Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.
July 2017
2017 Restoration Trophy Award: 1978 Ford Cortina Ghia (Mark 4) The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are nothrjrmvmfmdarily those of the editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch
Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service Ring Rodger for a No Obligation appraisal now Phone 455 4065 BROCKLEBANKS Leather Dyers Over 50 years serving Otago
Nicola Wilkinson
David Mills
David Ross
455 8800
Marion McConachie
453 0404
Graeme Duthie
488 5242
Bill Partel
Bill Veitch
489 1626
Colin Winter
456 4382
Bruce Murray
487 7281
Keith Moore
Eleanor Harrison
476 4004 455 6751
488 4033
VINTAGE/PV REP. PWV/P60V/P80 REP. 453 0592
479 8280
Moira Cunningham
453 5777
David Ross
455 8800
Mark Wilkinson
476 4004
477 8296
Bill Partel
488 4033
Barry Longstaffe
477 8296
Bill Partel
488 4033
George Martin
489 3621
David Cunningham
453 5777
Bruce Murray
487 7281
Graeme Duthie
488 5242
Joe O’Neill
477 6801
Arthur Patton 3
CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586
PO Box 5352, Moray Place Dunedin 9058
2nd Monday of month 7.30pm Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm
First Friday of the month
Last Friday of the month 8.30pm
Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm. Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon
Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesday of the month please
VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145— Inspector No 916” LIBRARY ROSTER JULY 7th Kevin Mason 14th Bruce Murray 21st Moira Cunningham 28th Paddy Williams SEPTEMBER 1st Moira Cunningham 8th Bruce Murray 15th Bryan McConachie 22nd Paddy Williams 29th Bill Veitch
Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night AUGUST 4th Bryan McConachie 11th Bill Veitch 18th Hec Browett 25th Kevin Mason OCTOBER 6th Kevin Mason 13th Hec Browett 20th Moira Cunningham 27th Bryan McConachie
Larry's class were on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted criminals. One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted person. 'Yes,' said the policeman. 'The detectives want very badly to capture him. Larry asked, "Why didn't you keep him when you took his picture? "
BRANCH EVENTS JULY 7th Fri 8th Sat 12th Wed 27th Thur 28th Fri AUG 4th Fri TBA 21st Mon 27th Sun 25th Fri 31st Thurs SEP Fri 1st TBA TBA Thur 8th Fri 29th Sat 30th OCT TBA NOV Sat 4th Sat 18th DEC Sun 3rd Sun 10th
Motorcycle Group meeting Branch Annual Dinner Sparkaholics Mid-week Run Branch Meeting Night Motorcycle Group Meeting Sparkaholics Cancer Society Daffodil delivery day— Contact David Mills VCC National Day – Rally for Cancer 1 pm start Branch Meeting Night TECH TALK – POWER UP Mid-week Run Motorcycle Group Meeting GM Night Rally Sparkaholics Mid-week Run Branch Meeting Night Dunvegan Rally PW/P60?P80 Taieri Tour Commercial & Veteran Rally Moped Rally Xmas BBQ
2018 JAN Sun 21st Sat 27th
Jackson Rally Dunedin Brighton Run
OTHER BRANCH EVENTS Sept 23rd Autospectacular Check out the Events Calendar in the Beaded Wheels for listed branch events VCC NATIONAL EVENTS 2017 11th -12th Aug National Exec Meeting & AGM – Blenheim 2018 Tba National Veteran Rally - Nelson 30th Mar – 1st April National South Island Easter Rally – Southland Easter National North Island Easter Rally SI Club Captains Tour 2021 Jan 14-24th International Rally – New Plymouth 5
Wednesday 12th July
Otago Balancing Specialist—see page 13
Mid Week Rally Thursday 27th July
To be held at the Otago Branch Clubrooms Clubrooms open at 5.30pm for drinks Dinner at 6.00pm with entertainment commencing after dinner On Saturday 8th July 2017 Price $27.00 per person RSVP numbers and payment to Marion 4530404 or David 4558800 by Wednesday 5th July
TECH TALK - Power UP - The Ultimate in Lubrication Technology Friday 25th August at 8.00pm Neil Gamble will be giving a presentation on Power Up – come along and get some helpful information on this lubricant Technology which cover a full range of Marine, Agricultural, Mechanical and Industrial applications.
