ry shiny
in their ve hine Ramble ua R e th in eg Boag b Light 15 Ian and Alicia 1955 Citroen
Manawatu Branch
Volume 1778
April 2017
Discounts on Cook Strait Ferry Crossings All financial members of the VCC of NZ Inc can obtain a discount on ferry crossings, for individual or group bookings. You must show your membership card. Quote the required codes: Interislander WH5465 0800878898
Blue Bridge – ANTIQUECAR 0800844844
Number 09/300139
When insuring your valuable items (property, car etc) with Vero, quoting the above number results in a commission being made to the Manawatu Branch. Thank you for your ongoing support.
The Tourer
Coming Events 2017 Coming Events 2017 April 2017
5 9 19 23 30 6 10 17 28 14 17 21 25 12 19 9 16 13 16 20 11 18
Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove Whanganui Branch River City Parkup Club night 7.30pm The Grove Mid Month Meander 1.45pm from Chesters Sunday Run picnic 11.00am from Chesters Manawatu Branch Post Vintage Rally Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove Club night 7.30pm The Grove Sunday Run details tba Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove Manawatu Branch Night Trial Club night 7.30pm The Grove Sunday Run details tba Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove Club night 7.30pm The Grove Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove Club night 7.30pm The Grove Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove Manawatu Branch Vintage Rally Club night 7.30pm The Grove Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove Club night 7.30pm The Grove
November 2017
8 15
Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove Club night 7.30pm The Grove
December 2017
Committee meeting 7.00pm The Grove tbc
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017
Notes Sunday Run details are in the Club Captain’s Corner each month. Regular monthly events are listed on the back cover in each issue.
The Tourer
Notes from the Chair Hello Everyone The results from the AGM are that the present committee has been reelected with the only change being that Bryan Abraham has accepted nomination for Vice Chair. By the time you read this the new vinyl will have been laid in the members’ room part of the complex. It gave me much pleasure to present Trevor Hardy with his 25 year badge at the AGM. Please read the citation for this badge elsewhere in this issue. At the AGM I asked what we can do as a club to encourage more participation from non-active members. Please give this some thought and pass on your ideas to me. In March I attended the Executive Meeting in Auckland. Please read my report from this meeting elsewhere in the Tourer. The proposed National Day which was discussed, sounds like a good idea. Please also consider attending the 2021 Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring in New Plymouth. Details are in the above mentioned report. Happy motoring
Report from Executive Meeting held in Auckland 11 March 2017 Due to weather disruption to flights the meeting started late. Matters arising from previous Executive Meeting held at Rotorua in August:
The proposed on-line membership form is on hold because each branch has different levies and requirements for membership. It is impossible to standardise these. Branch newsletters are now on the VCC website. Traffic to the website has increased exponentially since the introduction of the newsletters. In August / September there were 400 visits to the website and in January there were 2624 visits! One member has expressed concern about personal details of committee members being displayed on a website which allows public access. This matter was discussed and it was recommended that if members do not want their personal details to be displayed these can be removed. Correspondence included a letter from North Shore Branch about a clash of dates between their Swap Meet and that of Waikato branch. This was due to an error and the matter has been resolved. A presentation was made about Facebook and the benefits to the club of having a Facebook page. The proposed page will be a Corporate Page. Beaded Wheels is now on Facebook. A proposal was made that the VCC hold a National Day where every branch has an event on the same day with an entry fee, the proceeds to go to a charity. It was decided at The Tourer
the meeting to run with this event and that the charity which will benefit will be the Cancer Society. It was proposed that other clubs be invited to attend. A date in August and a date in September were proposed as these are the quietest months on the national calendar. Diane Quarrie will check with the Cancer Society as to which date suits them best. There will be marketing support from the National Office. This event should generate publicity for the Club. The 2018 National South Island Rally will be hosted by Southland and will be based in Invercargill. To date 247 50 year badges have been awarded. Branches are asked to give 3 months notice to allow for arrangements to be made for the presentation of these badges. Speed steward Tony Haycock proposed that branches look at running a National Speed Event eg a hill climb, sprint or Pomeroy, but preferably including events on both hills and the flat. Total income from Vero from the 1st of January 2016 to the 31st of December 2016 was $23, 693.97. This amount was down a bit because of payouts for earthquake claims to property. Questions were raised about payments to the Communications Officer. The Management Committee proposes that each March Executive meeting be held in Wellington at the conference centre at the airport. Each The Tourer
August Executive meeting will be held wherever the AGM is held that year. The 2021 International Rally is to be known as the Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring. The dates are 19 – 26 January 2021. The event will be held in New Plymouth. The Rally Director is Colin Johnston who will work closely with Greg Tyrell. The Management Committee is also closely involved with the planning. TSB stadium will be rally headquarters with the adjacent race course available for camping. There will be five days of rallying, a special veteran event prior to the opening and an entrants only day which will include a standing Ÿ mile event. Rally routes will be 80 to 100 miles but feedback is requested about this. Members are strongly encouraged to attend. Start saving now! There were two notices of motion which were discussed with vigour. The first proposes to remove the need for a proposer and seconder of new members. The rationale behind this notice of motion is that new members may not know existing members and younger members are more likely to apply electronically. Branch committees still need to approve applications to membership. At the end of the discussion Diane Quarrie asked which branches approve of this notice of motion and most did. The second notice of motion proposes changing the names of the classes of club eligible vehicles. This is a very lengthy notice of motion and is available for perusal (as is the other notice of motion).
