South Canterbury VCC May 2017

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Vintage section winner Terence Irving in his “Irishman” Model A followed by Daryn Ladbrook and family in their “Barn Find” Dodge 6 Sedan.

Post 80 Winner Clive Merry’s Mercedes, left. Max Millar and Rose’s Daimler and Ashburton members Trevor and Craig Begg in their 37 Chev. CLUBROOMS 19-25 REDRUTH ST TIMARU SOUTH

Replica Timaru’s First Car Built by C. W. Wood

May 2017

Trio of Model A’s

Ron Coopers new acquisition a Hillman Minx driving out followed by the Walkinshaws in their Vauxhall

Bruce McIlroy and daughter of Ashburton in their “Irishman special” Model A on the rally. This shows the wide cross section of vehicles entered

NOGGIN ANDNATTER First Thursday of the Month

CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 2017 January 1st January 8th January 14th January 21st

Sunday Sunday Saturday Saturday

Parade at Fairlie Ladies Rally Night Trial Open Day

February 4 - 10th February 19th

Sat - Fri. Sunday

Haast Tour Chairman’s Rally

March 5th March 11th

Sunday Saturday

Mystery Run Mid Island Rally

April 1st April 13th

Saturday Thursday

Swap Meet Mid Week Run

May 11th May 14th

Thursday Sunday

Mid Week Run PV/PWV/P60/P80

June 4th June 8th June 18th

Sunday Thursday Sunday

All British Day Mid Week Run Restoration Run

July 6th July 13th


Thursday A.G.M. Thursday Mid Week Run ———————————-

A soggy day for the Mid Island Rally. Vehicles parked outside the Waitohi Hall for the lunch stop.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2016 - 2017 Branch Correspondence to P. O. Box 623, Timaru 7940 E.Mail - Phone 03 688 5234

Chairman ` John Foster (Marion) 615 9066 Vice Chairman Ashley Milliken 686 0834 Secretary Carolyn Gibson (Robert)03 689 1442 Treasurer Nola Day (Alistair) 688 6108 Club Captain Newsletter Ed Bill & Shona Weir 688 6750 Sub Editor Frances Irving 688 0370 C/R Convenor Ashley Milliken (Evelyn)686 0834 Parts Manager John Campbell (Janet) 686 0282 Librarian Barry Barnes (Carla) 688 5105 IT Officer Shannon Stevenson 686 3263 Committee Wayne Irving (Michelle) 688 6457 Terence Irving 688 6457 Neil Manchester 688 2112 Darren Ladbrook (Jo) 688 8999 Trailer Hire John Campbell 686 0282 SWAPMEET COMMITTEE Chairman John Knowles 03 693 7680 Treasurer Nola Day (Alistair) 688 6108 Site Convenor Michelle Munro (Gavin) 686 4824 Grounds Colin Johnstone (Trish) 03 693 9093 Committee Tony McGillen (Gloria) 615 8755 Allan Holland 684 4197 Gavin Munro 686 4824 Peter Cooke 03 685 6207 Murray Martin (Jean) 615 9905 Alan Patrick 615 8803 For Identification Certificate Processing Warren Cox 03 688 8758 Alistair Day 03 688 6108

Hi Folks


"Could the person who mistakenly uplifted the FIVA Flag from the 2016 International Rally Headquarters in Dunedin, please return it to the National Office"

NOGGIN & NATTER, Thursday,4th May 2017

I know that it was over a year ago, but so far it has not been located so it is hoped that one of the entrants may have accidentally picked it up.


Ashburton Swapmeet 6th May 2017 Swapmeet Bookings email ——————————————————

PV/ PWV/P60/ P80 Sunday May 14th Entries close with Ashley Milliken, 18 Apsley St. Timaru on May7th

Kind Regards

Meet at the clubrooms, Redruth St Timaru for Morning Tea at 9-00am on Sunday May 14th, Briefing 9-30am, first car leaving at 10am.

Julie Cairns - Gee Administration Manager

Vintage Car Club of NZ - National Office ————————————————————-

FC Holden unrestored needs paint good going order, also 1974 mini $5000. WANTED PARTS FOR AP6 VALIANT. phone 6159668 or 0226369961.


