VIP News Premium - March 2018

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MARCH 2018



Yesterday, as I write this, was the vernal

but pressing issues are regularly dealt with,

I seem to be getting a bit obsessed with this

equinox, which as far as I know means

and this edition certainly included some

science fiction, space travel motif, as I’m aware

that today offers the same amount of light

particularly serious topics. The mysteries

of the Major Tom, Life on Mars connection

as darkness. Hooray! - spring has sprung

of Brexit, (when will spellchecker start

with a petition for a Southern English town

helping me to recover from another full on

recognising this ludicrously over used word

to be renamed after a certain David Bowie –

ILMC! This thirtieth edition sold out again

I wonder?!), Ethics, Mental Health, Gender

RIP. He was also the Man who Fell to Earth, I

with 1100 plus international delegates

observations and of course Security, were

seem to remember – anyway… the proposal

descending on London to put the world

discussed in depth, perhaps indicating the

has been put forward by promoter and

of the live music industry to rights, and to

increasing maturity of our industry. Or does

manager David Stopps who used to run the

drink the bars of the Royal Garden Hotel dry!

that just mean that I’m beginning to feel my

iconic venue Friar’s in the town of Aylesbury

There is no doubt that fun is definitely an


which the other David played several times.

established part of the agenda of this event,


A statue of Bowie has just been unveiled, As ever the event was entertainingly themed

so it obviously seemed to be a good time to

– this year saw science fiction and space

rename the town, not actually David Bowie,

travel take over the Royal Garden Hotel,

or Bowieville, or anything like that , no the

and the Gala Awards Dinner, where a flying

suggestion is, ‘Aylesbowie’ – so it retains

saucer circled over the guests heads. The

part of both names you see! Why not Ziggy

theme was echoed at the invite-only launch

Stardustbury I hear some of you ask – but that

event at Copper Box Arena in Stratford’s

would just be silly wouldn’t it?

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park which gave VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480 Charlie Presburg +44 (0) 7980 817496


a first glimpse of MSG’s spectacular 20,000

Well, maybe it’s time to come back down to

capacity Sphere concept which will see a

earth, and to consider such important topics

planning application submitted later this

as band’s reforming – you know, those will


they won’t they observations that worry the

The MSG Sphere was introduced as an

life out of fans. Both The Spice Girls and Take

“intelligent venue that brings the real world

That are shilly - shallying – (not recognised by

and cyber world together like never before.”

spell checker for some reason…) maybe we

MSG Executive Chairman Jim Dolan talked

should all take bets on it. Personally I’m more

of, reinventing the live experience whilst

interested in the bands that are still going,;

reading from SF writer Ray Bradbury’s The

a couple of weeks ago I went to see Geno

Veldt, about a next to real virtual-reality

Washington and the Ram Jam Band, and

environment. Dolan wished to illustrate how

last night The Pretty Things – both of which I

science-fiction environments often become

first saw fifty years ago! And they were both

reality, quoting Jules Verne’s prediction

bloody good – no shilly-shallying whatsoever!

of the submarine and HG Wells the atom bomb. I’m pretty sure that Star Trek came up

I’ll be visiting two events in Portugal over the

with the mobile phone and other inventions,

next month, and will as ever report back in

so we might soon be beamed up, or into,

the next issue. So, before I take off on talking

live shows. It’s the live music industry Jim,

about time travel, Ladies and Gentlemen –

but not as we know it!

The News!


MARCH 2018

Iceland Airwaves Festival Sold From VIP-Daily News Icelandic promoter Sena Live has bought the

about booking as many [bands] as possible,

venues around the city held off-venue

Iceland Airwaves festival.

but booking well.” He admits balancing

concerts, while official festival events took

the books while maintaining the festival’s

place at 13 venues. Ísleifur considers it

character will be a huge challenge.

problematic that Airwaves is generating

Sena Live CEO Ísleifur Þórhaldsson told mbl. is that the goal is to bring the festival back

profits for these unofficial venues, while

to its roots, showcasing up-and-coming

Another matter facing the festival organizers

shouldering costs and seeing little of the

Icelandic artists rather than big names.

is whether or not to hold shows in Harpa,

revenue. “There must be a fair relationship

Reykjavík’s main concert hall. “Harpa is a

there,” he insists.

Sena Live has also bought the Airwaves

‘fancy’ concert hall, really classy, and it’s



significantly more expensive to book it than

Sena Live has produced some of Iceland’s

Icelandair, the festival’s main sponsor since




other places,” says Ísleifur. Sena Live plans

biggest concerts in recent years, bringing

its inception 20 years ago.

to meet with the venue soon and discuss if

artists like Justin Timberlake and Justin Bieber

and how they could work together on the

to the country. Ísleifur says Sena Live will be


focusing on Airwaves this year and will likely

Ísleifur confirmed that Sena Live is very aware of the festival’s history as a bridge

not produce a large concert before 2019.

between emerging Icelandic musicians and

Sena Live will also be looking at off-venue

the international scene, giving new acts a

gigs which occur during the festival.



chance to show their stuff and attracting

Organized by music venues, bars, and



foreign journalists and talent scouts to

restaurants in Reykjavík, these concerts

immediately that everyone cares about,”

