PHOENIX Number 266
JULY 2017
JULY 2017
Waitemata R’Oil Can 8-9 Kumeu Shed Raid 20 Beaded Wheels and Braced Wings – VCC National Day 27 Ryder’s Junction Dinner & Movie 24 Monte Carlo 29
Club Night 50 yr Awards 2 Chelsea W.A.L.S.H. 5. Club Night BBQ 7 New Year’s Eve 31
Other Events Warkworth Winter Woollies Wander 1-2
Swap Meets Rotorua Swap Meet 9
VCC National Day 27 Kairangi Hill Climb 3
Waimate Branch Swap Meet 2
Hooters Ice Breaker HD. 1 Hunua 100 Rally Auck. Branch 21-22
Canterbury Branch Swap Meet 6-8 Manawatu Branch Swap Meet 7 Waikato Br. Swap Meet 19
Hawke’s Bay Safari 20-22 Auck. Branch m/c rally and swap meet 17-19
Hooters Tasman Revival Taupo. 7 Lochinver - tba
Western Springs Galaxy of Cars 18 Ellerslie Intermarque Concours – tba Hooters Legends of Speed Puke. 25
Hooters ‘Roycroft Trophy Meet’ 18 Hope-Cross Mud Pug - tba
Drive & Dine - tba
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Club Night Thursday 6th JULY 2017 You know the drill. Usual place, the RSA Room, King George Coronation Hall, Library Lane, Albany.
The 2017 R’Oil Can
Saturday 8th July 2017 Entry Form again included herewith but if you haven’t entered yet you are now probably too late. You might try giving Rob a call though. You never know…. Starting from Caltex, Dairy Flat, corner of Dairy Flat Highway and Kahikatea Flat Road, Dairy Flat at 7.00 am. OPEN VEHICLES ONLY – them’s the rules.
Rob’s looking forward to seeing us all there. We are looking forward to going. Win-win situation.
And after that… THE KUMEU SHED RAID Being organised by Keith Humphreys. Sunday 20th July starting at 1:00pm Visiting three eclectic collections of members in the Kumeu, Oratia area Meet at 163 Annette Road Kumeu at 1:00pm (Richie Millers) Bring a plate for afternoon tea Queries to Keith Humphreys PH 446 0916 email: Page |2
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Next Month…
BEADED WHEELS AND BRACED WINGS The Waitemata Branch event marking VCC National Day 27 AUGUST. At Kaipara Flats Airfield, Kaipara Flats Road, near Warkworth. Stan Smith is the prime mover here and the plan is for a run up to the airfield where we will park and, for those interested, avail ourselves of rides in antique airplanes. Later in the day either a BBQ on site or we head off to a suitable Warkworth or Matakana eatery, then home.
Full details to come but, this is a must attend event! We’ll be contacting other local VCC branches to gauge their interest in joining us and plan on announcing it in the local press as well. And it’s all in a good cause – Daffodil Day - fund raising for the National Cancer Society.
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Going further out…
Sunday September 24th Every Woman’s Sunday Night Dream Roast Dinner prepared and cooked by someone other than you!!
6pm Dinner - 7pm Movie Meet at RYDER’S of AVONDALE 177 Riversdale Road Avondale BYO Pre-dinner Nibbles & Tipple & vessel $30pp Roast dinner - Ice-cream $3pp No eftpos or visa
We need you to help make this event a success
Bring a Friend, bring two friends To book your dinner & movie seat Phone Ian & Jacqui Goldingham 09 4458811 Page |4
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And yet further out…
CHELSEA W.A.L.S.H. HILL CLIMB Sunday 5th November 2017 9am – 3pm NO Rain Day Chelsea W.A.L.S.H. Hill Climb is open to all VCC eligible vehicles pre-1945 & up to Pre-1960 with prior consultation with the Waitemata Branch Committee.
ENTRY FORMS etc. are available in this issue of PHOENIX & NEED TO BE WITH Secretary VIV SCOTT 200A Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632
by 2nd November 2017 Scrutineering will be held at Mac’s Garage (4E Ashfield Street, Glenfield) Saturday 4th November 2017 from 9am till 1pm. This service will be carried out by Ryan McDonald & Kevin Andrew. Scrutineering at the venue is ONLY AVAILABLE to OUT OF TOWN ENTRANTS by appointment with the above scrutineers. Please make arrangements with Ryan McDonald (09 4433733 wk.) / Kevin Andrew (0274989454 wk.)
MARSHALS are REQUIRED can YOU help?? please contact Di Humphreys 09 4460916 The event will NOT happen unless we have some VCC members as Marshals
All Marshals MUST be at MARSHAL BRIEFING in Pit area @ 8.30am ALL DRIVERs are REQUIRED to ATTEND DRIVERs BRIEFING @ 8.45am
(if you are not at Drivers Briefing you cannot enter the event) The after-event BBQ will be available for Entrants, Marshals, Radio team. IF others wish to partake of the BBQ they must pay $5pp and they must let Di/Keith Humphreys (09 4460916) know for catering purposes before 2 nd November 2017 Page |5
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Plus… AUCKLAND BRANCH MID-WEEK RUN Wednesday 19th July 2017. Starts from The Warehouse car park, Westgate. 10-00am for a 10-30am departure. Murray and Penny Firth are organising this run. Our destination is the home of Dion Coleman, on the Whangaparoa Peninsula, where we will be shown his large collection of automobilia and have lunch (BYO), then Dion will take us to his nearby workshop where he specialises in classic engine reconditioning.
