VIP NEWS Premium - January 2019

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A Retrospective Look at McGowan’s 2018

I am often accused of being British enough

year, and it’s very name contests the very,


to concern myself with the weather a little

unacceptable, premise of Brexit, which

overmuch, but January 2018 kicked off

continues to cause so much of a problem

So here we are at the end of another year,

with a wind that delayed, and in some

throughout the year!

and it seems to be a good time to consider

cases denied the attendance of delegates to

what went on in the world of the live music

Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen. Storm

The vexed question of Secondary Ticketing

industry in 2018, via a few dips into the

Friederike unleashed 125 mile an hour winds

was again raised in April, when a statement

Musings. Next year of course will be the last

on Holland and Germany, with the whole of

was issued declaring, “Fans of live events

of the decade, who knows what we’ll have

the Dutch railway system being suspended,

are set to benefit from new rules which

to deal with before 2020 Vision (see what I

and flights being delayed and cancelled!

will demand more information from sellers

did there…?!)

Still, the event went ahead in it’s usual fine

on secondary ticket websites. Under the

form, with a slew of acts going on to play a

new rules, which were to come into force

record number of ETEP festivals.

in April 2018, ticket resellers will be required to






We lost a few outstanding artists early in the

detailed information about tickets including

year, Motorhead’s Fast Eddy Clark, Dolores

the location of seats, disclosure of any

O’Riordan of the Cranberries, Jim Rodford

restrictions and the original price of the

of The Kinks and Argent, Hugh Masakela

ticket itself” Secondary Ticketing continued

and Mark.E Smith of The Fall passed on.

to dominate discussion throughout the year!

In February Sweden’s prestigious Polar

ILMC 30 took place in March, and this

prize was given to a metal band for the

edition certainly included some particularly

very first time with Metallica picking up

serious topics. The vexatious Brexit, (even

the honour. The judges enthused, saying,

though spellchecker refused to recognise

“Not since Wagner’s emotional turmoil and

this ludicrously over used word.), Ethics,

Tchaikovsky’s cannons has anyone created

Mental Health, Gender observations and

music that is so physical and furious, and

of course Security, were discussed in depth,

yet still so accessible. Through virtuoso

perhaps indicating the increasing maturity of

ensemble playing and their use of extremely

our industry?

VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480 Charlie Presburg +44 (0) 7980 817496





considered to have, “taken rock music to

Another topic that is still high on any

places it had never been before.”

agenda concerns ways of taking seriously the importance of Saving the World! The

IMPALA and other organisations from across

Association of Independent Festivals (AIF)

the music sector gathered in Brussels to

decided that it’s the last straw– literally –

welcome a new pilot programme, “Music

as they imposed a ban on plastic drinking

Moves Europe”, for music in Europe and

straws, intending to outlaw single use plastic

urge the EU to support a full European

by 2021. They are not the only ones; other

Music Programme in its future budget.

major European events took the same sort

The programme has developed over the

of action, as part of the international efforts




to save the planet and its inhabitants and to

Mumford & Sons

clean up the oceans. In May The Great Escape again took place in my home town of Brighton, and the attendant and enthusiastic audiences showed that fans are undeniably resilient, putting aside the minor discomforts of queues and cold weather; recent festival research revealed that one year on from the Manchester Arena bombing, festival goers were still defiant after that atrocity and other recent terrorist attacks, and although aware that they have to be alert the majority do not intend to be intimidated into staying away from their favoured events. By mid June we were seriously into the festival season, with no easing off in the

Bucharest. Hundreds were injured and

game. I suggest that it’s worth keeping an

number of events. Drugs were, and still

charges of police violence are still being

eye on what’s going on in Africa!

are high on the agenda; as it had become

investigated. As Codruta told us, “What I

increasingly obvious that the consumption

would like to mention in particular about

October means Paris and the MaMA Event

of a wide range of drugs by festival goers

EEMC is the launching panel & the Take a

in Montmartre and Pigalle. I’m pretty sure

was not likely to be stopped, and the efforts

Stand campaign. It seems this topic is way

that these down to earth areas of Paris

of organisers and police became more and

more important than even I would have ever

are no strangers to a little bad language,

more focussed on making sure that what

thought. Standing for freedom of speech,

in London though this was off the agenda!

is taken is safe, or as safe as possible. The

values and justice is the only thing that will

At the demand of Haringay Council the use

balancing act involved in sticking to the law

at this point save Romania from falling back

of such language will not be tolerated at

while trying to minimise drug risks is difficult

to an authoritarian regime. And it’s the duty

The Wireless Festival in London’s Finsbury

but essential. Licensing is at stake, but

of people working in the cultural sector to

Park next summer – oh no! The event has

following six or more drug related deaths at

spread this message, as much as they can.”

managed to avoid having its license revoked

festivals last year, safety is paramount.

We agree!

following nearby residents complaints, but organisers will have to ensure that, “The


Summer saw international events being beset



licensee shall reasonably request that

by forest fires, floods etc. crazy weather

Reeperbahn for the Vip team head. I had

performers do not sing or play any vulgar,

which seemed to echo the present insanity

the pleasure of chairing a panel discussing

obscene or banned songs!” Also they must

of the world, Trump, Brexit, cars being driven

the African market. I’ve been to a festival in

not “carry out indecent acts; or make any

into innocent pedestrians and worse!

