Marlborough VCC December 2016

Page 1

December 2016

What a day at the beach!

Ward Beach Run (instead of the planned Port Underwood). Photo’s page 12, 13 and 14 taken by Tony Smith. Vintage Viewpoint is the official publication of the Marlborough Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc).



Annual New Year Picnic 2nd January ‘17 The Harris family invite all Branch members to the Annual New Year Picnic at the Grove. For new members the property is at 1751 Queen Charlotte Drive, approx. 12 miles (or 19kms) from either Picton or Havelock. A V.C.C. sign will be in place. More details see page 27.

Hospice Vehicle Display

Waterlea Race Course 12th March 2017. This does not clash this time so love to see you there. In 2016 we had 350 Vehicles and raised $7000. Theme this time is JAGUAR. Information available from Patrick Pascoe P: 0274421786

Easter 2017

What’s Inside: Chairman’s Report


Club Captains Report


Snippets from the Listening Post


From the Blokes in the Shed


Ward Beach Run Photos


Motorcycle Notes


Motorcycle News


Scenicland Rally Form


Classified Advertising Section 26 Marlborough Branch Officers


Coming Events 30

The Omaka Air show is on again and this time the theme is

‘Racing Through Time’ The Vintage Car Club is being ask to supply Vehicles for display on the main airfield. Only VCC eligible vehicles can register. Please give your name to Club Captain Bob O’Malley early as other VCC branches will soon find out. Organiser Patrick Pascoe P: 0274421786.


Chairman’s Report This is just a short newsletter as the man in the red suit is just about to call on us again. Bob, our Club Captain and weather guru has organised many an outing for us all over the year with many more to come, and for our two wheeled members, Trevor and Glenn have ensured there was always a monthly ride to somewhere interesting or just to get members together. Thank you to you all for this fine work! Things will be quiet over the Christmas and New Year period as the complex will be closed, the last day for your cuppa and a scone will be Wednesday 21st Dec, then re-opening on Wednesday the 4th January 2017. Our New Years party will be on Saturday 31st as part of our Noggin and Natter, based on previous years, this will be fun for all, please don’t forget. It was a very sad day when I received letter from our kitchen custodians, Viv and Les Broughton. These two prominent members turned things around in the kitchen and have made us a venue renown though-out Marlborough community groups, as one with cabaret jokes, meals to fit the occasion and all served with a smile. I wish you both all the best in the future and many a happy venture in your caravan. It would be nice to see you back now and again for a cuppa and a scone to regale us with your latest tales. The is the final newsletter for the year, our next newsletter will be in February 2017 and we have entered all upcoming events in the this issue but I will keep you up to date with announcements on Wednesdays when they resume on the 4th. Most importantly remember our biggest day of the year is Heritage Day on the 6th Feb - our newsletter may not come out in time for more information on this event. If you have any questions closer to the time feel free to ring me (573 4142) or Bob (572 8380). This is the last report for the year so Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all, from myself and our hard working committee. VINTAGE MOTORING, Lyall 4

Club Captain’s Report It has been an interesting month, starting with a visit to the Hospice (for the members not me personally), then the Port Underwood trip was changed to Ward Beach due to the weather. That was the day before the earthquake and it was so lucky it didn't happen while we were there or we might well still be stuck there eating Paua and crayfish! The next day we had a flood out here just to add to the excitement. Christmas dinner at The Clubs was a relaxed affair with good company, good food, and not a lot of speeches. The Noggin and Natter followed the same lines, but with no speeches! For the start of the Kenepuru Hopewell trip we had rain but by the time we got to the Heads it had stopped because it was blowing too hard to land. On to Hopewell after lunch where their weather was fine, calm and sunny. Home the next day in similar weather. Following a slight hiccup the Museum now has an abundance of custodians, thanks to Bill Nicholas. Thanks guys. We have planned a kitchen meeting for 13th December at 1pm at the Clubrooms for all the ladies who work or would like to help out in the kitchen. We would appreciate your ideas and input as to its future use. The more, the better, so please come along. Bob O’Malley Club Captain

Coming Events for Cars (Full details in the events calendar) Dec11th BBQ @ Onamalutu Domain. Dec 13th Kitchen meeting for ladies Dec 31st Noggin and Natter Jan 2nd Annual New Year Picnic Jan 22nd Short run Feb 6th

Heritage Day Feb 12th Port Underwood trip Feb18th Nelson Swap Meet Feb 26th Boat trip to Arapawa Island.


