JULY 2017 201622016NOV/ DEC 2016
Chair Veronica Oliver Past Chair Colin Johnston Secretary Raewynn Kruse Treasurer Rob Thomson Club Captain John Muter(acting) Motorcycle Rep Rob Gudopp Librarian Bill Durling Editor Jim Logan Beaded Wheels Colin Johnston Committee Pat Stieller Brian Bolland Steven Oliver Alan Henry Name Tags Badges Geoff Blackbourn Custodian Russell Lambert Historian, Rose Cox Vehicle VIN’s Vehicle VIC’s Mid-Week Coordinators Parts Committee
7522149 cajohnstoncollections@ xtra.co.nz taranaki@vcc.org.nz
7546216 7539743
0272438565 railmodels1@xtra.co.nz
megandjohnny@xtra.co. nz vintagerob@hotmail.co. nz elinorandbill@hotmail.co m djlogan@ihug.co.nz
dblackbourn@orcon.net.n z
7511395 7584244 7510316 0276044821
7546096 7533313 7522149 7583403 7527671 7567309 7522525
Mike Williams
Phyllis & Des Cornwall
Neil Rook John Muter Pat Stieller Ces Budd
7586737 7515554 7546096 7587685
A change of chair this year saw me being elected. Some of members will know that I have been in this position before and I will endeavour to do my best with help of the Committee which have some new faces this year, being Alan Henry, Steven Oliver to name a few. August 27 is National Day for the Vintage Car Club and Daffodil day. The club is organising a fund raiser for the Cancer Society for this day but more detail can be found in the magazine. There are several Branch events being planned so your support in making these a success would be appreciated. I look forward in working with the new Committee and members of this Branch for the next 12 months. Happy and safe motoring. Veronica Oliver - Chairman
EDITORS REPORT Welcome to the new members on our committee and also our new chairperson, thanks to the outgoing committee members who have helped with the running of the Branch over the last year, hope to see you at an event of which there are a few coming up, see John’s report. Thanks to those responsible for sending me articles for the mag always looking for these, most welcome. Do you know that our secretary receives most of the club’s branch magazines in her inbox, if you would like to read these she can forward them to you if you notify her by email at taranaki@vcc.org.nz They are also available to view on the VCC website at vcc.org.nz/news-from-our-branches. John tells me that the list of members for the 25th June trip to the Mountain House is nearly filled, so give him a call asap. See you there or elsewhere, drive safely. Ed
You will have read in Beaded Wheels regarding the National Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer. The idea is for all Branches to organize a run of some type on Sunday, August the 27th with entrants paying an entry fee of $10 to be donated to the local Cancer Society branch. This is a most important cause and I hope all members will join together for this event. More details of this event will follow in the next newsletter. COMING EVENTS SUNDAY 25 JUNE End of registration run to Stratford Mountain House, Northern members leave from the Inglewood Railway Station at 11.15am. Southern members leave from the Stratford Railway Station at 11.30am. Following lunch at the Mountain House our Clubrooms and Parts Shed will be open for anyone that wishes to join us for afternoon tea. JULY 20TH CLUB NIGHT This month’s guest speaker will be from the St Johns Emergency Centre. SUNDAY JULY 23 The Breakfast Run organized by Ron and Dianne Hyatt, leaving from Merrilands shopping center on Mangorei road, 7.30 am. Breakfast will be at the AutoLodge costing $22 per head. Please phone me on 7515554 for reservations. THURSDAY JULY 27 Midweek Run meeting at Egmont Village carpark next to the Service Station, we will finish at a café for afternoon tea. More details next month. Safe motoring John
