Missionary Handbook (1976)

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Missionary Handbook

Missionary Handbook

P u b l i s h e d by T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of L a t t e r - d a y Saints , i,, Salt L a k e C i t y , U t a h

1973 by C o r p o r a t i o n of the P r e s i d e n t T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of of Latter-day S a i n t s A l l Rights R e s e r v e d

Printed i n U n i t e d States of A m e r i c a By Deseret Press



CONTENTS Introduction Preface Information in Case of Emergency Your Calling Mission Policy M i s s i o n a r y Organization Special Mission Guidelines L i v i n g Accommodations Recommended D a i l y Schedule Preparation D a y Personal Guidelines S p i r i t u a l Preparation Mental Preparation P h y s i c a l Preparation Budgeting 3

5 5 6 7 9 9 10 14 15 16 18 18 21 27 29

Proselyting Guidelines


C o o r d i n a t i o n w i t h B r a n c h or W a r d


F i n d i n g P e o p l e to T e a c h


Public Information





33 -

Confirmation Conclusion

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38 39


T h i s handbook is a ready reference for your mission. It contains only essential information and w i l l be one of your most i m portant tools. Use it daily. Y o u r mission president w i l l supply y o u w i t h any extra material he deems necessary.



My name is: I am a missionary of T h e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church). President is my mission president. He can be reached at: I am a citizen of: Passport Number: My parents' name, address, and telephone number are:

My blood type is: I am allergic to: • penicillin Q other medicines Specify: 1 have: • diabetes • epilepsy • Specify:


II. YOUR CALLING Y o u have been "called of God, by prophesy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority" (fifth A r t i c l e of Faith), and it is important that you understand the nature of your calling. T h e Lord's message to the w o r l d includes this provision, " A n d again 1 say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized i n my name, and become as a little child, or ye can i n nowise inherit the kingdom of G o d . " (3 Nephi 11:38) Y o u represent the L o r d and have authority to baptize those who w i l l believe and repent. The L o r d desires the conversion of the soul. A s you teach the principles of the gospel, and as you bear humble testimony, many w i l l understand the w i l l of the L o r d i n their lives and w i l l direct their w a y of life toward the teachings of the Savior. Baptism is the natural result of this process. T h r o u g h dedicated service, your mission


experience w i l l bring you closer to the L o r d than ever before and w i l l establish a spiritual foundation that w i l l serve you throughout your life. You have been called to teach all people, but you have a specific responsibility to seek out families. The f a m i l y is the eternal unit in the gospel. W h e n an entire f a m i l y is taught, they are able to fellowship and strengthen each other. Your message w i l l bring joy and happiness to the people among w h o m you labor. W e earnestly invite you to follow the L o r d ' s admonition and "serve h i m w i t h all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day . . . "For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth i n his sickle w i t h his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his s o u l . " (D&G 4:2, 4.) 8


Y o u r mission president has two missionary assistants w h o help supervise the proselyting w o r k . Y o u r mission is divided into zones, w h i c h i n turn are divided into districts w i t h their respective zone and district leaders. Zone and district leaders w o r k regularly w i t h missionaries. O r d i n a r y problems should be directed to the district leader but special problems, including those of a personal nature and problems of sickness, can be directed to your mission president. A l though assistants to the mission president and zone leaders in each zone share responsibilities, one is designated as senior a n d is responsible for tbe program. Y o u are to w o r k in your assigned proselyting area unless the district leader gives permission to leave the area. T o travel outside

the district, permission is required from the zone leader; and to travel outside the zone, permission is required from the mission president. Y o u r mission president w i l l periodically (every six to eight weeks where feasible) hold zone conferences. Zone leaders and/or district leaders w i l l w o r k w i t h you as frequently as needed. B. SPECIAL MISSION GUIDELINES

1. Attend priesthood and sacrament meetings wherever possible. Investigators should be brought to sacrament meeting. Attendance at a u x i l i a r y meetings should be w i t h the permission of the mission president and w i t h investigators. Wherever possible members should be encouraged to take investigators to the various Church meetings. 2. A v o i d counseling the members on per10

sonal matters or attempting to solve personal problems. Request those concerned to see their bishop or branch president. 3. Dinner appointments should not exceed one hour except in those unusual circumstances where leaving early w o u l d be regarded as a breach of etiquette. D i n ner invitations should not be solicited. 4. W h e n transferring from one area to another, go directly to your new area and companion without delay and w i t h out visiting members or investigators enroute. If your companion is transferring and you are not, remain at your place of residence unless other arrangements are made w i t h your district leader. Restrict your luggage to two suitcases and a briefcase. 5. W r i t e your parents once a week on preparation day. 6. Long experience has s h o w n that it is


