South Canterbury VCC June 2017

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Replica Timaru’s First Car Built by C. W. Wood

June 2017

Lunch Stop at Woodbury Domain on the PV Rally

NOGGIN ANDNATTER First Thursday of the

CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 2017 January 1st January 8th January 14th January 21st

Sunday Sunday Saturday Saturday

Parade at Fairlie Ladies Rally Night Trial Open Day

February 4 - 10th February 19th

Sat - Fri. Sunday

Haast Tour Chairman’s Rally

March 5th March 11th

Sunday Saturday

Mystery Run Mid Island Rally

April 1st April 13th

Saturday Thursday

Swap Meet Mid Week Run

May 11th May 14th

Thursday Sunday

Mid Week Run PV/PWV/P60/P80

June 4th June 8th June 18th

Sunday Thursday Sunday

All British Day Mid Week Run Restoration Run

July 6th July 13th

Thursday A.G.M. Thursday Mid Week Run ————————————--

COVER PV rally entrants parked at Woodbury on a beautiful autumn day. Russell Dales concours winning 1954 MG beside Ross Parkes 1934 Chev ————————————-

50yr Badge Presentation 22nd July 2017 To Barry Smith Alan Hawke and Derek Brownie Seven Oaks $39.00 per person 6pm for Drinks and Meal at 7pm Tickets available from Committee members

COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2016 - 2017 Branch Correspondence to P. O. Box 623, Timaru 7940 E.Mail - Phone 03 688 5234

Chairman ` John Foster (Marion) 615 9066 Vice Chairman Ashley Milliken 686 0834 Secretary Carolyn Gibson (Robert)03 689 1442 Treasurer Nola Day (Alistair) 688 6108 Club Captain Newsletter Ed Bill & Shona Weir 688 6750 Sub Editor Frances Irving 688 0370 C/R Convenor Ashley Milliken (Evelyn)686 0834 Parts Manager John Campbell (Janet) 686 0282 Librarian Barry Barnes (Carla) 688 5105 IT Officer Shannon Stevenson 686 3263 Committee Wayne Irving (Michelle) 688 6457 Terence Irving 688 6457 Neil Manchester 688 2112 Darren Ladbrook (Jo) 688 8999 Trailer Hire John Campbell 686 0282 SWAPMEET COMMITTEE Chairman John Knowles 03 693 7680 Treasurer Nola Day (Alistair) 688 6108 Site Convenor Michelle Munro (Gavin) 686 4824 Grounds Colin Johnstone (Trish) 03 693 9093 Committee Tony McGillen (Gloria) 615 8755 Allan Holland 684 4197 Gavin Munro 686 4824 Peter Cooke 03 685 6207 Murray Martin (Jean) 615 9905 Alan Patrick 615 8803 For Identification Certificate Processing Warren Cox 03 688 8758 Alistair Day 03 688 6108

PARTS DEPARTMENT We have a good selection of Land Rover parts donated, including complete gearboxes and diffs. We are currently wrecking a 1300 Austin, all parts available except motor and gearbox. All the usual parts available such as coils, complete distributors and parts, starters, generators, chrome strips, battery cables, brake shoes, disc pads and much more. Try our Parts Shed first. As I have now completed 3 years as Parts Manager I would be happy for someone else to take over, I would be around to help a new Manager. John Campbell Parts Manager. ——————————————Parts wanted for 1931 1/2 ton Chevrolet pick up. Front mudguards. Seat back and base 11.00 mm wide. Phone Peter. 03 6157436.

