Otago VCC June 2017

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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.

June 2017

Otago VCC Restoration Trophy 2017: Gavin Tisdall’s 1923 Ford Model T Pickup The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are nothrjrmvmfmdarily those of the editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch

Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service Ring Rodger for a No Obligation appraisal now Phone 455 4065 BROCKLEBANKS Leather Dyers Over 50 years serving Otago



Nicola Wilkinson


476 4004

Immediate Past CHAIR.

Mark Wilkinson


476 4004


David Ross


455 8800


Marion McConachie


453 0404


Graeme Duthie


488 5242


Bill Partel


Bill Veitch


489 1626


Colin Winter


456 4382


Alistair Graham


455 8834


Bruce Murray


487 7281



926 8376



479 8280

488 4033


Eleanor Harrison


Moira Cunningham

453 5777


David Ross

455 8800


Mark Wilkinson

476 4004


477 8296


Bill Partel

488 4033


Barry Longstaffe

477 8296


Bill Partel

488 4033

George Martin

489 3621

David Cunningham

453 5777


Bruce Murray

487 7281


Graeme Duthie

488 5242


Joe O’Neill

477 6801


Arthur Patton


CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586

PO Box 5352, Moray Place Dunedin 9058


otago@vcc.org.net or


2nd Monday each month 7.30pm Each Friday 7.45pm to 11.00pm


First Friday of the month


Last Friday of the month 8.30pm


Every Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm. Every Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon


Can be forwarded to your branch secretary or editor by the 3rd Wednesday of each month please


VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145— Inspector No 916” Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night LIBRARY ROSTER JUNE 2 Paddy Williams 9 Bryan McConnachie 16 Hec Brown 23 Bill Veitch

JULY 7 Kevin Mason 14 Bruce Murray 21 Moira Cunningham 23 Bill Veitch

AUGUST 4 Bryan McConnachie 11 Bill Veitch 18 Hec Brown 25 Kevin Mason

SEPTEMBER 1 Moira Cunningham 8 Bruce Murray 15 Bryan McConnachie 22 Paddy Williams 29 Bill Veitch

Welcome to New Members The Otago Branch extends a very warm welcome to

Paul Schaaf - who owns a 1937 Dodge We hope you take the opportunity to join us in any up-coming events and look forward to meeting you. Committee members are only too happy to assist with any queries you may have. 4

JUNE 2nd Fri Motorcylce Group meeting 14th Wed Sparkaholics 18th Sun Branch AGM and Pot luck Lunch 29th Thursday Mid-week Run 30th Clubnight JULY 7th Fri Motorcycle Group meeting 8th Sat Branch Annual Dinner 12th Wed Sparkaholics 27th Thur Mid-week Run 28th Fri Clubnight AUG 4th Fri Motorcycle Group Meeting TBA Sparkaholics 21st Mon Cancer Society Daffodil delivery day - Contact David Mills 27th Sun VCC National Day – Rally for Cancer 25th Fri Clubnight 31st Thurs Mid-week Run 2018

27th Jan

Dunedin Brighton Run

OTHER BRANCH EVENTS Check out the Events Calendar in the Beaded Wheels for listed branch events VCC National Events 2017 11th -12th Aug National Exec Meeting & AGM – Blenheim 2018 30 March 1st April National South Island Easter Rally – Southland 30 March 1st April National North Island Easter Rally SI Club Captains Tour 2021 Jan 14-24th International Rally – New Plymouth

GoldenTimes Rally Arrowtown

country motoring in Central Otago See page 12 5

Sparkaholics Wednesday 14 June—Begg Security-see page 13 BRANCH AGM -see page 10

2017 Annual Dinner and Entertainment To be held at the Otago Branch Clubrooms Clubrooms open at 5.30pm for drinks Dinner at 6.00pm with entertainment commencing after dinner On Saturday 8th July 2017 Price: $27.00 per person RSVP numbers and payment to Marion 4530404 or David 4558800

by Wednesday 5 th July

DAFFODIL DAY – DELIVERIES: MONDAY 21ST AUGUST Recently David Mills had a briefing with members who are interested in helping deliver daffodils in preparation for Daffodil Day, and using their VCC eligible vehicles – with the support of students and Cancer Society. If you would like to be involved with this please contact David Mills on phone 4556751 with your expression of interest.