Deadline for June Tri Car is 16th May ALL articles for Newsletter please email to New Address

7-30pm at Clubrooms, Redruth St, Timaru Kitchen Duty, Bar Duty

As Max Miller and Rose will be doing the newsletter in our absence for 2 months

ALL BRITISH DAY, Sunday June 4th Where – Caroline Bay, Timaru north end car park Entry Fee - $15 per car When – Sunday 4 June car show from 9am to 10.30 then a run to a lunch stop (a sausage sizzle will be available). More info phone Neil 0272011942

National Motorcycle Rally

By Barry Barnes

A bit over a year ago my brother asked me if Carla and I would like to attend the National M/C Rally in Palmerston North offering the use of his 1980 Suzuki and Sabiston sidecar as an inducement. Despite being only a week after the end of the Haast Tour we agreed and Trevor duly booked a motel, while we booked flights. Next thing we heard was the Rally was a no go due to local problems with organization. Fortunately, a group of Auckland and Waikato members stepped into the breach and organized for the event to be held at Waitomo. This involved about double the travel for us getting to and from the venue, so we arranged to leave Upper Hutt as soon as possible after arriving on the Thursday, heading for Bulls. Trevor had his Honda 400/4 on the trailer largely so we would have his car for transport in Waitomo and the plan was to share riding of the Suzuki if need be. We had a good trip to Bulls but that night it started to rain, fulfilling the ominous weather forecast for the whole weekend. It was still raining heavily in the morning, and as befits a dutiful younger brother, Trevor agreed to take first stint on the bike. As a dedicated motorcyclist, his waterproofs are much better than mine anyway. Although the rain did ease, it was still raining until nearing Waiouru. Trevor opted to carry on to Waitomo with which I had no argument. Rally HQ was at the local Rugby Club where the weather was good enough for the BBQ evening meal to proceed without complication. Some rain fell overnight and the outlook from our holiday home was misty but we started in fine weather and had a delightful run through the very scenic local countryside over good motorcycling roads to the field tests and lunch stop at the Piopio High School. Carla and I took time out after lunch to visit the local Museum which was very interesting but sadly not well supported by Rally entrants, though the supporters bus arrived just as we were leaving. Very near the end of the run we struck a heavyish shower but it was quite brief and had stopped by the time I found a place to pull over to let Carla put on her rain jacket, so we very lucky.

FOR GOOD OLD FASHIONED SERVICE AUTO ENGINEERS (1984) LTD 14 EDWARD ST. TIMARU Phone: 688 8452 For all your vintage reconditioning Parts supplies suppliers of Penrite oils to South Canterbury to 20 years Suppliers to Farmlands.

The Southland Branch invite you to participate in the

Sth Island Easter Rally 2018, Friday 30th March to Sunday 1 st April As the Jaguar Car Club is also hosting their national event in Invercargill that weekend we recommend you book your accommodation early. Our event will be based around Stadium Southland and there is a good range of accommadation in this general area. Bill Richardson Transport World and Classic Motorcycle Mecca, two world class attractions will be open over the Easter weekend

BLUEBRIDGE COOK STRAIT FERRY Discount code : ANTIQUECAR Valid Travel Dates : Between now and 30th November 2017 Discounted Fares: 10% off all fares. ——————————————— INTERISLANDER FERRY. Booking Reference : WH465. Members are required to present their current NZ Vintage Car Club Membership. For Bookings refer to ——————————————— FOR SALE Repco wheel balancer , Working order , 2 cones and adapter plate, Owned 20years and little work , Checked as accurate in the last month, 3 phase needed and plug not supplied .

