Horowhenua VCC November 2016

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November 2016

PO Box 458, LEVIN 14 Tiro Tiro Road, LEVIN


Tom Hayes


Colin Brooks

04 298 5458

Deputy Chair

Mark Morgan

06 368 4735


Michael Gaffaney

04 905 2402


Colin Geange colin.geange@xtra.co.nz

06 323 0933

Club Captain (Joint)

John White Bob Barton bobandthegaffer@gmail.com

06 368 3299 06 367 8216

Branch Delegate

Warren Birch

04 9052130


Derek Ransom Callum Farmer Fred Foothead

06 368 1011 06 364 7238 06 368 7667

Custodian Groundsman

Andrew Judd Wayne Thrower

06 368 6891 06 368 5611

Spares Team

Callum Farmer callumfarmer77@hotmail.com Rex Williams Mike Khull Mark Morgan Jeff Fox Colin Brooks Robert Cammish

06 364 7238

Library Archives

Peter and Bev Kelly

06 368 3474

Spark Editor

04 971 2858

Spark Distribution

Mark Gibson thegibbos@paradise.net.nz Bob Barton

VIC Team

Verdon Heath, Ivan Horn, Jeff Fox and Mark Morgan

06 367 0613 06 363 5633 06 368 4735 06 362 6013 04 298 5458 04 905 0772

06 367 8216

Meeting Branch Night - 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Committee Meeting - Last Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm Working Bee - Saturday following Branch Night at 8.30 am Spare Parts - Open Saturday following Branch Night

This month has been a quiet one for Club activities. Nevertheless, the “gardening team” of Julia, Warren and Wayne are giving the outside of the Club Rooms a good spring clean. Also, the monthly roster is helping to keep the inside of the Club Rooms up to scratch. It is good to hear that Shona Nightingale and Margaret Ransom are home again after their treatments in hospital. Our best wishes go to both of them. The Foxton “Spring Fling” was a great day out, including a tour and picture show at the Mavtech Theatre. It is just a shame a few more members and cars could not have joined us. I am pleased to report that the broken window in the Flour Mill has been repaired. The shelving in the new Spares addition is well under way. Now the task of sorting and cataloguing all of the spare parts begins! On Club Night our relatively new Club members, Pauline and Des St. Clare, showed me a photograph of their new acquisition, a 1940’s Morris 8 which they brought down on a trailer from Wairoa. They were serving cups of tea and coffee at the time, but were very proud to show off their new purchase. We look forward to seeing them in the car on our next Club run. John and Bob as Club Captains are putting in a lot of effort into organising our Club runs, so please get your cars out of the locked sheds, and join us on the events that are coming up over the next few months. Speaking of which, have you told Bob or John that you are coming on the Tararua Trundle, or that you want to grab the last seats on the bus trip to visit the Waiouru Army Museum? And don’t forget, our own Christmas Party at the Club Rooms on 11th December. At $25 a head, it is a bargain, and a guaranteed good time will be had by all! You can all be sure that you will see me there!


Roster for December 2016 Murray Tinsley, Laurie Tohill, Gary and Bev Tonks, Dave and Pam Tuck. If you cannot make it for either kitchen duties on Club Night 7th December, or the Working Bee on Saturday morning 10th December (9 am till 12 noon) please let myself or Cheryl know on 04 298-5458.

Speaker for December 2016 This month’s speaker will be our own member, Bruce Scott. He will be talking about his “Bucket List” Tour to Hershey & the U.S.A. ________________________________________________________________ This is a timely reminder that entries for the VCC 25th National Motorcycle Rally to be held at Waitomo in February are due to close on Monday 14th November. It would be appreciated if you could make your members aware of the approaching entry closing date so that it is not overlooked. Regards Jillian Hayton Rally Secretary

Please refer to the July issue of Spark for details. Entry forms held by our Secretary and Editor.

When insuring your valuable items (property, car etc) with Vero, quoting this number results in a commission being made to the Horowhenua Branch. Thank you for your support.

Number HO/300137

Hi, folks, well a good day out at Foxton! The sun was shining, the main street was crowded with stalls, Foxton ‘s Spring Fling was outstanding this year! We had organised a movie outing at the old Foxton Movie Museum and Theatre, to coincide with the Spring Fling. Many thanks to all who attended, Bob and Linda, John W, Bev and Pete, Shirley and Hec, Wayne and John C, Colin and Cheryl, Ivan B, Don and Louis, Pete R, (lovely Porsche 356 Pete), Warren and Julia, Barry, Warren V, plus Rex and Brigid W. Good to see you out and about Brigid! The Mavtech folks greeted us with a tour of their most interesting museum, then issued us with mandatory Jaffas and showed us some interesting old short films. Bob and I would like to do this again next year, I think we need to come up with our own choice of Movies! Any ideas out there? A good day out!


