VIP-News Premium - January 2017

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So – welcome to the first issue of VIP News in

never appeared because their fee was better

shows fail, people continue to buy enormous

an odd numbered year which is sure to yield

spent being donated to charity….? Actually,

amounts of tickets at primary, and still it

some odd happenings both in our business

I’ve worked with bands like that… However

seems, secondary, prices, and concert halls

and in the world in general. A certain Mr

the departing incumbent - by the way did

and festivals generally fill up. Even terrorism

Trump will I’m sure be involved with many of

you know his surname in reverse is the Latin

and shootings, though these outrages

these predicted shenanigans (it just felt right

for ‘I will love’? – had no problems in booking

continue, with the shootings in Istanbul,

to use that word somehow!) The new leader

a turn for his exit bash. He just held open the

Orlando and Playa del Carmen, Mexico, are

of the Western World, as we must now

door, and in walked the Boss (he’d been

not enough to put them off completely.

consider him, has nor started his tenure with

quite a regular visitor over the last few years),

Prodiss, the association of French promoters,

the blessings of the live music industry I think

guitar at the ready, to deliver a 15-song


it’s safe to say… Madonna even ‘thought’

farewell gig for the president and his staff. I

audiences at live shows (as opposed to

about blowing up The White House following

think that says something – don’t you…

festivals specifically) declined slightly in 2016

his installation – but I believe her when she



says although

(-4%), a greater proportion of French people

said it was a metaphorical threat don’t you?

Talking of Bruce, he’d had quite a good year

now feel attending concerts is important

Attempts to secure a leading act to entertain

altogether, he and the E-Street Band finished

to combat the “atmosphere of crisis” that

those lined up to attend the inauguration ball

up as the highest-grossing musical act of

has prevailed since the Bataclan massacre in

resulted in all sorts of refusals and rejections,

2016 according to our friends at Pollstar

November 2015. We should be proud of our

finishing up with a ‘legendary act’ which

Magazine. The tour generated $268.3m


from sales of 2.4m ticket sales. While we’re in determined and optimistic

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480


Beyoncé came second in the world, but first

mode, one other heartening observation

in the US. Coldplay came third overall, but

in London at least, is that the number of

sold more tickets, 2.7m in fact – now why

grassroots gig venues has remained stable

does that remind me of the way the US

for the first time in a decade! Over the

Presidential election panned out? And yes,

past ten years the City lost about a third of

The Stones were in there again, and Mick still

its smaller venues. However, Londoners,

had time to have another child! So, overall,

tourists, the Mayor Sadiq Khan, and our new

much as 2016 had its problems, terrorism,

Night Mayor, are happy to hear that research

festival weather, not to mention the demise

found 94 venues operating last November –

of a distressing number of artists, the

the same figure as November 2015, with new

business itself, like the Stones, boogies on.

sites opening to replace those lost!

For the 10th consecutive year since opening its doors in 2007, The O2 topped the

So how was 2016 for you and your businesses,

worldwide venues list with more than 1.5

and what are your aspirations for the year?

million tickets sold in 2016!

Let us know. In the meantime, having only just really recovered from Eurosonic, and

It seems that whatever happens audiences

preparing for Where’s the Music in Sweden

stay determined to go to the shows they

next week – I can’t imagine it’ll be colder than

want to see, although there are occasional

Brighton right now – Ladies and Gentlemen I

drop offs in attendance, and of course some

leave you with The News!



Second Bucharest Nightclub Fire Allan McGowan Following the fatal fire at the City’s Colectiv

fire at Bamboo earlier that day, issuing

Club in 2015, The Bamboo nightclub in

nearly 45,000 euros in fines and shutting

Bucharest was destroyed this weekend in

one venue down on safety grounds

a fire injuring more than 40 people. There were claims that smokers in the venue

Local promoter Codruta Vulcu told VIP

started the fire. It was also claimed that the

News that the two clubs were very

club did not have an operating license.

different, the Bamboo was an expensive, up-market club which was burnt to the

A number of venues were closed in the

ground, with even the metal structure

Romanian capital over safety concerns

collapsing and buckling. Codruta said,

after 64 people were killed in the fire of


the Colectiv club in 2015. Four of the five

happened, whereas it was obvious with the

members of the band playing at Colectiv

Colectiv venue. The Bamboo didn’t have a

on that night, Goodbye To Gravity, were

license but legally it didn’t have to have

among the fatalities.

one till June 30th” She continued, “After

a mobile ambulance on hand within 15

the Colectiv fire the authorities checked

minutes of the emergency calls.








