Wellington VCC April 2017

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THE MOTORING SPIRIT The Wellington Branch Newsletter April 2017 More photos of the MacKay to Pekapeka Opening

The Hutt Valley Fiire Brigade Dodge Fire Engine now owned by the Horowhenua Club

John Hollis’s 37 Ford V8 truck

The queue of vintage cars, and the buses full of passengers waiting to drive on to the new Expressway

59 years of Vintage motoring 1958—2017

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)

Wellington Branch Clubrooms



Postal Address

PO Box 38-418,

(East end of Jackson Street)\ Petone

Clubrooms Phone 568-7463

Email: wellington@vcc.org.nz

Branch Committee Chairman

Bill Pinkham



Immediate Past Chairman

Colin White




Alastair McCarthy



mccarthys@xtra.co.nz Treasurer

Peter McKeown


233 5113

Club Captain

Neale Ryder


528-2580 0274 493-014

Assistant Club Captain

Peter Simpson



General Member


Property Manager

Bill Pinkham



Newsletter Editor

Claire Benge



Social Convenor

Tasi Betteridge


Nat Executive Delegate

Ray Betteridge


Parts Manager

Alick Jenner

972-2367 565-0174

Appointed Officers Librarian

David Crooks



Scribe to Beaded Wheels

Claire Benge



Workshop Custodian

Don Hawkes



Friend of the fire engine

John Jackson



Motorcycle Representative Peter Simpson



Vehicle ID

Roger White



Don Hawkes



Memorabilia sales


Rally Secretary

Diane White



Archives & Trophies

Michael Curry



Bar & Chiller stocks

Paul Switzer




CONTENTS P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 - 7 P8 - 9

Contact Details for Committee and appointed officers Contents From the Captain’s Table Chairman’s Message From the Editor’s Laptop From the Archives Motorcycle Section The Sunday Run From the Library

P10 P11

Joseph Lucas’s Electrical Theory Dark Suckers As We Were P12 - 13 Notice of AGM Officers Nomination Form P14 - P15 Obituaries P16, P17, 18 Coming Up - Here and There P19 Buy and Sell P20 - 22 Advertisements P 23 Calendar of Events


Neale Ryder

Whats coming up in April? The Dawn Breaker Run on Sunday 23rd. Be at the top of the Rimutaka Hill Road around 6.45am to see the sun come up over the Wairarapa plains, then on to Breakfast at the Corner Cafe in Greytown at 7.30. Following that you can go over to the Greytown Rugby Club in East St and watch the start of the Veteran Rally. They will be in Martinborough at lunch time so why not go there as well. Plenty of good cafes in and around the Square or bring your picnic lunch and sit under the trees. If you are intending to have breakfast at the Corner Café and/or lunch at Marinborough, could you please let Diane White know as soon as possible so she can book tables. And further ahead? This year sees the 60th running of our November Rally. Because of this we would like to make something special of it, leading into our 60th year of the Wellington Branch. The rally committee are working towards this but could do with a bit of extra assistance. If you would like to help or just see what it is we do please contact either me, Roger or Dianne. As well as our usual rally on the Saturday followed by an evening meal, we are exploring the idea of having an open day at our clubrooms on the Sunday, with a display of the wide range of our vehicles & activities. At the March clubnight this was received by those present with enthusiam, so let’s keep it going, but we will need some of you to take a hand in organising & promoting the open day, could it be you? Please give it some thought. Regards

