Bay of Plenty VCC November 2016

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KLAXON EMAIL: Fax 07 5746482 CLUB WEBSITE: For anytime Club enquires: Kaaren Smylie (Committee) 07 576 4180 or 021-66-43-41


Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club

The Club Rooms are located at 29 Cliff Road Tauranga. P O Box 660, Tauranga, 3140. Key contacts are— Chairman—Jim Smylie (Kaaren), telephone 07 576 4180 Secretary—Joe Scott (Jill), telephone 07 544 1941 Monthly events— 2nd Monday Club Night ( Except January) Start time 7-30pm Wednesday following the Club Night Mid-week run 4th Sunday End of month run Last Monday of the month Committee Meeting 4th Tuesday Noggin ‘n’ Natter at 6:00pm ( Note: Katikati is now also on a Tuesday) Location Sequence of Noggin ‘n’ Natters 1, Tauranga- held at Tauranga Citizens Club, Corner Cameron Rd and 13th Avenue. 2. Te Puke- at Te Puke Hotel. Contact Martin Carey 573 7136/Paul McIndoe 5733328 3. Tauranga - Tauranga Citizens Club 4. Katikati- at “Forta Leza Café”, SH 2 Katikati. Contact Owen Smith, phone 07 570 2000. If your birthday falls in this month please remember it is your turn to provide a plate for supper. Our thanks go to last months birthday people for the food provided. PLEASE remember to wear your name badges to all events. They can be ordered from David Joblin phone 544 1690 LIBRARY HOURS— The library will be open on club nights from 7pm. Also on most Monday mornings until midday Yvonne & Paul work in the library and members are welcome to call in to search for or return books. If making a special trip please phone home beforehand to ensure they will be there, phone at home on (07 574 8482 or 027 6098510)



021 664341

Hall Cleaning Roster Volunteers for cleaning the hall Please add your name so as to lighten the load for others. We all use the hall and we all love to see it sparkling clean. If you have forgotten to add your name just email the Klaxon or contact Kaaren or Jack and they will do it for you.

November December January February

2016 2016 2017 2017

Bert and Helen Dove Brian and Cindy Pratt Sandy and Paul Piercy Lett Alastair and Gwen Jones

Further volunteers are required for this important task Thankyou to those that HAVE volunteered 3

Summary of Sat 12th Nov

Local Events November 2016

Working bee for swap meet 9 am at clubrooms

Sun 13th Nov BOP VCC Swap meet at clubrooms Cliff Road Mon 14th Nov

Meeting night Speaker Chris Scott. Western Australia Gas Fields

Wed 16th Nov

Mid week run. Organiser Gary Foy

Fri 18th Nov

Film night. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Final Night for 2016

Mon 21st Nov

Ladies Christmas Luncheon. Held at Jenny and Chris Cole home.

Tue 22nd Nov

Noggin ‘n’ Natter. To be held at “Forta Leza” Katikati

Thu 24– 27th Nov. First of the Summer Wine Tour Sun 27th Nov

End of Month Run

Mon 28th Nov

Committee meeting

Wed 30th Nov

Klaxon close off date

Tue 6th Dec

Seniors Morning Tea at clubroom. Christmas theme

Note to run organisers: Please delegate someone to write a report for Klaxon

Mid week run 16th November

Organiser Gary Foy

Meet at clubrooms 9.30am Depart 9.45am, travel to Te Puna Quarry Gardens, Quarry Road. Have morning tea and wander around the gardens. We will leave the gardens about 11am turning left into Munro Road to the Main Road. Turn left with extreme care. Travel to Katikati to the newly opened Museum (old fire station) at 11.30. Cost for museum $5.00. The museum would like 6 vintage cars parked on the lawn on the R.H. side of the building . No parking on the forecourt but parking is behind the Museum. Leave the museum and travel in Tauranga direction to the corner of Main Road and Henry Road. Lunch to be at RSA at 12-45pm. Menu between $8 to $10 Contact is Gary Foy 07 5448611

End of the month run 27th November: Organiser Ken Frew We will be travelling to Spike Allen’s factory to view a Water blasting Cutter machine. This machine will accurately cut most materials to any pattern that can be programed into its computer. This run is designed for people not attending the Last of the Summer wine run. Meet at the club rooms at noon for a BYO lunch. We then travel in convoy to Spike’s factory in Tauriko to arrive at 2pm to view demonstration. Contact is Ken 5764263




Tuesday 6th December All members are welcome Please bring a plate please contact a senior and offer transport If you wish to attend and require transport contact John Payne 07 5769497

BOPVCC Movie Night Friday November18th Final night for 2016 Hall open at 6 pm. Movie starts 7pm

A comedy

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel BYO meals drinks whatever. Enjoy a chinwag then settle down to an old favourite movie. Everybody welcome. Bring a friend 5

BAY OF PLENTY SWAP MEET and CAR SHOW When: Sunday 13 November Where: Cliff Road Clubrooms and Reserve. Time: ( Public) 8am to 1pm.

   

Members will be admitted free as spectators providing they either wear their badge or show their membership card. A vendor of a vehicle will be charged $15-00. – the same as a vendor at a stall. Other occupants of the car will be treated separately. Only Club-eligible vehicles will be admitted to the parking areas either for show or for sale. Parking. The pay-and-display carpark at the extreme Northern end of the reserve will be free for the day. Members who arrive in their modern cars are requested to use this carpark, to leave the streets free for the public. Volunteers for clean up are required at 1pm. Please don’t leave this to the Committee! Work will include : General clean-up of the grounds, putting away boundary tapes & signs, plus putting away tables and a general clean of the clubrooms.