The Dewdrops tel. 09 232 0245 email
And we have the following message in relation to… Hooters Vintage Race Series – 2017/18 Season Hi all, Firstly, thank you for your support of our race series in 2017. We saw over 25 cars competing with us over the 3 rounds and hope that the growth of the series continues. Hooters Vintage Car Hire in Napier have confirmed their continued sponsorship of the series and we look forward to a busy 2017/18 Race Season. Prior to planning the forthcoming season, we discussed the race format with competitors at Round 3 in Taupo and we have taken on board some of the comments raised. In planning the new season’s activities, we have been able to make some changes to what we can offer competitors as well as adding more events, track time and variety. One significant invitation has come from Classic Trial, who would like us to run in their series. Typically, Classic Trial only run on 1 day at a race meeting (Saturday) and so we would (taking feedback of 1 day meetings into consideration) run the Hooters Race Series on the other day (Sunday). This gives those keen to get more track time the opportunity for two very full days of racing for not much extra cost. A MSNZ M Grade (Clubsport) Licence is required for this, however, Tony Haycock and I have already started discussions with MSNZ regarding the reciprocal arrangement regarding licenses, Log Books (VIC) etc. We would however like to encourage you to come along to our Introduction to Motorsport Day at Hampton Downs on 16 th July and take either the Clubsport or Race Licence as well as getting in some cheap track time. Sunday 16th July 2017 HRC will be running an Introduction to Motorsport Day at Hampton Downs Club Circuit. This event is aimed at novices and is a FULL DAY introduction to getting started. You will also be able to take your Clubsport (Grade M) or Race Licence (Grade C) examination during the day – subject to you lodging your application for the Licence on MSNZ website in advance. We will start the day with an introduction to the team, then cover safety elements (Helmet, Overalls, Flags etc). There will then be a track walk to help you understand the “Racing Line” before we open the track for you to either circulate at your own pace, take race car rides with our instructors or receive instruction in your own car. Page |6
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After lunch, we will conduct the Licence examinations and then have some light competition – run under MSNZ Clubsport Rules to round out the day. There will be trophies for the winners. We intend to make this event as affordable as possible, so please register your interest for this event at or email we will work out the cost when we know how many competitors to expect. Invitations have been received from several sources who want to have “our” cars run with them and so, please find below a “Provisional” calendar for ALL the 2017/18 season: Hooters Series VCC Events are highlighted. We will also have some discussion with the Waitemata VCC committee and Terry Roycroft regarding running a Roycroft Revival at Hampton Downs. Date
Organising Club
16th July 2017
Clubsport Licence Day
Hampton Downs
3rd September 2017
Hill Climb
Waikato VCC
30th September 2017
Classic Trial
Hampton Downs
1st October 2017
Hooters Race - Icebreaker
Hampton Downs
5th November 2017
Chelsea WALSH Hill Climb
Waitemata VCC
10th – 12th November MG Classic Race Meeting
MG Car Club
26th November 2017
Race Meeting
Hampton Downs Club Circuit
6th January 2018
Classic Trial
7th January 2018
Hooters Race – Tasman Revival
24th February 2018
Classic Trial
25th February 2018
Hooters Race – Legends of Speed
17th March
Classic Trial
Hampton Downs
18th March 2018
Hooters Race (Roycroft Revival?)
Hampton Downs
There is also the option of having a further VCC Race at Taupo on 7/8 April if competitors wish…. Please let me know your thoughts and I look forward to seeing you all soon Best regards, Tim Hill. Series Co-ordinator 021 614600
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PAST EVENTS Looking Back…. Annual General Meeting. 1 June. Our A.G.M. proceeded in unseemly good humour that no amount of weighty discussion was able to suppress. Well, there wasn’t a lot of it, really - weighty discussion that is. Proceedings commenced with Stan Smith reciting a modestly grubby nursery The assembled multitudes rhyme and went more or less down-hill from there. All incumbents were re-elected (funny, that) and hats off to Diane for stepping up again as our fearless leader despite earlier suggestions she may step down. And welcome, Stan Smith, as a very worthwhile addition to our committee. One important item of business Does this look like a committee taking things seriously? Or that you could take seriously?
– the Branch’s long held policy and procedure for the acceptance of new members - was roundly endorsed. End of discussion on that topic. Stan reciting Riveting stuff, these AGM’s
Thanks to John Gairdner’s rigid control of our purse strings we are in rude financial health. Generally speaking, its onward and upward from here. Good to see Martin Gairdner, Ryan McDonald and Barry Howard there. It is to be suspected that Barry’s school report cards used to read “Often disruptive in class.”.