The proposer also wants all VCC eligible vehicles to be known as “vintage”. There was considerable opinion expressed against this notice of motion especially from Registrar Rod Brayshaw who presented a list of written objections mainly around the cost involved in recalling and rewriting the thousands of VIC cards. Rod Brayshaw argued that “vintage” has a specific meaning internationally when it comes to the classification of cars and that the VCC should not go against this internationally established definition. At the end of the debate Diane Quarrie asked which branches support this notice of motion and none did. In general business the cost of branch newsletters was raised with the suggestion made that levies could be reduced for those receiving their newsletter by email. It was thought that this would create problems at National Office as another class of member would have to be introduced. It was suggested that newsletters be emailed to everyone and that those who required a printed copy be levied an additional amount by their respective branch. One branch suggested that there should be a standardising of VCC entry forms for branch events. The 2016 Vero Rally was raised yet again and questions were asked about steps taken to prevent another loss. The matter of an international guest was also raised. The next AGM will be in Malborough Friday the 11 August – Sunday 13
August 2017 and will be held at the convention centre in Blenheim. Sarah Howell Manawatu Branch Delegate (Notes to the above report – the notices of motion were not received in time for discussion at our last Club Night but were discussed at the March Committee night where it was decided to support the first notice of motion and not support the second).
Trevor Hardy Manawatu Branch Vintage Car Club 25 Year Badge Citation In 1985 Trevor bought a 1925 Chrysler Brougham which needed restoring. Trevor joined the club on the 25 July 1990 and has worked tirelessly for the branch ever since, joining the committee in 1991. In 1992 Trevor bought a 1970 MGBGT which he and Sandy used for club events until the Chrysler was finished. Trevor did the majority of the restoration of the Chrysler. Also in 1992 /93 Trevor was Club Captain of this branch. Trevor was Chair in 1999, 2000 and 2001. Trevor took the Chrysler to Rally 2000 in Hamilton. Sometime after this Trevor was contacted by the family of the first owner whose grand daughter was getting married in Tauranga. Trevor transported the car to Tauranga but on the way to the wedding the car The Tourer
broke down on a hill. Trevor coasted to bottom where an auto electrician fixed it and the bride was fashionably 10 minutes late! A 1965 TR4A Triumph was purchased about 10 years ago. Trevor likes speed events. Trevor was Chair of this branch 2006, 2007 and 2008 and has served continuously on the committee since 2010 as well as Swap meet co-ordinator for a number of years.
MTA100 Car Show of the Century Wellington
Open to the public 29-30 April. To book a ticket go toÂ
The Tourer
Branch members spotted in Art Deco Parade
Brian Rankine and his 1929 Bentley
Bruce Lambie and his 1930 Chrysler Roadster
Ian Rowden and his 1935 Chrysler
Photos B Abraham
The Tourer
A pril S u nday 90tah m From 1
OPEN Air VEHICLE di splay automotive SWAP ME ET TRADE STALLS & food available City College St Hill Street, Wanganui HOSTED BY
The Tourer
By Peter Robinson Photos by Peter Robinson, Esmee Rowden, Bryan Abraham It is always a challenge for anyone setting a rally destination. After a while, it’s difficult to find somewhere different and of interest. Not so in 2017! Our Club Captain Bryan Abraham responded to an SOS would you believe? Not the normal Mayday, rather a “Save Our Esmee and Ian Rowden, Esther and Dave Williams in Station”!! plea from period dress for the occasion the Ormondville Rail Preservation Group to support their Five Viaducts Festival. More on that later. So, with the destination known, let the Rally begin. It is a general rule of thumb when writing a rally report not to talk about the weather. So, apart from saying that it was damn cold and looking like rain at the start, I won’t, even though I
Cars gathering at the Grove
The Tourer
just did. However, we know we are heading for the other side of the Ruahine Ranges where there actually has been a summer this year, so best be prepared. Take a pair of shorts and some sandals just in case. Luckily, because it turned out very warm on the other side. The field was a bit light with just 22 entrants which is a little disappointing considering the amount of effort that goes into organising such an event. But, that said, those that did participate had a great day out. Entrants varied from Laurie Cocker and that unstoppable 1906 Cadillac to Becky & Serena Haycock in a 1975 Peugeot and a good cross section in between. With 11 vehicles of either veteran or vintage class travelling at less than highway speeds, the route taken was quite circuitous to avoid the mainstream traffic. Leaving the clubrooms, we headed through Ashhurst and over the Saddle Road. This road has been, and is being, the subject of much upgrading, as a direct result of the huge slip and subsequent closure of the Manawatu Gorge a few years back. This route is becoming quite a scenic one with the windmills at the top and some lovely vistas of the countryside on both sides of the range. Down the other side, into Woodville, a short circumnavigation of the town, then out into the country again. An upside of the woeful summer is that the countryside is green and lush for this time of year.
