Wairarapa VCC July 2017

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Newsletter July 2017

Cover Photo: The new Wairarapa Branch Committee. See page 8.

Closing Date for Wairarapa Zenith: 15th of each month. Contributions should be emailed to the Editor—editorwaivcc@gmail.com or posted to: PO Box 7, Masterton, 5840.

Wairarapa Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Clubrooms Postal Address Branch Website Club Night Spare Parts Committee Meet

A&P Showgrounds, Chester Road, Clareville PO Box 7, Masterton, 5840 www.sporty.co.nz/wairarapavcc

First Monday of the month (except January— none) and June (second Monday) at 7.30pm. Open each Tuesday morning following club night. Second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm

Call and see

Trevor Kenavan for all your joinery requirements

150 Main Street, Greytown Phone: 06 379-8008 Fax: 06 304-9004 2

Your Committee 2016/17 Chairman:

Willie James

372 4890 waiiti@farmside.co.nz

Immediate Past Chairperson/ Treasurer: John Clark 378 0380 john@clark.net.nz Vice Chairman: Secretary: Tina Goodin Club Captain: David Hunter

02041099552 tina.goodin@hotmail.com 379 9224 bonnydoone.4@gmail.com

Committee: Paul Furkert Gary Lang Brian Billing

379 5355 paul.furkert@xtra.co.nz 372 7593 barbaralang@outlook.co.nz 021 242 6240 billing.au@gmail.com

Andrew Dittmer 379 6967 biffoditty@gmail.com Custodian: Earl Goodin

02041099552 tina.goodin@hotmail.com 379 7918 betyjo29@gmail.com

Librarian: Pat Dutton Beaded Wheels Reporter: Kevin Ball 377 1236 Social Convenor: Val Ball 377 1236 Spare Parts: Frank Lipinski 379 7167 Tom Mitchelmore 379 7573 Magazine Editor: Jim Philps 370 9118 Vehicle Inspectors: Francis Pointon 378 6710 Graham Reidy 372 7855 Hugh Hunter 306 9847 3

wtakevin@xtra.co.nz wtakevin@xtra.co.nz

tomjean@xtra.co.nz editorwaivcc@gmail.com pointonmotors@xtra.co.nz g-a.reidy@xtra.co.nz j.h.hunter@xtra.co.nz

What’s on locally…….. JULY Mon 3rd

Sun 9th Sun 30th AUGUST Mon 7th Sun 13th Sun 27th

Club Night The completion of the movie “The Great Race” - we still have another hour to go! For those who missed May club night you’ll soon catch up with the plot of this classic comedy. Door: Pat Dutton. Margaret Gee Rally. Organisers: Kevin and Val Ball See details on opposite page. Bangers and Beer afternoon starting at 2 pm.

Club Night TBA. Door John and Sheila Clark. Janice Groves Memorial Rally. Organizer Paul Furkert. Details on page 10. National day. See the June edition of Zenith for details. Organiser Kevin Ball. More details next month.

SEPTEMBER Mon 4th Club night. Gary and Barbara Lang on the door. Speaker will be Andrew Dittmer talking on his mystery ous past life. The imagination boggles. Sun 10th Peter Smith Memorial Rally. Organised by the Austin Registry. OCTOBER Mon 2nd Sun 8th NOVEMBER Mon 6th Sun 12th

Club night to be arranged. New members Rally. Organiser Paul Furkert.

Club Night TBA. Stretched Gymkhana. Organisers Andrew Dittmer and Paul Furkert.

Margaret Gee Memorial Rally Sunday 9th July Meet at 10am Masterton Town Hall The rally will be a number of garage raids around Masterton and something special for the ladies. Bring your own lunch and drinks and be prepared to have a great day. Organisers Kevin and Val Ball can be contacted on 06 3771236

Margaret Gee the Person Margaret and Bill Gee joined the Wairarapa Branch of the Vintage Car Club Inc. in May 1993. Together they enjoyed rallying locally and throughout New Zealand. Margaret was a very active member of the branch and was our first lady Chairperson, serving 1995-96 through to 1997-98. Margaret had the idea for our branch jackets, shirts and vest so that when we were out together everyone knew who we were. Sadly she passed away just after her last term as chairperson. It was a great loss to the branch. Francis Elwin