not wise to telephone home or to talk by telephone to friends. 7. Y o u should submit a w e e k l y report and a letter to the mission president. 8. A v o i d getting into debt. Pay A L L bills before leaving area. Do not borrow anything from anyone or loan money, even to your companion. W h e n leaving an area, take phone and utilities out of your name. I n case of financial difficulties contact the mission president. 9. In order to drive a car or any motorized vehicle, permission must be granted by the mission president. Use C h u r c h - o w n e d cars only. C h u r c h cars are to be used only on mission business. T h e y are not to be used for outings or travel on Preparation Day. Only missionaries are permitted to drive Church-owned cars. Never drive member cars. 10. Respect the local customs and tradi-


tions where you are laboring. Never desecrate shrines or in any w a y make light of matters or objects that are sacred or otherwise significant to the people w h o are native to your mission area. 11. Dress neatly and conservatively. W e a r white shirts and conservative ties. Suits should be w o r n at all times unless your mission president indicates otherwise. A regular haircut is required. H a i r must be off the neck, collar, and ears. No sideburns, moustaches, or beards are allowed. For sisters, colors should be conservative and skirt lengths should reach at least to the knee. 12. Never be alone w i t h anyone of the opposite sex or have any inappropriate association w i t h those of the opposite sex. Single members of the opposite sex should not be taught except i n the presence of an adult chaperon.


13. Correspondence w i t h anyone of the opposite sex living w i t h i n the mission houndaries is against mission policy. A v o i d unnecessary correspondence w i t h individuals who reside in the mission boundaries. 14. Conduct yourself w i t h quiet dignity and avoid loud speaking or hoisterousness, frivolity, inappropriate singing, and games of chance. T e l l i n g or listening to vulgar stories and reading of other than wholesome literature must be avoided. Read only C h u r c h published books and magazines unless directed otherwise hy your mission president. Also, debates, arguments and heated discussions are not in harmony w i t h the Spirit of the L o r d . C. LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS

Select living quarters that w i l l contribute to the effectiveness of your w o r k . Keep in mind cleanliness and privacy, especially


regarding toilet, bath, and kitchen facilities. Y o u should avoid living quarters where the landlady is a divorcee or a w i d o w of marriageable age. Y o u should not live under the same roof w i t h C h u r c h members without, in each instance, specific permission from the mission president. Have your immediate mission leader approve every relocation. W h e n your address changes, notify the mission home immediately by mail of your n e w address. Should your parents' address change, notify the mission home. D. RECOMMENDED DAILY SCHEDULE

T h e recommended daily schedule is as follows: , 6:30 a.m. Arise • 7:00 a.m. Study Class 8:00 a.m. Breakfast 1 8:30 a.m. Personal study 9:30 a.m. Proselyte 12:00 p.m. Lunch !


1:00 5:00 6:00 9:30

p.m, p.m p.m p.m


T h i s day is for personal duties such as haircuts, washing clothes, cleaning apartments, washing cars, preparing for coming week's activities: also p h y s i c a l exercise, letters home, letters to mission president, visits to museums, art galleries, and other cultural centers. Recreation must be limited to activities that w i l l not detract from the spirit of missionary work. For example, musical instruments and radios should be left at home. T h e viewing of T V programs should be restricted to such things as conference broadcasts. Movies are not allowed unless


approved by the mission president. Missionaries should engage in uplifting recreational activities. Contact sports are discouraged because of the number of incapacitating injuries they cause. It is against mission policy to engage in water sports, w i n t e r sports, horseback riding, or to possess firearms, ride in airplanes other than on regular commercial lines w h e n authorized, or to engage in any other activity w h i c h could prove injurious. Missionaries are discouraged from congregating in large groups for recreation and should not go outside their assigned areas without permission from the mission president. Preparation Day ends at 5:00 p.m. A l w a y s be found in proper places w i t h proper thoughts and engaging i n proper activities and the Spirit of the L o r d w i l l strengthen you and make your Preparation D a y w h a t it should be. •- - • 17


