THE RESTORER'S CORNER By J. R. Nielander, Jr. It's again that time when we start planning for the annual safari to aviators' paradise. The 26th An nual EAA Convention and Fly-In will be held at Witt man Field, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, from Saturday, July 29 through Saturday, August 5,1978. Your Antique/Classic Division has again organized a full week of activities for antique and classic air craft and their owners. These include the judging of the exhibit aircraft and the awarding of trophies in many different classifications. Additionally, well-known aviation pioneers and outstanding restorers will be recognized at the daytime Interview Circle and the evening Pavilion Program. On Thursday evening the Division will present a History of Flight Pageant as the evening air show program. The Forums Commit tee has a full schedule of type club and general in terest forums planned . These generally include in formation on maintenance problems , parts availability and substitution, modifications, specific restoration techniques, flight characteristics, and aircraft avail ability. Additionally, there will be forums on tech niques and procedures applicable to all aircraft. These forums are scheduled for a 1 '14 hour period and are held in a large meeting tent located next to the An tique/Classic Division Convention Headquarters barn . The tent is complete with blackboards, rostrum, pub lic address system, projection equipment, and 250 seats. Again this year we are inviting all type clubs to make the EAA Convention one of their annual fly-in
actiVities. Due to the limited parking space available in the Display Aircraft Parking Area, we do not plan to park the aircraft by type. However, we do have the aircraft type signs available, so if any type clubs want to have their own row(s), we shall be happy to supply the signs, but it will be necessary for them to make arrangements directly with the Antique/Classic Division Parking Chairman, Arthur R. Morgan, 3744 North 51st Boulevard, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216, before July fifteenth and to police their own rows with their own members starting on Wednesday, July 26, and continuing through the entire convention period. While we are talking about the Display Aircraft Parking Area we would like to point out that the EAA Convention is somewhat different from the average fly-in which we usually attend . EDUCATION is the basic theme of the EAA Convention, and your Antique/ Classic Division tries to encou rage this theme in both its forums and its Display Aircraft Parking Areas. We would appreciate your cooperation in using the Dis play Aircraft Parking Area exclusively for parking those aircraft of which you can be justifiably proud of your work or efforts spent in its restoration, reconstruc tion, or continued "Tender Loving Care " mainte nance. In this area we want to display that which we consider excellence in our field and that from which others can learn by close inspection, by example, and by conversing with the owners and restorers . In this area he who is planning to restore an antique or classic aircraft can see what he can expect to achieve and can thereby be fired with enthusiasm. In this area photographers can snap the finest collection of the restorers ' art. In this area he who comes to admire historic beauty on wings can savour the excellence of workmanship. In the centerfold of this issue you will find a bal lot for the annual election of Division officers and directors. In addition to the candidates nominated by the nominating committee, there are spaces for write-in candidates of your choice . Please exercise your right to vote, and show your officers and direc tors that you support them, or write in the names of those whom you would prefer to see on the Division management team. Only with your active response can we determine what is necessary to give you the organization which you want. Don ' t forget about our membership contest. Take all of the membership applicat ions out of your back issues, print your name and Division membership number on the back of them, and distribute them to your friends and acquaintances who share your interest in vintage aircraft. Make sure that you win
a pair of antique goggles for sponsoring five new members and a leather flying helmet for sponsor ing ten new members. Don't forget, the big prize is a five year free membership to the member who spon sors the most new members by the end of 1978. Let's see how many helmets and goggles you can win. There is no limit.
The Officers and Directors of the Antique Classic Division, the Warbirds and the International Aero batic Club met on April 29th for the first annual Joint Divisions Meeting. Chaired by Paul and Tom Pober ezny, the agenda focused on the state of the divisions and more effective methods of working together in solving problems that are common to all three divi sions. "Each division is interested in expanding its membership," said President Paul in citing an example of how the three groups are unified , " and it will help us all if we exchange ideas for increasing our member ship lists ." The reaction produced a wealth of ideas and suggestions all of which contributed to a highly successful day. Major discussions also developed on the subjects of EAA services to the divisions, developments in the FAA (Charlie Schuck was there to explain FAA attitudes and action), participation at Oshkosh and in the museum. The day's events proved what Paul Poberezny has long sensed : that although the EAA tJas several divi sions , it is not divided . The special interest groups within the organization of EAA are tightly bonded by their mutual interest in flying and their desire to preserve their own way of doing it. Representing your interests at the meeting were J. R. Nielander, Jack Winthrop , Brad Thomas, Claude Gray, Art Morgan , John Turgyan, Kelly Viets, Dale Gustafson , and Bill Ehlen .
HELP NEEDED AT OSHKOSH Kate Morgan and Donna Bartlett have requested assistance for the Antique/ Classic Headquarters Staff at Oshkosh . Staff members are involved in the vital function of providing information , taking member ships, selling magazines, etc. If you can help two hours any a.m . or p.m . write Kate at 3744 North 51st Boule vard , Milwaukee, WI 53216, or Donna at Box 5156 , Lakeland FL 33803.
Editorial Staff
Publisher Paul H. Poberezny Editor David Gustafson
(Photo by Chris Sorensen)
1941 Waco UPF-7 of Liz Winthrop.
CopyrightO 1978 EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc .. All Rights Reserved.
JUNE 1978
Associate Editors: H. Glenn Buffington, Robert G. Elliott, AI Kelch, Edward D. Williams, Byron (Fred) Fredericksen Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned to those writers who submit five or more articles ,which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR足 PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR足 PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLICY-Opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors, Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor.
P.O. BOX 2464
RT. 1. BOX 111
ALLEN. TX 75002
8102 LEECH RD.
UNION .1 L ,60180
Directors AI Kelch 7018 W. Bonniwell Road
William I. Ehlen
Route 8 Box 506
Tampa, Florida 33618
Mequon, Wisconsin 53092
Claude L. Gray, Ir.
9635 Sylvia Avenue
Northridge, California 91324
Morton W. Lester
Box 3747
(Cover Photo by Chris Soresen: George S. Mennen's 1940 Spartan Executive.)
The Restorer's Corner by J. R. Nielander, Jr. ........................... A Stinson by Byron (Fred) Fredericksen ................ . ............... World War I Era Replica Plans by Leonard Opdycke ..................... Notice of Annual Business Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors ......................... . ..... .. ...... ... ... Vintage Album .................... . .................................. A Harbor For Classics by David Gustafson .............................. Restoration Tips by Fred Chew ........................................ The Baby Cessna ..................................................... Calendar of Events ................................................... Letters .............................. . .......... . ........ . ... .. .... . .
2 4 10 12
Virginia 24112
Arthur R. Morgan
Dale A. Gustafson
7724 Shady Hill Drive
Indianapolis, Indiana 46274
3744 N, 51st Boulevard
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216
M. C. "Kelly" Viets RR 1 BQX 151 Stilwell, Kansas 66085
Richard Wagner P.O. Box 181
lyons, Wisconsin 53148
Advisors Ronald Fritz
1989 Wilson, NW
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504
Stan Gomoll
1042 90th Lane, NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55434
John R. Turgyan
1530 Kuser Road
Trenton, New Jersey 08619
Robert E. Kessel
445 Oakridge Drive
Rochester, New York 14617
MEMBER - $20.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year mem足 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION magazine not included .
EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA. Antique/Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. (Applicant must be current EM member and must give EAA membership number.)
Robert A. White Box 704 Zellwood, Florida 32798
THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., and is published monthly at Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post OHice, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130, and additional mailing oHices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/ Classic Division, Inc., are $14.00 per 12 month period of which $10.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE . Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation.