Don’t forget folks, the Tararua Trundle on Sunday November 13th 9.30am at the club rooms. Waiouru Museum trip on the Sunday 27th November 8.00am at the club rooms. We still are in need of five more members to fill in for a total of twenty, that we need to make this trip happen. Cost is $50, which includes entry fee, lunch, and transport. So it really is a bargain to see behind the scenes at the Museum. Christmas is coming, our party will be on Sunday 11th of December cost is $25, all seated for 1pm. We will also be holding the Best Restoration of the year so bring it along who knows you just might be in with a chance to win a fabulous prize? Three Sundays to have a go at, GO ON SPOIL YOURSELF, get your name down now and have some fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob and John Club Captains


Restoration of the Year you’re all invited to the Clubrooms on Sunday 11 December for a catered Christmas Dinner Meet and greet – 12 noon Dinner served – approx 1 pm Please?  Confirm your booking with Bob or John at the Tararua Trundle, December Club Night or phone Bob on 06 3678216.  Pay $25 each.  BYO drinks – Orange juice supplied  Bring a wrapped present of no more than $5 value. Mark it male, female or both! Father Christmas will deliver!  Bring your club car.

Eah up!


Photography by Wayne Thrower. Thanks Wayne.

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE HOROWHENUA BRANCH OF THE NZ VINTAGE CAR CLUB INC, HELD AT 14 TIROTIRO ROAD, LEVIN ON WEDNESDAY 2 NOVEMBER 2016 AT 7.30PM PRESENT: Colin Brooks (Chair) and 50 members. VISITORS: Murray Hislop, Alan Pratt. APOLOGIES: Mick Peryer, Hec and Shirley Newton, Verdon Heath, Mark Gibson, Hugh Sutherland, Bill Shattky, Graham and Margaret Lawton, Bruce Scott. WELFARE: Shona Nightingale progressing well. Margaret Ransom is undergoing treatment. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: In Spark and taken as read. Accepted. Moved Michael Gaffaney/Fred Foothead. CORRESPONDENCE: From Manawatu Branch thanking us for the use of our clubrooms and participating in their recent rally. Letter from Horowhenua Historical Society thanking us for our assistance with the display ‘History of the Levin Motor Racing Circuit.’ TREASURER’S REPORT: Colin Geange reported. Moved Colin Geange/Andrew Judd that the report be accepted. CLUB CAPTAIN: John White reported on Spring Fling with 21 people present. Bob Barton called for more entries for Tararua Trundle. Need 5 more people for Waiouru trip. Christmas dinner is on 11 December at 1pm. Cost $25 and bring a gift up to $5. SPARES: Callum Farmer report in Spark. Callum had visited Christchurch Swap Meet recently. LIBRARY: Bev Kelly advised they went to visit Bob Disher and showed him the Buick Coupe restored in Patea. Her report is in Spark. SPEAKER: Brian Watson spoke on Jaguars. He has written a book ‘Racing Jaguars in New Zealand.’ He worked as a mechanic servicing Vauxhalls initially and then went to Archer and Lupp in Wellington where he worked on Jaguars for many years. First raced on Levin Circuit in 1957. Received good advice from Alister McBeath on how to race. Around 1986 decided to write about the people he had met and the cars he was associated with. Some people he was not able to get information about. In early 1960’s went to Archer and Lupp and learnt from Lionel Archer about setting up Jaguar engines. Brian had a very interesting story to tell. We are fortunate that he has preserved these stories in the form of a book. Well done. Meeting finished at 9.45pm

