May 2017
Committee Members 2015-2016 Chairman
Steve Dyson
Chairman’s Report
Vice Chairman Stewart Townshend 689-4999 Secretary
Well another month has gone winters on the way might be a long one.
Owen & Lorraine Richardson
Treasurer Robert Todd
Keith Lange Peter Bootsma
Good to see young and old there.
Suzanne is arranging a mid winter dinner possibly on the 20th May, she will let us know.
Parts Department Keith Blackman
Anzac day dawn parade was well attended, with a good turnout rom the club and the local towns people.
In the afternoon 5-6 of us meet at the country club to take people out to the Forks Hotel, but there was plenty of transport(buses and mini buses), but we went anyway to be meet by a huge crowd a good afternoon.
Club Captain Suzanne Anderson
Hi everyone
689-7979 689-6011
Garage Raid (july or august)
Club Room Convener
Swap meet September, Marie to arrange with help from Duff, Bill ,Steve, Robert plus a few more.
Barry Duff
Newsletter Barry Anderson b.r.anderson@outlook.co.nz
DON’T FORGET AGM next meeting Sorry this is short and sweet still haven’t got back in the full swing yet Thanks again for all the help and support over the last months YOURS IN MOTORING STEVE
Next Meeting : Meeting 7-30pm
May 18th AGM
Coming Events
Club Captains Report
May 2017 14th Lister Home
The days are getting shorter, and the odd frost has already blackened a few things in the garden. Anzac Day appeared to go well. However the pot luck lunch arranged for midday was rather Disappointing as someone said it was cancelled, so of course only two turned up!
20thMid-Winter Dinner Waimate Makikihi Hotel
The Video on the development of the Britten motorbike after the April meeting was really interesting Thank you Robert for bringing the Video
July 2017 TBC Garage Raid
We need two or three vintage cars to go to lister home on the afternoon of Sunday 14th, between 2 and 3 to talk to and show the cars to a few interested gentlemen. If you wish, you may take them for a wee run to the park,
September TBC
The mid winter get together will be held at the Makikihi hotel on the 20th of May. $25 per head, evening starting with a social get together about 6.30, and meal about 7-7 30. Hope you can all attend and have a good time.
Swap Meet Waimate
Don't forget the A.G.M on Thursday 18th of this month 7.30pm Safe winter driving Suzanne
Cuppa & Parts Mornings 1 Thursday and 2and Saturday of every month 9: 45 – 12.00 noon st
White Horse Motors High Street Waimate Agip Oils Full Range in stock
Special SAE 30 20lts $115.00 (suitable for vintage cars)
Meeting of the Waimate Vintage Car Club 20th April 2017 at Club Rooms 4 Harris Street Waimate
Present: Steve Dyson, Robert Todd, Barry Anderson, Ian Melton, Stewart Townsend, Bill Ryan, Suzanne Anderson, Lyndsay Hossack, John Dawson, Trevor Holland, Graham Dennison, Marie Mehlhopt Apologies: Owen & Lorraine Richardson, Keith Blackman, Donald Newburn, Keith Lange, Len Denbrave Minutes of Last Meeting: Taken as read Moved Suzanne Anderson, Seconded Barry Anderson Matters arising:
ANZAC day no-one appears to know what is happening. Movie night went well.
Treasurers Report: as per attached. Moved Robert Todd, Seconded Suzanne Anderson Carried Parts Department:
Nothing to report
Correspondence Out: Nil General Discussion: Steve thanked VCC members for their support for his recent loss of Avis. Avis was a very supportive member of Waimate VCC and will be sadly missed. Ladies only outing – Suzanne to organise. AGM date 18th May. 50 year presentations to be held later in year for Trevor Holland and John Dawson. Mid winter function – 27th May. Waimate Swap Meet 2nd Sept Marie to organise ($10/stall fee $2/entry fee). Garage Raid to be held Aug. Shiny bits Auction – South Canterbury. Afternoon Tea at Makikihi on hold. Car Boot sale to be held later in year. Lister Home visit to be advised. Thanks for loan of pie warmer.
Meeting Closed 8.15pm Adopted as true and correct record. Steve Dyson Chairman
AGM Meeting 17th May All Club members are urged to attend, starting at 7.30 in the club rooms. Nominations are called for committee members, chairman, vice chairman, secretary, Treasury Club Captain.
Your branch magazineis
on the web
Many branch magazines are now available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand’s website. The magazines are published as soon as they are received each month and can be accessed by going to http://vcc.org.nz/ and clicking on News from our Branches down the left side of the homepage. To go to your chosen magazine either click on the magazine cover or the underlined date of the publication. This will take you to the magazine and by clicking on the small square next to the + sign you can enjoy a full screen reading experience. In time we hope to be able to publish all branch magazines each month. Enjoy your reading. Ross Holden
Mid Winte Dinner
Communications & Marketing Officer
20th May Makikihi Hotel
Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)
Starting 6.30pm
Phone 021 2638488 Email: comms@vcc.org.n
$25 per head
Did You Know
South African residents can legally attach small flamethrowers to the side of their cars to provide defense against carjackers. . You can instantly cool down a car that has been sitting under the sun by rolling down the window on one side and opening and closing the door on the other side five to six times. . Bridget Driscoll received instant notoriety when she stepped off the curb and into the history books on August 17th 1896. Mrs Driscoll, a 44 year old housewife, who was travelling from Old Town, Croydon to a folk-dancing display in Crystal Palace, became the first pedestrian in the UK to be killed by a car. She was hit by a demonstration car travelling at 4mph. She died within minutes of receiving a head injury . Your car remote can lose synchronization with the car and become useless if a button is pressed more than 256 times when the remote is out of range. . The ignition on all Porsches is located on the left side of the wheel. This is because back when Porsche was primarily a racing team, the driver could save a fraction of a second by starting the car with his left hand, while simultaneously switching the car into gear with his right hand.
Waimate Branch Vintage Car Club of New Zealand NOMINATION FORM FOR THE 2017-2018 COMMITTEE Positions available are: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Committee (5), I nominate: ( print)................................................................................ For the position of: (print)..................................................................... Proposer: (print)..................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................. Seconder: (print).................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................. I accept nomination: (signature) .............................................................. PLEASE NOTE: NOMINATION FORMS MUST BE WITH THE SECRETARY BEFORE THE AGM MEETING on the 18th May 2017 By email to: waimate@vcc.org.nz
Waimate Branch Vintage Car Club of New Zealand NOMINATION FORM FOR THE 2017-2018 COMMITTEE Positions available are: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Committee (5), I nominate: ( print)................................................................................ For the position of: (print)..................................................................... Proposer: (print)..................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................. Seconder: (print).................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................. I accept nomination: (signature) .............................................................. PLEASE NOTE: NOMINATION FORMS MUST BE WITH THE SECRETARY BEFORE THE AGM MEETING on the 18th May 2017 By email to: Waimate@vcc.org.nz