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Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—5:00pm

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month CONTENTS

Chairman’s Report


Motorcycle Report


Secretary’s Report


Girder Rally Report


Club Captain’s Report


VOG Report


11/12/13 OCBC & All British Report


Veteran Report Vintage Report


New Members


Commercial Report


The Mart


9-90s Report

20/21 Officers and Reps


Swap Meet Report


Copy for the December Hub closes on Wednesday 29th November Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email

The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. Cover Photo Commercial Convenor Michael Hedgman with his 1922 Lagonda which won People's Choice at the All British Rally. 3

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events November


Thurs 2nd Sun 5th Wed 8th Thurs 9th Sat 11th Sun 12th Wed 15th Sun19th Tues 21st Wed 22nd Sat 25th

Noggin and Natter Grounds Maintenance 9-90s Motorcycle Noggin Hororata Highland Games Homestead Run Commercial Noggin OCBC Grounds Maintenance North Canterbury Noggin Motorcycle Annual Rally

Sun 3rd Thurs 7th Sat 9th Wed 13th

Vintage Annual Rally/Grounds Noggin and Natter Christmas Social Motorcycle and Commercial Christmas Noggin 9-90s Children’s Christmas Picnic / OCBC Grounds Maintenance Commercial Noggin North Canterbury Noggin Boxing Day Run

Sun 17th Tues 19th Wed 20th Tues 26th January 2024 Tues 2nd Sun 7th Wed 17th Sun 21st

Motorcycle New Year Run Picnic Run Commercial Noggin OCBC

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme Noggin Night 1st Thursday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee 3rd Sunday of the month

9-90s 1st Wednesday after noggin

Grounds Maintenance Morning 1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Motorcycle Noggin 2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin 3rd Wednesday of the month

Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm

North Canterbury Noggin 4th Wednesday of the month

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators 5

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Well things are certainly warming up, both the weather and the number of weekends where there’s something on that are an opportunity to get something old out of the garage and into the countryside. After managing to get the bike fixed and legal it was nice to have some great weather to join the old codgers (not sure I’m completely qualified yet but I do my best) for a mid week ride, a very pleasant outing via some good motorcycling roads to Greta Valley for lunch, and a catch up with a friendly bunch and a look around a selection of different bikes. Of course the main event last month was the Swap Meet, although a bit mixed with the weather there seemed to be plenty of people coming and going with newly acquired treasures tucked under their arms or for the organised trailing along behind on wheels. Many thanks to Colin Hey for once again managing the numerous aspects involved and all who contributed to making it happen for another year, every bit of assistance is appreciated with a lot of small parts adding up to a huge amount of effort, the Swap Meet and parts shed sales provide a significant amount of the income that keeps our branch and facilities going each year. Fortunately there weren’t too many unpleasant interactions at the swap meet, unfortunately in the few cases I encountered the unpleasantness was from our club members towards others from outside the club who were attending. While you may have been attending for 40 years, or have been a club member for 50 years, it would be helpful to check in with someone involved in organising before taking it upon yourself to start telling people what they should be doing when they are contributing to branch finances by attending. Much the same as how you drive on the road during an event, your behaviour around non club members is the perception of our club that they take away, and it’s in everyone’s interest that the impression left is a positive one. Reading the latest Wellington branch newsletter it seems they are of similar mind as previously reported, and have queried that 6

the recorded outcome of discussion on the new club constitution at the AGM and executive meeting is somewhat at odds with the recollection of those who were present, so we’ll watch with interest to see what the response is to this. The future constitution and management structure of the club is important to get right, so deserves some robust discussion and consideration before any decisions are made. Looking forward there’s plenty coming up, so here’s hoping we get a great turnout for the branch events that our organisers put a great deal of effort into, with 1300 members of our branch I’m expecting to see 100’s of participants dusting off the vehicles hiding in their garages and lining up at the start. Hoping to see you out and about, Neil Shaskey

What a happy lot. Behind the bar—Swap Meet Saturday night 7

SECRETARY’S REPORT Hi everybody, well another financial year for the club comes to an end 31st October. SUBSCRIPTIONS are due NOW if you haven’t paid already you need to attend to this now to avoid the risk of being removed from the membership. Accounts were sent out in September as per normal, again the National office have had their problems, so if you still have not received yours or can’t remember if you have paid then please contact the office as soon as possible (03 366 4461 between 9.30am and 1.30pm). My records for October show that 33 of the 83 Canterbury members that pay to have a printed copy of the hub have not paid so that will make a saving to the branch of $165.00 this November on postage and we will be able to reduce our print quantity. It’s up to you I will not be reminding you again. Well on a happier note summer is around the corner, weeds are growing and flowers are blooming and I’m buggering off for a week this month and I’m not taking my computer with me. I might even turn my phone off. For those members that put their hand up to help last Feb at the Exec meeting held at Canterbury Branch, in transport, kitchen etc. thank you again. Owing to the success of that weekend the branch has been asked to hold this meeting again next March 15/16/17th 2024. I will organize the same food arrangements we had this year and hope that a few of you will step up and put your names forward to me well in advance as I will be away the two weeks prior to the meeting so will need all the boxes ticked beforehand. The quote for catering is already a work in progress. I will keep you posted. Please keep a little time free on this weekend. There will be some interesting discussions at this meeting which will be worth sitting in on. Happy and safe summer motoring Regards, Rod 8