It’s wonderful that we live in such a lovely part of the world. We tend to get a little blasÊ and just accept what we have without really noticing it much of the time. But what better way to appreciate it than motoring in a lovely vintage or classic vehicle I digress. After short spells on the State Highway, but mostly country driving, we emerged in Dannevirke. From there, we made our way to Norsewood. This is a town of two halves. A welcome stop for some who had reached the stage of desperation, and also to have a quick look around the outlet shops. Interesting, The Tourer
a local wood carver had topped his front fence posts with oversized chess pieces. Also the original garage was open for viewing museum-like items. And some nice old buildings as well, including the district jail which has been unoccupied since 1930. Then just a short trip to Ormondville. I must admit, I had never been there before, so did not know what to expect. This is a little township built around the rail which was so important to the development of the immediate region. Then somebody invented road transport. So the reason for the town’s existence is much diminished. Tell that
Dave and Esther Williams 47 P15C Plymouth to the locals! Here we have a little community hell bent on preserving its heritage. We hear so much lately that small town New Zealand is declining. Well not so Ormondville. This little community has, with the aid of a lottery grant, restored their railways good shed, including extra strengthening for earthquake protection.
Just visiting or inmates? Peter and Ann Robinson’s 73 Ford Mercury Cougar “caught” outside the jail.
Bill Williams 23 Model T
Cliff Bennett’s 29 Model A The next focus is on the railway station itself, and this is what this festival was about; a fund raiser for the preservation of that building. Tararua District Council came on board and organised street events, with the participation of the local people. Along with many varied stalls, there was also a jazz band playing The Tourer
in tune most of the time. The Pahiatua Railcar Society brought to the day a restored railcar (why did they ever get rid of them??) and provided excursions to view the five viaducts in the vicinity. Some of the local children were having a great time riding on a short piece of track on a hand operated jigger. And not a Health & Safety officer in sight.
Sitting on a flat deck rail wagon were two single men’s huts. This was accommodation for rail workers who would move from job to job. Just room for a bed at one end and a dresser at the other. My wife Ann remembered her Granny had one of these in the back yard as a sleep out for her two uncles when they were boys. As the only sons in a family with eight daughters, they were banished from the house! Our cars, together with others from the Central Hawke’s Bay Branch were an added attraction on the day. Good to be able to help a worthy cause.
Outa Gas The Tourer
A big thank you to Bryan, our Club Captain. A nice well planned run, with the supporting paperwork and instructions impeccable as always.