In the Driving Seat Thank you to everyone who turned up to the branch AGM. The meeting started with Club Captain Alon Mayhew presenting Ken Harrex with his 50 year badge. It was great to have Ken and Liz at the meeting and catching up with everyone. We have two new members on the branch committee for the 2017/2018 year. Welcome to David Mills who was elected as Vice Chairman and Keith Moore who was elected as a committee member. Welcome to you both onto the committee - we look forward to working with you over the coming year. Mark Wilkinson, Malcolm Eunson and Alistair Graham stood down at the AGM - thank you for your contribution to the management of the branch. Congratulations to all trophy winners and 25 year badge awardees. As some of our trophies recognise attendance at other branch events can we please ask that you let Marion know what events you have attended and in what vehicle so we can keep the branch records up to date. The notices of motions presented at the AGM were approved with some amendments - mainly in terminology. As per our constitution these now need to be forwarded to the National Executive for final approval before they can come into effect. A copy of my AGM report is further on in the Road Runner and I would love to get some feedback on my closing regarding what we need to do to encourage better attendance at our Friday night Noggins and Natters. The VCC Rally for Cancer is being held on the 27th of August. The starting time will be 1pm so please mark this date in your diaries. The rally is open to the the public and other car clubs with all money going to the local Cancer Society so spread the word as we will welcome as many entries as possible. We will be looking for people to help out during the day so please let me know if you are interested. Coming up shortly is the Annual Dinner. This is always a great night of fellowship and David is arranging the entertainment for the night. Please let David know ASAP if you are coming so he can finalise the numbers for catering. Nicola. 7
Chairman’s Report 2017 An AGM is a time of reflection and a time of thanks. Reflection of what the branch has achieved over the past 12 months and times to thank all members for what they have contributed towards of achievements. A number of suggestions were put forward at last years AGM and I am pleased to report that we have followed through on these although with varying success. The monthly midweek runs are being enjoyed by everyone who attends. Numbers vary depending on other commitments which are to be expected with some months only seeing a small number of attendees. Like anything new, it has taken a while to be embedded into the branch calendar however thanks to the perseverance of members it is here to stay. Another suggestion was to convene a meeting of all motoring groups. My thanks to David Ross for arranging the meeting on our behalf. The meeting was advertised in the various papers plus we issued personal invitations to all car clubs at last years Autospectacular. Even though many clubs said they would send a representative only those who attended were VCC Otago branch members with some also representing their own local one make club. David also organised the branch survey and again my thanks to him as this was not a small task. While only 30% of branch members completed the survey the committee does take into consideration your suggestions and recommendations when organising any events.
After lengthy deliberations the committee advised the National Management Committee that we were no longer in a position to organise the 2018 National Easter Rally mainly as we could not convene a rally committee however we also felt that the number attending would be impacted by the 30th anniversary of Warbirds over Wanaka being held the same weekend. We must have had a sixth sense that another event was going to be in Dunedin over Easter 2018 as all accommodation has been booked for the Ed Sheeran concerts. The Easter Rally is now being held in Invercargill and I encourage members intending on travelling south to book your accommodation now to avoid missing out as I believe at least one other car club will be holding their national rally in Invercargill the same weekend. 8
You may have noticed that the library is currently undertaking an expansion project. The room at the front of the clubrooms is being turned from a meeting room into a reference library to free up room in the main library. Thank you to Bill Partel and your team for organising this for us. We are also arranging for an up to date computerised database of all library material to be completed and this will be done so it can be kept up to date as more material arrives. I would like to personally thank the current committee for the work they have put in and for those who are choosing not restand thank you for your input. My thanks also to the members working outside of the committee, either helping with the bar, parts shed, library, branch BBQ, or anything else that arises for the betterment of our branch. A big thank you to branch members who have assisted with the arranging of rallies/runs during the last 12 months, we all appreciate the work that goes into them. A point to ponder in closing. Ladies - I am interested to know why very few attend the Friday night noggin and natters. Is it because you send your menfolk out so you can have a night of peace at home and have control of the TV wand or is it because you were not asked if you wanted to come along? Do you do your catching up with other lady members during the mid week runs and Sparkaholics? The committee is trying to encourage better attendance at our noggins and natters so what can we do to encourage greater representation of all members? Nicola
Chris & Mary Whelan, Alistair Drummond 25 year badge recipients — awarded at the AGM 9
NATIONAL OFFICE - Will be unattended for approx. 3 weeks from the 6th of July. Contact your branch secretary in the first instance if you have any issues that need to be dealt with. NATIONAL NOTICES OF MOTION FOR VOTING PRIOR TO THE NAT AGM.
