Wellsford Warkworth VCC July 2017

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July 2017 The RADIATOR CAP


Wellsford—Warkworth VCC Club


Anne Richardson ricanne@gmail.com

425 6298


Neil Cremer (Lucy )

425 4955

Frances Ross chemwash@rosscoltd.co.nz

425 8737

Jeanette Lloyd (George ) yorksandlancs@gmail.com

425 7622


Anne Hamilton (Doug ) Doug.hamil@xtra.co.nz

425 6139


John Duffy johngduffy@hotmail.com


021 208 7474

Frances Ross

425 8737

James Lawrie (Gloria )

425 9928

Gloria-james-lawrie@xtra.co.nz Anne Richardson

425 6298

Neil Cremer

425 4955

Chris Harvey (Annette ) Chris.Harvey@westnet.com.au HEALTH & SAFETY

Denis Martin

09 4222662 425 0259

denismartin@xtra.co.nz VEHICLE ID.

James Lawrie

425 9928


Dave Oliver

09 9450512


Frances Ross

425 8737


Denis Martin

425 0259

George Lloyd

425 7622

Chris Harvey

09 4222662





Leon Salt (Brendda) brendda@xtra.co.nz

423 8122


Denis Martin denismartin@xtra.co.nz

425 0259


Brendda Salt

423 8122



Sheryl Martin (Denis)

425 0259


Magazine deadline 23rd of the month

(The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the view of the branch).

BRANCH ADDRESS P O Box 547 WARKWORTH 0941 VERO: Agency No: 0300159 Free phone: 0800 658411

Website: www.vcc-wellswark.org.nz

Chairman’s Report July 2017: June’s Club Night/Pie night was well attended by close to 50 members. Clearly, many of us enjoys pies, some perhaps a little more than we should. Next month’s Club Night with Alex Kirichuk of the Puhoi Organic Distillery promises to be interesting and enjoyable. Sunday’s visit to Grahame and Anne Power and Doug and Anne Hamilton had a great turn-out. We were pleased to see Grahame’s 1917 Studebaker up and running again. His Studebaker Starliner is always an eye-catcher. Doug has several projects on the go with his 1911 Cadillac receive attention at the moment. Waiting in the wings is the RMB Riley, the ’36 Humber, the ’24 Standard and a few more. The 1904 Cadillac started and ticked over perfectly for us. It was great to see Phil and Viv Maurice’s Riley Merlin and Dave and Barbara Coop’s new restored Riley RMF. It was also another great social occasion and no one was in a hurry to leave after a cuppa at Grahame and Anne’s. With just a week before the Winter Woollies, we have equalled our highest turn-out with 67 entrants. Frances and Noelene have set two very good routes, competitive and non-competitive, sometimes on the same roads and sometimes not. George Lloyd has arranged for us to have the use of the Masonic Lodge kitchen to serve morning tea from 8.00 a.m. The briefing has been brought forward to 8.20 a.m. and the first car will be away at 8.45 a.m. A number of people have kindly offered to help with morning tea on the Saturday and with the BBQ lunch on the Sunday. Thank you to all those who offered to billet out-of-town entrants. After the event, we would appreciate any feedback these folk may have. Denis and George have attended to a few health and safety issues at the clubrooms, re-laying paving outside the kitchen door and securing the carpet at the entrance to the men’s toilet. We still have issues with water-tightness but we’re having difficulty identifying where it is that water is getting in. During the month every member will receive voting forms from National Office for two Notices of Motion to change the Club Constitution. One seeks to remove the requirement for new members to find people to propose and second their applications which is seen as an unnecessary obstacle to membership. Branch committees may still decline an application if they wish before it is signed off by the secretary. The second has been more controversial and regrettably the Management Committee has circulated some misleading and totally false information in regard to it. The second Notice of Motion seeks to recognise all vehicles eligible for acceptance by the Vintage Car Club to be termed “Vintage” vehicles. In other words the club will recognise any vehicle 30 years or older as being a vintage vehicle. Our branch has always had high voter participation with national issues and I would encourage all members to read and discuss these notices of motion and supporting information and then vote as they decide. Happy motoring


