Wellsford Warkworth VCC April 2017

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April 2017 The RADIATOR CAP

Anne Richardson’s Riley 6 cylinder Lynx

Wellsford—Warkworth VCC Club


Anne Richardson ricanne@gmail.com

425 6298


Neil Cremer (Lucy )

425 4955

Frances Ross chemwash@rosscoltd.co.nz

425 8737

Denis Martin (Sheryl) denismartin@xtra.co.nz

425 0259

Jeanette Lloyd (George )

425 7622


yorksandlancs@gmail.com REPORTER

Anne Hamilton (Doug )

425 6139

Doug.hamil@xtra.co.nz COMMITTEE

John Duffy

021 208 7474

johngduffy@hotmail.com Frances Ross

425 8737

Doug Hamilton

425 6139

James Lawrie (Gloria )

425 9928

Gloria-james-lawrie@xtra.co.nz Anne Richardson

425 6298

Neil Cremer

425 4955

John Downie

425 7431

Midnight.mouse@maxnet.co.nz Dave Oliver (Glenys)

09 945 0512



Denis/Martin (Sheryl)

425 0259

Chris Harvey (Annette ) Chris.Harvey@westnet.com.au

09 4222662

Denis Martin

425 0259

denismartin@xtra.co.nz VEHICLE ID.

James Lawrie

425 9928


Dave Oliver

09 9450512


Frances Ross

425 8737


Doug Hamilton

425 6139


Chris Harvey

09 4222662




Leon Salt (Brendda) brendda@xtra.co.nz

423 8122

Brendda Salt

423 8122




Sheryl Martin (Denis)

425 0259


Magazine deadline 23rd of the month

(The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the view of the branch).

BRANCH ADDRESS P O Box 547 WARKWORTH 0941 VERO: Agency No: 0300159 Free phone: 0800 658411

Website: www.vcc-wellswark.org.nz

Chairman’s Report April 2017: Our Swap Meet profits were a little down on last year, despite us having the same number of stall-holders. This would indicate that there were perhaps fewer people through the gate which may have resulted from the two local papers either advertising the wrong date or failing to publish the event at all. However, the day ran well and the weather was excellent. The mid-week picnic at Sullivans Bay was well supported with 22 members attending. Our guest speaker Maurice Pucket, the Tawharanui Regional Park Ranger gave us an interesting talk at our Club Night. Although the predator-proof fence has been effective, pests, particularly rabbits, still manage to find their around the fence so a baiting programme is on-going. Ken Campbell will address the April Club Night, talking about his V8 Indian motorcycle. For many of us, the highlight of the month was the “Are We There Yet?” Rally competing for the Mike Brown Memorial Trophy. The weather was ideal and we had around 30 people on the run. Denis and Sheryl Martin had put a great deal of thought and time into arranging an excellent weekend. We left from Wellsford and at Mangawhai, took the Kaiwaka Rd before taking Bald Rock Rd to SH 1. From there it was a run to Paparoa then up on the Paparoa-Oakleigh Rd and a few others before coming out on Mangakahia Valley Rd a little north of Maungatapere. Lunch was in the grounds of the Country Yard with numerous items displayed - bicycles, an old Vauxhall 12, a BSA Bantam and more – in a lovely garden setting. A well-stocked quilter’s shop attracted many of those participating. From there we visited the Packard and Pioneer Museum at Maungatapere before taking the afternoon run to our accommodation at Waipu Cove. There was plenty of time for a wander along the beach before dinner at the Cove Café opposite the campground. Sunday saw us head down the coast to Glenn and Kyoko Reid’s place out the back of Mangawhai. After a late morning tea, Glenn showed us through his workshop which houses numerous models of Austin but mainly Austin 7s together with his engineering machinery which he has in constant use. In all, it was a perfectly planned and enjoyable weekend, thanks to Denis and Sheryl and the weather.

Planning for the Winter Woollies is progressing. Chris has only heard from two members willing to billet out-of-town entrants over the weekend. We would need a few more to come forward if we are to offer this service, the aim of which is to reduce the cost for entrants from other branches. Please phone Chris Harvey if you are willing to billet people over the weekend which will be Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July. Happy motoring Leon



Club Captain’s Report Thank you to all those who helped with our Swap Meet this year. It makes all the difference when we have enough people to share the work/cooking etc and relieve so we can all have a look at the stalls or sample the food on offer. The committee has reviewed how things went, but if you have an idea or comment please talk to one of us, we are always looking for improvements. Viv has arranged a varied cafe programme for this winter, please see her article and put the dates in your diaries now. Just the last picnic at Tawharanui RP so here’s hoping for good weather. A huge “Thank you “to Sheryl and Denis for a well prepared and thought out rally, I think we all enjoyed it. There were nine competitive cars this year, our best turn out yet. Leon and Brenda Salt with Chris Harvey were the winners; Paul and Debbie Hodder were second; and Brian and Viv Guest third. Special congratulations to Paul and Debbie who are new members.

You will see the advertisement for this year’s Gymnic in this Newsletter. We have managed to find a Sunday when we know only a few people will be attending other events, so I hope everyone will come and join in. Even if it is just to picnic and help with the judging? May will start with our trip to the Prictor Homestead on May 7th, the details will be in next month’s Newsletter. Also in the planning but not yet confirmed is our visit to a large collection of Rolls Royces on May 28th. Details will also be in next month. Both should be interesting visits. We are currently looking at the Triple Combined Rally in August so any comments now would be welcome. This may coincide with a proposal from the National Executive to do a countrywide promotional day. More on this later. Don’t forget Kenny Campbell at our April Club night. Happy and Safe Motoring Anne and the Team.


