February 2017
Southland Branch - Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. PO Box 1240, Invercargill 9840
Next Meeting: Ariki Lodge, 46 Ariki Ave, Otatara 7:30pm Thursday, 23rd February, 2017
February 2017 November 2004
Office Bearers 2016/2017 215 7136 217 9393 217 9667 southland@vcc.org.nz Treasurer Sheryn Warren 2170524 Club Captain Brian Dunick 218 2434 Bulletin Editor Dave Harris 215 6068 or 0272016722 dcharris@southnet.co.nz Southland Branch website www.sporty.co.nz/southlandvintagecar VCC website www.vcc.org.nz VCC forum www.trash.co.nz/vccbb
Patron Chairman Secretary
Wayne Nicoll Donald Ward Janet McCulloch
Social Roster Bar Duty
Bar Open 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm
25.02.2017 04.03.2017 11.03.2017 18.03.2017 25.03.2017 01.04.2017 08.04.2017 15.04.2017
Brian Dunick Ron Irwin Russell Jenkins Peter Pryde Tony Warren Trevor Wilkey Lex Simpson Brian Dunick
Veteran Rally
February 2017
From the Editor Well February is a very busy month for me. It started with the Wednesday run on the 1st, then I was away on the South Canterbury Branch Haast Tour for 8 days. I still have the Evolution Motorsport Classic SpeedFest to go as well as a four day fishing trip to Lake Alexandrina. Couple this with getting cars ready for the Haast Tour and SpeedFest and it doesn’t leave much time for anything else. Most of the preparation for the Oakland was done in January as it needed to be ready for the Wednesday run but there were still a couple of jobs to do as well as sorting out tools etc and packing before departure. The race car is almost ready for SpeedFest as I write this with only a change of gear ratios and a general check over needed so that will only take a couple of hours. The Haast tour was good run although there were dramas before I left when my passenger, John Felder from Melbourne, received notification that our accommodation in Cromwell had been cancelled due to a double booking. This was late Friday night for Saturday accommodation. Before I left on Saturday morning I rang Marg and Angus Katon and they were able to fit us in at their lovely home in Cromwell. They had others staying but there was room for all. The rest of the tour went well with no major issues although I had to stop to cool the brakes on the way down the Haast Pass and the car was a little reluctant to leave Fox Glacier after heavy rain the previous day and overnight. However once running it went well up the coast to Hokitika. The day we travelled from Haast to Fox Glacier was (Continued on page 4)
Cover Photo: Br ent Blackmor e with his Bentley at Ascot Par k Hotel during the Bentley and Lagonda Tour of NZ.
February 2017 November 2004
(Continued from page 3)
forecast to be wet, with the rain getting heavier as the day went on. It was actually dry when we left Haast and we hurried to Fox before it got too heavy, completing the run with the roof down. It had stopped by the next morning but everything was wet. The only other rain we had was morning rain in Westport but this soon stopped and the roof came down less than half an hour up the road. Generally road conditions were good although there were warnings in the instructions regarding the run over the Lewis Pass and much heavier traffic due to the closure of SH1 after the earthquake. However it wasn’t the traffic that was an issue on this road, but the road works. Several stops, mainly for resealing. This did tend to bunch the traffic up but the big trucks are slow on the uphill sections so I could keep pace. That said, it was a relief to turn off into Hanmer Springs and take a break. The tour ended in Hanmer Springs so from there it was two days to get home with an overnight stop in Christchurch. The run from Christchurch home was a long one, with three stops for gas (I hadn’t filled when we arrived in Christchurch so the first stop was before I was out of town) and one for food. Overall the tour was a good run with no issues and thanks to the South Canterbury crew for that. Next month I am away to Melbourne to go to the Phillip Island Classic Motor Racing and the Australian F1 GP. I will need to complete the Rumour before I leave so I will need information earlier than usual. The closing date will be March 14th. That will give me a couple of days to sort everything out before I depart on the 17th. Barbara will then send it to the printer and email it out at the normal time.