Neale 3


Bill Pinkham

Well my February was a busy one. My calendar seemed to have something marked for at least one day every weekend. For those who attended the Art Deco Weekend in Napier, things were a bit different this year. It rained all the way up on the Friday. It rained Saturday morning, then persisted down Saturday night with some of the events getting a bit damp and relocated to alternative venues. No Gatsby picnic, the lawns were too wet. But we still had a great time. Then I attended the National Executive Meeting held in Auckland. There was discussion regarding an Online Membership proposal, this was shelved for the moment, as there are too many variations in the branch requirements that need to be taken into account, ie each Branch membership has a different membership fee structure: - some branches have a membership application fee, some Branches have a requirement for prospective members to attend meetings and there are issues around obtaining Seconders. The current system just can’t cope with that. A proposal was tabled for the National office to have a Facebook page to advertise events and add photos on past events etc. This was approved by the executive. Any Branch could also have a Branch Facebook page that was a friend of the National Facebook page. Beaded Wheels & Wanganui Branch already have Facebook pages. There was a proposal for a VCC National Day that would have all branches organise a run/ event to promote the VCC and raise money for a Charity. The date for this was undecided but somewhere around August-September possibly. The event would involve anyone interested. Anyone in any vehicle could attend and simply pay an entry fee. There is still a lot of work to be done before this could become a reality. The Management committee will compile a Presentation to be emailed to branches to highlight their proposal. Also:  Membership of the Club is currently sitting at 8399, and Wellington membership contributes 283 to that number.  The 2019 National Veteran Rally is being hosted by the South Canterbury Branch.  The planning for the Next Vero international rally in Taranaki is underway and in the words of the Taranaki Branch representative “It will be on budget”. Next came the Horowhenua Branch Swap meet, always a pleasant day out where a small group led by Alick Jenner work to get extra money from non-Wellington members to assist our branches funds. The AGM is coming up, so now is your opportunity to replace me and/or any other committee member. Just fill out a nomination form. (continued on next page) 4


Claire Benge

Well, this has been a busy week. We arrived back from a trip up North to find the garden overgrown, and the need to get the Motoring Spirit to the printers by Friday so that the notice of the AGM in May is legal. An urgent, half scolding email to regular visitors was sent, giving them a deadline of Wednesday so that it could be proofread on Thursday, corrected and sent away. As I write this late Wednesday afternoon everyone has sent in their reports. I am impressed. My poor garden however!!? In the middle of this issue you will find notice of the 2017 AGM and a nomination form for officers for the committee. This is your time to have your say in how the Club is run; particularly as changes to the Branch Constitution will be discussed.

And farewell to Stan Garmonsway who did a lot to help me get started on this job. We will all miss him. See your there



Michael Curry

Stan Garmonsway has donated to the Archive photos from our first November Rally in 1958, the 1978 Todd Park Easter Rally plus many of our Branch monthly runs. Amongst them are 40 photos of the First Summer City Veteran Rally sponsored by Cable Price Mercedes Benz who also donated a silver trophy of the first Benz car. Included are Branch records and results of rallies/runs as Club Captain and Treasurer, and also Minutes of Branch committee meetings. This is a big boost for the Branch archive.

Chairman’s message continued from previous page On a sadder note March Club night was probably the last club night that Stan & Kate Garmonsway will be attending on a regular basis, as they are moving to a sunnier locale in the Manuwatu. I am informed that Stan Joined the Wellington Branch in 1977. Stan tells me that was his second membership of the VCC after he had taken a 10 year sabbatical on the other side of the world. Over the years he has held most of the positions on the branch committee, Chairman, Assistant Chairman, Treasurer, Club Captain, Assistant club captain, newsletter editor as well as collecting a photographic history of branch events. We will all be sorry to see him move, but also wish him well for the future. Lastly. Did you know that this November Rally is to be the 60 th! I gather this event was first marked by a group of middle aged men and women in old cars rallying from Lower Hutt to Upper Hutt, I personally don’t remember it (I was only just learning how to terrorise my parents). How are we going to mark the 60th? 5

MOTORCYCLE SECTION Meeting Monday March 20th Eleven members attended the March meeting.

Past Events Feb 12th: British Car Day: A number of members turned out with motorcycles for this event. Feb 17-19th National Motorcycle Rally, Waitomo Six Wellington riders attended: David Gwynn, 1913 BSA 500cc; Dennis Palmer, 1939 Harley Davidson WL; Peter Simpson, 1952 Matchless G3LS Competition; Aaron Janes, 1956 BSA Golden Flash; Warrick Laing, 1969 Norton Mercury; Trevor Barnes, 1977 Honda CB400F. Also the Barnes 1980 Suzuki GS850 & sidecar was entered by Barry & Carla Barnes, Timaru. Those who rode to the rally “enjoyed” considerable rain on the way on Friday. The Rally HQ was in the Waitomo domain and was well organised and with tea and coffee always available. Rally day was fine or fair weather except for a very brief shower near the end. The route went over marvellous roads, with some optional shingle just before lunch. The Saturday evening “pea, pie & pud” and entertainment was at Woodlyn Park. Rain caused the cancellation of the inter branch gymkhana on Sunday. The Sunday final dinner and prize giving was again at Woodlyn Park. Bill Hohepa was the keynote speaker and I found him very interesting. First overall was David Henwood 1980 Honda XL500S. Wellington awards were: 2nd Veteran: David Gwynn; 3rd Post War: Aaron Janes; Best Performance – Twin Cylinder: Aaron Janes; People’s Choice: David Gwynn. The team trophy was awarded from the results of the Saturday field tests, being won by Wairarapa.