Page 4
Page 16
Page 24
By Byron (Fred) Fredericksen 32 40 W. Beezewood Lane Neenah, Wisconsin 5 4956
(Photos by the Author unless otherwise noted)
Left , Mr. J. D . 'N NC 15 16 5 Nenana Alas ka , 50 ft snow with
Berr y, ri g ht, th e author and Stin so n
on a n i sl a nd across th e riv er fr o m M ay 16, 1972. (A ircra ft wa s l anded in th e gea r up 90 miles w est of here in
194 7.) "What do you think about this? " my friend asked as he reached across the the table and handed me a color Polaroid photo. My mind was still with some home movie films of airplanes we had just viewed when he spoke and I really only half heard what he had sa i d. The autumn Alaska air was' cool even in the cabin as I shuffled my feet to a more comfort足 able position, gulped some freshly brewed coffee and gazed at this photo. As I began to realize what I was looking at, I answered , " I didn 't think any of these existed anymore. " My host then said , " Well this one does; it is mine and I wanted you to know about it as I may dispose of it . . . maybe ... there is still some work to do. "
I got a magnifying glass from my briefcase and studied the photo in detail. The photo was of good quality but was taken very late in the day. It showed a forest in the arctic twilight with some snow cover and parked in the shadows beneath some huge trees was an airplane. A big airplane. It had three engines on it complete with cowling and propellers. The wheels and tires were removed but the gear was down and the airplane was mounted in this position on a very large log frame skid . The fuselage top and wind shield was covered with a canvas. The tail group was visible as were the wing struts. It was , of course, a low wing Stinson tri-motor airliner all complete except that the outboard sections of the
wings were removed. I had a hundred questions to ask, but thought better of it. I poured some more coffee and listened to a tale about which one should write a book, then make a movie. As my friend re vealed his story of where this airplane was when he found it, why it got there, how he moved it to its present location , and what sti ll remained to be done to get it out of the wilderness, I realized a once in a lifetime adventure was unfolding here . Some readers will by now know my friend with the photo was Mr. J. D. Berry for he briefly wrote of and had a photo of this subject Stinson in an Antique Airplane Association magazine some years ago. This was 1970 when he informed me of this air plane and told me his story. Ever since then I have been hoping he would write a complete story about his ten year ordeal to recover this rare bird . He has not chosen to do so as of this date, nor will I write of the COMPLETE story here. I would however like to share the portion of this adventure in which I was personally involved along with some rare photos I took for those interested in Stinson history. I have always had a special interest in the Stinson airplane. Twenty years ago I bought my first Stinson. It was a 108-1 model Voyager. I owned three other 108 series after that and some of the most pleasurable hours I have ever spent flying was in the left front seat of a Stinson Gull Wing I onee owned. The publica tion entitled THE STINSONS by John W. Underwood is an excellent reference for the Stinson buff. It contains good photos and history of all three models of tri-motors built by the Stinson Company. In another of Mr. Underwood 's books titled THE VINTAGE AND VETERAN AIRCRAFT GUIDE there appears on page 42 a model 'A' tri-motor with a caption which states N15165 is the last surviving model A. N15165 is the air plane ' in the photos on these pages. There is also a fine discription of the model 'A' Stinson ATC #556 in Mr. Joseph P. Juptners book titled U. S. CIVIL AIR CRAFT VOL. 6. I have not read where anyone ha s stated the exact number of these models produced. It seems however some 35 were manufactured of which the prototype was first flown in mid 1934 with the bulk of production in 1935 and 36. Production had ceased by 1937 and by this time the A's were operat ing in many foreign countries as well as in the U.S., namely by American Airlines, Central Airlines, Delta and others. I can ju st barely remember seeing these airplanes when I was a kid and I have always thought the 'A' was a very hand some airplane. The model A specifications and performance data were very impressive for it s time and they were well built.
Arrival a t th e village of Nena na. ( Note huge tu g boats r eq uired to move the se barges and their cargo.)
(My associates and I are rebuildin g a 1931 high wing Stinson tri-motor at present which is the same type construction as the ' A' with 4130 ClM welded steel tubing fuselage as well as wing spars welded up with same material into a truss.) Ribs are square aluminum tubing . The only wood used is for fairings here and there. But then these fine aircraft like so many others of the past gave way to the more modern method of construction such as used on the Boeing 247 and Douglas DC-2 and 3 series with all the rivits and shiny aluminum . I will be brief here with the events involving the recovery of N15165 and its subsequent rebuild as I do not wish to steal the present owner 's thunder or former owner' s should either ever decide in the future to do a complete story of this interesting adventure. Goin g back to 1970 at J. D .'s home where he first showed the photo, we speculated on what the airplane might be worth. I have always felt any antique was worth what some one might pay for it. However thi s airplane might well be the last of its kind . Then two things happen , one you can begin to justify the time and dollars spent to recover it and seco nd one can dictate th e selling price. If it is the only one and the prospective buyer gives you a hard time on your price simply ask him to check around on the pri ce of thes e models for sa le and if he ca nnot mak e a better deal come back and see m e ! J. D. indicated what he mi ght wish to take for it , however we did not make any deal at that point in tim e. Later when I was back home in Wisconsin , I w as given a pri ce which included the airp lane being brought out to civilizat ion where one could drive a vehicle to it. At the tim e I was shown a photo of the airplane whi ch was about halfway on its 路almost one hundred mile trip from its original l oca tion sig ht to the n ea rest road. J. D . had all hi s eq uipm e nt in the bush at the Stinson site. This included a D-8 Caterpillar equipped with a dozer blade, a huge sled on skid s which con颅 tained many fifty gallo n drums of fuel and oil, two fiv e ton co me alongs, sno wmobile, many parts and hand tools and the two airpl ane wings. Along with
Unloading a t Union Oil Co. Dock. (A magnifying g lass will m ake visible 75765 o n the rudder. )
Th e la st pull 10 C olde n Va ll e y Electric In c. s ub station enclosure.
these he had built a six foot by twelve foot cabin for shelter mounted on skids for pulling. This home away from home is called a "Wanigan". He would go ahead with the Cat and clear a few hundred yards of timber along the route he chose through the bush and over the ridges, come back and hook up his "train": airplane, sled and Wanigan, and then unhook again and clear another path and so on. The only catch to this process was that this had to be done in the winter months only as the unfrozen tundra would not hold up the Cat in the summer months. And what with the break downs, problems with starting and operating a diesel engine in fifty degree below zero weather, uncertain ice thicknesses to cross over rivers , coupled with very few hours of daylight that time of year in Alaska one wonders if any price is worth that. A man all alone in this type of operation could get himself killed. In fact the Cat did go through the ice once. He got it free all by him足 self. Another time be broke a foot in a mishap and laid in the Wanigan in that condition for ten days before a refueling plane he had ordered found him. Talk about a dedicated antiquer! Once again, would this story not make an interesting movie? And all it would require was a one man cast. I accepted J. D.'s asking price and had in fact made a deal with a third party here in the "Lower 48" to acquire it. I might add that was the first and last time I will ever be the in between man on a deal like this, it cost me a very good friend and one cannot put a dollar value on that. One cannot state he lost money he never had, however I was offered thirty thousand dollars more for the airplane than I got for it while it was still in Alaska, but then that's water over the dam. I really was not in this for money. J. D. and I only wanted to see this 'A' find a good home and people that would rebuild her and fly it again. And I understand it is being rebuilt at this time in a very professional manner. Anyway, due to an almost inhuman effort the man, !Dick Stouffer photo)
The Stinson obviou sly required a little more than a wash and paint job.