These Motions were circulated in the June/July Beaded Wheels – please have a good read of them and ensure you understand the reasoning behind them before voting. As many of you will have already received further correspondence in relation to this and Alon Mayhew spoke to them at our AGM on the 18th of June. DAFFODIL DAY - DELIVERIES MONDAY 21ST AUGUST
Recently David Mills had a briefing with members who are interested in helping deliver pre-ordered daffodils for Daffodil Day, and using their VCC Eligible vehicles – with the support of students and Cancer Society. If you would like to be involved with this please contact David Mills on ph 4556751 with your expression of interest. Notices of interest to all Branch members I regularly receive items of interest via email in relation to the VCC. I have a list of members to whom I forward this material onto via email. A lot is too cumbersome to re submit to the Roadrunner, unless it is really important. So if you have email and would like to receive these items please forward me your email address and I will add you to my mail list. Thanks - Marion CORRECTION to June Roadrunner In the June Newsletter we had an article on the Restoration Trophy Award 2017. Apologies for the incorrect title – this should have been the Restoration Achievement Award. The Trophy winner didn’t get announced until our AGM on the 18th June 2017.
Vintage Car Club rallies Below you will see a trophy list of awards - these are worked out by the number of events and prizes that members enter during the year. The Committee do however find it difficult to keep track of what outside events people attend, so sometimes these do not get added to the tally. Could you please advise a committee member of any events you attend outside the Otago Branch so that these can be recorded. BRANCH AGM Thanks to all those members who attended the AGM on the 18th of June – we had the opportunity to present Ken Harrex with his 50 Year Award just before the meeting – details elsewhere. We also presented 25 year badges to Chris and Mary Whelan and Alistair Drummond. Graeme Jenks, Kevin and Denyse Priston were unable to attend so they will be given their badges at another suitable time. Congratulations to members who have been active members over their time with us. Below is the list of trophies that were awarded.
BRANCH TROPHY AWARDS 2016/2017 SPEED TROPHY: Best performance at all speed events
Not presented
HARVEY WILSON CUP: Best attendance at rallys
Bruce Murray
NON SPEED EVENT: Best performance of all events
Gill & Ruth Edmunds
CLUBMANS TROPHY: Best attendance at local events
Bill Partel
Most meritorious performance of a Colin and Joan Pearce
GRAHAM DALTON CUP: Motorcycle Restoration Not awarded RESTORATION CUP: Car Restoration
Bryan McConachie
DOUGLAS ROD: Hard Luck on M/C
Bruce Murray
TREVOR DUNNING TROPHY: Greatest effort in vintage motoring
Bryan McConachie
Mark Wilkinson 11
When Ken joined the Club he owned a 1925 Jewett which was still under restoration. The Jewett lay as a wreck in a paddock that he passed every day going to Poolburn primary school so he had had his eye on it for some time! Attending a Brighton rally as a teenager really sparked his interest in old cars so after that he approached the owner of the wreck who was only too happy to have it gone. The carwas originally a taxi in Ophir. The Jewett was restored in time to attend the 1972 international rally in Nelson. It also attended another International Rally and the 100 years of the Motor Car Rally in 1985. When Ken needed help with a problem, he visited Les Nye at his auto electrician shop and it was he who nominated Ken for membership. Ken and the family were inclined to use the Jewett more for open road driving and have travelled the country several times in it. It was too big and cumbersome to drive within the city limits. It was also used to tow the caravan to Te Anau for their holidays. Approx 20 years ago he purchased the 1927 Federal Truck which he restored over this time. A past member Doug Boyd rebuilt the cab for this, as when Ken acquired the truck there was only enough of the cab to make a pattern from. In more recent years Ken is noted to be out driving his Federal Truck, taking part mainly in Commercial Rallies both locally and around neighbouring branches, also displaying it at our local Autospectacular Shows. Ken has offered his property to organisers of the Taieri Tour a couple of times, as it was a good venue to use for gymkana /field test events. Ken considers himself as having been a good social member of the Club especially in the earlier years when he would join fellow members at the Clubrooms in Park Street on Saturday afternoons. This Group was often referred to as the Birthday Club. The VCC congratulates Ken on achieving this milestone.