FROM THE CHAIR Hello fellow club members. As your new chairman I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new committee members Andrew Dittmer, Brian Billing and Earl Goodin and thank the existing members for standing again. The AGM was very well attended and I would like to thank Jim Philps for putting his name forward to be our new Newsletter editor replacing Myrna Lane who has been an outstanding editor for the last five years. A job well done thank you. David Hunter is our new Club captain replacing Gary Lang after five years of stewardship guiding us all on the straight and narrow on our adventurous events. Thank you Gary. Finally I would like to thank John Clark for his time as chairman. It is not going to be an easy task following in his footsteps. However, John has kindly put his name forward to be our Treasurer and assist the new chairman along the way! Thank you John. At our 1st committee meeting Hugh Hunter was appointed as a new vehicle inspector. The yearly events calendar was updated with a couple of redesigned events included for those with an adventurous spirit so we will be looking for your support in competing in these events. Winter is upon us so it is an ideal time to be out in the garage or workshop tinkering on your beloved vehicles ready for the summer months. Safe motoring, Willie James


AGM - 12 June 2017 A good turnout for this year’s AGM with 49 members in attendance. After the welcome from Chairman John Clark everyone stood for a short silence in memory of members who have died during the previous 12 months with John taking the opportunity to inform those of us who hadn’t heard, the sad news that Gordon Clode had passed away the previous week. John also informed us that the financial figures, as presented, were informal ones only as we are waiting for the club accountant to review them. When this is done a special AGM will be called to take place at the beginning of a normal club night to ratify them. This is expected to take only a few minutes. Notice of this will be in the Zenith. With the election of officers under way, the first item was to elect the new Chairperson, John Clark having completed the regulation 2 year tenure. Having held the position of Vice Chair for 2 years, Willie James was duly voted in as our new Chair. Myrna Lane after doing a marvellous job as Magazine Editor for the last few years had announced her resignation and there was more than a little relief to learn that we had someone keen to take over. So a big thank you to Jim Philps for taking on the most important job in the Club. Gary Lang has been our Club Captain for 5 years and ready to hand over the reins. David Hunter put his hand up (that’s me who is writing this) and got the job unopposed. I hope to perform in the position somewhere approaching Gary’s standard. At last year’s AGM we were unable to fill the position of Treasurer but then Tina Goodin came to the rescue and took on the task alongside of being Secretary. This is a big workload so now- retired Chairman, John Clark has volunteered to be Treasurer, as a short term measure, pending finding a member who wishes to take the position permanently. John Clark told us he had consulted the Branch rule book and learnt that we are allowed a maximum of 6 committee members and by coincidence that’s exactly the number of members wishing to be committee members. So, a big welcome to new comers, Brian Billings, Hugh Hunter, Earl Goodin and Andy Dittmer, who will join us at our monthly meetings. Gary Lang having relinquished the Club Captain position is continuing as a committee member as is Paul Furkert. Next on the agenda were the awards. There were three 25 year badges for Ian Lambess, Kevin Hickland and Evelyn Chisholm. Continued over page……………. 7

The Torq Hudson Trophy was shared by 3 winners: Tina and Earl Goodin and Gary Lang John, Myrna and Gary were called up front and were each presented with a small gift in appreciation of the excellent job they have done as Editor and Club Captain respectively. And that was about it. Supper was on and the new Committee Chairman and other Officers had a group photo taken for posterity. All in all, a good nights work. David Hunter (Club Captain)

2017-18 Committee Back Row: Paul Furkert, Earl Goodin (Custodian), David Hunter (Club Captain), Jim Philps (Editor), Andrew Dittmer, Brian Billing, Kevin Ball (Beaded Wheel;s), Frank Lipinski (Spare Parts), Hugh Hunter (Vehicle Inspector). Front Row: Val Ball (Social Convenor), Tina Goodin (Secretary), Willie James (Chairman), John Clark (Treasurer), Pat Dutton (Librarian), Gary Lang. 8