Alpine Panel Beating Work Shop Visit. 15 June. There was a fair turn-out for our Alpine Panel Beaters visit, arranged by Keith Humphreys (thanks, Keith). Mark gave us free range over his premises as well as an interesting talk on how his business came about and the work they do, this being primarily old school panel beating and metal shaping, specialising in
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vintage, classic and hot rod type stuff, with little interest in modern vehicle plastic component replacement. They carry out insurance repairs on our type of machinery and have full painting facilities in house, making them a convenient one stop shop. Mark runs regular weekend courses for those interested in developing basic metal shaping skills and these prove very popular, going so far as attracting attendees from across the ditch. There were those amongst our number who put their names down to attend in future. Mark’s interest and passion for applying and passing on these trade skills is very
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Our host Mark addressing some of the attendees
reassuring for us ‘vintagents’. All power to his hammering hand! Photos compliments of Keith.
The paint shop
Hotchkiss in the car park
Avspecs Mosquito No. 3 Visit. 18 June. A very popular event, judging by the numbers attending. This was another Keith Humphreys’ special and no one was more surprised than he as to the interest it generated. Our numbers somewhat overwhelmed the Ardmore Café where we first met before proceeding down to Avspecs premises to view the Mosquito rebuild. Following an informative, if sometimes difficult to hear, talk on the plane and the build, with numerous questions and comments from the crowd, we were free to wander about the Avspecs facility and adjoining premises at will to view other work they have going on, like the early Spitfire, and the Grumman(?) float plane, as well as the multitude of parts and pieces covering every available bit of bench,
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Our Fearless Leader, looking just a tad apprehensive
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not to mention floor, space. Whilst ‘organised chaos’ came to mind, it was a chaos that spoke loudly of here was work being done by those who know what they are doing. Clearly, whilst many of the required skills are common to both, the application of those skills in relation to vintage aircraft restoration is a giant step up from that required in relation to vintage vehicles. Not to mention the economics of the exercise, which is a kind of parallel universe.
Following the viewing, vintage plane rides were available, with the Fox Moth doing brisk business. The War
Birds museum was open, a group headed off to visit Robert McNair and explore his workshop and there was a pleasing variety of quality vehicles in the car park, as the photos herewith indicate. Thanks, again, to Keith for organising this and to both him and Ian Goldingham for the photos.
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Mid-Winter Christmas Whatipu. 24 June. If you missed Whatipu you missed a successful, enjoyable and interesting weekend! This despite the fact it had a lot working against it – John Gairdner, the worthy organiser since time immemorial being incapacitated, Mike Grieg, the usual Father Christmas being occupied with family matters, various stalwarts being otherwise engaged that weekend, the All Blacks vs Lions test match, not to mention a certain yacht race in Bermuda you may have heard of – bearing in mind there is no TV reception at Whatipu! In contrast with previous Whatipu’s where the attendees were asked to bring the various components for the Christmas dinner, this year Dianne H purchased all the food and prepared it, so that there wasn’t very much to do in that respect when the team arrived at the rough-hewn lodge for the festivities. The evening proceeded well with Keith H as Father Christmas (he has been working on the shade of his beard for many years in order to qualify for this role) ably assisted by Di as Santa’s little helper. The Model A team with four Model A’s proudly lined up outside added a new dimension to the evening – a good hard case bunch.
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Max Jamieson’s MGB and the Humphreys’ SP250 added further colour to the car park. And, to add further interest if not difficulty for poor old Santa, there were four Keiths present. No photos as yet. Maybe next month. Big thanks to Diane and Keith for stepping in to set this one up and for all the cooking preparation.
FROM THE THRONE Our new committee member Stan Smith finally found the Northcote Tavern and a full and fruitful committee meeting was recently held where a full calendar of events was produced and is ready for you!! All you have to do is check out the front page of PHOENIX and update your calendar so you don’t miss out on anything. Stan is also a vintage flyer and we have now the opportunity of combining vintage aircraft with vintage cars so what could be better?? NOTHING!! as far as I am concerned. John Gairdner is still not well and he has returned to hospital. His daughter Annette is keeping me up to date and once he is released from hospital he will return to her home. Annette will advise me and at that point and then I can give out her phone number and John would be delighted for you to make contact and chat or better still visit. I took over the Whatipu Mid-Winter Christmas organising from John and it is apparent that it is getting harder and harder to get our members out to this remote but what I think is an absolutely delightful venue. Perhaps it’s the needing torches for visiting the ‘little house’ outside during the night (even though it is a flush little house), or perhaps it’s the sleeping bag thing? Whatever, it was a struggle to get enough members and F.O.B’s out there to cover the costs of staying overnight and putting on a Christmas dinner that is catered for by ourselves. Perhaps Whatipu, once again has run its course??? Perhaps we need a catered venue where we just go for a Mid-Winter dinner, like the STD Club do??? (Sunbeam, Talbot, Darracq)….just so you understand the STD bit!! Have you got any answers?? Have you got any preferences?? Let your committee know because we need to do something Christmassy in June 2018. It is a sign of the times that our membership is slowly but surely getting older and less capable of driving vintage machines but we remain one of the most ‘vintage’ active Branches in the country. Our PHOENIX articles showing photographs at our events always show a good line up of decent machinery with the odd MGB, MGA, Midget sprinkled amongst the vintage stuff. Keep thinking young thoughts, get out and drive your machine as often as you can…..we have discovered that since the A has been on the road the poor old Daimler Dart just sits at home getting a flat battery. We often use the A when we have an evening social event to go to as we have had some beautiful winter evenings of late. Remember…..use it or lose it!! Photo: Model A Buck being started November 2007. That was 10 years ago!!!!