Next Visit: Otago Balancing Specialist Place: 297 Tomahawk Rd, Ocean Grove Time: 10.30 am Date: Wednesday 12th July This visit may only appeal to a select few, but as space is cramped, it may be just as well! Some of us will have had our engines balanced, so now we see why and how this is done. After this we can meet our partners for lunch at Robbies in Macandrew Rd from midday onwards. Last month’s visit to Beggs was very well attended, considering the day, everyone was impressed with their knowledge and facilities, especially when it comes to car keys. A very complex and changing world we live in.
Also, I would any ideas or contacts for future visits – please phone me at 4778296. Don’t Argue with the Boss ! A company, feeling it was time for a shake-up, hires a new CEO. This new boss is determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, the CEO notices a bloke leaning on a wall. The room is full of workers and he wants to let them know he means business! The CEO walks up to the guy and asks, “And how much money do you make a week?” A little surprised, the young fellow looks at him and replies, I make $300 a week. Why?” The CEO then hands the guy $1,200 in cash and screams, “Here’s four weeks pay, now get out and don’t come back!” Feeling pretty good about his first sacking, the CEO looks around the room and asks, “Does anyone want to tell me what that slacker did here?” With a sheepish grin, one of the other workers mutters, “Pizza delivery guy from Domino’s”. 13
MESSAGE FROM VCC CLUB REGISTRAR – ROD BRAYSHAW Since 1999 the former LTSA now NZTA and the VCC negotiated a pre-registration document namely The Date of Manufacture and Authenticity Statement (DOMAS) that sits within all new and any future safety rules for Historic Motor Vehicles in New Zealand, using our Vehicle Identity Card system to support these vehicles that have reached 30 years old and older, during any vehicle certification examination. Our system provides an affective “green path through the process “(like the old airport customs system) 10760 Vehicle Identity Cards have now been distributed to members and nonmembers. 3002 Date of Manufacture and Authenticity Statements have assisted members and non-members compliance and register their Historic Motor Vehicles. 1204 Headlamp and Lighting Equipment Endorsements have been issued. There will be some difficulties experienced from time to time at Testing Stations when Historic Motor Vehicles are being complianced, but a civil approach can usually sort out mechanical understanding. As Registrar I, if invited, can get involved and offer information and support that usually sorts out terminology and mechanical differences within all the types of Vehicles our members own. I do stress however that a paper trail of ownership and components used in the restoration are vital, and should be made available. Rod Brayshaw
VCC Club Registrar
From ' THE MOTOR CYCLE' 1945 I described previously how a rider tackles his personal dazzle problem by fitting anti-glare glass (green or purple) to one goggle socket, and closing the other eye when he meets a pair of P100 lamps. Another rider informs me that one of his eyes is blind, and that he long ago adapted this tip to his own problem by mounting a half- circle of anti-glare material in the goggle socket over his sound eye. With its diameter vertical, of course, he finds it quite useful, coupling it with a slight turn of the head away from the source of dazzle. ps WOW this sounds like a very dangerous pastime !!!