the cat , airpl an e, sled , and Wani ga n aft e r two wint e rs of work a rriv ed on an island across th e river fr o m Nenan a, A l as k a about si xty mil es be lo w Fairb ank , . Thi s w as M ay, 1972 . A n d th e ice w as b rea kin g up in th e swift sprin g cu r rent. I ca n im ag in e J. D . stan d in g ther e on th e b ank thinkin g if I w a~ ju st a w ee k earli er I co ul d cros s to th e ro ad into to wn . H e w alked acro ss th e ice lea vin g eve rythin g o n th e islan d and advi sed m e of the situ ation. M ea nwhil e, som e thin g wa s takin g pl ace abo ut th at tim e in th at th e milit ary at Ft. W ainwri ght h ad rece ive d so m e fl y in g c ranes, (car go h eli copte rs). Th ese anim als co ul d do in a few minut es wh at takes u s m o n th s in ter m s of movin g th e tri-mot o r. A ft er mon th s of ca ll s, pro mi ses, le tt ers e tc. w e fin all y gave up o n th e U. S. A rm y . (Th e pres ide nt of EA A even tri ed to h el p b ut to no ava il. ) I fin all y fl ew up to J. D .'s pl ace and we wor k ed o ut a m e th od to ge t th e airp lan e across th e ri ve r. Th e re was a Barge Lin e Co mp any w hi ch wint ered in N en an a and w as by n o w ready in g th e ir tu gs and barge s fo r th e summ e r se ason of h aulin g fu e l an d equipm ent to th eir c usto m e rs vi a th e riv e r hi ghways in Al as ka. Th e re equipm ent is mu c h th e sa m e as th e tu gs an d ba rges w e see o p e ratin g o n th e M iss iss ippi . Tbeir b ase w as a sh o rt d istan ce down str ea m f ro m the Stin so n site on th e island. J. D . spo k e to th e m and a pri ce wa s ag reed o n to pu sh a ba rge to th e island , ti e unto th e sh o re and give u s a d ay to b uil d a ramp to th e b arge an d loa d our ca rgo. J. D . and I hir ed a loca l fe ll o w w ith a b oa t t o take u s ar o un d to th e bac k of th e islan d and we t h en sp e nt five days c uttin g b ru sh an d dragg in g every thin g to th e w ater 's ed ge, whil e w aitin g for o ur 's hip ' . Th e tu g and b a rge ca m e in sig ht o n th e fi f th day but th e c urr ent was 50 st ro n g t h e tu g los t steerage an d th e ba rge wo un d aro un d th e tu g and fl oa t ed down stream. Th e crew w e nt a f te r it a n d th e n ex t day m ade it a ll th e w ay . Th ey pu sh ed int o sh ore as c l ose as po ss ibl e an d to ssed h eavy ca bl es as h o re whi ch we clamp ed aro und tree stump s w e h ad cut. Th e c rew pull ed th e ba rge with th e po w e r win ch es . Th ey le ft with th e tu g aft e r th e Ca pt ain re min ded u s h e d id not w ant th e d ec k o f th e ba rge to rn up b y th e ca t. W e w ere t o pl ank th e tr ac k s . I f orgo t h o w m an y million s o f doll a rs h e sa id th e ba rge co st. "A nd don't sm o k e on it b eca u se th e , even foo t d eep h o ld is full o f fu el fume s." W e go t ri ght to w o rk . J. D. pu sh ed ton s o f dirt and tr ees int o th e ri ve r b e twee n th e sh o re and th e barge . H alf o f it wa shed aw ay but fin all y enough lo gs and trees w ere cri ss -crossed and thi s b ase began to hold th e mud and dirt and soon w e had a ramp
(whi c h co ntinued t o w as h awa y). W e imm edi ate ly b eg an to pull eve rythin g o n bo ard . In a co upl e o f hour s w e w ere all lo aded ju st as our ramp vani sh ed. Wh at a good fee lin g w e had. Thi s w as 1972. M r. Be rr y start ed thi s pro jec t a hun d red mil es away, bac k i n '1961 ! Th e tu g capt ain se nt a sm all boa t for u s as w e w e re no t to slee p o n t h e ba rge. Th e nex t day th e tu g brou ght o ur p reciou s ca rgo down str ea m to th e r iv e r dock of th e Uni o n O il Co mp any . M r . Co ghill o wn er of thi s Co mpany was kin d en o u gh to le t u s co mpl e t ely tear u p hi s ya rd w ith th e ca t in th e unl oa din g pr ocess. J. D. str aig ht en ed th e ya rd o ut lat er w ith th e doze r b lade . We pull e d e verythin g t o a dirt sid e street out of everyon e's w ay and wondered where w e could stor e the airplan e . We d iscove red an aba n do n ed e lec t r ic company powe r sub stati o n at th e edge o f tow n. It had a cyc lo n e fe nce aro un d it with a ga te and loc k. W e found th e o wn e r to be Gold en Vall ey Electri c Assoc iation In c. whos e offi ce was in Fair banks . W e w ent there, sa w Mr. Boyd Ro b e rt s, as ked and w ere given permi ss io n to u se th e Ne nana Station for a month , sig n ed a hol d h armle ss ag ree ment and return ed to N enan a. Th en w e re ali zed w e had to c ro ss two set s of railroad tr ac ks with th e ca t and th e airpl ane. You ju st don ' t run a c rawler pulling an eight thou sa nd poun d load on rou gh log ,kid s ac ro ss anoth e r man's railro ad track s. Af足
ter much negotiating with the local railroad depot personn el we got the okay to cros s th e tracks if w e first built a bridge of pl anks to run on . This we did and pull ed th e tri-m o tor up to the po w er station ga te o nl y to fi nd th e ga te was too sm all to all ow th e air足 pl an e to pass thro ugh. W e go t so me sh ove ls, d ug dow n all aro un d o ne ga te pos t until w e hit th e hu ge c hunk of con cre t e th e po st was ce m e nted int o . Th is w e lift ed o ut with th e d oze r b lad e . W e th en pull ed th e airpl an e in side th e fence, repl ant ed th e ce m ent an d pos t , clo sed the ga te and loc ked i t. I th en so ught an o ld ge ntl em en th at li ved ac ross th e stree t and gave him some do ll ars in re turn fo r hi s sh OO in g away any p eopl e h e may obse rve climbin g th e fence with an int e res t in o ld airpl an es . Th e n ex t day w as spe nt l oad in g <.1 11 o f J. 0.', equipm en t o n a ra ilroad fl at- car fo r shi pmen t to Fair足 ba nk s. W e later drove to Fairb ank s in J. D.'s tru ck and too k a mu c h n eeded res t. W e vi sit ed o th e r spots wh e re I observed a compl e te No rse man an d a G ull Win g Stin son rottin g o ut sid e in th e ele me nt s an d suffe rin g hard kno c ks fr o m snow plows. J. D. also too k me to th e mu se um at th e U ni versit y o f Alas ka wh e re I could have spe nt a co upl e days. A ft er th at w e too k the airlin e do wn to An cho rage and vi sit ed Mr . Reddin , the curat o r o f th e Air Tr an sportation Mu se um wh o gave us a sw ell tour of thi s institution.
(Dick S!ouffer pho!o)
' itting tab A into slot B is no easy ta sk in a rebuild of his size.
(Dick 5 rouffer ph 0/0)
The monumental task is nearing comp letion and may be flying when you read this.
This musellm and its contents has since burned to the ground. I then said goodbye to J. D. and spent the next six and a half hours inhaling Vodka martinis on a non stop jet to Chicago. The tri-motor was picked up by semi truck along with a new set of wings Mr. Berry had aquired that went with the deal. The airplane is being rebuilt in Crvsta: Lak~, Wisconsin and should flv this summer. Perh rt ps some day J. D. and I may watch it fly at sC;'lIe antique meet. F-or the record: Stinson NC15165 was manufactured under ATC #556, model A, serial No. 9125. Engines were Lycoming (3) model R-680-5, 260 hp each; engines serials were Rt. #2-1292, Lt . #2-1400, ten. #2-1290 . Number of crew and passengers, 9 PCLM .
Delivered to original owner February 28, 1936 American Airlines, Inc. 4848 West 63 Street, Chicago , Illinois. Ship dam age d at Wa shington , D. C. on June 8, 1936, when a drunk drove a car into the tail while th e ship was parked near a han ger at the Wa shington ai rport. On November 2, 1939 the total time on thi s aircraft was given as 2234;03 hours . Sold to Lavery Airways, William L. Lavery , Fair足 banks Alaska, April 27, 1940. Sold to Raymond I. Peterson, DBA Ray Peterson Flying Service, Anchorage, Alaska, September 14, 1942. Sold to Ray Peterson Flying Service, Raymond I. Peterson , Marie Antoinette Peterson, Glen I. Dillard, Anchorage Alaska, April 26, 1944.
Crashed, November 1947. No details given. On February 19, 1948 so ld to Northern Con足 so lidated Airline s, Inc. Box #1439, Anchorage, Alaska. Remarks: Delivered to American Airlines, M arch 2, 1936. NC Licen ses iss ued to expire 3-1-37, 3-1-38, 3-15-39, and 11-15-40. On 11-14-40 licen se NC-15165 approved for one year . Aircraft disapproved for license on 10-30-42 due to bad original fabric. Ship approved for license on 5-15-43 for one year. The next chapter is for Mr. J. D. Berry to write, should he wish to do so. For five years now I have soug ht and acquired what I believe is a complete listing of every serial number of the Stinson 'A' models produced. I followed one rumor and found some "bones" of an A model. I believe there are two more in existence, in what condition I do not know ; however, I am going to find out. Who knows?
