Wellsford Warkworth VCC August 2017

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August 2017 The RADIATOR CAP

Wellsford—Warkworth VCC Club


Anne Richardson ricanne@gmail.com

425 6298


Neil Cremer (Lucy )

425 4955

Frances Ross chemwash@rosscoltd.co.nz

425 8737

John Duffy johngduffy@hotmail.com MAGAZINE EDITOR

021 208 7474

Jeanette Lloyd (George ) yorksandlancs@gmail.com

425 7622


Anne Hamilton (Doug ) Doug.hamil@xtra.co.nz

425 6139


John Duffy johngduffy@hotmail.com

021 208 7474

Frances Ross

425 8737

James Lawrie (Gloria )

425 9928

Gloria-james-lawrie@xtra.co.nz Anne Richardson

425 6298

Neil Cremer

425 4955

Chris Harvey (Annette ) Chris.Harvey@westnet.com.au HEALTH & SAFETY

Denis Martin

09 4222662 425 0259

denismartin@xtra.co.nz VEHICLE ID.

James Lawrie

425 9928


Dave Oliver

09 9450512


Frances Ross

425 8737


Denis Martin

425 0259

George Lloyd

425 7622

Chris Harvey

09 4222662





Leon Salt (Brendda) brendda@xtra.co.nz

423 8122


Denis Martin denismartin@xtra.co.nz

425 0259


Brendda Salt

423 8122



Sheryl Martin (Denis)

425 0259


Magazine deadline 23rd of the month

(The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the view of the branch).

BRANCH ADDRESS P O Box 547 WARKWORTH 0941 VERO: Agency No: 0300159 Free phone: 0800 658411

Website: www.vcc-wellswark.org.nz

Chairman’s Report August 2017: The Winter Woollies weekend appears to have been considered a success by our members. Frances Ross and Noelene Quedley made a great job of setting the route. As always, there are issues we pick up on to try to over -come in following years. If you’ve read our Committee meeting minutes, you’ll see a few items we picked up on but if members have any others, please let us know. The use of an answer card for entrants to record silent checks and answers to questions upon, made for easier marking. Thanks to all those involved in ensuring the event was a success. Check out our website for Chris Harvey’s photographs and report of the event. The Matakana Kitchen proved a popular venue for those on the July mid-week café run. August’s Café Run is to the Puhoi Cheese Factory café. Despite inclement weather, we still had a great turn-out to our July Club Night and a great meal. Our guest speakers Alex Kirichuk and his daughter Victoria kept us entertained with an informative presentation. Alex talked about the purity of the spirits he distills at his Puhoi Organic Distillery and provided us with samples of many of them. Despite the high alcohol content, the purity is such that the body is able to process it in a short time leaving no residual effect. Victoria is producing a range of exquisitely presented perfumes which were also passed around. At some future date, we will need to organise a couple of Sunday Runs to the distillery. We’ll need more than one as Alex can only accommodate around 10 cars and 20 people on his property. He is keen to photograph our cars outside the distillery. A small group of us welcomed the National President Diane Quarrie and her husband Geoff to the clubrooms on Sunday 23 . They were returning from making a 50 year badge presentation in the Far North, with Bob and Debbie Ballantyne. The group stayed for afternoon tea and most of our members present took the opportunity to chat with them. Neil Cremer arrived in his newly restored Mk I Consul. We all admired this total, every-last-detail, restoration which makes this car better than brand new. rd

We have our annual Prize-giving Club Night this month. More details are in this newsletter. Anne Richardson has been busy planning our contribution to the National Daffodil Rally for Cancer, in conjunction with Neil Beckenham from North Shore Branch and Colin Marshall of the Caffeine and Classics of Smales Farm. One Warkworth has also come on board and Murray Chapman attended our last meeting to discuss how they can help put this event together. Given that Caffeine and Classics can have up to 800 vehicles, the Daffodil Rally has the potential to become a large event. If it is a success, it is likely to be added to our annual calendar of events. More detail about the event can be found in this newsletter. Happy motoring Leon