PATRONS MESSAGE It is six months since I was given the honour of being made your branch patron, six months to work out just what the position entails. According to one dictionary the Patron has a titular position which means he is an office holder with no authority, sort of like Prince Phillip without having the same remuneration, status or grumpy attitude. A Patron should be available to give advice, encouragement, congratulations and at this time of the year extend Merry Christmas and happy New Year tidings to his fellow members. However this year wishing merry Christmas and happy new to any of our branch members who live, own property, have close family members or are reliant for their income on business, farming etc. interest in Kaikoura or anywhere along our east coast seems a bit ambitious. Following the events that occurred in November some of our members are digging deep into their fortitude reserves to even think about Christmas and New Year without considering being happy and merry about it. However it would be remiss of those of us who were least affected not to express to those members most affected our hopes that over the next month you will get the opportunity to enjoy some aspects of the festive season. We are thinking of you, so to all members, best wishes for the festive season and good luck resolving all this year’s issues in 2017.


Branch Photo’s on-line Go to the website: password box: mvccb Linda charges $2 for a 4x6 or $5 for an A4 to cover paper and printing costs. If you would just like a copy of any of the files electronically just e-mail and they are free. Any problems contact Linda Tel/Fax: +64 3 5794865 E-Mail: 6

Snippets from “The Listening Post� An interesting month where Viv and Les decided to move on literally; in their caravan and this has meant stepping back from their roles on the committee. Our hunt to replace them proved the strength of the Marlborough Branch membership who have rallied to the fore and although the roles in the kitchen have yet to be clarified we have had an amazing response to our call for custodians. There is no denying that Viv & Les both carried out their duties with passion over recent times and we thank them for their fine efforts and wish them well in their new adventures. We now have TEN! Yes - 10! Museum Custodians and in Feb we should be in a position to announce how the kitchen will be managed, currently we think by consensus of those already working in there may be the way forward. If you have an opinion or any ideas on this please come to our meeting on Dec 13th 1pm at the clubrooms when this will be up for discussion. There will be no committee meeting in January 2017 and the Vintage Viewpoint will not be published until AFTER Heritage Day on the 6th. Contact Lyall, myself or Bob if you need any information on Heritage Day which will follow the same or similar layout as previous years, we would love to see you all there. The November Nog & Natter was well attended and the pot Luck dinner was great, everyone was well fed and the evening was topped off with some memorable deserts. Nelson Branch Nelson are holding their Swap Meet on the 18 February 2017. Details in Magazine. Christmas May the peace and blessings of Christmas be yours; And may the coming year be filled with happiness Tony Smith Secretary


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Please support our sponsors whenever you can - they make this publication possible.


From the Blokes in the Shed….. Blimey! I can’t leave the blokes to look after the shed for a couple of weeks and all hell breaks loose. Nasty earthquakes had stuff all over the floors and then to top it all off heavy rain and flooding in the province, lets hope things settle down for a while eh! Rose and I went south with the caravan for sort of a break. Wind, rain, cold, you name it, we copped it. But in between we worked on Roses 03 Oldsmobile in Canterbury. It’s coming along and starting to look good. We carried on to Oamaru to their Swap Meet. A really poo day. Before breakfast we had a look at the 8 or so sites that were setting up, went back to the caravan for a cuppa, then back over about 10am and all but two sites were gone. So all in all a bit of a “claytons”. We moved on to Cromwell for the Hoedown Country Music Festival, Dinah was there also in her motor home. A great experience over all, met some interesting folks. Trip home was a challenge towing the caravan over 9 hours through munted Lewis Pass route. An interesting trip. Back to the shed, the new one is now all go, lining going on, shelves cleaned etc, not long now we’ll start putting goodies in it. The big shelves in our main shed all moved in the quake and are a bit munted, but volunteers have come to the fore and are bracing things up a little more. Thanks men. The same happened in the electrical shed, what an avalanche, of starters and generators. Tigers philosophical about it all. A food opportunity to get shot of “past it stuff”. Anyway all is OK, now one was damaged so onward and upward. I almost forgot, it’s December. Strewth. Where did that one go. A sincere thank you to the team for all your efforts over the last 12 months it’s been great, lots of camaraderie and laughter. I wouldn’t miss Wednesday morning for the world. Festive cheer to you all. The last Wednesday this year is the 21st December, with the Blokes back in the Shed on Wednesday 11th January. Cheers The Major