Let’s get started on the Bradford! 2.00 – 5.00 pm Sunday 25th June Downstairs at the clubrooms The next meeting for the Bangers and Beer group is planned for Sunday June 25th at 2pm until 5pm, and the focus will be on the rolling chassis for our gymkhana special. The branch have been gifted a Bradford van, which seems mostly complete expect for the motor. We plan to use the chassis as the basis for the gymkhana special that we are going to try and build. The first step will be to remove the body and check out the condition of the chassis. So please come with some tools and be prepared to get your hands dirty. Come and join us even if it is only for an hour to socialise, and see what we are up to. A rough plan for the 25th is: 2pm - quick health and safety briefing 2:15 – 4.00pm - work on stripping down the chassis Rolling refreshments tea, coffee, biscuits supplied and beer (BYO) Pack up and finished by 5pm As always anyone with an interest in tinkering with old vehicles is most welcome at any Bangers and Beer session. The aim of the group is to enable VCC members to share knowledge and build friendships while tinkering with old mechanical stuff. We are still on the lookout for an engine for the gymkhana special, so if you know of anything suitable (to go in a Bradford chassis) please let David Hunter know (379 9224 or bonnydoone.4@gmail.com).

Put a ring around 30th July on your calendars for July’s Bangers and Beer Session. 9

Janice Groves Memorial Rally This year’s rally will have a new twist - the "Gravel Road Challenge". If successful, we will look to run this annually. This is a half day rally with the aim of maximising the amount of gravel roads travelled over the course of the rally route, whilst giving participants a chance to travel on some seldom traversed stretches of road. By running it in the winter hopefully there will be no dust on the gravel roads. The "challenge" is for the organiser of the rally. Their challenge is to devise a rally route which has as many gravel roads as possible, within the following constraints:  Start & finish at the same location  Any significant Wairarapa location  Maximum length of rally: 60 miles  ‘No exit’ roads can be included in the route, so long as they are over a mile in length (i.e. no short dead end roads) The organiser also needs to devise some way of determining a rally winner (questions sheet, silent checks etc). The winner of the rally will be expected to set the course for the following years "Gravel Road Challenge " (with help from committee members as required). In other words the winner will need to take up the "challenge" to try and set a rally route with even more gravel roads than this year's rally. Paul Furkert will be organising the inaugural “Gravel Road Challenge”, which will start and end at the club-rooms. More details will be in next month's newsletter.

Paul Furkert


Gordon Clode It is with a great deal of sadness that we record the recent death of Gordon Clode. Gordon and Frances have been enthusiastic members of the Wairarapa branch since 2001. Initially they drove their 1960 Ford Prefect 105E on most of the rallys and tours that the branch held. Later they “graduated” to a Hillman Estate, as it offered more power and comfort. On many of the Peter Chisholm Economy Trials that were held Gordon and Frances were there. One year the theme of the Trial, after the economy aspect, was what you were wearing when, at midnight, the cruise liner you were aboard hit a partially submerged politician. On that fateful night Gordon was watching Rugby and arrived at the “lifeboat” as a fully kitted Rugby player. 2004 saw them win the Peter Chisholm in their Ford Prefect. In 2008 Gordon and Frances won the major rally of the branch, the Rex Porter, again in their little Ford Prefect. The branch ran a couple of bingo nights and Gordon always offered to take on the job of caller. His calling made the night most entertaining and you did not really mind losing all your loose change when your numbers did not get called. Throughout the years his health was never great. He would be waiting for an operation to some portion of his anatomy but he never seemed to let the wait and the resulting pain surface. Always the gentleman, always cheerful and, in spite of his own problems never complaining. He will be missed at the branch outings. The branch , as a whole, extends its condolences to Frances and the Clode family. Tony Lane 11

From your Editor……….. Please note the new email address and telephone number for contacting your new editor. Jim Philps:

Phone (06) 370 9118 or Email editorwaivcc@gmail.com.

Looking forward to receiving all your stories and advertisements.


Congratulations 25 year service badges have been awarded to the following members: Kevin Hickland Ian Lambess Evelyn Chisholm


