The Abundant Life (1982)

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THE ABUNDANT LIFE The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Published by T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake C i t y , U t a h © Copyright 1982 by Corporation of the President T h e c h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints A l l rights reserved Printed in U S A



re you searching for real happiness? A r e you concerned about the direction your life is taking? A n d what about your f a m i l y — w o u l d you like to have greater love i n your home? W o u l d you like to be more united?

I f your answer to any of these questions is yes, then you are invited to consider the teachings of T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons).

Life's Choicest Blessings


esus C h r i s t said: " 1 am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10.)

T h e phrase the abundant life describes what the C h u r c h offers its members.

H a p p y , purposeful living, a way to keep families together, enthusiasm, direction i n life—these are but a few of the goals of thoughtful people everywhere, and these are among the rewards you can find in T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints. T h e y are enjoyed by faithful members of the C h u r c h throughout the world. M o r m o n s understand that all m a n k i n d are spirit children of G o d and that he desires us to become more like h i m . (See Matthew 5:48.) G o d has established his C h u r c h to provide the way for achieving this goal. Mormons believe the family is the keystone of our civilization. T h e y are generally a healthy people. T h e y believe that "the glory of G o d is intelligence" (Doctrine and C o v e n a n t s 93:36), and w i t h this i n mind they enthusiastically seek knowledge. T h o u s a n d s of missionaries, mostly young men, serve w i t h out financial compensation to bring the message of the C h u r c h and the abundant life to honest, searching people throughout the world. A n d many such people are constantly being drawn to its message.

What About You?


hat are the blessings you may personally expect for yourself w h e n you accept and live the teachings of T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latterday Saints? Here, i n part, are some answers: • Y o u w i l l know and understand the purpose of life. Y o u will understand where you were before living on earth, and you w i l l see clearly your eternal potential. • Y o u w i l l receive a new start in life by obtaining a forgiveness of your sins through repentance and baptism. • Y o u w i l l receive the gift of the H o l y Ghost, through w h i c h you may receive divine direction i n your life. • I n a temple of the Lord, you w i l l be sealed to your wife or husband for all eternity, and you and your children will be joined together as a family forever. • Y o u w i l l be o n the path that leads to eternal life in the presence of our Father in heaven, learning each day to ive more like h i m . • Y o u w i l l be counseled and led by a living prophet through w h o m the m i n d and w i l l of the Lord are made known today. I n addition to the H o l y Bible, you will be able to learn from other divine scriptures. • Y o u w i l l know for yourself that G o d lives, that Jesus C h r i s t is his son and the Redeemer of all m a n k i n d and that his c h u r c h and kingdom are once again upon the earth. • Y o u will have great opportunities for service to others and will learn that " w h e n ye are i n the service of your fellow beings ye are only i n the service of your G o d . " (Book of Mormon, Mosiah 2:17.) • Y o u w i l l receive joy and knowledge. A new and better life w i l l be yours as you and your family grow in faith and righteousness. For these and other reasons, the Mormons continue to grow i n numbers, enjoying a unique and rewarding way of life i n a day w h e n religion and faith in G o d seem to be waning.

The Church Restored


hen C h r i s t was upon the earth, he established his church and kingdom w i t h apostles, prophets, and other divinely called officers who taught his gospel and administered the ordinances of salvation. I n the words of the Apostle Paul, there was "one Lord, one faith, one baptism." (Ephesians 4:5.) T h e church established by C h r i s t and the doctrines taught by h i m , however, did not continue i n their pure form through the centuries that followed. T h e r e was, as the apostles had prophesied, a "falling a w a y . " (See 2 Thessalonians 2:3.) M e n departed from the teachings of the Savior and changed the organization of his church.

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his c h u r c h i n ancient times. H e gave his apostles power and authority to preach the gospel and administer the ordinances of salvation.

There ceased to be living apostles and prophets, and w i t h out them, the true authority was lost. T h e teachings of the Savior gradually became distorted. W h a t was once his church and kingdom on earth divided into man-made organizations. T h e dark ages of the apostasy became a reality. T h e n came the great reformers—Martin Luther, J o h n C a l v i n , J o h n Wesley, and others—who recognized what had happened and attempted through reform and protest to reestablish the original church and teachings of C h r i s t . T h e i r efforts resulted i n many organizations now k n o w n throughout the world as Protestant churches. But more than a reformation was needed. It was beyond the capacity of men alone to reestablish the Lord's church. T h e work of the reformers, however, was not i n v a i n , for through their efforts, the hearts and minds of men were being prepared for what was really needed—the restoration of the true church. Jesus C h r i s t himself, i n the early part of the nineteenth century, restored his church and kingdom once more to the earth. T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints is that organization. Apostles and prophets are once more on the earth. T h e y and others are divinely authorized to teach the gospel of Christ, to administer all of the ordinances of salvation, and to direct the work of his church throughout the world.

A n Invitation f I <o become a member of Christ's church is to become I a member of the kingdom of G o d on earth. Here are X the steps, as revealed by G o d , necessary to gain membership: 1 . ¥ahh. H a v e a sincere faith in the Lord Jesus C h r i s t . 2. Repentance. Recognize those things that you are doing wrong, repent, and strive to conform your life to the Lord's commandments. 3. Baptism. C o v e n a n t w i t h the Lord, promising to keep his commandments, by h a v i n g an authorized servant of God baptize you i n water by immersion, thereby receiving a remission of your sins. 4. The gift of the Holy Ghost. Receive the gift of the H o l y Ghost. Following your baptism i n water, authorized servants of the Lord w i l l lay their hands upon your head and bestow upon you the gift of the H o l y Ghost by w h i c h you are " b o m of . . . the S p i r i t . " (See J o h n 3:5.) T h r o u g h the Holy Ghost, our Father in heaven w i l l give you direction and knowledge that w i l l guide you and your family throughout your lives. These four principles and ordinances are the gateway to the abundant life. T h e y were taught and administered by Jesus C h r i s t during his earthly ministry, and they now are

taught and administered i n his restored church, T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints, the kingdom of G o d on earth.

Prayerfully Seek the T r u t h I ' h e abundant life is available to you and your family, I but it is not always easy to achieve. It demands X sacrifice, h u m i l i t y , and self-discipline. But the blessings of G o d w i l l follow, bringing peace, happiness, and purpose i n life. T h r o u g h prayer, you can know for yourself the truth of what you have just read. A prophet of ancient A m e r i c a made the following promise to all who desire to k n o w the truth: '

" A n d w h e n ye shall receive these things, 1 would exhort you that ye would ask G o d , the Eternal Father, in the name of C h r i s t , if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask w i t h a sincere heart, w i t h real intent, having faith in C h r i s t , he w i l l manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the H o l y G h o s t . " A n d by the power of the H o l y Ghost, ye may know the truth of all t h i n g s . " (Book of M o r m o n , Moroni 10:4-5.) Consider once more the words of the Savior that so aptly summarize for you and for everyone the purpose of his life, mission, and c h u r c h : " I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10.)

Request for a visit n 1 would like to know more about T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints and the ways it can help me find greater satisfaction i n my life. Please have representatives of the C h u r c h visit me to discuss w i t h me the C h u r c h and its teachings. Please send this request to: T h e C h u r c h of Jesus C h r i s t of Latter-day Saints Referral Office, Floor 12 Salt Lake C i t y , U t a h 84150 Name Address


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