Photo from Tris Winstanley and on the next page of the mess post quake. 10

All cleaned up now, but if you see something you need in these photos remember we close on the 21st December and won’t open again until the 11th of January! 11

Kitchen Monitors We wish to thank Dulcie Mant-Old, Joan Vercoe and Lorraine Pyne for their unrelenting support; making scones on Wednesday mornings and also the many other ladies that have helped us from time-to-time. Thank-you Stumpy (our right hand man) who has always been available, it has been very much appreciated. To those too-many-to mention individually that have helped, cleaning up after the Noggin'n & Natters, Car Rallies and Functions, thank-you so much. And to those that have spoken up and supported us during our time on the committee I do hope you put your names forward for official roles because the Branch needs good volunteers, that is what makes a successful branch; members All working together. Viv and Les


The Photos on this, the last and next pages were taken at Ward beach the day before the earthquake by Tony Smith. He mentioned “there was a guy with a drone taking photos of our contingent and he was going to send them to me, but I guess with the Earthquake a few hours later he may have had other things on his mind� hopefully these will turn up sometime in the future.



The reef at Ward beach above then, and below, post quake 24 hours later! The land lifted 1.8mtrs out of the water moving so fast that fish were stranded above the tide line. Many of the paua and cray’s have either returned by themselves or were helped back to the sea by volunteers.


I hope this jokes does not offend anyone - I took it in the good humor it was told to me in and thought there were many of you who would also enjoy it, Merry Christmas ! Chris de Wagt Having arrived at the Gates of Heaven, an Ayatollah meets a man with a beard. 'Are you Mohammed?' he asks. 'No, my son, I am St. Peter; Mohammed is higher up.' St Peter points to a ladder that rises up into the clouds. Delighted that Mohammed should be higher than St. Peter, the Ayatollah climbs the ladder in great strides, climbs up through the clouds and comes into a room where he meets another bearded man. He asks again, 'Are you Mohammed?' 'Why no,' he answers, 'I am Moses; Mohammed is higher still.' Exhausted but with a heart full of joy, the Ayatollah goes to the ladder and climbs higher still. Eventually he discovers a larger room where he meets an angelic looking man with a beard. Full of hope, he asks again, 'Are you Mohammed?' 'No, I am Jesus, the Christ; you will find Mohammed higher up.' The Ayatollah was exceedingly joyful. Mohammed higher than Jesus! He can hardly contain his delight at this news. And so the Ayatollah goes back to the ladder and climbs ever higher. Once again, he reaches a large room, one that is even larger than those he'd seen before. This time, he meets a magnificent looking man who sports a silver white beard. Once again (this time totally out of breath, and gasping for air), he repeats his question: 'Are you Mohammed?' 'No, my son, I am Almighty God, the Alpha and the Omega. But you look exhausted. Would you like a cup of coffee?' The Ayatollah says: 'Yes please!' God looks behind him, claps his hands and yells out: 'Yo, Mohammed, two coffees!'