The Show is of course for ALL classes of club-eligible vehicles. Bring your vehicles early from 7am- 8am and PLEASE do NOT remove your vehicle before 1pm. This year we shall have Two Show Prizes, kindly arranged by Ken Frew and his Company, Shed Boss. First: A cash prize of $100 for the OLDEST VEHICLE. Also: A cash prize of $100 for “ PEOPLE’S CHOICE” – (The vehicle of each spectator’s choice) Each person entering the gate will be given a voting form for placement in a box outside the clubrooms. The cut-off time will be 11.30am with the announcement of both prize-winners around 11.45am. The winners must be present to collect. Many thanks to Ron Elton for arranging this. (By the way, the objective here is to encourage the public to look objectively at the many exciting cars on display.) Kaaren Smylie has arranged a Raffle for the benefit of WAIPUNA HOSPICE. Announcement of the prize-winner will be at 11.45am but the winner need not be present. Don’t forget that entry to the grounds will be free for members who wear their club badge. Special thanks to the hard-working organising Committee – Club Captain Kaaren Smylie, Alastair Jones, Ken Frew and Jack Anderson. Remember 13th November is the date. Hopefully the day will be Big.

Regards, John Payne.


Ladies Luncheon Monday 21st November at 11.30 am Jenny & Chris Cole’s, 93A Manuwai Drive, Matua. Christmas themed luncheon. Men welcome. Ph. Jill Scott 5441941 or 0211449703.

Summary of Local Future Events December and January 2016/17 Tue 6th Dec

Seniors Morning tea. Christmas theme. Organiser John Payne

Sun 11th Dec Club Christmas party and Restoration Trophy Mon 12th Dec Club meeting night. A social evening Tue 20th Dec Noggin ‘n’ Natter at Tauranga Citz Club Wed 21st Dec Mid week run. Rest homes Christmas run Organiser Chris Cole There will be no End of the month run in December There will be no committee meeting in December Sun 1st Jan

New years BBQ lunch at Tuapiro Point. Organiser Peter Lawn

Mon 9th Jan

Club meeting night. A social night There will be no mid week run in January

Tue 24th Jan Noggin ‘n’ Natter at Te Puke Sun 29th Jan End of month run. Organiser Jim Smylie Mon 30th Jan Committee meeting Wed 1st Feb

Close off for Klaxon Other Clubs’ Events November

Sat 5th Nov

Waikato Veteran Rally Entry form on Cloud site and notice board

Sat 5th Nov

Northland Far North Tour

Sun 13th Nov

Horowhenua Tararua Trundle

Sun 20th Nov

Waikato Swap Meet

Sat-Sun 7/8th Jan Hooters Vintage Race series. See notice board and Cloud site Sat 21st Jan.

Wanganui Veteran Rally. See cloud site or notice board for details

Sun 22nd Jan Waikato Blue Smoke and Pedals M/C Rally Sun 5th Feb 8/9th April

Eastern BOP Rally Hooters Vintage Race series. See notice board and cloud site


Chairperson’s Chat November 2016 You will note I have changed the title to this page this month from the Chairman’s Chat to the Chairperson’s Chat. I have done this two reasons; firstly, I thought it time I became PC, which is well overdue but I then am a slow learner; and secondly, we do new a new chairperson for our Club in a few months, and by using a gender neutral label it opens up the pool of potential talented candidates dramatically. If it is good enough for the US of A to consider a woman for president then it must be good enough for our group. What do you reckon??? On another note, Kaaren and I a few weeks ago attended our first interclub run. This was a run open to any member of a car club in the Bay of Plenty, and was organized by the Jaguar Car Club. It was good to meet many new people, although about half of those that participated were members of our Club. It was also great to see some new vehicles. One other aspect of the run, which was to Cambridge, was that we stopped for lunch in the reserve in the centre of Cambridge town which allowed the citizens of Cambridge to come and view the cars. I would encourage all of you to take part in future interclub events, which the organizers hope to arrange several times a year. It is good to extend our horizons. I will ensure our Club Captain keeps you posted prior to the next event. Following the above event, we were thrilled the next day to take part in the run organized by our new committee person, Linda Downey, and her man Doug Brown. Who knows Linda could be a candidate for our first female Chairman!!! More than 30 cars took part in what was a great day. We met at Doug and Linda’s avocado orchard where Doug explained what he had been up to for the last forty plus years. We then took a run around the Western Bay finishing at the Lilly Pond Gardens for lunch. Well done Linda and Doug on a great day. But that’s not all!!! Hold your horses for the many events we have lined up for you between now and the end of the year. These are too many events for me to list here, but are fully set-out elsewhere in this Klaxon. However, I can say the highlights will be our Swapmeet next weekend, many thanks to John Payne and his band of willing helpers, and the First of the Summer Wine Rally to be held later in November organized by Bryce Strong. Bryce has had such a great response from members wanting to take part in his rally to the Hawkes Bay, via the Gentle Annie, that he has had to close the field, to the disappointment of more than one member who would have liked to have taken part. Then on a different level, I was privileged this morning to assist three of our members wash staff cars for the Waipuna Hospice. These were a part of a group of our members of our Club that each week contribute to the valuable service the Hospice performs in our community. It is fantastic that our Club performs this role, and if you wish to take part in this great community service please contact Gideon De Lautour, or John Payne. You will be welcome. Finally, we have the Restoration of the Year Awards coming up at our Christmas Party to be held on 11th of December. So if you have completed the restoration of your vehicle please let me know and I will arrange for it to take part?

See you at the next event, and safe motoring.