Leonard Opdycke
15 Crescent Rd.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Reprinted WWI Aeroplanes
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: (Abb reviations used below : H = H awker-S id del ey Avi ation Ltd. , Richmond Ro ad, Kingston-upon-Thames KT2 5QS, UK (Attn: j. Crampton, Deputy Sales Mgr., L50 per set of drawin gs for anyo ne aircraft) W = Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 (Att n : Verna M. Frazier, Freedom of Informati o n Manager, Admini
st rati on Office, Headquart ers Aeronautical Systems
Div.) (AFSC)
*4 sh eets of the German Albatross-b uilt version, drawn by Gabriel-Sales Desk, National Museum of Science and Technology, 1867 St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OM8, Canada . Bellanca 1912: *Co mplete set of drawings $40.00 - Mike Murphy, 4923 West 99, Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453. Berchman B-2 Scout (1918): *W (Can #482) Bleriot XI: *Co mplete set of drawings, instructions, $15.00 Mel Miller, 2030 Geary, Albany, Oregon 97321 *Comp lete set in BUILDING AN AEROPLANE by C. B. Hayward , 1912, rep rint ed by King's, Box 17646, Nashville, Tennessee 37217 ($3.50) Bristol F2B: *A few miscellan eous drawings, not enough to build from, many structura l photos; parts and rigging manuals; operating manual - LEO, WWI AEROPLANES Bristol Scout A: 'A xerox copy of the 500 - ser ies of drawings from Frank Barnwell's own notebook (not for sale, maybe recopy) - LEO, WWI AEROPLANES Bristol Scout D: * Many 8 x 10" sheets, cop ies from orig in al Bristol factory drawings, enough to build from (not for sa le, maybe recopy) - LEO , WWI AEROPLANES
Curtiss JN4 series: * jN4(Can) : 35mm microfilm roll - Ken H yde, RD 1, Warrenton, VA 22186 * jN4D: Ken Hyde (above) from Canadian Aeroplane Company , Ltd. Can #66 - W , Air Force Museum, Wright Patterson AFB , Dayton, OH (not same as W , above). 20 sheets 17 x 22, g/a and structure, from factory drawings - Charles F. Schultz, 910 Broadfields Drive, Louisville, KY 40207 . 23 draWings, incomplete but good coverage Gordon E. Coddin g, 4572 W . 147 Street, Lawn dale, California. Rep rinted operating m anual , $3 .00 - Aviation Publi cation s, 2036 Ludin gto n Avenue , Milwaukee, Wisconsin. * jH4: From Curtiss-Wright Aeroplane and Motor Corp., Can #495 - W Curtiss 0-1 XO-1, 0-2: *W (Can #301) Curtiss Pusher: *3 4 x 48 " plate showin g co n st ruction of 1910 Curtiss A-frame, $10.00 Herb ert L. Kelley, 56424 H and ley Road , Yucca Valley, CA 92284. *Set of drawings developed from orig inal Curtiss prints, $25.00. Charles F. Schu ltz (above) *Co mplete set fOf construction - Mel Miller (above) *Co mplete set in BUILDING AN AEROPLANE, King's (above) - but note #46:8 for Charles Willard's cautionary note o n using these plans! Chanute Hang Glider: * jack Lambie, 115B Merrimac Drive, Anaheim, California 92807 . DeHaviliand 4: *Dayton-Wright Aeroplane Corp., (DH4, DH4B) W (Can #195) * Miscellaneous drawings from AF Museum (above) *Fis her Body (DH4) - W (Can #191) DeHaviliand 9/9A: * Few drawings including float models - Colin A. Owers, Box 241, Quirindi , NSW, 2343, Australia. Fokker DVII: * BLUE MAX DVII drawings - Harold Best-Dever eux, 11 Stonehills House, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, U.K. *11 plates 34 x 48" for 1601180 Mercedes versions, $110.00 Herbert L. Kelley (above) * AF Museum (above) *11 plates 34 x 54", $121.00, with raw materials and parts to be available later - Stolp Starduster Corporat ion, 4301 Twining, Riverside, Calif.
Fokker DVIII: * Full set from Platz original sketches for Warner powered reproduction s. E. D . Swearingen, 40 Monee Road, Park Forest , Illinoi s. *AF Museum (above) *Dan-San Abbott (in process of entry for Roland DVI , below) Fokker Drl: *Brochure $2.00 and full set of working drawings for Warner reproductions. Walt e r W. Redfern, Route 1, Athol, Idaho 83801. *10 sheets done towards a co mpl ete se t , each $4.00 plus spar and rib sets, fiber-glass cowls - Ron Sand s, RD 1, Mertztown, PA 19539. Fokker EI: *1 plate 22 x 30", 1" to 1', for full sca le detail flyin g model , $10.00. H e rb ert L. Kelley (above). Fokker EIII: *25 9 x 7 photos of str ucture of Kensington Science Museum EIII , $25.00 plus $1.00 po stage - Ed Brannon, 1405 Marcella NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 . Fokker VI: *8 plates 17 x 22", 1110 sca le, structure developed from photos and historical data (of #44), $25.00 Herbert L. Kelley (above). *1 plate 34 x 54", 1110 scale for 26" span model , $10.00 - Herbert L. Kelley (above). Macchi-Hanriot HD1: *Drawings $120.00 - Chris j . Warrilow, 141 Chair borough Road, Hi gh Wycombe, Bucks., U .K. Nieuport 17: *Rozendaal drawings - Fred Kom Losy, 725 Robin Way, North Palm Beach, Florid a 33408. *A ir Force Museum (above) *3 sheets $2.25 - National Museum of Science and Technology (above). Nieuport 24: ' Walt Redford (above). Nieuport 27: *Fred Kom Losy (above). *Gordon E. Codding (above). Nieuport 28C1: *Air Force Museum (above). Pfalz Dill: * Darnell Sitton, 1925 N. Vermont Avenue #7, Los Angeles, CA 90027. Pfalz DXII: 'Set of 30 fine 5 x 7 photos of the EAA Museum's DXI I under reconstruction, $20.00 (a ir craft on permanent lo an from National Air and Space Museum) Ben Owen, EAA Museum , Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 ($15.00 for EAA members)
Sperry Messenger:
RAF Se5A: *32 photos as above, $20.00 ($15.00 to EAA mem bers) - Ben Owen, EAA Air Museum (above)
*Drawings for 85 % scale all-wood reproduction
Replica Plans, 953 Kirkmond Crescent, Rich
mond, B.C., CANADA
*Air Force Museum (above)
*Go rdon E. Codding (above)
*Complete set from which RAF Museum ship was
rebuilt - Public Records Office, Chancery Lane,
London, UK (See Note, below, also)
Roland DVla/b:
*W (Can #289)
Standard 11: *A ir Force Museum (above)
Thomas-Morse S4C: *Air Force Museum (above) *Gordon E. Codding (above)
Wright Gliders: *4 plates: 1899 Kite 17 x 22"; 1900-01-02 Gliders @ 1/10 sca le 34 x 48", total $35.00 - Herbert L. Kelley (above)
Wright Flyer 1903:
*5 sheets 34 x 44, fully detailed, $50.00 plus postage $3.50 (these fine drawings reviewed this issue p.2) - Dan-San Abbott, 25886 Gettysburg Avenue, Hayward, CA 94545.
*Master drawings made for construction of Kitty Hawk Memorial reproduction, 21 sheets for $22.00 (make check payable to Cooper-Trent) - Louis S. Casey, Cu rator Aircraft & Aeronautics, National Air & Space Museum, Washington, DC 20560)
*W, Can #66
Sopwith: Bl, Baby, Bulldog, Buffalo, Camel, Condor, Cuckoo, Dolphin, Dove, Dragon , Gnu, Gun Bus, Hippo, Pup, Rainbow, Ram, Rhino, Salamander, Snail, Snapper, Snipe, 1'12 Strutter, Swallow, Tabloid, Triplane:
*Complete drawings for display or building the Spandau LMGO-8-15 mig, 3 x 6Vz' - Ray Hollings, 338054 Street, San Diego, CA 92105. *RAE TECH MEMO 4: This catalog is subtitled
"Catalogue of Original Tracings of Aircraft and Engines Designed and Built by the RAE 1911-1918", assembled by Wing Commander NHF Unwin, from Public Records Office , Chancery L ne, London, UK. Drawings are listed by aircraft type, subject of drawing and drawing number; any can be bought separately. The SE5A set is complete (of RAF SE5A, above). Types for which at least some drawings are available : Bristol Scout RAF BE1-5, 7-10,12 RAF CE1 Bristol F2B Cierva Autogyro RAF FE1-9, 12 DH1-6,9-10 RAF NE1 Hamble Baby RAF HAM I, " RAF Hydro-Aeroplane Handley-Page 0/400, V-1500 #17 RAF HRE 2 Short 225, 320 Sopwith 1%, Pup, Triplane, RAF RE1, 3, 5-9 RAF BS1 Camel, Snipe, Dolphin RAF SE1, 2, 4, 4a, 5, 5a RAF TE1
Sopwith Camel: *Air Force Museum (above)
*Gordon E. Codding (above)
*Clayton & Shuttleworth drawings of F1, Some 2F1:
200 drawings for $144. Chris J. Warrilow (above)
Sopwith Pup: *GordonE. Codding (above)
*Air Force Museum (above)
*72 drawings 18 x 24", $162 .00 Institution, Washington DC
Sopwith Triplane (110 Clerget): *Clayton & Shuttleworth drawings, about 100 for $72.00. Chris Warrilow (above) *S. Wieser, Dir. Plantetarium, Clagary Parks Depart ment, Box 2100, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Sopwith Miscellaneous Types (SS, SSD2, SPGN, 150 hp Smith, D3, S, STS, STD, D2, DS, frS, 225 Sunbeam, frS 220 hp Seaplane, 2FR2, 50 Gnome Biplane): *H
Sopwith-Kauper Gun Gear: *H
Spad 7: *Air Museum (above)
*Gordon E. Codding (above)
*Jack Hickey, 1659 Willis, S. St. Paul, Minn. 55705 20 sheets for $75.00
Spad 13: *Gordon E. Codding (above)
The EAA Aviation Museum is now the proud owner of this replica Fokker DR-I Triplane which was built and donated by Robert H. Fergus of Columbus, Ohio. The white paint scheme on this replica was used by Lt. Hans Wei ss who flew with von Richtoffen.
