7 17 10 13
9 4
I don’t know about you, but I’m increasingly
a takeover, let’s face it we humans have
13th and 14th (my birthday by the way…)
very keen on talk radio, could be a matter
been doing some dreadful things for a long
of July, 2019 at the same location as the
of age I suppose, in my case it’s usually BBC
time, and recently in particular making
first three legendary years, - Escalarre, in
Radio 4. Of late of course the airwaves are
some pretty stupid decisions, so machines
the Vall d’Àneu, in the Catalan Pyrenees.
largely devoted to Trumpisms and Brexitism
guided by A.I. probably wouldn’t do much
Founder and CEO of Doctor Music, Neo
(you’re allowed to make up words in the
worse. But what – I hear you cry – is he
Sala announced all this with a no expense
Musings…), but also I have found myself
banging on about, what has this to do with
spared presentation at London’s Groucho
listening to a lot of material dealing with
the world of live music? Well, quite a lot
Club, to a gathering of the great and the
Artificial Intelligence and Robots, to the
really, after taking all this radio material on
good of the live industry. The food was
extent that I think there’s something going
board I found myself in London last night
fantastic – so I’m told… and there’s no
on… Perhaps we’re being ‘softened up’ for
attending a conference event that dealt
doubt that the aims of all aspects of the
specifically with ‘How AI and Robotics
festival are more than ambitious.
will be used in the events industry ‘. Also
COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking.com Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen rd@vip-booking.com General Manager: Peter Briggs pb@vip-booking.com Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com Writer: Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs pb@vip-booking.com +46 70 77 60 480
the upcoming editions of IPC and ILMC,
Finally, the stars of the ultimate spoof
include technology sessions which I am
rockumentary, ‘This is Spinal Tap’ have
sure will make reference to these terms in
gone all serious to the tune of $400 million,
connection to applications which will have
this being the amount they are seeking
a significant bearing on the development
from the owners of Universal Music,
of the touring industry. When will the first
Vivendi, claiming that the Company failed
all-robot band take to the stage? As my
to accurately report on all sorts of revenues
own intelligence wains will the Musings
accruing from the cult movie. Harry
be written by a non – human? – The mind
Shearer, who played bassist Derek Smalls in
boggles! I was however heartened when
the film initiated the lawsuit and was then
reference was made to the supposed
joined by his three co-creators, Christopher
holographic on stage reincarnations of
Guest, Michael McKean and Rob Reiner. He
Tupac and others, to hear that these
commented: “Their participation will help
appearances were actually achieved by the
demonstrate the opaque and misleading
use of a hundred year old bit of trickery and
conduct at the heart of this case. We’re
illusion known as Pepper’s Ghost.
even louder now”. Presumably that means turning up to eleven….
We’re obviously very used to including reports of bands re-forming, but it’s
Right – hopefully we’ll see at least some
not often that a whole event makes a
of you in London in a couple of weeks at
comeback; but that is exactly what is
ILMC, all of the VIP team will be there so
happening with Spain’s Doctor Music
come and chat. In the meantime don’t be
Festival. Last held in the year 2000 the
misled by artificial intelligence, and, Ladies
event will again take place on the 12th,
and Gentlemen – here’s the News…
Where’s the Music Commemorate Viola Beach Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com This edition of Where’s the Music took place from February 2 -4, and
Viola Beach
was again organised in Norrköping by FKP Scorpio. This edition of the Conference and Showcase event attracted 5013 visitors and 497 delegates. This was my second visit at which I chaired a really interesting panel on The Future of Festivals, which concluded that yes- there is a future! I also interviewed Natasha Bent of Coda Agency, a very honest and very ‘human’ discussion which revealed that you can be a very successful agent and still be a devoted mother! Organiser Emelie Stockhaus confirmed that the conference had 60% female speakers and talked about everything from the second hand market of tickets to playlisting to female music producers.
She added, “On the whole this was a very successful WTM. The changes for this year included removing Flygeln, the largest venue, and adding two smaller venues (Hedvigs Kyrka and Cromwell) which was very much appreciated.” Last year WTM was dominated by the news that the band Viola Beach and their manager had all died in the terrible accident when their car plunged into a canal on the way back to Stockholm after playing at the Festival. I well remember the sense of shock that affected everyone that night. In memory of those that died the WTM organisers this year introduced The Viola Beach Memory Award, which will be a recurring feature of future WTM’s, and will highlight one international act and one manager in the spirit of Viola Beach and their manager Craig Tarry. Viola Beach’s agent, Mark Bennett of UTA, having made a very moving speech about the band and manager and the accident, in obviously very difficult and emotional circumstances, made the first presentation to The Amazons (band) and Paul Sonkamble (Deerlily, manager of Ängie, Thea, Albin Lee Meldau etc). The Memorial event also showed film of Viola Beach,
Emelie Stockhaus
which brought home the fact that all of them were great characters, and obviously great friends.
