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THE WIPER The monthly bulletin from the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc.

November 2023 Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore, starting at 8pm (unless notified otherwise)

Next meeting: 14th November

Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424 Branch email address:

2023-2024 Committee* and Officers Branch Patrons Ray Tressler, Gerry Kennedy Chairman* Paul Herron 027 210 4131 Vice Chairman* Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Secretary* Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 Treasurer* Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Club Captain* Position to be filled at a later date (03) 202 5710 Assistant Club Captains Greg Elder or 027 431 8058

Bruce Price 027 208 7249 Murray Proctor 027 649 1377 Branch Recorder/Bulletin Editor* David North 021 172 3281 Assistant Editor Position not filled at present House Convenor* Des Brewster 027 845 1752 Assistant House Convenor Position to be filled at a later date Social Committee Roy Buchanan, David McDowell Beaded Wheels Reporter Bill Sheddan 027 434 2935 Festival Rally Organiser* John Tremaine (03) 208 9670 Assistant Rally Organiser Murray Proctor 027 649 1377 Bar Manager Chris Scoles (03) 208 0052 Assistant Bar Manager Murray Proctor 027 649 1377 Maintenance Supervisor Keith Nunn (03) 208 5403 Maintenance Assistants Roy Buchanan, Keith Dodds, Russell Newland, Ken Youngson Swapmeet Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 Swapmeet & Parts Assistants Evan Henderson, Gerry Kennedy, Denis Knight, Bryan Neilson Hill Climb Evan Henderson (03) 208 6479 Hill Climb Assistant Terry Inder (03) 208 7017 Sheriff Denis Knight 027 351 3190 Librarian Stewart Quertier (03) 208 7932 Raffles Star McDougall (03) 208 6501 Branch Delegate* David North 021 172 3281 Privacy Officer Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 Health & Safety Officer Ken Youngson 027 667 4102 Museum & Hokonui Park David McDowell (03) 208 6791 Tuesday Ramble Co-ordinator Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634 Daffodil Day Co-ordinator 2023 John Tremaine 027 432 0197 Daffodil Day Co-ordinator 2024 Position to be filled at a later date Vehicle Identity Card Evan Henderson (03) 208 6479 Signatories John Tremaine 027 432 0197 Front cover picture:


Chairman’s Report November 2023 Well here I am writing another Chairman's report which seems so soon after my last. However September for Lynne and I has had its challenges for us. Between work issues and pressure we were one of the unlucky ones to be flooded in our home and sheds after the unprecedented heavy rainfall. Although more of an inconvenience while we waited for our carpets to dry and water blasting the shed and garage floors, nothing really got damaged. This heavy rainfall also has damaged and scoured out the creek bank which runs within the branch’s property. Ken Youngson has addressed this issue with the Council and await their response. We have successfully removed the male and female toilets from the expiring building consent as is no longer required to be permitted due to being a like for like renovation. This now means we can finally proceed to complete our sign of and building certificate of completion in the near future. I am pleased to learn of reasonable numbers attending our recent runs. Unfortunately I am unable to attend every event our branch holds. I am progressing with my task with the Dickson collection auction which our branch will benefit from. We were lucky enough to have an interesting talk at our October meeting from Robyn and Graeme Young of their 10 week holiday in the USA. Our November meeting will again start at 7.30 following with the annual auction night. If you have items to donate please drop them at the clubrooms on the Wednesday prior to ease with the set up. It is always a good fundraiser for our branch. Sadly our condolences go to the O'Hara family on the passing of member David O'Hara. Paul Herron


Obituary It is with great sadness that we record the passing of Club member David O’Hara. David and his wife, Jeanette, were regulars on the Tuesday Ramble and David was navigator on many rallies for Jim McFadzien. David and Jeanette farmed for many years in the Upper Charlton area. David hadn’t rallied a car but I believe he had a Model T in storage. Due to health problems they had just recently shifted into Gore. Our thoughts go out to Jeanette and family. Gerry Kennedy