EAA's Aviation Museum has built a replica of its own: the Ryan NX-211 Spirit of SI. Louis; it's also sponsored construction of this replica Wright Flyer at the Black hawk Technical Institute in janesville, Wisconsin.
Notice of Annual Business Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors Notice is hereby given that an annual business meeting of the members of the EAA Antique/Classic Division will be held on Saturday, August 5, 1978, at 10:30 A.M. (Central Daylight Time) at the 26th An nual Convention of the Experimental Aircraft Associa tion, Inc., Wittman Field, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Notice is hereby further given that the annual election of officers and directors of the EAA Antique/ Classic Division will be conducted by ballot dis tributed to the members along with this June issue of The Vintage Airplane . Said ballot must be returned properly marked to the Ballot Tally Committee, EAA Antique/Classic Division, Box 229, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130, and received no later than August 3, 1978. Ronald Fritz, Chairman
Nominating Committee
W. Brad Thomas, Jr., Secretary EAA Antique/Classic Division
J. R. Nielander, Jr. Fort Lauderdale, FL Pan Am Pilot By the time he learned to fly at Lake wood Airpark, Mount Healthy, Ohio, in 1951, J. R. had already completed five years of university study, as well as one year of graduate school. With
Brad Thomas,
planes, fighters up through transport C-54's. Today he holds a commercial license with single and multi-engine land, and instrument ratings, and remains actively flying with his Gyrocopter and VW pow ered Scamp, both built by him, a Moon ey for travel, and a D-17R Staggerwing. He is currently Secretary of the Antique/ Classic Division of EAA, Oshkosh Con vention Classic Awards Chairman and Chief Judge, Secretary and Treasurer of EAA Chapter 8, Greensboro, N .C., Vice-President of EAA Antique Chap ter 3 and a member of their executive committee. Br-ad and his wife, Ferne, have five children, of which one is an active oilot.
Pilot Mountain, North Carolina Manufacturer Born in High Point, North Carolina, Brad was educated at McCallie School, Chattanooga, Tennessee; MIT, Cam bridge, Massachusetts; and High Point College. His flying career began at the age of 16 when he soloed and obtained his private license in 1938. The advent of World War II encouraged his enlist ment in the Army Air Corps as a pilot . He graduated from British Flying Train ing School No.5, Clewiston, Florida with both Air Corps and RAF wings, was trans ferred to the 7th Ferry Group, Air Trans port Command, Great Falls, Montana where he ferried most types of Air Corps
the acquisition of his private pilot li
cense, he immediately bought and re stored his first airplane, a 1946 Cessna 140, N72323, which had been used as a trainer at South Dayton Airport. In 1953 he rebuilt and restored 1946 Cessna 140, N73018, and flew it during the re mainder of 1953 and 1954. During this same period , J. R. bought an extensively damaged 1949 Cessna 170A, N9730A, and completely rebuilt and restored it in cluding splicing the parts of two fuse iages together to make one. With the completion of the Cessna 170A in early 1955, he flew to Florida where he was hired as an A&P by the local Cessna distributor, Sunny South Aircraft Service . Later that same year he joined Pan American World Airways as a co-pilot flying Convair 240's. Since then he has flown Douglas DC-4, 6, 7C , 8, Boeing 707 and 720 aircraft . Besides his ATR and mechanic tickets he also holds a flight navigator license. J. R. was elected vice-president of the
Antique/Classic Division at its organiza tional meeting on November 6, 1971.
He held that office until he was elected
president by the Board of Directors at
their meeting on February 5, 1976.
AI Kelch Mequon, Wisconsin Manufacturer AI -started his own company in 1950, "The Kelch Corp." , which is now a con glomerate of 5 small manufacturing com panies in the industrial plastic field. AI ' s interest in airplanes goes back to his childhood in the 1920s when he would sit on his father's lap and fly in his uncle's Jenny whenever the Jenny came to town barnstorming. He is a lifetime member of EAA and AAA. He was president of the Wiscon sin Chapter of AAA for two terms , and a director of Antique/Classic Division of EAA for two terms. He served as edi tor of Th e Vintage Airplane magazine from January 1976 until February 1978. He currently owns and flies a 1939 Piper J3 Cub which he completely re-
stored in 1968, and a 1939 Franklin Sport biplane which he restored in 1969. A
1931 Travel Air 12Q will be flying this summer, and two American Eaglets and an E2 Cub are his current restoration
projects .
M. C. "Kelly" Viets Stilwell, Kansas Consulting Engineer, Self-Employed
Morton W. Lester Martinsville, Virginia Builder-Developer and Real Estate Investor Morton is President of The Lester Cor poration and Vice-President of Motor Imports, Inc. He is Executive Vice-Presi dent of the Virginia Aeronautical His torical Society, and a board member of several other civic, governmental, busi ness and humanitarian organizations. Morton was soloed by his father at the age of 10 in a Piper Cub. He currently owns several prototype antiques such as the Ryan SCW, Davis, Low Wing Aeronca, and Johnson Rocket. His cur rent ship is a civilian Howard DGA-15P. He also owns a rare Travel Air 6000B which is currently undergoing restora tion under the careful expertise of his cousin, Pete Covington. Morton is a Trustee of the EAA Air Museum Founda tion, and a past chairman of the Classic Judging Team of Oshkosh. He is past president and current member ' of the executive committee of EAA Chapter 395 (N.C., S.c., & Va. Antique Airplane Foundation). Morton and his wife Mar garet have three children.
Kelly entered the consulting engineer field in 1938 and spent World War II designing airports and base facilities ' for the U. S. government. He started his own firm, Viets Consulting Engi neers, in 1954. He is a registered pro fessional engineer and holds member ship in numerous professional societies. Kelly spent a lot of his younger days around Kansas City Municipal and Fair fax airports, seeing Benny Howard's "Ike" make its first flights, the Travel Air Mystery Ship on the way to Cleve land, all the early airliners, etc. He start ed flight instruction in 1938 in a 55 hp Porterfield and finally got his ticket on the G.I. Bill in 1946. Kelly and his wife, Edna, own an Ercoupe and the two of them started and manage the Interna tional Ercoupe Association. Their month ly newsletter goes out to over 550 Er coupe enthusiasts around the world. Kelly also owns and is restoring the 14 12 Bellanca that was used as the proto type for the 14-13 series. He is a Director of EAA's Antique-Classic Division. Kelly and Edna have 3 children.
THE FLYING AND GLIDER MANUAL FOR: 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1929-1933 MISCELLANY $2.50 Each Post Paid
Art Morgan Milwaukee, Wisconsin Oster Service Division Art Morgan began flying in 1961 and received his private license in 1962. In 1965 he went on to get his commercial rating. He has been a member of EAA since 1962, and was parking airplanes at Rock ford, Illinois. Art was one of the first to start build ing a KR-1, and although he did not complete his project, he was instrumen tal in the completion of two of the little birds. In 1974 he and his wife Kate purchased a 1939 Luscombe 8-C, which he promptly rebuilt. After two years of flying the Lus combe, Art and several friends organ ized the American Luscombe Club. Art has served the EAA as a museum volunteer for several years; as Classic parking chairman at Oshkosh and also as Antique-Classic parking chairman.
Total Cost For All Six $12.50
The Fl ying life Compile (Special thanks to Paulin sharing Edith Sterns' scr for c
..J. Barn storming the Northwest - Pilot Greenwood in a Ryan "Brougham" and Edith in the OX-5 Eaglerock.
I. Pioneer Northwest pilot Eclith Fol tz lVel .' ,1 neltive of Dallas; maiden name - \1agali,. She learned to {I), in Portlaml, Oregon Fel)(uar)' of l,)l8.
l. IJdrn,tormecl a long-wing Edglerock (OX-5) ; ·kCfuirec/ #5nOO and lVas th e fifth U.S. wOlllan to ohtain the Transport r,lIing.
4. Edith placed second in the light-plane division of the first Na tional Women's Air Derby, 1929, Santa Monica to Cleveland, flying an Alexander Eaglerock Bullet (Kinner engine). Charter member of the 99s. 5. May 1930 - Edith christening "The Romer", new five-passenger airplane manufactured by the National Aircraft Corp., Beaver ton, Oregon.