brendda@xtra.co.nz 4

Club Captain’s Report As expected, June has been a busy month; but firstly, there were 29 people plus various off-spring headed south at the end of May to see the amazing collection of Rolls Royces (and other cars) and to hear Richard Langridge’s tales of previous owners. I was sad to miss such an interesting day. Thank you Len for arranging the day. The first visit to Sheepworld was completed by a first visit by Don Windley and Theresa since they rejoined. A pleasant lunch and socialising supported by welcoming staff. Thank you to Viv Guest for arranging this new venue. We had 46 people at our club night attracted by our efforts to complement what Harry and Gay used to cater for us. The Savans’ Pies seemed to go down well although to lack of experience in catering for so many was a challenge!! Our Sunday run to Ridge Road, Mahurangi East residents should be of interest to many members, By the time you read this we will hopefully had reasonable weather after an appalling week. The Winter Woollies Wander is all ready to go. Thank you to all those who have offered to help. We look forward to an interesting rally and convivial week end. The next Cafe is on Wed July 5 at Matakana Kitchen, another new venue. Our Club night on July 13th will be be very interesting evening. Pot luck dinner and a presentation from Puhoi Organic Distillery. And please, everyone do not forget the Coffee & Cleaning mornings on the 3 Wednesday each month. It is vital for the health and well-being of us all that we keep the club rooms clean and vermin free! Besides the welcoming tidiness for us and our visitors. Our August Triple Combined has been changed to accommodate the National VCC Daffodil Rally on Sunday 27 . This is promoted nationally, but with the branches organising how it will work in our areas. We are in the planning stage at the moment, but the Rally will support the Cancer Society and participants will donate $10 per car to take part. It will be open to anyone in any car but we will be inviting one make car clubs to join in. We are continuing to work with North Shore branch for this and should be able to give you more details next month. In the meantime, please put this in your diary we will need people with collection tins etc. if you don’t want to do the drive. (it will be easy tar sealed roads). th



Happy and Safe Motoring, Anne and the team.


Club Night Thursday 13th July (Pot Luck Dinner) Puhoi Organic Distillery (NZ’S only Bespoke Organic Distillery)

We will have Alex Kirichuk and his wife Dr Iryna visiting us for an entertaining, informative and enjoyable evening of education about (and a tasting of) their company ‘s unique products. Feel free to bring along friends and/or family. “It’s bullshit, the French saying that you should drink champagne with caviar… Vodka is the only drink to go with caviar!” So says Alex Kirichuk of Puhoi Organic Distillery. Puhoi Organic Distillery is an offshoot of Dr Iryna Kirichuk’s herbal tonic business. Alex explains that, in his native Ukraine, herbal medicine has a very strong tradition – and that the delivery mechanism for those tonics is alcohol. “Not bad alcohol, but excellent quality alcohol like I distil here.” The medicinal philosophy of their business runs right through the product range; Alex insists his spirits are a mild form of his wife’s tonics, that they are good for you and will not cause a hangover. Hallelujah! The ideal way to appreciate the range and quality of Alex’s handiwork is a tasting session. Puhoi Organic Distillery offer : Functional Adaptogenic Beverages - both Herbal Tonics & Spirits - designed to help you withstand various stress factors. • Organically grown herbs, including Adaptogenic Herbs – the foundation for these Beverages. • Top quality Organic Alcohol – the best extractor and carrier of Natural Adaptogens is distilled on the premises using unique high-tech equipment and gravity flow. • Pristine Artesian Water – from their own 221 meter deep bore located next to the Distillery; this is the only water used for all products. All their products are boutique – handcrafted in small batches - in the picturesque Puhoi Valley and include a range of herbal and sulphur free fruit tonics; various flavoured Vodka’s, Absinthe, Grappa, Rum, Brandy, Gin and Whiskey. All of which are simply superb! “Alcohol marketing campaigns can deceive your brain, but not your liver.” Our pledge: Your liver will be definitely impressed with the quality of our products.


1962 Humber Super Snipe 1964 Austin A40 Farina Austin Mini, modified to tilt nose All above have water damage 1958 Austin A40 Farina, dry storage, has a re-conditioned motor and not yet run All cars are open for offers

Any enquiries or if you would like to view any of these cars, please contact Les Phone 07 323 6406 Mobile 027 271 7022 Or email les.gail.costar@slingshot.co.nz

Do you have anything for sale which you would like to advertise in your magazine? A celebration or birthday to announce? Contact: Jeanette (Editor) Ph: 425 7622 or Email: yorksandlancs@gmail.com


There was a good turn out to view the many old and interesting vehicles at both Doug Hamilton and Grahame Power’s place. Tea and biscuits finished the afternoon