165R13 sat pattern mud grip tires, cold press Retreads new 10mm tread depth & 155r13 sat pattern mud grip tires, cold press retreads . Used 6.5mm tread depth Richard on 03 6855713 or

Visiting Paul Robins Barn, Geraldine

That night there was a well-attended pea pie and pud(ding) meal at Woodlyn Park then watched the one man show put on for tourists which supposedly highlights the NZ backblocks culture. The shearing and logging demonstrations were interesting but most of the patter and attempts at humour did not strike a chord with me. Sunday was a write off with rain in the morning and a waterlogged area for the afternoon Gymkhana and Inter Branch Challenge, so they were called off. Most people took the opportunity for some touring and I saw many hardy motorcyclists heading off in rainy conditions to visit scenic spots. No breakfast at our digs that morning owing to finding ants in our muesli (!) so we went for a trip to Otorohanga where we had breakfast. Sunday night prize giving followed an excellent dinner at Woodlyn Park. As the only S.C. entrant I was chuffed to receive the 3rd place award in the combination section which comprised 6 outfits, one of which did not take part on the run, so it was an undeserved award really. I have to take my hat off to the organisers, none of whom lived locally for an excellently organized event, well put together, in about half the usual time frame. There was a good variety of machines in all the Club categories though understandably it was slanted towards the later machines most of which were ridden to the event. I particularly liked the 1913 BSA and 1912 LMC with wicker sidecar among many very desirable bikes. Our return journey was via Taupo, having gone around the other side of Mt Ruapehu on the way up. We stayed overnight there and saw a number of the Bentleys currently visiting NZ with the Bentley Drivers Club. Must cost a bomb to ship cars out from the UK, but they do it on a regular basis, so it says something about the motoring we take for granted in NZ. Our journey home to Upper Hutt was in lovely weather interspersed with lunch in Hunterville and a visit to the Dutch Mill (Molen) in Foxton. I clocked up about 900km on the Suzuki and Carla accompanied me for all of it. Sidecar travel is good fun and maybe we will make it to the next National in Blenheim in 2019.


National Motorcycle Rally {Palmerston North

How true the late John Clarke was when he said" We Dont Know How Lucky We Are."Weatherwise it was a dream day' one couldn’t have ordered better. The Swapmeet went off without a hitch everything fell into place . With Colin Johnston being called away to attend to his wifes needs members stepped up and assisted in a way that true Kiwis. do. Special thanks go to Michelle & Gavin Munro for the long hours put in accepting sites and bookings and still smiling at the end, To those members that who did the week day shift and to those who assisted on the Friday and gate keeping on the Saturday as well as clearing up on the Sunday you all helped make the Swapmeet a success it was. Thankyou. The 50 or 60 sites I visited on the afternoon only 2or3 said they would not attend next year otherwise all site holders had a good day and thats what we want to hear Thats it for another year Thankyou for all the help .Regards John Knowles Swapmeet Chairman

Afternoon Run April On a lovely sunny afternoon! Well actually it was cold & rainy, 3 cars & 1 modern waited at the club rooms to go on a run. But no one had any idea who was supposed to be organising it. So after a quick chat we headed off up Otipua Rd, down Kellands Hill & out through the middle towards Temuka. We decided it was too cold to picnic so headed to the Temuka Pottery Café. We had a great afternoon tea & long chat sitting in the warm at a round table, then headed back to town. Thanks to those that were on the run, it was great to relax & catch up

SCVCC Website Updates Website April 2017 - Mid Island Video placed up - Chris Chambers Austin 7 video placed up - PV Rally entry form placed up - Further behind the scenes wordpress updates. ————————————————-

New Members == Welcome to our club Catherine Wilson &Lauel Brough, Pleasant Point.

Lee Crowe Timaru. David Lister, Temuka

PARTS DEPARTMENT Don’t forget, your parts department is open Wednesday morning for any parts that you may need for the restoration that you are working on. Also open on club nights. John Campbell

Lloyd Wallace, Timaru. Aaran Campbell . Owen Offen , St Andrews Ken Patterson , St Andrews

CLASSIC TRUCK MUSEUM Opening This proved to be an excellent event at the Sth Canterbury Vintage Machinery Club at Levels . A selection of vehicles from throughout the Sth Island were on display. Also a large number of the public turned up for this occasion . Seen at the opening of the Classic Truck Museum at the Vintage Machinery Club at Levels, the official party, Mayor Damon Odey, MP Jo Goodhew, Bobby Mehrtens and Fred White using the Munro’s Ford AA truck as a stage