Jim Smylie


“Deck the ‘Car’s with Bells of Holly” By Kaaren Smylie You’re singing aren’t you…Well with the ‘silly season’ looming, we start weighing up whether or not to join the marauding hordes and hit the road to the favorite holiday spot and join the family, or delay the summer break until all the little darlings have returned back to school, in the hope the roads are a tad quieter and safer. So you’ve made the decision to brave the roads, now you have to make sure the auto is all in tip top shape to go. There is an old saying, “the more you put in to something, the more you will get out of it”…hereby the same goes for your car. Failing to give your pride and joy in the garage a little bit of TLC could have you parked on the side of the road with ‘she who must be obeyed’ a weenie bit upset? So to help you avoid any hiccups and embarrassments with your automobiles during the holiday season, and to make for peaceful motoring, read on! I came across this AA article on the ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’ for a stress free motoring season. Now just so I don’t get into the category of ‘don’t tell your granny how to suck eggs’, I have condensed a lengthy AA article down to ten helpful tips to cover all bases: “Don’ts” Don’t ignore your car – if you hear a weird noise when you start the engine, or something doesn’t feel right, check it out. Don’t miss giving your car a regular service – the basic essential check – oil, brake fluid, the battery, tyres etc. Don’t forget to clean it – TLC to the interior and exterior. I really don’t think any of our members are guilty of driving around in a ‘tip’, unless of course you are on a Rally travelling on the metal roads then you are excused. Don’t skimp – sometimes you think you are always reaching into your pockets for one thing or another, however following tip 2 could help you avoid that. Don’t leave your car to rot–neglecting your car is never a good idea, and leaving it in the driveway to gather dust will only do it harm. And now we are into friendlier weather for vintage and classics, leave the modern at home and hit the open road in the old dear! “Do’s” Keep your distance – maintain sufficient space between your car and the vehicle ahead. If it’s raining or you’re driving on an unsealed road, increase the gap. Move Aside – if you are holding up the traffic, move as far to the left as possible to allow others drivers to pass you. Remember when you are driving your old jalopy and you are not going quite as fast as the moderns do, be a bit considerate and check your rear vision mirror to make sure there is not some great pile-up of cars happening behind you. Watch your speed – some of our classics (and the odd Model ‘A’, trust me I can speak from experience here) can really gather momentum out there on the open road, and before you know it you’ve hit the 100k. Take a break – stop regularly and bring out that old thermos for a ‘cuppa’. Be patient–hmm no comment.


NEWS FLASH - If you are planning to head off before the crazy season starts, and if you are going to be heading in the direction of Wellington, you could consider a stopover on the way to Southward’s Car Museum. On December 4 a collection of classics is going under the hammer and they could be well worth checking out. Thirty of the country’s top classic cars in the collection of Wellington businessman Roy Savage will be auctioned. They include a 1969 Mercedes Benz 280 SL, a 1955 Jaguar XK140 fixed-head coupe, a 1969 Jaguar E-Type and a 1965 AustinHealey BJ8 3000 Mk 111. The auction house Mossgreen Webb say the cars to be auctioned, represent one of the most interesting collections of classic cars offered in this country, and each car has the right to be called “classic” because it has achieved some initial acclaim, while maintaining appeal in design and driving. The collection offers original and rare examples from the 20th century, with an emphasis on the post-war British period. Among the auctions highlights will be a red 1969 Mercedes-Benz, among the Jaguars to be auctioned is a 1955 XK140 fixed head coupe worth $85k to $105k and the classic Triumph model is a white 1965 Herald 13/60 worth between $5-$8k. So all in all if you’re heading in the direction of the Capital could be worth a peep. FOR THE LADIES: Make a note in your busy diaries girls of the following dates… 21stNovember – The quarterly ladies luncheon, and this time our lovely ‘hostess with the mostess’ will be Jenny Cole. For further details please contact our ladies luncheon coordinator Jill Scott. 26thNovember –The CIRCA vintage and retro market are back and having their Christmas market up at our club rooms from 9am – 4pm. For those of you who missed the CIRCA ladies last market on the 8th October, this is your opportunity to check it out. The CIRCA ladies said that by choosing our club rooms to hold their market was the best decision, as not only was it a superb venue to hold the market, but they had the busiest day they had to date! Our female members also mentioned that the market was a great success, with all sorts of little treasures and delicious food on offer to buy. So our girls are very much looking forward to the next one, a win, win all round I say! 6thDecember – The Seniors Christmas Morning Tea – John Payne our coordinator of the morning teas, always has something special up his sleeve for the Christmas morning tea. So not only will be there be a delicious Christmas cake on offer, but we are very privileged to have to entertain us for the morning, the multi-talented Marion Titmuss, a BOP VCC member who has kindly agreed to come along and play her flute. Issue 1 of the Focus Magazine said this about Marion: “Marion and her husband Steve immigrated to New Zealand from the UK in 2011. She had trained as a flautist and pianist, but fell in love with the sound of pan and went on to establish and direct youth bands which toured and performed throughout Europe. In 1992 her band won the British Steel Band Festival. This lady never stops, her next big project she is spear-heading is a NZ steel band festival in Auckland late next year.”


Folks if you can please try and come along to the morning tea and listen to Marion, you will not be disappointed, this lady is world class! A Challenge – ‘anything boys can do…girls can do better’…very plucky in saying this? Girls I would like us to set ourselves a challenge for 2017, and organize a couple of the end of month runs. Our mid-week and end of month runs are just so successful, with more and more folks attending them every month. I am thinking of the ladies here. I am inviting you really keen women to join me one morning for a coffee and muffin, to have a quick brain storming session and come up with a run or two that both genders could enjoy; I will send an email out in the New Year with a suggested date. I have recently had a bit of positive feedback about the monthly Friday movies. Everybody is really enjoying coming along with their takeaways and tipples to have a chin-wag and watch the chosen movie for the night, and the best thing is, our attendance numbers are really climbing. However, it doesn’t have to be all about old cars, the ladies have passed the odd comment they are keen for a few of the modern movies to be shown as well. If any of you members can suggest something you would like to see of preference, or have any newbie’s you wouldn’t mind lending for the night, please don’t hesitate to let Paul Beck our projectionist know! One other small thing, please don’t forget about our club apparel. Linda Downey is your lady to give your orders to, so get hold of Linda either at club night, or phone her on 021 027 77931 she would be delighted to assist you! Check us out… in the club apparel at our last mid week run; Jill Scott, miwah and Jeni Hoven Until next month folks have fun, stay safe and most of all happy motoring! Kaaren

