Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.
December 2016
Lunch at Milton; Tairei Tour 2016 The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.
All wound up about that broken spring?
Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service Ring Rodger for a No Obligation appraisal now
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We specialise in "one-off" and low production runs of hand wound springs. For quick and prompt service ring Brian on 4544569 or 027 6937252 or visit our website for more details
Nicola Wilkinson
Immediate Past CHAIR.
Mark Wilkinson
David Ross
455 8800
Marion McConachie
453 0404
Graeme Duthie
488 5242
Bill Partel
Bill Veitch
489 1626
Colin Winter
456 4382
Alistair Graham
455 8834
Bruce Murray
487 7281
926 8376
473 7532
488 4033
Alistair Pegg
Moira Cunningham
453 5777
David Ross
455 8800
Mark Wilkinson
454 4730
477 8296
Bill Partel
488 4033
Barry Longstaffe
477 8296
Bill Partel
488 4033
George Martin
489 3621
David Cunningham
453 5777
Bruce Murray
487 7281
Graeme Duthie
488 5242
Joe O’Neill
477 6801
Arthur Patton 3
CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin
PO Box 5352, Moray Place Dunedin 9058 Phone 455 0586 GST Reg No: 11-921-401
2nd Monday each month 7.30pm
Each Friday 7.45pm to 11.00pm
First Friday of the month
Last Friday of the month 8.00pm or Every Friday evening 7.30 – 9.30 pm. Every Wednesday 09.00 – 12.00 am.
can be forwarded to your branch secretary or editor by the 3rd Wednesday of each month please. See Branch Vehicle Registrar Open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night
LIBRARY ROSTER DECEMBER 2nd Moira Cunningham 9th Hec Browett 16th Kevin Mason 23rd Closed 30th Closed
2017 JANUARY 6th CLOSED 13th CLOSED 20th Paddy Williams 27th Bill Veitch
FEBRUARY 3rd Kevin Mason 10th Hec Browett 17th Bruce Murray 24th Bryan McConachie
MARCH 3rd Moira Cunningham 10th Paddy Williams 17th Kevin Mason 24th Bill Veitch 31st Bruce Murray
Welcome to New Members The Otago Branch extends a very warm welcome to Hudson Biggs – who owns a variety of club eligible vehicles & Chris Brickell – who owns a 1924 Rhode The branch welcome you both to the Club. We look forward to seeing you at local and neighboring events. 4
South Otago VCC Moped rally Sunday 4th December
Veteran and Commercial Rally 26th November 2016 Contact Colin Winter for more information
Xmas BBQ Otago Branch 11th December 2016 See details this edition
Brighton Run 28th/29th January 2017 (NB. Not 26th/27th as advertised previously elsewhere) Contact Colin Winter for more information
Vintage/PV Run 26th February 2017 See details this edition
In the Driving Seat November started with the annual Taieri Tour which saw just over 49 entries travel down the coast to Taieri Mouth and then split with some travelling to Bull Creek and the others up over the hill to Waihola before we all congregated at the Showgrounds in Milton. Our junior member Liam Loughran and his mother Tracey were among the competitors with Liam navigating for Tony Devereux in the Packard while Tracey travelled with Alistair and Loralei in the Wolseley. Both Liam and Tracey thoroughly enjoyed their day and you will read Liam’s report on his day in this edition of the Road Runner. Liam is enthusiastic about vintage motoring and is keen to learn as much as possible so if you are interested in helping Liam with this please contact our editor Alistair Pegg and he will be able to put you in touch with Liam. Thank you to Graeme Duthie for organising a great day’s motoring and David Cunningham and his team for setting up and running the field tests. The first test of throwing tennis balls into the bucket is interesting to try and achieve in a Mini with sliding windows and it was pure luck that I managed to get one out of five in the bucket. The results from the survey are available and I would like to thank those members who took the time to complete the survey. The committee has only just received our copies and are taking this month to digest before discussing in depth at our next meeting. We had some interesting comments especially around our branch runs. If anyone has any suggestions on how we can re-vamp these please contact either myself or a member of the committee as without these suggestions we could end up with the status quo. Can I also ask that members give any changes that committee introduce a chance to bed in and work as our intention is to make our branch more inclusive for all members. You will notice that my contact details in the front of the Road Runner will have changed. We are in the process of building and are about to move into a rental property for 6-7 months until our new house is finished. Because of this short time frame we are only contactable via email or cell. We check our emails regularly so if it is easier and you want to contact me feel free to send me an email with your phone number and I will ring you. Coming up on the 11th December is the Christmas BBQ on the 11th December. Details of this is in the magazine and please let Marion know if you are coming so we know how many to cater for. As this is the final Road Runner for 2016 Mark and I would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing you at the Jackson Run and Dunedin to Brighton rally.