South Africa and briefly visited Morocco, but

vulgar gestures, actions or remarks during

I have to admit scant knowledge of the music

the performance; or at any point whilst

In August we attended the second EEMC,

business in this huge territory. Now, due to a

using an amplification device, including the

the Eastern European Music Conference.

very knowledgeable panel I know a lot more.

use of expletives”. Furthermore the Wireless

Organiser Codruta Vulcu from Artmania

Did you know that there are 54 countries in

team will “also ensure that the attire of

put together a really good set of discussions

Sub – Saharan Africa, and that the average

the performers do not offend the general

aimed at bringing more industry knowledge

age group is made up by mobile phone

public, for example attire which exposes

to musicians and business from the region.

carrying social media savvy people in their

the groin, private parts, buttock or female

However much as events like this are striving

mid twenties. The music and media markets

breast(s)”. So, no wardrobe malfunctions

to develop music and the arts in Romania,

are developing fast, and it appears to me,

then – sounds unmissable!

only a few days later tear gas grenades were

and many others that the next superstars

being fired at anti government protesters,

may well come from these countries, Kenya,

So in November - cancellations are often

including Codruta, in the main square in

Nigeria and others are already ahead of the

unavoidable, so the Musings had to feature





at least one or two; Mumford & Sons

and broken my leg (or more accurately his

More and more work is being done to back

fans who’d planned to see their heroes in

daughter did...) Larking around with the kids

up the grass roots venues, and I’m sure

Manchester, Sheffield, Cardiff and Liverpool

I got Bruce Lee’d by my fifteen year old, and

we will muse more upon this. But generally

on the “Delta Tour’, are a bit miffed with the

let’s just say she connected too well.”

the business is successful, particularly at

band, following postponements till next year.

the top end. The ten biggest touring artists

The usually quite down to earth Mumfords

So – there’s a stroll through some of the

of 2018 brought in a collective US$2bn+,

had indulged in a particularly ‘ambitious’

themes noted in the Musings of 2018 –most

with all grossing more than US$100 million

stage design, which, although they’d played

still abide now we’re in December and will

each, in a year packed with “remarkable

two Irish dates, they weren’t really up to

endure into January and beyond.

box-office feats”, according to Pollstar’s

speed with. The band apologised, saying, “It

traditional end-of-year ticket sales chart.

is with a really heavy heart (only one between

Brexit for instance -UK Music says UK

them – surely not!?) that we have been

government’s “clueless” post-Brexit immi-

Ed Sheeran was by far the biggest tour of

forced to postpone shows on this UK tour

gration policy will be “devastating” for

the year, jumping from the eighth spot in

due to unforeseen technical and logistical

British music, which I think will be the case.

2017 to claim No 1 in 2018. With a gross

challenges”. The Mumfords however were

of $432.4m from 94 shows, the Sheeran

not the only ones to have to pull shows due

Secondary Ticketing seems to be coming

tour is the highest gross ever recorded for

to ‘unforeseen challenges’; Gaz Coombes

into a more controlled space as Artists and

an artist in a single year, according to the

should have kept an eye out for his daughter

promoters have been empowered. The terms

top 100 worldwide tours chart.

who surprised him with a flying kung fu kick

and conditions placed on their tickets can

that broke his leg! And forced him to cancel

now be presented and enforced in a way that

And we should all be happy to know that

a number of European shows and postpone

both disrupts the rip-off secondary sites and

Kylie Minogue will play Glastonbury in the

UK dates. Coombs tweeted, “I’ve only gone

promotes consumer-friendly resale.

summer! Bye for now!




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Appointments in 2018 From VIP-Daily News

The most important resource for any company and industry is people. When people become employees they are always on a mission for new adventures. We have gathered 6 interesting appointments from 2018 that have featured in VIP News.

New General Manager appointed at O2 London (November 2018) O2’s commercial director Steve Sayer has been appointed VP and general manager.

Steve Sayer

The news arrived just days after former VP & GM John Langford announced his promotion to AEG Europe COO. Since joining The O2 team as commercial director in 2014, Sayer has overseen ticketing operations, merchandising, food and beverage and corporate sales along with securing exhibition content and overseeing Up At The O2, the roof walk attraction over the venue. Prior to joining AEG Europe, Sayer was operations director for Manchester City Football Club. Annonce_79x115_VIP_Book_2018.pdf 1 31/10/2018 16:47:10

NEXT EDITION 13.07.2019


Two UK Agents switch agency (November 2018) Agents Tom Taaffe and Anna Bewers have joined Coda Agency from UTA. Taaffe was formerly at The Agency Group since 2010, which was acquired by UTA in 2015, while Bewers had been with The Agency Group/UTA since 2006, starting as an assistant, before being promoted to agent in the summer of 2013. The pair join leading agents Natasha Bent and Geoff Meall in making the switch.

Anna Bewers

BEEN ON OUR STAGES Taj Mahal, Keb Mo‘, Canned Heat, Pee Wee Ellis, Tower of Power, Susan Tedeschi, Della Miles, Lisa Doby, Maceo Parker, Popa Chubby, Lance Lopez, Stan Webb‘s Chicken Shack, Todd Sharpville, Randy Hansen, Fred Wesley, Bernard Allison, Henrik Freischlader, Mungo Jerry, Dr. Feelgood, Steven Seagal, Larry Carlton, Lucky Peterson, Ana Popovic, Candy Dulfer, Desparate Blues Girls, Memo Gonzales, Jimmie Vaughan, Thorbjorn Risager & The Black Tornado, Budda Power Blues, Robert Cray, Shirley King, Lloyd Jones, Robben Ford, Blues Pills, King King, Rachelle Plas, Dawn Tyler Watson, Richie Kotzen AND MANY MORE!