A wet start to the aptly named Winter Run

CLUB CAPTAIN’S REPORT Welcome to November and the start of more events with the weather being warmer. We are dusting off October with another superb Swap Meet thanks to Colin Hey and the Swap Meet Team. There were highs and lows, all met with laughter of course, and these will be reported by others I am sure. However, I would like to mention the Saturday evening event. It was so good to see so many people attend this event, including our own members. Annette Meikle and I got everyone up on the dance floor, which wasn’t hard, and the stage was set for a good night. The band catered for the music - some special songs twice, which counted for the raucous singing. I had been chatting to an Australian couple at Noggin prior to the Swap Meet. They had come across especially for this event. They ended up being so impressed they stayed an extra night to join in the party atmosphere on the Saturday night. Christmas is just around the corner, which means the Children’s Christmas Picnic will be upon us. Please see further in this edition of the Hub for the details and registration. The Homestead Run is all sorted, well as close as it can be. I have been keeping an eye on the registrations that are trickling in. It would be fantastic to support the new members who are doing this rally by getting your entries in. I wish them all the best. They have got some great ideas and good support, so it should be another excellent event. Travel well, and be safe. Katryna

——-CHRISTMAS SOCIAL——Details in December Hub 9

Register HERE 10

VETERAN REPORT With Swap Meet dominating my thoughts and a lot of my time over the past month there has been very little time for veteran car activity, however I must tell you about one of the best veteran car- related things that did happen during the month. Every year one of my best mates and fellow Wolseley enthusiast John Mallia comes over from Melbourne to visit and importantly to attend our Swap Meet, catching up with a few mutual friends while he’s over here. He’s a bit of a hard case and makes friends easily, so much so that he is now known to a number of our branch members – especially the team that work in Swap Meet headquarters, and my own site neighbours. As it’s happened over the past few years, he’s always keen to help me with things I need to do over Swap Meet weekend – particularly sorting out the traffic management, or more particularly setting it all up and then bringing it all in again and storing it away afterwards. This year he decided to stay on an extra couple of days after Swap Meet in order to catch a flight departing and leaving at more sociable hours, so he didn’t go home until the Wednesday evening after Swap Meet. With all the work more or less completed by Monday afternoon, I decided it would be a good idea to take him for a run in our 1912 Wolseley on the Tuesday, as he doesn’t have a veteran Wolseley himself (they are surprisingly rare in Australia). This would be the first long run of the season for the car as well, as we didn’t even get it out of the trailer on the season-opening Barrhill Run we attempted to have in September. Best of all, the weather forecast was very good. I called Malcolm McGibbon (who lives near Darfield) on the Monday night, and we arranged to meet at the Thirsty Acres café and restaurant in Kirwee at 10.30am on Tuesday for what we called a “Veteran Coffee” (we also have “Classic Coffee” from time to time, often venturing a little further afield in our ‘newer’ cars). John and I left my home at about 9.45am – the car started very easily – and we followed my usual route to Kirwee, out of West 11

Melton and then up Halkett Road, along Old West Coast Road and then across country on Courtenay Road to Kirwee, arriving about 10.15. John and I were chatting all the way – he was thoroughly enjoying the ride, there was hardly any traffic to worry about, and the car was running nicely. I finally had the weight of Swap Meet off my shoulders, and was delighted with the way it had all gone so I was in a pretty good space as well, and now certainly doing something I really enjoy too. Malcolm arrived at the Thirsty Acres about 5 minutes after us in his 1913 Model T Roadster, and after picking a table outside in the sun, we settled in for a good long chat over coffee and freshly made scones. While we were there, a couple of my old workmates arrived having just been working out on the highway. They strolled over to look at the cars in the car park – at that stage not having a clue who they belonged to. They came inside and saw me and asked what I was doing there, then put two and two together and realised that the Wolseley was mine. I simply told them I was living the dream! And I was! John and I stayed chatting to Malcolm for a good hour, then decided we’d better head home. By then it was about 20 degrees, and motoring back to West Melton was just superb. I decided we should stop at the shopping centre there and have lunch at the local bakery (highly recommended), which we did. While we were there, Terry McQuinn arrived with a friend to buy lunch. He saw the Wolseley in the car park and knew he’d probably find me in the bakery. It turned out he was having his weekly catch up with Peter Gatehouse at Peter’s winery (which doubles as Terry and Peter’s veteran/vintage workshop), so he invited John and I to 12