413 Whangaripo Valley Rd R.D. 2 Wellsford 11 June 2017 Dear Branch Secretary I would like to take issue with some of the statements made by the Management Committee with regard to the Notice of Motion to rename three categories of club eligible vehicles. The Management Committee infers that this NoM will somehow affect the view that our vehicles are historic vehicles. The NoM, if agreed to, would have no effect upon any official view that our vehicles are historic or heritage vehicles. The Management Committee statement states that the rationale for the NoM suggests that two programs would be required to run side by side. This is not correct and has never been suggested. The Notice of Motion, if agreed to, would see all current VIC remain valid until their stated expiry date. At this time, the card would be sent in for renewal and the new card would be sent out with the same number, but with a revised prefix. The prefix on cards issued to the present vintage, post vintage and post war would change. Just the prefix – nothing else. The cost, if any, would be negligible. It is no different to changing other details at the time of renewal, such as an engine number, if an engine has been replaced and is simpler than changing a member’s address details. This does not require a separate database or program. It is a simple matter of data entry carried out within the existing database at the time of renewal of a VIC. There is nothing complicated about this, as anyone with experience in designing databases or data entry would know and there is no reason whatever to run a separate database. The suggestion that further staff would need to be employed is absurd. As with passports, driving and firearms licences, there should be no need to recall these official documents when significant changes are made. In all cases these can remain valid until the stated date of expiry. A VIC should be no different. It would be of concern to think that a document as recently conceived as the Vehicle Identity Card, is so inflexible it cannot be simply amended, without the need for any recall. There is a need for such documentation to be changed easily to reflect the way in which the club is evolving, especially in this case, given that at most VCC events “Vintage” class vehicles are frequently in the minority. Our categories currently do not comply with FIVA’s as we have no Ancestor Class or P70V Class. Our club exists to serve its members which may not necessarily be the same as complying with the decisions of FIVA. The Notice of Motion does not change the classes. It changes the name we give to three of them – that’s all. I cannot imagine that there would be any difficulty explaining this to the vehicle testing authorities. Changes to the Constitution are a matter for the entire membership. The Management Committee is elected to undertake the day to day running of the club (Beaded Wheels No 345 P6). The Executive is the governing body. By no stretch of the imagination can it be claimed this Notice of motion was fully discussed at two Executive Meetings. Those present may recall that discussion was in fact hi-jacked on both occasions by three members of the Management Committee. At the March meeting in Auckland, by the time the last of these three members had finished his unfortunate tirade, the atmosphere had become sufficiently toxic as to ensure no reasonable discussion could follow and that any vote taken would be a farce. For this reason, I hope that branches will sort the facts from the fiction, look through the smoke and behind the mirrors and discuss the pros and cons of the Notice of Motion with their members in a manner that enables them to form their own opinions and vote accordingly. Yours sincerely

Leon Salt Proposer 10

Mitre 10 Warkworth For donating materials for us to refurbish our club room armchairs.

New Members: Welcome to new members: Dennis and Anne McDonald who have a 1965 MG 1100 saloon

Nigel Robinson who has a 1975 Mercedes Saloon

Name Badges: An order for some fourteen name badges has been sent to our supplier only to find that they can no longer obtain the material used for our badges. We would be grateful if you could bear with us while we look for alternative and have them priced up.


1–2 July: 5 July: 13 July: 19 July: 20 July:

Winter Woollies Wander Weekend Mid-week Café Run – Matakana Kitchen Club Night – Pot Luck Dinner. Guest Speaker Alex Kirichuk of the Puhoi Organic Distillery Club coffee and cleaning morning Club Committee Meeting

2 August: Mid-week Café Run – Puhoi Cheese Café 10 August: Club Night & Prize Giving – Take-away Roast Dinner – Anne H to organise 11–13 Aug: National Executive Meeting and AGM Blenheim 16 August: Club coffee and cleaning morning 17 August: Club Committee Meeting 27 August: National Day – “Daffodil Rally for Cancer” Details yet to be finalized 6 Sept:

Mid-week Café Run – The Wade Hotel, Silverdale 14 Sept: Club Night – Pot Luck Dinner 15–17 Sept: North Shore Branch Spring Tour 20 Sept: Club coffee and cleaning morning 21 Sept: Club Committee Meeting 24 Sept: Twilight Run


10 August Club Night Prizegiving and Takeaway Roast Dinner BOOKING ESSENTIAL by Sunday 6 August to: Ann Hamilton Ph: 425 6139 Ann will be away from July 22nd to Aug 6th. If Ann is not available, you can book with Lucy on 425 4955 When booking let Ann/Lucy know if you would like: Beef, pork or lamb.


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425 5062

If unclaimed return to PO Box 547 Warkworth gbwarkworth@paradise.net.nz

Ph 09 425 8187 Fax 09 425 8585



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