Need to know who is touring Europe?
Go online - www.vip-booking.com vip-booking.com
Ever Increasing Reports on Touting Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com / Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com The flow of news regarding secondary
release describing the sales proceedings
ticketmaster.es. It almost needs no saying
ticketing and touting is constant these
as “surreal”, warning fans not to buy
that plenty of tickets for other shows of
days, mirroring the financial dimensions of
tickets above the face value and to report
the artist are available at Ticketmaster’s
the dark side of ticketing. The current hot
questionable purchase experiences by mail
subsidiary Seatwave, even if on Ticketmaster.
spots are Italy, Spain, the UK and the US
es a clear notification is given that the resale
delivering seemingly continuous reports
furthermore announced investigation of
involving, in alphabetical order, Live Nation,
each case and the intention to report every
Seatwave, Stubhub, Ticketmaster, and of
suspicious transaction to legal authorities.
course Viagogo.
of tickets for this tour is forbidden. Other news stories cover the sale of tickets by Viagogo in the UK for a charity concert
In Spain the group of promoters The Project,
in the Royal Albert Hall by Ed Sheeran
Live Nation Italy once again came into the
Get In and Riff who are jointly promoting
for the Teenage Cancer Trust on March
headlines when the company tried to launch
the Joaquín Sabina “I Deny Everything
28, despite the fact that the Charity had
a special pre- ticket sale for the one and only
tour” announced the launch of legal action
already released a statement on its website
Lady Gaga show scheduled for September
against Viagogo for selling tickets for a
that tickets would be strictly controlled by
on February 9. As with its Coldplay show in
show in A Coruña on July 22nd, that has
the production of ID’s and that “tickets
Italy, it appeared that the majority of ticket
been postponed and for which no tickets
purchased on the secondary market will
buyers were not able to purchase tickets
have even been released
not be admitted.” However, a statement on
minutes after the presale started, repeating
Viagogo’s website says “buyers of tickets
this questionable Live Nation Italy sales
Together with the management of the artist
for this event will be accompanied into the
strategy, tickets for the Lady Gaga show in
the group of promoters in a joint statement
venue by the seller
Milan appeared on Viagogo immediately
appealed to the Spanish government to
after the presale.
install a law similar to that in France banning
The sell-out concert was raising money for
the unauthorized resale of tickets. On the
the Teenager Cancer Trust, but second-hand
The Italian copyright collection society
artist website furthermore the primary
tickets have been advertised for up to £5,000
SIAE on February 13 released a press
ticket companies are listed, among others
Campaigners have accused the company of “moral repugnance”. “The only people who should profit from Teenage Cancer Trust at the Royal Albert Hall are young people with cancer,” the charity says on its site. Ed Sheeran has recently publicly condemned the secondary ticketing market, accusing some in the sector of “unethical practices”. The singer has asked fans not to buy tickets to his gigs at over-inflated prices, and has teamed up with face value ticket platform Twickets for his April and May concerts. The Guardian furthermore reported on a couple named Michael Mayiger and Michelle Meiger that had previously been convicted for a £ 2 million fraud involving the resale of tickets for the premier league
in 2012. Currently they are selling tickets
article Church is quoted as saying “They
in all mentioned territories. For those in
for an Ed Sheeran show in Glasgow
buy thousands of tickets across the U.S.,
Italy, Spain and the UK it is furthermore
on Seatwave. Interestingly Mayiger is
not just mine, and they end up making a
interesting to mention that often the lack
officially considered by Ticketmaster as a
fortune. They use fake credit cards, fake IDs.
of a proper law against the unauthorized
“trusted seller”.
All of this is fraud.” The artist is playing more
resale of concert tickets is noted. Since
than 50 shows until May and sold around 1
secondary ticketing within just a few years
million tickets in total.
has attained an industrial level, it might now
In another case The Washington Post reports that country singer Eric Church is cancelling
become easier for politicians to recognise
25.000 tickets for his upcoming North
All these stories have in common the
demands to regulate this market that has
America tour throughout this spring. In the
attraction of massive media coverage
emerged from a black to grey.
