Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.
August 2017
1972 BMC Mini Ute - Owners Gil & Ruth Edmunds The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are nothrjrmvmfmdarily those of the editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch
Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service Ring Rodger for a No Obligation appraisal now Phone 455 4065 BROCKLEBANKS Leather Dyers Over 50 years serving Otago
Nicola Wilkinson
476 4004
David Mills
455 6751
David Ross
455 8800
Marion McConachie
453 0404
Graeme Duthie
488 5242
Bill Partel
Bill Veitch
489 1626
Colin Winter
456 4382
Alistair Graham
455 8834
Bruce Murray
487 7281
Keith Moore
453 0592
Eleanor Harrison
479 8280
488 4033
Moira Cunningham
453 5777
David Ross
455 8800
Mark Wilkinson
476 4004
477 8296
Bill Partel
488 4033
Barry Longstaffe
477 8296
Bill Partel
488 4033
George Martin
489 3621
David Cunningham
453 5777
Bruce Murray
487 7281
Graeme Duthie
488 5242
Joe O’Neill
477 6801
Arthur Patton 3
CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586
PO Box 5352, Moray Place Dunedin 9058
2nd Monday of month 7.30pm Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm
First Friday of the month
Last Friday of the month 8.30pm
Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm. Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon
Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesday of the month please
VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145— Inspector No 916” LIBRARY ROSTER AUGUST 4th Bryan McConachie 11th Bill Veitch 18th Hec Browett 25th Kevin Mason OCTOBER 6th Kevin Mason 13th Hec Browett 20th Moira Cunningham 27th Bryan McConachie
Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night SEPTEMBER 1st Moira Cunningham 8th Bruce Murray 15th Bryan McConachie 22nd Paddy Williams NOVEMBER 3rd Paddy Williams 10th Bill Veitch 17th Kevin Mason 24th Hec Browett
* The Parts Shed will not accept any tyres in future unless they are good saleable ones. Little Larry attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horse's legs and rump, and chest. After a few minutes, Larry asked, 'Dad, why are you doing that?' His father replied, “Because when I'm buying horses, I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy”. Larry, looking worried, said, 'Dad, I think the milkman wants to buy Mom ....' 4
BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold) AUG 4th Fri
Motorcycle Group Meeting Sparkaholics
11-12th Aug National Exec Meeting & AGM – Blenheim 19th 21st Mon
25th Fri 27th Sun 31st Thurs SEP
Fri 1st Sat 9th tba Thur 28th Fri 29th Sat 30th
OCT Fri 6th Sun 15th Thur 26th Fri 27th
OVERNIGHT RUN TO NASEBY Cancer Society Daffodil delivery day Contact David Mills Clubnight TECH TALK – POWER UP VCC National Day – CANCELLED Mid-week Run
Motorcycle Group Meeting GM Night Rally Sparkaholics Sat 16th AUTOSPECTACULAR Mid-week Run Sat 23rd Blossom Festival Rally – Central Otago Clubnight Dunvegan Rally Motorcycle Group Meeting PW/P60?P80 Mid-week Run Club Night
6-9th Canterbury Swapmeet 21-23rd Mount Cook Rally – Sth Canterbury
NOV Sat 4th Sat 18th
Taieri Tour 11th Clutha Rally – South Otago Commercial & Veteran Rally
DEC Sun 3rd Sun 10th
Moped Rally Xmas BBQ
2018 JAN Sun 21st Sat 27th
Jackson Rally Dunedin Brighton Run
2021 Jan 14-24th
International Rally – New Plymouth
Tba National Veteran Rally - Nelson 30th March – 1st April National South Island Easter Rally – Southland Easter National North Island Easter Rally SI Club Captains Tour
Check out the Events Calendar in the Beaded Wheels for listed branch events 5
Mid Week Rally
Thursday 31st August Meet at the Clubrooms by 1.15pm for a drive and afternoon tea stop. If the weather looks promising on the day bring your afternoon tea, as we might find a spot where we can have a picnic
TECH TALK - Power UP The Ultimate in Lubrication Technology Friday 25th August at 8.00pm
Neil Gamble will be giving a presentation on Power Up – come along and get some helpful information on this Lubricant Technology which cover a full range of Marine, Agricultural, Mechanical and Industrial applications. 6
In the Driving Seat Winter is certainly not going anywhere fast so I hope everyone is staying warm and dry. The branch committee has welcomed back Alistair Graham who has been co-opted back as the PWV/P60/P80 rep. The Vintage/ PV rep position remains vacant however Stuart Neil has offered to organise Vintage/PV Rally for 2018. The annual dinner was held on the 9th July and while numbers were down on previous years everyone who turned up enjoyed the night. The after dinner quiz was organised this year by David Ross who certainly got us going. St Barnabas do wonderful catering and where else can you go for a 2 course meal under $30.00? Mark the date for next year and come along - it’s a great way to meet your fellow members.