Tom Taaffe



New CEO appointed for AEG Europe (October 2018) AEG announced that Tom Miserendino will retire as president and CEO of its European operation. Starting December 31st, Alex Hill will replace him. CCO and chairman of AEG, Jay Marciano, says that Hill is the perfect replacement for Miserendino’s industry experience. “Alex is the perfect choice to succeed Tom,” Marciano relayed. “He has been instrumental in helping to develop and execute our

Alex Hill

corporate strategy in Europe which has strengthened and grown our regional operations.”

New director appointed for Amsterdam Dance Event (August 2018) As of 1 October, Mariana Sanchotene was appointed new Director of the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) foundation. She succeeds Richard Zijlma. Sanchotene’s appointment coincides with the foundation’s transition into an independent foundation. The Amsterdam Dance Event had been part of Buma Cultuur since its beginning in 1995.

Mariana Sanchotene

New Director for Istanbul Jazz Festival (August 2018) Harun İzer

Istanbul Jazz Festival has named Harun İzer as its new festival director. İzer, who had served as assistant director since 2011, replaces Pelin Opcin, who moved to Serious, the producer of London Jazz Festival, in February.

MMF elects new chair & vice chair (July 2018) The UK Music Managers Forum (MMF) has announced that Paul Craig of Nostromo Management has been elected as its new Chair and that Kwame Kwaten of Ferocious Talent has been elected as Vice Chair. Craig, who manages Scottish rock-group Biffy Clyro, replaced Diane Wagg, who stepped down after four years leading the organisation. She will remain a member of the board for another year before becoming an MMF Custodian.

Paul Graig




VIP Crystal Ball Quiz In the November issue of VIP News we asked the Live Music industry to take a look into the Crystal Ball and predict what will happen in 2019. On the next couple of pages, you will see how they answered.







VIP Analytics - Google Trends From VIP-Daily News

In 2018 introduced VIP Analytics that allows our users to gain access to valuable statistics and key social media figures that can help to understand the interest and demand for certain artists. One of the analytic tools VIP-Booking have integrated are the Google Trends where users can benchmark how many google searches artists have in specific territories. The most searched Artists on Google in 2018




Swedish House Mafia




European mergers and acquisitions From VIP-Daily News

2018 was a year of many interesting business mergers and acquisitions. We have gathered some of the most interesting ones that have featured in VIP News over the past six months. Transactions that will probably have an impact on the European Live Music Industry for years to come.

6 Nordic agencies and promoters sold (December 2018) Netherlands-based investment firm Waterland Private Equity, has acquired six leading Scandinavian promoters and agencies, bringing them together under a new company named All Things Live described as “the new independent market leader in Nordic live entertainment”. Waterland will be the majority shareholder of the six companies ICO Concerts, ICO Management and Touring (Denmark), Friction and Atomic Soul Booking (Norway) as well as Blixten & Co and Maloney Concerts (Sweden). The All Things Live partnership will have combined annual revenue of around EUR 85 million and approximately 70 employees in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Live Nation acquires Mainland Music (December 2018) Live Nation announced it is acquiring Mainland Music, one of the leading concert promoters in Switzerland. Mainland Music promotes over 650 shows annually across a variety of genres including rock, hip-hop, urban, punk rock and metal. The company, co-founded in 2012 by longtime partners Christian Gremelmayr, Derrick Thomson, Marc Lambelet, Martin Schrader and Santosh Aerthott, with offices in Zurich and Lausanne, has experienced rapid growth across Switzerland, making it a valuable addition to Live Nation’s growing presence in Switzerland. Mainland Music will continue all operations, while also joining forces with Live Nation on tours and other promotion opportunities. This new partnership will add the

From left, in the back: Martin Schrader, Marc Seemann (Live Nation), Christian Gremelmayr, Santosh Aerthott and Derrick Thomson. Front: Marc Lambelet and Matt Schwarz


independent spirit of Mainland Music to Live Nation’s full range of services in Switzerland, enhancing the live music experience for artists and fans throughout the country.



Four Artists acquisition still a no go (December 2018) The court in Dusseldorf has rejected an appeal by CTS Eventim to overturn the block on its acquisition of German promoter Four Artists. CTS Eventim announced last March that they planned to acquire Four Artists, but the deal was unexpectedly blocked in November after the competition regulators Bundeskartellamt ruled that Eventim held a dominant position in the German ticketing market and that the proposed merger would substantially reduce competition in the sector.

Superstruct invest in Finnish Festival (November 2018) Finnish Flow Festival has entered into an investment and partnership in Superstruct Entertainment, the live entertainment platform backed by Providence Equity Partners. The Founders of Flow – Tuomas Kallio, Chairman of the Board and Artistic Director; Suvi Kallio, Managing Director; and Toni Rantanen, Artistic Director of Electronic Music – will continue to lead the company

Flow Crew

and remain shareholders.

Corida Group acquires French promoter (November 2018) Corida Group, one of the largest independent live music companies in France, has acquired half of Super!, the promoter behind the Pitchfork Paris, Cabourg Mon Amour and Biarritz en Été festivals. The deal – signed on the eve of Pitchfork Paris (1–3 November) – sees Super! join other semi-independent promoters the Talent Boutique and Pi-Pôle, along with Corida itself, under the Corida Group umbrella. The set-up, says the company, offers “a distinct and innovative alternative to multinational


promoters”, such as Live Nation France and the recently launched AEG Presents France, “in Europe.”

Live Nation buys stake in Irish promoter MCD (August 2018) Irish concert promoters Denis Desmond and Caroline Downey have effectively sold half of their promotion company, MCD Productions, to Live Nation. MCD, one of the largest concert promoters in Europe, has been bought out in full by LN-Gaiety (LNG), a UKbased company that is a 50/50 joint venture between Live Nation and Mr Desmond and Ms Downey’s Gaiety Investments.

