VIP News Premium - March 2019

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MARCH 2019

McGowan’s Much as I’d have liked to be out of the

number of attendants to London’s Royal

will not drown out the far more pleasing

country for a while to avoid the daily

Garden Hotel, some 1200 people from 60

songs of the likes of the blackbird, robin

helping of this interminable and increasingly

countries took part from 5-8 March, so I

and nightingale and 22 others, which will

unacceptable Brexit nonsense (although I

reckon that’s as international as you’re likely

make up the first ever UK single to feature

suppose a lot of other European states have

to get! New events added to the Agenda

nothing but birdsong. The Royal Society For

it continuously broadcast too) and my daily

brought in Production people and a new

The Protection Of Birds are releasing this to

ration of builder’s noise and dust, I have no

draft of young people – yes, I was very aware

highlight the massive decline in some species

foreign travels to report of late. However,

of the aging process! – to add some balance

of birds – so, go out and buy the two and

the 31st edition of ILMC brought in a record

to the continuing presence of the many long

a half minute track Titled ‘Let Nature Sing’,

standing regulars! (See report in this issue)

don’t let the gulls take over!

There is always something, in fact usually

Occasionally, believe it or not I miss out on

many things, to be learned at ILMC, and

live music events that take place in the UK,

often when you least expect, I strolled into

today, March 22 for instance I woke to the

the ‘Security – New Threats’ panel and found

usual Brexit insanity on the radio, to then hear

myself fascinated by the expertise delivered

quite a long report on the first Heavy Metal

about drones. These ‘flying saucers’ can be

Congress taking place in London. This event

extremely dangerous if misused and festival

is sanctioned by Black Sabbath’s Tony Iommi,

organisers are very aware of the trouble

and , although featuring international bands,

they could cause, so this forewarning was

surprisingly, backed by the Arts Council of

very useful. Also I, and many others, if the

England. Even the Shadow Justice Minister,

final standing ovation was anything to go

Richard Burgon turned up for this 50th

by, thought that Roger Daltrey delivered a

Anniversary celebration of the genre.

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480 Charlie Presburg +44 (0) 7980 817496



really impressive interview. I’ve heard a lot about Woodstock over the years, and how

In fact there’s been a fair amount of

great certain acts were, but I’d never heard

Government live music industry involvement

Creedence Clearwater Revival , much as I like

of late, with the release a few days ago, of

the band, praised as the stand out band of

the culture select committee’s live music

the legendary festival, but according to the

report, published by the UK Parliament’s

Who singer, this was the case.

Digital, Culture, Media & Sport select committee. (See report in this issue) So,

Now those of you that have put up with

does this mean that live music is being

these Musings over the years have read my

taken seriously enough to be considered as

rantings about Brighton seagulls, particularly

culture? Or are Government departments

the aggressively annoying Shitty, so birds do

and arts organisations just so bored by

occasionally feature in the News, but our

Brexit, (sorry – couldn’t help it!) that they

feathered friends are now to be released into

need to find other things to occupy them!

the UK Charts, although the irritating shrieks

Still, it’s all for the good – in the meantime

and gabbles of the gulls, will not feature so

Ladies and Gentlemen – The News!


MARCH 2019

CTS Eventim introduce Eventim Live Network From VIP-Daily News CTS Eventim has revealed plans to unite 26 of its majority-owned promoters into a pan-European live entertainment network, Eventim Live. Based in London, the network includes promoters in Spain, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Norway, Sweden,




Finland European





thousands of live events per year. CTS Founder and CEO Peter Schulenberg and Medusa Music MD Frithjof Pils will serve as managing directors of the new network but each company will retain autonomy and its own managing director, IQ Magazine reported.

Eventim Live Network

The new network was announced by

reach with local know-how, entrepreneurial

Schulenberg during a reception at the UK-

spirit with financial solidity and the biggest

based music conference ILMC.

festivals in Europe with the most exclusive club concerts,” he added.

“Eventim Live offers artists of all genres the most convenient access to the largest

The announcement of a Pan-European

possible audience in Europe,” Schulenberg

network follows a period of growth for CTS

said at the reception.