Motorcycle notes A subtle change has been made in the National M/C Rally organising committee. Peter Steggle has stepped aside from the secretary position to a committee slot to allow his wife Janet who has considerable secretarial experience to take over the secretary role. We welcome Janet as a new branch member and thank her for taking on what is a major and important position. Some of our M/C section members learnt from the Christchurch and Seddon earthquakes and fastened their M/C’s to the floor with eye bolts and tie downs. Some of us did not learn or were slow to act and the recent quakes tipped our machines over. I have been informed by the ladies at the AA who have knowledge of insurance that some insurance companies have a clause in their small print declining liability for damage to M/C’s which are not anchored securely. Several advertisers in this newsletter sell the items needed to do the job, better think about it.


MOTORCYCLE EVENTS COMING UP DEC Sunday 11th Meet at the clubrooms at 11am to give our museum motorcycles a clean-up followed by a pot luck lunch. Bring something for the lunch, your own liquid refreshment and the good lady who has put up with m/c grease, 7 oil stains on the floors and hand basin all year. Tea and coffee will be supplied. After lunch Ross is trying to organise an item of interest to view in the Renwick area and from there we will adjourn to the Woody for a round of Christmas cheer. Anyone unable to get to the earlier stages may wish to join us at the Woody at about 4p.m. JAN Sunday 15th Leave Brayshaw Park at 11 am for a ride around Queen Charlotte Drive via Picton, lunch at Linkwater. FEBRUARY Monday 6th Heritage day. Motorcycle display at Brayshaw Park and Keown Cup judging. February 17th-19th National Rally Waitomo 17

Motorcycle News NOVEMBER RUN

The weather held out (just) so we finally managed to get to Canvastown after two abortive attempts, kudos to David who rode the Bantam all the way and Ross who took the vintage AJS. Ed and Julie arrived in the car and Damien brought the VW over the hill, considering it was a crappy looking day and not on our usual Sunday we still had a good turnout of bikes. So; nothing much happened, nobody broke down or did anything silly everyone went home happy. Then the shit hit the fan, the Zundapp set a 50cc world speed record as it shot across the garage and buried its nose into the bench 4 metres away from the 98 Thunderbird which fell on the 87 Honda which fell on, well you get the picture. Thunder guts laid its self-down, Mindy’s bike did the same and no doubt others have sustained damage also. Hopefully nothing that can’t be fixed. On a funnier note one of the first jobs I was called out too Monday morning was to an ex-motorcyclist I had worked for before, on asking him had he sustained any damage? (other than the water we were standing in) he replied; remember the glass cabinet with the china in it at the top of the stairs? Yes I did! Only because it contained his Czech grand prix trophy from his time with Herron Suzuki, with my first thoughts of it now being a pile of crystal pieces he laughed and said it was that solid it had bounced around the cabinet busy crushing his wife’s more delicate crystal. Best wishes for the festive season to all branch members from myself, Paula and family,



Bill Richardson Transport World Bill Richardson Transport World in Invercargill will be opening its new world-class attraction Classic Motorcycle Mecca on 23 November 2016 before the acclaimed Burt Munro Challenge weekend arrives. The collection was previously housed in Nelson and known as NZ Classic Motorcycles. Comprising of over 300 motorcycles and motorcycle-focused artwork from around the world it will be accommodated within the Invercargill city centre also housing a corresponding cafĂŠ and gift shop. You will find motorbikes such as a 1902 Peugeot to a 21st Century Simms Corbin Custom and includes brands such as AJS, Ariel, BMW, Brough Superior, Harley Davidson, Henderson, Indian, Matchless and Rudge, as well as little-known brands such as Schwinn and Zundapp. Bill Richardson Transport World 491 Tay Street Invercargill


+64 3 217 1690


PO Box 1104 Invercargill 9840




2017 VCC Scenicland Rally Entry Form 18 March 2017 Entries Close 5 March 2017 Entrant’s Name ……………………………………………………………… Entrant’s Address …………………………………………………………… Town/City ……..…………….……


Telephone …....……………..……

Cell phone ……………………..…..