Aaron’s North Island Tour (Raglan Revisited) 16 -20 March 2017: 13 riders and 2 in the backup van. Day 1: To Stratford with a visit to Ratana, where we received an impromptu guided tour of the temple and marae. DOD (Dick of the day) awarded to Hal O’Rorke. Day2 (St Patrick’s Day): Stratford – Kawhia – Raglan via interesting back roads including gravel. Some delays with riders missing turns. Highlight of the day was a visit to Mokau School to give rides. Some children then sang Irish songs as we had morning tea. DOD awarded to John Viner. The Palmer Harley was consigned to the trailer due to plughole thread problems. Day 3: Raglan to Putaruru was a run mostly on sealed roads off the main highways. A missed turn heading for Arapuni became an interesting detour over the Arapuni dam. DOD to David Gwynn. 6

Day 4: Putaruru – Taupo – Ohakune, with morning tea at Tokaroa. One bike failing to start saw a few bikes not leave with the leader. Then they took a wrong route out of town which took some time to remedy. From Tokaroa a route was mapped from Kinleith via Tram Road, Wawa Road and Flavell Road. A magic ride, mostly downhill – didn’t see the Private Road sign! Lunch at Taupo, SH1 to Turangi, SH41, SH47, SH4 to Ohakune. DOD awarded to John Neill. Day 5: Ohakune – Raetihi – Wanganui River Road – Feilding – Home (parting ways at Levin). We stopped at Jerusalem, morning tea in Whanganui, then via Marton to Feilding for lunch. DOD to Trevor Barnes. Back roads to Himitangi and farewells at Levin. No rain on any day and lots of “motorcycle” roads– what a great tour.

Coming Events. Wanganui Autumn Trial 8-9th April: The entry form has been emailed to those who have this facility. Some copies were available at the meeting. Horowhenua Ted Green Memorial Run 9th April: This unfortunately clashes with Wanganui. The entry form says entries close Monday 1st April, though they have in the past taken entries on the day. The entry form has been emailed. Some copies were available at the meeting. Wairarapa Autumn Trial 13th - 14th May.

Other Matters - Next Meeting: The April motorcycle meeting will be Monday April 24th (the 4th Monday) at The Butcher and Brewer. Meeting dates for the rest of the year are not often on the last Monday - see below: May 22nd

4th Monday

June 19th

3rd Monday

July 17th

3rd Monday

August 21st

3rd Monday

September 18th

3rd Monday

October 30th

5th Monday



Richard Davies

This month (2 April) , at 11 am meet outside the Janus Bakkerij 700 High Street, Lower Hutt (north of the Hutt Hospital). We will have a coffee there and decide where the run is to be, depending on the weather. (some parking out the back off Mitchell Street)