I would like to thank the members who volunteered to help organise the Daffodil Rally for Cancer. After our initial meeting I contacted the City Council who advised that we would be clashing with the Special Rigs for Special Kids event. When I mentioned this at the last branch club night it was agreed by everyone to not continue with the rally this year as this could have the opposite effect to what we are trying to achieve. We are still going to be involved with fundraising for the Cancer Society through delivering pre-ordered Daffodils plus manning a stall at Mega Mitre 10 on the 19th August. David Mills is looking for volunteers for the 19th so please contact him if you are able to help. I’m confident that this may be a one off as it appears that next year Special Rigs will be on a different weekend to Daffodil Day and the VCC National Day. The local calendar of events was finalised at the July committee meeting. Two additional runs are being introduced this coming year - the Lady Drivers run is back and will be held in February while a new Solstice Run will be held in June. As always, all upcoming events are advertised in the Road Runner. Nicola. 7
SECRETARY’S REPORT : NATIONAL OFFICE - Will be unattended for approx. 3 weeks from the 6th of July. Contact your branch secretary in the first instance if you have any issues that need to be dealt with.
DAFFODIL DAY - DELIVERIES MONDAY 21ST AUGUST David Mills has been working with members of the branch to co-ordinate the delivery of daffodils etc to businesses and individuals during that day with the help of students who will be the runners. David is also looking into arranging a sales stall on Saturday 19th of August where members are asked to volunteer for an hour or so of their time. If you would like to be involved with any of these events please contact David Mills on ph 4556751 with your expression of interest. HELP NEEDED!!! – To take same ladies for a drive in your VCC eligible vehicle Two more drivers and vintage cars are needed to take a group of Eleven ladies to Larnach Castle on the 30th of August. The plan is to pick up at the Ice stadium car park at 11am and collect from Larnach Castle at approx 1pm back to the Ice Stadium. PLEASE LET ME KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IF YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO ASSIST WITH THIS. A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, 'Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!' After a few seconds, Little Larry stood up. The teacher said, 'Do you think you're stupid, Larry?' 'No, ma'am, but I didn't like to see you standing there all by yourself!' 8
AUTOSPECTACULAR SATURDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER Entry forms for the Autospectacular on 16th September 2017 have already been circulated by email. We are not able to publish the form in Roadrunner, but if you would like one, please contact me. As in previous years the Otago Branch encourages all the Restoration Achievement Entrants for 2017 to make their vehicles available for display within the Otago Branch entry. One of our members will be in touch with you shortly – in the meantime please read the following information and ensure that you are able to comply with these conditions. ‘In line with overseas practice the organisers have introduced a new condition that all cars be equipped with a fire extinguisher. It is to be placed behind and touching the left front wheel. This position ensures it is not visually intrusive but everyone knows exactly where it will be. The rationale for this requirement is that although most classic cars carry a fire extinguisher, a bystander would not know where it is in an emergency such as an electrical or fuel system fire. During Friday night, a security guard is constantly patrolling but cannot be expected to carry the Edgar Centre’s heavy extinguisher with him. Clearly, a fire extinguisher in a known position by every car gives us the best chance of avoiding a catastrophe. This requirement does not apply to motorcycles. A second condition of entry is that all cars must be left unlocked, for the obvious reason of quick access to fight an interior fire. These two requirements are in all entrants’ best interests and will be strictly enforced. If you do not agree with them, do not enter.’ The branch will also be putting a ‘Spare Parts’ trailer in – in order to sell parts. If anyone would like to support this sales table by manning it for an hour or so please get in touch with George Martin, or any of the Spare Parts crew.