Eventim which saw the German promoter and ticketing company acquire stakes in

Peter Schulenberg

“Anyone who plans their performances

companies such as Doctor Music in Spain,

with one of our promoters gains access to

Vivo Concerts and Friends & Partners in

a unique network that transcends national

Italy, as well as the Scandinavian ticketing

borders. Eventim Live combines international

company Venuepoint.

Need to know who is touring Europe?


Go online -



MARCH 2019

ILMC 2019

- Heading Into A New Era Manfred Tari ILMC 2019 delivered. Not though as usual, as

However this development is still unfinished,

every edition of this conference is different.

but the number of entrepreneurs turning

ILMC has been evolving for years, but the

into employees has reached a new and

latest edition of this conference additionally

substantial level. In the February issue

delivered the final proof of the gradually

VIP News provided a summary about the

on-going departure of impresarios to be

latest purchases by investors of concert

replaced with an undeniable conversion into

companies or their investments into CAA,

corporate business structures.

UTA and WME. and interviews appeared to be inspiring

In fact corporate structures for concert

Given the relevance of the ILMC for the live

and informative as usual, providing not just

companies aren’t a new thing, but it appears

music community, the current edition of this

between the lines evidence on what the

that a transition phase is finally being

trade event just became the stage to present

conversion process means for this industry.

completed. With the presence of Klaus Peter

this kind of conversion. No, ILMC didn’t

Schulenberg, CEO of CTS Eventim, ILMC

lose any of its conference assets or its social

In the panel the “Artist View - The View From

2019 saw the involvement of the first ever

inventory, it is actually the industry that is

The Stage” the artist Lyla Foy says “With

self-made billionaire of this industry as part

undergoing a fundamental change.

bigger promoters sometimes the rep doesn’t

of its conference programme. While also,

even know your name.” This is probably one

for the first time, included in its agenda a

The overall mood was excellent, buoyed up by

side effect of the prosperity of the live music

panel an examination of the role of external

the fact that the live music industry these days

business. The payment gap between big and

financial investors in the concert business.

is prospering impressively. Debates, panels

small artists was also touched upon.

Roger Daltrey interviewed by Ed Bicknell at ILMC



MARCH 2019

The panel “Industry Investors: The Power

actually did, was to elaborate and explain

As the Future Forum was well attended and

Brokers” certainly deserved more listeners,

the new strategic set up of CTS Eventim.

content-wise a worthwhile contribution

appearing in that respect as typical of the

The new mission is “Eventim Live”, a brand

to the overall conference agenda of ILMC,

ILMC but also as an industry phenomenon.



hope remains that the 32nd edition of ILMC

Historically, new topics always take their time

alongside a re-directed business strategy to

2020 will come up with the ILMC Teenage

before catching up with the attention such

group its live entertainment subsidies under

Fan Club, an embedded conference topic

panels deserve. The panel itself focussed

one roof, so creating a company network.

that will touch on those subjects that matter

more on venture capital issues, but neglected

For those familiar with the previous business

to the ‘Generation Thunberg,’ who are

the more meaningful aspect of private equity

development of this company, this new

currently expressing their political concerns

investments. Please note: venture capital is

approach was the actual surprise as it ties

within the movement #Fridaysforfuture.

for beginners; private equity is where the

formerly loose ends together.



really big money is allocated.

It would certainly be another highlight, Probably the smartest move of ILMC 2019 was

when and if some of these protesters

The Schulenberg appearance alongside other

the inauguration of the Future Forum. Offering

explain their concerns to pop and rock stars

sessions such as “The Open Forum: With Or

reduced priced tickets especially for younger

or even top industry executives who prefer

Without EU” or “Ticketing: Is Selling Out

industry professionals, this was a newly

to travel on private jets. In fact it is the

Losing Out”, “The (Late) Breakfast Meeting

set up industry event on the last day of the

current generation of industry professionals

With Roger Daltrey”, were the blockbusters

conference. The panel “Meet The New Boss:

that until today, not only at ILMC but

of ILMC 2019.