Codruta Vulcu


out all the clubs to make sure they had new

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said

exits etc. They imposed strict regulations,

From June 30 a written license to operate

that Bucharest had been “very close to

so this was what saved things from being

will be required in Bucharest. Codruta

another big tragedy; rules and laws have

worse at The Bamboo. The changes to

is a member of the new promoter’s

apparently been broken again”.

doors and exits allowed people to get out

organization that has has been working

in time, some people said that nothing had

with the venues and the authorities, to

Local media report that the authorities

changed but it did otherwise many would

improve all aspects of club, concert and

staged spot checks on 162 clubs across

have died!” Apparently the authorities

festival promotions, including health and

Romania on Saturday night following the

had 35 ambulances, fire trucks, and even

safety of course.

Bamboo Nightlub


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Sziget Festival sold From VIP-Daily News U.S. based private equity firm Providence

controlled more than half of the local festival

James Barton, former president of electronic

Equity Partners has bought a 70 percent

market, but international growth was too

music for Live Nation and founder of

stake in Hungarian Sziget Festival, aiming to

expensive, Sziget founder and co-owner

Creamfields Festival.

expand the events internationally.

Karoly Gerendai said. Providence




Sziget draws about 500,000 people every

“Now we can dream big,” Gerendai, whose

agreements of the Formula One car race

year to its flagship event in Budapest and

team will retain a 30 percent stake in the

series, and has other stakes in businesses

thousands more to half a dozen other

company, told a news briefing.

from sports to entertainment, opening new

festivals around Hungary. Now in its 25th

synergies for Sziget, Gerendai said.

season, it has received several “best festival”


titles from the European Festival Awards.

management rights and operational control




retain Sziget had total revenue of about 10 billion

of the festivals of the Sziget brand.

forints ($34.6 million) in 2015, and Gerendai

Rhode Island`s Providence, which has

told the daily Vilaggazdasag last year that he

total assets of about $47 billion under

The team will be supported by several

expected 2016 revenues to be higher, with

management, expects to build a portfolio of

international festival promoters such as

an EBITDA of around 1 billion forints in 2016.

about eight to 10 festivals in a few years, said Paul Bedford, a Providence representative. “This was a cornerstone acquisition for us,” Bedford said. “We have in mind a federation of festival brands. They will work together as much and as often as they want to. There is some strength in numbers in this game.” The companies did not disclose a purchase price. The new investors will take the Sziget brand

Sziget Festival

global, they said. In Hungary, the firm has

Further Investigation of the Ticketing Sector Allan McGowan International scrutiny of the ticketing sector,

took place on Jan 26th in Milan. The event

investigation into the country’s ticketing

particularly in reference to the secondary

attracted a sizeable international delegation.

sector. The government agency says it

market is hoting up.

(Manfred Tari will file a report in the next

will investigate “suspected breaches of


competition law in relation to the provision of

In Italy, where regulatory measures have

tickets and the operation of ticketing services

been recently introduced, ‘No Secondary

The latest country to take action is Ireland,

for live events. The investigation will focus

Ticketing International Conference’ instituted

where the Competition and Consumer

primarily on potentially anti-competitive

by promoter Claudio Trotta of Barley Arts

Protection Commission has announced an









involved in providing tickets and ticketing

a public consultation on the issues around

services, promoters and venues”.


Secondary ticketing has been a talking point

Though the CCPC investigation will seemingly

in Ireland of late, as in the UK and elsewhere,

go further than that. The watchdog said

with particular chatter about how quickly

yesterday: “As part of the investigation, the

tickets for U2’s show at Croke Park in Dublin

CCPC has issued witness summonses and

later this year sold out, before appearing

formal requirements for information to a

at majorly hiked up prices on the touting

number of parties involved in the sector. The

platforms. Irish MPs called for regulation

CCPC welcomes contacts from parties in the

of the ticket resale sector earlier this week

sector who may have information that they

as the country’s government announced

feel is relevant to the investigation”

Claudio Trotta

Eventim launch Vaddi Concerts From VIP-Daily News German Ticketing giant Eventim has launched a subsidiary live music

Festival in Freiburg since 2007. Koko & DTK is now believed to be

promotions business, Vaddi Concerts GmbH, in Germany’s Freiburg

falling into liquidation following Oßwald’s exit. Alongside Oßwald,


the joint Managing Director of Vaddi Concerts will be Dr. Frithjof Pils.

Vaddi Concerts becomes part of Eventim’s Medusa Music Group

According to Eventim, the duo will “take care of a wide-ranging

arm, and will be run by Managing Director Marc Oßwald (pictured).

event program in Baden-Wuerttemberg and the surrounding

Oßwald became known through his activity as manager and

regions in Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland and France”. In addition

promoter of Dieter Thomas Kuhn & Band.

to the location in Freiburg a second office is planned to open in Tuebingen in September 2017.