Deadline for July Tri Car is 20th June New Address


Would you like to earn some money by working part time for 6 months (July – December Included), for a couple of hours on a Tuesday and Friday as required, erecting Real Estate signs, sold signs etc. all you need is a battery drill. Toyota van and misc. tools supplied. For further details details phone Ross Luscombe 6888515 or 0274359620


7-30pm at Clubrooms, Redruth St, Timaru Kitchen Duty, Bar Duty Speaker, Bruce Washington —————————————

ALL BRITISH DAY, Sunday June 4th Caroline Bay, Timaru north end car park Entry Fee $15 per car Car Show from 9am to 10-30 then a run to a lunch stop ( a sausage sizzle will be available) More info phone Neil 0272011942 —————————————

Mid Week Run June 8th

Meet at Clubrooms 1-30pm, Bring Afternoon Tea and a chair. —————————————-

RESTORATION RUN Sunday 18th June

Meet at Clubrooms 9-30am for 10am start. Bring your lunch and wrap up warm!! —————————————

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6th July 2017 at 7-30pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc) South Canterbury Branch will be held at the Branch Clubrooms, Redruth Street Timaru on Thursday 6th July commencing at 7-30pm. Everyone welcome. Please consider giving some time to the Club and put your name forward for a position on the committee. Nomination Forms in this Tri Car

CHAIRMANS REPORT Yeah Maan!! We have been to Jamaica and Florida recently. It was very warm in Jamaica. Montego Bay is full of large resorts surrounded by eight foot high fences. Some of these resorts are very upmarket and exclusive. Marion did a little snorkling and we both ate well. As all food and drink was "all inclusive" some people were overindulging in drinking rum one hundred different ways. Lots of fun for them, not us! Florida was a different kettle of fish. It was springtime there and the temperatures were pleasant. I understand that Florida can be very hot and humid in summer time. We visited the Universal Studios Theme Park while we were staying in Orlando and stayed there 12 hours to get our moneys worth as it was very expensive. The rides had long queues but worth the wait. They were adult and child orientated and you had to hang on tight! We also visited The Apollo SaturnV Space Center at Cape Canaveral and spent a day learning about the American Space Program. Very interesting! Another day we went alligator spotting on an airboat. We travelled through islands of reed beds on one of Floridas many lakes. A big plus for us in Florida was that we could had some time with our oldest son, Chris. He drove us around . It is good to be back home though. After returning home I caught up with what had been happening in the club and got the Buick ready for the PV, PWV, P60 AND P80 rally. I am grateful to Ashley and other members of the club's committee for looking after the management of the club while I was away. The fore mentioned rally was very well supported. and I thank you for that. Ashley had taken the lead in organising this rally earlier on and we thank him for doing that. Thank you also to the other members who assisted in running the rally. Events coming up are: The All British Day on Queen's Birthday Sunday and the Restoration Rally on June 18th. See you there. John —————————————————


Organisers for the midweek runs for 2017 are JUNE - JOHN FOSTER JULY - ROS/LES WENLOCK AUGUST - BARRY SMITH SEPTEMBER - KEVIN MANCHESTER See Tricar for each months notices


12 cars gathered at club rooms at 1.30 p.m. on an overcast afternoon. On leaving the clubrooms we followed a Renault which led us up Beaconsfield Road where some would have recognised Alan Millar on the large blue tractor close to the road as we passed by. Passing through Otipua we turned off to travel over Brassels bridge, turning down Scott Road. Then after which headed west which took us to the Backline Rd, through Otaio Gorge returning past Holme Station, up the Zig Zag and down Fairview Rd ending up at Don Campbells place, at bottom of the hill. Don showed us his 'prospects' in his garage as well as a "workover" engine job on the Ladbrook's Dodge truck. Taking a chance with the weather most set up chairs outside for a cuppa, while a few took the offer of inside comfort. Another great run. Thanks to Kevin and Nydia for organising this run and to Don and Ruth for their hospitality. Barry Smith.

BLUEBRIDGE COOK STRAIT FERRY Discount code : ANTIQUECAR Valid Travel Dates : Between now and 30th November 2017 Discounted Fares: 10% off all fares. ——————————————— INTERISLANDER FERRY. Booking Reference : WH465. Members are required to present their current NZ Vintage Car Club Membership. For Bookings refer to ———————————————

We’ve now got the sign-off from the National Cancer Society to go ahead. All proceeds raised by Branches will stay in their region. What I need from each Branch is one person to liaise with our Event Director, Melissa Holm (who will oversee the Branch events). Send your branch contact person details to Melissa won’t run your day for you — she is just here to make sure that everyone’s on the same page and tp provide extra help for those that need it. All events will start at the same time on the same day. We want an informal event with a fun element—so get those thinking caps on! The event must be open to anyone who would like to enter, they don’t have to be a VCC member, can be a member of the public or from another car group and don’t have to have a Club eligible vehicle.