Club Captain’s Report We ended the year with a shed raid to Ridge Road, Mahurangi East, and the homes/sheds/garages of Grahame and Anne Power, and Doug and Anne Hamilton. Their hospitality was much appreciated by the 32 people who visited with 6 eligible cars. Probably the last time we see the Maurice Merlin based Riley. There was plenty of time to talk cars, look at the idiosyncrasies of some of the early designs and listen to veteran motors. There were stunning views to complete the picture. Now we start the new year, Viv Guest had found us a new venue for our mid week cafe. The Matakana Kitchen proved to be warm and 27 people enjoyed tasty food. The Winter Woollies Wander was again much in demand. We had the highest number of entries ever. There were 17 from our branch of whom 9 were competitive. Graeme & Raewyn Fenn from the Bay of Plenty were the overall winners. Brian and Viv Guest were the highest placed branch members. The route was over three local areas, through a farm and with great views rather reduced on and cloudy wet day, but it was enjoyed greatly by the participants. Thinking forward to next year, we will continue the billeting offer, do some practice and education for newer members so they feel able to compete, and look at how we can involve people without an eligible car or who find a whole day of vintage motoring too much for the car or driver. Our Club Night was well attended. 39 people enjoyed a highly entertaining evening with Alex Kirichuk and his wife Irina who have established the Puhoi Organic Distillery. They also gave us entry for 2 couples which were used as a prize for the first branch members in the Winter Woollies Wander. Thank to Sheryl for arranging such an interesting night. The next Mid Week cafe is at the Puhoi Cheese Cafe on August 2 . nd

Club Night on 10 August is also Prize Giving with a roast take a way dinner. So please order your meal in good time, come and celebrate all the winners. th

Finally this month; we have the first National Rally for The Cancer Society. Please see the separate item with all the information we have to date, and requests for helpers. As this is the first of what is planned to be an annual event, it would be wonderful if every club member could participate in some way; either doing the rally, helping or coming to Warkworth to support the club –and donate to a worthy cause. Happy and Safe Motoring Anne Richardson and the Team.




Daffodil Rally for Cancer. SUNDAY, AUGUST 27TH In March the Executive committee of the VCC decided to start an annual national rally to promote the club and fund raise for a charity. The Cancer Society was selected for the first five years. The Rally would take the form of the local branches running rallies that would suit their area on the same day at the same time. The National Office would provide guidance and promotional materials endorsed by the Cancer Society. Our branch was already talking to North Shore about the annual Triple Combined Rally which is usually about the same time. So we decided to collaborate, and this year replace it with this new rally. The rally is open to anyone. Club Eligible, modern, car, motorcycle, hotrod – anything. We hope that the public will come to either the start or finish where the cars will be on display. The Cancer Society will provide all their usual balloons, stickers etc, and we will have collection buckets. There is a donation of $10 to do the rally. Our Rally will start on the North Shore at the Caffeine and Classics display (which happened to be on the same day) arriving at 10.00 am. Colin Marshall who organises their meet has been very helpful. Then after registering, including the donation, they will be given a route guide, vehicles will set off on the route from 11.15 am. They will travel on tar sealed roads (50 miles) to Warkworth town centre for display. One Business Warkworth are arranging the parking, local publicity, prizes for “peoples’ choice “etc. For those who want to participate, just arrive at Smales Farm, and enjoy the display, take the route and display in Warkworth. You will be directed to the Wharf or Queen St when you arrive. For those who will offer help-PLEASE At Smales Farm; we will need parking marshals, registration people, cancer bucket people to collect donations.  On route; Tail end Charlie. 

At Warkworth; we will need cancer bucket people, branch stand to give information, helping put up a gazebo and handouts, liaison with marshals and probably more we haven’t thought of yet!

For those who would like to bring their car for display in Warkworth, please do, but we would like a donation too please. For everyone else, just park up where you can, the Baxter St car park above the New World is usually empty on Sundays, and join in the fun. This is a very different, and big event for us as a club, so we really need your support and forbearance if we make mistakes. Any advice now will be well received. Every cent/dollar we collect will go to our local Cancer Society area. This is Auckland and the North. Anne Richardson, 021 277 9010/09 425 6298.


A wet start to the 2017 Winter dampen our en


r Woollies Wander did not nthusiasm.


Photos by kind permission of Chris Harvey

Lunch was enjoyed at Pakiri Village Hall

It’ll never catch on Harry 12

WINTER WOOLLIES 2017 VICTIM On the road to nowhere with a smashed windscreen. Rodney’s ‘landscaped’ roads claim another motorist

Linda Matheson & Audrey Carver’s Morris Minor


2 August: 10 August:

Mid-week Café Run – Puhoi Cheese Café Club Night & Prize Giving from 5.30 p.m., at the clubrooms – Take-away Roast Dinner – Anne H to organise. 11 – 13 Aug: National Executive Meeting and AGM – Blenheim 16 August: Club Coffee and cleaning morning, at the Clubrooms from 10.00 a.m. 16 August: Auckland Branch Mid-week run to Steve and Sue Keys, Flat Bush. Meet at Drury BP Service Centre on Southern Motorway at 10.00 a.m. Contact Leon for further details of this event. 17 August: Club Committee Meeting – 7.00 p.m. at the Clubrooms 27 August: National Day – “Daffodil Rally for Cancer”. Starting with Caffeine & Classics Car display at Smales Farm, 10.00 a.m. – Run through to Warkworth and further display in Town Centre. $10 entry fee – All proceeds to Cancer Society. 6 Sept: 14 Sept: 15–17 Sept: 20 Sept: 21 Sept: 24 Sept:

Mid-week Café Run – The Wade Hotel, Silverdale Club Night – Pot Luck Dinner North Shore Branch Spring Tour Club Coffee and cleaning morning, at the Clubrooms from 10.00 a.m. Club Committee Meeting – 7.00 p.m. at the Clubrooms Twilight Run

4 Oct: 12 Oct: 18 Oct: 19 Oct:

Mid-week Café Run Club Night Club Coffee and Cleaning morning Club Committee meeting – 7.00 p.m. at the Clubrooms

1 Nov: 4 5 Nov:

Mid-week Café Run Northland Branch Far North Tour


I got a new laptop recently and could not open the Axmag version like I did on my old computer but then I loaded Adobe Flash Player and that solved the problem Above is an extract from an email from Chris Harvey which may help some of you who are experiencing a similar problem with opening Axmag for the monthly newsletter. ******************************************

National President’s visit to Wellsford & Warkworth’s clubrooms


On behalf of the Vintage Car Club of NZ and The Cancer Society, North Shore and WellsfordWarkworth Branches wish to invite you to join our National Rally. Date: 27 August Assemble: At 10 a.m. th

Caffeine and Classics. Smales Farm, Takapuna. Have a look at all the cars, and registration, then Cars away at 11.15 a.m. Donation of $10 per vehicle. Your tour will take you up the West Coast on sealed roads to finish in Warkworth Town Centre for a car display. Prizes for “People’s Choice”, walks along the Wharf. cafes All proceeds will go to The Cancer Society. Contact: Neil Beckenham: neiljane@ihug.co.nz 09 426 5831 Anne Richardson: ricanne@gmail.com 09 425 6298

Winter Woollies Wander

1 – 2 July 2017

The Winter Woollies Wander seems to be growing in popularity each year. For the first time, we needed to print a car number “70”. For those looking forward to a winter’s day in the north, the weather did not disappoint. Our starting venue, the Masonic Lodge and roof-top carpark worked well, saving the safety concern of having 70 odd vehicles turning right out of Satellite Station Rd. Franz manning the off-course check on Palmer St, met most of the competitors who failed to realise they were turning into a “No Exit” street. Despite going off-course, a surprising number of cars still managed the timed section without losing too many points, but by the time they had passed through Kaipara Flats most were sporting a muddy shade. A short run up through the Dome Valley and west through Wayby, took us back through Wellsford then out to Lake Tomarata. A run on the seal down the Whangaripo Valley led everyone to the lunch stop at the Pakiri Hall where the children of the school, all 10 of them, provided entertainment while their parents served lunch. By the time lunch was over, a slip on the Pakiri hill had been cleared to allow a free but slushy climb to the summit. After a run out to Martin’s Bay and back, the run ended at the wharf in Warkworth. Frances Ross and assistant Noelene Quedley had set out to plot a 100 mile rally showcasing the countryside surrounding Wellsford and Warkworth and produced a very good rally. Our Sunday activity involved a visit to motorcycle racing legend Graeme Crosby’s workshop and the adjacent Vivian Gallery in the Omaha Valley. After the traditional barbeque lunch at the clubrooms, our visitors left for home. The Committee would welcome any feedback about the Winter Woollies Weekend from our members.

Winter Woollies 2017 Results 1st Vintage

Graeme and Raewyn Fenn (Bay of Plenty)

2ndt Vintage

Nigel and Julie Hawkes and Jacob Knott (Wellsford/Warkworth)

1st Post Vintage

Gavin Welch and Sophie Zhao (Auckland)

2nd Post Vintage

Stu & Val Clotworthy (Waikato)

1st Post War

John and Janice Gardner (Auckland)

2nd Post War

Colin and Pam Bell (Auckland)

1st Post 1960

Bob and Debbie Ballantyne (Auckland)

2nd Post 1960

Paul and Carol Fussey (Waikato)

Over-all Winner

Graeme and Raewyn Fenn

Over-all Local Winner Brian and Vivienne Guest Hard-luck Prize

Linda Matheson and Audrey Carver (Broken windscreen)

Low Pressure or Cleaning

Moss & Lichen Control


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If unclaimed return to PO Box 547 Warkworth gbwarkworth@paradise.net.nz

Ph 09 425 8187 Fax 09 425 8585



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