Since 2001, he managed the affairs of Koko & DTK Entertainment GmbH before leaving in Q3 2016. He has also led the Zelt Musik

Marc Oßwald said: “I’m looking forward to the new challenge as a part of the CTS EVENTIM-group! We will build a strong team which

Marc Oßwald

will ultimately benefit the whole region.” Dr. Frithjof Pils added: “We are happy to have won, with Oßwald, another outstanding promoter personality for our activities. His experience and network will help us to quickly develop Vaddi Concerts into a major force in the south-west German live event scene.” More than 140 million tickets for more than 200,000 events are marketed annually via EVENTIM group systems.Music Business Worldwide.

Need to know who is touring Europe? Go online -





German Collecting Agency for Promoters Neighbouring Rights Publishes First Tariffs Allan McGowan

In autumn 2014, the Gesellschaft zur

to learn that the clock runs much slower in

events. As a collecting society for event



this business and that one needs a lot of

organisers in Germany and other European

(“Collecting Agency for Promoters’ Rights”,


patience. I’m glad that this is the second

countries, the GWVR is thus safeguarding

GWVR) became the thirteenth German

major step after the official approval for the

the event organiser’s ancillary copyright

collecting society to be approved by the

society makes sure that event organisers

according to Paragraph 81 of the German

German Patent and Trademark Office. The

finally will receive first payments.”

Copyright Act for all recordings of events

GWVR has now set rates for the licensing

exploited in Germany. The sole proprietor

of audio and audiovisual recording media.

In addition to concerts, the GWVR audio

of the GWVR is the Bundesverband der

These rates were published on 25 January

and audiovisual rates apply to recordings of

Veranstaltungswirtschaft (“German Federal

2017 in the German Federal Gazette. They

comedy shows, cabaret, revues, musicals,

Association of Event Organisers”, bdv). “By

regulate the amount promoters receive for

opera, theatre and other events. With their

efficiently safeguarding their rights, event

live recordings of their events when they

publication in the German Federal Gazette

organisers will for the first time be able to

are released on CD, DVD or BluRay. “Both,

the rates are in effect. “It finally became an

enjoy a lasting benefit from their services

the approval process for the society and

economic reality that event organisers have

that allows them to generate a long-term

the discussions on setting the rates were

ancillary copyright to their events and can

profit – as opposed to fleeting success from

quite difficult and time-consuming,” said Dr

have a reasonable share in the proceeds of

individual concerts,” said bdv President

Johannes Ulbricht, Director of the GWVR.

the commercial exploitation,” says Ulbricht.

Prof. Jens Michow, commenting on the new

“But in my position at the GWVR, I’ve had

Further rates and comprehensive contracts


for usage online and for radio and television broadcasts of event recordings are to follow

Should you have any further questions,

in the near future. In addition, the GWVR is

please do not hesitate to contact GWVR at

working on developing distribution schemes

any time.

and concluding collection agreements as well as processing a growing stream of Gesellschaft zur Wahrnehmung

membership applications.

von Veranstalterrechten mbH

Jens Michow

The Gesellschaft für die Wahrnehmung

Postfach 20 23 64, 20216 Hamburg



Tel.: +49 (0) 40 – 41 30 52 78

the Safeguarding of Organisers’ Rights”,

Fax: +49 (0) 40 – 46 88 14 17

GWVR) was founded in order to allow


promoters to share in the profits generated











The 2016 Experience And Other Observations On The Concert Market In Sweden Manfred Tari The






international media awareness in 2016 was this year’s edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, held on May 14 in the Globe Arena in Stockholm. According to the promoter European Broadcasting Union (EBU) the event attracted European-wide recognition from more than 200 million viewers. This 61st edition was staged in Sweden after the Swedish singer Måns Zelmerlöw won the previous contest held one year before in Vienna.

Måns Zelmerlöw

However, the Swedish live music sector is doing well in recent years after undergoing a market consolidation, particularly in the

sector. According to STIM the revenue

the live music sector. At least no bigger

festival sector, from 2010 to 2013. Figures

results for this part of the music sector alone

bankruptcies occurred, but there are other

for the business year 2015 by Musik Sverige

went up14 per cent. From 2014 to 2015.

difficulties and challenges the industry

revealed a revenue result of 4,8 billion

has had to cope with. Unlike most other

Swedish Cronas, contributing 53 per cent

However, industry insiders say that 2016

European countries Gender issues played a

to the total revenue of the Swedish music

also appears to have been a good year for

bigger role than elsewhere. Gender equality in Sweden has a high priority in politics and society and also became meaningful for the music sector, rather as a guideline than any compulsory regulation, amongst promoters who confirm in discussion that they nowadays receive requests from journalists, as to whether or not they have booked an equitable number of female artists for their festivals. The same goes also for speakers at conference programmes or the number of employees at companies. In fact Sweden therewith raises an issue that in the international music business until now has been widely neglected, as so far no female CEO, neither at a corporate record or a live music company has ever

Swedish festival market doing better


been appointed. In line with this movement awareness amongst Swedish female artists



is rising. At the beginning of the year the

about five rape cases and other cases of

and Säljerydsfestival near Växjö. The media

blog released an overview of

sexual harassments that took place during

awareness for this issue is also backed by

notable female artists currently doing well

the festival.

statistics, saying that Denmark and Sweden

in Sweden. On the list are artists such as

have the highest rate of sexual assaults in

Hanna Järver, Iman, Mabel, Beri, Adée,

Besides the overall success of the event, the

the EU.