Annual Club Subscriptions – The date for discount on your subscription has now finished. Please ensure that you have paid your subscription will which take you through to the end of October 2017. If National Office has not received your subscription by the end of November you will be listed as unfinancial and will no longer receive Beaded Wheels or Branch Newsletters. Please let me know if you have any issues with this. This would be a good opportunity for those of you who wish to have your personal details unsuppressed to request it on the form when you return it to National Office. Also please check that your address, phone number, and email address is correct. If you are paying by internet banking, please ensure that you use your surname and membership number in the reference / code sections, as it is very confusing if you give details that are not identifiable. MINI NATIONALS – LABOUR WEEKEND Thanks to those who helped with the field tests at Livingstonia Park, Taieri Mouth on Sunday afternoon of Labour Weekend. We had two teams of 4 plus people ready to attend to the anticipated 100 Minis for the field tests. As it turned out, due to the rather lengthy navigation trial that these teams were sent on, not all Minis arrived at the lunch stop, and many had had enough of answering questions etc. We managed to have about 25 Minis come through the field tests. I little disappointing for those of us who gave up our time. But it was a good opportunity to catch up with Mini owners and to do a little networking. MID WEEK RUN The branch has had a couple of midweek runs over the past two months. A good response from members bringing their Club eligible vehicles for an informal drive to a designated finish point. We plan to hold these on the last Thursday of each month. Just gather at the clubrooms at 1pm on the Last Thursday of the month and we will take a drive to a venue for afternoon tea. Last Newsletter for the Year This is the final newsletter for the year. The next Roadrunner will be out at the end of January. Please check the calendar of events at the front of this issue and ensure that you have dates listed on your calendar as there are still a lot of things happening between now and the end of January. The Vintage/Post Vintage Rally is happening in February so please remember this as wll. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very peaceful and Happy Christmas Season and All the best for the New Year.
Marion 7
Next Visit: Archives New Zealand Place: 556 George Street, Dunedin Time: 10.30 am Date: Wednesday 14th November Last month the visit to Archives NZ had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. earthquake), this month we will resume our planned tour and learn about all the wonderful resources they have at your disposal. You will be shown such items as: original plans of buildings and towns, photos, wills etc on this guided tour. I have been asked to provide an indication of numbers likely to attend – so please phone me at 477 8296 before Friday 9th Nov., so as I can pass on numbers to them beforehand. Lunch will be at Emersons Brewery after the tour Barry
Merry Xmas Everyone; hope to see you all at the Xmas BBQ. Keep Well.
To all British car clubs The next Best of British Charity Motoring Day is scheduled for March 12th 2017. The plan is to hold the event at Taieri Mouth at Livingstonia Park which has been booked. A charity has been suggested and also caterers. The intention is to get back to the traditional Best of British event with a car trial, concours and full gymkhana. We have taken note of comments after the last event. Taieri Mouth is within easy distance and the venue is ideal for the event. Mark Paterson Otago Jaguar Drivers Club
Images from this years PWV/P60/P80 rally held recently
Last month, a world-wide telephone survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was:- "Would you please give your honest opinion about possible solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?" The survey was a complete failure - —why? –Because: In Eastern Europe, they didn't know what "honest" meant. In Western Europe, they didn't know what "shortage" meant. In Africa, they didn't know what "food" meant. In China, they didn't know what "opinion" meant. In the Middle East, they didn't know what "solution" meant. In South America, they didn't know what "please" meant. In the USA, they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant. And in Australia, New Zealand, Canada , and Great Britain .. . . everyone hung up as soon as they heard the Indian accent