Driver’s Name ……………………………………………………… Navigator


Other Passenger’s



VCC Branch …………………………………………………..… Membership No ……………………………………. Vehicle –

Make…………………………………………………….. Year……………………………….…………… Model …………………………………………. Vehicle Rego…………………………………

VIC No ( if you have one ) ……………………… Please Bring your Name Badge VCC Rally Class (circle one) 20




Post Vintage

Post War

Post 60

Post 80


ENTRY FEES Entry fee (including Rally Badge and Lunch)



Saturday Lunch (At Gloriavale Community ) Free Finger food Buffet 1 Pm Adults______ Children ______ Please note NO Alcohol to be carried or consumed at the Community (Alternative Lunch Stop see over) Saturday Dinner Gourmet BBQ (with dessert) / Prize giving Adults ………….@$35.00ea Children under 15 $1 per year (ie 6yrs $6)@$1 per year Total Enclosed

$............ $............ $..............

ENTRIES CLOSE 5th MARCH 2017 Please make cheques payable to West Coast Vintage Car Club or Internet Banking Account No 12-3168-0039746-03 using your name as a reference. All entries forms must be posted to: Marie Woolhouse 41 Power Road Greymouth 7805 Ph: 03 768 6525 email: PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF YOUR ABOVE ENTRY FOR YOUR OWN REFERENCE

ELIGIBILITY At least one person in each vehicle MUST be a financial member of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (inc) and may be called upon to produce their current membership card, or, if an overseas resident, entered by 21

a member of a recognized overseas organisation, or be an invited guest of the Branch for the duration of the rally. In the event of a dispute, the decision of the Rally Committee will be final. RALLY PROGRAMME SATURDAY 18 March 2017 8.00am Rally packs pickup FrontLine Campus Opposite Repco Tainui Street Greymouth 8.30am

Rally Briefing. FrontLine Campus


First car departs. (102 miles route)

1.00pm Free Lunch Gloriavale Community Please note NO Alcohol to be carried or consumed at the Community Alt. lunch stop If you do not wish to attend the luncheon provided at the Gloriavale Christian Community you are welcome to bring your own lunch and have it at the edge of Lake Haupri. 6.00pm

The evening BBQ at Shantytown begins and the prize giving is held.

Greymouth Seaside Top 10 Holiday Park, located at 2 Chesterfield Street Greymouth are again offering accommodation, all grades and types covered, including new Motels to our entrants. Please use the web site below for more information or P: 03 768 6618. For reservations call 0800 867 104.


Funnies for the little one’s at Christmas… What does Santa say at the start of a race? ….. “Ready, set, Ho! Ho! Ho!” What do snowmen like to do on the weekend? …. Chill out. What’s the difference between Santa’s reindeer and a knight? …… One slays the dragon, and the other’s draggin’ the sleigh. And for the bigger kids… (see what happens when I have to fill up a page at 11pm!) Funny how the year you stop believing in Santa is roughly the year you start getting socks and clothes for Christmas. Lisa thanks her grandpa, "Thank you Grandpa for the violin you gave me last year for Christmas. I've never got such a brilliant gift!" "Really?" asks the surprised Grandpa. Lisa says, "Oh yeah - every time I start playing, mom gives me 2 dollars so I would stop!" One turkey asks another, "Do you believe in life after Christmas?" How do we know Santa is a man? No woman with an ounce of dignity would wear the same outfit for so many years running. And lastly; A boy is running around his yard in early December, chanting, “I SO WISH I GOT A NEW BIKE FOR CHRISTMAS!” An elderly man watches him go on for a while, then comes over and says, “Son, what is this about, Santa ain’t deaf, you know?” The little boy, out of breath, smiles, “He probably isn’t, but my auntie Jane is.”



Your next WOF Motor Registration Road User Charges Pre Purchase Inspections

Off Dobson Street, Blenheim Open: 7.30am-5pm Mon-Fri | 8am-12.30 Sat Ph: (03) 577 9942

Blenheim Engineering Supplies Ltd

Auckland Street Box 34, Blenheim Ph: 03 578 0529 Fax: 03 578 0526 Sales 24

Earl Preston (Rose) 577 7839 Bruce Mant-Old (Dulcie) 578 5875 Tris Winstanley (Helen) 578 3343 Tiger Lyons (Eileen) 578 9139

Note: On Wednesdays the shed and members are on site well into the afternoon. Any parts advertised on page are for sale from the Parts Shed, if you are unable be at the shed on Wednesday morning’s and are interested in purchasing any of the listed parts please contact one of the “after Hours" contacts.