Iceland. He says that will remain the

occur during the festival but are free and

Ísleifur says. “We will not be the people

festival’s main goal, and is one condition

open to non-ticket holders. Last year 50

who destroy Airwaves.”


deep-rooted we


cultural and


that was discussed with the festival’s largest sponsors before the sale. “We take these obligations seriously,” Ísleifur stated. Better-known bands will also be booked, “but they will always have to fit into the basic ideology of the festival,” he added. “Airwaves should be a festival where you can show up, even though you don’t know the band that’s performing, and their show is good. You should see bands that make it big after one, two, or three years.” The ratio of Icelandic to international acts at the festival has been around 140 to 60 in recent years, and Sena Live intends to maintain that proportion, possibly even increasing the emphasis on local acts. Ticket sales for the festival have been decreasing in recent years, with the 2016 edition resulting in a loss of ISK 57 million (USD 570,000/EUR 460,000). “We definitely have to make cuts here and there, but we’re still not talking about people feeling like the festival is downsizing,” says Ísleifur. “It’s not

Ísleifur Þórhaldsson



MARCH 2018

First bands announced for Hamburg Metal Dayz 2018 From VIP-Daily News The first bands for the Hamburg Metal Dayz 2018 have been

Dayz will fly the flag for riffs, rockers and heavy music at Reeperbahn

revealed, among them symphonic Metal sensation Beyond The

Festival in September.

Black, D:A:D frontman Jesper Binzer and crossover heroes Skindred. After having sold out in the past few years, the two-day event will The event at Hamburg’s Markthalle will once more bring heavy

once again feature well-selected Metal and Rock bands ranging from

music to the Reeperbahn Festival on September 21 and 22, having

big names to up-andcoming hot shots and acts you can’t see every

established itself as the „place to be“ for fans, musicians and

week. In addition, the Hamburg Metal Dayz have proven themselves

business insiders alike. For the seventh time, the Hamburg Metal

to be a fixture in the yearly calendar of networking music industry professionals. With this, the Markthalle becomes the „place to be“ for all lovers of Metal – fans, musicians and business insiders alike. The Hamburg Metal Dayz have always been more than just concerts. Fans came to expect and look forward to workshops, readings, expert discussions and exhibitions. This includes the traditional „promoter panel“ featuring Holger Hübner and Thomas Jensen, the creators of the Wacken Open Air. They will answer questions from the fans directly and might even drop some red hot news about the world’s biggest Metal festival.

Hamburg Metal Dayz

See the full line up:

Second Edition of Music Cork Allan McGowan Shane Dunne – joint organiser of Music Cork, and promoter of the Indiependence Festival contacted VIP News to tell us how things are progressing with the Irish Showcase and Conference event. It’s shaping up really well for the second year of Music Cork, after a very successful first year interest is much higher this year with delegates passes selling really well. We’ve got some great speakers from across the industry covering management, labels, publishing, legal, PR, agencies and digital with many more to be announced. Music Cork is really about informal networking so we’re bringing back the pub crawls and the after parties and we hope that like last year, lots of business gets done over a beer. Early Bird Delegates Passes are on sale from Music Cork takes place in Cork, Ireland from April 25th - 27th.



MARCH 2018

ILMC 30 – Ethics Manfred Tari

Considering the increasingly difficult times

“The music business can be and has been a

Whether booking fee rebates and hidden

in which we live, this edition of ILMC

real important and fertile ground for being

kick-backs should be cut out of the business

seemed to be the right time to consider the

progressive and trying new ideas,” claimed

was then discussed; followed by the issue

subject of ethics and best practice in the live

Tudhope. “It’s been intriguing to see what is

of high ticket prices and headline acts


happening, just in the last year, in the music

increasingly demanding between 70–80%

industry, which is that people are looking

of a festival’s programming budget, leaving

Alex Bruford of ATC Live chaired the

forwards and realising that more ethical

little for smaller artists. Harris asked “now

panel and opened proceedings by reading

behaviour not only feels good, but is also

they have reached the top of the tree, is

out the dictionary definition of ethics

good for business.”

it right to pull the drawbridge up behind

(“distinguishing between right and wrong


human actions”) and asking if people in our

Harris continued in the same vein, saying,

business cared about doing the right thing.

“As far as I’m concerned, when it comes

Galperin supported his observations by

Amongst other topics the question of profit

down to ethics it’s a question of whether

quoting various philosophers, such as

versus fairness was debated.

you want to be able to sleep well at night.