The Industrialisation of Secondary Ticketing Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com In the heyday of secondary ticketing it was
But times have changed and this initial
just a question of time before the institution
objective at the same time. However, one of
of an entire industry conference dedicated
Organized by Claudio Trotta of Barley Arts
the main reasons why Trotta implemented
to the theme of “No Secondary Ticketing”
on January 26 in Milan in Italy, the agenda
the conference was the recent ticketing
took place. For many years the usually
and mission was clear: to ban secondary
scandal in autumn 2016, when the Italian
ticketing. Along with statements by various
TV-Magazine La Iene revealed that Live
issue of resale of tickets had appeared on
players ranging from artists and agents
Nation sold upfront ticket contingents
international conferences agendas.
to lawyers and politicians, the content
for a Coldplay show directly to the resale
platform Viagogo. “We are not only fighting Live Nation, because there are more companies acting in this way, but we want to fight those who are speculating and exploiting this practice, (of secondary ticketing), said Trotta in his opening speech for the conference. Since the screening of the TV-report by Le Iene caused nationwide awareness, it was not a surprise that his conference was very well attended with around 350 visitors and not surprising that the event also attracted intensive media coverage. From an industry perspective the conference furthermore delivered some interesting insights such as Stefano Lionetti, MD of the primary ticketing platform Ticketone, a subsidy of CTS Eventim, stating that they needed to have their sales process
Claudio Trotta
for U2 in Italy monitored by the auditing company Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC),
proving that 84 per cent of ticket sales took place in the first hour of being on sale. In fact, similar to the regulations in
the primary ticketing business in Italy operates under much stricter regulations than elsewhere in Europe. Among others tickets are considered as being financial certificates, monitored and controlled by financial supervisory authorities. But while primary ticketing is heavily regulated in Italy, until now secondary
Stefano Lionetti, Ticketone
ticketing isn’t. That is where lawyers and politicians, also represented at the “No
agreements with Viagogo, among others,
were of the opinion that the solution to this
these few figures underline the international
problem could be a ‘package’ consisting of a
into the game But in order to cover the
scale and the financial volume of the resale
regulation, a code of ethics and a clear sales
business so far attained.
Adam Webb from the Fan Fair Alliance and
But Live Nation’s ‘Coldplay-Gate’ also
Just shortly after the Coldplay ticketing
Alex Bruford from ATC Live in the UK.
shows how thin the line between touting
scandal, Dario Franceschini, the Italian
and secondary ticketing is. So it wasn’t
minister for culture already announced
The appearance of Webb and Bruford
moves to pave the political process to
underlined how quickly the resale of tickets
Ticketing Conference other aspects such
has become an international industrialized
as the manipulation of ticket prices, tax
resale of tickets. A first hearing in the
evasion and even money laundering were
lower chamber of the Italian government
also covered.
is scheduled for early February.
Ticketing of
Conference secondary
appropriately, Trotta additionally invited
strategies such as online bots purchasing
tickets in bulk or using algorithms to lever dynamic
In line
with this, politicians and lawyers in Milan
Bruford at least delivered one positive
already discussed legislative options and
emphasized the ‘romantic’ self regard of
example of how to “prevent touting”. For
proceedings, Trotta at least said that he
those companies as being part of the ‘shared
recent shows with Lumineers in London
is determined to launch an observatory
economy, being on a par with Uber, Airbnb
with 10.000 tickets sold, he together
monitoring secondary ticketing and an
or even Ebay, but unlike those ‘completely
with management of the band required
built on anonymity’, claiming as usual ‘that
the promoter to sell personalized tickets,
free hotline for consumers, providing
they cannot police their platforms’ in the
which resulted in only a handful of tickets
information about the business practices
shared economy.
appearing on resale platforms. Bruford
and the disadvantages.
clearly explains that it is possible to regain Additionally
control about how and where tickets are
secondary ticketing in the UK had reached
going to be sold, when concluding that it
revenue of £1 billion. But also figures
is the agent’s responsibility to take steps to
from other players proved how quickly the
ban secondary ticketing “before confirming
financial dimensions had grown. Among
the show.” He closed his speech with the
others figures quoted by Stubhub in the
recommendation that it is not necessary to
annual business report for 2016 of its
sell out shows on “day one.”