The team at Norm Fowke Glass is pleased to help Members of the Vintage Car Club

SERVING MARLBOROUGH FOR OVER 30 YEARS Skilled Tradesman Prompt, Friendly Service


15 Bomford Street Blenheim Ph: 03 578 0850 Fax: 03 578 0977 AA CENTENNIAL CAR BADGES $35 each

David Bool P: 03 579 4716


Trevor Harris P: 03 572 5323


Custom Copy Maxwell Road 25

The Historic Vehicle Authority of NZ


Advertising is FREE to VCC members for Non - commercial advertising. Contact: Chris de Wagt P: 5777 238 E:

For Travel Dates:

Please advise when your advert is no longer required.

The VCC code for discounts with Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry are as follow: Discount code: ANTIQUECAR Valid Discounted Fares: 10% off all available fares


Promotion Terms & Conditions Members must present a current Vintage Car Club of New Zealand membership card upon check-in as proof of eligibility to Bluebridge staff. Failure to do so will result in a fare difference being required to be paid prior to boarding. Full payment is required at time of booking.

Velosolex/Power Pak

12 November 2015 to 30 November 2016

Transferring to a sailing outside of the discounted offer period will require an additional payment to match the available fares. Bookings can be made online at by entering the promo code above or by calling 0800-844-844 (8am to 8pm, 7 days), and quoting the promo code. Normal fare rules regarding refunds and cancellations apply. Full Bluebridge ticket terms & conditions can be viewed at 26

or similar cycle motor Please contact Brian on or P: 021550429 and leave a message.

Wanted 1971-73 Head for 1972 Triumph T100

Contact Steve Gaudin or P: 03 5757 445 evenings

WANTED A pair of exterior door handle one locking to finish restoration 1929 Chevrolet AC International as per the photo. Chris Walbran P:031338201

Petrol Pump/Bowser

1960's or earlier in any condition. Also a 1960"s or earlier Harley Davidson, Indian motor cycle in any condition. Please phone 0224 871240

Wanted for 1938 Morris 8 air cleaner, carburettor and hubcaps ( steel wheels )

Bryan P: 035739283

Annual New Year Picnic 2nd January ‘17 The Harris family invite all Branch members to the Annual New Year Picnic at the Grove. For new members the property is at 1751 Queen Charlotte Drive, approx. 12 miles (or 19kms) from either Picton or Havelock. A V.C.C. sign will be in place. Bring your own lunch and something for a shared afternoon tea. Tea & Coffee will be supplied.



parts for sale, also pair of personalised



Stan P: 03 577 5509

FOR SALE - CARS Mk1 Zephyr 1954 Mk 3 motor Spanish Red & White Owen Robinson P: 579 3536

Complete set of Model ‘A’ Ford Shock absorbers in good working order.

Morris 1100

1930 Model ‘A’ Ford 1930 Cabriolet. On running gear, good body, in need of restoration.

1964 still warranted and registered Only 51000 miles Original paint and upholstery. Couple of bumps and bruises as expected for its age.

Alan P: 579 4294 28

Model ‘A’ Ford 1930/31

Emmer 2 tooth steering box in excellent condition.

A selection of Model ‘A’ Fords for sale.