Immanuel Kant and Aristotle, to the delight

I’m one of those people who, over the years,

of the audience, - it was unlikely that these


has probably made less, but slept better,”

names had featured in previous ILMC

panellists, Isla Angus (ATC Live), Semyon

He reminded everyone that we are still

panels! He suggested that deals needed to

Adam Tudhope (Everybody’s Management )

involved in a “relationship business”. He

be structured better to help promoters who

Semyon Galperin (Tele-Club Group, Russia),

continued, “There’s a whole load of under-

risk 100% of the losses in return for 20%

and manager and consultant Keith Harris–

the-table stuff going on in the industry. But

of the profits. “Mathematically, that doesn’t

was quite optimistic. Although there were

at the end of the day, if you’re keeping a

really work.”

definitely problem areas, the impression

dirty little secret and the person you’re

was that overall , and whilst avoiding

working with finds out, that’s going to

Angus agreed, saying that everybody in

complacency the industry seems to be

kill the relationship. In terms of long-term

the business had a duty to recognise that

gradually moving towards a more ethical

sustainability, you want to be able to look

it “doesn’t make sense to squeeze the

footing .

people in eye.”

last drop out of promoters because you’re






going to need them next week or next month.” The aim for everyone, she said, should be “building long term careers, rather than a flash in the pan,” and that ethics and business “were not mutually exclusive.” References





operating in an ethical manner of included handing back 50% of a festival headlining fee to help out the organisers who were staring bankruptcy in the face when the event ran into trouble. Tudhope spoke about his artists Mumford & Sons splitting the profits evenly between all three acts on the bill, when they staged

Panel at ILMC 2018

2011’s Railroad Revival Tour, much as two thirds of the audience were there to see



MARCH 2018

Mumford. He concluded, “The winds

and StubHub, saying that they have no part

ethical generation that has had to reimagine

of change are blowing, the internet has

of our business, and ake money away from

the business”.

brought more transparency and, in turn,

fans in an appalling way.

more ethical practices to the recorded music

So, if this panel was anything to go bye,

industry. Nevertheless, the live side of the

The session concluded with Harris saying

there is cause for optimism, as Harris

business remains at least 10 years behind.”

that he saw, “… hope for the future with

finished up, “It feels more like the 60s than

He remarked on the misuse of the internet in

the greedy boom-and-bust years of the

it does the 80s, which is a good thing.” I

the live industry by companies like Viagogo

1980s and 1990s giving way to a more

for one agree!

Netherlands to be Guest Country for The Great Escape Allan McGowan The






international country for The Great Escape.

the awesome Dutch wave of bands ready to

we’re in the company of the cream of the

take over Europe!”

Dutch crop with acts like The Homesick,

The country’s most prominent rising stars

Canshaker Pi and so many more.”

will be showcased in partnership with the

Having already built solid foundations in

Dutch Music Export.

their home country these acts represent a

Dutch Music Export is a longstanding

variety of genres from alternative noise rock

partner at The Great Escape festival, since

With Pitou, Naaz, Iguana Death Cult,

and garage to indie folk, quirkpop and singer

year one the Dutch Impact party has been a

Paceshifters and Rosemary & Garlic already

songwriters with beautiful vocal harmonies.

highlight in the convention programme. For

confirmed, recent additions are: Canshaker

The aim of the the Export Office is to offer

thirteen years Dutch artists have provided

Pi, Charlie & the lesbians, Day Fly, Nana

something for everyone and present acts

festival go-ers with many memorable

Adjoa, Pip Blom, The Homesick and Brass

that will stay on the radar in 2018.

performances from artists such as, Amber

Rave Unit.

Arcades, Dope D.O.D, Jacco Gardner, Pip Blom says.”We played last year’s TGE and it was such a great festival that even in the

dozens of shows in the UK over the last

pouring rain we had the best time walking

The Dutch Impact Party will take place on

year, it’s a huge honour to play The Great

through Brighton checking out cool bands

Friday 18th May 2018 at Komedia, 44-47

Escape among our Dutch friends this year.

like Shame and Goat Girl. We’re honoured

Gardner Street, Brighton. More info and set

We love coming back to Brighton and join

to play this year again, especially because

times coming soon.

Canshaker Pi


Jameszoo and Klangstof,

Said Canshaker Pi ”After having played


MARCH 2018

Rockavaria - Comeback Of A Festival Manfred Tari It’s true to say that DEAG’s original 2015 attempts to launch new festivals in Germany and Austria were not exactly a success story.

Die Toten Hosen will headline Rockavaria

In fact in its business report for the same year the company filed a financial debt of 23.2 million Euros and the share price suffered a significant backlash. However,





troubled times; the first episode in the 40 year old company’s long history was the purchase of the musical company Stella

VIP News asked Christian Dieckmann, COO/

as Paul McCartney, Black Sabbath, Sunrise

around 2000, shortly after DEAG undertook

CDO of DEAG about his expectations and

Avenue, Anna Netrebko, Paul Kalkbrenner,

its IPO at Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 1998.

the experience applied to the revamping of

and the sold out-show with Aerosmith last

this edition of the festival.


Rockavaria a thorough work over, staging

VIP News: What are the challenges and

VIP News: Apparently the site will

the festival at a new site in Munich and

the benefits arising from the new site


applying a revamped festival concept. The

for Rockavaria?

Can a festival with this kind of billing

Nevertheless, DEAG gave its festival-brand 22.000


and production settings be profitable

event went ahead in 2015 and 2016, but was suspended in 2017, but this year will


take place on June 9 -10. at the Königsplatz,

taking on the challenge! The former site





centrally located in the inner city of Munich.

- the Olympic park including the stadium

or do you consider this event rather to be a strategic investment?