February 2017
Chairman’s Report Well another month has past by and I am not too sure where the time has gone. I arrived home from my holiday with my brother and his family in Australia in time for the Southland Rally. From the Club’s view point the rally went very well and I would like to thank everyone that helped with the organising and running of the rally and many thanks to the cooks and helpers for an excellent BBQ, as usual they produced a brilliant meal. Many people commented on the fact that they had enjoyed the rally and meal so, well done everyone, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Congratulations to Bill Ainge who won the Rally. Our next rally is the Veteran Rally in March, so I hope people have been doing any necessary work on their vehicles in preparation for the Rally. I am looking forward to seeing many of the older vehicles out and about on our roads. We hope that a few more of you have had a chance to look at the Club,s website (www.sporty.co.nz/southlandvintagecar) over the last few months. I would like to encourage some of you to try using the online entry form for our rallies, a few of our members have already used the online entry form for the Southland Rally and I have not heard anyone say that they had any problems. Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are on gravel roads.
February Branch Meeting David Hart will have his twin engine Mini Moke at the February meeting and will tell us all about it.
February 2017 November 2004
Ladies Run
Sunday 12th Feb 2017.
An assortment of cars, mainly modern, made a 1pm start from the Burt Munro statue at Feldwick gates. The run took us through town, up Oteramika Road to Kennington, and from there to the outskirts of Winton, where we were taken back to our childhood memories at the Central Southland Museum where our hostess, Noeleen McGregor, has displays set up in various rooms, each with a different theme. The childhood memories theme was continued at Magnolia Tree, the scene of our posh afternoon tea, when we were put through a brain tester by Chris, which challenged our nursery rhyme knowledge. Alice thanked those who attended, and announced that she and Chris were retiring and this would be their last run. Many thanks to Alice and Chris for organising another great day out.
Denise and Lesley.
Ladies (and others) at the Central Southland Museum 6
February 2017
Russell’s Ramblings Ron Urwin is quietly restoring a 1911 Model 30 Cadillac which he has owned for some time. He is repairing the diff housing which was rusted through in places. This auto sat in Robert’s yard in Drummond and belonged to the local grocer. It originally came from near Christchurch and was the last model without a starter and had acetylene lamps. Tony Longman has restored a rare NZ made Tiki sports car. About a dozen of these fibreglass vehicles were made at George and Ashtons in Dunedin. Tony’s is four cylinder but some had V8 engines. It is painted bright red as Tony realises sports cars will go faster in this colour. Archie Donaghy is restoring a 1947-49 model BSA B32 which has been in his possession for some time. He is looking for magneto controls. The 1912 Vulcan of Tony Warren has a near completed body and guards. He has machined blanks for the gearbox gears to be machined from. Carl Wood (a Gore member) has purchased the 1907 single cylinder Rover from Gore that was for sale on Trademe. He has diff casings to machine and fit a crown wheel and pinion, otherwise it looks fairly complete. Diversifying, Arthur Warren has been involved at Richardson’s Transport World in rebuilding Tram No. 32. This Invercargill tram came from The Key, donated by a farmer. It sounds like a major job with metal and wood replacement. Bentleys and Lagondas in Invercargill. I took my Aston Martin to show the flag at the Ascot Park Hotel where 19 Bentleys and four Lagondas were on display. My car looked small parked next to a 6½ litre Bentley. The cars had been unloaded at Lyttleton, travelled through Tekapo, down the Catlins Coast road to the city. A Lagonda Rapier owner had a look at a similar car at Bruce Berg’s. All the vehicles were in excellent condition with no mechanical problems. Travelling to Te Anau, some drivers went via Riverton and others visited the Croyden Aircraft Company at Mandeville. Their journey takes them up the West Coast, crossing the strait and travelling as far as Cape Reinga. The next visit of interest to Invercargill members will be Riley cars at the end of the month. Watch this space.
Russell Early Closing!!!! Closing date for next Rumour is March 14th Rumour
February 2017 November 2004
Wed Run – 1st February 2017
Starting from the Racecourse we were taken on a tour out through Woodlands, Rimu, Mokotua, around the back of Ballance, down to Bluff and back to our destination – the Awarua Communications Museum - Awarua Radio ZLB After our picnic lunch, we were seated in the Movie Theatre and given an absolute treat. The movie show was like going back in time, reminiscent of a visit to the movies in the 1950’s. Brilliant. Even ice cream at half time. At the finish of the show we were free to wander around the Museum and check out transmission equipment used at the radio station from set up in 1913, forward. Also on display a collection of telephone history and related gear, and an excellent display of old domestic radios. A wonderful and important display of Southland, and NZ history, fitted into a small space. A fascinating insight into how the world of communications ran, until this new digital age, where everything has to be done “like yesterday” . If you haven’t been, you should go. A real education. Thank you Ferg Cheers Viv Hayman
Wed Run – 1st March 2017
The March run will depart from the Racecourse gates at 10.30am, as usual. The cost will be $15.00 per head and payable at the start. Phone entries to Barry or Viv Hayman by Sunday the 26th February @ 2163639 Looking forward to seeing you.