head down the road to Peter’s place, where we spent another couple of enjoyable hours talking about old cars (and other stuff which will stay on tour). It was a thoroughly enjoyable day for both John and myself, plus the Wolseley got a good run. Easy to organise with little more than a phone call, plus time with good friends – what more could you want on a nice day! Now, back to business. Coming up on 11th November we have the now annual display at the Hororata Highland Games. Entries closed on 22nd October, and we finished up with 15 cars including 7 veterans – somewhat fewer than last year. All we can hope for now is a fine day, but I’m sure we’ll have a great day out regardless of what the weather is like. With the Homestead Rally on the following day, it’s going to be a good motoring weekend. Probably our next best outing opportunity is going to be November’s Old Cars Bikes and Coffee on Sunday 19th November. Can I suggest you bring your Veteran out that day (in a trailer if you like) and we do a run to the Gatehouse Café in Kirk Road for lunch. If you can’t bring your veteran out, please bring something newer or even your modern and come and catch up. (Note – this is not Peter’s place, we’ll save that for another time). For those Veteran owners who are also in the Veteran Car Club (which I think is nearly all of us), there is also their annual Garage Raid to attend in November (Chris Dyer will send out an email with details soon), and don’t forget the annual pre-Christmas lunch at Kathryn Smith’s on 3rd December. And following the reminder last month, also don’t forget that it’s time to get your entry in for the National Veteran Rally and Dunedin to Brighton run Dunedin in January.

Colin Hey If anyone needs a small to medium sized car transported to the NI, I have an empty car transport trailer going up there on 5th November. Non-runner is OK. I'm going as far north as Hastings. Cost is just the price of the ferry crossing one-way. Phone 021 883 807





VINTAGE REPORT The Swap Meet has come and gone for another year. I took my camper out and stayed for the three nights and enjoyed meeting new and old friends. This event is supported by members of the VCC Branches from all over New Zealand and it was good to see many supporters from Christchurch out looking for bargains. It was good to see the lady driver winning Austin on display at the October Noggin. We have had a very low response to the entries, only 8 entries to date, for the Annual Vintage Rally which is to be held on Sunday 3rd December. This rally is run for all vintage vehicles including motorcycles. Please complete the entry form either online or hard copy in the Hub for the Annual Vintage Rally.



Debbie Enright’s Austin Seven was the feature of October’s Noggin and for the All British Day the Hedgeman family’s fleet was all out.


COMMERCIAL REPORT Greetings all. Not too much to report from the Commercials side this month. I hope you found some treasures at the Swap Meet. A few rain showers unfortunately but still a popular and well run event. Thanks to all those people involved in making this event happen - you are much appreciated!

I was invited to a function recently to welcome home a 1903 McLaren traction engine that has been over in the UK for a few years for a full restoration. It is a beautiful machine and the quality of the restoration is superb. The company in the UK, Henwood Engineering in Cornwall, specialises in restoring steam machinery and does some amazing work. Traction engines, Road Rollers etc. Seeing these magnificent machines rolling along is an amazing sight. Their facebook page shows their work and some old engines steaming along. I managed to get a photo of my Lagonda and this beautiful McLaren at the Rangiora A&P show last weekend. This particular engine has a long history in the North Canterbury area and is part of our farming heritage. The "All British Day" was combined with OCBC coffee morning and appeared to be a great success despite the gale force winds of the day before. Big turnout in the morning and a few late arrivals no doubt due to the popular Rugby game first thing. Not many returned to the lunch location unfortunately. Colin had arranged a lovely spot for the end venue but due to the winds it could have been a bit unpleasant so it was back to Mcleans Island with our picnic. The route was also a bit disrupted due to fallen trees across the road. On a personal note, with the help of friends and family I had all three of my British cars on the run which was the first time they had all been out together. My Lagonda was awarded the people's choice vote with the runner up being Henry Little's Austin 7 Ruby - well deserved too! My 17yo son Adam, got third for the timed section driving my 1956 Austin A30 after only a small amount of practice driving a manual transmission. Our old Neighbours got to drive the Daimler that he 17