The ABC of the Manawatu VCC J is for 1946 Mark 4 Jaguar Owned by Grant Irvine M.P.S. By Esmee Rowden
On an early autumn evening Ian and I arranged to chat with Grant Irvine about his 1946 Jag. Grant is a man of very many parts. There is nothing half-hearted about him. He blames – or credits – his father Don Irvine for his utter devotion to the Jaguar motor vehicle. Don currently owns a 1964 Mk 2 3.8 Jag in original condition bought in 1970 and a 1974 XJC Coupe bought in the 80’s. Don has the distinction of being one of three members of the NZ Jaguar Club to have attended EVERY National Jaguar Rally with rallies held every 3 years – the first was in 1982 in Palmerston North. Next year Don will attend the 2018 rally in Invercargill when he will be 88 years young. Grant’s brother Peter has reduced his Jaguar collection from over eight to two: a 1951 Mk 5 Jag yet to be restored and a 1954 XK120 from the USA and fully restored. So, back to Grant. He chose the 1946 Mark 4 for this article as it is the oldest in his stable of cars. It was not his first Jaguar. His (Jag) collection includes, in order of purchase: 1977 XJS – Guardsman Red 1956 Daimler Century Conquest – two tone silver and grey The 1946 Mark 4 – Old English White 1968 3.8S – Midnight blue 1978 coupe SJ6 V12 – Midnight blue (took 7 years to restore, and is one of only
The Tourer
312 made) 1999 S type – silver – the Pharmacy delivery vehicle for a number of years 1964 Daimler 2.5 – British Racing Green 1988 XJ 40 – Silver, purchased in 2012 1998 XJ6 – Cobalt Blue 2004 X type – British Racing Green Metallic However his pre-jag era saw him acquire a Morrie convertible, quickly followed by another Morrie for parts, then a ’62 P4 100 Rover, and then a ’75 P6B Rover – this car was the one that he restored almost entirely on his own. When he is selecting a car, he always aims for them to be essentially complete – he isn’t wanting to spend a lifetime hunting for spare parts. He purchased the 1946 Mk 4 1.5L while returning from the International Rally in Timaru in 1994. He called in to Dr Hein’s Car Museum in Christchurch and bought the car. It had been more-or-less fully restored, but not especially well done, so over the next several years Grant completed a second restoration. He describes his role as being the gopher/ the chaser of missing parts / and the maintainer of the schedule while he employs experts to do the specialist work. Basil Jones did much of the panel beating and Mike Murphy was often involved in sorting the electrics. The car has been used as a wedding car, along with his father’s Mk 2 and other club members’ cars – this involvement is uncommon now with the change in regulations for transport passenger vehicles. Grant has driven this car to 3 National Jaguar Rallies – Hawkes Bay in 1997, Queenstown in 2000, and Palmerston North in 2013 (his XJ 40 also attended this rally). He also took the car to the Vero rally in Whanganui in 2012. As part of the 2000 rally he and other family members toured the South Island. Grant recalls that he had to carry at least 4litres of oil in the car, as the oil needed topping up nearly every time they stopped. 20 litres of oil later. The 1500 miles round trip took 20 litres of oil. On one of his rallies he discovered that the car had been incorrectly wired so the battery wasn’t charging correctly. Colin Abyss discovered the cause and ‘uncrossed’ the wires. The Mark 4’s most dramatic failure was when Grant was returning from the Hawkes Bay Rally through the Gorge. His driver’s door handle fell off; he saw it happen but couldn’t stop to retrieve it, but 20 metres later the car just conked out! He assured me that the two events were unrelated: he discovered that there was a stuck needle valve in the carburettor. Fortunately for the other cars in the Gorge, it was soon fixed. The Tourer
An Australian enthusiast who has done a lot of research into this particular model of Jaguar has suggested that this car was possibly one of the first cars built after WW11. The car is a blend of pre-war SS (Swallow Sidecars) parts and post–war Jaguar Mk 4 parts. For example the Mk 4 radiator badge is unique with an SS background and a Mk 4 centre part. The hub caps and dash are also a cross-over. The 1947 model is distinctly all of 1947 manufacture. The car made the centre fold of “Jaguar World” when the editor visited from England and stayed with Grant’s father. And now to the other many parts of Grant Irvine, Chemist, Jaguar enthusiast and….. He is also a stud owner (Dalacine Farm) with a stable of about 30 race horses, which is considerably fewer than in his heyday. A while ago, he decided he needed to be more hands on, and so became a licensed trainer, and for 4 years he trained his own horses. He has since handed over this role to Janine van den Berg. He said that race horses have taken over from cars ‘at the moment’. But wait – there is more. When he was 11 he had a school friend who raised pigeons. The friend had decided to sell his stock, and so for $20 he bought a pigeon loft and 50 pigeons (unbeknown to his parents). Four of the pigeons were banded, so he took them home and nonchalantly put them on top of the incinerator in a tea chest at the back of the garden. (At this point I feared we were heading for roast pigeon….). His mother came in and exclaimed that there were some pigeons out the back and that was both the start of the confession and the beginning of a 50 year career with racing pigeons. Once his parents settled down Grant brought home the rest of the pigeons and the loft. He sold the ‘unringed’ pigeons for $40 – a pretty good profit in the mid ‘60s. He has a long history of competing in the National Pigeon Association competitions, having won the title twice, and last year came 2nd. He currently owns 68 young pigeons who are in serious training – just like training race horses! I am sure if we spent more time talking with Grant we would discover several more strings to his bow. It was a delight hear him talk with such enthusiasm about his many interests. He had the good sense to tell Ian all the technical stuff, while I wrote furiously with Zac, the Maltese/beschon, curled up beside me.