Dario Franceschini
parent company Ebay, amounted to $1.239 billion. Prior to this Live Nation reported in
Probably one of the strongest allies for
its business report for Q3-2016 that up till
Trotta’s mission to ban secondary ticketing
September 2016 alone, the company gained
in Italy is the Italian copyright collection
revenues of £1 billion on its secondary
society SIAE. Their speaker, Gennaro Milzi,
ticketing platforms. In reference to the
emphasized the lack of a proper control
scandal of Live Nation Italy with its sales
over financial transactions and that SIAE
Venue News Allan McGowan am@vip-booking.com
Boosts to ‘Agent of Change’ Proposals UK Music, the Music Venue Trust and
as soundproofing, rather than the venue
and businesses. Any new measure which
the Musicians’ Union have welcomed
when residential properties are built near
acts to preserve, improve and protect
Government proposals to boost ‘agent of
to existing venues.
these venues has the full support of our industry”.
change’ protections to safeguard music venues from new property developments.
UK Music chief exec Jo Dipple said ”UK
The need for law bringing better protection
Music has long argued that grassroots
Music Venues Trust CEO Mark Davyd adds:
as more music venues have been put out of
music venues need to be cherished as they
“This extends the impact of existing ‘agent
business, by new residential developments
are the incubators of music talent. That
of change’-style legislation and advice. It’s
has become vital in recent years. The ‘agent
they are under threat has direct knock-on
another huge step forward for protecting
of change’ principal, a law that previously
implications for the future of the sector,
music venues and ensures residents and
protected many venues in Australia, puts
one that contributes £4.1 billion to the UK
musical culture can exist side-by-side in
the onus on the developer for things such
economy and supports thousands of jobs
towns and cities”.
Famous London Venues to Combine Operations The Old Blue Last in Shoreditch, a long established and famous
Head booker of Vice, Cal McRae, said: “We’re beyond excited to be
London live venue has announced their takeover of one of Hackney’s
working on Sebright Arms, there’s a real simplicity and authenticity
equally favoured establishments the Sebright Arms. The operators
to it all – it’s a straight up boozer with an incredible sounding venue
of the Old Blue Last and Dalston’s night spot Birthdays, with partner
that myself, along with a lot of other people hold in high regard.
Vice, will further their support and development of London’s
Most importantly, it’s another bar I can get away with spending
indigenous nightlife, with this welcome city takeover. The semi
most of my time in, and calling it work.
refurbished 150 capacity Sebright will re-open on March 6. A series
of intimate gigs by some of the best known names on the circuit will
We want to bring Sebright back to it’s original form, filling it with
continue throughout the month.
an in house programme consisting of some of the most exciting, up and coming acts as well as established acts in a setting you’d never normally be able to see them in, which is something that we’ve developed a great reputation for doing so over at our other sites. The response from everyone we’ve told so far has been overwhelmingly positive so it’s already been a total pleasure to work on. We can’t wait to properly move in and invite everyone over for a pint.” The venue will also be partnering with DICE, the ticketing app dedicated to supporting independent venues and growing the live music industry. Ross Allmark, Head of Venues, said: “We’ve spent more of our lives than we probably should have propping up the bar at The Old Blue Last, so we’re ridiculously excited to work
Sebright Arms, Hackney
with the team behind The Old Blue Last to introduce a whole new generation of music fans to The Sebright Arms”.
DEAG sells part of Manfred Hertlein From VIP-Daily News DEAG has sold its stake in the Würzburgbased Manfred Hertlein Veranstaltungs GmbH,
Entertainment GmbH, the company it cooperated together with Sony Music. In addition, DEAG has taken full control of Gold Entertainment, the company it co-founded in 2010 with Sony Music Entertainment
schlager (crooner) shows. Furthermore, the DEAG Group will hold more events in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main metropolitan region that it produces itself in the future. “We have achieved a great deal together with Manfred Hertlein and his team since 2010, and we will realize certain productions together in the future. Nevertheless, this step was important in order to be able to take better advantage of our opportunities in this segment,” commented Christian Diekmann, COO/CDO of DEAG.
Christian Diekmann, Andrea Blahetek-Hauzenberger and Ossy Hoppe
Rockavaria Festival cancelled in 2017 From VIP-Daily News The Rockavaria festival in Munich will not
However, it would remain faithful to the
Zenith and Kiss on 18 May and Deep Purple
happen in 2017.
idea of presenting Rockavaria only if “it
on 19 May at the Olympiahalle.
was good enough”. In 2015 and 2016, Global Concerts and DEAG organized the Rockavaria festival
Blahetek-Hauzenberger does not tell which
in Munich`s Olympiapark but for the
acts he has dealt with.