WINTER WANDER – 18th June 2017 I don’t know how they did it but from the depths of Winter Tony and Myrna Lane somehow pulled out a glorious sunny and calm day for their rally. It brought forth a healthy entry too, with 20 cars in attendance at the Masterton railway station for a 10.30am start. The route was North with questions to be answered on the way. Through Kopuaranga we went, then heading West to cross the SH2 at Mt Bruce, to make our way by various roads to the finish at Pahiatua. I believe the total length was around 60 miles (I wasn’t taking note of my odometer) and including in that nearly 10 miles of gravel. The roads had very little traffic on them except for us, the gravel sections were in good repair, and except for some fog in the Mangamaire area the sun just kept on shining. Of course, there was trickery with the questions which caught out many of us. It seems we were told to read the instructions before starting (I mean, who ever bothers to do that?) but if we had, would have been able to answer the last question – how many railway lines did we cross? There was even consternation for those who had counted, with Tony declaring a bridge over a railway line also constitutes a crossing. That’s something to remember should it ever come up again. While Tony was informing us of the question answers and where we all seemed to go wrong, Tom Mitchelmore murmured to me that it was just about impossible to win one of Tony’s rallies. Tony then announced the winner – it was Tom and Jean. So that’s another theory debunked. Congratulations to them both, winning a nice prize and also getting a flying start on the quest to win next year’s Torq Hudson Trophy. The finish of the rally was also the lunch stop at The Black Stump Cafe in Pahiatua’s main street. Myrna had put a lot of effort in arranging this with the Management, with tables laid out in the dining area waiting for our arrival. Four choices of meals with cakes and pastries to go with tea and coffee afterwards and all for a very agreeable $20 a head. Afterwards we wended our way home with some stopping at the refurbished Eketahuna pub for more socialising. Now here’s something interesting; when we were on the gravel roads we knew there were cars up ahead because we could see clouds of dust. Remember, this is the Bush District in mid- winter when mud is the norm. Then, at the pub in Eketahuna, the sun was streaming in the windows and making things very warm. Sun in Eketahuna! It really was a good day. 14

So, thank you Myrna and Tony for putting in the work for an enjoyable drive and lunch. Those who took the opportunity to join in were: Les and Margaret Poole 1955 Alvis Robert and Sue Notley 1964 Daimler V8 Simon and Andrea Byrne Armstrong Siddeley Gary and Barbara Lang 1965 Mustang V8 Tom and Jean Mitchelmore 1961 Morris 1000 Barry Colquhoun 1973 Morris 1000 Pickup Peter and Chris Riddell 1936 Austin Willie and Sharon James 1956 MG Magnette Doug Curtis Chevrolet Pickup John and Sheila Clark 1955 Daimler Kevin Troy and Bev Cameron 1972 Triumph Stag Pat Dutton and Jill Kernahan 1957 Morris 1000 Barry and Linda Wells 1971Rover V8 Francis and Gaye Pointon 1934Ford V8 Brian Billing and Sharon 1935 Ford V8 David and Lynette Hunter 1967 Mustang V8 Jeff and Christine Percy 1956 Nash Rambler Ian Ingram 1973 Hillman Hunter Mary Buick and Maureen Bull Modern Kevin and Val Ball Modern Tom and Jean Mitchelmore receiving their prize from Chairman Willie James.



Above: Willie James admiring Ian Ingram’s Hillman Hunter which has just been restored. Below: Margaret and Les Poole in their lovely Alvis. Great to see them out and about again.


Above: David and Lynette Hunter driving their 1967 Mustang V8. Thank you David for the report on the Winter Wander and also Kevin Ball for providing the photos. Editor

Get Well Soon Some of our members have been in hospital or undergoing treatment over the last month. Our good wishes go to you all for a speedy recovery. Hope to see you out and about in your vehicles very soon. 17

2017 North Island Easter Rally As part of the recent NI Easter Rally which Tony and I attended in Auckland, entrants were privileged to visit a magnificent property owned by an Auckland Branch member. After gathering for morning tea at the Auckland clubrooms on Easter Sunday we took part in a run from there to a picturesque farm near Brookby. Here we were able to view the best collection of Rolls Royce cars in New Zealand. We entered what appeared to be a stable block with a large central courtyard. In the cobbled courtyard were parked a number of pristine vehicles. When most of us were inside, the “stable “doors rolled up automatically (in unison) to reveal the contents of each “stall” immaculate Rolls Royces from every era of production. There were over 40 vehicles and they were all currently registered and warranted. A truly magnificent display.