February 2017
February 2017 November 2004
Southland Rally 2017 There were 62 entries for this rally, evenly split between the long route and the short route. The long route was about 60 miles and the short route about 40 miles to the venue, the Glenham Community Centre. Unfortunately it had been too wet to go into the car park paddock at Maple Glen gardens – a shame. As mentioned the lunch venue and end of rally was at the Glenham Community Centre, where it was just tight enough to get everybody parked and run the field tests. The trophies were awarded back at the clubrooms prior to tea, which was a superbly presented BBQ- well done Tony, Sheryn and James. As is usual none of this could have been possible without some dedicated teamwork: thanks to Trevor and Norma for mapping the routes and selecting the venue – excellent. Thanks to those that manned (or womanned) the end of the time sections and the field tests, Brilliant. Thanks also to the out of towners from Gore, Cromwell and Oamaru. And finally thanks to the weather god who heard our prayers and blessed us with a half decent day. Cheers from the Scribbly Scribe.
Gathering at the Club rooms for the start of the Southland Rally 10
February 2017
Southland Rally Results Veteran Road Section:
1 Roy Shanks 1915 Ford 2 Casey Lyons 1912 Humber Field Tests: 1 Ashley Bell 1912 Renault LX 2 Casey Lyons 1912 Humber Best Performance by a 4 Cylinder, Road Section Roy Shanks 1915 Ford Best Performance by a 1 & 2 Cylinder, Road Section Ashley Bell 1912 Renault LX Herman Cup, Concours Roy Shanks 1915 Ford Vintage Overall Winner Bill Ainge 1929 Austin 12/4 Road Section: 1 Russell McIvor 1930 Aston Martin 2 Wayne Raynor 1929 Dodge Field Tests: 1 Bill Ainge 1929 Austin 12/4 2 David Calvert 1930 Ford Model A D. Willis Trophy, Veteran & Vintage Motorcycle Field Tests Casey Lyons 1912 Humber Ray McCulloch Cup, Best Performance Vet & Vin Motorcycle Road Section Casey Lyons 1912 Humber Coutts Eunson Cup, Concours J ohn Mar tin 1926 Alvis 12/50 Post Vintage / Post War Ian & Neville Ridd Cup, Motorcycles – Overall Winner Steve Lee 1952 AJS Kingsford-Smith Trophy, Cars – Overall Winner Ger r y Pethick 1957 Humber Road Section: 1 Malcolm McDonald 1936 BSA Car 2 Steve Lee 1952 AJS Field Tests: 1 Gerry Pethick 1957 Humber 2 Steve Lee 1952 AJS Post 60 Overall Winner: Stuar t Fr ancis 1977 BMW Road Section: 1 Stuart Francis 1977 BMW 2 Jim Taylor 1964 Holden Field Tests: 1 David Stuart 1966 Falcon Deluxe Hard Top 2 Alice Craig 1977 Chevrolet Silverado Post 80 Overall Winner: David North 1986 Toyota Road Section: Peter Hilston 1985 Mercedes 500 SL Field Tests: 1 David North 1986 Toyota 2 Ray McCulloch 1984 Yahama Dave Brass Memorial Cup, Best Lady Driver Jenny Cummings 1964 Hilman Minx NZ Motor Corp Challenge Cup, Best Performance by an Austin Bill Ainge 1929 Austin 12/4 John Dale Bent Rod, Hard Luck Trophy David McIvor 1913 16/20 Sunbeam New Zealand Automobile Association, Overall Winner Bill Ainge 1929 Austin 12/4
February 2017 November 2004
Moped, Scooter Run – 12 February
Firstly a big thanks to Bruce Marshall and his many helpers from Winton for another great scooter run. All arrived by 10am for a cup of tea and a scone for morning tea at Bruce`s home for a get together, natter and rally briefing. At 10.30 approx. 28 blue smoking, stinking, smelly scooters were away. First stop to be at Findlater Sawmill at Tussock Creek and meet Carl Findlater to show us around his sawmill and fire up his huge wood fired boiler that runs the generator which runs his sawmilling business. Carl gave a great talk at some length about the whole set up and it was really out of this world and talk about Kiwi ingenuity! Nobody appeared to be in a hurry to leave, it was so interesting. Yes I was born in the wrong time zone so hard to take it all in. Away on the road again. Lunch break to the sheltered picnic ground of Derrick Turnbull, Tussock Creek. Tea or coffee made the old fashioned way, wood burning thermets (no power here). Sammy’s and bacon egg slices. Fit for a king. A bit of tinkering to assist some of the bikes to get going and away to view some really big huge bikes at Brian Cartwright’s property. Brian makes and exports most of these big beasts to Australia where they are used for mainly drag racing. He also has quite a few of them registered and road worthy over there. They are powered by Chev 327 V8 motors. He started one of them up for us - sounds lovely. Yes he did have one there for sale but I don’t think Ann would like me spending $50,000 though. Brian had one in E Hays showroom, you all would have seen. It’s really, really big. And, yes he has a drag strip on his property there if you are brave enough - 200 miles an hour. Unfortunately he was going to have one for us to watch run down the drag strip but a week or so earlier it put a leg out of bed, so to speak, so now he’s waiting for a new motor to arrive.