- was tricky to operate, and an expensive







The line-up is distinctively rock oriented,

festival site. An alternative and attractive

Rockavaria as a festival with both popular

featuring 21 acts with Iron Maiden and

new location allowing a profitable festival-

headliners and upcoming artists - and

Toten Hosen as headliners, and including

event was urgently needed. So we - and the

to continue profitably. We will reach the

Limp Bizkit, Therapy?, Royal Republic,

audience as well - appreciate that Munich

target. For purely strategic reasons we

Donots and Emil Bulls.

welcomes Rockavaria now and also in future,

wouldn´t accept loss making events. The

and that the city provides space and options

diverse locations are to be distinguished.

for this type of music culture. The benefit

Some are more difficult, some less. This

is a sensational view and an extraordinary

location provides such good conditions that

atmosphere. It´s a very beautiful spot and

both a top-billing and a smaller capacity are

a special piece of nature in the middle of


Munich! VIP News: Particularly DEAG suffered

Christian Dieckmann - Foto / Diehoffotografen


For the first time we received permission for

a substantial financial loss in 2015,

a second stage called “Green Stage” in the

when the bidding war for top-artists

shady park. For sure Rockavaria is the rock-

reached new levels. However, It looks

festival with the most beautiful scenery.

like boutique festivals these days are

A big advantage is that we are used to

doing better than events with popular

producing concerts on this site, having

headliners, which are more expensive

presented 20 shows to date with artists such

than upcoming artists. With this in


MARCH 2018

mind, what are the strategic guidelines

a row of bad weather. Current ticket

Onkelz stadium show, Iron Maiden tour in

for the development of Rockavaria

sales for open-air events apparently

Germany and also festivals like Rock The

in particular since the event was

are below expectations. How you

Ring in Switzerland and last but not least

suspended in 2017?

would describe the current market

Rockavaria in Munich.

situation and what this means for Dieckmann: Rockavaria is an urban rock


VIP News: Please tell us about the marketing concept for Rockavaria. Are

festival. It presents edgy and top-class headliners embedded in a well formed music

Dieckmann: I assume that we have again

you going to promote the festival with

programme composed of international and

to distinguish. It seems comprehensible

a focus on regional territories or even

national great rock bands. Additionally the

that Stephan´s perception is true referring

on a nationwide level?

location and atmosphere are something

the large three- or four-days festivals in the

special. Everything is focused on the music,

countryside. The very bad and dangerous

Dieckmann: The radius is about 300

the shows and having a nice rock summer´s

weather conditions in the last two years

kilometres around Munich I guess, so for

day in a beautiful environment.

impaired the people´s festival pleasure and

now it´s a regional thing.

experience. The effect could be reservation, Rockavaria is not a boutique festival. But

but also many festivals took place without

VIP News: Looking on the website

the urban festival approach distinguishes

being affected by apocalyptic weather and

for the event there haven’t been any


many people had fun at festivals.

sponsors displayed yet. Is it due to the





type of “rock”-billing or other reasons

Wacken. It´s not about spending four days in the countryside and taking a short break.

With current ticket sales in mind I can say

that explains the lack of sponsors?

that the headline open air shows we will VIP News: At ILMC 2018, Stephan

present this summer are not affected. Just

Dieckmann: We have Monster Rehab, Jim

Thanscheidt mentioned in the festival

a selection like Ed Sheeren stadium tour

Beam and some other partners and I expect

panel, that in 2018 festival promoters

UK, Foo Fighters Stadium show in Bern

a head-sponsor partner coming in the next

are paying the price for three years in

(CH), die toten hosen in Lucerne, Boese

two years.



MARCH 2018

Federation Of German Tax Payers Criticise Support Programme for Music Venues - a comment by VIP News Reporter Manfred Tari ( spent. For more than 20 years this association has regularly questioned how taxpayers’ money is being used and abused, compiling blacklists that reads like a manifest. Worth noting that on the next page after the foreword of its current report the organisation prominently features the statement that the budget for social spending is expected to exceed more than 50 per cent of the entire state budget. Of course we all got used to spotting poverty in the streets, and we realised that, since the days of Reagan & Thatcher and their European political equivalents, the social gap between the rich and the average people continues to rise; asking ourselves why some huge corporate companies are hardly paying any taxes while at the same time the purchasing power of ordinary people declines. So actually you might think this organisation is fighting for a good purpose, and eventually this might be the truth, but unfortunately not in general. In its current report just released on March 20

Manfred Tari

this organisation highlighted, among others, that the support programme for digitalization of music venues was being misspent. Until 2019 this incentive programme will outlay a total amount of

In the hey days of populism it takes a lot to raise awareness.

3 million Euro, enabling clubs and venues to invest in new digital

Politically minded players easily produce statements and claims that

sound and light equipment.

are somehow being picked up in public or social media. Feeding opinions and boosting messages has reached a level of perfection

Roughly calculated this organisation is questioning subsidies

that is so to say mind blowing.

and other expenses of more than 2.2 billion euro. Then there is another 6 billion Euro for military drones for the German Ministry

There are certain buzzwords that simply seem to work best these

for Defence; the assumption that this organisation also represents

days. One of those is “neo- liberal.” A kind of hard-core-capitalism-

peace activists is wrong. In the particular chapter regarding this

philosophy that for certain people has become a sort of religion,

spending, this association recommends the purchase of American

praising the idea of a free market as the ultimate requirement to

drones instead, which have already proved successful and much

save the world.

less expensive.