2017 edition there were so far neither confirmations nor advance sale so its hardly
Instead, she refers to various concerts by
surprising that the organizers are now
Rockbands, which brings Global Concerts to
pulling the plug at Rockavaria.
Munich in the Spring: “We offer audiences a whole series of high profile singles or
“We have worked hard to make a line-up
singers? in great locations.” The global
that meets our high standards “Explains
director points out, among other things,
Andrea Blahetek-Hauzenberger, Managing
Aerosmith`s appearances on the Königsplatz
Director of Global Concerts (pictured).
on 26 May, Dream Theater on 19 May at
Legendary Spanish festival returns From VIP-Daily News Spain`s legendary Doctor Music Festival is
of thousands of lovers of peace, music and
be free of agrochemicals, transgenics and
being resurrected after a 20-year absence.
nature,” said Sala. “The combination of the
any kind of toxins.
stars right above our heads, the greatest The news was announced in a presentation
music legends and the most outstanding
World renowned chef Albert Adrià will
at the Groucho Club in London last night,
transfer his team from his Barcelona
attended by a number of high-profile music
managers and agents. Last held in 2000,
restaurant Tickets in order to completely integrate it into the festival. “Myself and
the festival hosted the likes of David Bowie,
All the food that will be consumed at
all my team at Tickets are really excited
Bob Dylan, Blur, Lou Reed and Rage Against
the festival will be sourced from organic
to close the restaurant in Barcelona for a
The Machine.
agricultural and livestock farming and will
full weekend and move it to a wonderful mountain valley,” said Adrià. “I’m looking
The reincarnated event will take place from
forward to the challenge of preparing all the
July 12-14, 2019 at the same location as its
food using the resources available from the
first three years up to 1998 - Escalarre, in
region of Pallars. It will undoubtedly create
the Vall d’Àneu, in the Catalan Pyrenees.
a unique experience.”
According to Neo Sala (pictured), CEO
The opportunity to pre-reserve tickets will
and founder of concert music promoter
open on February 21 via the applications
Doctor Music, the festival would be
page on the event`s website. The early bird
50,000-capacity, with bookings to begin a
price for the first batch of tickets will be 175.
year in advance.
A 50 discount will be offered for everyone who can prove, before April 30. (provided
“The Doctor Music Festival is an ecological
there are still tickets left), that they attended
Shangri-la, an unspoilt valley providing
one of the Doctor Music festivals at Escalarre
limitless space to roam and surrounded by mountains, where we will welcome tens
Neo Sala
in either 1996, 1997 or 1998, or at the 2000 edition in Asturias.
Eurovision organising team quits From VIP-Daily News The Eurovision Song Contest has hit a
timeline” despite the upheaval. It insisted
for whom this contest has become not only
major road bump, after 21 top level staff
the event would go ahead as planned in
part of our work but also part of our life,
organising the event resigned.
Kiev this May. Among the team members
officially inform that we are resigning and
who resigned were two executive producers
stopping work on preparations for the
of this year`s show.
organisation of the contest.”
The Ukrainian Eurovision team say they were stripped of major responsibilities
in December, when a new boss was
All the staff were appointed by the Ukraine
appointed to the organising committee.
Public Broadcaster (UA:PBC), which is
According to their resignation letter, they
organising the contest after Ukrainian
were “completely blocked” from making
singer Jamala won last year`s event with
decisions about the show.
the song 1944.