had admired from across the street and yearned to drive! A great day all round - thanks to the organisers. Our October Noggin was held at the Papanui Club. Six regulars turned up for a drink and a chat. If there are some venues or businesses that you would like to go to please let me know and I will see what I can organise. I work full time and have a lot going on outside of work so don't always have time to sit around and think up ideas - so your input would be appreciated. The National Commercial Rally was held in Whanganui over Labour Weekend - they posted some great pics on the VCC Facebook page. Jump online if you didn't see them. Our November Noggin is on Wednesday 15th November from 7:15pm and will be held at Upper Classics, 2-4 Halls Place, Lyndsey Saunders (Canterbury) and Middleton (Off Birmingham Drive). Alistair Stevens (Ashburton) attended I am told they only have a small the National Commercial Rally. smoko room so there will be no supper this time unless you want to go to a local watering hole afterwards. Please note the December Commercial Noggin advertised in last month's Hub being the 20th December will not be on this night. Instead, for our Christmas social this year we have been warmly invited to join with the Motorcycle section for their Christmas social. It is being held at the Barn, Cutler Park on Wednesday 13th December. This is a fully catered meal and is $30.00 per head. RSVP please to Royce Baker, by email:, 03 322 5529 or mobile 021323571, by 8th December 2023 and payment of the $30.00 per head to: VCC Motorcycle Section 03 0802 0099727 00. The commercial Christmas social was a quiet affair last year due to our regular date unavailable and so close to Christmas so hoping this year will be an enjoyable evening. 18

Coming events are the Homestead Run on Sunday 12th November - please see entry details elsewhere in this Hub or in the October Hub. The Vintage Rally coming up on December 3rd - it would be nice to see the Club's own International truck enter again and any other "vintage" commercials. Get your entries in! The Canterbury branch Christmas social is on Saturday 9th December. Please look for details in the Hub. This is a friendly and relaxed social evening to enjoy with your VCC friends. See you out and about - Michael

Homestead Rally 2023 Calling all Vintage Car Club members. The Canterbury Homestead Rally will be held this year on Sunday 12th November

Start: Cutler Park, 661 McLeans Island Road 9.00am for Coffee, TeaENTER and “Colin’s” amazing ON LINE HERE scones First cars heading off around 9.30am. Distance will be roughly around 220 km return $15 per car. Bring your own picnic lunch Interested parties, please register online. Entries close 8th November 2023 Inquires to Andrew Marshall 027 420 6090

Enter On Line HERE


9-90s First off a correction and an apology. In last months report I referred to Terrace Downs Homestead. It is actually Terrace Station. My apologies. Well! Roy offered us an interesting collection for our destination for October and he certainly delivered! Forty eight cars gathered at the Peg and I was mobbed with people wanting to give me money! Fortunately John K was on hand to collect the cash and we took 73 payments for the Xmas lunch. So only 7 places left! I will not be available from the 16th to the 23rd so if you want one of those last places be in quick. We set off for a long trundle up Tram Rd in beautiful weather enjoying the view of our majestic mountains with a nice covering of snow on the tops and lovely green surroundings to arrive at a beautiful garden just outside Oxford belonging to Ann & Owen Moore. A delightful couple who made us very welcome chatting to our garden enthusiasts and helping to identify various plants. After an enjoyable time chatting and wandering around the garden we were given another set of instructions back down the Oxford Rd and into a farm just off the Tram Rd with yet another beautiful garden where we settled in Two! large circles. (too many people to all fit in one space) for our lunch. This beautifully kept 700 acre mixed farm belongs to Lou &


Lesley McAllister who also made us very welcome. After another great fun raffle by our intrepid Annette helped by Barbara H, Lou gave us a run down of the many crops he and his son grow on the farm with a little quiz which we weren't supposed to announce the answers to. Guess what happened? He then led us to his ‘Museum’ Two huge sheds with a DeHavilland Chipmunk aeroplane and a huge standby generator from Wigram airbase standing outside. Inside a small room housed an old “player” piano and a wooden cased wind-up record player among other smaller items. In the big sheds a wide variety of cars, tractors, implements and smaller items all beautifully presented. People had fun naming and explaining things to each other. All in all another grand day out. Thanks to Roy & Shirley.

Next month Les Sloan is organising the run leaving from Rolleston Community centre car park. 9.55am departure. December is our usual Christmas lunch get together with only seven places left. Bookings to Ken. Bookings will not be confirmed until paid for. $30.00pp. Happy motoring. Ken. 021 222 5086.


SWAP MEET REPORT Another one over and done with!! For the committee and many helpers, it’s an event that requires a great deal of work, but once it’s over and we see the outcome, it was worth all the effort. Apart from losing water to the whole grounds for about half an hour on Friday morning (after an errant tent-peg found a water main) there were no major dramas, and whilst not quite as busy as the post-COVID one last year, it was very much on par with the 2019 Swap Meet in terms of number of sites sold and people through the gates. The weather was typical for our Swap Meet – a great day on Friday, a bit wet on Saturday, and another nice day on Sunday for the stragglers to enjoy and for the site holders to pack up. There are still a few bills to pay so it’s a bit early yet to come up with any figures, but they will come out in due course. I’d like to thank everyone (and there are many, many people involved) who gave some time to the event, whether it was in the back-room doing administration work, out on the grounds preparing and cleaning up afterwards, those doing various duties, and also to the hundreds of site holders who came well prepared and made the event what it is. A big thanks too to the twenty members who rallied to the cause a few days beforehand to help with parking the hundreds of cars – I am hugely appreciative of your help at the last minute. A big shout our too to the Motorcycle section for their brilliant display of four-cylinder motorcycles in the barn – it was on a par with the best you’d see anywhere, and everyone was commenting on how good it was. It was also good to see the display of club-eligible Japanese cars that Tony Gooding put together, which attracted a good number of enthusiasts young and old. The highly committed and hard-working Swap Meet committee will meet in the middle of November for our official 2023 debrief, and once again come up with a list of things we’ll try and do 22