Seek and follow the Spirit i n all that you do. "•. . . T h e y had w a x e d strong in the k n o w l edge of the truth: for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the w o r d of God. "But this is not a l l : they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting: therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and w h e n they taught, they taught w i t h power and authority of G o d . " ( A l m a 17:2, 3.) "Go forth . . . bearing precious seed, f u l l of the power of God . . . and you w i l l return bringing your sheaves w i t h you. Let your minds be centered on your mission. . ." (Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, comp. John A . Widtsoe, 1971 ed. 18

[Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1954] p. 325.) Brigham Young also said, " I f you go on a mission to preach the gospel w i t h lightness and frivolity in your hearts, looking for this and that, and to learn what is in the w o r l d , and not having your minds riveted on the cross of Christ, you w i l l go and return in v a i n . " (Ibid. p. 325.) 1. Love your companion. Make h i m a part of all you do. Be w i t h h i m at all times. Help h i m to succeed. 2. Pray i n d i v i d u a l l y and w i t h your companion.


" A n d my soul hungered: and I kneeled d o w n before m y Maker, and cried unto h i m i n mighty prayer and supplication for mine o w n sonl: and all the day long did 1 cry unto h i m : yea, and w h e n the night came 1 did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens." (Enos 1:4.) 19

". . . pray always, and be believing, and all things shall w o r k together for your good. . ." (D&C 90:24.) 3. Ponder gospel principles. Spirituality is developed by reading the w o r d of G o d and pondering its intent. A s Nephi said, we must liken the scriptures unto ourselves. Meditation and prayer develop spirituality and sound testimonies. 4. Lose yourself in the w o r k . Put out of your life all thoughts and discussions of home, school, girl friends, and w o r l d l y things. Forget yourself in the service of others. "For whosoever w i l l save his life shall lose it: and whosoever w i l l lose his life for my sake shall find it." (Matthew 16:25.) "But seek ye first the kingdom of God. and his righteousness: and all things shall be added unto y o u . " (Matthew 6:33.)


5. Fast only once a month, except in unusual circumstances, and then no longer than 24 hours at a time. Please do not ask friends and w a r d members to fast w i t h you for investigators. B. MENTAL PREPARATION

"Seek not to declare m y w o r d , but first seek to obtain m y word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have m y Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of m e n . " (D&C 11:21) 1. Study the Gospel a. Hold an hour study class w i t h your companion every day. b. Devote at least one hour each day to individual study. c. F o l l o w the directions in the missionary study guide. Search the S c r i p tures.

d. Study the language each day if in a foreign language mission. 2. Have the Attitude of Success Make up your m i n d to be successful. Successful missionaries develop a high degree of faith in the Lord. T h i s is a quality of mind and spirit that w i l l give vigor and strength to all you do. Be affirmative i n your thinking and your speech. Eliminate from your vocabulary the words and phrases " i f " and " I ' l l do m y best." Say instead, " I ' l l do i t . " F i v e guidelines are: 1. Smile. 2. Look people in the eye. 3. Shake hands firmly but gently. 4. Be genuine. 5. Make up your mind to meet your personal goals. a. Attitude. Be positive about everything. Make up your mind to succeed. 22

Do not speak negatively of the weather, the people, the country, or the area, h. Gratitude. Gratitude is a very desirable trait to acquire as a part of your personality. Be grateful to your Heavenly Father for the privilege of being called as a missionary. Be grateful to your parents for supporting you. Be grateful to all those at home who taught you and w h o pray for your success. Be grateful to your companion and your mission leaders for the help they give you. Be grateful to the saints for their love and support. A l w a y s carry a feeling of gratitude in your heart for all your blessings. Y o u cannot fail w i t h so many people helping you to succeed. " A n d charity suffereth long, and is k i n d , and envieth not, and is not puffed up . . . but charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever and whoso is found possessed of it at the


last day it shall be w e l l w i t h h i m . Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father w i t h all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled w i t h this love, w h i c h he hath bestowed upon a l l w h o are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ. . . . (Moroni 7:45, 47, 48.) 3. Establish Personal Goals ' Personal goals w i l l make you a successful missionary and w i l l help you establish patterns of success for later life. a. Setting goals. E v e r y missionary should establish personal goals. For example, goals can be set in such areas as personal study, language, and goals that relate to personal spiritual development. Make the goals realistic, but not so easy that y o u can attain them without extra effort and stretching. However, they should not be so optimistic that you cannot attain them. 24