David Crooks

A Century Ago cont’d. While Britain and France developed the tank concept to first operational use in 1916 (the British Mk 1) the Germans moved very slowly, which was surprising for a nation of established technological achievement. There were several reasons, including a deep seated attachment to traditional military practise, doubts at high level as to the capabilities and potential of the tank, and the limiting ability of industry to meet the rapidly rising demand for war material. However, the increasingly effective use of tanks by the Allies during 1917 became a matter of deep concern and attention was directed to the development of a German tank capability. From their use of captured British machines there was some appreciation of the necessary features required, but German design concept was drawn to imposing size and armament to the neglect of battlefield mobility. The only model to make the field during WW1 was the A7V (initials of a War Office department, but described as the Sturmpanzerwagen ‘armoured assault vehicle’). It was a simple, skirted, metal box mounted on an extended Holt crawler chassis. Powered by two 200 hp 4cyl. Daimler-Benz engines it had a road speed of 9 mph, range of some 60 miles, was armed with a 57 mm light cannon and 6 machine guns, and carried a crew of up to 18. But it was top-heavy, had low tracks, excessive hull overhang, insufficient ground clearance, lacked trench/obstacle crossing ability and, overall, was a poor performer in the field. They were more mobile fortification facilities than tanks as such and only 20 were built. It was re-designed to the successful British rhomboid track shape but that was too late for WW1 service. Below left, an A7V captured by Australians in April 1918 (the only one still in existence it resides in an Australian war museum); below centre, one of two A7Vs captured by the NZ Division at Fremicourt in NE France on 2 September 1918. A number of further German designs did not make it beyond mock-ups and prototypes before the war ended, including a monster “land-ship”, the K-Wagen. Originally proposed as a165 ton machine, the reduced design weighed in at 120 tons, was 43 ft long (that’s two thirds the length of a cricket pitch!!), 20 ft wide, powered by two 650 hp Daimler engines for a road speed of less than 5 mph, and had poor cross-country performance. It was armed with four 77mm fortress guns and 6 machine-guns and had a crew of 27. Because of size it could not be transported as a complete unit and was made up as six modules which could be moved by rail to the front where it would be re-assembled for action. The modules related to the various operational functions within the machine, control armament, engine room etc. which were therefore separate compartments. The resultinglayout created serious operating difficulties, the two drivers for instance had no visibility and had to steer by directions from the commander who acted much as the captain of a ship, his orders to the various departments being conveyed by a system of electric lights. Pictured below right, only two were at the prototype stage when the war ended. p8


Italian ground force action in WW1 against Austro-Hungarian forces was conducted mostly in mountainous terrain unsuitable for use of motorised vehicles. However the success of British and French usage of tanks could not be ignored and the Italians acquired some French Renault FTs while design began for a locally built machine. The resulting Fiat 2000 was a heavy 40 ton vehicle powered by a Fiat Aviazione A12 6 cyl 240hp aircraft engine for a road speed of 4 mph and range of 45 miles. Armament was a 65 mm cannon in a domed revolving turret and 8 machine guns, it had a crew of 10. Below left, only two were completed and did not see combat. Austria-Hungary army equipment was dated when war began but, operating mostly in mountain terrain, there was little incentive for mechanisation. However, in 1911 an inventive technical officer, Gunther Burstyn, began design of a small tank-type vehicle armed with a 37 mm Skoda cannon in a revolving turret. It also featured pairs of articulated arms front and rear which could be raised when crossing rough terrain and lowered for trench crossing. With a weight of 7 tons it was powered by a 45 hp truck engine for a road speed of 15 mph and 5 mph cross-country. With a number of advanced features for its day this “Motorgeschutz” appears to have reached the prototype stage but further development was blocked by the ultra-conservative high command – among other things “it would have frightened the horses”. See below right.

The Russian army entering WW1 was poorly equipped and lacked direction. Industry was not capable of providing the means of overcoming material shortcomings and Russia became reliant on imported equipment, e.g. British armoured cars. Several local designs for tank type vehicles appeared and a few reached prototype stage but then stalled. One of the most interesting was that of a young pioneering aircraft design engineer, Aleksandr Porokhovschikov, who came up with a small 3.5 ton low slung machine with a hull sloped along aerodynamic lines. Powered by a 2 cyl 20 hp engine it had a road speed of 20 mph and in trials performed well over rough terrain. With 2 crew and armed with a single machine-gun it would have been limited to a light infantry support role, but did not go into production. Below left, the prototype minus its turret; centre, sketch of internal layout right; its designer with a model of one of his aircraft desgns.

9 9

SHINING A LIGHT ON THINGS This month we received two unrelated contributions explaining electrical technical issues. It is probably not a coincidence that their undisclosed original sources were probably motorcycle magazines.