1 I. Edith Stearns in structed Naval and Kingsv ille, TX after WWII. with Pauline Glasson. Decease
m es of Edith Foltz Stearns ~ I e nn Bu ff ington ;;on of Co rp us Chr isti, Texas fo r ( w ith us - also to I. B. Decker the p h otos)
,ts in ins trum ent flyin g at Corpus Christi eel th e '52 and '53 Powder Puff Derbies 956; ending a brillidnt flying career.
Edith served as th e first Northwest Section Gove rnor of th e 99s - and she also w as Oregon Governor of the National Aeronautics Ass'n. in th e ea rl y ']Os. She flew a Kinner Bird in th e '3 7 and '32 derbies, both from Sa nta Monica to Cleveland. (4th in '3 7 and 2nd in '32, in th e women 's division.)
9. Sk irts ~a flyin" Edith Foltz Stea rn s models one or her trade-marked " FoIZLIp " flying lOg s which eas il y converted to st reet wear - 7932.
I O. Edith managed a new feeder airl in e a t Port足 land dnd tau g ht prim ary CP T at Salem prior to WWII - se rved in En g l and as a Firs t Officer in the Air Tran sport Aux iliary; here in uniform.
7 . Edith and her son, Richard Foltz, age 6 in 793 7 a t Portland, Oregon. .
8 . 7932 a t Cleveland Na tiona l Air Races (L to R) Vio la Gentry, G ladys O'Do nn ell, Florence Klingen smith, Frank Phillips, Edith Foltz Stearns and Frances Marsalis, taken with Phillip s' " Wool足 aroc" Trophy. Edith fl ew th e Bird to 2nd place in th e Amelia Earhart Trophy Race (pylons) 1932; Klingesmith wa s first in a Monoco upe.
(Fred Chew photo)
Bill's Cessna 140 slips through of-rhe new splas h rails.
quick left turn in
A Harbor for Classics By David Gustafson, Editor
Some fo lks would argue that Bali Hi is a mythical Island out in the South Pacific where the best in life is an everyday affair. There are a few people,how ever, who would be inclined to suggest that the proto type model for Bali Hi can be found on the South east corner of Stafford Pond in Westport ,Mas sachusetts . That's where Bill Walsh lives. What makes it special? Well, he's got several acres of land in the secluded inlet of a clear lake. He doesn ' t have palm trees though his Norwegian pines give the same effect on a warm and breezy summer night. To improve the natural scene, Bill put in a dock , laid down some railroad track for a movable ramp that can be winched right into the hangar he erected 200
feet from the water . Naturally, there has to be some thing to place in the hangar, so Bill's lined the walls with tools and bending brakes. The space that's left is reserved for his Cessna 140 Floatplane and the Aeronca Sedan he's rebuilding so he can be a two floatplane family! The Cessna 140 was built in 1948 and sent directly from Wichita to Sea Wings of Connecticut for con version to floats . It was then sold with floats and wheels . With the stock Continental 85 horsepower engine, the plane was marginal as a hot day aquatic performer. Getting off the surf with two husky adults when it's over 75 degrees out is a groaning process. Some of the problem relates to the high speed air
foil that works nicely in cruise, but does little to generate the kind of take-off lift you get in some thing like a Cub or Champ. Even as a ground plane, the Cessna requires a long take-off roll. Once airborne, however, the 140 levels off to a respectable 90 mph with a corkscrew that measures a wide 76" x 38". Bill 's hoping to swap the C-85 someday for an 0-200 so he can take up so me of his fat friends in the mint julip season. As fa r as skidding around the pond , Bill report s there's very little difference between the 140 and com parably sized float planes. Of course, the tak e-off run's lon ge r, but once airborne (40-45 mph ), it climb s well and flies with much greater stability than a
(Fred Chew photo)
land model. The floats give it "a big plane feeling," says Bill. Stalls with a floating 140 are similar to the land configuration and intentional spins are strictly verbotten.
Off and flying, the 140 is a marginal performer on hot days with a full load.
When Bill bought the plane in 1963, it was on the floats but he couldn't get it off the water. The floats leaked. Experimentation revealed that the keel opened up on a take-off run, so they were replaced. Later he added spray rails which eliminated the center wake and brought the plane up onto the step quicker. In the wintertime, the floats are replaced with skis and Bill goes out to race the ice boats. Between ;he floats and the skis, the wheels haven't been on the 140 for several years now. When he wants to bounce around a paved runway, he heads off to Fall River Airport, haul s out a 170-B (of which he owns 1115th), and renews his acquaintance with toe brakes and squealing rubber. Like a growing number of people in EAA, Bill divides his time between flying one project and tinker足 ing with another. He's lucky enough to have an Aeronca 15 AC Sedan as that other project. He picked it up a couple years ago at a price that would take the wind out of some people . Ask anyone who knows Bill or his close friend, Fred Chew, and they'll tell you that those two guys deserve a special suit that says "S UPER-SCROUNGERS" across the chest. They have uncanny talents at picking up materials for nothing or next to it. More than once in recent history they've plucked chicken feathers out of an old Continental or Lycoming that was retrieved from the dark corner of a barn for around $100. (Actually, Bill's just finished a two-year term as President of EAA Chapter 51 in Middletown, Rhod e Island, and Fred's still the Chapter Designee - they have both done an excellent job.) When the opportunity arose, they dickered and diddled and sang the so ng of a snake charmer until they could come home with a smile and that particular Sedan. Naturally, the plane needed a little work . The previous owner had argued with a pine tree. The tree not only won, but took the left wing as a prize. The Aeronca was apparently so shocked by the action that it pulled back and stood up on the right wing as if to say "I beg your pardon." When things got back to level , the right tip was mashed. How many times do you suppose guys like Bill and Fred have set out to unbend a wing, but wound
(Fred Chew photo)
This Cessna 140 has been a regular feature in Bill's back- yard for 15 years.
(David Gustafson photo)
Prog ress in t he reb uil d in g effort is ev i 足 dent in this sho t o f th e Sed an: th e left wing attachm ent has bee n repaired, th e fusel age h as bee n blas ted and prim ed, the new left door frame is complete, and a new headlin er's being installed.
(Fred Chew photo)
after abrupt rem ov足
up rebuilding the entire machine? You can add their names to the list. One thing Bill quickly points out, is that he and Fred are not engaged in a full-scale , down-to-the足 last-screw restoration project. Nope . When it flies again , i t will still be clearly recognizable as an Aeronca Sedan , but there are some (approved ) changes in store. Most obvious is the addition of brackets for float struts. A presto-change-o routine with a few bolts will convert the plane from land to sea or vice versa. Conveniently , it so happened that the greatest crash damage occurred on the left side . Fred happily ripped out the bent tubes, bent a few new ones, and followed the STC cookbook for installing a left side door that opens upward s to the wing . It' s an approved mod for a seaplane configuration. 18
Each of the large metal wings originally contained 20 gallon rubber gas bladders (say that three times!) and both leaked afte r the crash. Replacement cost was $700 apiece, so the wing panels were torn off and Fred bent up a couple of metal tanks that are larger than the originals . Between the tanks and the twisted metal from the crash, Fred figures he's dis足 mantled at least 80 per cent of the wings and replaced 50 per cent of the total materials. Included are a number of ribs shaped by hand on wooden formers which were also hand etched from the pieces bound for the junk heap. That translates into a lot of aluminum: the wing span is 37'6" with a chord in excess of 5 feet which produces 200 square feet of wing area. In the end, Fred will be able to reproduce any curved part of the Sedan's wing and, yes, he plans to come up with quotes for others needing help (write Fred Chew, 158 Meridian Street, Fall River , Massach usetts 02720). With the Clark Y airfoil and a Continental 145 horsepower engine the Sedan leaps off the ground almost as fast as a two-place Cub. When you turn it into a "Seada n" by adding a couple EDO 2000's, it breaks surf suction with a simple hop, skip and a slurping leap . The only drawback is that with the 2,000's you can't hop unless there are only two people on board. With four people and full tanks the floats become sub marines. As a result the two resourceful metal benders, who plan to build their own floats, are giving serious thought to making something big足 ger.
Bill's Aeronca was built in 1948 and like most classics it's alread~' changed hands a few times. Dr. Paul Nussbaum was the first to drop mud on the carpets in ' 49 . John Ru sh moved it from Missouri to Ohio ten years later . After another decade, a pair of partners in Pennsylvania flew it for awhile and then left it with anot her partnership in New York. Gerry Broskin and Harris Gordon revamped the panel and went IFR. Soon after that, it became the answer to a dream for Ron and Diane Rissone in Randolph, Massachusetts. But then there was this pine tree . . . That brings the odyssey of N1365H to Bill Walsh ' hangar and private seaplane base. The next time Bill's Sedan sees another runway it'll obviously be sporting rebuilt wings and new float brackets ; in addition, there ' ll be a new windshield, all new woodwork , new ceconite , new headliner, new used back seats (from a Tri-Pacer , yet!), a new panel (still IFR), and discussion has already started about a total engine overhaul. There's one other new item in the works for the Sedan. When it's checked out on its wheels again there ' ll be a streamlined gas tank nestled in the gear bay. You see, Bill and Fred have promised themselves this extended tour of South America, once they finish . . Then the Sedan will bob in the harbor beside the Cessna and Bill can wrestle with the question , " which one do I fly tod ay?" (David Gustafson photo) (David Gustafson photo)
(David Gustafson photo)
Detail of the float attachment fitting.