Screamin’ Horsepower Fund Raising Event 10am to 4 pm 26th November At Baypark Stadium All classes of vehicle are catered for This event is a fundraiser to enable a Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber to be purchased for Kelly Baker. Kelly suffers from MS and out of a scale of 10 she is at 7 and therefore cannot receive medication for it. After when Kelly has no longer a need for this machine, it is intended to donate the machine for public use. This show clashes with our First of the summer Wine Tour and the end of the month run but if you are not attending one of these you may wish to attend this worth while event Further details available on Facebook kellysmsfight or Email: to register your vehicle


From the Secretary Hi Folks! At last we have the sun streaming into our houses, great for the garden. Tauranga Primary School welcomed the children back after the holidays with a dress-up in Olden Day clothes and some very old household items that I suggest the kids have never seen. The teachers have to be congratulated for the effort they put into helping our young ones. Our club provided 3 vehicles including Jack & Jenni van den Hoven who dressed up in their period clothes and driving their old Studebaker, John Griffin in his big Buick and yours truly in our old Ford Tip Truck. The look on the children’s faces (money cannot buy.) Both Jill and I are looking forward to the “First of the Summer Wine Tour” organised by Bryce Strong. This will give Vicky a chance to stretch her legs and snuggle up to the other Model A’s on the run. I understand that Bryce is fully booked for the event and for that we are grateful. The Club is in good shape with a lot of happy people. A steady stream of new members ensures that we will retain healthy numbers in the future. Last month’s report included a request to ensure you provide Julie at Head Office all the required details when you deposit money into the VCC bank account. It is still an issue despite the reminders we give you, (she’ll be right does not apply when it comes to money) trust me. Please ensure you put your hand up to help out at our Swap Meet/Car Show on the 13th November. Bring your vehicle as well and put her on show. The money received helps to ensure you will continue to be spoilt in the future. “Remember you reap what you sow.” “That’s all Folks.” Joe Scott

The Car Club Welcomes the following new members Alistair Rolls.

Alistair has a 1935 Morris 8 convertible

Grahame and Anita Smith.

They have a 1955 DKW Car

Peter Kristensen.

Peter has a 1951 AJS Motor cycle

Welcome to the Vintage Car Club and we all look forward to meeting you and viewing your vehicles Please make contact with David Joblin to obtain your name badges


Your Klaxon Editor is Paul Beck

Contact Paul at or 07 5748482

Hi All,

We seemed to have lost momentum this month. There does not seem to be a reason for it or maybe I have just not been in the right places. Klaxon has gone quiet with little new to report however we are still moving forward. Our cloud site is still growing as other clubs now seem to have finally woken up and now are making use of the internet and email system. Quite frankly, I think NZ Post days might be numbered. They have not taken on board the total cost of postage they are to lose mainly because they have not recognized the number of magazines in total that are posted monthly throughout the country. My feeling is that they could have given a discounted rate for quantity but have stubbornly adhered to 300 letters to qualify for bulk postage which is just out of reach of many clubs. With more than 40 branches country wide it all adds up to a lot of money. Thank heavens for the internet. For a long time I have given thought to providing computer classes for some of our members. I will from here be asking at the meeting for people interested then next year will put it all together. It is intended to hold Basic courses only and to go no further than that. As many of the club members are totally lost in this area I feel there is a need. I am not an expert but think I have something to contribute in this area. Coming up is our Swap Meet and John and his merry band have been finely tuning the arrangements so as to make for a successful day. The only thing that could interfere with it is the weather So everyone, say a few words to our weather god that a nice day would be appreciated. Also polish up the car and bring it along for the car show. There are 2 prizes. 1 for the oldest car and 1 for peoples choice. Your contribution is required to make the day successful. Also coming up is our First of the Summer Days run over the Gentle Annie to Napier and organized by Bryce Strong. I am looking forward to it as it is a road I have not travelled. A real chance to get out and motor on a decent trip. His last report says he has 16 cars and 31 people going. There is no doubt that many people feel the same way as I and want to tour. Roll on I say. Paul All articles must be in writing and received PREFERABLY early in the month, the close off date being the Wednesday following the committee meeting. Paul


Refurbishment of 1955 Triumph TR3 Sports Car

by Paul Beck


I sent an email to Gideon De Lautour recently enquiring how the restoration of his Triumph was coming along just for interest sake. He returned the request by phone saying! Funny you should ask. I drove it down the road yesterday for the first time. It is not yet registered so still needs to be Vinned etc. but as it was previously registered in NZ he was not anticipating many problems. He hopes to do that next and have it at the club possibly for the swap meet car show. He purchased it in 1977 in a battered and dismantled and rusty state but recognised the challenge ahead. Having several skills from past employment in appliance manufacturing, then manufacturing fittings in stainless steel in the Super Yacht industry and also designing his own car he felt he was well up to the task. He stored the car till 2006 after which it then became a retirement project. During the storage period he had shifted house twice and the car was packed up both times and went along with him much to his wife`s disgust. She has said it’s like a bad smell. When he retired the hard work started. He felt that at times during the restoration he did question himself on his judgement about buying the car but like many of us put his thoughts aside and continued on with the task ahead as others urged him on and helped on a barter type system of I help, you help. The car was found after dismantling that it was in poor shape. He said during its life it must have had 1 good owner and 12 bl...y rough ones. Panels were found out of shape and patched and parts including the removable hard top did not fit. He got a mate to re-bore the motor and grind the crankshaft and a panel beater mate to reshape and give him a hand with the panel work. The hinges on the boot and bonnet were only made of an alloy. As he wanted to fit a rack to the car for the spare wheel he was not confident on the strength of the hinges so he duplicated replacement hinges out of stainless steel. As they were the same as the bonnet hing- The petrol cap, luggage rack and hinges all made in stainless steel in Gideon’s shed es they were replaced as well.


He sent the over riders and bumper in to get the chrome stripped and found they were full of filler and rust. Once again his skills of stainless steel came to play and he duplicated those as well. He went to fit the headlights and found the front panel out of shape so much they would not fit so another alteration was required.