Léon, Toxe, Nola, Miynt, Lava Bangs and

postings by Mumford & Sons on Facebook

Ana Diaz. Remarkably is all of them are

caused wide-ranging international media

However, the Way Out West festival

delivering high quality repertoire in terms of

coverage especially in US-media and led

promoted by Luger, a subsidy of Live Nation

song writing and production standards.

to FKP Scorpio releasing a press statement,

Sweden attracted 33.000 visitors to its tenth

reporting on their efforts of extensive

anniversary edition, a new visitor record. The

Anther aspect drawing media attention is

security and safety measures on the festival

event takes places in Gothenburg in August

the incidence of sexual crimes at live music

site. Among others, in spring prior to the

and featured headliners such as Morrisey,

events. Due to very strict laws in Sweden

event the promoters launched an awareness

Libertines and Massive Attack. But like some

any sort of sexual harassment is considered

campaign entitled, “We Are The Festival - Vi

festivals elsewhere in Europe Way Out West

as a case of rape. The Swedish Branch of

Är Festivalen”, informing the audience and

had to cope with bad weather conditions

the CTS Eventim company FKP Scorpio is

the entire staff of the event how to behave

this year. Way Out West is an inner city

promoting Bravalla, which within just four

responsibly and respectfully at the event.

festival, the festival concept for Putte i

years became the biggest music festival in

Parken is takes place in four cities. Besides

Sweden. For the current edition with 52.300

Nevertheless, although the police considered

Karlstad it is also staged in July between

visitors the promoter reacted to complaints

the current edition of the Bravalla-festival

Hune in Örebro, Leksand and Stockholm.

by the bands Mumford & Sons, Rammstein

the “safest and calmest festival ever” other

The free event this year gained a total visitor

and Volbeat , headliners of the festival,

festival promoters have been confronted

figure of 250.000.

saying that the band intended to boycott

with media reports, questioning the risk

the event in the future, if the promoter

of sexual violence incidents at live music

Just Last November Live Nation announced

and the police did not increase their efforts

events. Amongst others there have been

a take over of Sweden Rock Festival. The

to prevent sexual crimes at this festival.

media reports about sexual crimes at the

metal festival has a capacity of 33.000

Mumford & Sons referred to the news

festival edition Putte i Parken in Karlstad

visitors now the sixth festival promoted by

Håkan Hellström at Ullevi




the Swedish branch of the concert global

Tele2 Arena, Friends Arena in Stockholm,

especially for the lower financed level of the

player, besides Way Out West, The Island


music sector are on hand.

Festival, Popaganda, Stockholm Music &

Trädgår’n, Lisebergshallen, Scandinavium in

Arts and Summerburst.

Gothenburg and Babel, KB, Malmö Arena,

Sweden which is often considered to be

Malmö Live in Malmö. Interestingly the

following progressive policies appears very

Live Nation operates more than 80 festivals

Malmö Arena is faced with a new nearby

conservative in comparison, even ignoring

worldwide. The 25th edition of Sweden

competitor, with the opening of the Royal

the fact that the music sector as part of the

Rock, held in mid June obtained 33.000

Arena in Copenhagen in February 2017

creative industries as an industry on a par




visitors, featuring headlining artists such as Slayer, Anthrax and Queen + Adam Lambert.

with the film or art sector, is supposed to Also Live Nation who also owns the

receive appropriate development support

ticketing company Ticketmaster announced


The biggest Swedish concert in 2016 was

in September the launch of branches of

promoted by Hakan Hellström at Ullevi. At

the secondary ticketing portal Seatwave,


the beginning of June Hellstörm improved

a Ticketmaster subsidiary, in Sweden and


his previous record of 69.300 concert visitors

Finland. A spokesperson of the live music


in 2014 this year pulling in 70090 visitors. In

organisation Livemusik Sverige said that

music promoters to benefit from music

total for two shows on June 4.& 5. he sold

the Ministry of Justice, unlike in Denmark,

tourism arising from festivals and music

130.000 tickets. Previously the concerts by

France, Italy or the UK currently does


Hellström were promoted by Live Nation,

not intend to launch a law against the


but for his new shows in 2017 FKP Scorpio

unauthorized resale of tickets in Sweden.