better or differently next year. One would think after 50-odd years we’d have the recipe perfect, but things change and it’s an ever-evolving event. We are fortunate we have a great team of members who are dedicated to making the event happen and try to have fun whilst doing it. One thing for sure is that it will come again quicker than we think – after all, there are only twelve noggins until the next one! Colin Hey

Just a few of the many people that make our Swap Meet possible.




P MEET 2023


MOTORCYCLE REPORT November; last month of Spring; roll on Summer!! Past Events 30th Sep – 1st October – Dunvegan Rally, Otago. Twenty two riders supported the Otago VCC for this event. Fine and sunny right through to cold wind, rain and snow falling greeted the riders!! 6th – 8th October – Swap Meet!! An excellent display of 4 cylinder bikes were on view, well attended, too. Thanks to Joseph and organisers for a top-notch display. 11th October – Noggin Night. Not well attended, about 6 came out on a somewhat chilly night… 14th – 15th October – Girder Fork Rally to Akaroa. Gale force winds battered the event on Saturday… Over 30 bikes congregated at Auto Restorations for the departure, with about 23 being eligible girder fork models. A number went home after the Duvauchelle Tavern lunch (before the power went off…) and the rest bunked down in Akaroa for the night. Please see elsewhere for Stu Skurr’s report and list of trophy winners. I do have to mention, though, the Dick of the Run - Paul Ainsworth, running off the road with lots of wind assistance after saying riding the Summit Road was a good idea… 18th October – Old Codger’s Run. About 22 met at The Peg for a run to the Greta Valley Pub for lunch. By the time we arrived there the ranks had swelled to about 30+, so was a very successful day’s motorcycling, in brilliantly fine, sunny weather. 28th October – Fish and Chip Run. Due date for this write-up is 25th, so will be reported next month.

Future Events. 9th November – Noggin Night. Note, THURSDAY NIGHT, CHANGED FROM 8th as this will be at Smash Palace, their biker’s night. From 7.30 pm. 15th November – Old Codger’s Run. To be advised, via the email list. 25th November – Motorcycle Annual Rally. The route has been organised, and the entry form is in last month’s Hub as well as On Line. Please note, the lunch will be at Loburn Abbey; this place has a WW2 airfield set up and is run by Ivan Campbell. Ivan 26

constructs ¾ size aircraft. It does cost $15 per person to visit this attraction, but to grease your palms your committee has voted to subsidise this cost by 50% for all participants. This means your cost will be $7.50, which is payable along with the other entry fees and lunch costs as noted on the entry form. Meet at Motorcycle Corner, Cutler Park at 9.30 am for a 10.00 am start. Two routes – long and short, both have a back-up. Organisers Dave Malcolm, 8A Amdale Ave, Chch 8042. Cell 021 117 1382, email Please note, entries CLOSE November 19th. In the evening there will be a pot-luck BBQ meal, bring your own BBQ meat plus a salad etc. which will be put on the table to be shared out. There will not be a Fish and Chip Run this month… 13th December – Christmas Noggin. As in past years, this will be held in The Barn, McLeans Island, and take the form of a catered meal. Both the Barn and Caterer has been booked; the meal will be $30 per head this year. We will need attendees to advise Royce Baker directly they are coming; you’ll find Royce on 021 323 571 or email Also, please pay your money into the motorcycle section bank account 03 0802 0099727 00 (Name and Xmas Noggin as references) PRIOR so we do not have to collect money on the night. We have to pay the caterer in advance, so we need your money in advance. Meet 6.00 pm, with the meal served from about 7 – 7.30 pm. Members of other sections are welcome to join in. That is about it for the moment; the next month’s Hub Notes will be the last for the 2023 year.

Enjoy your riding, and keep the rubber to the road. Cheers, CML

Grounds Maintenance Group Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All welcome. 27