Not since the collapse of the Soviet Union have the hardliners

Whatever it takes, every investment in music is certainly less

of capitalism celebrated such an on-going party and declared a

harmful than in military equipment, whether it’s cheaper or not.

policy of austerity as being the sexiest thing for mankind since the invention of the wheel.

VIP News asked the Tax Payers Federation for a statement shortly before this report went to press. The spokesperson of the


Well, the German Federation Of Tax Payers also has an ultimate

organisation replied to VIP News, but argued that due to a lack

passion for austerity when it comes to how tax monies are being

of time it was not possible to answer all the submitted questions.


MARCH 2018

and more. Also, the coalition agreement of the new government

The questions by VIP News were:

provides for a massive expansion of subsidies and financial grants – contrary to the subsidy policy guidelines.

• Please explain why you chose the financial aid for the digitalisation of music venues to be considered in your

To draw attention to this expansionary policy, the federation of

recent report...

taxpayers has used current examples from the federal budget and the coalition agreement. Promoting live music clubs is just one of the

• Did you check in detail who is eligible for this funding?

examples. A subsidy race between different cultural sectors would be problematic: If one sector receives more government funding,

• Music venues in Germany, unlike music halls or

others feel at a disadvantage. So now that the music clubs receive

orchestras for classical music hardly receive any subsidies.

state aid, other cultural areas, which are not subsidized so far,

The financial gap between institutionalized culture ventures

could soon claim those as well. In general terms, there is no legal

and the ones who actually benefit from the programme for

entitlement to subsidies, that is to say the financial help by taxpayers.

the digitalisation of music venues is more than significant. Are you still seriously questioning this programme when

In the light of already rampant public spending, there should be

taking into account that the majority of venues that still are

no subsidy spiral in which more and more sectors, companies and

hosting concerts with upcoming and eventually midsized

private clientele are calling for state support. It is also important that

artists, due to the financial volume related with these kind

strict rules for the awarding of subsidies and grants are not only

of concerts, rather do for it passion than for profits?

formulated but also taken into account. As a scene connoisseur, you are pursuing a self-legitimate interest to justify a subsidy requirement

• The number of music venues in Germany as in other

for music clubs. However, this can also be done by other sectors – for

European countries is decreasing due to various reasons.

example, the film industry, the computer game industry or private

Sometimes it is due to new neighbours, new landlords,

EEG plant operators. However, we, as the taxpayers’ federation,

stricter noise emissions, tougher safety guidelines or

try our best to scrutinize and question subsidy programs over all

simply economical reasons. In addition thereto, culture

branches – not only culture. Because exactly the money, which

offers for younger audiences particular in Germany and

politics distributes for subsidies, is the money citizens must earn

especially for popular music are very rare. What kind of

before. We believe that they have a right that their money is spent

political preferences does your organisation have in terms

wisely and carefully.

of subsidies for culture? Well, in particular the film industry in Germany has for ages received substantial amounts of subsidies and even the games-sector to a much lower extent receives subsidies, too. In fact the spokesperson answered with a summary, saying: Anyhow, the German live music sector for popular music itself For its campaign “spring cleaning”, the federation of Taxpayers has

pays taxes and probably more than it receives on financial grants

looked particularly critically at the subsidy policy of the German

in return. Perhaps it is about time to ask the wonderful act Sleaford

government as with the beginning of spring every year. In 2015,

Mods to write a proper protest song, to be played before each and

the government decided on subsidy-policy guidelines: if these self-

every club show, explaining why the political-philosophy of radical

defined targets were consistently implemented, they could curb the

neo-liberalism is just one those elements that is feeding political

expansionary granting of subsidies. Unfortunately, the ministries

populism. But convincing the believers and evangelists of neo-

largely ignore their own guidelines! The consequences: The volume

liberalism is almost as challenging as convincing Donald Trump that

of subsidies is growing, and citizens and businesses are paying more

climate change is real...

Need to know who is touring Europe?


Go online -



MARCH 2018

FIGHTBACK: Grassroots Promoter Programme Expands! Allan McGowan MVT will supply a toolkit and contacts that new promoters need to put on their show. Alongside this, the FB: GP scheme will match them with music industry experts with experience of every aspect of delivering a successful event who can mentor them through the process. The package of support includes:

• A Gig-In-A-Box – everything you need to know about how to book, Recently The Music Venue Trust teamed

MVT’s Beverley Whitrick adds: “We want

up with Music Planet Live to launch a new

to make a big change to the independent

initiative that will encourage and help 100

promoter scene in the UK, enabling 100

• Support from your local Grassroots

young female promoters to each stage

young women to take a chance on promoting

Music Venue and leading Independ-

a gig in a grassroots music venue of their

a show they believe in. With their support,

ent Promoters and music industry pro-

choosing. The scheme is part of MVT’s

we are not only going to raise money for

fessional acting as mentors

Fightback programme of fundraising events.