Bill V
2017 Gerald Lynch Bloss Memorial Rally Saturday April 8th saw some 30 Motorcycles assemble outside the North Otago club rooms in time for morning tea or a hot cup of soup. Instructions handed out and briefing over we all headed off at our assigned times for the timed section which covered part of the morning run. The morning run arrived at the Danseys Pass Camping Ground and the locals provided lunch. After lunch we travelled back to the club rooms and there we had afternoon tea (more food) and Prize giving. There were eleven Otago Members and, receiving a few places, the best was Andrew Roxburgh as the overall winner. All headed home after a perfect days riding in perfect weather. Pity North Otago no longer issue badges for this event - something Gerald was passionate about. Bruce M.
2017 RESTORATION TROPHY AWARD 1978 Ford Cortina Ghia (Mark 4) - Owner – Bryan McConachie History of Vehicle First registered in January 1978. We bought the car second hand from Napier Motors in July 1981. The Cortina was the family car for the next 33 years until June 2005. It was then put into storage along with some other vehicles at the Staveley Building which subsequently suffered a large fire. Believed to be the only vehicle to survive. Heat from the fire damaged the paint in areas and also melted many trims. Considerable smoke damage inside the car. Rebuild was started mid 2014. Car was completely stripped of all interior and exterior trim, dash, doors, boot and bonnet back to a rolling chassis. Required some body repairs and then repainted. New body trims located or repaired as required. Upholstery cleaned and repaired as necessary and a new vinyl roof fitted. Reassembled over the next 20 months. New WOF October 2016. Condition of vehicle when restoration started Vehicle was complete and original but showing its age. Still roadworthy when put into storage but needed body rust repairs in several areas. We had kept up with day to day maintenance so the car was fairly sound. Vehicle components. (ie original or salvaged parts) The Cortina is basically still original. The rear axle has been changed because the original was getting noisy. Suspension, bushes and brake items have been replaced as required. Engine and gearbox are original but have been overhauled. Bumpers are original but the rear bumper has been rechromed. Glass is as when stored. Windshield was replaced about 25 years ago after the original was broken. Replacement bright and black trims found to replace damaged items. Interior headlining, upholstery and seats cleaned and repaired as required. New vinyl roof fitted. 16
Restored by Owner or Professional Panel repairs, repainting and upholstery/vinyl done by tradespeople. Stripping of the car and any menial tasks required during the rebuild done by me. All finding of replacement items and trim, cleaning and repair of bolt on bits and reassembly done by me - financial advice provided by Marion.
Letter to “The MotorCycle” 1939 Test Pilot’s Tribute “I owe all I really know about flying to motor cycling. Feel of machine, sympathy with an engine, quick thinking, judgment of speed and distance, and ability to act under discomfort are absolute essentials in flying; and nothing approaches the motor cycle in developing these qualities, or in keeping them in first-class trim. That’s the practical side of it; on the other side one owes to the sport all the beauty of England, the scents and feel of the countryside, complete detachment from the everyday, and the centaur-like triumph of a good machine. No other way of life can equal these – flying, wonderful as it is, only touches the edge of this world. I have done solo aerobatics at Hendon, flown modern machines at 300 m.p.h., and love it all; yet coming home on a spring evening makes one shout with the joy of oneness with the machine, drunk with the keen air cleft speed. Flight is a clumsy affair compared to motor cycling; racing a sailing boat, driving a fast car are tedious and spiritless.”