Di H. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
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FROM THE ED. Let’s make this clear. A “classic” car can be whatever you want it to be. A “vintage” car most definitely cannot. The term ‘vintage’ can only apply to the vintage and post vintage categories the V.C.C/FIVA rules (give or take a year) currently recognise; that is to say, vehicles manufactured post January 1919 – pre-December 1945 (effectively 1939 given the intervening war years). The term vintage denotes a particular concept in both form and function, a vehicle clearly distinct from its post WW11 relatives. It was built differently and to different standards; it tended to be ‘batch’ made in relatively small numbers rather than mass produced (with some exceptions, mostly American). It is distinguished by a combination of elements that imbue it with unique characteristics; elements such as chassis, beam axles, crash gear boxes, cart springs, mechanical brakes, artillery or spoked wheels in wood or steel, vacuum tanks, magnetos, large headlamps on stalks, beautifully crafted radiators standing proud in their own right, not to mention wooden framed bodies built by specialist coachbuilders often separate to the vehicle manufacturer itself. It might have some form, often rudimentary, of semi-automatic transmission, independent suspension, monocoque construction or hydraulically operated systems, all or any of which will add to its already many and various idiosyncrasies. It looks different to, handles different to, even smells and sounds different to its post war successors. Equally, the term “veteran” is rightly and clearly representative of a distinctive category of automobile that scarcely needs elaborating on here. We, the car enthusiast, know one when we see one. Accordingly, Branch members are urged to vote, loudly and repeatedly, against Notice of Motion (2) as issued with the last ‘Beaded Wheels’. To categorise club eligible vehicles (other than veterans) only by way of reference to years can best be described as misguided, flying, as it does, in the face of internationally accepted norms and terminology that properly evoke the distinctions between the various eras in the history of automotive development. This motion is objectionable in other respects. It goes on to suggest that deleting the term ‘vintage’ from all vehicle categories thereby renders all club eligible vehicles as “vintage”. This debasement of the concept and nature of true ‘vintage’ cars is, to say the least, unacceptable. Nor can it be claimed that merely deeming any club eligible vehicle as “vintage” will enhance our appeal to younger members. There is no evidence for this. To the contrary, as has been canvassed previously in ‘Beaded Wheels’, dropping the word ‘vintage’, be it in relation to vehicle categories or our club name, matters little in this respect. People will join because of an interest in old (club eligible) cars and they are just as likely - arguably more likely - to value a distinct classification for their particular vehicle as they are to having it categorised as being merely post a certain, emotionally barren, date. Being the Vintage Car Club and having specific vintage vehicle classifications is as much, if not more, of a positive than a negative in terms of attracting new members and, it must be said, retaining existing ones. Oh, and following the resounding affirmation of our Branch’s new member application process, you are urged to vote against Notice of Motion (1) as well. Other than that, this edition is largely given over to the announcement of a wide range of coming events, including a ‘wings and wheels’ outing such as we have not enjoyed for many years. Participate, good people.
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PHOENIX Number 266
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JUST SO WE KNOW WHO WE ARE... With the current focus on long term VCC membership it is well worth recognising that Branch member ALLAN BOOTH was recently acknowledged as having been a member of the Riley Car Club for 50 years. Allan may not have been a founder member of Waitemata Branch but his involvement with us dates back to very soon after our formation. Thanks to his brother Harold for the following story and with acknowledgement to ‘NewZ’, the newsletter of The Riley Car Club of New Zealand (inc) …..
50 SHADES of RILEY - ALLAN BOOTH Allan is a foundation member of the Riley Car Club, joining when he was 19 years old along with his father, Harold Senior. Harold senior was the club’s first Vice President. (Allan joined Waitemata Branch way back, not long after its formation and was always a keen participant in our various functions. He and his Rileys, particularly the 1933 ‘March Special’ were formidable competitors at rallies and speed events. He was active at committee level, doing his bit for the Branch and served a term as our Chairman. Ed.) Allan’s first car was a ’32 Riley Lincock Coupe. At the time the Riley Club was founded though, he owned a nice little 9hp special built on a shortened chassis. It had a very attractive rear end very much like an Austin Healey, with cycle guards over the front wheels. Perhaps if he still owned it he may have nicknamed it “Pippa”!