Music Venue Trust, we are going to start





programme will make £100,000 available

manage and promote a show

the process of identifying the next wave of

• Be part of a national campaign with

fantastic new independent promoters and

your own local event – profits from

tackle head-on diversity in this sector

your Fightback show directly help to

in ‘subsidy guarantees’, basically under-

keep venues open through the Emer-

writing shows that participating promoters

The Instigators of the project are delighted

stage. They’ll still need to aim to break

to announce that following the successful

even on the gig, but the initiative will take


the risk out of promoting a grass roots

Promoter initiative, the programme is being

music event. Promoters taking part in the

expanded with a second opportunity aimed

scheme will also have access to knowledge

at anyone who is passionate about live

and advice.

music and want to learn the skills to become




gency Response service

Grassroots Beverley Whitrick, MVT:

an independent promoter. Stage 2 of the MVT and MPL note that “under 25s who

programme has brought new partners and

want to promote a show are often put off

supporters on board, including DHP Family,

by the risk or the lack of information about

Ticketweb, Ents24, Kilimanjaro Live, The List

who to speak to, how to get the best deal,

and many others.

or what connections they need. At the same


time, grassroots music venues are crying

FB: GP stage 2 will make an additional

out for new young promoters with fresh

£100,000 in subsidy guarantees available

ideas. Add into that mix a lack of diversity

to underwrite 100 additional Fightback

in the music industry and it adds up to a

fundraising shows at Grassroots Music

series of barriers to young women taking

Venues promoted by new promoters or


up promoting and adding their unique voice

those who want to try and develop their

fantastic feedback and responses to our

and ideas to the grassroots scene”.

promoting skills.


Beverley Whitrick









MARCH 2018

announcement, and it clearly demonstrated that there is a huge interest in promoting and in supporting grassroots music venues. This new initiative is open to everyone who would like to get involved. Bring us great ideas, and we will get you the support you need to make them a reality. Fightback Grassroots Promoter is supported by key organisations and figures from every level of the music industry, with established promoters such as Live Nation and DHP Family among those getting behind the campaign:

Paul Latham, COO UK & Ireland, Live Nation:

Paul Latham George Akins

“Live Nation already have female festival promoters and senior gig promoters but we are mindful that we can always do better

performing in the industry we will naturally

and need more talent from the most diverse

see more growth in the business.”

backgrounds. We wholly support the Music

Richard Taylor, Music Planet Live: “At Music Planet Live we don’t believe that

Venues Trust in their ground-breaking and

Fightback Grassroots Promoter is a targeted

a financial risk should always be a part of

laudable campaign.”

initiative from Music Venue Trust and

promoting for independent and emerging

Music Planet Live that sits alongside MPL’s

promoters at grassroots level. The role is

announcement of £1 Million of incentives and

vital for the entire live industry and we’re

grants to support emerging UK promoters

committed to supporting the hard work

and artists. Music Planet Live will be funding

undertaken, which on many occasions has

“There are clearly barriers to women breaking

artists, projects and live events up to £5k

little financial reward. We want to provide

into the world of concert promotion. We as

each across the UK. In addition to show

an opportunity for promoters to be able to

a company would like to see more women

sponsorship, the site is designed so artists,

put on the shows they want. We want the



venues and promoters of all levels can use its

venues paid, the artists paid and as such we

behind the scenes and if we can help in any

service to increase exposure and following,

want to help cover costs, so promoters can

way to see this come to fruition then we

create a new audience and generate income

afford to put on a show risk free and help

will. By having more women working and

through various means.

keep live music thriving.”

George Akins, DHP:





MARCH 2018

The Further Adventures of The Broken Ravens Allan McGowan The extremely hard working Scottish band

Reindeer Section) and band mate Derek

at the end of our meeting with a tee shirt

The Broken Ravens have been keeping VIP

(we called him Prick Rubin) co produced.

and a bottle of Harris Gin, which she was

News informed of their progress as they

delighted with. A quick 15-minute coffee

put their efforts into breaking into the US

A week of 14-hour days really paid off and

lasted 4 hours and once the EP is mixed and

Market. Kevin Clark brings us up to date:

cannot believe the results. We recorded

the PR back story is complete, she will pass

7 tracks. In the downtime at the studio

on to various industry friends that will be

Well, we finally got to Los Angeles after

Danny and his wife Lori made us a meal,

able to help us secure high profile shows

snow in Glasgow that was of biblical

sat in on recordings and treated us like a

and management. She said our music, our

proportions!!! It was unreal and I was stuck

part of the family. They were amazing, as

take on the music industry, and the way we

there for nearly 4 days. Left after the other

was almost everyone we met.

have done everything ourselves was a great

guys and got there a day before them!!

story and totally alien to LA. She thinks We played a show at the Viper Room, and

people would buy into the band as persons

We were unsuccessful in obtaining funding

invited a writer that expressed interest in

you can easy identify with, and coupled

(ÂŁ5k) from the Creative industry bodies

our music. She is based in Santa Monica

with the fact our music is unique in their

that subsidise these things. I managed to

and has written a script for a new dark

local music scene.