South Otago VCC Moped rally Sunday 4th December There is no entry form; turn up on the day 9.30am Entry fee $10.00 covers morning and afternoon tea. Lunch at Owaka Hotel at entrants cost. Contact Bruce Murray for further details or if you want to travel in one vehicle phone 0274877281 10
Christmas BBQ Sunday 11th December 2016 Vintage Car Club Rooms 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin Doors open from 4.00 pm With BBQ ready to be served at 5.30 pm Cost: $10.00 per person $5.00 child under 10 Children under 5 free Drinks will be available to purchase from the bar PLEASE BRING A SALAD TO SHARE MEAT AND DESERT WILL BE PROVIDED For Catering purposes, numbers are required by 5 th December to either: David Ross 455 8800 or Marion McConachie 453 0404 NB Help in the kitchen with food preparation, and clean up would be appreciated
Photos from South Otago Rally and Austin Truck cemetery
Vintage PV Run 2017 The rally will be run as per the National calendar on Sunday Feburary 26th leaving from the car park behind the railway station at 1pm (opposite Allens garden sheds display); this run is being run in conjunction with the Otago Classic Motoring Club monthly run and hopefully another club as well. There will be no entry fee but a donation of ? $2 per head for the visit and use of facilities and hot water is requested. The run will be of approximately 1 hour duration with instructions provided and hoping to see more than 2 PV vehicles this year. The trophies will be decided on the answers to questions on route and additional if required. There is ample parking at the venue and inside facilities if the day is not fine. As this is a summer run cars should be now road worthy so no excuses as no one gets enjoyment from them sitting in the shed. An indication of numbers to help with printing by 20th Feb to 034727199 and leave a message or Stu Neill Organiser
From “The Motor Cycle” 1942 A Policeman, who early one morning spotted a garage door ajar and looked in, saw a motorist filling his petrol tank from a watering can. This led to the motorist being fined two pounds at Norwich City Police court for storing petrol without a licence and one pound for acquiring petrol without coupons From “The Motor Cycle” 1938 Two B.S.A. machines, a 500cc O.H.V. Empire Star and a sidecar 600cc S.V., were selected from ordinary dealer’s stock. They received no running in, but went straight to the hill climb in Wales. The climbing test consisted of 20 consecutive ascents and descents of Bwlch-y-Groes, a total distance of 63 miles. The quickest ascent was made in 3 minutes 51 seconds. After the speed test the hill was climbed again 20 times, the quickest climb being 3 minutes 33 seconds. Both machines were tested over a 6-hour run on the Brooklands track. The solo machine covered 351.5 miles and the sidecar 276.7 miles; the highest speed for one lap covered by the solo was 72.71 m.p.h. and by the sidecar machine 51.61 m.p.h. After this they went through two acceleration tests – a flying quarter mile and a standing quarter mile. The speeds were as follows: Flying quarter solo – 78.94 m.p.h., sidecar 56.25m.p.h. ; standing quarter solo 50 m.p.h., side car 35.43 m.p.h. Both machines returned to London. There they were locked in top gear and driven across London from North to South and again from East to West. The engines were taken down and examined under the observation of an A.C.U. engineer.
Calendar of Events 2016 December
2017 January
February March
2nd 11th 14th Wed 16th Fri
Motorcycle Group Meeting Christmas BBQ Sparkaholics – Archives NZ Last Friday Night for the year
20th Fri 21-22 22nd 26th Thurs 27th Fri 28th 3rd 23rd Thurs 26th Sun 3rd Fri
First Friday Clubrooms open Norton Owners Club Nationals - Dunedin Jackson Rally Mid Week Run Club Night Dunedin Brighton Run Motorcycle Group Meeting Mid Week Run Vintage/PV Rally Motorcycle Group Meeting
Other Branch and National events 2017 February 4th Southland Rally 4 -10th Haast Tour – Sth Canterbury 11th Wallaby Run – Waimate 11-12th Canterbury Annual Rally 25th Festival Rally – Gore 25th All British – North Otago March 4th Veteran Rally – Southland 11th Motorcycle Rally – South Otago 12th Best of British – Dunedin Check out the Events Calendar in the Beaded Wheels for listed branch events 2017 January 20-22nd Burma Rally – Wanganui – see Sec for Entry Form 28th – Feb 6th Centennial of the 1917 Winterless North Parlia mentary Tour Details with branch secretary /clubrooms noticeboard VCC National Events 2017 Jan Feb 2018 2021 Jan
21 –23 17-19
National Veteran Rally - Wanganui National Easter Rally North Island – Auckland 25th National Motorcycle Rally - Fielding National South Island Easter Rally - Dunedin International Rally – New Plymouth
