rebuilt in 1990 and has done very few miles since then. Apart from minor paint blemish is in very good condition. Asking $8000 but will consider offers. BoP Member. Contact Snow on 07 5481140 or 021 2803311

Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (Last Wednesday of the month)

Wednesday 31 May 2017 - Trip to Greytown, Wairarapa 10.00am:

Meet for coffee at Aston Norwood Gardens (formerly Kaitoke Country Gardens), 1747 Main Road, State Highway 2. They are situated 10 mins north of Upper Hutt. You can view the extensive gardens for $2.50 per person. See www.ang.co.nz


Roast lunch at the South Wairarapa Working Men’s Club, 120 Main Street, Greytown. The roast lunch includes a small dessert, total $20.00 per person.


Visit the Cobblestones Museum, 169 Main Street, Greytown to view the Regional Early Settler’s Collection. Entrance fee is $7.00 per person.

If you would like to join us, please contact John or Alison Kinvig by 28 May 2017. Either: email jakinvig@xtra.co.nz or phone (04) 234 1262, John mobile 027 4524326

SWAP MEET QUILT RAFFLE RESULTS This raffle was drawn on May Club Night. The winning ticket was No 44, the winner was Maggie Burling. The second draw was ticket No 90, won by Ivan Horn. Congratulations to both winners on behalf of the club. All proceeds from the raffle contributed to the Swap Meet income. Pete Collins



Gymkhana and BBQ at the Clubrooms. The Vintage Machinery Club will be there along with their machines. This is subject to weather conditions. 11am start. st May 31 Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run. th June 7 Horowhenua AGM and Club Night. th June 25 40th Anniversary Dinner. Limited spaces. $25 per head. Contact the Club Captains. Come and celebrate the clubs 40 years. Old cars mandatory for a 40th photograph. Arrive 12pm to arrange cars, 1pm meal. th July 5 Horowhenua Club Night. July 16th Night Owl Rally and Fish and Chip Supper. 7pm start. August 2nd Horowhenua Club Night. th August 12 The Annual General Meeting of the VCC of NZ to be held in Blenheim at 9am. See Notice in Beaded Wheels. th August 20 Meet at Fisherman’s Table 12pm for lunch. Advise Club Captains. Bring your old cars. See April issue of Spark. th September 6 Horowhenua Club Night. th September 24 A trip to the Tui Brewery and a BBQ cooked by the famous Tui Girls. Plus an optional Brewery Tour. See information in Club Captain’s Report April issue. 10am. Any enquiries to: John White Phone 06 368-3299


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