Class of 2019” delivered a perfect overview

other gatherings, leave out debates about

of the mind-set of younger professionals,

political issues. In consideration of Brexit,

The presentation by Schulenberg produced

provided to an interested audience mix of

populism and social inequality besides the

high expectations, but instead of a spectacular

those who came for the Future Forum and

issue of private jets, there are many political

announcement of another major acquisition,

those regular ILMC attendees who curiously

aspects that actually should receive more

the true importance for the majority remained

listened to what the new generation of live

attention than at present as they certainly

almost undiscovered. What Schulenberg

music professionals had to say.

matter for the live music industry...

Futures Forum at ILMC



MARCH 2019

Thomas Johansson receives Swedish award From VIP-Daily News The Swedish Government’s 2018 Special

to Thomas Johansson, Live Nation, with the

been directly and indirectly involved when

Prize for long-standing contributions to

following citation:

leading Swedish artists have been exported

Swedish music exports has been awarded to Thomas Johansson. Thomas

to the world’s stages. “This year’s winner of the Special Prize has




entertainment company EMA Telstar in

had a key position in Swedish music exports

He fully managed the world tours of Europe

ever since he founded the concert company

and Roxette. With the title Chairman

EMA Telstar in 1969.

International/Nordics in the company that is

1969, bringing international acts to Sweden

now called Live Nation Sweden, he has also

and managing ABBA’s touring, as well as

The fact that right from its inception

regularly worked behind the scenes in recent

that of many other Swedish acts. EMA

EMA Telstar brought foreign superstars

decades for contemporary Swedish export

Telstar joined Live Nation over ten years ago.



artists such as the Cardigans, Peter Jöback

Today Johansson is Live Nation’s chairman of



and Zara Larsson.

international music and the Nordics.

leading role in export contexts as well. In

undertakings doors






the early 1970s, he and EMA had primary

Fifty years after that first global endeavour,


responsibility for ABBA’s tours when they

Thomas Johansson is still an essential part of

contributions to Swedish music exports went

became global stars, and since then he has

building Swedish music exports.”





Pictured from left: Thomas Johansson, Minister for Foreign Trade Ann Linde, Ludwig Göransson och Ulla Sjöström. Photo by Sofia Nahringbauer



MARCH 2019

First ETEP 2019 Results Announced Allan McGowan Two months after the 2019 edition of Eurosonic Noorderslag, the first results of ESNS’s European Talent Exchange Programme (ETEP) have been

The 10 most booked ET EP acts are listed below: 1. Fontaines D.C. (ie) - 10 shows 2. Black Midi (gb) - 7 show s 3. Flohio (gb) - 6 shows 4. Pip Blom (nl) - 5 show s 5. The Murder Capital (ie ) - 4 shows 6. Iris Gold (dk) - 4 show s 7. Yegor Zabelov (by) - 3 shows 8. Whispering Sons (be) - 3 shows 9. Lewsberg (nl) - 3 show s 10. Whenyoung (ie) - 3 sh ows

announced. So far only 51 of the 129 ETEP festivals have revealed at least part of their line ups, but already these include 143 confirmed ETEP shows. So far in the lead with 10 ETEP festival slots 2019 is Irish post-punk band Fontaines D.C. who have secured a really promising year. However the band is certainly not the only ETEP act that will be found on many festival lineups this year. Robert Meijerink, Head of programme and Programme manager EU talent at ESNS com-

Top 10 by countr y:

mented: “ETEP selection results are always a surprise No one can predict the ten most booked acts. I am really pleased to see how ETEP is helping the circulation of European artists in the live sector already so early in the year. The first results also prove that festivals across the world are interested in putting on a wide variety of different styles/genres by European artists at their events.”