MoKS, (Musik- och Kulturföreningarnas

will take over as his new promoter. An



Nordic of






organisation of


working on








Samarbetsorganisation) an association for

insider told Music & Copyright that this

Currently high on the political agenda of

non-profit music and culture organisations.

deal indicates just how corporate concert

Livemusik Sverige is a campaign entitled

The leading music conferences are Sweden

companies have changed the business

“We are still playing pop (but we are about

Live held in January 2017 in Linköping,

settings in the live music sector in Sweden,

to die).” The campaign is addressing the

backed among others by Blixten & Co,

when financially strong players can afford to

conservative culture policy in Sweden that

Headstomp, LifeLine, Live Nation/Luger,

gain significant advantage by laying out the

considers all types of popular music, apart

United Stage, 2Entertain and Livemusik

sort of fees that headlining artists demand

from classical music or jazz as being not

Sverige and the showcase festival Where’s

these days. While the competition between

eligible for funding or support. Politicians

the Music promoted by FKP Scorpio in

Live Nation and FKP Scorpio enters a new

in Sweden apparently consider popular

February 2017 in Norrköping. Its 2016

stage, there are still other promoters such

music as being commercial, differently

edition pulled 4702 festival goers, 471

as United Stage, Blixten & Co, Appelgren +

than in France, the Netherlands and lately

delegates and staged 120 concerts at 11

Friedner, Triffid and Danger Concerts and

even Germany, where supporting schemes


Rootsy Music serving the Swedish concert market. On the club level the departure of the well known concert venue Debases Medis in Stockholm at the end of the year marks another trend. As in most bigger cities in Europe concert venues come under pressure due to gentrification and significantly increased prices for real estates in urban areas. The 1.000 capacity concert hall Debaser Medis will leave a gap for concerts of this size in Stockholm. Other notable venues and arenas in Sweden are Debaser Strand, Södra Teatren, Kägelbanan, Cirkus, Berns, Ericsson Globe,



KB Malmø



Tallinn Music Week launched the new festival season with a new design and website From VIP-Daily News

Tallinn Music Week (TMW) launched its new website with the design of the upcoming festival edition. The website of the biggest Nordic city festival was created by design studio Velvet, the author of the new visual identity is designer Mariana Hint-Rääk.

The task of the new design was to

layers. The festival audience oriented outer

other channels Gurov used a punk-inspired



layer of TMW is the enjoyment of a packed

DIY ethics, a more abstract visual language

the main topics of this year’s festival:

entertainment programme from music to

and handy tools – spoon, grass, paper knife,

sustainable development in all its facets

design and food. However there is always

dishwashing sponge, match and whiteboard

from environmental sustainability to urban

a deeper meaning and impact behind. All

marker – to create the illustration.

development, from cohesive communities

these colorful parts of the programme

to promotion of equal rights.

compile a many-fold entertainment as

The new visual continues the traditional

well as honest and critical analysis of the

two-colour combination in order to make

processes in society.”

the festival recognisable around the city.



Mariana Hint-Rääk designed an identity

The main colours are bright dark pink and

based on the symbol of portals. Mariana says

The illustration that opens behind the portal

the visual developed from moving between

was created by the graphic designer and

the several layers and levels of TMW: “The

street artist Viktor Gurov.

image of portals is the main element as it

grey that is balancing the intensity. With the new visual also a new official font “GT Eesti” has been adapted by TMW.

symbolises the movement from the bright

To stand out from the text and photo based

facade of the festival towards deeper

shiny surface of the festival’s website and

The international font designers group Grilli Type, led by Reto Moser, derived the new font from the Cold War era graphic phenomena “Zhurnalnaya Roublennaya“ and Soviet era Estonian children’s books while making it modern and dynamic as is fit for the festival. The font exists in Latin and Cyrillic letters. More info: The new website of TMW was created by design office Velvet. The main aim has been to design a practical assistant for festival

Tallinn Music Week Photo by Tonu Tunnel


guests as well as delegates and artists by enabling easy navigation between different festival layers, artist presentations and web



shop. The web follows the logic of the new

from 27th March to 2nd April will present

department of Estonian Academy of Arts.

visual by consisting of different layers and

the music festival line-up and two-day

TMW 2017 is presented by Nordea bank,

portals that allow to look underneath the

industry conference, a series of free City

the partners are Telia and Spotify, Estonian


Stage concerts, a selection of eateries

Ministry of Culture, Estonian Enterprise,

within TMW Tastes; TMW Arts programme,

Eesti Meedia and Nordic Hotel Forum.

TMW 2017 programme will be launched on

curated by the Estonian Contemporary

the website on 1st February together with

Arts Development Centre, Design Market

The multi-genre festival programme of

My Festival Schedule tool.

showcasing the most exciting Baltic and

about 200 local and international artists will

Scandinavian brands and designs, TMW

be released on 2nd February.