Denis-Desmond and Caroline-Downey




B2B Views on 2018 & 2019 We asked some live music industry professionals about their views on the most important events that have happened during 2018 and what they expect to be the most significant in 2019.

Name: Paulina Ahokas Company: Tampere Hall Ltd. Position: Managing Director Globe trotter from Finland. Lived and worked in five countries and five cities in Finland. MA and EMBA by education. Before Tampere Hall, started and ran Music Export Finland, Arts Manager for the Finnish Institute in London, rock and jazz club promoter in Prague and before that, music writer, marketing director for festivals, musician for several bands. Currently board member of the Finnish Broadcasting Company and member of the Finnish Arts Council, among others. Forever a curious student.


our industry has is this: do an environmental

Challenge: to bring great international artists

What event in 2018 do you think will

deed – buy an experience. We have to be

to Tampere, who are also sustainable from

have the most impact on the Live Music

able to make local concert experiences the

an environmental point of view.

Industry in years to come?

most environmentally friendly service and

product there is on earth.

Rock music is officially dead, according to

environment as seriously as we do, and to Q3:

make our practices and targets on that even

Business wise do you see any big



events/trends on the horizon for 2019?

What do you think will be the most

(Mergers etc.)


Spotify, but Drake lives.

important issue for the Live Music Industry in 2019?


Task: to make sure everyone takes the

What artist would you like to see Environmental issues.

reunited for a tour in 2019 and why?

Bigger and broader business concepts based

One of us needs to come up with electric

on the live music industry base; this is already

Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rage Against the

airplanes and fast, otherwise flight travelling

happening in Finland.

Machine, Eva Dahlgren (always timely, but

will come to an end with environmental

she has a wonderful birthday in 2019),

consciousness (finally) increasing. National


Einstürzende Neubauten, Björk, Mumford

identities in music will rise and get stronger

What will be the biggest challenge/task

&Sons, Sting, Alicia Keys, Jonas Kaufman,

in Finland and elsewhere. The biggest chance

for you and your company in 2019?

Cecilia Bartolli, Barbara Hannigan…



ESNS: EU creative europe




My biggest worry is the rise of extremism and nationalism - religious extremism, political extremism, even moral extremism. As our intolerance grows, our wealth of culture shrinks away and is hidden and crowded out by the loud shouts and biased opinions of those who seek to dominate society, business, politics, culture and the social agenda. As a lawyer I have to say that regulators seem surprisingly indifferent to consolidation and market dominance in the music sectors - the live sector, recorded music





have all seen a level of concentration of ownership that would never be tolerated in other sectors. I am not sure it’s healthy, but it’s ongoing. Name: Ben Challis Company: Charming Music


Position: Legal consultant

What will be the biggest challenge/task for you and your company in 2019?

Ben is a music industry lawyer and his clients include the Glastonbury Festival where he has been General Counsel for twenty five years. A graduate of Kings College

Dealing with Brexit!

London and the City University, Ben also acts for the European festival association Yourope, Africa Express and Arcadia Spectacular.

Q5: What artist would you like to see reunited for a tour in 2019 and why?


‘Brexit means Brexit’ I haven’t got the faintest

I am getting to the age where all of my

What event in 2018 do you think will

idea what leaving the European Union

dream reunions are fatally flawed because

have the most impact on the Live Music

means. I suspect they are equally as clueless,

of the passing of key members - I loved

Industry in years to come?

but hey, a slogan is a slogan! I fear the worst

the Clash but without Joe Strummer I

and I DO remember the so called ‘good old

cannot see that ever happening: if it did

From where I am based in the United

days’ of folders full of visas, work permits

I would not be there. Crowded House are

Kingdom, Brexit in what ever shape it

and carnets, slow border crossings and

another firm favourite but drummer Paul

comes in will be a major change. At the

additional costs. It was rubbish. Secondary

Hester is another key member who is sadly

time of writing everything is undecided and

ticketing remains a massive concern for many

missing. I remain a huge fan of Neil Finn’s

unclear in the United Kingdom, but with a

in the live sector, and it’s interesting to see

songwriting. I have to say in all honesty

March deadline if the UK does leave there

Ticketmaster belatedly taking a proactive

I am not a big fan of reunions and have

has been almost no attention to detail and

approach to its involvement in the market

actively avoided going and seeing new

the live sector will be left with a real mess

as press and regulatory interest deepens

‘versions’ of my former heroes. If I could

to deal with.

and court cases multiply. Viagogo remains

go back in time I would dearly love to see

a constant reminder of what happens to a

David Bowie one last time (but I would be


healthy sector when secondary ticketing

watching through a waterfall of tears), I

What do you think will be the most

becomes entrenched.

would love to see Queen at the peak of

important issue for the Live Music Industry in 2019?


their powers, and one band I feel are still Q3:

under rated are the British band Slade - I

Business wise do you see any big

never saw them live as they were marketed

In Europe it has to be Brexit. But whilst in my

events/trends on the horizon for 2019?

as ‘glam rock’ and I was a punk - but I

country many of those who support Brexit say

(Mergers etc.)

wish I had.



Name: Georg Leitner Company: Georg Leitner Productions GmbH Position: Managing Director GLP´s foundation was laid in 1977, when Georg Leitner returned from South Africa to Austria. Georg Leitner and his team launched some of the first Punk (e.g. THE Clash), Reggae (e.g. Peter Tosh) and Stadium open Air festivals ( e.g. Rod Stewart) in Austria. Today GLP delivers some of the world’s top performers to promoters across the globe. GLP has booked artists such as Ray Charles, James Brown, Miriam Makeba and Sean Paul. GLP also puts together “Package Tours “ such as “The Tribute to Bob Marley – World Tour” which featured Ziggy Marley, Jimmy Cliff and Pato Banton. Today GLP tours longstanding legends such as George Clinton Parliament / Funkadelic, Kool & The Gang, Earth Wind & Fire exp.feat Al.McKAY and many more. GLP also delivers “turn key solutions“ and artists for corporate and private events (e.g. Shakira, Michael Bolton). Clients include Blackberry, IBM, Dolce & Gabbana and Coca Cola, Replay.