Showing the home made bumper and over riders

The club visited him about 12 months back on a shed raid and at that stage the car was up on stands and in about a half finished stage. Now it’s finished, or near enough, and what a lovely car it is. The TR3 was in its time an envied car for a young guy to own. Stylish and the right size for a sports car. What more does a guy need. Now it is back looking fabulous and smart once more. Good for many years ahead I am sure. Gideon has said, although he has had a few bad moments, he has enjoyed doing the restoration and is pleased with it. He is now looking forward to getting going on one of his other restorations.

A nicely finished interior complements the busy instrument panel.

Rear view showing off home made over riders and luggage carrier

Gideon also mentioned he would like to thank John Carrol, Owen Smith and Peter Lawn for their valuable assistance. My assessment. A very smart car with a very proud owner.

1955 Triumph TR3. (S/S for stainless steel says Gideon smilingly) 2000 cc, 110 mph, 100 hp, 0 to 50 mph in 8 secs, up to 30 miles per gallon. Wire wheels, rear seat, and hard top are optional extras.


Top of the South Island Veteran and Vintage Tour 2016: by Raewyn Fenn On Monday, 26th September 2016, 21 vehicles from Invercargill in the South, to Kerikeri in the North, all Pre-1932, assembled at Blenheim for a top of the South Island tour organised by Ray and Glenis Miller from Hawarden for a ten day tour. Our club was represented by Graeme and Raewyn Fenn from Waihi Beach in a 1929 Graham Paige Coupe and Owen and Margaret Goldsmith from Tauranga in their 1930 1 ½ ton Model AA Ford. Each day we were to travel between 71 and 114 miles, so on the shorter days, there were some very interesting visits to keep us all occupied. While we were all on the same route, a couple of the veterans chose to keep to sealed roads, but were able to join in all the visits with the rest of the group. Day 1 saw us enjoying a very social gathering at the Blenheim Vintage Car Club, and collecting our tour instructions and maps, as well as checking out their club facilities and enjoying our first meal together. Our first day of driving saw us taking the Port Underwood Road from Spring Creek to Picton, which is largely all unsealed and given the amount of rain that had fallen in previous days, was a good workout for drivers arms, going from lock to lock. With glimpses of the beautiful coast through spaces in the trees. Lunch was in Havelock and then on to Cable Bay to view a very interesting collection of cars and memorabilia, plus a huge parts Fenns 1929 Graham Paige at Port Underwood collection, before heading to Richmond for the night. Dinner was at the Waimea Club and we were entertained by a men’s choir who just happened to be practising there that evening, but it was soon home to bed after a rather long but enjoyable day. Next day the tour took us through Pigeon Valley, Dovedale, and into Tapawera stopping at a wee museum there. There is so much history in the little towns and settlements that we passed through. Did you know that Tapawera area is where the clay was collected to make all the insulators for power lines in the early days? It was then railed to Temuka to be made in the potteries there. After lunch near Lake Rotoroa, we headed over the Braeburn Track and Mangles Valley before arriving in Murchison. Before we set off the next morning, the news had come in of a truck crash on Lewis Pass and the road was closed. We headed through the Matakitaki Road, onto Maruia Saddle Road and Westbank Road to arrive in Springs Junction and join the growing crowd waiting for the road to reopen. With a Café and toilets, we all enjoyed the 3 hour sojourn, chatting with others in the group and interested onlookers who were intrigued to see so many beautiful “Old Cars and Trucks”. We eventually arrived in Hanmer Springs, where we had a lay day next day. The “boys” put this time to good use by heading up Jacks Pass on very rough and steep roads, to the locked gates over the river on the Molesworth Station Road and to view the old Cobb House. Just as well this road was still closed for the winter months, or they may not have made it Happy hour at Hamner Springs


back to base that night! They returned via Jollies Pass. A lot of the ladies enjoyed a little retail therapy, and relaxed in the beautiful Hot Springs at Hanmer. Saturday 1st October, Hanmer Springs to Cheviot. 71.5 miles our instructions said, so we foolishly thought this would be a shortish day. Wrong! After leaving Hanmer, we headed down Mouse Point Road to Waiau and later through Lowry Peaks Station. This was an amazing trip at very slow speed, over narrow shingle roads, opening and closing gates and through paddocks of sheep and cattle, often with young ones in tow. When we Goldsmiths Model A Truck climbing Lowry Peak Road stopped in a small clearing for lunch, I don’t know who was more surprised when two late model European Rental cars, came around the corner. They told us their GPS had directed them this way from Cheviot to Culverden! Most of us stayed at Cheviot Motels and Holiday Park and had Happy Hour in their lovely gardens, full of spring flowers and lots of colour. From Cheviot, we headed East to Gore Bay and down the coast to the Hurunui River Mouth, then Motunau Beach, before we turned inland again, crossed SH2, to Scargill and on to Foxdown Station where the owners had opened their property and Museum to our group, plus the Christchurch Model A Club and the Christchurch Classic Car Club. What an impressive sight, on a stunningly clear day, to see three ridges in the large paddock, topped by cars from all eras, over 100 cars in all. The Car Collection here was not large, but contained some very rare vehicles, which were interesting to see. After our lunch break, our group set off again through Waikari and Old Weka Pass Road, into Ram Paddock Road, to visit Iron Ridge Sculpture Park, where sculptor Raymond Herber gave us a demonstration using his Forge and sold the poker he made to Bob Butchart from Hawera, who does not have a fireplace! What a good salesman. From here we headed to our accommodation in Rangiora. Leaving Rangiora next morning, we headed over the Okuku Pass on some of the roughest roads Iron Ridge Sculpture Park. “Clydesdale” we encountered, before coming out in the Lees Valley. Highlight of the day today was crossing the Okuku River. Quite a wide river crossing and a first for some of our drivers – and passengers. Only vehicle to stop in the river was that of organiser Ray, who was very gracious about accepting help to get out. After lunch at the Top Ashley Picnic Area, we continued to follow the Ashley River for many, many miles and eventually arrived back in Rangiora. That night we attended Sparks Museum and Function Centre for our Happy Hour and dinner, followed by a wander around their Museum and collections. What a place! They have collections of EVERYTHING. From tractors and cars, through all your household appliances and clothing, medical and dentistry equipment, (even a hospital operating theatre set up), musical instruments, books – amazing, and what a way to end a very special day. Next day we were heading for Akaroa and as we headed through the Christchurch suburb of Bexley, which was badly affected by the earthquakes, we came upon