FERG CRAWSHAW Very recently our Editor Mark Gibson asked me if I could provide an article outlining the past endeavours of our late member Ferg Crawshaw and some highlights of our friendship. I was first introduced to Ferg some three years ago, whilst socialising at the Manakau Bowling and Sports Club by the president who informed me there was a “ mainlander’ in our midst who wished to meet Joan and me. This was quickly done and after the usual formalities discovered we both lived in Mosgiel in the 1960’s, some five doors apart but had never met due to the long hours we both worked. A firm handshake cemented the friendship which led to many pleasant trips to musical shows (he was a trumpeter in the Army Band) and other numerous adventures. Ferg dedicated himself to any project he undertook and only settled for a 100% final result – an outstanding example of this is the refurbished and working collection of John Deer tractors and implements now forming part of the Feilding Museum. Wishing to have another project he then turned his attention to collecting and refurbishing American cars, then followed other makes including a Bedford Truck which was completely stripped and rebuilt. At the time of his death Ferg was refurbishing an old plough to participate in the vintage ploughing competitions pulled by his 1948 Case tractor. Another project at the time was the complete restoration of a 1951 Chevrolet Sedan. I believe a colleague is in the process of completing this project. For a man who started his working life as a farm worker then as a traveller – then a Research Station technician, through to his association with Mobil Oil, bunkering ships and fishing boats in Wellington, lead him into being contracted by Mobil to upgrade Service Stations throughout New Zealand.

At Mobil’s contract conclusion, Ferg purchased a Metal Spinning establishment in Taita producing stainless steel goods and products which were exported to the South Pacific and for which he received a Designmark Award. He then diversified into importing catering and homeware supplies through the company he created – Spunglo {NZ} Ltd. Ferg was a real gentleman, held car doors open for ladies, commented to restaurant waitresses on their smiles and service (or the lack of it sometimes). A hand shake was a signed contract, 8 pm meant just that and “get to the point” in other words, cut the crap. He and Pam supported many worthwhile causes some unbeknown to others and he held our club in high regard, as I do him and where as the club lost a member, Joan and I lost a very special friend. Win Bishop

From Christchurch Airport to Singapore Changi to London Heathrow, to Birmingham by coach, the following day the Mad about Motors Tour would begin. The tour began with one of Great Britain’s most respected luxury automobile marques, Jaguar, featuring a behind-the-scenes tour which would go on to be the best of the trip at Castle Bromwich. We were fortunate to be there on the day that the late, great Mike Hailwood’s 1961 Jaguar E-Type was gifted back to the Jaguar company. Following this we proceeded to the British Motor Museum location at Gaydon, housing a collection of over 300 vehicles and many interactive displays, including watching a team of volunteers working on a 1960’s Standard Vanguard Estate restoration, getting it ready for an upcoming concours competition. They were painting the panels with a paint roller, the only way to get a concours finish, they tell me. The next day’s first stop was the British National Motorcycle Museum near Solihull, a private collection of over 800 machines. Here I would come face to face with an unrestored 1966 Velocette Thruxton, which had been off the road since 1975. I chased (and lost) this bike at th auction on the 28 of July. It sold for (GBP 17,250 about 35,500 NZD). Too much for this boy!

Later that day we visited the Aston Martin Heritage Centre in Wallingford. It’s housed in the most unlikely of buildings, an old barn! However, Aston Martin is very old fashioned. They will not sell memorabilia to you unless you own an Aston Martin! We then headed to London later in the day. The next day was mine to do as I pleased; I made the decision to do Sir Winston Churchill’s Cabinet War Rooms in Central London and HMS Belfast (Heavy Cruiser) on the Thames, something I had wanted to do since I was last in London in 2006. It was worth the wait. The following day we were off to Beaulieu, the home of the ‘National Motor Museum’ where there is a fantastic collection of Sir Malcolm Campbell’s and Donald Campbell’s Bluebirds, and Sir Henry Segrave’s ‚Golden Arrow‛. The ‚Golden Arrow‛ is only 3ft 9inches from the ground, the radiators were carried on either side of the car and the beautiful streamlining was finished at the rear like a torpedo. At 231.446mph it won back the land speed record and went on to win for its driver, a well-earned knighthood. Next stop Italy.

Over the next few days, we would tour the Ducati factory along with visits to a fine collection of Maseratis, once again in a most unlikely setting, a Parmesan Cheese factory. Added to this were visits to Lamborghini and my favourite Ferrari. Ferrari has two museums, one of which we visited as a group. The second, Enzo Ferrari’s own museum, I took the time to visit by myself, in between getting a haircut from a barber who spoke little English and me little Italian. However, I ended up with the best haircut I have ever had! Fortunately his hands were not shaking whilst using the cut-throat razor. Next stop Austria and Germany.