February 2017
Calendar Of Events Southland Branch Events 4th March 18th, 19th March 13th May 20th May
Veteran Rally Switzers Run See Ferg McDowell for details. Waimea Motorcycle Run Post war, Post 60, Post 80 Rally
Local Events 25th February 11th March 19th March
Otautau Car Show Holt Park, Otautau, 11:00am to 3:30pm Sunrise Rotary car boot sale Centre Point grounds contact Lynn Asher 0274 323 739 Harvest Day Central Southland Vintage Machinery Club 10:00am to 4:00pm Factory Corner. Winton
(Continued from page 12)
Brian asked if we had any questions. Just silence. We were just stunned to see anything like those, all in awe. Ok back on the wee mopeds and race home at great speed into those head winds Thanks for the run Bruce.
February 2017 November 2004
For Sale 1935 Morris 18/6 a r ar e car in or iginal condition Reg & WoF, heaps of parts. Ph. Dave 032367910, 0220261584. Model ‘A’ Ford 1930/31 Gemmer 2 tooth steer ing box in excellent condition. Complete set of Model ‘A’ Ford Shock absorbers in good working order. 1930 Model ‘A’ Ford 1930 Cabriolet. On running gear, good body, in need of restoration. A selection of Model ‘A’ Fords for sale. Ph. 03 528 7924 or vintagecars@xtra.co.nz 1952 Ford Prefect. This car was disassembled to the last nut and the rebuild is 90% complete with 90% to go. The car is in Gore. Contact Andrew Moyle on 022 191 4706. BSA C15 Motorcycle parts - Steve Winteringham 03 218 3228. 1941 Anderson Stationery Engine. In ver y good Reasonable offer please. Contact Roy Shanks 03 216 6056
1929 Chevrolet Wentworth. 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder . Fully r estor ed but has not been used much since restoration. Rego on hold. Has some spares included. $22,000. Phone 03 218 4921 or 027 203 1595. Scooters, Mopeds, Clip on motors. Ar e you looking for any of the above. I have decided to dispose of some of my stock to local members first. Think about what you may like and let me know. You never know your luck!! Contact: Doug Willis Phone 03 4098875 Email doug.willis@xtra.co.nz
Wanted 1958 to 1960 AA Badge - John Leisham - 215 6078
February 2017
Parts Shed The parts shed will be open the afternoon of meeting nights between 1 & 4 p.m. The following people can be contacted at anytime if requiring parts or information on parts in our Parts Shed. John Burke 217 8177 Alwyn Hoskins 215 9302 Neil Kidd 216 3788
Library The library will be open on general meeting nights between 7&9 p.m. Other times by appointment - phone 216 6056 Copyright of the contents of the “Rumour� magazine rests with the VCC of NZ (Southland Branch) unless otherwise stated. This publication is available by e-mail as a PDF file. If you wish to receive a copy this way please contact the Editor. Pictures are usually in colour! It also comes earlier. Views and opinions expressed in the Rumour are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily those of the Southland Branch of the VCC of NZ, the Branch Executive or the Editor. Mistakes will be corrected if possible if they are pointed out to the Editor.
February 2017 November 2004