Joseph Lucas’s Electrical Theory

contributed by Tony Wright

Positive ground depends on proper circuit functioning, which is the transmission of negative ions by retention of the visible spectral manifestation known as “smoke”. Smoke is the thing that makes electrical circuits work. We know this is true because every time one lets the smoke out of an electrical circuit, it stops working. This can be verified repeatedly through empirical testing. For example, if one places a copper bar across the terminals of a battery, prodigious quantities of smoke are liberated and the battery shortly ceases to function. In addition, if one observes smoke escaping from an electrical component such as a Lucas voltage regulator, it will also be observed that the component no longer functions. The logic is elementary and inescapable! The function of the wiring harness is to conduct the smoke from one device to another. When the wiring springs a leak and lets all the smoke out of the system, nothing works afterwards. Starter motors were considered unsuitable for British motorcycles for some time largely because they consumed large quantities of smoke, requiring very unsightly large wires. It has been reported that Lucas electrical components are possibly more prone to electrical leakage than their Bosch, Japanese or American counterparts. Experts point out that this is because Lucas is British, and all things British leak. British engines leak oil. British shock absorbers, hydraulic forks and disk brake systems leak fluid. British tires leak air and British Intelligence leaks national defence secrets. Therefore, it follows that British electrical systems must leak smoke. Once again, the logic is clear and inescapable. In conclusion, the basic concept of electrical energy in the form of smoke provides a logical explanation of the transmission of the mysteries of electrical components, especially British units manufactured by Joseph Lucas Ltd. And remember “A gentleman does not motor about after dark” By Joseph Lucas “the Prince of Darkness” 1842 - 1903 That is why the Lucas motto ‘Get home before dark”’ PS - Lucas is the patent holder of the short circuit. Murphy’s other laws: 5. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 10

(more Lucas quotes in future issues)

Dark Suckers

Contributed by Trevor Barnes

New discoveries challenge accepted theory. For years it has been believed that electric bulbs emitted light. However, recent research has proven the fact otherwise. Electric bulbs do not emit light, they suck dark! Thus they should be called “dark suckers”. The dark sucker theory proves the existence of dark… that dark has mass heavier than that of light! Take for example the dark suckers in the room where you are. There is less dark right next to the suckers than there is elsewhere. The larger the dark sucker, the greater the capacity to suck dark. Dark suckers in a parking lot have a much greater capacity than the ones in the room where you are.

As with all things, dark suckers don’t last forever. Once they are full of dark they can no longer suck, as proven by the black spot on a full dark sucker. Electric bulbs are not the only dark suckers. A new candle has a white wick, and you will notice that after the first use, the wick turns black, representing all of the dark which has been sucked into it! If you hold a pencil next to an operating candle the tip will turn black because it has got in the way of the dark flowing into the candle. So the next time you look at an electric bulb or candle, remember that it is a DARK SUCKER!


Another photo from the Archive’s Snow Benge Collection Charlie Maxwell’s 1905 Daracq and probably K Wright’s 1909 Clement Talbot, photographed at the 1958 November Rally 11

NOTICE OF AGM 217 Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc) Wellington Branch Annual General Meeting To be held at the clubrooms in Halford Place Petone On 16th May 2017 at 8.15pm Please forward all notices of motion or resolutions to be proposed to the Secretary, Alastair McCarthy by email vcc@wellington.org.nz or P O Box 38-418, Petone, Wellington Mail Centre on or before 28 clear days prior to the meeting, the 18 th April 2017 being the latest day for receiving notices. AGENDA Present Apologies Election of Meeting Chairperson Minutes of previous AGM Matters arising Chairman’s report Treasurer’s report Club Captain’s report Election of officers General Business

Proposed revision of the Branch Constitution Alastair McCarthy, Secretary, VCC Wellington Branch.

Contributions for the Motoring Spirit are always welcome Articles, photos, reports or tit bits. Electronic versions are preferred but photos and text can be scanned or typed up. Send to the Editor - claire.benge@xtra.co.nz or arrange by phone with her to get a hard copy by mail or at Club Nights 12

FORM FOR NOMINATION OF OFFICERS Vintage Car Club of New Zealand, Wellington Branch (Inc) NOMINATION FORM FOR THE 2017/18 COMMITTEE Positions available are: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Assistant Club Captain, Social Convener, Building Manager, Newsletter Editor, Spare Parts Manager, Delegate, and General Member

I nominate: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...(print)

for the position of:









I accept nomination:


PLEASE NOTE: NOMINATIONS MUST BE WITH THE SECRETARY BEFORE WEDNESDAY MAY 10TH, 2017 by email wellington@vcc.org.nz or post P O Box 38-418, Wellington Mail Centre. . 13

OBITUARIES Vera Lady Southward

Remembered by Roger White

Our long-time Patron Lady Southward passed away on the 15th February. Vera was much more to the Wellington Branch than its patron. She was also a founding member and was secretary at the first meeting in July 1958. When visiting the UK in 1954 with husband Len (later Sir Leonard) they watched with great interest the London to Brighton Rally for veteran (pre 1905 vehicles) which was gaining popularity after the highly entertaining film ‘Genevieve’ was released. They both thoroughly enjoyed the event and resolved to get involved when back in NZ. Get involved they did! Len bought a 1915 Ford model T and the rest is history!