After a while the Special was sold to Wallace McNair, with half the proceeds (he owed Dad the other half!) going towards two 9hp cars - a saloon with a front opening bonnet (possibly a Biarittz) and a 1930 Monaco. The Monaco was tidied up and painted. It was used on a daily basis travelling to and from work and, of course, for Riley club rallies. During this period he would help Dad out on weekends at Jacks Motors in Hobson Street in Auckland City and he would also visit a couple of blokes working across the road on a MG look-alike with Riley 9 chassis and running gear. He got pretty excited one day after he made the guys an “as is where is” offer which they accepted! Dad was furious, raced across the road and told the guys they were ripping the “Young Fella” off. He got the car for half the price. Special Number2 was eventually put on the road. It had a Merlin engine with a preselect gearbox and hydraulic brakes. A hood & side screens were made, red upholstery fitted and the bodywork painted white. Allan was “The Man” complete with “Chick Magnet”. Once the magnet had done its job a more comfortable form of transport was needed, so the “White Special” was sold and replaced by a 1946 RMA Saloon. The RMA was the last one for a while- family taking precedence until the green 1933 March Special Replica was acquired in 1988. He campaigned this car with Lee & daughter Kelly for the next 20 something years. P a g e | 14
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Attending many of Riley Car Club rallies and Waitemata VCC hill climbs & track events like the Roycroft Trophy meetings. He was also elected as the Riley Club’s North Island Vice President for many years. In the early 2000’s a 12/4 Kestrel Sprite was acquired, previously owned by Jack Oswin. It was a car Allan had lusted after since those early days in the 60’s and he had tried to purchase it then, but couldn’t find enough cash. A 1954 RME joined the stable and then finally the repurchase of the “White Special” around 2006. It was in a very different condition than when he sold it some 40 years earlier. The Merlin engine had gone and the red upholstery had been changed to black. The car was generally pretty sad. However, with some long hours and hard work it was put back on the road in 2008 but then taken off again for “refinements”. He still owns the “March”, which has had an extensive rebuild and the “White Special”, but sadly, due to ill health is unable to enjoy using them now. Despite this, his enthusiasm for all things “Riley” is still apparent, especially those deep technical issues of which he has always opined. Harold Booth.
FOR SALE…. Embroidered Branch Badges…………………………………………..$10 each. Great quality and feel the width! Contact our worthy Secretary, Viv Scott for yours:
OTHER NEWS……. Thanks to Wallace McNair for this article you will doubtless find interesting.
THE 1923 INDIANAPOLIS MERCEDES. The last issue of Phoenix showed one of KSH’s photos of the Mercedes at the Auckland Domain hill climb, 3rd October 1982. Keith had incorrectly captioned it as one of the 1914 GP Mercedes, in fact it was one of the four cars built for the 1923 Indianapolis race, driven by the famous Christian Lautenschlager. It was also the first of a number of cars sent to me from Germany for restoration, following some heroic work carried out on the Montague Hispano Alfonso in 1980. The Mercedes had been purchased in America as an incomplete wreck by my German client. Following the 1923 event, which did not go as well as planned for Daimler, two cars remained back in the States. Our subject car had spun out badly and crashed on the 14th lap, giving Max Sailer a best place of 8th in another Mercedes.
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A look at the specification of the machines will give a better understanding of what happened to Lautenschlager. The cars were 2 litre, 4 cylinder, DOHC with four valves per cylinder, roller bearing crankshaft, and supercharged. Mercedes were pioneers of The Photograph from the previous issue. Auckland Domain Hill Climb - 1982 supercharging and developed a system where up to 3/4 throttle the Roots blower was idle, the fuel mixture drawn through the carburettor in the normal way. Further pressure on the accelerator pedal engaged a clutch at the front of the crank and spun up the blower. Linkages also pressurised the carburettor at this time and the engine’s output was close to doubled. The factory quoted 120hp at 5000 rpm. So one can imagine that coming out of the turn at the end of the straight, the bricks a bit slippery and suddenly having twice as much power at the wheels, even the Master had a problem. The car was repaired after the race and continued racing for a number of years, becoming more and more modified, even with different engines. When it came here in 1980 for restoration, work had Same Domain, same hill climb. Rear view. already begun in the USA but was terminated after a body had been built. The mechanical side was a major challenge; there were two cylinder blocks, both badly damaged, a five piece crankshaft which had fretted at each joint, a wooden radiator and some big gaps. Lawrence Poolman was persuaded to come and help me in my cowshed at Coatesville. The owner had believed it was unlikely the engine could ever be made to run again and had suggested that the car be completed as a museum exhibit. Not our way! Some eighteen months later I was able to take the car to Wigram for a historic race against some very fine machinery and send a video of the event to Germany……… The run from Coatesville to Riverhead and back became a favourite road test for this fabulous machine and we had the opportunity of sharing it at several events before it returned to Hamburg. The car recently featured at Goodwood with other Mercedes race cars. Wallace McNair.