Tallinn Music Week (TMW) is a weeklong

Talks series with topics from music to science

celebration of talent, curiosity, creativity,

and societal issues, and City Space activities

Additional information:

freedom and equality. This year’s edition

in collaboration with the interior architecture

Voting Season For The Best German Concert Club Manfred Tari

Livekomm, Backstage Pro, Clubs am Main and Musikmesse Frankfurt have launched online voting for the best concert club in Germany. Livekomm, the leading organisation for





together with its partners will celebrate the Backstage Club Award on April 5 in the Milchsackfabrik venue in Frankfurt. The event is part of the programme surrounding the Musikmesse Frankfurt, a fair for music instruments and other technical music goodies. The voting is divided in to three categories




Club”, “Backstage Of The Year” and “Club Of The Year.” Votes can be submitted on:




Dua Lipa wins EBBA Public Choice Award Allan McGowan The winners of the 2017 European Border

European festivals, including Lowlands,

The EBBA are funded under the European

Breakers Awards (the ‘EBBA’), the European

Frequency, Pukkelpop and Way Out West

Union’s (EU) Creative Europe programme.

music awards for emerging artists, were

and charted in countries such as Denmark,

With the EBBA, the European Union wishes

honoured at the Eurosonic Noorderslag

The Netherlands, Germany and Austria.

to highlight the success of 10 emerging

festival in the Dutch city of Groningen.

European artists in selling albums and

Dua Lipa came out as the big winner of the

The EBBA show also featured outstanding

evening, taking away the ‘Public Choice

performances by all 2017 winners:

touring outside their home territory.

Award’ by an overwhelming amount of online voters.

Alan Walker (no), Jaakko Eino Kalevi (fi), Namika (de), Hinds (es), Filous (at), Jain

Dua Lipa is a cool singer-songwriter from

(fr), Dua Lipa (gb), Natalie La Rose (nl) and

London, who writes love songs with a grand

Walking on Cars (ie). Also, and EBBA was

sound and a twist: strings, melancholic

awarded to Era Istrefi (al). In the upcoming

lyrics, electronic beats and dark, sensuous

year the EBBA TV show will be broadcast by

vocals. Hits include Be The One, Last Dance

several European public channels.

and Hotter Than Hell, proving that Dua Lipa is a mature artist in her own right, Over the

Parts of the show can be watched through

last year, she performed at a multitude of

the EBBA’s Youtube channel.

Dua Lipa EBBA Awards 2017 By Jorn Baars

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Eurosonic Noorderslag Opens the 2017 Conference Season Manfred Tari The 31st edition of this music highly

official press conference of. ETEP initiated by

and resulted in a working paper “The AB



Eurosonic together with Yourope and the

MUSIC Working Group Report” , to be

proceeded as ever in Groningen on January

European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in 2003

found on here:

11-14, with 4,200 delegates in attendance,

is without any doubt the most successful

slightly up on the figure of 4.124 in 2016.

and effective support programme for the


The packed conference agenda delivered

circulation of artists in Europe. It is one of


some new insights and information on

the very few initiatives dedicated to popular

what currently concerns the music sector

music that even receives funding from the

It is a tricky and very ambitious political

in Europe. While the European issue except

EU-programme Creative Europe.




for one meaningful panel was perhaps





Commission itself. Driving forces behind this

underplayed, other sessions like the special

Staying in line with the subject of Europe

panel has were Fabien Miclet, coordinator

programme “Music Meets Tech” delivered

the most notable panel to be mentioned

of the programme also funded by Creative

the more sensational stuff.

was the one entitled Music Moves Europe.

Europe, Liveurope, a support scheme for

This panel delivered an update on the

club concerts in 12 European concert venues

Other sensations were delivered by the

current situation regarding the intention

and Peter Smidt, founder of Eurosonic

European Talent Exchange Program (ETEP)

to launch within upcoming budget period

Noorderslag and creative director of the

for which a new all-time record of 500 artist

of the European Union a made to measure

industry event.

bookings for festivals was reported. In 2016

support programme for the music sector.

the number of bookings amounted to 404

First consultations and hearings with music

In recognition of the importance of this

as Christof Huber, chairman of the festival

industry representatives went on in the time


organisation Yourope reported at the event’s

frame from December 2015 to June 2016

released a press release with statements




by the speakers on this panel: Anna Hildur, head of the European Music Export Exchange Network (EMEE), emphasized the ‘important steps that have been taken in the last months to materialise and develop a common position in the view of establishing a proper EU music programme by 2020.’ ‘Over the last twelve months, six meetings and workshops involving representatives of the music sector have taken place in Brussels, Cannes, Lyon and Groningen,’ said Fabien Miclet: ‘These events enabled the commission to better assess the long-tem needs of European music.’ ‘The European Commission is committed to creating the right conditions for music stakeholders at EU level. We are very happy with the work that has been done