African music is expanding faster than any other type of music –

What event in 2018 do you think will have the most impact on

with artists such as Black Coffee, Wizkid (who e.g. sold out the O2

the Live Music Industry in years to come?

in London this year), Sauti Sol etc.

The biggest development is the EU´s attempt to regulate YOUTUBE etc.

I believe this trend will continue in 2019.

The European Union (EU) is moving ahead with its proposed law that


will require video streamers like Amazon Prime Video and Netflix to

What will be the biggest challenge/task for you and your

devote at least 30% of their on-demand libraries to local content.

company in 2019?

To ensure that national cultural streams will at least be presented –

Our biggest challenge is the launch of our travelling festival:

which will help to maintain the wonderful cultural diversity that our

AFROBEATS CIRCUS - A unique touring project including 6-8

globe consists of.

Afrobeats / Dancehall / Afrohouse and -jazz Artists in a great set up

with acrobats, dancers and an extraordinary light show.

Q2: What do you think will be the most important issue for the

The audience will enjoy a full day travelling through different kinds

Live Music Industry in 2019?

of afro-based music.

The biggest issue is how we as an industry can make sure that the


creative industry (musicians, managers etc.) gets a fair share of the

What artist would you like to see reunited for a tour in 2019

overall income derived from musical content on the various platforms

and why?

such as YOUTUBE, SPOTIFY etc.


LED ZEPPELIN – having had the honour of booking FOREIGNER on


the bill with Led Zeppelin at their reunion in 2007 at the O2 – I´d

Business wise do you see any big events/trends on the horizon

love to see this double bill go on tour (I´m allowed to wish for a

for 2019? (Mergers etc.)

miracle – after all its Christmas…:-)



We would not call this an event but we feel

place in 2018 – we see a shift from a market

that the biggest issue regarding the Live

in which there were many independent

Music Industry is the increase of artist fees

festivals, to a market where really big festival

being disproportionate to the speed at which

sectors are created working together and

the market is growing. We find the gigantic

creating a unified capital. In all my career,

increase of fees to be a huge problem together

I do not remember a year in which such a

with the resulting sky-high ticket prices.

large consolidation of the festival market

Name: Mikolaj Ziolkowski

took place. Of course, above all, it is related

Company: Alter Art


to two factors: the peak of the economic

Position: CEO

What do you think will be the most

cycle, prosperity in Europe and all over the

important issue for the Live Music

world and new money and investment funds

Industry in 2019?

that have appeared in our industry. This has



resulted in the domination of many subjects/

Festival (PL). Mikolaj Ziolkowski is an expert in promoting culture, music,

Something we have been observing for years,

parties instead of two or three music entities

art and entertainment. His interest

which has recently taken a really extreme

like we used to have.

in live music events evolved into

form: growing fees and costs of artists vs

Alter Art agency, one of Poland’s

ticket prices and revenues, in festival and

This is also an answer to the first question:

leading promoters in music and

concert markets. Our music industry will

1. The increase in prices, fees that we pay

entertainment events.

soon start losing out to other areas of widely

to the artists and despite the fact that we

understood entertainment, for instance to

have been talking about it for a long time,

It organises the most important music

the gaming industry. We are already at the

this process has now gained strength.

festivals in Poland: Orange Warsaw

borderline and we should not go any further.

2. Consolidation, merges and purchases of

Festival, Kraków Live Festival and the

This huge pressure from both manaagements

independent promoters, mainly festivals.

biggest one – Open’er Festival with

and artists is dangerous and we should not

Until now, very important and almost iconic

its 17 successful editions. Open’er

cross the line in this matter. We’ve just come

festivals have become part of larger business

has been acknowledged outside

up against a brick wall – there is a border that

entities, whether through investments made



will exceed the audience’s outflow. We all are

in them or through purchases.

European Festival Awards winner as

now at the peak of development of the music

Best Major Festival.

industry and its popularity but this situation is




mainly related to the prosperity that appears

What will be the biggest challenge/task

On top of all the aforementioned

in the economy during last few years. As soon

for you and your company in 2019?

successes, Alter Art was awarded

as there is a crisis or economic slowdown, we

the title of Promoter of the Year

will be faced by problems: high ticket prices

After the great success of 2018 and actually

at the European Festival Awards

in combination with much smaller audiences

selling out all of our three festivals, the

in 2016. Since 2016 Mikolaj has

that suddenly cannot afford to go to concerts

biggest challenge is to maintain the great

been a board member of Yourope,

and festivals.

level we managed to achieve - both at the program level and at the level of the overall

the European Festival Association founded in 1998.


functioning of the festivals. And probably

Business wise do you see any big

the most difficult challenge will be having

events/trends on the horizon for 2019?

such great weather as we had last year.

(Mergers etc.) Q1:


What event in 2018 do you think will

As we are at the peak of the business cycle,

What artist would you like to see

have the most impact on the Live Music

the largest consolidation is taking place in

reunited for a tour in 2019 and why?