OVERNIGHT RUN - 19 -20TH AUGUST During a recent Mid week run on a group of us came to a decision and agreed that an overnight run be arranged for members who would be interested in doing this. General consensus was to go somewhere where we can have an activity to do when we get there, stay the night, if you so choose with an evening meal together and then a leisurely trip back home on the Sunday. I have been able to pencil in a booking at the Naseby Curling rink for approx. 2.30pm on Saturday 19th of August for up to 20 people (some of us might be happy to just watch) for 1 1/2 hours with instructions. The cost is $35 pp. The Ancient Britain Hotel has got accommodation available for that evening: anything from double and twin units with ensuites through to family rooms. Phone number: 034449992 We could book out a separate room there for dinner in the evening. But we will need numbers. I am suggesting that you secure your own accommodation. If you would like to come on this overnight run and have ago at Curling with a group of others, please let me know as soon as possible - so that the curling rink booking can be confirmed. If you know of any other members who may not have email and may be interested, please let me know. Please get your confirmed numbers to me as soon as possible. Marion McConachie 034530404 NATIONAL DAY RALLY - CANCER SOCIETY CHARITY CANCELLED!!! After a few meetings and then contacting the DCC Events co-ordinator – it was discovered that Special Rigs for Special Kids is happening on the same day as the planned CAR Rally on the 27th of August. This was discussed at some length at the June Club Night Meeting with those present. We came to a unanimous decision not to progress the National Day Rally here in Dunedin, as it was felt that the Rigs would detract from what we would be trying to achieve. The local Cancer Society Rep has also acknowledged this and feels that our involvement with the delivery of the daffodils earlier in the week should be our main focus this year. We will liaise with the DCC Events to confirm dates for next year. Will also need to see if the National Management/Executive will be willing to look at moving the date for the National Day next year. Thoughts are that the National Day be arranged for the weekend prior to Daffodil Day. 10
OTAGO BRANCH CALENDAR OF EVENTS The Committee has spent some time drawing up a draft Calendar for events for be arranged by our branch. Please check out the calendar on page 5. For some of these events the committee is looking for members who would be willing organize or assist with them.
Check out the list and if you feel you and some of your friends could arrange or assist with any of these please get in touch with Graeme Duthie your Branch Club Captain, or any committee member, as listed in the front of the Roadrunner. NB: events listed to the Right of the main list are organized by noted branches.
Driving for Cancer Society Monday 21 August Firstly, thanks to all who have given their time and cars to this work. Apparently students are thin on the ground this year. Apart from that many of us last year found we were better off without them. So if you can, bring your own runner. Drag a friend along. I am thinking of contacting King’s High School to see if we can get some reliable boys but will let you know on that one. 3 or 4 more cars would be good for this day please. Also, we will be doing a display as a Club on 26 August at Mitre 10. 10 am to 3 pm This is our day instead of a Rally Fund Raiser This is the VCC’s day for the Cancer Society. We will be on site at Mitre 10 from 10 am to 3 pm in a similar fashion the Fire Boys do. If you want to give rides to kids that is up to you but it will not be part of the deal. We will simply sell Daffodils etc from our cars and work the club. Names with contacts of cell and email to David at or 027 222 4751 11
Sorry about last month’s intended visit, but it had to be cancelled due to the weather conditions (snow!). Also this month is not faring much better as people were supposed to get back to me – and didn’t; and had another “no go” due to Health & Safety conditions; another couldn’t take us as they were starting major upgrades; plus several others in the pipeline are in the finishing stages and won’t be available for a couple of month’s yet. So, can you fill in the following box?
Therefore, you will be free to support our Daffodil Day efforts instead! Road Rage :
Now something to cheer you up !
An elderly lady had stopped to pull into a parking space when a young man in his new red Mercedes went around her and parked in the space she was waiting for. The little old lady was so upset that she went up to the man and said, “I was going to park there!” The young man was a smart aleck and said, “That’s what you can do when you’re young and bright.” Well this really upset the lady even more, so she got into her car and backed it up and then she stomped on the gas and ploughed right into his Mercedes, The young man ran back to his car and asked, “What did you do that for?” The little old lady smiled and told him, “That’s what you can do when you’re old and rich!” Barry 12
THE 1920. LONDON to EDINBURGH These were the days when it was considered idiotic to attach a sidecar to anything of less than 500cc capacity. Therefor I asked the ' Levis' people if they would provide me with a 211cc Levis and sidecar for the London-Edinburgh trial. They told me what they thought of me, and their opinion was not high. So I acquired and entered a 350 Diamond and sidecar--- much too big for the glorious failure I had anticipated . It was the smallest combination in the trial and I acquired some notoriety from the mere fact of having entered and started in it. My unfortunate passenger was a Luton friend of mine Faudel. He was extremely slim in those days but it was all he could do to get into the minute Canoelet sidecar--- with just room, alongside his left calf, for a bottle of Johnnie Walker neatly fixed in, just in case.