Les P: 03 528 7924 or

Marlborough BRANCH OFFICERS Branch Spokesperson

Club Captain

Lyall Mooney (Val) 573-9292 Patron Trevor Harris (Doreen) 578-4142

Bob O’Malley (Shirley)


Tony Smith (Jen)


Lyall Mooney (Val) 573-9292

David Bool (Janice)


Chair Person Committee

Parts Custodians

Earl Preston (Rose) Bruce Mant-Old (Dulcie) Tris Winstanley (Helen) Tiger Lyons (Eileen)

578-2319 578-4452

Museum Custodians

Model T Custodian Don Jamieson Ben Habershon

Examiners Ron Hebberd (Shirley) 575-7196 Ray Fairweather (Lyn ) 578-6841 David Kemp (Debbie) 578-6270

Social Convener 573-9292

Beaded Wheels Scribe Carroll Wiblin (Graham)


Kitchen Administrators Grounds Administrators Chris Bird (Sharon) John Monson (Dot)

574-2318 578-9044

Photographer Linda Laing (Don) 579-4865

Park Admin Delegate Tony Smith (Jen) David Bool (Janice)


579-5053 574-2318 572-8008 578-9412 578-9044 578-9907

John Armiger (Denyce) Chris Bird (Sharon) Ed Matkin (Julie) Lawrence Brehaut (Joy) John Monson (Dot) Kelly Landon-Lane (Janice)

Val Mooney (Lyall)


577-7839 578-5875 578-3343 578-9139

Motorcycle Section Rep Trevor Harris (Doreen) Glenn Harris (Paula)

Mike Gray (Karen) Bill Nicholas (Dale) Wayne Frew (Carol) Denny Greer (Audrey) Ross Kennington (Rona) Don Laing (Linda) Alan Jones (Liz) Colin Grant (Mariann) John Monson (Dot) Earl Preston (Rose)

578-4142 577-6453

578-1435 578-4322 579-4819 578-1895 578-1332 579-4865 572-3955 578-7894 578-9044 577-7839

Model A Custodian Johnny Johnson (Jane)


Librarian Barry Wilson (Margie) 578-1587 Health & Safety Officer Ed Matkin (Julie) 572-8008

Newsletter Editor Chris de Wagt (Mac) 577-7238 E:

Delegates to the Executive 578-2679 579-4716

Lyall Mooney (Val) Tony Smith (Jen)

573-9292 578-2679


Christmas Hours

Wednesday morning scones - the last one for 2016 is on the 21st Dec. and will re-start on Wednesday the 4th January. The last Natter & Noggin for 2016 will be in the 31st Dec. The Parts Shed closes 21st Dec and re-opens on the 11th January.

COMING EVENTS DECEMBER Dec 11th Onamalutu Domain Clubrooms - BBQ tea. Meet at the clubrooms 3pm Dec 11th Meet at the clubrooms at 11am to give our museum motorcycles a clean-up followed by a pot luck lunch. Bring something for the lunch, your own liquid refreshment and the good lady who has put up with m/c grease, 7 oil stains on the floors and hand basin all year. Tea and coffee will be supplied. After lunch Ross is trying to organise an item of interest to view in the Renwick area and from there we will adjourn to the Woody for a round of Christmas cheer. Anyone unable to get to the earlier stages may wish to join us at the Woody at about 4p.m. Dec 13th

meeting for ladies 1pm Clubrooms Or any interested

Dec 31st Noggin and Natter at Clubrooms . Last event of year.

COMING EVENTS JANUARY Jan 2nd Annual New Year Picnic - Harris Bach ( see page 12 ) JAN 15th Leave Brayshaw Park at 11 am for a ride around Queen Charlotte Drive via Picton, lunch at Linkwater. Jan 22nd Short run place to be confirmed. 1.30pm at Clubrooms . Bring own smoko.



COMING EVENTS FEBRUARY Feb 6th Heritage Day at Park Any member can display their vehicle, includes a Motorcycle display and Keown Cup judging for the motorcycle section. Feb 12th Port Underwood Trip and run through Forrest. Meet at 9.30 at the Clubrooms February 17th-19th National Motorcycle Rally Waitomo

Feb 18th Nelson Swap Meet Feb 26th Boat trip to Arapawa Island. This is a trip to a Paua farm and a huge gun emplacement overlooking Tory Channel entrance. The trip is well worth the effort, Country Calendar have been there twice! Cost is $50 per head. 10am at the Beachcomber wharf in Picton. List of names at Clubrooms or give Bob a ring on 572 8380.



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