Bus Trip to Invercargill - 13 May 2017 I arrived at the Clubrooms at 7.15 am to find a good number of early-bird members had already gathered in the main lounge awaiting the arrival of the 7.30 am bus to take us all to Richardson’s Motorcycle Mecca in Invercargill. We picked up a group at Mosgiel along with one member at Milton – a good muster of 35 for the day. The weather was brilliant, blue sky and sunshine and we made good time on the trip. The Museum, on Tay Street, is located in the building formally known as Thomson and Beattie Ltd, department store, then H&J Smith Ltd Outdoor World. It has a long front window display area with a display of the “John Britten” motorcycle along with other pieces of motorcycle interest. You enter to the food and coffee area, which is well set out in a motoring theme of work bench tables and metal chairs. The coffee and food aroma was too alluring for a number of the group who succumbed to sampling the food and atmosphere before entering the museum. The entry fee covered you for the day. Inside the museum the exhibits are well laid with plenty of room to move around, no barriers to fall over. You could touch practically any item you wished but respect and maturity would prevail, I would hope, to the patrons the Museum would attract. Each exhibit has been identified by a detailed information card and most with a QR code for further information. Many of the motorcycles are as original from date of manufacture. The restoration of others are of an extremely high standard. There are bikes of all makes from around the world. Most of the group stayed for lunch at the restaurant. The lift is worth using to experience a 1930’s ride to the second floor display. Just remember to close the door gates properly! You cannot help to be impressed and promise yourself that you will have another look in a couple of years’ time.
It was time to leave but not before we managed to get a group photo at the bronze memorial to “Burt Munro”. Our combined thanks to Kevin Mason for his efforts in organising the trip and the bus and for being the bus driver for the day. A most enjoyable day’s outing. Cheers, Merv T
Photo taken at the Feldwick Gates
Stu Lunn, Merv and Robert Thompson having lunch at the motorcycle museum 19
From the AGM
Colin & Joan Pearce: Fletcher Heaps Trophy
Gill & Ruth Edmunds: Non Speed Event Award
Bill Partel: Clubman's Trophy
Mark Wilkinson receiving Chairman's Award from Nicola Wilkinson
Bruce Murray: Harvey Wilson Cup
Brian McConachie: Car Restoration Trophy 20
Norton Owners Club of New Zealand, 21 MacFarlane St Hamilton East, 3216 Ph: 7-8566607/021-533800 20th May 2017 Otago Vintage Car Club Branch Chairperson Nicola Wilkinson Dear Nicola, On behalf of the Norton Owners Club of Club of New Zealand, I would like to acknowledge and thank you for the work your Branch performed ensuring that this years' Norton Owners Club National Rally in Dunedin was a raging success. The Branch venue was a great focus for the rally, and the food the Branch provided was excellent, both in quantity and quality. The Saturday ride was very interesting and the prearranged stops at Jim and Colleen Tail's old creamery, and the shed visit to Phil Fords' in Middlemarch were first class entertainment. We had several overseas visitors in our midst, and in particular, Tim and Linda Harrison, Chairman of the UK-based worldwide Norton Owners Club, were very fulsome in their praise of both the setting, and of the warmth and fellowship extended by the Dunedin locals. Thanks in great part to the efforts of various Branch Members, we had a helluva good time down in Otago, and appreciate the time and effort everyone put in our behalf, before, during, and after the rally. In particular I'd like to mention those from the Otago VCC Motorcycle Division who helped plan, feed, act as back-up or barman, and in particular Bill Veitch, Bruce Murray, Bill P. and Brian Walker are to be congratulated for their hard work. So take a bow Otago Branch members - your hard work on our behalf was very much appreciated. Thanks again. Yours sincerely, Mark McLennan, President, Norton Owners Club of NZ 21
Bob Bruce Sadly we recently lost one of our “Dunvegan” entries from Canterbury. Bob Bruce, his son Arthur, along with Ray Shearman attended our motorcycle rally for many years. For the early years Bob came with his sloper Ariel, the tank was professionally painted with “DUNVEGAN” as the sign written emblem. The story goes that on more than one occasion someone would see Bob’s Ariel and remark – “a DUNVEGAN, my grandfather had one of those”. Bob was a very competent, skilful engineer and once ran his own reconditioning shop, when he retired he helped many bike folk from his fully equipped home workshop. Bob could sort out many problems, his specialities were Indian, Velocette and for the last few active years before his health declined the twostroke Scott. Bob’s top end was still active but sadly his mechanical body parts failed over the last year or two. Great memories of Bob Bruce, a witty engineer/motorcyclist.
Private Collection of Vintage Clothing
Men and Women 1920’s - 1970’s era Accessories, hats, furs and much more
Larger fittings are a speciality Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models
Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 488 4033/021 146 4987
Email: Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029