The Tourer
On Saturday 18 February 2017, members of the Wellington, Horowhenua and Manawatu Car Clubs assembled at the Waikanae on ramp of the newly opened Kapiti Coast Expressway to take part in the public open day. The Morris Minor Car Club and the local Hot Rod Clubs also had a line of cars and after being given a long winded briefing we were able to Bruce Huttons 1919 Dodge following drive the new Expressway under the by John & Eileen Walls Studebaker control of a marshalling leed vehicle. The speed limit was set at 20 kph but at times it was quicker than that. Like all public organised events these days Health and Safety was to the front in everything on the road and around the day. The public could ride and walk on the 2 lanes of the sea ward side of the road which the cars and the tour buses used the opposite side. As my mate from Dannevirke was not able to come at the last minute I had the pleasure of Sadie Beckman the reporter Rachael & Rebecca Gibson – photographer from the Chronicle in Levin as an enthusiastic passenger. Mark Gibson’s two daughters Rachael and Rebecca were in front of us driving his 1964 Sunbeam Alpine sports car and they gave a great impression of the movie “Thelma & Louise”. If there was ever an advert for young people to be in the Vintage Car Club this would have been it. With Rachael, a responsible driver behind the wheel they both had a ball and obviously were enjoying a day More cars out driving on their fathers hard earned petrol allowance. At the southern end we turned off the expressway and drove back round via the beach road and then into a public display area. There was a good display area and we were parked just along from the contractors trucks on display. Ric Goodman a The Tourer
Branch for his efforts over the last 3 years at keeping in contact with the Horowhenua Branch member (who Expressway Managers which resulted was one of the main contractors on the in the invitation to the Vintage Car job) had a huge pile of sand beside Club Branches being involved in the his trucks and he supplied a large EXPRESSDAY. number of toy tractors and scrapers for all the kids to descend on and play to their hearts content or as long as a suffering parent would allow. Without doubt the new expressway will speed up that slow drive through Waikanae to McKays crossing and will be a great deal safer than the old way. In all I was very impressed with the outing and the new expressway and thank Mark Gibson from the Horowhenua Norm & Raewyn Cook
Feilding Farm Meat Processors Ltd Home Kill Servicing the greater Manawatu
* MAF Registered * Farm Meat Slaughtering & Processing * Packed & Frozen Complete Home Kill Service Ph/Fax 06 323 6288 A/hrs 06 323 4265
Steve Bright 021 519 077 18
96 Churcher St Feilding The Tourer
Tourer Trader Large Tin Trunk 90 cm wide x 59 cm deep by 39 cm high. Offers to Cathy Beale 06 374 6911
13th Ford Model A National Rally. This will be held over Easter weekend 13 - 17 April 2017. The rally is centred on the Taradale Club, Greenmeadows, Napier with theme of “Dare to be Deco”. If past National meets are anything to go by, this should be a great fun time. Expect around 100 entrants, with some from overseas already registered. For more information, contact Manawatu VCC member Peter Robinson 06 356 7404
99a Lombard Street Palmerston North Ph 06 357-2972 Fax 06 355·1634 Mobile 027-241·3413 The Tourer
B&H ENGINE SERVICES 2015 Ltd 298 Broadway Avenue- Palmerston North (Member NZ Engine Reconditioner’s Assn) Specialists in all • ENGINE RECONDITIONING and • PARTS SUPPLY of any make or model. • • • • • •
ALSO Shell Bearing Conversions Remetalling Line Boring Unleaded Fuel Conversions Balancing “Hard to Get” parts manufactured TELEPHONE: 357 1182 FAX 356 6722 Email:
Club Captain’s Corner SUNDAY RUN TO CROSS HILLS – 26 February 2017 It was a beautiful day for a picnic as ten cars pulled up at Cross Hills gardens (Kimbolton) after a very pleasant forty-five minute drive along Reid Line, Makino Road, McKays Line and Beaconsfield Valley Road to name a few. Once at Cross Hills the cars could parked up in the shade of some large trees under which the Cross Hills staff had put some picnic tables out for us. After enjoying a relaxing picnic everyone wandered off to explore the gardens, the maze and some water features. Many thanks to the nineteen people who attended.