Save the Date Sunday 27th August Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Daffodil Rally for Cancer Come along and join in a fun and informal event publicising the branch while raising money for the Cancer Society. Everyone welcome - young and old in club eligible vehicles or moderns. Please contact Nicola on 476 4004 if you are interested in helping organise this worthwhile event. More information to follow 6

In the Driving Seat Winter has certainly arrived early so I hope everyone is keeping warm and dry. We move into our new home in a couple of weeks so should hopefully be in before winter arrives with a vengeance. Mark and I recently attended the Trustpower Dunedin Community Awards as the branch was entered under the historic and environment category. While we only made it to the finals, we were up there with some inspiring groups so we can be proud of what we do as a club for the community and other organisations so thank you to everyone who has contributed towards this. Speaking of giving to the community the inaugural VCC National Day in conjunction with the Cancer Society has been confirmed for Sunday the 27th August - more information is further on in the Road Runner however save the date as I would love a huge turnout of members so we can show case our club. The day will be for everyone - young and old in club eligible vehicles or modern so the more the merrier. I am getting together a small working group to organise the day so please let me know if you are interested. The branch AGM is on the 18th June during which we will be voting on two notices of motions to update the branch constitution. One is regarding the branch committee structure while the second is regarding what happens to items that have been gifted to the branch in the event the branch is wound up. Both notices are included with your agenda so please come along and have your say as to whether you agree or disagree with these proposals. If both notices are passed they will come into effect at the following AGM. As this is the last magazine before the AGM I would like to thank the branch committee for their work and support over the past 12 months. A couple of the committee have indicated that they will be standing down at this AGM so if you are interested in being a member of the committee please fill in the nomination form and pass it on to Marion. We would welcome your input and the tasks are not onerous so give it some thought - new members are always welcomed. Nicola. 7

FROM NATIONAL OFFICE Hi Folks I just wanted to highlight that the Club membership numbers are at the highest they have ever been. It is nice to see how strong the Club is remaining. Even with all the people we have lost through the years, we are still getting new members. As of today, our current membership is 8,544. In January 2000, our membership was 6,537. Kind Regards, Julie Cairns – Gee Administration Manager Vintage Car Club of NZ - National Office NATIONAL VCC FACEBOOK PAGE Hi all; Just a quick note about the new Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Facebook page. Yes, it’s online now and includes some very interesting stories. The next step is to get as many people as possible to LIKE the page. For those who already have a Facebook account:

1. Go to the VCC Facebook page and LIKE it. Posts will then appear

in YOUR Facebook stream and you can share them with your friends For those who don’t have a Facebook page or don’t want to set up an account: Click on the link below and then save it in bookmarks in your internet browser. You will then have easy access to the page whenever you want to see the latest posts. I am also looking for pictures and just a couple of paragraphs about the photo from club events around the country. These will make interesting posts. One of the successes of Facebook is that there are few words included in each post but many of the posts include a link to the full story. As an example of the simple info I am looking for, there is a video on the site with this explanation above it: “Recent Wairarapa veteran rally motoring to Martinborough. Dodge fire engine of Bruce Hutton passing Ian and Fay Chamberlain's Reo. Taken from Diane and Geoff Quarrie's GWK” That is plenty of words to go with a video. Just a couple of points: a) the Facebook page will include upcoming events but it’s not a buy, sell and exchange page. There are other avenues for that information. I have summarised all of this as simply as I can in a short piece that is attached to this email. I am hoping that you can include it in your next magazine.


b) The page will work well if the content is regularly updated and interesting. I intend to post at least 1 story every day and that is why I need as many photos as possible (with a short explanation) from members. Here is the link to the page: https://www.Facebook.com/ vintagecarclubofnewzealand/ or type Vintage Car Club of New Zealand into Facebook search. We would be very appreciative if you could mention this initiative at your next club meeting and encourage as many of your members as possible to LIKE the page. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email. Thank you for your support Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer, Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488 Email: comms@vcc.org.nz

NOTICES OF MOTION - OTAGO BRANCH AGM As noted in the Agenda for the AGM there are two notices of Motion in relation to our branch constitution - these are enclosed in this month’s Roadrunner – please bring these to the AGM – as they will be up for discussion NOTICES OF MOTION FOR VOTING DURING THE NATIONAL AGM IN AUGUST There are two notices of motion in relation to Constitution changes going forward for all members to vote on prior to the National AGM in August. You will receive information on these in July - please have a good look at these and note the comments from your Management Team before voting. Remember that these are the times when you have the ability to help make decisions that will affect the way the Club Functions in the future. BRANCH ANNUAL DINNER - See info elsewhere in this month’s Roadrunner Technical Presentation The planned presentation as mentioned in last month’s Roadrunner has now been cancelled. We are waiting confirmation of dates for two other presentations over the next few months. 9

The Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be held in the VCC Club Rooms 125 Forbury Rd, Dunedin.

SUNDAY 18TH JUNE 2017 - BEGINNING 2.00PM NB: The AGM will be preceded by a Pot Lunch at the Clubrooms starting at 12.30pm

AGENDA Welcome to Members Notice of meeting Moment silence – for deceased members over the past year Roll Call Current membership status Apologies Call for further items under General Business Minutes of June 2016 Annual General Meeting Business arising Correspondence Chairperson’s Report Financial Report and Balance Sheet Property Manager’s Report House Manager’s Report Nomination for Chairperson Election of Committee Appointing of Non Committee Trophy Awards 25 & 35 Year Badges Notices of Motion - Constitution changes - enclosed in this Roadrunner General Business Locomobile Report Branch Levy Next Meeting Meeting Closed 10