ASBESTOS STILL A FATAL THREAT A former automotive industry worker recently diagnosed with mesothelioma, the fatal cancer caused by inhaling asbestos, is urging all owners of older vehicles to remember this crippling disease remains a continuing threat. Asbestos was a commonly used material in the automotive industry up until the 1980’s because of its heat resistant characteristics. Automotive parts that contained asbestos include brake shoes, pads, rotors, clutches, hear shields, various gaskets, bonnet liners and more. Many old automotive parts containing asbestos are still being sold. Even some newer aftermarket parts such as brake components may contain asbestos since they are manufactured in countries where it is still legal to use it. Enthusiasts undertaking repairs on the brakes, clutches, or exhaust systems of older vehicles should take care to avoid excessive inhalation of the dust associated with the work. The experts also advise against using vacuum cleaners to clean away asbestos as they just disturb the dust without removing it. When dealing with small amounts the best way is to wet spray and wipe away. But where significant quantities of asbestos are uncovered it is best to call in the professional disposal experts,
Committee meets at 7.30pm Club night from 7.30pm Breakfast Run Midweek Run Clubrooms and Parts shed open Sun
3 5 17 27 Fri
Committee meets at 7.30pm The Brick Run (To Be Advised) Club night from 7.30pm Clubrooms and Parts shed open Sun
1 4
22 29
OTHER EVENTS Check dates with the local Branch 13 Janice Groves Memorial Run Wairarapa 26 Sulphur City Rally Rotorua 27 VCC National Charity Run Day
OTHER EVENTS Check dates with the local Branch 1/2 Winter Woolies Wander Wellsford-Warkworth 9 Central N I Swapmeet Rotorua 9 Margaret Gee Memorial Rally Wairarapa 15 Twilight Run Centra l Hawkes Bay
27 Closing date for August Topical Torque, 16 July, Please forward articles to the Editor, Jim Logan 76C South Road N P 4310-or email to djlogan@ihug.co.nz
VCC National Charity Run Day
This magazine is also available by e-mail as a PDF file. If you would prefer to receive a copy this way please contact the Editor. Pictures are usually in colour Views and opinions expressed in Topical Torque are those of contributors and not necessarily those of the Taranaki Branch of the V C C of N Z, the Branch Executive or the Editor. Clubrooms: 1040 Mountain Road - SH 3A Inglewood
Burma Rally 2017 This year five Taranaki members and their partners travelled to take part in the Wanganui Rally. As planned we met up in Inglewood at 1.30pm. Ron and Diane had travelled earlier in the morning which left the rest of us to make our way to the Black and White cafe in Hawera for an early afternoon tea before heading for Wanganui arriving about 4pm. After settling into the Grand, all of us set off to the Club rooms for the BBQ and what a SPREAD that was! We also picked up our Rally Packs for the following day. Sunday dawned overcast and was a bit cool down by the river under the Dublin Street Bridge which was the starting point. The Run was untimed to the first checkpoint. To get there we crossed the bridge, took third exit and headed up Somme Parade. This road has several name changes along the way and gets narrower the further you go. From the checkpoint, our speed was 35 MPH until we reached Gravel Road where we had to drop the speed to 20 MPH which was hard to do at times as the road got very narrow with sharp corners, a few slips AND some very large potholes as well as "corrugations" on the corners with grass in the middle. After what seemed like half the day we came to the next instruction: (veer left at Kai-iwi 27 k sign.) As there was a lot of logging at this point the road which was still metal, improved considerably. The timed section ended at Brunswick Road corner. During the free run back towards the lunch stop we found four more silent checks. After another great spread, it was time to start the afternoon Run again untimed until the first manned check: this time heading out of the Club rooms via No. 3 Line and No. 2 Line and heading to Fordell and Kaungaroa to the manned checkpoint where we handed in our silent checks: a total of seven altogether. From there on it was a free run back to the Clubrooms. (we had travelled from Mangamahu road to cross two bridges. Fifty metres later we turned left on to a Private Road to go through Sheep Station coming out on State Highway 4. Part way through the farm I thought there was something wrong with the car as I heard a banging noise. Next thing we were surrounded by peacocks hitting the deck!!