Cross Hills Picnic
Bryan and Catherine Abraham
MID MONTH MEANDER TO LUTTRELLS PIONEER MUSEUM – 12 March 2017 The wet weather didn’t help entice many out for the drive to Pohangina – but the seven who took the drive to Luttrells Museum enjoyed a good look through the wellpresented exhibits, sometimes reminiscing over items that once featured in their younger lives. The owner walked us through the museum and talked about the history of many of the objects and vehicles that were displayed. After a good look around the
The Tourer
collection the group moved around the corner to the County Fayre Café for a natter around a tea or coffee and a Devonshire scone. Bryan and Catherine Abraham MID MONTH MEANDER – 23rd April 2017 General Motors enthusiasts and in particular Holden fans will love this meander which is to a private collection of over 30 Holden vehicles dating back to the first model to come to New Zealand. But even if you are not a General Motors fan this is a car collection worthy of viewing. Meet at Chesters Plumbing and Bathroom carpark in Tremaine Avenue (Palm Nth) at 1.45 pm for an easy Sunday drive of 20 kms to look over this collection. There is no entry charge. After viewing the collection it is just a short drive to a nearby pub for a tea, instant coffee, or any other beverage that you would expect a country pub to dispense (no coffee machine so no specialty coffees - or any cabinet food sorry). Note the later than usual meeting time of 1.45 pm – it is not a misprint. SUNDAY RUN – 30th April 2017 Meet at 11.00 am at the Chesters Plumbing and Bathroom carpark in Tremaine Avenue (Palm Nth) for a drive to a local picnic spot. Bring your lunch, hot water, chairs and whatever else you might need to settle in for the last of our ‘summer’ Sunday picnics. If the weather is against us on the day still come as we also have a plan for a picnic under shelter.
My grandmother was a very tough woman. She buried three husbands and two of them were just napping. Rita Rudner
Please note that all VCC ID Cards have an expiry. This expiry is upon change of ownership, or 10 years from the issue date. Your vehicle must also be as described on the Card. A Renewal form personalised for each vehicle ID Card is distributed by the National Office to current financial members, approximately 3 months before the expiration. Even if your vehicle has had no changes, this form must be checked, signed and forwarded to your Branch, along with the ID Card (if the photo correctly shows your vehicle in its present state), or three new photos, as stated on the form. Upon receipt at the National Office, the ID Card will be reissued and will be valid for a further 10 years unless there is a change of ownership or major changes to the vehicle during that time. It is compulsory for all National and International VCC Rallies that vehicles entered must have a current valid ID Card.
The Tourer
Restoration Record Derek’s 1914 Fiat Tipo Zero Part ONE 1914 1999 Before we get started on the known history of my car, here is a quick history lesson on Fiat or as it started out, F.I.A.T. Fabrica Italiana Automobili Torino which was founded on the 11th of July 1899 with their first car known as the 3 ½ HP. Out of the eight of these built there are still four surviving. The Fiat Tipo Zero or 12/15 was designed A Zero outside HJ Jones – 2nd from left in 1911 and released to the public in late 1912. It was Fiat’s first attempt at making a complete car enmass as everything before was either custom built for the customer or running chassis supplied to a coach builder. It had an 1847cc fixed head side valve motor driving through a multi plate clutch to a four speed gear box with the sump and gearbox one very long aluminium casting. My Fiat (or the bulk of the rusty bits that I have) is Chassis number 51586 which according to Fiat’s book of manufacturing was completed on the15th of December 1914 with a four passenger tourer body by G Farina (father to Pinninfarina) painted in dark blue. The car was shipped to W B Scott Co in Christchurch who were the Fiat importers at the time, then sent up to Masterton to H J Jones Co who were the main agent in the lower part of the North island. A new Fiat Zero was three times the price of a Model T and information that I have states H J Jones’s were servicing seven Zero’s and two larger Fiats probably Tipo 2 15/20hp. I am not sure who the first owners were but Dr Cowie and his wife had four different Zeros up to the very early twenties. The first known owner of my car was Hector Henderson of Ridge Road South, Mangamaire just south of Pahiatua who bought the car in 1931 after he married. His reason for buying
The Tourer
Hector H behind the wheel late ‘30’s
Hector still driving – vehicle now a truck – late ‘40’s
Photo 8e – as found by Snow The Tourer
the Fiat was its high ground clearance but he still could only get halfway up Ridge Road South and had to go the rest of the way by horse. From what we can work out by the family photo album it was trucked in the late 30’s before being parked up under a macrocarpa hedge flat on its belly in the late 1940’s. By the time Snow Greaves found it in 1967 it was rather sad with most of the chassis, front guards and all upholstery rotted away. So Snow and Jo Ridley scooped up what was left and took it to Pahiatua and put it in storage there where it sat for about two years before Garry Moore the now ex Christchurch Mayor took the bits to Christchurch then not long after sold it to the late Nigel Price who advertised in the Beaded Wheels in 1972 seeking a chassis to no avail. Then it was sold to Arnold