Nelson AGM display: V8-powered Renault Dauphine. (Photo by the Editor) 5

From the Editor’s Keyboard I’m pleased to say that November’s is another packed issue. This month’s “Junior Reporter” is Ryder Cook with his report on the P60 Run. Jill Youngson adds a certain je ne sais quoi with her story about the Citröen Bastille Day Run and Lunch and Linda & Keith Nunn tell us about their success on the Blossom Festival Rally. For those of you who missed last month’s interesting talk by Robyn & Graeme Young, I have included a very brief summary plus some details and the itinerary provided by Robyn. I have also included some photos from the VCC AGM in Nelson back in March. The venue was adjacent to Tahunanui Beach, where the Nelson Car Club organised beach racing between 1949 and 1977. Outside the meeting venue there was a small display of cars from those days. They may be familiar to some of you but I know very little about them. Thank you to everybody who has provided material for this issue. I have one story “on hold” for next month and as there are numerous events, both local and further afield, happening over the next few months, I am hoping that there will be many willing volunteers providing an influx of stories! Happy reading, David North

BRAINTEASER Q. You see a boat filled with people. It has not capsized, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why? Answer next month

Answer to last month’s Brainteaser Q. A clerk in a butcher shop stands 5'10" and wears size 13 shoes. What does he weigh? Answer: Meat! 6





Email version of The Wiper The Wiper is also available by email, either as a link to an online version or as a pdf file. The pictures are in colour, it arrives earlier, (most of) the hyperlinks work – and it saves us money!

Please contact the Editor 11


Cancelled Tuesday Ramble September (Sorry) As things got a bit hectic, with Mary being transferred back to Gore Hospital, my brother ending up in hospital and some bright spark deciding to pump water from Kakapo Street onto the St Peter’s College ground; which ended up flooding our section and Warren pumping 4000 – 5000 litres of water from under our house. So we have had Joe Cleaning here to spray to stop mould forming and now have to have the polythene removed and replaced from under the house. So the Council haven’t heard the last of it, the neighbours are all up in arms and the insurance company is not happy at all! However, Mary’s home, she’s now back in charge!!! Gerry Kennedy


In Welsh History This Month On 3rd November 2006, “Jones Jones Jones”, an event held at the Millennium Centre in Cardiff, succeeded in breaking the world record for the largest gathering of people with the same surname in one place. Jones is a surname of Mediaeval origins, derived from the given name John which in turn is derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan (Johanan). It remains the most popular surname in Wales and is also the second most common surname in England after Smith, and the 5th most frequent in the United States. Sent in by Donna North, from: “The History of Wales” Facebook page,

In New Zealand History This Month 30 November 1949: Election of the first National government The Labour government led by Peter Fraser was defeated by Sidney Holland’s National Party after 14 years in office. The result heralded a long period of National dominance, with the party holding power for 29 of the next 35 years. Since its landslide 1935 victory over the Depression-era Coalition, the Labour government had implemented sweeping economic and social reforms and led New Zealand through the Second World War. But by 1946 its grip on power was weakening. The National Party, which had been formed in 1936 by a merger of the Reform and United parties, mounted a credible challenge under Holland’s energetic leadership. Voters were growing tired of continuing shortages and restrictions. Despite this, Labour held on for a narrow victory. By 1949, National’s promise of a new era of prosperity and freedom held even greater appeal. Voters were also reassured by its pledge to retain most of Labour’s social welfare policies. National swept to power with 52% of the vote and 46 seats to Labour’s 34. From: “New Zealand History”, 14

Nelson beach racing display: Austin A40. (Photo by the Editor)


P60 Run, Saturday 7th October We started planning the P60 Run a month ago, but then nature intervened, and Southland had some very heavy rain that led to some serious flooding. We had decided to head up into the top end of Southland and decided on Piano Flat as our destination and have a BBQ lunch as well. We took the Commodore on the recce as, it is quite low, if that can cope with roads that were flooded and a bit battered anything can. Turns out the roads were in quite good shape, so we completed the rest of the planning. Poppa came with us on the Run. When we arrived on the Saturday morning there were people already there at the Clubrooms ready for the off.

Some of the cars at the Clubrooms

After the briefing we left early and made our way to the destination, this was so we could choose the location of the lunch spot and set the BBQ up. When we arrived I went and set up to take photos of cars arriving. The Run itself was a gentle drive along some good Southland back country roads. There was some gravel involved, but everyone coped without too many hassles. The Run ended up in Piano Flat, just above Waikaia, and is an area the Cook family know rather well. Piano Flat is a DOC camping ground and we chose a spot that was sheltered and away from the campers. Like most bush settings in Southland, sandflies are inevitable but weren’t too bad thanks to the cooler weather on Saturday.