Hi everyone, John is away this month so here we go , April kicked off with a bang, with another successful Swap Meet. On Behalf of all members I extend my grateful thanks to John Knowles and his team for their hard work in making it happen and to all members who helped in some way including gate duty & cleanup. Thanks also to Val Hatton & Lex Westoby for their efforts on the loud speaker system. The noggin & natter took place on April 6th when Alistair & Ashley spoke about the 6th monthly VCC executive meeting in Auckland .They were able to share their views with the members present on the night. April 13th was the first Thursday Run, the weather did not co operate. Was sorry to read of the passing of Member Lyndsay Prentice in April .The Club Secretary sent a sympathy card to his family on behalf of members. A sympathy card was also sent to John & Mary Lester acknowledging the passing of John’s mother. The next rally is “The PV,PWV,P60 & P80 Rally on May 14th. To Date 15 entries have been received. Help will be required to run the event so please let me know if you can help The “All British Day” is on at Queens Birthday Sunday. Neil Manchester is the Co –ordinator & he will appreciate some assistance on the day. The club AGM is in July .There are a number of key vacancies that need filling. Vice Chairman Secretary Club Captain Clubroom Convenor Newsletter Editor. If you are able to fill a role or are just thinking about it, please have a chat to me in confidence. Everybody is into recycling these days , just because you may have held a club position in the past, doesn’t mean your future contribution won’t be appreciated. I held the position of chairman in the early 1990’s whilst running a business & managing a young family. I still consider myself to be a younger member even though the big 70 is nearly here !

Cutting the ribbon Ashley

BEHIND THE HEDGE Seen parked among willows a 1962 P5 Rover still in quite good shape but less engine and grille. This model had the well proven Rover 6 cylinder. These were a quality car generally purchased by Doctors and professional people, not a cheap car. The next series of this model produced were the P5B, the same body was used but the power plant was the iconic Buick alloy V/8 the patents purchased by Rover for use in the Range Rover. The P5B performed very creditably with this engine the only other visual difference was the addition of MG type wheels. There was also a Coupe version, a very smart looking car.

MID ISLAND RALLY. A soggy day greeted an excellent number of over Sixty entrants for the event, a tour around the sights of Timaru then out around the hinterland west, some got lost before even leaving the South End of Timaru and some were south end residents!! An interesting route took us out through Rosewill, top of Levels Valley, again a trick instruction had some, your editors included, deviating up the wrong road and some even travelling out over Sutherlands road to meet up again where they were supposed to be at the top of Smart Munro road! Eventually we arrived at the Waitohi Hall for lunch luckily an indoor venue due to the continuing inclement weather. The afternoon run took us through Seven Sisters road Waitohi, onto Earl Rd to Spechleys Bridge then to a surprise visit to a huge new display barn belonging to Eric and Tess Robin’s son Paul. Pauls collection included Myselfmeticulously in the cargo deck of the KC 135 restored heavy army artillery as well as a varied selection of vehicles including Eric and Tess’s Darragh. This visit completed a very enjoyable rally despite the weather. Thanks to Nola Day and helpers for making it happen. ( dodgy instructions and all)

In Pauls collection an AC Cobra with a Australian built military issue International ACCO behind.. Some of the military heavy artillery.

I’d appointed myself honary member of 3 squadron as nobody else was going to ,wearing their giveaway patch stickers. This had it’s reward at the end of the first day as I managed to get on board the F16 refueling plane (KC135 stratotanker for the plane spotters) with some of the real 3 squadron guys. 35 bucks admission per day was good value, and I’m looking forward to the next one.