The EBU, which founded Eurovision, told
In an open letter published by Strana, the
Ukraine`s public broadcaster to “stick to the
team said: “Hereby we, the Eurovision team,
Jamala wins the Eurovision 2016
Nick Cave announces European arena tour From VIP-Daily News
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds have announced details of a long-awaited arena tour of the UK and Europe This time its the arenas and it will be a rare arena show that will be compelling and intimate. “We’ve been in a strange place, I’m coming out and blinking into the light… It’s good to be playing again. Now after touring his native Australia and the US, Cave will return to the UK and Europe for a run of shows in September,
Dates: Dates: September 24 Bournemouth UK, Bournemouth International Centre 25 Manchester UK, Arena 27 Glasgow UK, The SSE Hydro 28 Nottingham UK, Motorpoint Arena 30 London UK, The O2
Dates: November
October 3 Paris France, Zénith 6 Amsterdam Netherland s, Ziggo Dome 7 Frankfurt Germany, Jah rhunderthalle 9 Hamburg Germany, Sport halle 10 Luxembourg, Rockhal 12 Düsseldorf Germany, Mitsubishi Electric Halle 13 Antwerp Belgium, Sport paleis 16 Oslo Norway, Spectrum 18 Stockholm Sweden, Eri csson Globe 20 Copenhagen Denmark , Royal Arena 22 Berlin Germany, Max-S chmeling Halle 24 Warsaw Poland, Torw ar 26 Prague Czech Rep., O2 Arena 28 Belgrade Serbia, Komb ank Arena 30 Ljubljana Slovenia, Dv orana Tivoli
ria, Stadthalle 1 Vienna Aust many, Zenith 2 Munich Ger na ly, Kioene Are 4 Padova Ita Forum 6 Milan Italy, atica , PalaLottom 8 Rome Italy llenstadion itzerland, Ha 12 Zurich Sw na itzerland, Are 13 Geneva Sw ce,
e 16 Athens Gre on Do) rena (Tae Kw A s rt o p S ro li Fa rena el, Menorah A 19 Tel Aviv Isra
Nick Cave and the bad seeds
ESNS: EU creative europe
MARCH 1, 2
New MD appointed for Concert Concept
New booking manager at The SSE Arena, Wembley
From VIP-Daily News
From VIP-Daily News
DEAG has appointed Lutz Grotehöfer as Managing Director of the
The SSE Arena, Wembley, has announced the appointment of
Concert Concept Veranstaltungsgesellschaft.
James Harrison as booking manager.
Founded in 1978 by the current chairman of the board, Peter
Harrison was previously with Andrew Lloyd Webber`s Really Useful
Schwenkow, DEAG`s subsidiary is active in Berlin as a local promoter.
Theatres, where he was concert and venue hirings manager for the
Concert Concept promotes more than 100 events per year.
company`s six London theatres including London Palladium.
The 31-year-old Lutz Grotehöfer has been working for DEAG for
“I’m incredibly proud and excited to get to work on such an iconic
nine years. After working for Hamburg-based River Concerts. Most
venue,” he said. “The SSE Arena, Wembley has a unique role to
recently, he served as a member of the management board.
play in London and is a real milestone for so many artists making their step up to arena shows, it’s a real privilege to be able to offer
According to Christian Diekmann, CEO of DEAG, Grotehöfer is the
that opportunity.”
ideal candidate to further develop and expand Concert Concept in the future.
Upcoming concerts at The SSE Arena, Wembley include Bob Dylan And His Band, Craig David and Alice Cooper.
Lutz Grotehöfer
Harrison`s stint at the Palladium came during a transformative time for the legendary venue, which moved its focus to music concerts in 2016, away from the traditional long-runs of other West End theatres. Highlights included Coldplay, Bon Jovi and a trio of Brian Wilson Pet Sounds’ shows, along with shows by the likes of Primal Scream, Bryan Ferry, Elvis Costello, Kenny Rogers and Ball & Boe.
James Harrison
Let’s talk Politics Manfred Tari mt@vip-booking.com The connections between popular music
Eerdenburg, festival director of the Lowlands
legislation increased funding for the
and politics grow ever closer within the
Festival in the Netherlands. For the current
creative and culture sector in Canada.
era of populism and “alternative facts”.
edition it is Neill Dixon, the president of the
Trump instead is facing the fact that
The US provides a perfect example, but
music convention Canadian Music Week
many popular US artists and musicians
Europe is also affected by this development.
(CMW). Dixon joined this conference in 1983
do not bother to conceal their dislike of
The news of significant donations by the
as programme director and has operated
him. With this in mind, are you pleased
billionaire and AEG-owner Philipp Anschutz
as event director since 1993. But Dixon’s
with having Trudeau instead of Trump?
experience in the music industry goes back
amongst other policies, oppose scientific
to 1967 when he arrived in Toronto and
Dixon: Ecstatic. I’m also pleased to have
climate change data and regulations, or the
start working as venue manager for the
Trudeau instead of his predecessor Stephen
news that international artists avoid playing
folk club Grumble, then he managed artists
Harper. There are people who look at the
live in Turkey, are just the tip of the iceberg,
like Martha Reeves, Jr. Walker, Triumph and
arts as frivolousness, and others who feel it
indicating that the live music sector relies
Long John Baldry before becoming the co-
feeds the soul. Canada’s famed inclusiveness
more on political developments than many
owner and president of Solid Gold Records.
is no accident. Traditionally, we’ve sung our
own songs and had leaders who encouraged
industry insiders may think. VIP News: Do you expect the Trump
our storytelling. May it always be so.