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Kampaigning a K-Type on the Kontinent ‘Phoenix Despatches’ last month mentioned that the Pitches and the Bushells were reportedly swanning around Europe following the fortunes of F.O.B John Hancock’s K3 MG. Well, not quite. It is, of course, a K1 MG (as Laurence Poolman points out, the number plate is a bit of a give-away) and the Pitches and Bushells have yet to join him, but will be doing so soon. Thanks to Dave Pitches for passing on the good oil and to John Hancock for the following message…
“Hi Dave, A couple of photos attached of the MG in various places. We are now at Lake Garda Italy in beautiful fine weather, staying in a cottage thankfully with a pool as it is 32 degrees here today. It is a stunningly beautiful area. When we left England we made our way to France and eventually to Carignan where the Retro GP was held. We stayed in Carignan for a week, there is a lot of first war stuff in the area so quite interesting and we visited a number of sites plus the Maginot Line Forts. The Retro GP event was a load of fun, commencing with a tour of the area on the Saturday mainly over very narrow country lanes and we did about 130 km. The tone was set at the morning tea stop where along with coffee people were downing beers and wine. The organisers made us very welcome and the K attracted a lot of attention and amazement that we had come so far. I gave the organisers a NZ flag, quite large so they made a fuss over that. Lunch was served in an old citadel and then back to Carignan for dinner and more drinking after which they had a drivers’ briefing which lasted all of 30 seconds and the racing commenced that evening around the streets of Carignan. The
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organisers stressed that it was only a demonstration and not a race but most competitors had failed to hear that instruction. There were three classes. Motor Bikes, cycle cars and grand sports. The cycle cars were mainly small engine Amilcars and a couple of J2’s and PA’s also a large number of Austin 7 specials and 3 wheel Morgans. The Grand Sports were the larger engine cars, all sorts of weird and wonderful cars, a good number of Riley specials, Alvis, some French machinery that I had never heard of, a number of MG’s, TC special, something strange that looked like a TD chassis with Independent front end, with a K3 type body and unknown engine as the bonnet was never lifted to revel its powerplant but it was very fast. This was the division that I was in, about twenty cars in all. The first race/demonstration was on the Saturday evening then three more races on the Sunday. The K acquitted itself well and the only cars that gave me trouble were a bunch of Riley specials from Germany and Holland with unknown engines plus the TD special mentioned above. The track was about 2km long was very narrow in parts and with limited passing opportunities. Protection for the crowd were hay bales or orange plastic netting. The whole event was a load of fun, lots of spectators, (free entry) food stalls, musicians and a real carnival atmosphere. Everyone enjoyed themselves and lots of interest in the MG from NZ. From Carignan we moved on to stay in the small town of Mals which is in the mountains of Southern Tyrol area. It is about 10km from the start of the Stelvio Pass from the Southern side. We were here for three days. The weather again was fine clear blue skies and the Mountain tops were still snow covered. We set off early to climb the pass along with thousands of motorbikes, thousands of people on push bikes and even more modern cars. When we were here eleven years ago with the MGA the place was deserted. By mid-morning we were half way up the pass and the temperature was in the mid-twenties. The K got to about fifteen hairpins from the top and we had to pause for about twenty minutes to let the engine cool down. We had to do this a couple of times but eventually made it to the top. It was so crowded you could hardly move. We had a coffee and sausage in a bun, took the customary photograph and headed back down. It was amazing how many people on push bikes were making the climb and at close to 9000’ at the top there is not a lot of oxygen for them to suck on. A great day and we can tick that one off.
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We have just had dinner and trying to get the latest on the America’s Cup. Internet connection is very slow. The place we are staying in for the next week is lovely, a couple of km’s out of town in the country but only a couple of km from the Lake. Today we visited the town of Salo on the Lake and had lunch on the waterfront. Met a guy with a TD who made us most welcome and wants us to bring the MG’s down for a visit. It was so hot we were in the airconditioned Mercedes. All the best, John & Brenda.”
DESPATCHES…. If you aren’t mentioned in despatches it means you aren’t telling the Editor what you are up to. ➢
Brendan Lamain offers this fine example of ancient advertising…
Hello Kevin, In case you have a spare page in the next Phoenix I am forwarding this old advert. Most folk like to have old signs in their garage to go with their vintage car. Cheers, Brendan. An Actual 1960's WD-40 advertisement
Good to see Glyn Williams, one of our Branch founding members, at the Avspecs visit. It is to be hoped we may see more of him in future.
Les Harris – well, what can we say! How about more power to him. Some of you may have seen this inclusion in the ‘Herald’ back on 30 May.
“A 92-year-old motorist has been caught speeding seven times in the past five months, clocking up $310 worth of fines. West Auckland's Leslie Harris was caught four times in December 2016 driving over the 50km/h limit on West Coast Rd in Glen Eden. On each occasion he was fined $30 for exceeding the limit by 8km/h, 9km/h, 10km/h and 5km/h. In 2017, Harris was also caught driving over the 50km/h speed limit in New Lynn and on State Highway 16, Helensville, in April. Harris told Fairfax the 50km/h was a joke and said it was frustrating to get ticketed when there was no traffic on the road. "It is glaringly clear to me that the 50km/h mentality is very wrong, and should be obsolete. Sixty in this day and age is a perfectly safe speed, especially with having vehicles with superior brakes and steering," Harris said. Harris said thousands, like him, naturally drive over the limit at between 50 and 60 km/h. P a g e | 19
PHOENIX Number 266
JULY 2017
The grandfather of six also picked up an $80 fine on the same day he copped another ticket for doing 61km/h in a 50km/h zone. Police revealed that in 2016 the West Auckland region totalled $1,424,290 in fines. Harris told Fairfax he believes more time should be spent teaching drivers how to use their mirrors instead of focusing on speeding drivers.” ➢
Mike Grieg reports that the Devonport Public Library holds photos of early Chelsea Hill Climbs in its archives. Proof positive of our historic rights of use.