Colin and Joan Pearce in their 1914 Sunbeam, on the side of the road. The universal had given up and their Tour was sadly over. However a very nice man, in town for the swapmeet, a day or two early, stopped and offered to take them to Ashburton to collect their car and trailer so that they could get their car home to Mosgiel. His help was greatly appreciated by us all. Our trip on to Akaroa, continued around the coast through all the little bays on the Lyttleton Harbour, then over the Purau-Port Levy Road, which is very steep and narrow, smooth and with grass down the middle. Cliff on one side and a bank on the other! No Armco barriers in this area! By the time we reached the top of the Pass, we were in John and Mary Tremaine crossing Okuku River in very thick rain clouds and barely able to their Model A Ford see far in front of us, however when the cloud cleared, we were treated to an amazing view down the very blue Akaroa Harbour – truly worth the drive. Our final morning we travelled around the coast and followed Bossu Road, higher and higher. We passed Akaroa on the opposite side of the harbour, four times. Twice in each direction. Reaching the top, the wind was howling and the cloud was thick as the intrepid travellers negotiated this steep, narrow, winding pass, before we arrived in Little River and enjoyed a much needed cuppa. Our final evening was held at the Ashburton Vintage Car Club. Considering all 21 vehicles were pre-1932, there were very few problems on this tour with only one retirement and that was so close to the end of the tour. Otherwise a few minor problems able to be fixed. Veteran vehicles were a 1906 Cadillac, motored by Laurie Cocker from Palmerston North, 1914 Sunbeam and 1918 Hudson Tourer belonging to Ray and Glenis Miller. Murray and Penny Firth’s 1931 Bedford Truck, trundled along at 30 mph but went everywhere. There were 8 vehicles from the North Island. A 1928 Vauxhall 30/98 from Kerikeri, the Bedford Truck from Auckland, our 1929 Graham Paige Coupe from Waihi Beach, Owen and Margaret Goldsmith’s 1930 1 ½ ton Model AA Ford from Tauranga, 1928 Chev Roadster Pickup and a 1930 Ford Model A Pickup from Whakatane, 1925 Nash 161 from Hawera and 1906 Cadillac Van from Palmerston North. From the South Island, there were 3 1930 Model A’s, a 1923 Overland, 1927 Overland Roadster, 1928 Dodge, 1928 Graham Paige 614, 1929 Dodge Coupe, 1929 De Soto Roadster, 1930 Chev Roadster, and a 1930 Chrysler Roadster plus the SunLaurie Cocker`s 1906 Cadilac beam and Hudson. Special acknowledgment must go to Grandfather, Graham Taylor, from Wanaka, who bought along his twin 15 year old grandchildren, Reiana and Whetu, for the trip in his 1923 Overland. These kids were absolutely delightful. They had no electronic equipment at all, they took part in everything we did and were so lovely to speak to. These are the future of our Vintage Car Club movement and Graham is to be applauded for spending this quality time with them. Graham was overheard asking them which day they had enjoyed most – and the answer – “There was no special day Granddad, we enjoyed it all.”


Mid week run report: organised by Jack and Jenni Hoven Our October mid week run took us over Pori Pori Road to the Minden Lookout. While I have been there many times before it has never failed to interest me to take yet another look. With our fast developing district there is always something new to see. From the Minden we travelled to the domain at the end of Snodgrass Road for a picnic lunch. A good turnout of cars attended and enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere the run provided. Thanks to Jack and Jenni for organising this run and even though some stiff challenges did face you but there is still no doubt that a simple and relaxed run goes down well. Paul

End of month run report: Organised by Doug Brown and Linda Downey A run organised by Doug Brown and Linda Downey took us through Doug’s orchard near Katikati. The orchard is one of the oldest organic avocado orchards in the country. With over 17 variety of avocado’s growing there is fruit over most of the year. The trees normally produced heavily one year and not so heavily the next. His main variety being the Hass. Doug also gave a demonstration of picking and how his grader worked. Although it was old, he was able to manage the grading himself quite easily. Most of his fruit is graded and sold locally and not for export. After the tour and morning tea we continued on the way though Waihi beach and out to the Waitawheta Valley an onto the Waterlily gardens Café for lunch. About 60 people attended the run and thanks goes to Doug and Linda for their hospitality.

Left is growing worms to turn into liquid fertiliser

Right is picking fruit off his David Brown Cherry picker


1948 HUDSON : by Chris Cole

About thirty of us gathered together in the Club Rooms on Friday 28 October for the monthly film night normally orientated around something of an automotive theme. This month the feature car in ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ was a 1948 Hudson. As Jenny and I recently had a ride in an identical car, it prompted me to write this short article. A couple of months ago, Jenny and I experienced an amazing six thousand kilometre road trip throughout South Africa. I had previously written to their National Model A Club. As a result, we were generously hosted by a number of their members during our tour. When we arrived in Cape Town, Ferdi Van Niekirk offered to show us around in his magnificent 1948 Hudson. The drive out from Cape Town, through Hout Bay, and into the National Park that encompasses the Cape of Good Hope, proved to be one of those experiences that neither of us will ever forget. If you could somehow imagine a kaleidoscope of Oriental Bay mixed with a West Coast Drive and a lot of Coromandel scenery, you might have some appreciation of the spectacular beauty of that drive.