Ed ” BLOODY BIG PLANE. “ Always wonder how these things stay in the air. C17 Globemaster of USAF

MID ISLAND RESULTS. 11 AIR TATTOO, Ohakea I know this is a car magazine however as some of our members swing both ways (cars and planes) heres a scribble where I went at the end of February . I was in a bit of a dilemma about which tattoo to get on my ear of all places, and importantly how much it would hurt a softy like me. Then it dawned on me it was an upmarket name for an airshow celebrating 80 years of the RNZAF. So it was John Hardie and myself off to Ohakea for a couple of days, yep, Dumb and Dumber all over again. They had two days of

by Grant Stewart


March 2017. HUGH MERCER TROPHY - Overall Veteran - Stewart Frew

LINDIS SPRAY PAINTING- Veteran Concours- Stewart Frew ANNETTE & DARLING TROPHY- Veteran Field test –1st- The Armiger Family 2nd-Stewart frew WEST END MOTORS TROPHY – Veteran Time trial- 1st Stewart Frew 2nd The Armiger family st A V MARTYN CUP – Vintage Time Trial- 1 Terence Irving 2nd Rodger Baird 3rd Les Bennett SC VCC CUP- Vintage Field Tests - 1st Terence Irving 2nd Barry Barnes

3rd Barry Smith Excelsior Trophy - Vintage Overall- Terence Irving SC VCC Cup- Vintage Concours- Donald Campbell M & M Small Trophy - - PV & PWV Time Trail- 1st Joe Barker 2nd Barry Yates rd 3 Ron Cooper st Myself in the cargo deck of the KC 135 PV & PWV Field Tests - 1 Ross Walkinshaw 2nd Barry Yates with 3 Squadron guys. Scary thing is 3rd John Miller they wanted a photo with me !! PV & PWV Overall- Joe Barker Jim & Pat Geddes Trophy- Best Post 60 Overall- Rebecca George the airshow, old and new, Post 60 Plaque- Concours- Bernie Fairbrass static and flying, kiwi and Post 60 Time Trial – 1st Rebecca George overseas planes. Our airforce 2nd Norman Bunt had their first public display of 3rd Rodney Don the Black Falcons aerobatic Post 60 Field Tests- 1st Max Millar team in the T6C Texans, and 2nd Rebecca George also another first, formation 3rd Norman Bunt flying with Orion, Boeing 757 Kevin Heywood Memorial Trophy- Post 80 Overall – Clive Merry and 2 Hercules. Post 80 Time Trial- 1st Clive Merry Most impressive for me was 2nd Bill Lawrence the flying display of the John Hardie checking out the NH90. Note Post 80 Field Tests- 1st Clive Merry American F16 jet. The pilot which side of the tape he is on. Possibly to pro2nd Bill Lawrence gave it heaps, it was so agile tect the rest of the public from him SC VCC Cup - Motor Cycle- Concours- Lex Westoby and responsive. Just as enMotor Cycle -Field Tests – Lex Westoby tertaining was the American doing the PA commentary, all the patriotsm showMotor Cycle - Time trial - Lex Westoby I Aged Mileage Trophy ing through. To think the NZ Air Force could be flying these if it wasn’t for a st Commercial Field Test – 1 Pauline Young The Armiger Family change of government. I’ve still got a leaflet printed with F16’s in NZ roundels nd 2 Donald Campbell that was ready to coincide with us buying them. Also flying was the Aussie 3rd Eddy Gould I Lady Driver-Rebecca George FA18 jet, sounding a lot more gruntier than the F16. Singapore had their F15’s st Commercial Time Trial – 1 Donald Campbell on static display. Old school planes included Harvard, Spitfire, Avenger, Devon 2nd Pauline Young I and the DC3 was doing joyrides. The army troops were there also, shooting down a few enemy, under the supervision of General Nix.


Eric and Tess Robins in their DARRACQ in son Pauls display barn.

Concours Cars at clubrooms, Oldest vehicle on Rally. The Armigers of Oamaru , Clement Bayard beside Grant Stewarts Durant .

“Armiger Junior� in the Clement Bayard Lucky for Neil Manchester, John Austin was on the Rally to deal to an ignition problem with the 1936 Chev Coupe

The bravest man on the day Lex Westoby wrapped up in wet weather gear, the only motorcyclist on the rally

The workers Nola Day, Michelle Munro and helper and Marion Foster and helper Field staff

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