Photo by Stan Garmonsway

Together they amassed an incredible collection of historic cars and established NZ’s first purpose built museum to house them. The Southward Museum was not just a building but an expression of Len and Vera’s passion, foresight and extreme dedication.

Vera made a huge contribution to the presentation and creation of the beautiful grounds that surround the museum. They remain a monument to her that everyone can enjoy. She spent many years administering the museum in the office and as a Trust board member. Throughout all this activity, Vera always supported the Wellington branch by helping quietly behind the scenes and actively participating in all of our important events. Initially she rallied her own 1923 Swift but later preferred to navigate for Len. Two cars stand out that led to many adventures for them both in New Zealand and overseas. The 1904 Wolseley was restored and they competed successfully in the 1962 London to Brighton run (the first NZ car to do so) this car also won major international concours awards. But Vera and Len’s most recognisable vehicle was the 1912 Buick; this superb restoration enabled them to enjoy many memorable miles of veteran motoring. Together they won outright the 1965 International Rally (Haast) and followed this up with another outright win in the 1972 International in Nelson and of course their names appear on many Wellington Branch trophies. Vera Lady Southward was a gracious approachable lady who was always kind and supportive of our younger members, she will be missed. Vera Lady Southward Founder Member Wellington Branch 1958

Patron Wellington Branch 1986 – 2016. 14

Helen Margaret Pratt 11 April 1946 – 24 February 2017 As many of you know, who attended the celebration of her life, Helen and I have been together since 1962. A beautiful person, caring, loving and talented in so many ways. She was a devoted mother, proud and supportive of all our family endeavours; what we all achieved individually and collectively during our lives. Always a happy person, she enjoyed most sports, loved ballet, live shows and all types of music. She had a quiet determined manner, was well liked by work mates, community and neighbours that she was part of. Helen and I have always been involved in “car” stuff. Wellington and Northland Car Club activities and then while in UK in the late 60’s we were members of the West Essex Car Club, enjoying participating in their events and making many friends. Back in NZ in late 1969, I joined the Manawatu Branch of the VCC in 1970, our interest in older vehicles aroused by seeing, enjoying many historic events in UK. The purchase of a “trucked” Crossley 15/30 followed and within 12 months it had been rebuilt and went on the 1972 International Rally. This car had now done over 115,000 miles under our family’s use. Helen and I have only missed the 1986 and 2016 VCC rallies since. We also own a 1923 Crossley 19.6 tourer and the well used 1967 Jaguar 3.4 . Helen has been a member of the VCC since 1978, (as soon as joint membership was available) and had always fully participated in events with me until the terrible Alzheimer’s disease took hold of her. Our annual trip to Art Deco was one of her favourites, she loved making new outfits, and the atmosphere of the week in Hawkes Bay with friends. I received Helen’s 35 year badge on her behalf in 2013. Many will miss Helen’s smiles, infectious sense of humour, just enjoying life and hearing about more of our travel adventures. Alan

NEW MEMBERS Welcome to David Young who has transferred from Horowhenua Branch. He owns two 1928 Essex Sixs.

Gemac Motor Services 5 Parliament Street, Lower Hutt, 04 589 5483 For WOF and other work on both vintage and modern cars 15



Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (last Wednesday of the month)

Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run Wednesday 26th April 2017. Trip to Austin Mews, Feilding, to view the Collection of Austins and Mosaic Art Work 9.30 to 9.45am Meet at Hyde Park Village Café, State Highway One, for morning tea. The Café is on the left, approximately 5kms north of the end of the Expressway. 10.30am Leave for The Woolshed Café for lunch. Located on State Highway One, 1 km south of Sanson, and on the left hand side of the road. The drive is approximately 75mins. View the menu on www.woolshed.co.nz/themenu 1pm Leave for Austin Mews, Feilding, to arrive at 1.30pm. Cost to view the exhibitions including afternoon tea is $10.00 per person. If you would like to join us, please contact John or Alison Kinvig by 23 rd April 2017 Either E-mail, phone (04) 234 1262 or (John 027 4524326)