We broke down about six o'clock in the morning several miles from Doncaster- the big-end had disintergrated. ''Well'' said Faudel, that's that. Let's have a drink. ''No'' I replied firmly, we'll shove this outfit to the station and then----'' Reluctantly he agreed, and we shoved the weary miles. '' Now'' said Faudel, '' what about this drink?'' Still firmly, I said Let's take the sidecar off first. We got out the big tools and removed the sidecar in readiness for the railway. '' Now we'll have a couple of good ones'' said Faudel and threw a six- inch spanner into the sidecar. There was a horrible ping as the spanner hit the whisky bottle-- and that was that. We didn't get our drinks until the train stopped at Rugby about four hours later. Bill V. Larry watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream on her face. 'Why do you do that, mum?' he asked. 'To make myself beautiful,' said his mother, who then began removing the cream with a tissue. 'What's the matter, asked Larry 'are you giving up?' 13
OTAGO VCC RESTORATION ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2017 1972 BMC Mini Ute - Owners Gil & Ruth Edmunds History of Vehicle We don’t know a lot about the history of this vehicle but do know it was originally from Geraldine - Morrison Bros Ltd. We do know however it had been stored in a shed in Alexandra, when we first saw it about 7 years ago. We had always admired it. It had been used as a farm utility vehicle originally. We were offered to purchase it in July 2016, form the then owner in Gore. Condition of vehicle when restoration started It looked pretty good body wise – Motor certainly needed attention But!!! On stripping, it down found that there was extensive rust right throughout the whole vehicle. A lot of rust had to be cut out and replaced with new panels. Motor: it came with an 850cc motor, did manage to get it running, having to install a new frost plug. I replaced it with a 1000cc block, and put in an original gearbox, adding twin carby’s and extractors. Motor dismantled and reassembled by the owner Vehicle components (i.e. original or salvaged parts) New original sill panels (Mini Bitz) Floor pans Lower panels cut out, new ones made by owner were welded in. Remove outer skin from tailgate, repaired, replaced and reassembled. Completely stripped vehicle to a shell, and put on rotisserie for easier access when working on it. Repaired front bumper and had it rechromed by Shiney Bitz Geraldine. New components Clutch – New Slave Cylinder, Water Pump Head resurfaced by E&S Head Systems Reconditioned Radiator repaired (Radiator Services Ltd)
Extensive work done on sub frames e.g. knuckle joints and all new rubber bushes etc Brakes have all been reconditioned eg. Wheel cylinders, linings, drums, turned out (Sims Brake Services) new hoses, wheel bearings all round. Master cylinders rekitted New shock absorbers, new exhaust system, new front windscreen and rubbers, door rubbers, door window channel filler strips – all this work done by owner. Fuel tank had rust holes along seam which was repaired. Underneath the vehicle has been sprayed with chipseal by owner Headlining was in good condition but had stains on it – this was resprayed by owner Purchased new dash cards (Mini Bitz) Seats were in poor condition and were re upholstered by (Trevor Miller A1 Upholsterers) He also made a new Tourneau Cover for back – (owner drilled dome holes) Black carpet was also fitted by him around panels in the deck and tail door. Decking timber – Tequila was purchased from ItM taken down to a thickness of 13mm by owner. Aluminium Joiner strips were used between – purchased from (Ullrich Aluminium) (All decking timber work down by owner) Penatrol Oil was used on decking timber to bring out the grain in the wood. Interior carpet was purchased from Mini Bitz which they had imported from England – installed by owner Restored by Owner or Professional This whole restoration has been done by the owner (unless otherwise stated) Stripping down repairing all panel work, welding in panels, and repairs elsewhere, where needed. Paint and Preparation has been completely done by the owner Vehicle was spray-painted on Christmas Eve 2016 Paint was mixed and matched by Dean Meikle 15