These photos hardly do it justice! Once again we were made aware of the endless benefits we derive from belonging to the Vintage Car Club. Over the years we have had the opportunity to visit many unique and otherwise inaccessible gems that New Zealand hides. Myrna Lane 18

Library News The following books have been generously donated to our club. Encyclopaedia of Trucks Car Collectors Maintenance Book Classic Trucks World Motor Sports NZ Motor Sports Classic British Cars Thank you David Hunter. Also thanks must go to John Cameron for donating the following: The Motor Rally Mystery by John Rhode Pacific Auto Rental Ford Model A and T Buyers Guide Rolls Royce/Bentley 1962 Meeting Blenheim The Dog and Lemon Guide 19952010 Kiwi Vintage Car Collection 75 Years of Rolls Royce Great Marques Rolls Royce

Club Library Members are most welcome to borrow books/articles from the Club Library. Please record your name and the book’s title(s) in the Lending Book so that they can be tracked is necessary. If you have any old books/manuals and wish to get rid of them, Pat Dutton, our Librarian, would be love to take them off your hands. Pat can be contacted on (06) 379 7918.



Vehicles constructed prior to 31st December 1918 Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1919 and 31 st December 1931 Post Vintage: Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1932 and 31st December 1945 Post War: Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1946 and 31st December 1960 Post 1960: Vehicles constructed after 1st January 1961 provided that no vehicle is accepted for this class until January 1st of the year that is thirty years after its original year of construction. Post 1980: Vehicles constructed after 1st January 1980 provided that no vehicle is accepted for this class until January 1st of the year that is thirty years after its original year of construction. Factory Built & Historic Racing Vehicles: As described in the Club By-Laws Period Specials: As described in the Club By-Laws.


Wairarapa Branch website Our website address is: www.sporty.co.nz/wairarapavcc. You can access magazines from other branches on the VCC Website: http://vcc.org.nz/ and click on “News from our Branches�.

Name Badges Members, please remember to wear your name badge to ALL Club events. This makes it easier for newer members to learn who you are and for you to get to know them. If you have lost your badge and/or wish to order one, please contact Pat Dutton, phone (06) 379 5930 (Work) or (06) 379 7918 or email: shop@cartertonengraver.co.nz . Badges cost $15 each.

What did you guess?


Advertiser’s Directory TYPE OF SERVICE All glazing requirements Auto electrical services Automotive parts Blinds and window screens

BUSINESS Ewen Glass Battery Town Lins Auto Centre

PAGE 21 20 12

Building services Car upholstery Engine reconditioning Farm Machinery Farriers Bar and Eatery

Uniline Blinds Holmes Construction Group MacArthur’s Trim Shop Wai. Auto & Engine Services Norwood Trust House

25 21 12 23 6 32

Funeral Director Hairdressing Heating and plumbing Hire cars Joinery requirements

Gary Pickering Funerals Asrina's Hair Salon The Heat Shop Wedding Car Hire Renalls Joinery

26 23 31 10 2

Legal requirements Mobil Service Station Mobility needs Motor repairs and WOF’s Outdoor Power Equipment

Property Law Services Smith Hare Christison Mobility Wairarapa Pointon Motors The Stil Shop

26 29 31 25 31

Printing Real Estate Souvenirs and gifts Tax consultation Tyres

Lamb-Peters Print Connie Stewart - Bayleys Paua Shell Factory Sims Taxation Tunnell Tyres Autocare

31 13 24 29 13

Vapour blasting Water blasting Windows and doors

Gilsen Master Blaster Hollings First Aluminium

20 24 2


Don’t forget our advertisers Their advertisements help to pay for the production of this publication. When you need a product or service consider using one of the companies advertising in the Zenith. They help us—why not reciprocate by giving them your custom.

Furs and fur jackets— just right for the coming winter season. Make an offer. All donations to club funds. Contact Myrna 377 3064.


Dearest Dad, I am coming home to get married soon, so get your cheque book out. I'm in love with a boy who is far away from me. As you know, I am in Australia ... and he lives in Scotland. We met on a dating website, became friends on Facebook , had long chats on Whatsapp. He proposed to me on Skype, and now we've had two months of a relationship through Viber. My beloved and favorite Dad, I need your blessing, good wishes, and a really big wedding. Lots of love and thanks. Your favourite daughter, Lilly


THE RESPONSE My Dear Lilly, Like Wow! Really? Cool! Whatever ... I suggest you two get married on Twitter, have fun on Tango, buy your kids on Amazon, and pay for it all through PayPal. And when you get fed up with this new husband, sell him on eBay. Love, Your Dad