It is better to establish personal goals that you can reach rather than goals you cannot achieve, b. Communication. Being able to communicate w i t h your companion is a fundamental step in hecoming a successful missionary. Hold an inventory session w i t h your companion. T h i s is a meeting in w h i c h you discuss and set goals for your work, your companion relationship, and your personal life. These sessions should be held on a regular w e e k l y basis, and additional sessions may be held during the week as they are needed. A n appropriate time is usually in conjunction w i t h the w e e k l y planning session w h e r e time is set aside for making plans to change the lives of your investigators and yourselves. T h e most appropriate place for inventory sessions is


the p r i v a c y of your o w n room, but they may be held wherever you can be uninterrupted and feel the presence of the Spirit of the L o r d . (1) Begin w i t h prayer. (2) I n d i v i d u ally seek the Lord's help as you r e v i e w the progress and activities of the past week. (3) W r i t e specific personal goals for the coming week. List any items you may w i s h to discuss w i t h each other concerning the w o r k and your relationship, w i t h suggested goals for improvement. (4) Read to each other your personal goals and ask for each other's help in meeting them. Discuss the items listed concerning the w o r k and companion relationship and set goals together. Write your goals—a goal not written is only a wish. (5) Use this time to resolve any companion conflicts by bringing them out and solving them together. (6) Bear your testimony



to each other and express your appreciation for each other. (7) Close by kneeling i n prayer, committing yourself to the L o r d to meet your goals, and asking his help in doing so.


1 . Four W a y s to Good Health a. Proper food and correct habits.



(1) Plan meals around four basic foods: (a) Dairy foods—milk, cheese, and other dairy products. (b) Meat group—meat, poultry, eggs, or nuts. (c) Vegetable and fruit g r o u p dark green or yellow vegetables, citrus fruits or tomatoes. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.


(d) Bread and cereals group—enriched or whole grain. (2) If recommended by your family physician, you may w i s h to lake a regular v i t a m i n supplement. (3) Eat reasonably and in moderate amounts—not too much bread, spaghetti, rice, or macaroni. b. E x e r c i s e regularly; w a l k whenever you can. c. Adequate rest; rise at 6:30 a.m., leave investigators by 9:30 p.m., retire 10:30 p.m. d. Regular medical and dental care. W a s h hands often w i t h soap and water to maintain good health. 2. M e d i c a l Needs Y o u r well-being is of great concern. T h e success of the mission depends upon you. T o f u l l y utilize your time and to make your mission as productive as pos28




sible, you must make a conscientious effort to safeguard your health. T h e Church does not pay for minor medical needs: eye glasses, dental care, etc. If you are seriously ill, immediately notify your district leader and he w i l l contact the mission president, or call the mission president direct. Do not go to a member's home for attention without the approval of the mission president. I n the event anything of a serious nature does arise, the mission president should be notified immediately. Y o u should also remember that our Father i n heaven w i l l bless you through priesthood administration. D. BUDGETING

The money y o u receive for your support is sacred and should be spent w i s e l y and only for missionary w o r k . Keep expenses at a minimum.


Money should not be borrowed from anyone. If a loan is necessary, consult the mission president. A l l missionary supplies are to be paid for in cash. Y o u should have at least $50 i n reserve in case of transfer or any other unexpected expense.' Keep a financial record of a l l expenditures.


W h e n organized properly every branch or w a r d w i l l have a branch or w a r d mission leader. He is the representative of the bishop or branch president for missionary w o r k and w i l l hold a correlation meeting w i t h the full-time missionaries once a week for the purpose of coordinating all stake or district and full-time missionary w o r k i n the w a r d or branch. W h i l e the w a r d or branch mis-


sion leader does not direct the full-time missionaries, full cooperation should be given so tbe work w i l l r u n smoothly. T h e greatest benefit accrues w h e n the stake and full-time missionaries team teach. B. FINDING PEOPLE TO TEACH.

( W o r k in cooperation w i t h your w a r d or branch mission leader.) 1. E v e r y Memher a Missionary (using priesthood correlation). 2. Tracting. 3. Referrals. 4. Street meetings. 5. Open houses. 6. College campus programs. 7. Investigator firesides. 8. N e w move-ins, births, deaths, marriage lists, etc. 9. Presentations to civic clubs, schools and other organizations. , 10. A s k i n g nonmemhers if they know


about the C h u r c h and if they w o u l d like to k n o w more. 11. A n y other methods you can develop (with the approval of your mission president). C. PUBLIC INFORMATION

A good public information program w i l l do much to build the image of the C h u r c h in a community or region. Over a period of years it helps remove prejudice and brings respect and friendship for the C h u r c h . Please refer to your mission's public i n formation program. D. FELLOWSHIPING