Hitler’s Eagles Nest. This fantastic retreat, built at great cost over three years, was difficult to reach. Ten miles of hairpin road, cut into the mountainside, led up to a long underground passageway, drilled into the rock, from which an elevator carried us 370 feet to the cabin perched at an elevation of over 6,000 feet on the summit of a mountain. It afforded a breathtaking panorama of the Alps. From here we headed for Munich. We began with Audi, celebrated for their popularity in the luxury sports saloon and SUV segments, especially when it comes to fitting doors. However, Munich would go on to become the highlight of the tour, not for the fact that we visited Audi or BMW, but for the fact that I have started a very special friendship with a wonderful girl from Munich. Next up Stuttgart, home to the manufacturing plant of that great German Institution, Mercedes Benz, famous for the Gull Wing and race-winning SSK (7-Litre) that ruled the roads and the racetracks in thunderous celebration. The following day we visited Porsche, who unlike the preceding companies of Audi, BMW and Mercedes, hide the fact about their past in World War II. Porsche, who is famous for the 911, 928, 944, GT3 and Carrera, go out of their way to hide their past. The last Automobile Museum to visit was the Cite de I’ Automobile in Northern France. It houses the largest collection of Bugatti’s in the world, including the famous Bugatti Royale. Places not included in highlights are Hampton Court Palace, Farnborough International Airshow in the UK, Panini Museum, Villa San Donnino in Italy, Neuschwanstein Castle, Deutsches Museum, Sinsheim Museum in Germany, Cite du train also in Northern France and lunch at Raffles on the way home in Singapore.

It was time for a Spark Plug change on the front cover. An Edison plug hadn’t appeared before. Below is a little snippet about the company. If anyone has some loose plugs in their collection, I would be keen to photograph some very early examples, especially if they’re in mint condition. Particularly Priming Plugs. Thanks. Ed.

In 1904, Thomas Edison hired a 19 year old Austrian immigrant called Adolf Klingner as a Researcher in one of his New York Laboratories. Klingner was a brilliant young man, so Edison offered to fund a new research facility and factory. Klingner became the General Manager. He found an eight acre location and built on the property in about 1918. By 1922 the principal industry was Spark Plug manufacture. The company employed 317 workers. Eight of those employees were under the age of 16. Klingner developed and held several US patents on Spark Plugs. In 1928 the Edison Corporation merged with the Splitdorf Electrical Company. This move allowed Edison to manufacture radios. The Edison/Splitdorf Company was sold to Champion Spark Plugs in 1951. Champion officials later found that liquid wastes had been dumped into unlined lagoons on the Edison site from 1930. Champion, which was at one time the largest spark plug maker in the world, in 1982 closed the Edison site due to a financial recession.

Siamese twins walk into a bar in Australia and park themselves on a bar stool. One of them says to the bartender, "Don't mind us; we're joined at the hip. I'm John, he's Jim. Two Fosters beers, draft please." The bartender, feeling slightly awkward, tries to make polite conversation while pouring the beers. "Been on holiday yet, lads?" "Off to America next month," says John. "We go to America every year, rent a car and drive for miles. Don't we, Jim?" Jim agrees. "Ah, America!" says the bartender. "Wonderful country... New York, L.A, Vegas....." "Nah, we don't like that American crap," says John. "Meat pies and Fosters beer, that's us, eh Jim? And we can't stand the Yanks - they're so arrogant and rude." "So why keep going to America?" asks the bartender. "It's the only chance Jim gets to drive."

ENTRY FORM and REGISTRATION An entry form is held by the Horowhenua Branch Secretary, the Librarians and the Spark Editor. It is too large to publish in full in Spark. Please request it if interested.

Contact for this rally is Ashley Blair on phone 027 2278603 or website http://bsa.org.nz A rally entry form is held by our branch Secretary and Editor.

Answer later in this issue of Spark

A Big “Thank You” to: Tom Hayes: for donating a copy of “Jaguar Racing.” Club Night saw Brian Watson as our speaker. He is the local author of “Jaguar Racing.” Brian’s book is a ‘must-have’ for Jaguar owners. Grant Campbell: donated an early 60’s racing suit – no flame-proofing in those days! The motor racing suit may have been made in Levin. Does ‘PEX Motor Racing Apparel’ ring a bell? Rex Rapson and Richard Caldwell: donated manuals, Popular Mechanics, Rally Programmes and an impressive Chevrolet manual. See the latest ‘Arrivals Folder.’ Diane and Geoff Quarrie: They didn’t want to travel back to Napier with two cartons of beautiful coffee-table type books, so they donated them to your library!! We renewed our acquaintance at the Manawatu Swap Meet. Diane and Geoff are the proud owners of what was our 1923 Studebaker Roadster. We sold it when we left Hastings to live for the next twenty years in a bus. A special “thank you” goes to Cheryl Brooks, who has typed my Library reports and sent them on to Mark for a few years now. I have hopes of being able to do it myself, but my trusty pen will sulk ….. and ‘if’ we had grandchildren, no doubt they would do it for me?**…..