Coppins in the Waikato who from what I am told sold off some of the bits before mid 1970’s when Bere Howard Hill, then living in Wellington, purchased it and on his way home went past Snow Greaves, then in Rotorua, and the first thing he said was “where is the rest of it?” Bere carried on home and from what I have been told there were some very heated phone calls and some of the parts were reunited. During the late 70’s and 80’s Bere managed to find a few parts and an engine as well as the remains of another car out the back of Masterton - the only problem was there was a tree growing through the back of the chassis which he was not allowed to cut down! So out with the hacksaw and off it came. His son said it was the only time he ever saw his father cry! Bere got to work on the lathe and milling machine and made new Hub caps, wheel nuts, grease cups, petrol cap, shake pins and also replicated an original Italian Carello Tail light but did no major structural work. ………… be continued in May TOURER By Derek Haycock
Len Shailer Ltd
“NZ’s Finest Automotive Platers”
68 Wilson Street- Wanganui
191 ALBERT ST, PALMERSTON NORTH PHONE 357-9098 * All types of car upholstery * Vintage cars a speciality * Carpet Overlocking
The acknowledged experts on all types of Vintage and Post Vintage Nickel and Chrome Plating. We are one of those old-fashioned firms that take pride in the quality of our work. (Ask anyone who has dealt with us) For all your METAL FINISHING REQUIREMENTS Copper, Brass, Bronze, Silver, Alloy Plating,Gold, Antique Finishing and Metal Polishing Phone Dave on Wanganui (06) 345 5042 for prompt and efficient service
The Tourer
POST VINTAGE RALLY - 06 May 2017 The clubrooms will be open from 9.00 am to allow you and your crew to indulge in a hot drink and a biscuit or two before the 9.30 am briefing. The route for the Post Vintage Rally has been set and because it is of similar terrain to the recent Ruahine Ramble it has been decided that this year the Rally will be open to Vintage classification vehicles (Jan1919 > Dec1931) allowing them to participate as non-competitive entries. A slightly shorter morning route has been prepared for this group. Morning section of rally: Vintage entries – approx. 70 miles (112 Kms) Post Vintage entries – approx. 75 miles (120 Kms) Afternoon section of rally: All entries – approx. 30 miles (45 Kms) Members who have only a veteran classification vehicle, or whose ‘vintage’ is currently off the road are more than welcome to participate in their ‘modern’ as non-competitive. There are no unsealed roads on this Post Vintage Rally. Bring your own lunch, hot water etc., plus chairs, picnic rug or whatever - to help you settle in for an enjoyable lunch stop. If the weather is against us there is a sheltered area at the destination in which we can have our picnic lunch. After the short afternoon section the rally concludes at a café. After the café there is approx. 20 miles (30 Kms) to return to Palmerston North. Entry Form Options : complete the form that is in this Tourer and mail it to the address on the form. If you would like the form emailed to you to prevent you from having to cut into your Tourer, email the Rally Organiser requesting that a PDF version be emailed to you. Alternatively forget the form and just send an email to the Rally Organiser with all of the details that are requested on the form included in the email text. Payment Options : send a cheque in the post with your entry form ; pay on the day ; or email the Rally Organiser requesting account details so that you can pay by internet banking. Rally Organiser email :
People shop for a bathing suit with more care than they do a husband or wife. The rules are the same. Look for something you’ll feel comfortable wearing. Allow for room to grow.
The Tourer
Post Vintage Rally Saturday 6th May 2017 For Post Vintage, Post War, Post 1960 & Post 1980 vehicles and Vintage classification vehicles as non-competitive entries
Meet at the VCC clubrooms in Kelvin Grove Road any time after 9.00am for cup of tea / coffee. The briefing will be at 9.30am. BYO lunch & hot water for drinks etc. and chairs etc. for a picnic. Total distance for the day is approx. 125 miles (200 kms) – additional rally information is in the April Tourer.
ENTRANT: ............................................................................................................................... NAVIGATOR: .......................................................................................................................... ADDRESS: ……………………….......................................................................................... TOWN / CITY: .……………….….......................................................................................... TELEPHONE: (........) .....................................
Email ........................................................
VEHICLE MAKE & MODEL: ................................................................................................. YEAR: .............................. ENTERING AS: PV/PW/P60/P80 ENTRY FEE: $20.00
REG No. ..................................................... Non-competitive - Vintage (or Modern)
or $35.00 with Rally Plaque (optional)
PAYMENT METHOD: Cheque attached
TOTAL $.................
Pay on Rally Day
Internet Banking
Cheques payable to ‘Manawatu Branch VCC’ ENTRIES CLOSE:
Thursday 27th April 2017
RALLY ORGANISER: Bryan Abraham : Phone (06) 358 4014 Email (email the Rally Organiser for a PDF copy of this entry form - or for Internet Banking account details)
ENTRIES to: Bryan Abraham, 81 Apollo Parade, Palmerston North 4414.