Fellowshiping is of two types—before baptism and after baptism. There is little advantage in baptizing a person or a f a m i l y unless they become active members of the Church. ;


FeJJowshiping of new converts is the responsibiJity of Church members and is administered through the home teaching program under the direction of the hishop or b r a n c h president. T h e Priesthood Fellowshiping Handbook provides guidelines for the priesthood leader. Fellowshiping is also accomplished through the Gospel Essentials class in Sunday School where twelve fellowshiping lessons are taught. E. BAPTISM

1. Definition of a Convert a. A n y person twelve years of age or older w h o is baptized and confirmed and whose parents (one or both) are members. b. A n y person eight years of age or ;r older w h o is baptized and confirmed ; whose parents are not members of the C h u r c h . 33

2. Interviewing for Baptism ' District leaders or zone leaders shall interview a l l candidates for baptism w h o have been prepared by the full-time missionaries. A s a matter of courtesy, investigators should be introduced to the bishop or branch president. T h e bishop or branch president should be invited to each baptismal service. 3. Recommend for Baptism and Confirmation T h e "Recommend for Baptism and Confirmation" should be filled out during the interview. It should then be signed by the person conducting the interview. If a candidate is under legal age, w r i t ten permission should be obtained from parents or guardian. In cases where f a m i l y members are ready for baptism but the father is not, missionaries should tell the father they prefer not to baptize the f a m i l y without 34

h i m because of the Church's respect for the head of the home, and because the f a m i l y can not really progress in the gospel without their f a m i l y leader. If after a time the father still declines, then w i t h his permission the other family members may be baptized. Copies of the baptismal recommend, completely filled out, should be sent to the mission office and the bishop or branch president immediately following the baptismal service. 4. Baptismal Services It is the responsibility of the district leader to see that a spiritual haptismal service is held. Prior preparation should be made for the following: a. Preparation 1. Arrange for font and dressing facilities w e l l ahead of time. Baptismal fonts should be made avail35

able to missionaries at reasonable hours. 2. Coordinate services w i t h your district leader and stake and w a r d officials. Baptismal services should be held r e g u l a r l y — w e e k l y if conditions permit. 3. Arrange for someone to fill the font, or fill it yourself. 4. A s k a sister to help in the ladies' dressing room. 5. Make certain that all participants understand the procedures, including proper method of baptizing and confirming. Witnesses are also to be instructed. 6. Arrange for appropriate church music to be played and sung w h i l e the participants are dressing. b. Clothing requirements 1. Have candidates w e a r 36


clothing to insure modesty. Clothing should be white if at all possible. 2. W o m e n should bring a complete change of white underclothing and a full-length slip (cotton preferred). Ladies may wear white dresses or coveralls. 3. Men should bring a complete change of white underclothing. 4. Missionaries need their own w h i t e trousers, shirt, garments, and stockings. 5. Baptismal candidates and officiating missionaries should each have a bath towel and a comb. . Suggested Program 1'. Prelude music. 2. Welcome by elder conducting. 3. Opening h y m n and prayer. 4. Short talk on the first principles: faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the H o l y Ghost.


5. M u s i c a l number. ;- i . 6. Short testimonies of recent converts. (Use different people—not a l w a y s youth.) 7. Baptisms and confirmations. 8. Welcome into the C h u r c h by a member of the bishopric or branch presidency. 9. Closing h y m n and prayer. ( A p propriate C h u r c h h y m n s should be sung.) F. CONFIRMATION

T h i s ordinance is performed by a holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood. T h e baptized i n d i v i d u a l is confirmed a member of T h e C h u r c h of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and given the H o l y Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ. A s guided by the Spirit, the person officiating may give a f e w w o r d s of blessing. 38

Converts should be confirmed at w a r d or branch fast meetings unless several days intervene before a regularly scheduled fast meeting. I n that event confirmations should be at "the water's edge."

VI. CONCLUSION You as a missionary can learn these basic patterns ol preparing for the challenges of the mission field. Use these guidelines for your personal safety and w e l l being. E x e r cise your love for your Heavenly Father, your companion, and your fellowmen. then you w i l l be guided by the Spirit to bring joy and happiness to the people of the w o r l d . It w i l l be the foundation for your temporal as well as your eternal life.


P B M 1 4 2 0 1 2 76 lOOM Printed m the United S t a l e s of A m e r i c a

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