Bev and Peter Kelly Librarians and Archivists

This month I would like to begin this Spares report by saying thank you to all the members who are helping us with the new extension. Their help is greatly appreciated. Everyone will have seen on club night that the diff’s, drive shafts and shelving, have now moved into the extension. The wall between Spares and the Club Captain’s room now has new shelving right along it. We plan to make this area into the Chevrolet, Dodge and Ford Model A and T section. We are also working on relocating the gauges off the carousel along with moving the shiny parts cabinet into Spares. October is the month of swap meet’s and reunions, with reports coming back from Christchurch that their swap meet was a ripper just like last year. There were plenty of treasures still coming out of the red zone area. I also had the pleasure, to go to the Mad about Motors Tour Reunion in the last weekend of October. There is serious talk about doing a USA, UK and Europe version in 2018, so watch this space! While in Christchurch, I was lucky to go to the Canterbury Vintage Car Club ‘All British Car Day’ and have a look at their Veteran Car Rally which happened to be on the Sunday. Safe motoring everyone.


Spares are selling the two ‘Castrol Oil Dispensers’. They’re firstly being offered to branch members for sale. If no interest, it will be opened up to others. For more information please see Callum or phone on 06 3647238 or 021 1553445 after 5pm. Or email at callumfarmer77@hotmail.com

1966 Chrysler Newport 2 door pillarless Recent import to NZ. Not yet registered here. Good sound car. Contact Barry Gill from Kult Kustomz Levin, $16,000. Phone 021 0517173

WANTED Storage wanted for my car, prefer Paraparaumu Beach area or somewhere close to Paraparaumu. Dry undercover and lockable would be good. Thanks Barry Walker 027 3487661

Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (Last Wednesday of the month) Wednesday 30 November: Te Horo Lunch and Otaki Studebaker Collection 11:30 am

Meet for lunch at Café Te Horo, Hyde Park Corner, Te Horo. Order from blackboard menu or select from cabinet.

1:00 pm

Depart for 5 minute drive to John Everiss’ Studebakers, 8 Riverbank Road, Otaki. (Left after bridge at River Cottage Café) Museum is on right 1.3 km after turning off SH1. Studebaker ‘S’ logo above door.

Café space is limited so registrations will be restricted to 35 on first-in basis. The Studebaker exhibits are changed by rotating cars from another area and there is a new diorama room, and a Studebaker horse cart from 1892. Admission $10 per person to cover costs. Please try to have correct change. If you would like to join in, please register by emailing kay.murray@clear.net.nz or tel. 04 2933601 by Sunday 27 so we can notify numbers. __________________________________________________ Advance Notice – Christmas Lunch 12:00 noon Wednesday December 14 at Waikanae Club



The Tararua Trundle. Our annual competition includes a very scenic route. A café lunch stop included, a full tank of fuel required. Bring your navigator, clipboard and pen. th November 27 A club trip to the Waiouru Army Museum. Meet at the clubrooms just before the departure at 8am. Transport to be by mini vans. Not to be missed! $50 to Bob. th November 30 Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run. th December 4 Roy Savage Classic Car Collection Auction. Southwards Car Museum. See the Mossgreen-Webb’s advertisement in this issue of Spark for further detail. th December 7 Horowhenua Club Night th December 11 Branch Christmas Party to be held at the Clubrooms. A catered meal. See ad this issue of Spark. th December 14 Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run Christmas lunch. st 21 to Whanganui Vintage Weekend and National Veteran January 23rd Rally 2017. Both held on Wellington Anniversary Weekend in Whanganui. A celebration of all things vintage. See ads in July and October issues of Spark. th 19 February The “Super Cheap Auto” Shannon Spectacular Car Show. This is the confirmed date. From 9am, starting officially 10am at the Shannon Domain. th 17 to 25th VCC National Motorcycle Rally and after Rally Tour February 19th 2017. Held at Waitomo Village. See the ad in July issue of Spark. See message in Notices of this issue. th 18 March Swap Meet. Horowhenua Branch Swap Meet at Levin Show Grounds. Gates open at 7am. Any enquiries to: John White Phone 06 368-3299


the print bureau 06 367 9330

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