It turns out some people were having a Shoot! Not the normal thing to see on a Rally. The Prize giving and Dinner were held at the Laird Bowling Club at Peat Park. A lot of people including us dressed up in our period clothes for the occasion. Taranaki did not show in the Prize List but Kaye won a prize in the raffle. Overnight it rained very heavily but the drive home was mainly fine. We stopped again at the Black and White cafe for morning tea. PS: only 7 out of 69 entrants got the seven silent checks. We were one of them! Rob and Kaye
The Inglewood High school ball committee are on the hunt for a 1920s vintage car! Do you or someone you know have one? Would you be happy to come along and bring your car to park it outside the Inglewood high school hall on the 29th of July? From about 7:15pm till 8pm? We are on the hunt! If you think you would like to help out please contact myself on rosie.taylor@inglewoodhs.school.nz
A CHECKPOINT BEYOND THE BLACK STUMP Having received my instructions from head rally organiser Rob Thompson on club night at checkpoint beyond the Black Stump. Not knowing how long I would take to get to where the check was I left home at 8 AM. Instructions were to be there by 9:15 AM. Heading toward Toko I looked in the rear-view mirror and hello there was a Commodore. Yes, that was the likely lads from Waitara. Come to Douglas, oops, almost overshot the turnoff, talk about stop signs on one section of road I lost count. Having arrived at said checkpoint while waiting for Rob and his band of merry men to open the check we watch the locals (the woolly type) walking around the hillsides. There was a debate as to whether the sheep were a special breed with short legs in the front for going uphill and short legs on one side to stop them rolling down the hill. There was also a hawk flying overhead and we wondered if it was a drone in disguise. Part way through the rally there was a mob of woolly locals arriving at the T intersection but they carried on up the road. Sometime later there was another group woollies coming towards us. Aah, I thought Rob has thrown a new one at us we are going to be busy as this lot had rally numbers in their ears but at the last moment they went off course into a paddock opposite our check. So now marshals went from checking rally sheets to sheep wrangling. Then towards the end of the rally a John Deere tractor towing a large trailer full of locals came towards our checkpoint. We commented that Rob thrown a real curly one at us this time but they were just touring class. Just as well. We had one marshal who arrived at the start in a Peugot ute
turnaround and decided that we needed some early morning exercise. He found the biggest hole in the side of the road to put a front wheel in. All in all, a good day for doing checkpoint duty, and enjoyable day out with a lot of friendly banter giving us a chance to catch up with other club members and looking forward to the next rally. JOE
The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand now has a new Facebook page. The page will have interesting stories, posts on events and photos of vintage car activities from around the country. To start with, we would like you to do the following For those who already have a Facebook account: Go to the VCC Facebook page and LIKE it. Posts will then appear in YOUR Facebook stream and you can share them with your friends For those who don’t have a Facebook page or don’t want to set up an account: Click on the link below and then save it in bookmarks in your internet browser. You will then have easy access to the page whenever you want to see the latest posts. Please note that this Facebook page will include notification of upcoming events and stories but it’s not a buy, sell and exchange page. There are other avenues for that information. We would also like you to email pictures and include a couple of words about the photo from club events around the country for posting on the page. This will provide content of interest for enthusiasts around the world. Send pictures and stories to: comms@vcc.org.nz To access the club Facebook page go to: https://www.facebook.com/vintagecarclubofnewzealand/ or type Vintage Car Club of New Zealand into Facebook search. This page is your portal for fun stuff that is happening for vintage car enthusiasts around the country. The more stories you supply, the more relevant the page will be.
FOR SALE-SWAP ➢ 1935 Series 1 Morris 8 Tourer-Sports in top condition, WOF’d & Reg’d. See TradeMe listing # 1314008447 for pics & details or ring Bruce Marshall 06)7588856 ➢ Tin trunks to fit on carriers of vintage or P V cars.Small to suit smaller English make cars, $100 ph 0275365740. Medium suitable for larger vehicles, $60 ph 20240806350 ➢ Morrison rotary lawn mower Old but going steel body’d $40 ph Rob G 06 7511395 ➢ ROVER P4 100 1962. White with Red trim. Odo reading 88,200 ml. Good motoring car yes can be enhanced with some care. $6,500.00, e mail Malcolm for photos - malmalsmart@icloud.com or phone 06 751 23769(mem) ➢ 1937Morris 12 Saloon, dismantled, needing full restoration for details and viewing contact Les Bognuda, ph 7552810(mem) ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢
WANTED TO BUY 94/96 HA Viva wanted for parts must be complete and or mobile, ph Brian 06 2728027(mem) Ford Zephyr Mk III grille Badge. 1 or 2 metre painting trestles, must be lightweight, ph 0274188045 Zenith Carburetor, models 24T-2 or C1323 or C1264 to fit Ferguson 19 or 24 HP tractor, Ph 06 7584873 (mem) 1937 I/2 ton Chev truck or rolling chassis, ph Pat 7546096(mem)
The Taranaki Branch of the V C C does not take any responsibility for claims made in relation to condition or performance of items appearing “For Sale”