THE GIRDER RALLY This year’s Girder Fork rally started from Auto Restorations in Woolston with a forecast for strong winds: they weren't wrong!!! Rally sheets and safety briefing given by our M/C chairman Paul .Two rally options long and short catered for everyones needs. The long route involved a ride through to Sumner over Evans Pass thru Lyttelton on to Governor's Bay Teddington Purau Pigeon Bay then a climb to the top then down to Duvauchelle for lunch. The forecast for strong winds was right on!!! Strong wind gusts became extremely strong with lots of debris on the road required a good deal of concentration to negotiate. At Pigeon Bay a group of riders experienced a bit of excitement when Barry experienced some warm nether regions after a fuel line on his Sunbeam fractured delivering copious amounts of petrol right onto the bike’s ignition system. Some quick thinking on Barry's part, turning the fuel off and moving the bike away from the now burning tar seal. According to those present reckon the wind was so strong it actually blew the flames out on the bike. As the saying goes “It's an ill wind that doesn't blow some good.” Barry's Sunbeam has some large saddle bags and Barry had enough gear on board to make a repair and carry on. Actually I think he may have been able to do a full overhaul if required!! Well done. Lunch at Duvauchelle was a mission for the publican as by now the power had gone off but they did a great job of keeping us fed and watered. After lunch a group of riders led by our M/C chairman decided to brave the elements and take a ride up the shingle road called Piper Valley. Turns out it was aptly named. THE WIND WAS PIPING. So strong in fact it blew our intrepid leader Paul off his bike over a small bank coming to rest on an old farm track. Luckily no damage to bike or rider. At that stage it was decided to abandon the mission. The wind gusts were so strong that at one stage I was having to hold my stationary bike at a 45 degree angle into the wind to remain upright.


We regrouped back at Akaroa with lots of stories of an exciting day’s motorcycling one that will be talked about for some time. The evening was spent watching the election results and a side show of a group of girls out on a pre weddings Hen’s night out !! Not sure what created the most interest !!! Sunday morning after watching the A/Bs beat the Irish most headed of to do the morning run including a time trial finishing at the Gebbies Pass Cafe for coffee and Prize giving . Thanks to all involved in running this iconic rally making it a most memorable event. Special thanks to the backup boys. Stuart Skurr Results Vintage Class Post Vintage Class PWV Spanner Award Dick of the run Publicans Choice Overall winner

John Chamberlin AJS Peter King BSA Logan Brown BSA Graham Brown Ariel Norton Paul Ainsworth Ariel Stu Skurr Harley Davidson Stu Skurr Harley Davidson




3 Girder Rally 1. The start at Auto Restorations 2. 1937 BSA Empire Star 3. 1935 Triumph 5-2 500cc 4. 1938 BSA M30 500cc Photos thanks to Peter Barnett.

4 30

The Motorcycle Section’s magnificent four cylinder display in the barn



October 2023 run Life is not easy as the “Leader of the Pack” (so said the song by the Shangri-Las in 1965). And that was the case for VOG 1 as leader of the VOG Gang on Tuesday Oct 10. An 11am start at New World Halswell carpark ended up as an 11:15 start by the time everyone was able to crank up their trusty/temperamental “Ole Girls” so bad in fact that one member’s bike ended up on the backup trailer even before we crossed the start line.

The Briefing

The ride this month led us through the Oaklands, Westlake, Halswell and Cashmere areas taking in some walkway/cycleway areas. One of these the “Westlake Reserve” we passed the remains of a Black Swan’s nest that last time I had been through there contained 4 cygnets and their “parents”. They now seem to have disappeared obviously grown up enough to flit the nest and head into the “big bad world” . Things had been going reasonably smoothly up until we had exited the Westlake Reserve albeit a bit slow due to the fact that Wayne McCrone’s bike had some flooding issues (with the carburettor not excesses of water). We had reached the corner of Riverton Tce and Westlake Drive and decided to re-group, just as well – blow me down Wayne and Dave Backhouse had gone AWOL – oops. So being a good leader I decided to back track and send out a search party and low and behold here were Wayne and Dave trying to find their way out of Westlake Reserve. Talk about “herding cats”. They had missed a turn off. Never mind all was not lost (nor 32

were Wayne and Dave now.) So it was back on the road again onwards and upwards with the journey around the Oaklands area and eventually to hit Halswell Junction Road and turnoff through a new Wetlands area bringing us out onto Quaifes Rd eventually to reach Tai Tapu Rd where a new round about is being built at the cnr of Candy’s Rd. Another “jungle of cones” and road management and 30km/h signs all in the name of progress. One part of trip that amazed everyone was the development of residential land off Kennedy’s Bush Rd near the Halswell Quarry. Just like many other parts of our city there are streets of new homes being built where last year there were just empty sections up for sale – incredible how fast this all happens. There must be a good deal going on black roofing material as there is a “sea” of these like everywhere else. The new Te Kuru Wetlands between Sutherlands and Cashmere Rd’s was another area we took in today, and very impressive it is too with fantastic cycling and walking tracks winding through it. Thousands of native grasses have been planted and a lot of birdlife are now settling there. You’ve definitely gone up-market there Royce! A circuitous route without any further issues finally brought us back onto Halswell Rd and return to our vehicles and a very enjoyable, sociable lunch at “Craythornes Tavern” – yes it is named after the great great grandparents of our Hub editor Tony. The original Craythornes Public House first opened in 1863 on the site that the current building stands today. So ends your history and geography lesson for this month. Royce VOG1