Panel at Eurosonic

so far, and we look forward to a continued dialogue in the coming months and years’,




said Barbara Gessler, Head of Unit for the

of Europe have installed something for the

culture programme of Creative Europe at

music sector in the future.

the EC. With this in mind it was a bit obvious that Matthieu Philibert of IMPALA described

more panels and debates dealing with

‘a favourable political climate and a good

European and other political issues was

momentum for the music sector at EU

missing. 2017 is spiked with elections in the

level” and a “great working spirit within

Netherlands, France and Germany. But unlike

the sector’. The Commission welcomed the

in the US, where many prominent artists

efforts of the sector to work collectively.

actively ventured their concerns regarding

‘We have to continue building on this

the policies of the recently inaugurated US

dynamic’ said Barbara Gessler.

president Trump, it seems that in Europe only a minority of artists have undertaken

Helen Sildna, founder and director of

significant efforts to protest against populist

Tallinn Music Week, noted: ‘Music is a very

movements by neo-nationalists who wish to

important tool of soft power diplomacy,

change the current political landscape.

since it brings people together around

Matthieu Philibert of IMPALA

of us expected. Another one is ticketingpayments with the online currency “bitcoin”

creativity. In a uncertain world, it’s in

However, it became exciting when Frank

that furthermore includes the possibility for

the EU’s interest to unleash music’s full


promoters to actively ban illegal secondary

potential.’ She added: ‘This is about the

reported on some of the results of the

future of music in Europe, but also about

keynote speeches and panels that took place

the future of Europe itself.’

during the “Music Meets Tech”-sessions at

Yes, there were plenty of other panels

Eurosonic Noorderslag. Lucassen explained

and keynotes, but to discover Eurosonic

Being aware of that the majority of folks

the features of the latest tech innovations

Noorderslag in full detail it simply needs

from the music sector in general do not

in process. Among other tekkies one was

a much bigger editorial team.

show so much passion for political issues

experimenting with artificial intelligence

the rank and files of the European live

and especially not so much for a common

able to compose songs. This certainly is a

music sector headed as usual at Eurosonic

Europe, this panel at least provided a sign

development where science fiction became

Noorderslag in full swing into the New Year.

of hope that in the best case the officials

reality more quickly than probably most

Let’s hope it will be good one...







Helen Sildna, founder and director of Tallinn Music Week





UK Music CEO to step down

New Director for Midem

From VIP-Daily News

From VIP-Daily News

Trade body UK Music’s chief executive, Jo

Under her leadership, UK Music successfully






Dipple, will stand down in June 2017 after

challenged BIS in the courts over new

Alexandre Deniot has joined Reed Midem as

five years as CEO.

copyright legislation, helped introduce a

Director of its annual music industry trade

Live Music Act, amended DCLG planning

conference, Midem. Deniot replaces Bruno

Dipple, who will continue to run the

law, launched an anti-piracy education

Crolot who left Midem after five years in

organisation until June, previously spent


July 2015 and has since been named MD of

three years as the trade body`s head of

and Wish You Were Here and prevented

government relations.


published from





France and Benelux for Spotify.


services. “UK Music will attract the very highest

Midem’s new boss brings with him over 15 years of experience within the music sector,

candidate to take this role,” she said.

“Her work in launching the UK Music

mainly at Universal Music Group where

“It is a unique body with an exceptional

Skills Academy led to a sea-change in

he was Business Development Director for

membership. I am privileged to have

training strategy for the sector. Seventy

UMG’s Paris-based digital division.

worked with successful industry bosses and

new apprenticeship jobs were created and

supremely talented musicians and creators.

there exists now a structured approach to

Deniot started his career in the music

Music is part emotion and part business and

improving entry-level access, ensuring open

business in 2001 as part of Sony Music

the UK gets both right over and over again.

recruitment and driving diversity policies.

Entertainment’s sales marketing team in

The founders of UK Music were determined

Lyon, France.

to secure the very best regulatory landscape

“Jo has built an outstanding team full of

for this outstanding industry. Its members

talent and ambition and has made UK Music

Commenting on his new role, he said:

will continue to bring a practical and

into a highly visible presence. I have really

“This is an exciting time to join the Midem

business-like approach to opportunities and

enjoyed working with her over the course of

team. Midem has faced the same challenges

challenges ahead.”

more than eight years.”

as the global music industry. Midem has

UK Music chairman Andy Heath added: “Jo

UK Music will now begin the process of

with the music ecosystem. It is resolutely

has led the organisation to robust health.

searching for Dipple’s successor.

international, resolutely business-oriented

the foundations to grow again, in line

and resolutely committed to innovation.“

Jo Dipple

Midem 2017 will take place in Cannes, France, June 6 – 9.