raise all the money by selling tee shirts,

detective themed series that Amazon was

arranging events in local venues utilising

keen to shoot. The writer was blown away

Just to mix now, and looking for the right

local musicians and bands, and by securing

by our music and since has been in touch

person who can work on a humble budget.



with regards to sync. She has also been in

Will send you a selection of tracks once

local businesses. All this was done in

talks with Netflix and if all goes well, will

they are done.

approximately 8 weeks.

be shot this summer in NYC. She sent the




script to me after signing an NDA, not that

Good to be home, first day back to work

Once we all got over the pond, we recorded

I know anything about scripts but seems

tomorrow, looking forward to it like a hole

7 tracks in Danny Hutton’s (Three Dog

pretty good so fingers crossed.

in the head!!!

Hut. His son Dash was the engineer/

I also had a meeting with an attorney for

Kindest Regards

producer and my brother Charlie (Astrid/

a huge global metal band. I presented her


Night) Laurel canyon studio- The Canyon

The Broken Ravens


16/17/18/19 JAN 2019 GRONINGEN NL

! U O Y K THAN ! 9 1 0 2 S N S E T A U O Y EE




MARCH 2018

SXSW Announces 2018 Grulke Prize Winners Allan McGowan I’ve not been to SXSW for some years now,

album aptly sums up the contributions of

and I must admit I miss Austin; SXSW itself

this multi-faceted artist to state-of-the-

is no longer as big as it was, though many

art music. As a songwriter, video pioneer,

are of the opinion that the reduction is no


bad thing. Those who I have spoken to

software developer, conceptualist — and

about this recent edition have remarked on

— most recently, interactive artist (re-

how relatively quiet it was.




designated TR-i), Rundgren has made learned to play guitar and started writing

a lasting impact on both the form and

But, SXSW was always a great event run

her own lyrics, eventually settling into

content of popular music. His myriad

by some fine people and I have no doubt

an intense song-a-day pace. Some were

production projects include albums by

it will re-establish its own levels. The sadly

good, others better left forgotten, but the

Patti Smith, Cheap Trick, Psychedelic Furs,

missed Creative Director Brent Grulke

process sharpened her chops and shaped

Meatloaf, XTC, Grand Funk Railroad, and

passed away on August 13, 2012, but

her approach to songwriting. Her debut EP,

Hall and Oates.

his name is commemorated, by, as well

Something American, is out now.

as other things, the annual Grulke Prize,,

Jurors for the Grulke Prize include music

now in its sixth year and awarded in three

The Grulke Prize winner for Career Act is

critics, industry professionals, and SXSW


Todd Rundgren. A wizard, a true star —

staff, many of whom knew and worked

the title of Todd Rundgren’s 1973 solo

with Brent over the years.

On March 19, 2018 – The South by Southwest® (SXSW®) Conference and Festivals announced the winners for this year’s Prize.. The Grulke Prize winner for Developing U.S. Act is Starcrawler. Hailing from Los Angeles, Starcrawler formed two years ago when lead vocalist Arrow de Wilde first met drummer Austin Smith. Shortly thereafter, guitarist Henri Cash and bassist Tim Franco joined the band. The group is known for their squalling riffs, thundering beats and incendiary performances, fronted by de Wilde’s otherworldly magnetism. The band captivated audiences throughout their performances at this year’s Music Festival. The Grulke Prize winner for Developing Non-U.S. Act is Jade Bird. Already a recipient of the Reeperbahn Festival Anchor Award, this London-based songwriter took SXSW by storm, charming all who saw her with her clear voice and fetching songs. When she was barely a teenager, she


Jade Bird won the Grulke Prize at SXSW


MARCH 2018

O2 Arena Reports Annual Profits Since 2008 Allan McGowan

The O2 Arena in London has made a






O2 Arena London

(166m/ÂŁ146.m) since 2002 when sports conglomerate AEG acquired the venue. The facility opened as a theme park to celebrate the new Millennium, but failed to live up to expectations, attracting just over half of its expected visitors during its 12-month lifespan. Having





construct and $1.4m a month to maintain, the British government opted to sell the venue to AEG in order to save on costs and retrieve some of the funds. AEG turned the facility into a 21,000-seater entertainment venue that now hosts a plethora of events, ranging from music concerts to sports championships. In a further boost, AEG brought O2, a subsidiary of Spanish telecommunications giant TelefĂłnica on board as naming rights partner. This deal was renewed last year until a least 2027, for a cost of around $174m. Citing a report in the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Forbes said such has been the success of the project that the venue has made a profit after tax each year since 2008. In 2017, profit after tax hit a record high, surging 13.3% year-on-year to $46.7m,




MARCH 2018

New Executive Director for Music Finland

TKO hires agent Gabe Apodaca

From VIP-Daily News

From VIP-Daily News

Music Finland’s new Executive Director is Kaisa Rönkkö.

The Kirby Organization (TKO) have announced the addition of Gabriel Apodaca to their family.

Rönkkö has a long directorial career in the Finnish music field, with experience in expert organisation management.