The Tourer
Lake Taupo Golden Anniversary Weekend – 10-12 March By John Callesen
Judy and I decided someone from Manawatu should go to Taupo’s 50th. Back in the 80’s and 90’s a number of us used to enter their rallies, especially when Ron and Clare Anderson retired up there from here, as well as other relocated Manawatu members. That was in the days of pine trees and pumice dust! None of that now as Landcorp has converted it all to Dairy farms as far as the eye could see. Entrants came from a number of other branches with a total of 56 entries. We went in the 1929 Dodge Landau and had the company of about a dozen other vintage vehicles. We had invited one of my Manawatu and NZ rugby friends and his wife - who have semi-retired to Taupo - to join us. It’s interesting to hear the comments from people who have never been on a rally. They loved it -especially all the questions to answer. A bit of a shadow was cast over the run when the Green Model T truck with the beer barrel on the back from Waikato was rammed into from the rear by a guy who at 9.00am was over the speed limit, lighting a cigarette, DIC and had no insurance. The wooden C cab, tray etc. were badly damaged and will be a total rebuild. We also had a very close call coming up to a T intersection to find a grey van sliding towards us from the right. I managed a quick flick of the accelerator taking us onto the main road, with luckily no one coming along as he just went behind us. On backing up a bit we found his skid marks right across our side of the road. As was mentioned at the dinner that night “be aware of how much insurance you have on your vehicles”.
Talk about getting old. I was getting dressed and a peeping tom looked in the window, took a look and pulled down the shade. Joan Rivers
The Tourer
Feilding Auto Electrical Ltd “All auto electrical faults repaired on Alfas to Zephyrs�
Alternators & starter motors reconditioned or new Batteries - automotive, commercial, marine Computer diagnostics - Engine, ABS, Airbags etc MP3/CD Players supplied and fitted Car alarms Air conditioning Automotive parts and accessories at: Feilding Auto Electrical 71 Stafford Street, Feilding Ph: 323 8427 Mobile: 0274 423 967 Email: 28
The Tourer
The Tourer
Sarah Howell (Ian) 06 374 6645
Bryan Abraham (Catherine) 06 358 4014
Ron Persson (Josie) 06 354 5266
Bryan Abraham (Catherine) 06 358 4014
VICE CLUB Vacant CAPTAIN: TREASURER: Ian Howell (Sarah) 06 374 6645 COMMITTEE:
Trevor Hardy (Sandra) 06 323 4040 John Ireland (Anne) 06 323 4170 Brian McPherson (Deirdre) 06 354 6310 Bill Williams (Lynda) 06 323 2717
CLOSING DATE FOR NEXT TOURER – 20TH APRIL 2017 The next issue of the Tourer will be May 2017.
Please send your contributions: rally reports, your motoring stories, cuttings, technical reports, humorous articles, photos, drawings etc
to: The Editor
The Tourer
Trevor Hardy (Sandra) 06 323 4040
Esmee Rowden (Ian) 06 3567871
Gary Millar (Marion) 06 354 8298
Gary Millar (Marion) 06 354 8298
Doug Dickson (Jan) 06 353 3462
BEADED WHEELS: Ian Howell (Sarah) 06 374 6645 PARTS SHED:
Gary Millar (Marion) 06 354 8298
Murray Martin (Dot) 06 354 5960
John Ireland (Anne) 06 323 4170
New Members contact the Secretary, Ron Persson, to organise for a name badge to be made. The Tourer
Manawatu Branch Meetings held at the Clubrooms “The Grove”, 684 Kelvin Grove Road, Palmerston North Third Wednesday of each month from 7.00pm. Meetings start at 7.30pm. (Please wear name badges at all Club events) • Committee Meeting— 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm. • BYO Tea — First Sunday of each month from 5pm at the Clubrooms. • Parts Shed — Opens from 2pm first Sunday of each month. • Library — Open on club nights, and by arrangement with the Librarian. • Noggin & Natter — First Tuesday of month at 7:30pm. Murray’s Irish Bar Feilding. Vintage Car Club Vehicle Classifications • Veteran Motor Vehicles constructed prior to 31st December 1918 • Vintage Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1919 and 31 Dec 1931 • Post Vintage Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1932 and 31 Dec 1945 • Post War Motor vehicles constructed between 1st January 1946 and 31st Dec 1960 • Post 1960 Motor vehicles constructed between 1st January 1961 and 31st Dec 1980 • Post 1980 Constructed after 1st January 1981 provided that no vehicle is accepted for this class until January 1st of the year that is 30 years after its original year of construction • Factory Built, & Historic Racing Vehicles -as described in the Club By-laws • Period Specials - as described in the Club By-laws
THE TOURER: New Zealand Registered Magazine.
The Official Newsletter of the Manawatu Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc) Email: Phone: (06) 354 8582 Clubrooms: ‘The Grove” 684 Kelvin Grove Road PO Box 385 Palmerston North 4440