Takata Airbag Recall by Paul Beck I recently saw a notice that cars now going for a WOF will probably be checked and failed if the Airbag is one of the cars listed for having a Takata airbag fitted. This is an issue that has now been around for a while so did a little research. A full list is available on and also I have loaded the full list available to our cloud site. The list covers many makes of vehicles and not only Japanese brands. How many vehicles does this affect? They don’t currently have a clear indication of how many vehicles are affected but are working closely with manufacturers, both locally and in Japan, to get more information. Toyota have said that the practice of disabling front passenger airbags was offered to customers in Japan from early 2015, but is believed that cars imported into New Zealand in 2015 and 2016, are possibly part of the Takata recall, and could potentially have been subject to this practice. The scope of affected vehicles may change as more information becomes available. How can you find out if your car is affected? To find out if you should get the front passenger airbag in your car checked, the best way is by checking with an official dealer for the make of your car, and owners of Japanese used imports should also check the website above for a list of Japanese domestic market vehicle makes and models subject to the Takata airbags recall. However if your car is not listed it is not necessarily Ok. Information is being sought from other manufacturers to determine when the practice began for other makes. If it was imported from Japan, confirm when it was imported into New Zealand. The easiest way to do this is to check the date it was first registered in New Zealand. You can find this on the vehicle licence (rego) label on the windscreen – see the diagram below. It’s important to note that only a percentage of vehicles will have had their front passenger airbags disabled, but all vehicles that fit the criteria should be checked. Your vehicle manufacturer’s representative in New Zealand (such as a local dealership) will be able to provide advice about this. Please note that if your car has (or had, to your knowledge) a Japanese sticker or placard fitted to the passenger sun visor like the examples below, it has had its passenger airbag disabled. How did the Transport Agency find out about this issue? They were advised very recently by Toyota’s New Zealand operation that they had identified this issue in used imports and acted immediately to investigate it. NZ Transport Agency says the following: As a safety regulator, we have a number of different roles. We are responsible for setting entry certification requirements which will act as a means of ensuring no further vehicles enter New Zealand with disabled airbags. We also support manufacturers in carrying out recalls – in this situation we are working with representatives of both the new car importers (manufacturers) and the importers of used vehicles to ensure appropriate action is taken. This includes gathering and publishing information, where available, about which cars were recorded in Japan as having had their airbags disabled. This information will be published on our website as it becomes available.


2016 GLIMPSE OF THE FUTURE WEDNESDAY 21 DECEMBER Each year, the December Mid-week Run allows us to bring a bit of CHRISTMAS CHEER to the residents of some of the numerous Retirement Villages located in the Bay of Plenty. This year we will commence the run at Matua Lifecare, enjoy morning tea provided by Greenwood Park, (a Metlife Care Retirement Village) and tour some of the coastal retirement villages in Papamoa and Mount Maunganui. The run will end at Bob Owens Retirement Village where we will be hosted to a light Christmas lunch whilst some of the 1500 residents come to admire our cars and chat with us. The emphasis is on Christmas Cheer. Many of the residents and patients in these villages spend Christmas alone and lonely. Let’s light up their lives by dressing up the cars, wearing funny hats, and having a chat with our more elderly residents. You never know, you may even meet the original owner of your car – as I did one year!

Meet at 9.45am on Wednesday 21 December, please line your cars up along Levers Road in Matua adjacent to the park by the Bowling Club. Lunch will be hosted by Bob Owens Retirement Village from 1.00pm until 2.30pm. Chris Cole 0274-545-586


BOPVCC CHRISTMAS PARTY SUNDAY DECEMBER 11TH Arrive 3pm - Dinner served 5pm Please bring main and dessert dishes to share and own plates & cutlery Also beverages of your choice should you require The Club will supply the ham, chicken, punch and ice-cream There will also be a RESTORATION COMPETITION Further details to follow

The years 1914 - 1915 by Paul Beck


1914: New Zealand’s first long distance flight is made by JWH Scotland, from Invercargill to Gore. The 60 km flight took nearly 50 minutes

The New Plymouth based coach company Gibson Motors begins as a taxi service operated by George Gibson Britain declared War on Germany on 4th August. More than 3000 New Zealanders responded to the call for volunteers for the formation of an expeditionary force.

1915: The first flying boat to be designed and flown in the southern hemisphere lifted off from the Auckland Harbour at Orakei. This was the work of brothers Vivian and Leo Walsh 6 Trains were stranded by flooding between Otorohanga and Taihape with 300 passengers having to spend 4 nights on board as guests of the NZ Railways The Lusitania was sunk by Germany with the loss of 1198 lives


Crossword — by Dave Ryan 1 7














4 .

6 .

9 10










. .


















21 . 19







16 .













Parentless Child



Buy back


Suffer from hot weather


Religious belief


Christmas hymn


Go down




Persons who receives rank or title


Be stationary on your feet


Not very large


Light meal




Male pig


Went in








Stamped heavily on


Be in high spirits


Twelve items


Common literary phrase


20 21

Use up Becomes visible

A hold up Disposes of for money

Answers on page 22



FAR NORTH FUELS Our club has negotiated a special fuel rate for all NZVCC members The rate is available at most Mobil, Caltex and BP service stations. Conditions apply. For further information and application forms Go to our club website: Or now on our cloud site as well.            

Competitive discounts - contact us to find out your discount rate No monthly or annual fees No minimum spend Comprehensive network of Mobil service stations and truck stops There is a choice of 2 discount/pricing options Off the displayed pump price Off the Mobil National price Limits on products and spending allows for efficient budgeting Minimal transaction fee of $0.005 per litre Fee of $0.50 per transaction for non-fuel purchases Account and card fees may apply PIN's on cards provide extra security

OUR CLUB ELECTRONIC SITES Klaxon: Klaxon is available on email. If you are not receiving Klaxon by email then we do not have your email address. To correct this send a request to BOP VCC Cloud site: This site is a google cloud document site for our club members to access. It contains other club magazines and run information sent to us and stored in one convenient place for you to access and read. To get access to the site send a request to BOP VCC Website: Search bay of plenty vintage car club in your browser. It contains our magazine and other club information of interest pertaining to our club. BOP VCC Face book: The club has a Facebook page, however it is a private page only accessible to our members and approved people. Log onto your facebook page and search Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club. Then request to be a friend. If you are not a friend you cannot access it.