Report: Otago Branch Annual Taieri Tour - 5th November 2016 The first Saturday of November each year sees the running of the Branches annual Taieri Tour, the latest one being the 44th time this prestigious event has been held. Members assembled at the Forbury Road clubrooms prior to departure where a morning tea was available after which a driver’s briefing was held, with the first car away at 10-20 am. 49 vehicles ranging from Motorcycles, Veteran, Vintage, Post Vintage, Post War, Post 1960 and Post 1980 were entered in the days event, along with Otago members there was a small contingent from other South Island branches in attendance. The rally route headed south along the East Coast passing through Brighton and down to Taieri Mouth, there was an option to continue south along the coastal road or travel over the hill to Waihola. Both of these routes ended up at the Milton Show grounds for a picnic lunch. Part of the rally route took the vehicles past the Otago Corrections Facility at Milburn this is possibly better known as the ‘Milton Hilton’. After the lunch break the entrants headed off in a northerly direction taking them though Berwick, Outram, Mosgiel with the run ending at the Forbury Road Clubrooms where Prize giving and a dinner was held. The weather god was very kind to us on this occasion. John Noble (Photos page 16)
TAIRERI TOUR answers to the questions were:
Med Route – St Clair Golf Club, Whale letter box, Brighton Gala Day 29 th January 2017, Stay Play and Enjoy Taieri Mouth, Ewing Phosphate Company, Milton Prison, 31km to Taieri Mouth, Mr and Mrs Lawn Lawnmowing, Duthie Street named after Graeme’s Great Grandfather. Long Route: St Clair Golf Club, Whale letter box, Brighton Gala Day 29 th January 2017, Stay Play and Enjoy Taieri Mouth, No tents no camping overnight at Akatore Creek, Bedford Truck in the shed, Gibbons and Merrilees live down Quoin Point Road, 10km to Bull Creek, Tokoiti School is on the corner, Tokomairiro Community Church was straight in front of you and on the Tour Badge.
RATES QUOTED FORNZ Vintage Car Club Booking Reference:
The below rates are based on prices to date, inclusive of GST and subject to availability.
Booking conditions and instructions for members are: Each reservation must be made direct with Interislander online using the special link below – or click on “Group Bookings” at the foot of our homepage To access these rates members must insert the reference “WH5465” Payment is required at the time of booking. Space is subject to availability at the time of the booking request. Refunds Once paid for fares are 90% refundable if cancelled prior to check-in and nonrefundable if cancelled after check-in. Fares valid for specified dates only Members are required to present their current NZ Vintage Car Club Membership credentials on check in or retail fares will be charged. Fares valid for travel 01 February through to 18 December 17 No discounted fares for travel 19 December 16 through to and including 31 January 17 Bookings over this will need to be made online
50 YEAR COMMEMORATIVE AWARD 2016 Winston Wingfield When Winston started work at Napier Motors in 1965 he become interested in vintage cars. He travelled to Washdyke to buy a 1924 Model T. Unregistered and unwarranted he drove it back to Dunedin anyway. A Traffic officer pulled him up at Waitati and had a field day with the infringement notices. Winston joined Otago Branch on 6th March 1966 and remembers the clubrooms at Park Street. Other members at the time were Jack Wilkinson, Michael Haggart, Geoff Mehrtens and Eileen McMillan (nee Bennett) the secretary at the time. He has been actively involved with the Southern Festival of Speed for many years until it was disbanded recently. He sold the 1924 Model T and found the bones of a 1915 Model T in Wanaka, which he restored and motored. (This is still in use today by a current member in Wanaka). The 1915 Model T was used for many events. At one event he had Kaye towing it to get it started. They did this as Winston got nervous at cranking – it had a habit of back firing. He sold this in early 2000’s. He now has a TR4A Triumph Sports, Jaguars and a Daimler (one of which gained a Restoration Trophy within the Otago Branch). He and Kaye have attended 1972, 1996, 2016 international Rallies and have been active participants in many local and national branch events. He has enjoyed the fellowship and motoring opportunities of the Vintage Car Club over the years. The Vintage Car Club congratulate Winston on achieving this milestone. This award was presented to Winston by National South Island Club Captain, Alon Mayhew during the Taieri Tour Prize giving Dinner on Saturday 5th of November at the Branch Clubrooms