This is a chance for us to benefit a very worthwhile charity, gain valuable publicity for our Club as well as enhance our relationship with other car clubs and gain new members.

All British Day

4 June 17

Where – Caroline Bay, Timaru north end car park Entry Fee - $15 per car When – Sunday 4 June car show from 9am to 10.30 then a run to a lunch stop (a sausage sizzle will be available). More info phone Neil 0272011942 —————————————


Open to anyone who would like to enter, they don’t have to be a VCC member, can be a member of the public or from another car group and don’t have to be club eligible cars. All proceeds go to the local Cancer Society in our area. More information to come. Will be a great day and a very worthwhile event for the Cancer Society.


By Barry Barnes I missed a couple of weeks in the Library and in my absence Helen Cholmondeley dropped off a number of books that belonged to her late father, Ken Bush, a car and motorcycle enthusiast for many years. When I say a number of books, we are talking about close to 90 books plus several dealer brochures for Ariel BSA Francis Barnett etc. Staggeringly, there were only 2 or 3 items we already held so this is a mighty addition to our holdings, particularly the motorcycle related books but also the motor racing/motorsport books. All these books will be held together as a separate collection in the wooden cabinet just inside the Library door labelled as “The Bush Family Collection.” I know the motor sport books will be popular and I expect the bike books will be too. I am keen to have a look at the 3 or so sidecar books, of which we previously had the sum total of nil books! The Club is greatly indebted to Helen and her family for making this most generous donation. A reminder that the table is well loaded with duplicates for members to pick over – old Beaded Wheels, N.Z Classic Car, some motorhome and caravan mags plus others. Please help yourselves. ——————————————-

Weekend Away Waitangi Weekend February 2018

It is intended to run another Weekend Away next year but at this stage we have not decided on a location. Some thoughts – 1 Moeraki with a Sunday tour, say fish & chip lunch at Hampden, visit Palmerston and/or Waikouaiti, depending on what there is to check out. 2 Hanmer Springs with a Sunday visit to Kaikoura. Been to Hanmer before but it has good accommodation options. It would be a very long trip, best part of 1000km. Just Kaikoura as venue around 800k round trip using SH1 and inland route 3 Sumner/Heathcote. Ride the gondola/visit Ferrymead/Lyttelton. I would like some feedback from potential participants and am open to other suggestions of venues north south or west (not much to do east!) Barry: phone 6885105 or

FOR GOOD OLD FASHIONED SERVICE AUTO ENGINEERS (1984) LTD 14 EDWARD ST. TIMARU Phone: 688 8452 For all your vintage reconditioning Parts supplies suppliers of Penrite oils to South Canterbury to 20 years Suppliers to Farmlands.

Jaguar Mechanic—A Jaguar mechanic was removing the cylinder head from the the engine of an E type when he spotted a well-known cardiac surgeon in the garage. The surgeon was waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his car when the mechanic shouted out across the garage “Hey Doc—- want to take a look at this?” The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and said—”So Doc, look at this engine. I opened its heart, took the valves out, repaired or replaced anything damaged and then put everything back in. When I finished it worked just like new” “How is it, then, that I make $60,000 a year—while you make $1-5 million when you and I are doing basically the same work?” The cardiac surgeon paused, leaned over and whispered to the mechanic—- “Try doing it with the engine running!!”