Bill Walsh displys the seaplan e door that's being installed on the left side of th e Sedan.
Fred Chew holds up the new tip he's built for the right wing.
Restoration Tips: a photo essay provided by Fred Chew
158 Meridian St
Fall River, Mass. 02720
(Note: Fred's kept an exce llent photo reco rd of the process of rebuilding the wings for Bill Walsh's Aeronca Seda n. It gives a good idea of how to do it and how much work's invo lved.) No.2 -
No. 1 - Last step before rebuilding.
Teardown reveals the damage.
Aeronca Sedan spar repair 7976 (Right wing).
No.4 -
Line up new to o ld.
No.5 - Extrusion repair.
No.6 -
Horizontal-line up.
No.7 - New piece made ready for hole fl are.
No.8 - Removing old section.
No.9 - Ready for spar extrusion repair .
No. 10 - Repair of extrusion spar.
No. 17 - New piece in place for riveting.
No. 12 - Nose rib in place.
No. 73 -
C1eco nose rib to spa r.
No. 74 - Ready to repair rear spar.
No. 15 -
Form to fit inside of old damaged spar tip rib.
No. 16 -
.032 alclad ready to be clamped in form.
No. 77 - Form ready for hand bending jig for lightening holes.
NO. 78 -
No. 79 -
No. 20 -
Hand form mg.
Flanging spar tip.
More of same .
No. 27 - Trim off excess flange .
No. 22 -
Trim square to form .
No. 23 - Remove from form.
No. 24 - Test fit to spar.
No . 25 -
Fly cutting lightening holes.
No. 26 -
Flanging .
No. 27 - .032 alclad 2024 TJ.
No. 28 - Spar tip ready for installation.
No . 29 -
Cleco's test line up .
The Babv Cessna
It was born in Wichita, Kansas at the Cessna fac- tory in 1929. Because of the stock market slump, the Airplane manufacturing business fell off dras tically. To try and keep the plant in operation, Eldon Cessna decided to design and build a light airplane that could be sold at a low price. As a result the EC-1 was developed. It was powered with a 25 hp Cleone engine . At the time I was enrolled at the Braley School of Flying, which was located directly across the road to the east of the Cessna field. I spent much of my spare time at the field watching the men work on and fly the Baby Cessna. It was a fascinating little airplane. Early last year I was looking for a suitable air plane to model for a C02 Powered model airplane contest. I remembered the Baby Cessna and thought it would be just what I wanted. In doing research for drawings and photos, I found that photos of both the EC-1 and the EC-2 were available, but no drawings. I had a photo of the EC-1 that I had taken with my Brownie box camera. The EC-2 looked cleaner with its design refinements and the Aeronca E-107 engine. I met Eldon Cessna at-an OX5 get-to-gether at the Santa Paula Airport and we discussed the EC-2 at length. He informed me that plans had never been published. The EC-2 (c/n 253, N405W) was the last Baby Cessna built. From the photos and from memory of being around the Baby Cessna, these plans for a model were drawn. Imagine what a delightful ' fun' airplane it would be for a homebuilt replica project today. These specifications appeared in the 1930 issue of Air Age' magazine. 24
Baby Cessna EC-2 (c/n253 , N405W) 30 hp Aeronca E-707 A
Baby Cessna EC-7 (c/n 257, N403W) 25 hp Cleone
By Cedric Calloway
EAA #752
74624 Willow Street
H esperia, CA 92345
Span . ...................... ...... ..... 34 ft. 11 in.
Wing area ........... .... ................ 163 sq. ft.
Length overall ........................... 20 ft. 4 in.
Height overall ... .... •.... .... ......... .. . 5 ft. 6 in.
Empty .... ................ .. .. ......... . 470 Ibs.
Gross .................................. 925 Ibs.
Gasoline capacity ............................ 8 gal.
Oil capacity ................................ 3/4 gal.
Power (Aeronca E-107A) ..................... 30 hp.
PERFORMANCE High speed ........ ... ................. .... 86 mph
Cruising speed ............................ 70 mph
Stalling speed ............................. 38 mph
Climb first minute . ...... ... ................. 740 ft.
Ceiling (service) .... ...... . ............... 15,000 ft.
Cruising range ............ .... ........... 200 miles
Calendar of Events
CLASSIFIED ADS ADVERTISING ClOSING DATE: 10th OF THE SECOND MONTH PRIOR TO PUBLICATION DATE . (THAT IS: MARCH 10th IS ClOSING DATE FOR MAY ISSUE.) CLASSIFIED AD· VERTISING RATE : Regular type: per word 35c. Bold face type: per word 40c. ALL CAPS: per word 45c. (Min imum charge $5 .00.) (Ra te covers one insertion one issue.) PAY· MENT WITH ORDER. REPLICA 1912 CURTISS PUSHER - Excellent craftsmanship , fabric, C·65, 90 SMOH. A real crowd pleaser - $4800 or best offer. 8051498·5101. TAYLORCRAFT BD·12D - Razorback, butyrate. New Slick ignition. Genave 100 Comm portable installed . Spare prop and compass. Sound 65 hp Co nt. Fresh annual. $5000 Firm.' Crawford , 7500 Balboa , Van Nuys , CA 91406. ENGINES 65 Continental - Approx. 1000 hrs. Logs. Complete except for one mag. 414/387·4895. Two Continental aircraft engines for sale. Crated and ready for shipment. Continental A·75-8. OSMO - Total Time 1386 hrs. Crankshaft - standard size - pistons 0.15 over . Com plete less carbo Complete lo gs . Price - $1850.00. Continen tal A-65-8. OSMO - Total Time 218 hrs. Pistons and crank shaft - standard size. Complete less harness. Comp let e logs. Price - $2250.00. Jon J. Thompson , telephone 804/ 285-2929 . 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Monday ' through Friday. PROPELLERS Custom built props for Con tin ental , Lycoming, GPUs, etc. Fast delivery. Chad Wille, 5957 Sevi ll e St., Lake Grove , OR 97034 . ARROW SPORT reduction gear and o il pan for Ford V-8 flat head engine , new. Mark Dees, 358 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hill s, CA 90212. 213/552-0192. WANTED: Any information concerning the Lincoln Spor t Biplane produced in Lincoln , Nebraska in the 1920' s (par tial plans shown in the 1930 Flyin g and G li der Manual ). Mr. Harry R. Owen , Box 304, Isanti , MN 55040.