Cars arriving

The BBQ and lunchtime 17

There is some question as to the origin of the name but family lore says that from an aircraft it looks like a grand piano. As people arrived they set up chairs etc. and made the most of the sunny weather. The BBQ was cranked up and pretty soon lunch was under way. A good selection of meat and salads was provided by the participants and thank you to everybody for providing something for our lunch.

Honourable mentions are Ken, Allistar (pictured), Murray and Ryder for going on the Suspension Bridge. As we were eating lunch a black robin came and hopped around us, watching and waiting for food to be dropped. Shame it was photo shy, would have loved to take a photo of it. After the black robin left and lunch was over people started leaving including Me, Dad and Poppa. Ryder Cook


Robyn & Graeme Young, Illustrated Talk Thanks to Star McDougall’s efforts, the October meeting night featured Robyn and Graeme Young talking about their recent trip to the USA. (I must apologise to Graeme for mis-spelling his name in the meeting announcement, but an Editor can only go by the information provided!) In answer to a question after the talk, Robyn told us that she had planned the entire itinerary and, following the meeting, she provided me with a copy of the itinerary and the following facts about the tour: Away for 10 weeks Visited 13 USA States Visited 5 Canadian Provinces There were 12 flights They cruised for 820 kms up the Mississippi in the American Queen Paddle Steamer Travelled 390 kms on a Greyhound Bus Drove 14,300kms in two different rental cars Slept in 33 different beds It was their 6th trip, and they have spent a total of 11 months in the USA and Canada ... and still haven't covered a lot of the countries. I also managed to jot down just a few highlights during the talk: They came home with 2,500 photos and 50 videos They visited Sun Studios and Elvis Presley’s Graceland in Memphis; the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville; Hershey’s Chocolate World, Amish Country and the 9/11 Memorial to Flight 93 in Pennsylvania; the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit; Niagara Falls; the world’s longest covered bridge in New Brunswick; the Bay of Fundy where the world’s highest tides occur; the 13-mile long Confederation Bridge; Kennedy House in Cape Cod; Nantucket Island; Salem (famous for the witch trials); the Grand Canyon and, in Utah, Salt Lake City, Bonneville Speed Week, the Kennecott Copper mine and Four Corners Monument - the meeting point of four States. As you will see from the itinerary, there were many, many other places plus numerous classic car and hot rod shops and museums. Links to the above places and the full itinerary follow. The Editor 19

The American Queen Paddle Steamer 20




Gore Branch Events for the 2023-24 Season Event



2023 Ladies Run

Sunday 5th November

Marilyn Proctor

Auction Night

Tuesday 14th November

Denis Knight

Josephville Hillclimb

Sunday 26th November

Evan Henderson Terry Inder

Christmas Run

Saturday 9th December (Note new date)

Katherine Welsh

2024 Picnic Run


Rod Bell

Festival Rally


John Tremaine

Diggers Run


Keith Nunn



Gerry Kennedy

Frank Robson & Clearwater Capers


Greg Elder

Night Trial


Rod Bell

End of Season Run


Bruce Price

Annual Dinner & Prize-giving


Tuesday Ramble

Last Tuesday of the month (except December)

Co-ordinated by Gerry Kennedy

Editor's note to event organisers If you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (N.B. This works best if you ask them before the event!) 24

Other Events 2023 11th – 12th November

All American Weekend, Timaru. Enquiries to Grant 027 378 6149

18th November

North Otago Swap Meet, Oamaru

18th November

Mataura Motoring Mad Car Show & Cruise

18th November

MMXXIII Automobile Ancienne Monte Carlo, Banks Peninsula Branch. Phone 021 212 3074

2nd December

North Otago Branch Annual Windsor Rally 2024

25th – 31st January

National Veteran Rally/Dunedin-Brighton Run & Prince Henry Tour, Otago Branch.