Alexandre Deniot







Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim - Strengthen The Defense Line

Live Nation - Still Hungry For Festivals

CTS Eventim is creating new assets and management strategies in

The festival BottleRock in Napa Valley is the latest newcomer to the

order to keep investors happy and able to set something against

list of festivals belonging to Live Nation. The event is supposed to

the success of Live Nation in Europe. Among others it took Simon

pull around 120000 visitors and featuring besides headliners such

Lewis on the board, the former “President of Sponsorship and

as Foo Fighters, Maroon 5 and Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers an

Concerts for Live Nation Europe”, to form a new division for

extensive food and wine programme. Live Nation purchased a

marketing partnerships and sponsorships.

majority stake from the promoter Latitude 38 Entertainment. The upcoming edition to be held on May 26-28 is already sold out, but

The news became public two weeks after Lars Oliver Vogt of

of course is offering tickets with some sort of a mark up on its

the German company Sponsor People announced his new role

secondary ticketing platform.

as the head of the newly formed company “Live Nation Brand Partnership and Media GmbH.” In previous years Vogt looked after

In the UK Live Nation completed its deal with Metropolis, one of

the sponsoring for MLK festivals such as Rock Am Ring and Rock

the biggest promoters in the UK which also is a stakeholder of the

im Park as well as for events by FKP Scorpio such as Hurricane and


Southside. The share of Live Nation went up from $27.24 to $ 27.88. As a new local promoter in the Southwest of Germany, CTS Eventim teamed up with Marc Oßwald, who will lead the new company “Vaddi Concerts”. Oswald previously was one of the owners of

Maroon 5

KOKO & DTK Entertainment GmbH. Koko who was

also a co-promoter of the Southside Festival will be liquidated after the company filed losses in the business years 2013 and 2014. Vaddi Concerts is supposed to also operate concerts besides in South Germany and in the nearby regions in Austria, Switzerland and France. The current share price for CTS Eventim is 32.31 Euro (January 24), much better than one day before Christmas 2016 with 29.28 Euro

DEAG - No News For Rockavaria Yet While there are still no dates and news for the festival Rockavaria published the website of the event, the company confirmed for its festival Rock The Ring in Switzerland in June at least Die Fantastischen Vier besides Deep Purple, Gotthard & Krokus and John Fogerty as a headliner. Since December 23 the share went from 2.82 Euro up to 3.30 Euro when this report went onto press.





VeszprémFest from which the festival’s complete technical and backstage infrastructure

ARTIST AVAILS MUSICAL YOUTH Territory: UK / Europe Period: March - September 2017 Agency: SAS Agent: Steve Hughes Phone: +44 77 7925 7295 E-mail: Homepage:

is controlled. The centuries old Palace hosts both the artists’ dressing rooms and catering facilities. The artists literally walk onto the main stage from the Palace. Another great venue of the festival is the local arena, which is Hungary’s second largest provincial sports and events VeszprémFest, started in 2004, is one

hall. Headliners at Veszprémfest have

of Hungary’s most popular music and

included Emeli Sandé, Diana Krall, Lisa

cultural festivals happening mid-July

Stansfield, Jamie Cullum, Craig David,

each year. It features exceptional musical

Katie Melua, Gregory Porter, Kool & The

productions at several breathtaking

Gang, Roger Hodgson, George Benson,

locations and also provides a home for

Herbie Hancock and many more.

exhibitions and theatre productions. The main square of the 1000-year-

Since the beginning, our mission has

old Veszprém castle is the festival’s

been to provide premium programs

key location. This beautiful square is

featuring great artists at remarkable

surrounded by 17th – 18th century classic

locations with a unique atmosphere.

Baroque style buildings next to an old Palace. Veszprémfest’s main stage is also

For more info:

connected to the Archbishop’s Palace,

PATRICIA KAAS Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Richard Walter Productions Agent: Jean-Hugues Feugeas Phone: +33 432 600 599 E-mail: Homepage:

PHIL RUDD BAND (EX AC/DC) Territory: Europe Period: April to June 2017 inclusive Agency: Fizzion and Frusion Agent: Ian Smith Phone: +44 77 9169 9889 E-mail: Homepage:

MAXIMO PARK Territory: Europe Period: 2017 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Matt Bates Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

ANDREW STRONG Territory: Europe Period: October 2016 - December 2017 Agency: AMA Music Agency Ltd. Agent: Mark Downing Phone: +353 862 504 795 E-mail: Homepage:

About Our Company

BLONDE REDHEAD Territory: Europe Period: June - August 2017 Agency: Ponderosa Music and Art Agent: Giuseppe Ponti E-mail:

VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and largest­ database­for the European Live Entertainment Industry­developed as a tool for industry professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers­in over 30 countries.


Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry­ – including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract.


Please visit for further information­. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated­.


Blonde Redhead


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