Would you like your monthly newsletter sent to you as a PDF! Would you like to receive the Motoring Spirit by email as a PDF. Save some postage and printing costs for the club. See all the photos in colour, and receive it on your laptop, I Pad or I Phone the day it is sent. Ask for three month trial with both electronic and hard copy. Send your email address to the editor - claire.benge@xtra.co.nz




Dawn Breaker Rally 23rd April 2017. Meet at the top of the Rimutaka Hill by 6.58am to see the Sun Rise. Then proceed to the Corner CafĂŠ Greytown for Breakfast. We need to know numbers for this event so could you please ring Diane 5636236 or e mail white.house.stokesvalley@xtra.co.nz. This is a great social event for those who like to rise early and have a cooked breakfast without cooking it or doing the cleaning up after. Come and join us.

This year we are going to join the Wairarapa Branch at the Rugby Clubrooms East Street Greytown at about 9.30am for a cuppa. They are having a Veteran Rally and we can look at the cars. If you would like we can follow along to Martinborough for Lunch. A picnic in the park or cafĂŠ lunch. Once again we need to know numbers. This is a foodie day so if you like food why not join us for the day of fun eating and motoring in the Wairarapa. For Information on the Veteran contact Will Holmes:. 06 3049397 0272360993 or e mail holmes.wandr@gmail.com

Please note changes of rally dates The Leprechaun Rally is now 25th June

The Colonial Cup Rally is now 20th August

TED GREEN MEMORIAL MOTORCYCLE RALLY Sunday 9 April 2017 Entries Close - Monday 1 April 2017 but they may take late entries if you have just received this newsletter. Any queries please contact the Ted Green Memorial Rally organisers: Graeme McKenzie 06 3684888 or Bob Barton 06 3678216 17



Celebrating 100 Years of Motoring Wellington Friday 28 to Sunday 30 April Motorcade from Parliament to the TSB Arena on Friday Night

Saturday and Sunday - exhibition and speakers at the TSB Arena and Shed 6 on the water front - door sales available or on our website https://www.mta.org.nz/mta100 BLUEBRIDGE COOK STRAIT FERRY Bluebridge has notified us of the latest discounts for vehicles on their ferry between Wellington and Picton for Vintage Car Club members as follows: 1 August 2016 to 30 November 2017 The VCC code for discounts is ANTIQUECAR. Valid Travel Dates: Between now and 30 November 2017. Discounted - 10% off all available fares. Ring 0800 844 844, www.bluebridge.co.nz for conditions NOTE; Warren Corkin, one of our members, reminds us that to get this discount you must present your VCC membership card when you check in on the day of your trip. It is not enough to have quoted it when you booked and paid for the ticket. Also it may not be enough to have booked electronicaly. You need a printed copy of your electronic booking on the day or you may have to pay again then go

THE INTERISLANDER The Interisland has sent us an updated quote. There is not enough space to list it all so we suggest that if you are planning to book from 1 February to 18 December 2017 ring the Interislander for quotes, or click on ‘Group Bookings’ at the foot of their home page www.interislander. To access the VCC rates, insert the reference WH5465


Advertisements are free and will be repeated four times


Advertisers: please advise editor when items are sold

Tyres - free to a good home; 13 inch, 14 inch, most suitable for a trailer or for off road use, some suitable for a WOF. Also Ford Zephyr Mk I heads also free. See Richard Davies at club night or ring 577 0350 3/4 Double Garage for rent, Wainuiomata, power on, 188 Wellinton Road. Phone Mirianne on 0223 698 462 or leave a TXT message. $60 per week (negotiable) 2/4

For Sale: Small Chain Hoist 1/4 Ton $25 ONO. Also small very accurate Saw Bench 200mm blades 1HP Single Phase motor. Offers over $20 Ring Ian MacLean Phone on 4792433 or email mimac@actrix.co.nz 1/4 Riley Pathfinder 1956 2.5 litre 4 cylinder twincam engine in dismantled condition for sale, crankshaft has been crack tested, it needs rebore and new pistons, BSA single cylinder late 40s industrial engine condition unknown with magneto, for further details please contact Jim Doherty, jim.doherty@outlook.co.nz, 0275369995 5695738, Woburn area, 1/4