27th – 28th January

Edendale Crank Up, featuring Ford

5th – 7th February

National Vintage Only Rally. Contact

10th February

Wallaby Rally, Waimate Branch

8th – 10th March

Ford Model 40 Convention.


9 March

Annual Swap Meet, Nelson Branch

29th – 31st March

Warbirds Over Wanaka

29th March – 1st April 2nd – 5th April th

6 April 26th – 28th April 4th May

South Island Easter Rally and 60th Anniversary Celebration, Nelson Branch Post-Easter Rally Tour to Golden Bay South Canterbury Branch Swap Meet & Bazaar Highland Fling, Feilding. (Veteran/Vintage vehicles only.) Manawatu Branch Ashburton Branch Swap Meet 2026

15th – 20th March

Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring. Nelson. 25

Auction Night

Tuesday 14th November 7.30pm start Bring along baking, veges, sauces, jams, seed potatoes, parts and anything of value NO JUNK PLEASE BUT BRING PLENTY OF CASH!! Denis Knight 027 351 3190 26


Tuesday Ramble 28th November

10.30 am: meet at Clubrooms 10.45 am: depart for Lumsden 12.00: lunch at “The Whistle Inn” New pub in Lumsden opening for us for lunch so make an effort for a good turnout Lunch (roast & vegs) $35

1.30pm: depart for Daryl Paskell’s to view his fishing museum He hasn’t got a collection box but we will collect a gold coin per head

Contact Gerry (027 233 4634) no later than 24th November for catering 28

Tuesday Ramble Christmas Lunch Wednesday 6th December

11.30 am: assemble Gore Racecourse 12.00 – 12.30 pm: Christmas lunch Cost $30 per head, all the goodies For those who have missed the Rambles through health problems or anything else, you’re very welcome to come Numbers before 28th November please Contact Gerry 027 233 4634 29



REMINDERS FOR SALE & WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS ARE FREE to Club members. Advertisements will be published in three consecutive issues. Please contact the Editor. The Branch receives commission if you insure your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quote the Branch number (300135). VCC name badges: are available to order by contacting the Branch Chairman (cellphone 027 210 4131). N.B. If you’re not wearing one at a meeting you will attract the Sheriff’s attention and are likely to be fined! You are very welcome to come on Branch runs in your modern. Join the VCC online at Both Bluebridge and Interislander Ferries offer discounts to VCC members: To Let: the Gore Branch Clubrooms are available to VCC members for personal functions at very reasonable cost. Newsletters from other Branches are posted on the VCC Website each month. Go to: They are also sent to each Branch by email and can be obtained on request from the Secretary or the Editor.

GORE BRANCH BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER The Branch bank account number is 03-0915-0246885-00 Please put your name and the reason for the payment in the details boxes. Thank you. The Treasurer Thank you. The Treasurer 32

What We Did On Our Holidays Citröen Bastille Day Run and Lunch Friday 14th July, Matariki Day, the new public holiday to celebrate the Maori New Year was also Bastille Day - celebrated in France with military parades, flyovers, fireworks, concerts, street parties, picnics and feasting. We are members of the Central and Environs Citröen Aficionados and as such decided to join the other enthusiasts from the Citröen Club for their Bastille Day drive and lunch.

Work in progress

The 2CV had been sitting idle in the garage for many months, unwarranted, unregistered and unloved, requiring some extra care and attention. Paul Herron was engaged to give La Frog some attention in the way of panel beating and a new paint job. The car looks amazing now thanks to Paul and his team. The car has had the rust and bubbles removed from the panels, the bog removed from the guards, the panels sandblasted and the dents in the doors smoothed out. La Frog is no longer about five different shades of yellow. It has had new rubbers fitted around all the doors and a new windscreen, a complete makeover. In order to get a WOF, Ken had to have new tyres on the rear wheels and adjustments made to the wheel bearings. 33