Entries close 19th November

Entrant’s Name: ___________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ Postal Code:________ Email:_____________________________Phone:____________ VCC Membership No:__________ Combination: yes/no

Moped/Scooter: yes/no

Make:__________________Year:_______CC Rating:________ Emergency Routes Choice – Short/Long Entry Fees (covers back ups/trophy engraving/misc expenses) Entry fee $15.00 $ Veteran and Vintage bikes no entry fee Plaques only supplied if ordered @ $12.00 each $................ Subsidized Display entry ($15.00) @ $7.50 each $................ Lunch - number required - ………….@$12.00 each $........... Total $........................ Pay via internet banking - 03 0802 0099727 00. Please put your name in the Particulars and Annual M/C Rally in the Reference field and post/email me the entry form. ( The entry form is also on the Branch web site. Important : Meet at motorcycle corner, Cutler Park at 9.30am for a 10am start. Back up provided for both runs. Long and short routes. Run destination is Loburn Abbey at which we will view the display (subsidized entry) and enjoy our lunch. BBQ Tea –this year we will again have a pot luck evening prize giving meal at motorcycle corner. Provide your own meat for BBQ and salad/breads etc you bring to be placed out and shared with everyone. Entries to – Dave Malcolm, 8A Amdale Avenue, Christchurch 8042. Ph:021 117 1382 Email –

Enter on line HERE


OCBC and All British Day Report For October’s OCBC we once again combined it with the start point for the annual All British Day Rally – the logical thing to do to get the day off to a good start at a meeting point everyone is now familiar with. What we didn’t count on this year was the fact that the same morning was also the RWC quarter-final match of the All Blacks vs Argentina. Given the number of cars that arrived after 10am it was obvious that this was a major (if not a fitting) distraction. Another problem was the weather on the morning, with showers and a fierce nor-west wind blowing up – especially bad up-country at Cust where we were heading to on the rally. However, a very good number of cars did turn up – probably around about 100 altogether, with about two-thirds of them being of British origin. Most of those people had come to also go on the All British Rally. Because of the wind, it was obvious there was likely to be a serious issue with wind at the Cust domain where we were going, as there were many trees down in the district and many homes still without power. Early on that morning I quickly produced an addendum to the route instructions, which turned the routes around at about the half-way point and brought them back to the VCC grounds for lunch where at least we could be guaranteed of some shelter if need be. Whilst not ideal, this was still a far safer option than being in an exposed country domain surrounded by large trees. The runs got underway at 11.00am as planned, and by 12pm cars were returning for lunch. Luckily the wind was not too bad in the grounds and the sun was shining, so everyone was more than happy finding a sheltered spot somewhere near the clubrooms to enjoy their lunch. Probably around 30 of the cars returned. At 1.30 we had a brief prize giving, and everyone headed for home. A good day out despite the weather. The results for the All British Day were as follows: Medium route winners – Don and Judy Bennetts (Morris Oxford), 2nd Shane Backhouse and niece Grace (Ford Escort), 3rd Adam Hedgman (Austin A30). Long route winners – Don McLelland (Ford Capri), 2nd Athol and Charmaine Garth (Triumph Stag), 3rd Jim and Kaye Paterson (Nash Metropolitan). People’s Choice winner Michael and Claire Hedgman – 1922 Lagonda.


November’s OCBC is on Sunday 19 th November. With the weather warm enough now, hopefully we might see some veterans, tourers and sports cars out in numbers? Do come out and give your car a run and mix and chat with our great bunch of enthusiastic members. Colin Hey





1. Adam Hedgeman with the family Austin A30 - his first outing driving the car. 2. Suzanne & Michael Quinn with son Anthony came in their ex-London and Singapore Austin Taxi. 3. Jim & Kaye Paterson. 4. Don & Judy Bennetts.


VINTAGE ANNUAL RALLY Sunday December 3rd

ENTRANT’S NAME:………………………………………………….. MEMBERSHIP NUMBER……………………………………………. EMAIL ADDRESS:……………………………………………………. PHONE NUMBER(S)…………………………………………………. VEHICLE MAKE AND MODEL………………………………………. YEAR……………………………………………………………………. AVERAGE SPEED FOR TIMED SECTION:……………………….. RALLY PLAQUE $15.00: REQUIRED / NOT REQUIRED ENTRY FEE $12.00 PER VEHICLE Don’t forget to make payment of your entry fee. You can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put the name of the entrant in the particulars field and Vintage rally in the reference field. Any Enquiries contact the rally organiser Graham Evans 351 5919 or 027 320 7948 Entries Close 26th November ENTER ON LINE HERE 37