For a member of the Otago Branch Committee I wish to nominate: _____________________________________________ For the position of: _____________________________________________ on the Branch committee for the 2017/2018 year: Signed:_________________________________ Proposer Membership #___________________________ Signed:_________________________________ Seconder Membership #___________________________ I hereby accept nomination for the above position. Signed: _________________________________Candidate Membership #____________________________ The Vintage Car Club of N.Z. Otago Branch Inc Invites all its members to come along to a POT LUCK LUNCH SUNDAY 18TH JUNE 12.30 PM AT THE CLUBROOMS Bring along a plate of food to share – Some help to heat up, and set food out on the tables would be welcome


Golden Times Rally – Arrowtown Thanks to the Central Otago team who organised this event. They had about 52 entries with the oldest vehicle being Colin and Judy Winters 1900 Wolseley. During morning tea on the Green in Arrowtown this year they had the entrants tossing the dice to gain the highest points and giant sized skittles to throw a giant sized light weight ring over. It provided some entertainment for everyone while we caught up with others on the Rally. This year we had the option of taking a gravel track around the back of the Shotover River to take us to our picnic spot beside the river at Tuckers beach. It is always fun to be able to drive across the historic Shotover river bridge as well. Looks like a lot of cyclists and walkers use this bridge too. There was a limit to the number of vehicles entered in the parade this year. Those who did not join in the parade had the option of either taking a ride out around the vineyards in Gibston Valley, or as we did – enjoy being able to watch the parade this year. For a small community like Arrowtown the talent of residents was obvious with the variety of floats on display. Our car Rally numbers were a giant sized Poppy, which the RSA were selling as part of their Anzac Day Fundraising efforts this year - so part of our entry fee was a donation to the RSA. Some of our Otago Branch members featured in the Prize-giving list – congratulations to those who were presented with certificates during afternoon tea at the Arrowtown Bowling Club.

Hello again everyone. Thanks to those who have sent me items for the magazine. We have a few articles saved for next month. Hope you enjoy this month’s edition. Eleanor 12

Next Visit : BEGG Security Place : 240 Hanover Street Time : 10.30 am Date : Wednesday 14th June Don’t be “locked” up inside when you can come out and enjoy the company of fellow members. This time it should be very educational for us all to learn about fixing locks, programming those electronic car keys, and the latest developments in home security, plus learn about all the other services they offer. After this those of us that wish to share lunch together will meet at the Wharf Hotel. Our thanks for last month’s visit must go to The Home of St Barnabas for hosting us with a tour and history of their establishment. Our members were most impressed by the size and the many outside services they offer. Also, I would any ideas or contacts for future visits – please phone me at 4778296. Is this You? A group of seniors were sitting around talking about all their ailments at a Garden Centre. “My arms have got so weak I can hardly lift this cup of coffee”, said one. “Yes, I know.” said another. “My cataracts are so bad, can’t even see my coffee.” “I couldn’t even mark an “X” at election time because my hands are so disabled,” volunteered a third. “What? Speak up I can’t hear you.” Said one elderly lady. “I can’t turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck.” Said one, to which several nodded weakly in agreement. “My blood pressure pills make me so dizzy!” exclaimed another. “I forget where I am and where I’m going.” Said another. “I guess that’s the price we pay for getting old.” Winced an old man, as he slowly shook his head. The others nodded in agreement.

“Well, count your blessings.” said a woman cheerfully. “Thank God we can all still drive.


OTAGO VCC RESTORATION TROPHY AWARD 2017 1923 Ford Model T Pickup Owner: Gavin Tisdall History of Vehicle This Ford Model T was made in 1923 in Canada. It came to NZ as a touring model (4 door car). It was cut down to a runabout by Robertson Bros (Bert and Dodd) in the late 1930’s and was used in their building business in Middlemarch and as they were also undertakers, it was used as a hearse. It’s claim to fame was “It was used along with two horse and dray’s to remove the dead from the Hyde Rail Disaster”. Robertson Bros sold it to Roly Todd. Ted Dickson of ‘Stevens Garage” Middlemarch was the next owner, followed by Russell Philip who worked in that garage as a mechanic in about 1958. My father, Barney Tisdall bought it in about 1960 for 25 pounds. Dad give it to me in about 1983. Restoration started in earnest in 2007 and was completed in January 2015. Condition of vehicle when restoration started Photographs supplied. Vehicle was complete. Paintwork no existent, original. Vehicle components (i.e. original or salvaged parts) Mostly original, new upholstery, hood and hoodbows. New horn wiring and radiator. Restored by Owner or Professional Restored mostly by owner – and Rims refurbished by Daryl Watson, Tyres fitted by the late Geoff Mehrtens Engine and transmission rebuilt by Ray McCulloch Mags, coils, generator and starter motor refurbished by Gary Young Soda blasting and etch coat of the body done by Stewart Johnston Body work by John Martin

Private Collection of Vintage Clothing

 Men and Women  1920’s - 1970’s era  Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality  Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 488 4033/021 146 4987



Email: otcl@es.co.nz Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029


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