The end result

We set off for Wanaka on the Thursday and stayed the night there so we didn’t require an early start on the Friday morning. As we were early for the appointed rendezvous Friday morning, we took a circuitous route to Albert Town and The Pembroke Patisserie, a favourite haunt of ours, and bought some scrumptious almond croissants and some pear and ginger tarts (to have with coffee at a later date), before arriving at the Wanaka Recreation Centre. A Light 15, a BX19TRI, a C4VTS and a 2CV, plus drivers and passengers of course, left Wanaka and headed for the Pinot Junction Café in the Cromwell Heritage area for coffee and to meet up with more participants, a couple in a 2CV Charleston and some members in their modern cars. From Cromwell we drove through the gorge to Clyde and Dunstan House where we met up with the remainder of the group including Cheryl Marshall of Waimumu in her red 2CV. The Dunstan Hotel, a Heritage two listed building, was built in 1898 in the Georgian style on top of the cellar of a wooden hotel which was destroyed by fire in the gold mining days. The hotel is built of schist stone quarried 34

from the area. Native kauri was milled locally and used to build the stairways. The hotel continued to provide accommodation, meals, alcohol and entertainment during the gold mining days. Once the gold rush was over, the hotel went through a period of decline and finally closed in 1937. It became neglected but later the building was used as a private residence and a boarding house until it was modernised in the 1990s. That refurbishment returned the hotel to its original splendour and with its new name, Dunstan House; it is now a boutique hotel. The rooms have been tastefully redecorated in the era of the 1900s and each named after some of the people who resided in the hotel originally. One of the rooms was used in a scene in the comedy/drama, “Under the Vines”, filmed in the Central Otago region. Incidentally, the 2CV used in “Under the Vines” is owned by a couple who attended the lunch. The leader of our group, Richard, then informed us all about the origins of Bastille Day. The Bastille, a mediaeval fortress built in the 1300s to protect Paris was built with 100-foot-high stone walls and surrounded by a wide moat. It was used a prison for political prisoners. Popular belief is that Bastille Day celebrated the storming of The Bastille prison on the 14th July 1789 by revolutionary insurgents wanting control of the armoury and ammunition stored within the building. At the time there were only seven prisoners in the prison. The revolutionaries saw The Bastille as a symbol of the monarchy and its abuse of power. Unrest in France at the time was rife with unemployment, hunger due to failed harvests, poverty, poor living conditions, heavy taxes and discontent at the opulence and extravagance of King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. Those of you who have visited The Palace of Versailles near Paris will no doubt agree it is a very opulent palace. The discontent and the storming of The Bastille led to the start of The French Revolution. The revolutionaries were fighting for freedom, an end to the feudal system, abolition of the monarchy and fairer representation of all French people, not the rule of the monarchy, the church and the very rich 2% of the population. On the 14th July 1790, the Fête de la Federation was held in the Champs de Mars and attended by 300,000 people celebrating the achievements of the revolution. Bastille Day also celebrates the Fête de la Fédération and the unity of the French people. The French Revolution had succeeded in creating a nation with the motto Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité: Liberty - the right to live freely 35

without oppression or undue restriction, Equality - every person equal under the law and Fraternity - everyone being supportive and united in building a safe, fair and free society. These achievements not only brought a new era to France, but also influenced other nations with the idea of nationalism and the introduction of democracy by way of fighting, revolting or protesting against unjust rules. Bastille Day and our interest in Citröen vehicles gave us the excuse to gather together and enjoy feasting and fellowship in Clyde. As it was also Matariki Day there was a karakia to celebrate with the sharing of food and fellowship. The hosts at Dunstan House, Meredith and Ian Kerr, were the perfect hosts providing a very generous and delicious lunch banquet with a choice of two mains, roasted vegetables and a gourmet salad. A dessert platter and tea and coffee finished off very enjoyable feast. La Frog performed well, returning us back to Gore safely after an enjoyable Bastille / Matariki Day. Jill Youngson



Spotted... ..on page 11 of the October 2023 issue of Puff ‘n Stuff, the Central Otago Branch newsletter: Keith & Linda Nunn in their 1978 Triumph 2500S did very well in this year’s Blossom Festival Rally. [There must be a story there! Ed…...] …and, lo and behold, here it is – thank you Linda & Keith!!

Blossom Festival Rally On Thursday 21st September we were waiting for the rain to stop, and were wondering if it was worth packing a bag to go to the Rally! However we were able to leave Gore the next morning and, once we were through Waikaka Valley and there wasn’t any flooding obvious, we enjoyed our weekend away. We met in Clyde on the Saturday morning for a “Public Show and Shine”, and while we had breakfast and checked our Rally packs, we caught up with others that had come from far and wide, including Palmerston North, Kaiapoi and Ashburton.