For the G.C. Jackson Memorial Trophy This rally marks the beginning of motoring events in the Branch for the New Year. G.C. (Gerie) Jackson was a long-time member of the branch who lived on the Otago Peninsula and loved its sights, so close to but so different from the city. Not long before his death he raised the idea of this rally and outlined his concept of what it should be to the Branch Committee. When the Committee later decided to take up his idea his family donated the trophy, which bears his name. The Mary B. Jackson Trophy For Best Motorcycle at the VCC Otago Jackson Peninsula Rally Donated by Bill Veitch and Ron Gilbert in memory of Mary Jackson MA (Hons) wife of Gerry Jackson who instigated the Peninsula Rally. Mary was a BSA and Norton rider at a time when few women rode motorcycles. Mary nee Kibblewhite had a distinguished academic career earning University scholarships and prizes. She later taught at Otago Girls High School and St Hilda’s Collegiate School. The trophy is a Norton kick-starter shaft. This year's rally will take place on Sunday 22nd January 2016 If possible the result of the afternoon competition will be announced during afternoon tea before everyone returns home, failing that the result will be posted in the Clubrooms on the following Friday. The overall winner will be awarded the G.C. Jackson Memorial trophy The event is open to all classes of vehicle accepted by the V.C.C. of N.Z. All entrants must be financial members. Those who wish, are welcome to take part in a modern vehicle, but will not appear in the final results. Enquiries to:
Bill Veitch Ph: 4891626 or Graeme Duthie Ph 4885242
The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
Otago Branch Inc
V.C.C. Peninsula Rally 2016 For the G.C. Jackson Memorial Trophy &
Mary B. Jackson Trophy
Sunday 22nd January 2016 Meet at the VCC Clubrooms, 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin At 1.00 pm NB: Please bring you own afternoon tea
ENTRY FORM: Entrant’s Name:……………………………………..………………… Address:……………………………………………………………….. Drivers Name:………………………………………………………… Vehicle:………………………………………………………………... Make:…………………………….. Year of Manufacture…………... Model:……………………….. ENTRY FEE: Entries Close:
($5.00 per vehicle)
$ 5.00
Friday 16 th January 2015
Please make cheques payable to: POST TO:
Type: (car, m/cycle, truck etc)
Vintage Car Club P.O. Box 5352,
V.C.C of N.Z. Otago Branch Inc Moray Place, Dunedin, 9058
Photos from Taieri Tour 2016
TAIERI TOUR NOVEMBER 5TH Thank you to all those who assisted with the running of this event, especially with the field tests which proved a challenge for a lot of us. Thanks to Graeme Duthie for organising this event, and to Ross for helping get Greg up the first hills out of Dunedin. The lunch time venue at Milton worked well, especially as we were spoilt with sunshine. We had 51 vehicles on the run this year. Most of which were from our own branch. We did welcome entrants from Balclutha, Southland, Timaru, Oamaru and Central Otago. The results were: VETERAN : 1 ST PRIZE = COOKE HOWLISON CUP Colin & Joan Pearce, 1914 Sunbeam 2ND PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Greg Eunson, 1914 Metz VINTAGE : 1ST PRIZE = AUTO PARTS CUP Rolly Bell 1929 Model A Ford 2ND PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Tony Devereux 1927 Packard 3RD PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Bruce & Lynne Winter, 1929 Chevrolet POST VINTAGE: 1ST PRIZE = EMSLIE & FLOCKTON CUP Robin McCall 1936 Plymouth 2ND PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Eleanor Harrison 1936 Chrysler 3RD PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Doug Leggett 1934 Austin POST WAR: 1ST PRIZE = RON HAMMER CUP Barry Longstaffe 1951 Plymouth 2ND PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Kevin Fowler 1950 Jowett Javelin 3RD PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Ross & Delwyn Luscombe 1960 Vauxhall Victor POST 60:
1ST PRIZE = WATERLOO CUP George & Marjorie Martin 1961 Riley 2ND PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Alistair Pegg 1965 Wolseley 3RD PRIZE = CERTIFICATE Alon & Tracy Mayhew 1979 Honda Accord
POST 80:
1st PRIZE = POST 80 CUP Kevin Mason 1982 Cortina
Alistair Pegg & Loralie Hart 1965 Wolseley George & Marjorie Martin 1961 Riley John & Wendy Martin 1926 Alvis 12/50
OVERALL TIME TRIAL (CERTIFICATES) 1ST Bruce & Lynne Winter 1926 Chevrolet 2ND Travis & Margaret Michelle 1930 Model a Ford 3RD Gil and Ruth Edmunds 1975 Reliant Scimitar
Private Collection of Vintage Clothing
Men and Women 1920’s - 1970’s era Accessories, hats, furs and much more
Larger fittings are a speciality Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models
Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 488 4033/021 146 4987
Email: Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029