Speaking of the Herald, you may also have noticed the recent article by Jacqui Madelin in the ‘Driven’ section featuring those Austin 7 stalwarts Richard McWhannell, Joss Campbell and Ian Williams and the making of the ‘McLaren’ movie. Great story, gentlemen.
Something for the compleat motorist – electrically heated insoles. The Editor acquired some of these recently – a mere $7 or so delivered and has found them remarkably effective. If you notice him with wires hanging out of his trousers on the R’Oil Can you’ll know why.
➢ Well, now we know! The N.Z. Herald, 2 June edition, reported on a quirk in N.Z. law which means that there is no requirement here for vehicles to have a driver. This certainly goes a considerable way in explaining a lot of the behaviour we regularly witness on our roads.
THE SQUEAKY WHEEL… Not enough space this month. Full house.
KB. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ P a g e | 20
PHOENIX Number 266
JULY 2017
PHOENIX The OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER of THE WAITEMATA BRANCH of the VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z. INC. 200A Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632
CLUB NIGHT THURSDAY 6th July At the RSA Room, King George Coronation Hall, Library Lane, Albany. Take Exit 410 Oteha Valley Road. Travel west along Oteha Valley Road, ahead through 2 roundabouts and straight ahead at Traffic Lights into Albany Highway then almost immediately RIGHT into Library Lane then very soon go right again into the parking area. The RSA Room is at the rear.
From Keith - Waitemata Branch outing 2001, Auckland Botanic Gardens. Only 16 years ago, there’s been a few go missing since then.
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PHOENIX Number 266
JULY 2017
Please complete this entry form and forward to: Waitemata Branch Secretary: Viv Scott, 200A Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632
Payment can be made by (tick) Cheque ⃝ Cash ⃝ Direct Credit ⃝ (ref. Chelsea & Entrant Surname) Account: Vintage Car Club ANZ Bank 01 0121 0121976 00
DRIVER/ENTRANT DETAILS Driver Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone: ……………………………… Mobile: …………................... Email: ……………………………………………. VCC Branch: ………………………………………………… Membership Number: ……………………………………………………………. Civil Driver Lic. Number: ……………………………… VCC Competition lic. Number: ……………………………………………….. VCC Vehicle ID Card: ……………………………………. Vehicle Registration Number: ……………………………………………….. W.O.F Expiry Date: …………………………………………………. Entrant Full Name (if same as driver write “same”): ………………………………………………………………………………………. Entrant Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Make of Vehicle: ……………………………………… Model: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Year of Manufacture: ……………………………… Colour: ……………………………………………………………………………………… CC Capacity: ……………………………………………… Fuel: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. List of Non-original Features: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… If your vehicle has a permanent competition number please state otherwise a number will be issued on the day………… Chelsea Organising Committee look forward to your participation in this prestigious annual Waitemata Branch event
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JULY 2017
SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS These SR’s are to be read in conjunction with the current Vintage Car Club Speed Event Regulations dated 24/10/2014 Section 23 The organiser reserves the right to refuse any entry without necessarily giving a reason, notwithstanding having invited that entry. The organiser also reserves the right to issue additional Supplementary Regulations, or cancel the event. Dual drivers will be permitted to enter the same vehicle, and must complete separate entry forms, and will compete running alternately. Every vehicle must be scrutineered prior to competing. Scrutineering will be from 9.00am - 1.00pm Saturday 4th November at MACS GARAGE, 4E ASHFIELD ROAD, GLENFIELD. By Ryan McDonald & Kevin Andrew : Ph 443 3733. For ‘out of town’ entrants (south beyond Pukekohe…north beyond Warkworth) who are unable to make Saturdays scrutineering, there will be the opportunity on Sunday morning to be scrutineered by appointment only. Phone Ryan 09 443 3733 or Kevin Andrew 0274989454. Rechecks on specific items only will also be available at the venue. VEHICLE IDENTITY CARD/NZ HISTORIC RACING LICENCE/CURRENT VCC MEMBERSHIP CARD/LOGBOOK MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE SCRUTINEER. Also bring the FILLED IN VEHICLE SAFETY STATEMENT & INDEMNITY FORM (following 2 pages) DRIVERS BRIEFING: will take place in car-park Pit Area at 8.45am. ALL DRIVERS MUST ATTEND. Practice will commence immediately after, followed by timed runs. NO LUNCH BREAK: The event will finish with a BBQ and Prize-giving in the Pit car-park at approximately 3pm. DRIVERS EQUIPMENT: Drivers are reminded of the dangers of wearing loose or inflammable clothing (i.e. most synthetics) The wearing of overalls is COMPULSARY. One piece cotton work overalls are acceptable as a MINIMUM STANDARD. All single seat vehicle drivers shall be required to wear one piece fire retardant racing overalls. Motorcyclists shall be required to wear leather gloves and stout boots. Full leathers are strongly recommended. All motorcyclists and drivers of open cars must wear safety goggles or a helmet visor. Crash helmets are compulsory for all speed events. The helmet must be in good condition and meet the following requirements: NZS5340: Australia AS1698: Britain BS6658-85 type A (blue label): Snell Foundation : Snell SA90, (Homologation number beginning 02,03,04 followed by production number)