Your branch magazine on the web


Many branch magazines are now available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand’s website. The magazines are published as soon as they are received each month and can be accessed by going to http://vcc.org.nz/ and clicking on News from our Branches down the left side of the homepage. To go to your chosen magazine either click on the magazine cover or the underlined date of the publication. This will take you to the magazine and by clicking on the small square next to the + sign you can enjoy a full screen reading experience. In time we hope to be able to publish all branch. Enjoy your reading. Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488 Email: comms@vcc.org.nz


your one stop automotive shop We can offer almost any service required on a motor vehicle and all under one roof. We do complete engine rebuilding.We can service modern, vintage and classic cars, performance and muscle cars, hot rods, micro cars and most importantly, your car. Other services we offer:  Upholstery  Vintage Wooden Bodies Contact us at:

40 Ward Street Upper Hutt Ph/Fax 04 528 2580 admin@bristols.co.nz 20




For details refer to the noticeboard in the Clubrooms or contact the Branch Secretary


See page 18 for contact details We are the company that offers you Total immersion stripping of Car bodies and panels WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS Contact: Warren Leslie Phone: (04) 232 6880 Fax: (04) 232 6882 11 Wall Place, Tawa Email: wleslie@ihug.co.nz

VERO INSURANCE If you arrange your car and household insurance through Vero, the Wellington Branch gets a commission. Last year it amounted to $2,300.00.


66 Killarney Rd

Apex Auto



0800 10 27 39

FOR HARD TO SOURCE CABLES, BRAKE PARTS OR HOSES Speedo cable, Handbrake cable, Accelerator cable, Choke cable Reline shoes, Cylinder repair Stainless Resleeving, Booster overhaul Brake hoses, Braided hoses, Power steering hoses

Call the Specialists Mention this ad and receive 10% discount

New Concessions for Seniors & Locals From 1 April 2017 museum entry will cost $15 for NZ Gold Card holders and an Annual Subscription (unlimited cardholder visits for one year) can be purchased for $40

New rates also apply for Adults: $18, Students: $15, Children 5-15 yrs: $5, & Family: $40 (Children under 5 yrs accompanied by a paying adult: Free) 22

WELLINGTON BRANCH—CALENDAR OF EVENTS Clubnights are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubrooms, Halford Place, Petone (Eastern end of Jackson St) at 7:30pm. The Clubrooms are also open Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:00, and for Noggin & Natter Fridays from 7:00pm ($1 for biscuits, tea and coffee free) Motorcycle Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month in the Butcher & Brewer, 175 Jackson Street, Petone at 7:30pm. APRIL


Sunday Run Committee Meeting Club Night Dawn Breaker Rally Motorcycle Group Meeting Kapiti Midweek Run Rally Committee Meeting

2st 17th 18th 23rd 24th 26th 28th

Clubnight supper roster: Alastair McCarthy and Angelica Edgley

Sunday Run Committee Meeting Club Night Motorcycle Group Meeting Kapiti Midweek Run Rally Committee Meeting

7th 9th 16th 22th 24h 26th

Club night supper roster: Tasi Betteridge and Colin White

APRIL CLUB NIGHT Farewell to the longest owned and regularly used Vehicle in our Branch. Mike Curry has sold his Alvis TW 12/50 and before it leaves for Christchurch he is bringing it to our April Clubnight to talk about the long journey Mike,Jane and the Alvis have shared. So come along and enjoy a good night. JUNE Sunday Run Committee meeting Motorcycle Group Meeting Club Night Leprechaun Rally Kapiti Midweek Run Rally Committee Meeting

Club Night Supper Roster: John and Deirdre Blakemore

JULY 4th 12th 19th 20th 25th 28th 30th

Sunday Run Committee meeting Motorcycle Group Meeting Club Night Kapiti Midweek Run Rally Committee Meeting

2nd 10th 17th 18th 26h 28th

Club Night Supper Roster: Diane and Phil Janes


The 31st British Car Day Sunday 12 February 217 Many of our members attended this Car Day

An racy Jaguar XK140

A mid 1920s Austin

And a 1930s Wolseley ?


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