Clyde – where we picked up the Rally packs


There were options to acquire 250 points - taking part or watching the procession in Alexandra – and answering questions on short runs near Cromwell and Alexandra or a long run which went as far as Ettrick. There was also a compulsory destination - a drive through Golden View Lifestyle Village where the residents appreciated seeing a variety of cars passing by. Leaving Clyde at 10am we drove south through the Earnscleugh area answering questions along the way then watched some of the procession. We then proceeded north to Galloway, Omakau and Ophir finding more answers on the way, then back to Cromwell and through the Heritage Precinct and the Golden View Village.


By 4pm we were back at the Central Otago Clubrooms where more questions were asked before afternoon tea and prize-giving. We were quite surprised to end up with the 1st overall prize, so must have been correct with enough of the many questions! We then stayed on and enjoyed the hospitality of Club members enjoying a take-away tea. Well done Ewen and his team from the Central Otago Branch, a lot of work goes into the organisation of a Rally like this. Linda & Keith Nunn


Nelson beach racing display: Ford V8 Special. (Photo by the Editor) 40

Gore VCC Supper Roster IF YOU ARE UNAVAILABLE November Murray Proctor ON YOUR ROSTERED NIGHT, December Michael & Diana Rickerby PLEASE CONTACT ME OR To be advised SWAP WITH SOMEONE ELSE January ON THE LIST. February To be advised THANKS, DES BREWSTER To be advised March We need to cater for about 30 To be advised April to 40 members each night. The To be advised May cuppa and serving of the supper is to be arranged within To be advised June the Social Committee. To be advised July If necessary, ingredients and/or To be advised August small items can be bought at September To be advised Gore New World and charged To be advised October to the Gore VCC account.


Friday 1st December 42

Nelson beach racing display. (Photo by the Editor) 43

Online Bonuses Piano Flat: Bastille Day: Dunstan House, Clyde: Albert Town:,_New_Zealand Pembroke Patisserie: Under the Vines: Jones, Jones, Jones: New Zealand Federation of Motoring Clubs Inc. (newsletter page): Southland Branch website:

Joke So I called the Vet this morning: Me: “Hello, I need to make an appointment for my pet ostrich.” Vet: “OK, what’s the problem?” Me: “He’s holding his head to one side.” Vet: “Hmm, maybe neck’s week.” Me: “Haven’t you got anything sooner?” Sent in by Gerry Kennedy 44

ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Philips Everflo oxygen concentrator Bought new in 2022 and used for about six months by one of my family members. Works well, 0.5 to 5.0 litre continuous flow, all hoses and connections come with it. New price $2,300.00 - selling for the breathtaking price of $900.00.

Denis Knight 027 351 3190 1/3

FOR SALE XC Ford Falcon Fairmont parts

Front and rear seats in good condition for age (re-padded squabs front) Roof lining with metal hoops, brand new never fitted Front door pillar covers (interior) Door opening scuff panels (2 sets of 4) Rear bumper with draw bar attached Set of four Trident Mags 14x7jj Denis Knight 027 351 3190 1/3


WANTED for a 1934 PE Plymouth Murray Storey from Alex paid a visit to our Parts Dept. He is looking for hubcaps for wire wheels, air cleaner, bumper, 1 x 17” wire wheel, 1 x 16” 10-hole solid wheel, steering wheel, horn button. Also a 1936 overdrive gearbox. If you can help please phone Murray 021 064 4427 3/3

WANTED Malcolm Thompson (Balclutha) says someone at our swap meet had a sand blaster on a trailer for sale. If you can help phone Malcolm 03 418 2047 3/3



Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome. The Wiper is usually distributed on or around the last Tuesday of each month Please send all contributions to David North

before the 3rd Wednesday of each month for inclusion in the next issue of The Wiper If you don't have a computer I can type up a hand-written article or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how! e-mail: physical and mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822 telephone (mobile) 021 172 3281

Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore Branch or of the VCC. The Branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements.

The Wiper is printed by I-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill Telephone (03) 218 3350 47


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