Views from the PV Rally

SCVCC Website Updates May updates - All British Day information placed up and given priority on front page - Mystery ramble article placed up - May newsletter placed up Upcoming - Further stories of various runs and event information. For any contributions, please send through to ———————————— Colin Hawke, back to his old tricks. Writing Tickets Oops, Got that wrong, he’s helping out with the PV field tests ED Bill

Quality cars from Britain and America Barry Yates Rover 90 and Dave Diamonds Cadillac

PV,PWV,P60,P80 Rally by Editor Bill

“BEHIND THE HEDGE” This is a 1958 International AA110 pickup. International joined the trend of other pickup manufacturers of this era , Ford with their F100 and Chev with 3100 copying the trend of the car manufacturers, wraparound windscreens and upmarket car type styling capturing the market of farmers and trades people with a personal as well as a work vehicle. This model came out celebrating the Golden Anniversary of International truck manufacture hence the Gold and White colour scheme Anyone know of a tidy cab off this model contact Editor Bill

Ashley Milliken and his team put together a most interesting rally. After a look around Timaru then out around Seadown (not too impressed about the dairy farmer on Phar Lap road though, as Concours Entrants he seems to use the road as his cow lane!) First stop was Levels Raceway where field tests were conducted ( had hoped we may have a lap of the course but no luck there). Interesting field tests included a quiz sheet on commercial motives then John Campbell presented vehicle emblems, followed by Alistair Day and helpers doing the “loop on a rod” test, quite tricky. Then it was on via Temuka , out through Clandeboye and for the long route entrants a tour around Orton Rangitata, Ashley insisting we experience every The Goodmans Citroen getting a gravel road in the area! look over

Even the locals were shocked at all these rally cars on their roads, local Pickups took to the grass as well as a girl driving a large tractor and silage wagon, but we did get a friendly wave from them all. We ended up for lunch at the Woodbury Domain, a lovely spot, the day being pleasant gave everyone the opportunity to view the very diverse selection of entrants cars. The fire was going Alistair Day’s latest restoration a Hillman Super Minx seen on the PV Rally in the hall for the very nice afternoon tea, then prize giving.

Nelson Bowden on the PV Rally proudly standing beside his latest “barn find” a very tidy Volvo 760, it’s even got shiny paint, unusual for one of Nelson’s finds ———————————————

The Southland Branch invite you to participate in the Many thanks to Ashley Milliken, Evelyn and helpers for putting together a very enjoyable rally.

Sth Island Easter Rally 2018, Friday 30th March to Sunday 1 st April As the Jaguar Car Club is also hosting their national event in Invercargill that weekend we recommend you book your accommodation early. Our event will be based around Stadium Southland and there is a good range of accommadation in this general area. Bill Richardson Transport World and Classic Motorcycle Mecca, two world class attractions will be open over the Easter weekend


Time Trial

Dale Bros sawmillers of Winchester were in business for several years on Rise Road just over the railway line. Russell Dale a descendant supplied these photographs, one shows their truck of the day ( a 1936 D6 International) in a procession in Winchester in the 1950s. Complete with a huge log on board plus other sawmilling gear. The second photo taken much later in the 1970s shows their International C series logging truck down the embankment on the north side of the Rangitata River due to a front left tyre blowout and subsequentl loss of control coming down the hill onto the bridge. The driver escaped unhurt and was very lucky not to hit the bridge abutment and also not to have had his load of logs come through the cab. No wonder todays logger have a sudstantial protective headboard behind the cab!

PV Bob Austin PWV Lyndon Goodman P60 Trevor Walker P80 Peter Rhodes

Many thanks to Russell for providing this information. ED

PV PWV P60 P80

John Lester Gavin Ladbrook Darren Ladbrook Bill Lawrence


1932 Austin 10 1947 Citroen 1977 Triumph 1986 Ford Field Tests 1935 Morris 8 1957 Dodge 1963 Ford Falcon Futura 1984 Ford Telstar

Neville Christian Cup

Russell Dale 1954 MG TF

Fred Whiteley Cup Best PV & PWV Overall Bob Austin 1932 Austin 10 Jim& Pat Geddes Trophy Best P60 Overall Darren Ladbrook 1963 Ford Falcon Futura Les Irving Family Cup Best P80 Overall Peter Rhodes 1986 Ford Sierra Cosworth Bill Macarthur Trophy Best Performed AmericanVehicle Gavin Ladbrook 1957 Dodge ——————————————-

Scenes from the field tests at Levels Raceway on the PV/ PWV/P60/ P80 Rally

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