ETEP Festivals

1. Ireland - Fontaines D. C. - 10 shows 2. Great Britain - Black Midi - 7 shows 3. The Netherlands - Pip Blom - 5 shows 4. Denmark - Iris Gold 4 shows 5. Belarus - Yegor Zabelov - 3 shows 6. Belgium - Whispering Sons - 3 shows 7. Norway - girl in red 2 shows 8. Sweden - Linn Koch-E mmery - 2 shows 9. Austria - Mavi Phoenix (at) 2 shows 10. The Czech Republic Zabelov Group - 2 show s

Aiming to promote European music across the world, ETEP supports the booking of emerging European talent at 129 festivals in 37 countries. Alongside working closely together with these festivals, ETEP also actively cooperates with 16 export offices and the European Broadcasting Union. The following festivals have confirmed the most ETEP shows so far: The Great Escape (20 ETEP acts), by:larm (7 ETEP acts), Les Nuits Botanique (7 ETEP acts), MENT Ljubljana (6 ETEP acts), Best Kept Secret (5 ETEP acts) Lollapalooza Berlin (5 ETEP acts).


Fontaines D.C.


MARCH 2019

ESNS Charts

countries and generates extensive media exposure for these artists in cooperation

This year, ESNS will publish even more

with the European Broadcasting Union

insights on new European music. Aside from

(EBU) public radio stations, the European

the latest improved Music Moves Europe

export offices and national and international

Talent Charts, ESNS is launching the ESNS

media. This way, ETEP aims to give a boost

Chart this year, tracking the radio airplay

to the international careers of European

of approximately 350 ESNS2019 artists on

artists and highlights the participating ETEP

radio stations outside their home country.




Since the start of the programme in 2003

Fontaines D.C., Pip Blom, Mahalia, Nielson,

ETEP has facilitated 4.001 shows by 1.445

Eli, Sports Team and Someone.

acts in 34 countries, and the organisers




Years & Years

are very proud to have contributed to the

About ETEP

careers of so many talented European acts. Many acts that received support from ETEP

Temptation and Years & Years have greatly

The European Talent Exchange Programme

at the start of their careers have become

benefited from the support of the ETEP

(ETEP) was introduced in 2003 to stimulate

very successful. Over the past 17 years, acts

programme. More recently, acts such as

the exchange of European artists across

such as Agnes Obel, Ásgeir, Ben Howard,

Idles, Shame, Alma, Aurora and Dua Lipa

Europe. An initiative of ESNS, ETEP facilitates

Benjamin Clementine, Calvin Harris, Franz

played some of their first international

the bookings of European acts on European

Ferdinand, James Blake, MØ, Noisia, Selah

shows with the support of the European

& international festivals outside their home

Sue, The Editors, The Kooks, The XX, Within

Talent Exchange Programme.




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MARCH 2019

Yourope Announces Members Annual Report 2018 Allan McGowan

In-depth report on the present state and performance of European Music Festivals associated with Yourope • Analysis of European Artists performing at, and Audiences attending, Popular Music Festivals • Festival Season 2018 Results for Yourope Festivals •

Yourope, the Pan-European association of


music festivals, has published the results

festivals and associated members in 26





of its members survey for 2018. The study

European countries. The events associated

provides an evaluation of the settings and

with Yourope range from large scale festivals

conditions of its member festivals, with

with more than 70.000 visitors to small and

reports on the characteristics of popular

medium sized events with less than 5.000

music festivals in general, including artistic

visitors. The current survey is one of the

profile and audience observations for these

very first research reports on a European

events. The report furthermore underlines

level, investigating in detail the main age

The study is now available for download on

the relevance of popular music festivals as

groups for popular music festivals, findings

the website

culture indicators for young Europeans on a

on cross border effects on events attracting

European level.

an international audience and the resulting

Yourope, founded in 1998, is the leading

accumulated economic results.

association for popular music festivals, representing nearly 100 live events and

Christof Huber, General Secretary of Yourope,


comments: “In particular reference to the






overall development in the number of events, festivals have become a very meaningful

In the second half of 2018 Yourope undertook

cultural phenomenon in Europe. Taking into

a members survey in order to evaluate market

consideration the fact that the main age

results and findings regarding previous year’s

group for festival attendants is between 25

festival season and beyond.

and 29 years, it is clear that popular music festivals are supporting cultural exchange

Data Assembling Period: September -

between young Europeans by providing

December 2018.

essential stages and performance spaces for artists and their audiences.”

Compiled & evaluated by: Lisa Rüegg.