Apodaca began his career as an agent 15 years ago, and will bring acts including 3OH!3 - who will be co-headlining this summer`s

Her current position is in the orchestra department at the Finnish

Vans Warped Tour - and Plague Vendor to the company`s roster.

National Opera and Ballet where she has been responsible for a staff of more than 130 professionals. Furthermore, Rönkkö has led the

“We are excited to have Gabe join our team in Los Angeles,”

Finnish operations at the EU project OperaVision, bringing opera

says Jim Lenz, who heads TKO`s California office. “He has a great

productions to streaming platforms.

energy and attitude that fits right in with our firm as we continue to grow.”

”The Finnish music export continues to grow and Music Finland is in an exceptional place at the moment, so I’m truly excited about my

“He not only brings experience and expertise, but will also help us

upcoming position. We have great international success stories in

expand our roster with broadening styles of music,” says Andrew

many musical genres, which is fascinating for me. The Finnish music

Goodfriend, with Mike Monterulo adding that, “Gabe may be

sector has vast potential, so I’m strongly confident about the future

working in our L.A. office, but we can already feel his contagious

of this field”, says Rönkkö.

spirit in New York.”

Rönkkö will start her position on the 7th of May. Her predecessor

TKO was founded in 2005 and have now offices in New York, Los

Tuomo Tähtinen will start his new post at Fullsteam Agency on the

Angeles, London and Austin. The Roster includes more than 100

5th of March.

names and talents in rock, metal, alternative and pop, Apodaca`s artists will join the TKO ranks of Buckcherry, Anthrax, Blue Oyster Cult, Soul Asylum, Sevendust, Tom Keifer, Hank 3, Billy Squier, Fuel,

Kaisa Rönkkö - photo by Tiia Ohman

Jefferson Starship, Dickey Betts and Drowning Pool, to name just a few.

Gabriel Apodaca



MARCH 2018


Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim

a financial volume of $500 million (2.5 percent) and senior notes

- A Revenue Billionaire

worth $300 million (5.6 percent). The term time for the convertible notes is 2023, the one for the senior notes is 2026.

CTS Eventim scored highly, reaching for the first time in the company history revenue of 1.034 billion Euros. The company emphasized that

Since the last issue of VIP News the share price melted down from a

in particular FKP Scorpio and “festival-innovations� contributed to

solid $47.83 to $42.50 per share. While total audience came in at a

the development of earnings within the live entertainment segment

record 2.7 million, driving revenue to $134.8m.

of the company. Revenue was up by 24.6 per cent, from a previous 829.9 million Euro to 1.034 billion. That of the Live Entertainment division alone rose from 439.2 to 629.7 million Euro. Nevertheless the Earnings before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) for this segment went down from 27.2 to 26.1 million Euro, while the Ticketing division remained the profit gainer: from 167.3 in 2016 up to 178.6 million Euro. The company declared recommending at the upcoming annual meeting to pay a dividend of 0.59 cent per share. On February 23 VIP News reported a share price of 42.80 Euro, for the current issue (23 March) it is only 36.88 Euro.

DEAG - Less Revenue, Better Earning Results DEAG announced preliminary results for 2017, reporting revenue of 179 million Euro compared to 199 million Euro one year before. However, the EBIT-result from previously minus 2.1 moved up to 5.1 million Euros. The final business report will be published on March 29, but already the company has declared that it expects a revenue growth of 20 percent and for the earnings 40 percent. The previously reported share price was 2.71 Euro, the current one is 2.63 Euro.

Live Nation - Issues New Bonds Worth $800 Million Despite the reported record revenue of $10.3 billion earlier at the end of February and the usually reported net loss ($6 million or $0.48 per share), the company announced the issue of convertible notes with



MARCH 2018


This space is dedicated to present some of our clients using Companies presented here have our best endorsement...

ARTIST AVAILS THE HORRORS Territory: Europe Period: 2018 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Steve Backman E-mail: Homepage:

PHIL RUDD BAND (EX AC/DC) Territory: Europe, Ukraine & Russia Period: May / June 2018 Agency: Fizzion Agent: Ian Smith Phone: +44 7791 699889 E-mail: Homepage:

FIREHOUSE Territory: UK, Europe, Asia Period: November / December 2018 Agency: ARM Entertainment Agent: Dana Strutz Phone: 6514838754 E-mail: Homepage:

Mercedes Benz Arena The Mercedes-Benz Arena is a multipurpose indoor arena in Berlin, Germany developed by the Anschutz Entertainment Group. The arena opened in September

CARMEL Territory: Europe Period: 2018 Agency: Artistagency Agent: Bart Quintens Phone: +32 777670 E-mail: Homepage:

2008 and hosts over 150 events per year. In 2018 the new 4,400 capacity Berlin Music Hall will open next door to the arena as part of the Mercedes Platz entertainment district. With a capacity of 17,000 people.

SMOKIE Territory: Worldwide Period: 2019 Agency: NOW Music Co Agent: Jason Phone: +44 (0)1484723557 E-mail:

PHOENIX Territory: Europe Period: 2018 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Peter Elliot E-mail: Homepage:

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