Industry in years to come?

the music market in many years. If you look at the festival market, it turns out that a lot

As far as I am concerned, seeing Abba

Our music business is now bigger than ever

of independent festivals, have either been

together again would be a huge thing. It

before - it is dynamically growing and it has

bought or merged into groups, they have

is not my cup of tea music-wise but they

just become a huge business. But as in any

also become part of larger “organisms” and

were an amazing band and it would be a

industry, we need sustainable development.

this is definitely the biggest change that took

fantastic reunion.




flourish due to local production costs and high talent fees. Outdoor concerts & EDM will fade, pure music with live bands will rise again. Promoters will look for talent and original shows from other territories, such as Russian music and folklore shows, Regaton from South America, as well as others. Most importantly, local talent will take the market which has previously belonged to foreign talent. Q3: Business wise do you see any big events/trends on the horizon for 2019? (Mergers etc.) With respect to overseas talent, we are facing a poor year to come in our territory, due to the weakness of the market - Promoters will have no other choice but to merge in order to find a way to survive in an industry that is suffering from the current “boycott”. Name: Gad Oron

As of 2018, signs of mergers can be seen,

Company: Gad Oron Productions

promoters are starting to promote together

Position: CEO

in order to share the risk – this situation will lead to mergers. On the other end, promoters

Gad Oron, founder of the company, is one of the top promoters and live shows

and producers will look for projects overseas

producers in Israel. He is a world renowned expert in the world of event planning

– my company is currently looking for some

and live music promoter & production. Oron has produced dozens of open air

initiatives out of the country.

events, outdoor events presenting both local and International artists.

Q4: What will be the biggest challenge/task for you and your company in 2019?


I believe that some of the promoters will

What event in 2018 do you think will

survive and stop looking for those foreign

Everything will have to change, we will have

have the most impact on the Live Music

talents, who have in the past played Tel Aviv

to reduce the day to day costs in order to

Industry in years to come?

and other cities. The unstable geo-political

overcome the poor season we are facing

situation will not change, it might even get

for 2019. The fact that we play for people

In my opinion, all indoor live shows in arenas

worse, this factor will affect the type of risk

and not for governments, we shall have

and theaters are taking a massive position

local promoters take as well.

to force our colleagues to ignore the local

in the industry. As for the Israeli territory

geo-political situation, I’m not optimistic for

– cautiously, I’d like to believe that the



“cultural semi boycott” – which means the

What do you think will be the most

negative reactions local promoters receive

important issue for the Live Music


from foreign agents & management will

Industry in 2019?

What artist would you like to see reunited for a tour in 2019 and why?

bring a big change to the local live stage,


causing the market to withdraw, this will

For Israel, I believe that it’s too early to say,

create a bad effect on the major local

I expect a big change, live concerts will

I miss, very much, bands and soloist from the

promoters who will have to look at new

become smaller, promoters will risk small

80’s & 90’s, shows with live musicians and

areas in order to gain a turn over to survive.

capacity shows and so indoors shows will

less technology.



at ticketing and reselling in the future. The

business. It’s going to be interesting to see

artist and his team really put effort into

how the private equity will show in practice.

removing touting and demanded promoters

Touring wise the partnerships will probably

to work equally hard to fight touting.

mean an increasing amount of wider offers

Ticket touting and reselling platforms have

for artists instead of individual offers. For

obviously created heated conversation for a

festivals and events it will be even more

while now within the business. The reselling

important to choose partners in accordance

platforms have taken part in the business

to their values when it’s necessarily not

quite aggressively and even though Sheeran

about a sponsorship deal for a couple of

isn’t the only one trying to fight touting,

years, but a deeper partnership.

it seems that his approach ignited a wider conversation around the topic, and even


changing ticketing legislation.

What will be the biggest challenge/task for you and your company in 2019?

Q2: What do you think will be the most

The biggest show for our company so far

important issue for the Live Music

will be Ed Sheeran playing two nights at

Industry in 2019?

Malmi Airport in Helsinki in July 2019. It’s not only Fullsteam’s biggest event, but the

Equality, and also bringing forward the

two shows combined might even gather

values that steer your company’s or event’s

the biggest audience any artist in Finland

operations. Gender equality has been talked

has had. The airport has only once hosted

about for some time now, and though

an event, which was significantly smaller,

there’s still a lot to do on that front as well,

so this is the first time the venue will be

we will need to see equality in a wider

used at a 60,000 people capacity. It will

Name: Aino-Maria Paasivirta

sense. I think events and companies need to

be an exciting project on many levels.

Company: Fullsteam Agency

strongly represent and bring forward values

We also have our two festivals Provinssi

Position: Promoter

they stand for. With the political climate we

(June 27-29th) and Sideways (June 6-8th),

live in at the moment, not just in Europe but

and we also have two other big outdoor


around the world, it’s more important than

shows in addition to Ed Sheeran at Malmi

Fullsteam as assistant to founder

ever to take a stand. Companies, not just in

Airport; Rammstein (Ratina Stadion) and

Rauha Kyyrö. She has been booking

the music business but business in general,

The Offspring (Suvilahti). These big shows

foreign acts to Provinssi Festival

have been using values as a competitive


(cap 32,000) together with Rauha

edge. I think this will grow to be a bigger

throughout the summer will make this next

for the last 3 years, and took on the

part especially for events and festivals. Your

summer our busiest so far. It’s very exciting!

role of full-time promoter in 2017.

event needs to have a personality and feel,




and values are a core ingredient to that.




Q5: What artist would you like to see

She is shortlisted on IQ’s New Bosses 2018 feature.



reunited for a tour in 2019 and why?

Business wise do you see any big events/trends on the horizon for 2019?