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PHOENIX Number 266
JULY 2017
DATE : Sunday 5th Nov. 2017
ENTRANT/DRIVER ____________________ ENTRY NO _________________ MAKE & MODEL ______________________ YEAR ______________________ VCC ID NUMBER______________________ PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS FORM BEFORE SIGNING Entrants bear full responsibility for the safety of their vehicles. You are required as a condition of entry to check each item below and to indicate that it is of sufficiently sound condition and operation to be safe for use in the event in which it is intended to participate. You must then sign this form to indicate that you accept full and total responsibility for the vehicle condition and operation and that you fully indemnify the organisers from any claim arising from the operation of the vehicle or from the failure of any part of the vehicle. The acceptance of or admission of any vehicle to any event shall in no way whatsoever indicate that the organisers consider the vehicle to be in a safe or satisfactory condition. WHEELS, spokes, rims, studs, nuts, bearings, wheel trims removed. _____ TYRES, condition. _____ SPRINGS, U/Bolts, suspension, axles, kingpins, shock absorbers etc. _____ STEERING, play, tight spots, ball joints etc. _____ BRAKES, operation, pedal travel, rods, cables, lines, hoses, fluid reservoirs, etc. _____ ENGINE, cover secure, throttle linkages and return springs, oil leaks, fuel lines etc. _____ BODYWORK, security of seats, doors, fuel cap, rear vision etc. _____ ELECTRICAL, battery secure, accessibility of ignition switch & marking, lamps secure, taped or protected. _____ EXHAUST SYSTEM, secure and acceptable noise level. _____ GENERAL STANDARD, of vehicle and accessories. _____ SAFETY HELMET, and protecting clothing goggles or visor, gloves, footwear etc. _____ FIRE EXTINGUISHER if fitted, must have either a pressure gauge showing an acceptable reading or an inspection label not more than 12 months old. _____ ROLL OVER PROTECTION Roll over protection, if applicable, must be to approved standards. _____ SEAT BELTS Seat belts, if applicable, must be to approved standards. _____ VEHICLE IS USING METHANOL FUEL YES / NO Methanol fuel labelling clearly visible as per speed event regulations. YES / NO CRANKCASE BREATHER Crankcase breathers fitted with suitable catch bottle. _____ COOLING SYSTEM Non-sealed cooling system fitted with overflow catch bottle. The use of non-water based coolant is strongly discouraged. _____ SUMP PLUG To be wired in place for all circuit events. _____ I declare that I have checked the above vehicle and it complies with the requirements of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.) Speed Regulations and I accept responsibility for its overall safety:
PHOENIX Number 266
JULY 2017
Section 23: K 12/03/2008 WAITEMATA BRANCH
THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND (Inc.) EVENT: CHELSEA W.A.L.S.H. HILLCLIMB INDEMNITY FORM: IN CONSIDERATION of the acceptance of this entry and my being permitted to take part in this event I hereby agree to save harmless and keep indemnified THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z. INCORPORATED and its Branches and its associated organisations and their respective officials, servants, members, representatives and agents from and against all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death or injury to any person including the person of myself, driver and passengers and in respect of loss of or damage to property of any nature howsoever caused arising out of or in connection with this entry or my taking part in this event and NOTWITHSTANDING that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the said Club, Branches and associated organisations their officials, servants, members, representatives or agents. AND I AGREE that both at the date of acceptance of this entry and at the date of the event, the competing vehicle does and will comply with the rules of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.), the speed regulations and any supplementary regulations as notified with the entry form. I also consent to the collection of the details on this form by the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.) for the purposes of registration, administration and the publication of results. I acknowledge my right to access and correction of this information. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. _______________________________ ______________________________ Name of Owner: (print in full) Signature of Owner _______________________________ _______________________________ Name of Entrant: (print in full) Signature of Entrant _______________________________ _______________________________ Name of Driver: (print in full) Signature of Driver
Dated: ________________________
IF any of the above persons is under the age of twenty (20) years the parent or guardian must print their own name in full and sign opposite the name of such minor. IF any of the above persons is under the age of twenty (20) years the parent or guardian must complete the following: IN CONSIDERATION of the acceptance of the entry of the abovenamed, I _____________________________ the parent/guardian of _________________________________ the above named minor HEREBY UNDERTAKE AND AGREE TO the indemnity terms and conditions set out above.
DATED: __________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________ P a g e | 26