NEW MEMBERS A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Dennis and Karen Smythe 1971 Chrysler Wayfarer Utility. Lynn Townsend 1933 Rolls Royce 20/25 . Rodger Eade 1964 Holden EH, John Poynter 1979 Citroen GS, Sedan. 1961 Ford Mark 2 Zodiac Coupe. 1954 VW Beetle, Susan Lovell 1963 Triumph Herald Brodie Williams 1962 Wolseley 6-110 Plus four suppressed new members


FOR SALE 1989 Honda VT250 Spada New WOF, reg on hold, 37000ks. In very good condition for a 34 year old bike, light weight low seat height club eligible bike. Typically reliable over engineered Honda with electric start quad cam water cooled v-twin engine, only produced for 1989 model year with Italian cast aluminium frame and 17” wheels. $2950 ono, contact Neil 027 289 6201 1954 Morris Minor 1000 Running and complete but no registration (not on hold). VCC Certificate of Authentication available. Contact Bill, 027 777 2925 950 Vincent Comet Imported 2018 ex VOC Has had a number of upgrades including new forged piston c/w Rebore; New primary G/Box shaft and seals; Magneto Rebuild; Crankcase Primary drive oil seal fitted; New Amal Carburettor. UK Registration Documents and Original number plate. Frame ex Factory Dec 1949, Motor ex Factory on a Comet “C” January 1952. VCC Identification completed.NZ Registration currently on hold. Vehicle in Christchurch – needs to be used. Contact or 027 452 2149 for further details 39

Miscellaneous BSF Die Nuts and taps 1/2" 7/16" 3/8" 5/16" 1/4"- $60 Stud Remover tool $5 Interior door handle clip removal tools X2 styles $5 A60 front bumper bar (de-chromed) same as Austin Healey minus the crank hole $10 'Monodex' English hand nibbler with spare blade $10 Bucket of spray guns needing a serious dose of 'Gun clean' 'Samson' Putty gun ,underseal gun (3M) Arnold touch -up gun, JGA look-a-like , $25 Alan Wills 021 08700692 Ford Telstar 2 litre, 1994 GLEi Auto $1500.00 197577 km, 2 owners New WOF and Rego until Feb24 3 months off being vintage eligible Selling on behalf. Phone Graham 027 320 7948 Pre War Triumph Vitesse Two axles plus New and Used Riley Parts 1928—1969 For more info Phone 0210 628 989

Riley 4-72 Two cars 1 with live rego. $1000. 1 with dead rego. $800. 2 Marina motors Reconditioned cylinder head. For more info phone 021 062 8989


WANTED Missing Person Would the person who purchased and paid for the Jerry Can on site 166 but never returned to collect it please contact me to arrange collection? Phone Kevin at 0295-245-048 Thank you. BSA Dandy BSA Dandy parts kick start and carburettor cover required, and interested in other any Dandy parts. Please phone Barry on 021 310 458 GYS-Cairns Motoc Information & or parts wanted Please phone 021 294 6121


OTHER BRANCH and ORGANISATIONS EVENTS See Notice board posters for more information.

Sunday 26 November 2023 – 10am – 3pm British Car Museum. The all British Car Museum which was situated at Te Awanga, Hawkes Bay ceased operation a few years ago after the death of its founder Ian Hope. The new owner wishes to sell the remaining cars and invites anyone who is interested in purchasing any of these cars to contact him before the end of November to view the cars and “do a deal”. All the cars will need attention to some degree. Any cars still at the venue after November will be sold by Turners Car Auctions. All the cars were stored on axle stands and these are also for sale at $30.00 a pair. The current owners contact details are: Dave 027 437 6073


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255


Christchurch Self Drive Sheds of Interest Tour 4th November Further info: http://


2022-2023 Representatives Motorcycle Convenor Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529 Parts Dept. Rep. Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator Ken James 03 980 0547 VIC Representative Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333

Bar Manager Andrea Dallow (Gilbert) 03 388 2838 Librarians Ted and Jill Hockley 03 323 7183 Swap Meet Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin Maintenance/Clubrooms Alan Hill (Barbara) Mike Foster 03 313 6008 021 161 5866 03 359 8260 022 359 8260

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Barn Bookings/Camping Colin Hey (Jenny) Kevin and Claire Campion 03 359 8737 021 883 807 03 312 7255 027 407 5344 44

Trophy Custodian Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660 New Members’ Liaison Jack Porter (Dorothy) 03 352 6672 027 432 2041 Branch Vehicle Custodian Mark Drury 03 342 9297 Hub Editor And Web Site Tony Craythorne (Leigh) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660

2022-2023 Main Committee Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise) 03 352 8802 027 289 6201

Vintage Convenor Graham Evans ( Anne) 03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Secretary Rod Thrower (Lynda) 03 338 2320 021 126 3529

Veteran Convenor Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359 8737 021 883 807


Commercial Convenor Michael Hedgman (Claire) 03 745 9240 027 516 0029

Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain ‘P’ Group Convenor John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375

Asst Club Captain Henry Little (Michelle) 03 327 5471 027 288 8277



Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.



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