JUNE 9-11 - SPRINGFIELD, OH IO - 2nd Annual Spring EAA Mid Eastern Regional Fly-In (ME RFI ). Air Show, awards, on airport camp in g, static displays, etc. Please check NOTAMS. Contact Myrna Lewi s, 241 Bassett Drive , Springfie ld , Ohio 44506 . 5131 323-2424. JUNE 16-18 - ANDERSON, INDIANA - Second Annual Cessna 120 140 Assn. Fly- In and meeting, Quad City Municipal Airport, Mo line, Illinois. For information con tact Frank Han cock , Sec.fTreas. , 3941 West Cross St., Anderson, IN 46011.317/643-1593. JUNE 17·1 8 - FREDERICKSBURG, VIRG INIA - Antique Aircraft Fly In , Shannon Airport . Air Show attract ion s: Bob Hoover, Bob Rus sell and Duane Cole. JUNE 21·26 - TULLAHOMA , TENNESSEE - Annual Staggerwingl Travel Air Intern ational Convention. Forums , formation fl yi n g and fun. Contad John Parish , cl o Lannom Mfg. Co. , Tullahoma, Tennessee 38388. 615/455-0691. JUNE 23·25 - HAMILTON , OHIO - Annual National Waco Reunion Fly-In. Contact Ray Brandly, 2650 W. Alex-Bell Rd. , Dayton, OH 45459. 513/435 -9725. JULY 1-2 - GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA - 11th Annual Cracker Fly-In at Lee-Gilmer Airport . Awards will be presented in all ca tegories. O ur banq uet will be at the Gainesville Ho liday Inn Saturday night , July 2. Len Povey has accepted an invitation to be guest speaker. Accommodations - Gainesvi lle Holiday Inn and other local motels. Information: Jim Ealy, 3535 Child ers Road, Roswell , Georgia 30075. 404/993-4568. JULY 1-9 - BLAKESBURG, IOWA - Wright Brothers 75th Anniver sary Fly-In at th e Antique Airfield. In cl udes World War II PT and Liaison Plane Fly-In, July 1-3, Fairchild Club Fly-In and Unique Air plane Fly-In July 8-9. JULY 9 - EASTON , PENNSYLVANIA - 2nd Annual Aeronca Fly In , Easton Airport. 10 AM to 2:30 PM , open to all types of Aeroncas. Rain date, July 16. Contact Jim Polles , 2151759-3713 nights and weekends. JULY 14-16 - MINDEN, NEBRASKA - Second Annual National Stin son Club Fly-In. Pioneer Field near H arold Warp ' s Pioneer Vil lage. BBQ Friday night for early arriva ls. Sat urday night banq u et and awards. Schedu led events. Fly-In Chairman Bob N ear, 2702 Butterfoot Lane , Hastings, Nebraska 68901. 402/463-9309. JULY 15·16 - LOCKPORT , ILLINOI S - Chapter 15 and 86 of the Ch i cago area EAA are now formulating plans for their 18th Annua l Fly-In and Air Show to be held at Lewis University. In formation: Janice P. Fish, P.O. 411, Lemont, Illinoi s 60439. JULY 15-16 - LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK - Antique Airp lane Club of Grea ter New York 16th Annual Fly- In, Brookhaven Airport , Brookhaven , Long Island , New York. JULY 16 - DUNKIRK , NEW YORK - A nnu al Fly-In Breakfast sponsored by EAA Chapter 46 and Dunkirk Rotary. Free break fast to hom ebui lders, antiqu e and w arbi rd pilot s. Trophies in all EAA classes. Spot landing contest on arrival. Contact Charles Ga ll agher, 19 She lby Drive, Buffalo , New York 14225. JULY 21-23 - COFFEYVI LLE , KANSAS - Funk Fly- In . Funk owners, pilots and friends invited. Fly-b ys , factory and museum tours, banquet. Contact G. Dale Beach , 1621 Dreher Street, Sacrame nto, California 95814 o r Joe C. Funk , 2409 Edgevale Drive, Coffey ville, Kansas 67337. JULY 29 - AUGUST 5 - OS HKOSH, WISCONSIN - 26th Ann u al EAA FlY-in. Plan now - it's the greatest show on eart h . AUGUST 6-12 - LAKELAND , FLOR IDA - International Cessna 170 Associat ion Conven tio n , Lakeland , Florida. AUGUST 7- 12 - FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN - 13t h Annua l EAN lAC Intern ationa l Aeroba tic Champions hips. For further informa tion conta ct Sam Maxwell, 2116 Erie, Nort h Kansa s City, MO 64116.
~*~air of
Antique Goggles by persuading 5 people to
er A
Leather Flying Helmet when you get 10 people to sign up.
then start over and win again
~ A
free five year member ship in the Antique/Classic Division if you sponsor the most new members in
1978. To Qualify: Write yo u r name and member ship num ber on the back of the member ship b lanks we 've been providing in THE VIN TA G E A IRPL A N E. H eadq uarters w ill keep sco re .
1.. I~rl"I'I~llS:
Dear Sir: I am trying to get information on an aircraft that was built during the '20s, called the "Golden Eagle Chief". It was a parasol wing powered by a radial engine, type un known. Only about seven were built. If any of your Antique classic division members know anything about this aircraft, I would like to get in touch with them. I would like to take this opportunity to express what an outstanding organization I think the EAA is. I've only been a member for three years and only regret the years before I joined. SPORT AVIATION is one of the best publications that I have ever read. I have been to Oshkosh twice and to quite a few local fly-ins, including Sun 'N Fun, and have never seen anything more organized or better run. I am looking forward to Oshkosh '78 and to continued membership in a fine organization . Sincerely, james E. Spradley (EAA 108947) P.O. Box 146 Rutledge, Alabama 36071 Dear Mr. Nielander: Your editorial in the February issue of The Vin tage Airplane is the best expression of the question of who is really qualified to maintain antique and classic aircraft (this applies equally well to some cur rent aircraft such as the Bellanca Viking, etc.). I submit the following recommendation as a way to offset some of the difficulties expressed in your excellent editorial; to wit: The FAA should grant an A and E (or P) mechanic's license to an individual who meets the following qualifications: (1) Passes three written examinations now required for the rating; (2) Passes the practical examination currently re quired; (3) Can show that he has actually done the major portion of the work in the restoration of an antique or classic airplane. You will note that the difference between these requirements and the current FAR part 65 require ments is the modification of sec. 65.77 which relates to on-the-job or schooling experience. From my own experience in restoring three air planes (Luscombe, Stinson Reliant, Beechcraft B17L) I know that the amount of honest-to-God airplane and engine work in the usual restoration project is in ex cess of the stuff that the students in the " approved"
mechanic schools get. Moreover, during the 30 months "practical" experience referred to in FAR 65.77, a lot of that time is spent just removing cowlings, clean ing sparkplugs, changing tires, sweeping floors, pump ing gas, and plowing snow. I guess what I'm trying to do is build a case which shows that the antique/ classic restorer or homebuilder knows just as much about airplanes in general as does the individual who qualifies under the current provisions of FAR sec. 65.77. Very truly yours, Thomas R. Rench 1601 Circlewood Drive Racine , Wisconsin 53402 Dear AI: Perhaps I can shed a little light on the center fold of the February issue of The Vintage Airplane. The two planes pictured in the center of the page are: Top picture, Wright Martin (Loening) M-8. Bot tom picture is an Ansaldo SVA-5 or SVA-9. The Loen ing was manufactured by the Wright Mar tin Corp. and was built in 1921-1922. The factory deSignation was M-8. The Army Air Service designation was PW-2, PW 2A and PW-2B. Two of the PW-2 model were built in 1921. Gross weight was 2788 Ibs., span 39' 8", length 24' 2". Ten of the PW-2A model were ordered by the Air Service but the order was cancelled after four were built in 1922. Gross weight was 2799 Ibs. , span 39' 9" , length 26' 1". The PW2B was evaluated in 1922 but was never built. Gross weight was to be 2976 Ibs., span 34' 1", length 23' 4". PW-2 and PW-2A were powered by the Wright Martin "H" of 320 hp which was a Hisso built under license. The PW2-B was to be powered by a 350 hp Packard engine . The Ansaldo can be either an SVA-5 or SVA-9 as the front view doesn't show whether it is a two place or single place. The SVA-5 was single place while the SVA-9 was two place. Both were powered by the Breda SPA-6A engine which was 6 cylinders and rated at 200 hp at 1600 rpm. I understand that there is an SVA-5 in a museum in Connecticut but I am not sure of this . Hope this information will be of some use to you. Best regards, H. M. Harkcom Harkcom Aircraft Service Rt. 1 Inola, Oklahoma
Dear AI : In the February issue j . R. Nielander wrote an in teresting editorial concerning the possibilities in the area of personal certification of antique aircraft by the owner restorer. Without blowing my own horn too loud, I have worked with antiquers and others for the last 28 years doing what j. R. talks about, signing off work for non-rated owners. A lot of these people are really sharp and most do above average work, and should be allowed to cut it on their own, somehow. I think the key to this thing is for the FAA to set up a program whereby the interested antiquer could satisfy them that he is qualified to restore and main tain his antique. This may not be as far away from FAA thinking as one might imagine as there has been talk around for some time at lower levels that the A&E ratings cover too much area for the average mechanic. In other words, the thinking in some areas of the FAA is that specialized ratings might be needed to have better qualified people in the field where needed. If this thinking is still being kicked around in the FAA then the people in the antique field would fit into the thinking already floating around. A specialized rating for antiquers that covered about what was in old manual 18 would not be diffi cult to qualify for. I would favor two ratings along the lines of the A&P. If an antiquer did not want to get into the mechanics of engines, he could go after an airframe rating only. If he wanted to be able to annual his antique then of course he would have to hold both tickets . To satisfy the FAR's and the in surance companies I think the antique rating ap proach has good merit. I have talked to several antiquers not rated , and they all said that they would be happy to work to ward a limited type rating that would allow them unrestricted labor on their own aircraft. They all feel that they should have this opportunity, and I concur. I have not always been happy to sign off work as an IA due to the fact that there is no such thing as direct supervision even if you are in the same room all the time. Also I have seen the FAA just as uneasy, mostly because they as a whole are far from qualified to judge most antiques. Well , hope this fills a small gap in the ove rall picture . If I can be of further help in any way, please let me know. Sincerely, Bob Younkin 55 Appleby Road Razorback Airport Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
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