Answers to Crossword by Dave Ryan Across





















































Reminder that our Swap Meet is not far away Clean out your shed of unwanted parts and bring them along Your junk may be someone’s treasure If you purchased unwanted parts at a recent swap meet BRING THEM DOWN TO THE PARTS SHED Don’t overlook the parts shed as a source for your project

______________________________________________________________ FOR HIRE : VANE TUNER and other tools. The club has a vane tuner which is available for hire to members The charge is only $5.00. to have your car running sweetly. Enquiries through Jack Anderson Contact Jack on 07 5766346



Do you know of someone to buy this advertising space. Contact:


Come to 200 Waihi Road next to the BP Summit Talk to TONCI BARCOT about tyres. We provide a fast friendly service at a very competitive price. We supply and provide Tyres, new & old, Wheel Balancing, Wheel Alignment, WOF Repairs & Batteries Ph. 07 578 2381, Fax 07 578 2381 Mobile 027 2899484

Certifying Plumber & Gas Fitter covering the Western Bay of Plenty 27

GOLDIES GARAGE Vintage Restoration OWEN P GOLDSMITH Proprietor Over 40 years experience Vintage, P.V, P. W & Classic Restoration Vehicle Services Federation INC L.T N.Z Approved for inspections & issuing of W.O.F. From start to the finished vehicle, or just repairs to components as required. Most restorations & repair work undertaken on older vehicles. I do not stock parts other than Model A Fords. 735 PYES PA TAURANGA

Ph 07 543 0061

WALTON RAILTON & CO. LTD Chartered Accountants Corner Cameron Road & 8th Avenue Tauranga Website Phone 07 578 6161 - Fax 07 578 0940 Adding value to your business with personal quality advice and Service

 Accounting and Tax Services, Taxation advice.  Financial and Business Management.  Family Trust and Asset Protection advice, Preparation of Budgets & Cash Flows.

If you are fully insured phone me first and I will assist you with the claim procedure. All my work is guaranteed! 28


PRICE $35.00



PRICE $25.00

PRICE $35.00





PRICE $ 45.00

PRICE $ 40.00


BUMPER BADGES $30 EACH: Made in alloy and electroplated. Types: Coloured in, Chrome, Nickel or Bronze finish Contact: Owen Smith 07 570200


For Sale and Wanted Austin 7hp Parts - extensive stock of new spares for all Austin 7's 1923-39 Catalogue available. Also many parts for other pre-1940 Austin's - Big 7, 8hp, 10hp, 12/6, etc. Peter Woodend. 07 571 5525 or 027 605 4040 email: Valvoline Max Life 20W-50 Engine Oil semi synthetic made for older and high mileage engines. Has seal conditioners to stop or reduce leaks and anti wear additives. I have used this in my Triumphs for the past 14 years and have found that it works to reduce leaks and sticks to the rockers etc. when the vehicle is not being used. $65 for 5 litres. Valvoline Duragear 75W-85 Gear Oil GL4 semi synthetic. (GL4 oils have less sulphur and are getting harder to find) GL4 oils are specified for most classic cars that have bronze or brass synchro rings and thrust washers etc. This oil helps synchro rings grip, improves gear changes and won't wont affect brass or bronze parts. Model A OWNERS if you have a Laycock overdrive fitted - this is the oil for you as they have some brass and bronze parts in them and the Triumph 2000/2500 Factory Workshop manual specifies an EP70 oil on draining and refilling a manual gearbox and overdrive. $56 for 4 litres. These are both quality oils. Contact: Neal Lindsay. 07 5789579

Special Fuel Discounts available now from FAR NORTH FUELS. AVAILABLE TO ALL NZ VCC MEMBERS. Go to our club website for or now on our cloud site as well

application forms

1921 Sunbeam, 16/40, overhead valves, 3 litres. Rare. 1938 B.S.A., 4 wheeler Tickford Drophead coupe. Front wheel drive. Rare. Both cars are in good condition. Contact Bill Janes, Ph. (07) 578-7583. email : 37 Church St., Gate Pa, Tauranga, 3112. 1953 and 1957 Morris Minors, 1 two door and the other 4 door. Both have the tops cut off to convert to convertibles. High head light and division in windscreen. They were in a barn on the property we bought 2 years ago and I want to get rid of them. Contact Louise 543 1481 or 022 6993990 1971 Triumph Herald 1360. Fully rebuilt in 1990 and done very few miles since. New Reg. and warrant. Very, very reluctant sale. Offers around $10,000. Contact Snow Greaves. 07 5481140 or 0212803311 Wanted to hire. A Camper van suitable for 3 adults 6th to 14th February 2017 Contact Allan Pram 5738428

Cars and Parts for sale or wanted may be advertised free of charge. All adverts must be in writing, which will be in place for 2 issues of the Klaxon then removed unless re-requested to be replaced for 2 more issues. Adverts may be placed by club members to advertise any car or parts of interest to the members but not necessarily owned by them.


CLASSIC TYRES For beaded-edge, high-pressure/straight-sided, well-based cross-ply, radial, wide whitewall, imperial, metric, car, truck, motorcycle, also whitewall trims, steel & wire wheels.

Warehouse: 4/64 TUKORAKO DRIVE, PETER WOODEND (VCC Member) Web: Email: Postal: P O Box 2245 TAURANGA 3140

07 571 5525 - Mobile/warehouse: 027 605 4040


74 Courtney Road Tauranga

AA Motoring 

    

Auto Centre

Servicing Warrant of fitness Repairs Pre purchase inspections All makes and models Everybody welcome









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