However, there are plenty of ‘political’
administration to have an impact on
ramifications that matter for the live music
the music sector in North America?
VIP News: Even before Trudeau took
sector and it is about time to raise awareness
over, funding and support for the music
of these kinds of developments, especially
Neill Dixon: There are a couple of angles
sector was very common in Canada.
when there more elections to come this
here. When people feel oppressed, artists
What could European governments or
year in European key countries such as the
become passionately creative in opposition.
even the EU-Commission learn from
Netherlands, France and Germany.
You could hear powerful musical statements
such policies and if so, what should
over the next few years. Conversely, there
they avoid?
Previous candidates for the VIP News
will be people who’ll want to escape and
interview series Let’s Talk Politics have been
tune out politics to save their sanity. The
Dixon: We learned that it takes a relatively
ILMC-director Greg Parmley and Eric van
happiest, most effervescent sort of pop
small investment to foster an industry and
escapism could also find a huge audience.
dispel insecurities about our talent pool. If
Good news for Pharrell!
there’s anything to avoid, it’s becoming a
slave to bureaucracy, and trying to quantify
VIP News: How important is the US-
concepts like “Canadian enough” on a
music market for the Canadian music
spread sheet.
Neill Dixon
industry? VIP News: Would you say that Canadian Dixon: As important as it is for any other
politicians are more progressive than
country’s industry - times 10! Having a giant
those in Europe when it comes to the
next door is a tremendous opportunity
support of music?
for Canadian artists to find an audience. And culturally, we assimilate easily (Drake,
Dixon: What others see as ‘progressive’
Bieber, Carly Rae Jepsen)
we might see as an urgent and necessary response to the flood of pop culture that
VIP News: The Canadian Prime Minister
the U.S. sends us every single day. It’s not so
Justin Trudeau is more or less the
much that our politicians choose to support
political opposite of Donald Trump.
our music, but that it’s needed and we
demand it.
Dixon: I listen to Beyonce’s Lemonade and
the US, Hungary, Poland, France and
grew in the US but also in Europe. What
recall the defiance she unleashed at the
elsewhere. What are your political
is your recommendation on how to
Super Bowl, and I think those days are back
expectations for the near future and
fight these movements?
(if they ever left). I think of The Tragically
what is your assumption of how these
Hip’s terminally ill Gord Downie and his
developments might affect the music
Dixon: Support your local ethnic restaurant.
fight for indigenous issues as his last act.
It’s hard to hate people who feed you.
Think of a cause, and you can probably
More seriously, it needs to be said that both
find an artist that embraces it. And the
Dixon: You’re asking for a silver lining to
Canada and the U.S. are long-time nations
audience “reach” for your message these
a dark cloud. So here goes. I expect to
of immigrants – a new status for Europe.
days is as far as the Net can get.
hear more musical voices from among
Its no accident that the angriest populist
the disenfranchised – a strong creative
sentiment comes from homogenous, rural
VIP News: Since the time of Reagan and
wave that could bring new energy to our
regions of the US (and Canada) that tend
Thatcher political and global economic
industry. Those artists who are fortunate
not to interact with the people they resent
developments in the industrialized
enough to have profited greatly will be
and distrust. This was also true of Brexit
countries lead to ta rise in the social
more motivated to use their influence on
voters. Integrate, integrate, integrate.
gap, while international corporate
a global scale to shame the “haves” into
companies paying hardly any taxes
addressing the inequities of the “have-
VIP News: Pop-culture in the past
and the de-regulation of the financial
nots.” Loss of income and livelihood is a
proved that it is able to raise awareness
sector caused massive burdens to be
big component of the angriest populism.
for social issues or even to improve it.
carried by generations of tax payers.
Address that, and you’ve gone a long way
Are these days gone?
Now we see the rise of populists in
toward defusing hate.
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Live Nation
The last reported share price in January
494.9 to 439.2 million Euro and gained
- The American Way Of Live (Nation)
issue of VIP News was $27.88.
an EBITDA-result of 27.2 instead of 38.1 million Euro.