I grew up loving Spice Girls and now that

(Mergers etc.)

they announced their UK shows I’m of



course hoping for a European tour to

What event in 2018 do you think will

Deeper partnerships and mergers seem to

happen. I’ve been wanting to see more

have the most impact on the Live Music

be a growing trend for festivals, agencies

female acts tour and headline festivals

Industry in years to come?

and promoters. Partnerships have evolved

for a while now, so this would be great.

to changes in ownership. The live business

Another nineties favourite is Wu Tang Clan,

I believe Ed Sheeran’s Divide tour was a

seems to be more lucrative than ever before

after having cancelled a couple of shows in

game changer ticketing wise and will have

to companies outside live music, and there’s

Finland the past years, I’d love to see all the

an effect in the long haul on how we look

more private equity coming into the live

original members together.



Q3: Business wise do you see any big events/trends on the horizon for 2019? (Mergers etc.) Consolidation is happening everywhere and global players will want to “own” as much of the “lifestyle” experience as they can concerning their target audiences so no doubt media and retail brands as well as communication platforms will continue investing in and benefitting from live music events just as we on a Middle Eastern level see a now fully established model of live music events taking center stage at major sporting, cultural, retail and indeed Name: Thomas Ovesen

government events – the volume and

Company: AEG Ogden Dubai Arena

frequency of live events regionally will

Position: COO

increase and with that focus on fan and customer experience will have to play a

Before joining the Dubai Arena team early this year and what is now the most exciting

major role just as ticket pricing and ticket

and game changing venue project in the region I have been promoting public and

servicing will have to be optimized here.

private live events across the Middle East with stints of mainly private shows globally

since 1999. Past events include new festival IP launches in the UAE and feature shows


with the likes of Justin Bieber, J-LO, Eagles, One Direction, Shakira, Ed Sheeran, Bon

What will be the biggest challenge/task

Jovi, Beyonce and many more.

for you and your company in 2019? At AEG Ogden Dubai Arena there is only one, and major, challenge for 2019 and


the live events business and Middle Eastern

that is successfully opening the new Dubai

What event in 2018 do you think will

music industry will move to the next level.

Arena – lots of work for all involved parties

have the most impact on the Live Music

still remain but once the doors open to the

Industry in years to come?


first events in the new building the region

What do you think will be the most

will have an amazing new entertainment

Globally, and after the industry crying out

important issue for the Live Music

facility in a fantastic city, servicing millions of

for the next level of stadium acts for the

Industry in 2019?

regional fans and event goers and hopefully

past many years, seeing Ed Sheeran and

setting the trend for how best to experience

Taylor Swift becoming stadium sell out

Globally I think VR in general and AR

live entertainment as new arena projects

artists, new talents like Shawn Mendes and

in particular will become a factor in live

have helped do elsewhere across the globe.

Post Malone becoming Grammy nominated

events but regionally I will have to think

arena acts on the back of few albums and

the Dubai Arena opening will make the


little international touring and latin artists

biggest difference for performing artists

What artist would you like to see

breaking through across mainstream media

and their fans when it comes to changes

reunited for a tour in 2019 and why?

and still singing in Spanish is just an incredible

and improvements in the Middle Eastern live

and very exciting live entertainment industry

music industry. The developments in KSA

Well if Liam and Noel could agree to do a

development and true testimony to how

concerning access to and consumption of

run with Oasis we could easily do 4 nights in

buoyant our industry is right now.

live entertainment and live music will also be

the new Dubai Arena – if they would offer

a positive for the region and only underline

us global exclusivity they could play every

Regionally, the count down to the new Dubai

the need for optimal fan experiences and the

night with us and for months on end no

Arena opening has started and with that

need for purpose built venues.

doubt!!.....wishful thinking!?!




Q1: What event in 2018 do you think will have the most impact on the Live Music Industry in years to come? Nothing to report Q2: What do you think will be the most important issue for the Live Music Industry in 2019? A real debate on the issue of ticket distribution. In Europe exploitation of ticketing and the death nail of the official ‘secondary market’ has become a Governmental issue. Many fans, who have been ripped off are now using their voice to push authorities into passing legislations to outlaw this scourge. Our business has been too slow to pick up the challenge and create a fair and equitable distribution network for tickets to be sold as close to their face value as possible. Once and for all, we have to deal with Name: Harvey Goldsmith

the greed in our industry. We have a duty of care to our fans and we

Company: Harvey Goldsmith

should exercise that care.

Position: CEO


Harvey is as legendary as he is prolific as a rock and pop

Business wise do you see any big events/trends on the horizon


for 2019? (Mergers etc.)

He is a visionary producer and has worked with most of the

I see further consolidation in the recording and publishing world.

world’s major artists, being responsible for not only two of

The major social network companies are starting to buy and control

the world’s largest ever music events, Live Aid and Live 8 but

content and will continue to do so. Spotify will become under threat

also an astounding range of television broadcasts and charity

from other agencies. This means that content will become ‘King’

events – he is also shortly to take on the role of theatre

once again.

impresario! Q4: Harvey has received numerous awards including a CBE in

What will be the biggest challenge/task for you and your

1996, the Chevalier des Artes et Lettres from the French

company in 2019?

Minister of Culture in 2006, an Honorary Doctorate of Arts from the University of Brighton in the UK in July 2012, and

We are establishing and immersive theatre venture which will launch

more recently to celebrate The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee,

in mid 2019. To encourage artists and the music business as a whole

Harvey received the Diamond Award for his contribution to

to pay more attention to its heritage and engage with The British

the Arts in the UK.

Music Experience (BME).

Harvey is Chairman of The British Music Experience, the UK’s

The BME is the UK’s only museum of British contemporary music, it

only Museum of contemporary music and in September 2018

resides in the Cunard Building in Liverpool and should be supported

became the non-executive Chairman of YM & U (formerly

more by the whole industry.

