APRIL 2017
Committee Members 2015-2016 Chairman
Steve Dyson
Chairman’s Report
Vice Chairman Stewart Townshend 689-4999 Secretary Owen & Lorraine Richardson
Treasurer Robert Todd
Club Captain Suzanne Anderson
Keith Lange Peter Bootsma
Avis has worked tirelessly in the background on many functions the car club has held.
Avis support of Steve during his time as Chairman has enabled the club to come together more at the many different functions we have had during this time.
Again I wish to extend our condolences to Steve
Parts Department Keith Blackman
We in the Waimate Vintage Club wish to extend our condolences to Steve and family plus Dougall on the death of Avis.
689-7979 689-6011
Club Room Convener Barry Duff
Newsletter Barry Anderson
Next Meeting : April 20th followed by film on the Britten Motorbike Business 7.000pm Meeting 7-30pm
Coming Events
Club Captains Report
April 2017 1
Anzac Day parade.I had thought to organise those who wished, to join in, however, after a number of visits to the council to find out information as to who was organising things, I was told it would have to go to committee! So probably not going to happen this year. However we can have a pot luck lunch at the club rooms, with a catch up for all those who wish. About midday. We need a few volunteers with their cars to visit Lister Home on a Sunday afternoon later this month or early next month. There are a few gentlemen there who would appreciate a visit, and maybe a wee ride around Knottingly Park. Please let me know if you are able to do this, and what day would suit. They will be really grateful.
Swap MeetWinchester. Meeting & Film Waimate
May 2017 18th
July 2017 TBC Garage Raid
After this month's club meeting we will be having a film, On our big screen!, about the Brittenn Motorbike. You can also have a cup of tea! Come along for a great night of viewing.
September TBC
Swap Meet Waimate
This month we need to decide on the dates for swop meet, ( 2nd sept) ? Garage raid? And any other date we need. Also A.G.M. Will be May 19th. Nomination forms in this months Rolling Wheels. Please try to attend as your input is important. Clubs run on members, even if this is the only meeting you attend all year, please come and have your say. Our thoughts are with Steve at this time. And as a club we will endeavour to offer support to him. Avis will be missed for her cheery smile, and behind the scenes help. Safe driving Suzanne.
Cuppa & Parts Mornings 1 Thursday and 2and Saturday of every month 9: 45 – 12.00 noon st
White Horse Motors High Street Waimate Agip Oils Full Range in stock
Special SAE 30 20lts $115.00 (suitable for vintage cars)
Meeting of the Waimate Vintage Car Club 16th March 2017 at Club Rooms 4 Harris Street Waimate
Present: Stewart Townsend, Donald Mewburn, Trevor Holland, Barry Duff, Suzanne Anderson, Barry Anderson, Leendert Denbrave, Margaret Rogers, Bill Ryan, Keith Blackman, Lyndsay Hossack, Robert Todd, Ian Melton, Marie Mehlhopt Apologies: Steve Dyson Minutes of Last Meeting: Taken as read Moved Barry Anderson, Seconded Barry Duff
Matters arising: Fundraising, Movie Pork Pie to be shown on Sunday at 5.30pm needs 5 helpers from 4.30pm. Approx 20 people attended BBQ. Treasurers Report: as per attached. Moved Robert Todd, Seconded Suzanne Anderson Carried Parts Department:
Nothing to report
Correspondence Out: Thanks for Parts donations sent to LW Moore and P Dellow General Discussion: Phone list to be updated. Cars to visit Lister Home and possibly to take residents for a drive if anyone is interested. Garage Raid to be arranged, usually held in August. Waimate VCC AGM to remain in May. Suzanne to check out arrangements for ANZAC parade – will advise. Meeting Closed 8.15pm
Adopted as true and correct record. Stewart Townsend Vice Chairman
Caroline Bay Rock & Hop 20174
Your branch magazineis
on the web
Many branch magazines are now available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand’s website. The magazines are published as soon as they are received each month and can be accessed by going to http://vcc.org.nz/ and clicking on News from our Branches down the left side of the homepage. To go to your chosen magazine either click on the magazine cover or the underlined date of the publication. This will take you to the magazine and by clicking on the small square next to the + sign you can enjoy a full screen reading experience. In time we hope to be able to publish all branch magazines each month. Enjoy your reading. Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488 Email: comms@vcc.org.n
FOR SALE CLASSIC CAR STEERING WHEEL COVERS Quality reproduction 1940 / 60’s style vinyl steering wheel covers with foam backing for driver comfort, made to measure with a choice of colours. Includes stitching cord, a bodkin and fitting instructions. The diameter of your steering wheel and its rim ( grip ) required. Please make certain your measurements are precise. Price $55.00 each plus freight $9.00. Contact Roger Honey, Ph. 06 8684846 or 027 4780872. rohoney@clear.net.nz
Motoring Trivia: Who Invented the 1st Car Indicator System
Oscar J Simler’s 1929 handmade turn-signal The short answer is that it was invented by a woman – which might put some male noses out of joint. The long answer though is that around 1914, a silent-film movie star, named Florence Lawrence, invented the first “auto signalling arm,” a mechanical turn signal, along with the first mechanical brake signal.
Being a successful actress, Lawrence was able to buy her own car. She adored driving and loved learning about the way automobiles worked. “A car to me is something that is almost human,” she said, “something that responds to kindness and understanding and care, just as people do,” Lawrence told a reporter in 1920, when driving had become a symbol of women’s liberation. “The average woman does her own repairing. She is curious enough to investigate every little squeak of her car, and to remedy it.”
Lawrence herself addressed more than squeaks: in 1914, she developed an early version of the turn signal. “I have invented an ‘auto-signaling arm,’ which, when placed on the back of the fender, can be raised or lowered by electrical push buttons,” she told The Green Book Magazine. After that, Lawrence devised a rudimentary brake signal that worked on the same principle: when a driver pressed the brakes, a “STOP” sign flipped up from the back bumper. These inventions were enormously important, obviously and today, every car on the road has electrical turn signals and brake lights. However, because she filed her patents incorrectly, Lawrence never got the recognition she deserved for either of her inventions
Waimate Branch Vintage Car Club of New Zealand NOMINATION FORM FOR THE 2017-2018 COMMITTEE Positions available are: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Committee (5), I nominate: ( print)................................................................................ For the position of: (print)..................................................................... Proposer: (print)..................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................. Seconder: (print).................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................. I accept nomination: (signature) .............................................................. PLEASE NOTE: NOMINATION FORMS MUST BE WITH THE SECRETARY BEFORE THE AGM MEETING on the 18th May 2017 By email to: waimate@vcc.org.nz
Waimate Branch Vintage Car Club of New Zealand NOMINATION FORM FOR THE 2017-2018 COMMITTEE Positions available are: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Committee (5), I nominate: ( print)................................................................................ For the position of: (print)..................................................................... Proposer: (print)..................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................. Seconder: (print).................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................. I accept nomination: (signature) .............................................................. PLEASE NOTE: NOMINATION FORMS MUST BE WITH THE SECRETARY BEFORE THE AGM MEETING on the 18th May 2017 By email to: Waimate@vcc.org.nz