There’s no doubt, Live Nation is growing fast, in almost every area - except
CTS Eventim
CTS Eventim announced to keep the focus
profitability. The Company is, according
- Cheering Investors and Analysts
on its growth strategy for the business
to its financial report for the business
year 2017 and “to scrutinise for inorganic
year 2016 producing nothing less than
CTS Eventim has once again pleased
a solid success story of global leadership in
its shareholders and even analysts. The
the live music industry.
company that over the last year has had to
Most comments by analysts covered the
cope with the departure of the former team
positive aspect that CTS Eventim delivered
Revenue impressively increased by $7.254
of MLK.com to Live Nation Germany is slowly
results above its expectations in reports.
billion in 2015 to $8.354 billion, in terms
filling the figure gap the absence of one its
On January 24 the share price was 32.31
of constant currency even a rise of $8.478
main previous results provider has caused.
Euro, this time on February 23 when this
billion. The operating income grew from
issue of VIP News went to press it is 34.55
$131.3 to $194.9 million. The concerts
When releasing its preliminary business
division gained revenue of $5.96 ($4.96
figures for the full year report of 2016, the
billion in 2015), the ticketing division
results show ticketing is still the driving
reported growth from 1.63 to $1.85
profit source for the company, while the
billion and for its secondary ticketing
live entertainment division still leaves some
- A Sort of Struggle
outlets even announced a significant
room for improvement.
transaction growth rate of 26 percent.
The news flow for DEAG indicates that Even if the reported turnover went down
the company has redefined its portfolio of
But as usual Live Nation did not deliver
slightly from 834.2 in 2015 to 829.9
business activities. The festival Rockavaria
profits. Unlike in previous years the
million Euro in 2016, the company almost
in Munich is definitely off for 2017, DEAG
company produced a net income of $2.9
million (-$32.5 in 2015 and -$90.8 in 2014)
figures in its ticketing segment that had
that it sold its stake in Manfred Hertlein
but allocated a loss peshare of $0.23
assumed expectations of a decline.
Veranstaltungs GmbH it previously held via
(-$0.33 in 2015 and $0.49 in 2014.)
revenue results for CTS Eventim’s ticketing
Gold Entertainment GmbH at the company.
division again reached new record levels,
Gold Entertainment once a joint venture
In 2016 the loss maker referred to the
moving up 14 per cent from 346.2 to
shared with Sony Music is now instead
so called “Net income (loss) attributable
395.1 million Euros and EBITDA (Earnings
owned 100 per cent by DEAG. Last time
to noncontrolling interests”, resulting in
before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation &
the share price of DEAG stood at 3.30, this
$47.01 million as filed in “Basic and diluted
Amortisation) up to 167.3 compared
time it is 3.16 Euro.
net loss available to common stockholders
to 142.9 million one year before. Due
of Live Nation.”
to acquisitions in South America and
Scandinavia the number of tickets sold In the days before the results were
online have grown to 43.7 million tickets.
published on February 23 the share reached
growth opportunities.”
an alltime high with an opening price of
The results for the Live-Entertainment
$30.75. The closing price was $29.76.
segment in contrast went down
ARTIST AVAILS FUN LOVIN CRIMINALS Territory: Europe Period: 2017 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Dave Chumbley Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: dave@primarytalent.com Homepage: www.facebook.com/funlovincriminals
AMA MUSIC AGENCY LTD. (For artists, bands, managers and labels) AMA
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MUSICAL YOUTH Territory: UK / Europe Period: March - September 2017 Agency: SAS Agent: Steve Hughes Phone: +44 77 7925 7295 E-mail: steve@sas-ents.com Homepage: sas-ents.com
PATRICIA KAAS Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Richard Walter Productions Agent: Jean-Hugues Feugeas Phone: +33 432 600 599 E-mail: jh@rwprod.net Homepage: www.rwprod.org/en/artistes/patricia-kaas.html
DIZZEE RASCAL Territory: Europe Period: 2017 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Peter Elliot Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: peter_elliott@primarytalent.com Homepage: www.dizzeerascal.co.uk
PHIL RUDD BAND (EX AC/DC) Territory: Europe Period: April to June 2017 inclusive Agency: Fizzion and Frusion Agent: Ian Smith Phone: +44 77 9169 9889 E-mail: ian@frusion.co.uk Homepage: www.fizzion.eu/artist.php?id=139
BLONDE REDHEAD Territory: Europe Period: June - August 2017 Agency: Ponderosa Music and Art Agent: Giuseppe Ponti E-mail: giuseppe@ponderosa.it
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