LIBRARY/ARCHIVE NOTES Over the past few months a small group of members have been sorting through all the material stored in the library and elsewhere in the clubrooms. They have made good progress towards getting things shelved in a more orderly fashion. This is a good opportunity just to let you know that this work is not quiet finished yet. The library is a fantastic source of reference, manuals, and general information on many historic vehicles. We have a full collection of Beaded Wheels, and a selection of other Motoring magazines as well. So if you are searching for specific information do consider visiting the library, which is open to members every Friday night. We have a group of enthusiastic members who man the library on these nights and are only too happy to help you find what you are looking for. Trouble with a Policeman 1912 My first ride on the Clement was memorable as it was my first clash with the police. Jack and I set off one night on the ride to Rednal nearly ten miles away. Our lighting sets consisted of a tenpence “Demon” bicycle oil lamp a-piece, which jolted out unless the wick was turned up high. Conversely, if one stopped without turning the wick down the top of the lamp got nearly red hot. We reached Rednal in just over an hour – good going in those days. We stopped at Bilberry Tea Rooms for cups of Bovril leaving our oil-lamps at “full throttle”. On a nearby bend soon after we started off, my lamp went out and there was a policeman just round the corner. He stopped me, where’s your light he asked me, it must have gone out officer I replied, it was alight just round the corner. Ho! He said, how am I to know that. Not wishing him any harm – well real harm - I replied – you’ll find its still warm - feel it yourself. He placed his bare hand on the top of the lamp, a howl of anguish, a smell of sizzled flesh and a high-jump act which would have won prizes at the police sports. One moment he was there, the next he was gone. I trimmed the wicks, relighted it and chased after Jack, only stopping three times on the way to repair the belt. Bill V. 16
Planning to travel to Europe in the coming years? I would like to offer the branch a chance to make some money, without the committee or members having to do any work at all. As well as being a long-time VCC member I am also a travel agent and I specialise in taking small groups to Europe for tours with an off the beaten track theme, taking in the best of the sights and experiences each area has to offer. Many of my past passengers are VCC members, and without exception they have all been impressed with the quality and value for money they offer. My proposal is that if you were to promote in some way the tours on the attached flyers, maybe by putting them up on the wall in your clubrooms or mentioning this in your branch newsletter, I will be delighted to contribute $200.00 per booking to your branch for any new booking this produces. The tours have a motoring theme but are definitely not a “boys only” tour of car museums or race tracks, and offer a degree of flexibility not found in any other tour. My website gives more detail on the tours and the other services I can provide, and there are other tours in the planning stages, such as the swapmeets in Reims, Hershey and Beaulieu, and a very special Armistice Day 2018 tour to commemorate the centenary of the end of WWI. I have travelled extensively and seen and done some of the greatest motoring roads and events on offer, and I would be happy to give a talk to a branch club night about motoring in Europe and some of the things I‘ve seen along the way if you think this is something your members might appreciate? Please feel free to e-mail me at or ring me on 021 662 441 if you want to talk about this or have any ideas about how we could work together for our mutual benefit. Kind regards Tony Haycock | Travel Broker – Christchurch, NZ Travel Brokers m: +64 21 662 441 e: | w: 17
Geoff’s Memoir’s Girls... December 1914
In an autobiography it is customary, I believe, to refer to one’s first impressions of the opposite sex. Up to the time of joining the Army I had been far too busy with motorcycles to bother about girls, but when one becomes a member of the “brutal and licentious soldiery” one naturally has to do something about it. One evening I timidly joined a party of our D.R.’s on a “pick-up parade” at Hampstead Heath. The girls preferred pillion riding to sidecars, it was said - besides, you got them closer that way. So we all went solo, I on my faithful Ariel. It was dark of course, and we had acetylene lamps, with little tail lamps attached somehow to the carriers; and those acetylene lamps, like my ‘Demon’ lamp on the Clement-Garrard got very hot when the machine was stationary. In due course we made our selections – it was easy for the young soldiers and N.C.O.’s at that – and my girl sat on the carrier; I did not notice that she was right on top of the tail lamp. We moved off and in a few seconds there was a frantic howl. “Stop!” she screamed, “My arse is burning” I stopped and she limped away cursing and caressing the injured part. After that, for a bit, I did not have much to do with girls; I thought they were crude. Bill V.
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Men and Women 1920’s - 1970’s era Accessories, hats, furs and much more
Larger fittings are a speciality Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models
Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 488 4033/021 146 4987
Email: Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029