James Grant Group). Harvey sits on many boards including Editorial Intelligence, Captive Health and Investment Board


of Edge VCT. Harvey is also on the Board of ImagineNation, a

What artist would you like to see reunited for a tour in 2019

Dutch immersive theatre company.

and why? Mott the Hoople best band ever


Wenn unvorhergesehenes ein loch in ihr BuDgeT reissT. novitas. Wir versichern Veranstaltungen.




Music In Shares Recap 2018 Manfred Tari

Pump Up The Volume - Emotionally Volatile This recap of the business year 2018

sector faces a decline of 17.17 percent. On

companies all over the world. This was

revealed some strange insights.The ongoing

December 28 2017, the share price remained

however, also affected by the general nervous

trade war between the US and the rest

at 38.66 Euro, peaking in mid July with a

mood of investors towards the end of 2018.

of the world impacted on international

share price of 43.86 Euro and decreasing

In December 2017, it’s share price stood at

stock markets and ...caused an even more

further towards December 28 2018 with a

$42.81, by November 8 2018 it reached

impressive cash burn rate.

share price of 32.58 Euro.

$57.43 and then within a few weeks only dropped to $48.82....... Such impressive

Towards the end of 2018, pretty much all

The company still had a market capitalisation

relevant stock market indices such as the

of 3.08 billion Euro but the long upward

DAX, Dow Jones and FTSE100 indicated

trend for this share was interrupted.

losses. In more detail, since December 2017,

movements need emotionally stable investors. The market cap on the day this story went to print still stood at $10.17 billion.

these stock market barometers dropped.

At least DEAG’s share gained a tiny increase.

Taking into consideration the overall trillions

Currently around 3.10 Euro, within twelve

One of the most emotional share price

of investment in shares, the losses were

months, the share price gained an increase of

developments in 2018 was that of Spotify.

significant. The Dow Jones down just 6.6%,

1.6%, moving up from 57.3 Euro. However,

The ups and downs of this company said a

the FTSE100 -13.5% and the DAX -20.5%.

the market cap is only just 57.3 million Euro

lot about the speculative character of the

Besides mainly solid business results reported

which for a company with an expected

financal community. The company undertook

by stock market listed music companies, this

turnover of 200 Euro, is really far too little for

its stock market debut at the beginning of

development of course affects the share price


April. On April 4, the closing bell at NYSE

levels of these companies.

recorded a share price of of $144.22. In 2018, Live Nation reached new levels


The shares of CTS Eventim appeared to be a

of revenues, following a growth strategy

Between then and August, the share price

solid gainer for years But at the end of 2018

that fed the requirements of analysts and

rose towards $198.99, before gradually

the crown jewel of the European live music

institutional investors when buying concert

descending to as little as $113.88!




The market cap before the end of the year

to $29.36. Nevertheless this company is

12. The IPO has been rescheduled twice and

was still $20.5 billion.

considered to have a market cap of $2.29

hoped to gain $1.2 billion.

billion. Since its debut on NYSE on September 20,





Nevertheless, the company considered The newest newbie appears to be Chinese

to have a market share of 56 percent for

experienced a closing price of $36.50, a


music streaming in China has market cap

share price decline and then fell further

Cashing in $1.1 billion at NYSE on December





of $22 billion.

What’s in the pipeline for 2019? Taking into consideration the fact that external investments are

to be expected as international stock markets currently don’t deliver

currently floating the live music industry, sooner or later one or the

the profit margins that investors usually take for granted for their

other IPO’s of such companies is to be expected. Newly prominent

kind of activities.

names such as Superstruct, backed by the investment firm Providence Equity Partners, already swallowed festivals such as Sziget, Sonar

The most interesting update on these developments, which will

and Flow Festival. China Media Capital already purchased a

have a significant impact on the internal settings of the live music

minority stake in CAA in 2017 while the Dutch investment company

market, is to be expected to take place at ILMC 2019. As part

and the Waterland Private Equity formed a new consortium of six

of the conference agenda one session will cover the aspect of

Scandinavian concert companies among them are Blixten, ICO

“Industry Investment: The power broker.” This will be an exciting

Concerts and Maloney Concerts.

new chapter when these fellows, besides promising forecasts, will discover things such as how stage riders and contract details might

The magic term therefore is “exit-strategy”, with investors cashing in

lead to lower profits. A fact which, from an investors perspective,

for the capital they once invested. But sooner rather than later, it is

is totally forbidden...


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CALENDAR 2019 January Eurosonic Noorderslag : Groningen, The Netherlands · 16-20 January ·

February by:larm : Oslo, Norway · 28 February - 2 March ·

March ILMC: London, UK - 5-8 March · Tallinn Music Week: Tallinn, Estonia · 25-31 March ·

May c/o pop: Cologne, Germany · 1-5 May · The Great Escape: Brighton, UK · 9-11 May · Primavera Pro: Barcelona, Spain · 29 May - 2 June ·

June MIDEM: Cannes, France · 4-7 June ·

September Plasa Show: London, UK · 15-17 September · Reeperbahn Festival: Hamburg, Germany · 18-21 September · International Festival Forum: London, UK · 24-26 September · Waves Vienna: Vienna, Austria · 26-28 September ·

October Music & Media: Tampere, Finland 3-4 October · MaMA Event: Paris, France · 16-18 October · Amsterdam Dance Event: Amsterdam, The Netherlands · 16-21 October · WOMEX: Tampere, Finland · 23-27 October · BIME Pro: Bilbao, Spain · 30 October - 1 November ·

November Sonic Visions: Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg · Dates t.b.a. ·


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