Chapter 2. Riley 6cylinder Lynx 1934 I have just looked at the article I did in March 2013. Time flies during restorations. The Riley finally got its certification in January this year after a premature party before Christmas. She was driven to our Swap meet, the Riley Car Club annual rally and the Are We There Yet Rally sometimes by me, but mostly by my brother-in-law Tom who came over from Scotland for the fun. As a Riley enthusiast, man and boy, he added to my knowledge and gave me some hints on driving/looking Molly. She now has a name. Going back; the body was refitted with some difficulty, the chassis was not symmetrical, what’s new with old cars, probably had a crash at some time. New floors had to be made, and a frame fitted to take seat belts for the children. Little was done to the engine, gear box and so on as they appeared to be working. The engine started easily, had oil pressure and the experts said it sounded good. Also we knew very little about what had been looked at in the 1960’s. Once complete it came to Steve Sharp in Warkworth for a lovely paint job. I chose

to use modern paints but in the original colours we found on the original panels and wheels. It was chosen in these colours by the first owner, believed to be the Chairman of Heart of Midlothian Football Club in Edinburgh. They were and still are, the team’s colours. They are known as the Jam Tarts! A new interior was made by Bernie Beckett and it started to look the part. We left the hood for the future. It has dark red leather the same as originally, and black carpets. Various gauges were found, and original fittings re-chromed if needed. I have tried to keep as much original as possible. Denis Martin undertook the wiring. A new loom was found in the UK, but without a colour sheet and the colours were not the same as the Workshop manual! Sterling work! Steve Simpson soldiered on with various body fittings, the steering rebuilt, brakes, and the last touches to get certification. As an imported car without local paperwork, the bureaucracy was time consuming. However we got there in the end.


She is a gorgeous looking car, well I think so and when I have mastered the crash box will be fun to drive. However for now, she sits without her engine. As it had to be taken out to get at the clutch and sort the oil leak from the back main. An engine recondition is taking place because it had to be taken out and dismantled to get to the seal for the back main. I hope to be back motoring by Christmas......? This left a legal car not quite ready for “a good thrash”, without a working dynamo and developing very low oil pressure. Cleaning out the sump and reconditioning

the pump solved the oil problems and a charger helped give a temporary solution to the need for a full battery. A modern fan was also fitted to help with an anticipated expectation of overheating, common in Rileys. Fun was had in the summer although a developing problem was a slipping clutch’ and an embossing oil drip well, stream really.

Anne Richardson


The sun shon on the happy posh picnic


Don’t try this at home folks



2017 GYMNIC Kindly hosted by Richard & Mary Lloyd and

The Hibiscus Coast Enthusiasts AT WAINUI Pony Club. ON Sunday 9th April starting at 12 noon. BYO picnic followed by various ingenious driving tests. Travel South on SH1, turn into Waiwera settlement. At the “tee” junction on entering Waiwera turn right into Werenui Road and travel west. Turn left into Wainui Road and the Pony Club is approximately 1 km on the left hand side.

WELCOME To our newest members: Steve & Heather Pound 1910 Ford Model T & 1896 Ford Quadricycle (replica)



5 April:

Mid-week Picnic – The Lagoon, Tawharanui Regional Park

9 April:

Gymnic – Pony Club, Richard & Mary Lloyd’s farm, Wainui Rd, Wainui. Starts 12.00 p.m. BYO picnic lunch and be ready for fun

13 April:

Club Night BYO BBQ and a salad to share. Guest Speaker Kenny Campbell – The V8 Indian motorcycle

14 -17 April: National North Island Easter Rally – Auckland Branch. Entries close 27 March 16 April: 20 April:

Northland Branch backblocks run starting at the clubrooms at Maunu at 10.30 a.m. and ending at Dargaville. Club Committee Meeting 7.00 p.m. at the Clubrooms.

23 April:

Northland Branch Swap Meet, Maunu.

30 April:

North Shore Branch Northern Raid Rally

3 May:

Mid-week Café run

7 May:

Sunday Run to the Prictor Homestead, Wharehine

11 May:

Club Night – Pot-luck dinner from 5.30 p.m.

18 May:

Annual General Meeting and Club Committee meeting – 7.00 p.m.

28 May:

Sunday run - Trip to view a collection of Roll Royce motorcars

1 – 2 July:

Winter Woollies Wander Weekend.


THE WEDNESDAY SOCIAL SCENE PROGRAMME Here is the Wednesday Social Scene programme for the next 7 months, this includes the last picnic for

the summer series and the cafes for the 6 months of the winter series. All events are on the first Wednesday of the month. Find your own way there, preferably in your Club eligible vehicles, arrive 11.45 am to 12 noon LAST PICNIC APR 5TH The Lagoon, Tawharanui Regional Park Just inside the predator fence, on the right hand side under the tree. Toilets on the way. Lots of good walking can be done here CAFES THROUGH THE WINTER… All venues have been chosen for their proven quality of food and service provided, plus the availability of indoor seating for up to 30+


Morris and James Cafe 48 Tongue Farm Rd Matakana


Sheepworld Cafe, SH 1...just North of Warkworth on the right hand side of Road, just after the 80 KM sign


Matakana Market Kitchen, by Matakana Markets, under Theatres


Puhoi Valley Cafe & Cheese, 2775 Ahuroa Rd. Puhoi


The Wade Hotel, 2 Tavern Road, Silverdale


Top of the Dome Cafe, SH1...just North of Warkworth, on the right hand side of Road, pull over at the top of the steep hill before the Dome Valley

CLEANING AND COFFEE MORNINGS Wednesdays after Club Night, usually 3 in month. Just for 1 hour, then coffee and a chat to socialise and catch up with others. rd


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If unclaimed return to PO Box 547 Warkworth gbwarkworth@paradise.net.nz

Ph 09 425 8187 Fax 09 425 8585



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