Buying & selling Property Powers of Attorney Commercial Matters Relationship Property

• Refinancing • Family Trusts • Subdivisions • Estates/Wills

0800 PPTY LAW (0800 778 952) www.propertylaw.co.nz 26

VEHICLE INFORMATION VEHICLE ID Members who wish to apply for Vehicle Identification Certification (VIC), are asked to contact one of our Branch Vehicle ID Officers. Their names and contact details are provided in each Zenith magazine (generally on page 3). If you wish to participate in any National VCC event, you need to have a Vehicle Identification Certificate. Please don’t leave it to the last minute as it takes some time for the processing of paperwork. VIC Applications: Must be accompanied by the appropriate form which can be downloaded from the VCC NZ website or contact your club secretary. The form should be sent to your local branch secretary for processing. SELLING YOUR VEHICLE? If your vehicle has VIC Certification and you sell your vintage vehicle, please notify NZVCC, P O Box 2546 Christchurch. Ph: 03 366 4461 Fax: (03) 366 0273 or E-mail: admin@vcc.org.nz. INSURING YOUR VEHICLE/ POSSESSIONS? When you insure through VERO, you are helping our Club financially. Just let them know that you are a member of the Wairarapa VCC and quote this number: 043302 COOK STRAIT FERRY BOOKINGS Both the InterIslander and BlueBridge Ferries offer a variety of discounted fares to VCC Members. Contact the companies directly using the Vintage Car Club group booking codes. The staff are generally very helpful. INTERISLANDER: Ph: 0800 878 898 Quote Group Booking Reference Number WH5465 BLUEBRIDGE FERRY: 0800 844 844 Quote Discount Code: ANTIQUECAR 27

FOR SALE A Masterton man has a collection of HR Premier Holden parts – glass, trim, seats etc. For details. contact Kevin Ball on 377-1236, or wtakevin@xtra.co.nz. (3)

Ford Escort Mk II Rack and Pinion (only used for about 5,000 km). Offers.

Honda Motor Cycle Engine CB650E offers. 1939 Morris Series E. Rego on hold. Quite tidy-offers. Please ring Frank Lipinski (06)379 7167. (2)

Parts Department My apologies to Graham Gordon. Last month I thanked the wrong person for the Starter Motor and Model “T” Brake Kit. Our thanks should go to Graham Gordon for donating these parts. Remember the Parts Department is open every Tuesday morning following our monthly Club Night or contact Frank, Tom or Hugh for a private viewing - (06) 379 7167 (Frank), (06) 379 7573 (Tom) or (06) 306 9847 (Hugh).

Members are welcome to advertise their goods for sale, swap or buy. The advertisement does not have to relate to cars/parts, anything goes. Contact Jim Philps, phone: 06 370 9118 or editorwaivcc@gmail.com. Please note advertisements will only be published for three consecutive months unless I am notified otherwise.


1962 Humber Super Snipe 1964 Austin A40 Farina Austin Mini, modified to tilt nose All above have water damage

1958 Austin A40 Farina, dry storage, has a re-conditioned motor and not yet run All cars are open for offers Any enquiries or if you would like to view any of these cars, please contact Les Phone 07 323 6406 Mobile 027 271 7022 Or email les.gail.costar@slingshot.co.nz (1)


Wellsford, Winter Woolies Wander. Rotorua, Central North Island Swap Meet. Horwhenua, Night Owl Run. Central Hawkes Bay Twilight Run. Taranaki Breakfast Run. Gisborne Navigator’s Run.

AUGUST 5 Taranaki Brick Run. 26 Rotorua Sulphur City Rally. SEPTEMBER 3 Waikato Kairangi Hill Climb. 16 Manawatu Vintage Rally. 16-17 Taranaki Rubber Duckie Motorcycle Rally. 23-24 Waikato PV/PW/P60/P80 Rally. 24 Manawatu Morning tea Shantytown. OCTOBER 14 King Country Journey Through Time. 15 Manawatu Swap Meet. 20-22 Hawkes Bay Safari. 28 Waikato Veteran Rally For more information regarding these events please contact the branch involved or contact your club Secretary.


Sender: The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Wairarapa Branch (Incorporated) P.O. Box 7 MASTERTON 5840


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