Along with other observations, the survey

Yourope: Bettina Tari-Kirsch, Robert Adamik

revealed that up to 70 percent of festivals

& Manfred Tari - Pop10 - February 28, 2019.

associated with Yourope promote their

Christof Huber


events outside their domestic markets, with

Here, we give a brief summary of the

54 percent of their artistic programmes

conclusions from the findings of this

predominantly featuring European artists.

important survey:


MARCH 2019

CONCLUSIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS The majority of festival promoters organized within

However, until now most European Music Export Offices

Yourope considered the festival season 2018 as good.

follow an “artist”- focused export strategy, supplying

Only a minority remained below 80 per cent of the

funding for the distribution and/or the marketing of

capacities or their festivals. However, components such

recorded music or grand tour support for artists abroad.

as “competition”, “the lack of headliners” and “severe weather” are considered as risks for their events.

While record or publishing companies, music managers are in favour of their artists directly benefitting from such

According to an internal opinion poll festival promoters

measures, live music products such as festivals or venues

are concerned about potential future obstacles such as

benefit at best only indirectly from these organisations or

the continuous rise in artist fees, the availability, or lack

their funding schemes.

of, headlining artists, tougher competition between festivals, challenging weather conditions and a changing

Yourope therefore recommends the re-thinking of music

overall economic situation in Europe. Also mentioned were

export strategies, enabling festivals and other live music

concerns regarding rising expenses for security measures.

ventures or projects, to be considered on an equal level in terms of export or marketing activities abroad.

Political developments apparently do not seem to be considered a potential risk. As, among other factors, consequences due to Brexit are not yet known, the live music sector as with other industries cannot foresee what kind of impact this will have on their business. The general assumption seems to be that the EU will remain intact and won’t be compromised due to upcoming EU election results. Businesswise the live music sector is currently confronted with a consolidation process as external investors, in particular from the financial sector, are buying concert companies and festivals almost everywhere in Europe. This development causes structural amendments as bigger company units have other sources and opportunities enabling offers of bulk deals for artists. In the near future this might lead to higher fees for top artists, which in particular is already a bigger problem for smaller and midsized festivals than for large scale events. Another meaningful development to be regarded is that more and more festivals offering spin offs of their events outside their domestic markets. Prominent examples are events such as Creamfield, Lollapalooza, Sonar Festival or Rock in Rio, while Wacken Open Air is promoting related events in South Africa, Indonesia, Japan & Uruguay with WOA Metal Battle.

Download the full Yourope Report here



MARCH 2019

UK Government DCMS Live Music Report Allan McGowan UK Music CEO Michael Dugher, and others,

the government’s Department For Digital,

have welcomed the recent Digital, Culture,

Culture, Media & Sport, while also debating

Media and Sport Committee’s Live Music

issues around the sectors that department

report, Dughher referred to the report as a

supports, launched its inquiry into the UK’s

“landmark” and a “wake-up call” towards

live music business at the start of last year,

protecting the live music industry. The

taking evidence from promoters, venues,

committee, which scrutinises the work of

ticketing firms and artists, among others.

Michael Dugher

The key findings of the DCMS Select Committee report include: and introduce new or extend existing relief schemes such as those * Full backing for UK Music’s call for a review of business rates to help grassroots music venues. * A taskforce and new investment to nurture the music industry’s talent pipeline * A warning the public not to buy or sell tickets

for pubs or small retail properties to lessen the burden of business rates on music venues in order to protect grassroots venues and independent festivals”. Beyond that, it says, “further support should be given by the government by extending tax relief, already given for orchestra performances, to other forms of music production”.

through Viagogo * Concerns about discrimination hindering the success of urban music * Support for the setting up of a network of Music Boards

Michael Dugher continued, “It’s great that cross-party MPs have recognised the warnings that we at UK Music have issued over the impact of soaring business rates’ bills on venues. This Committee has now joined MPs from all parties who have called on the Chancellor to end the present system which discriminates against music venues, including by not allowing them to get the same rates rebate as pubs

Michael Dugher welcomed the findings saying:

and clubs. It is time the Government listened and threw a lifeline to venues that are struggling to survive.”

“This is a landmark report into live music by Damian Collins and members of the DCMS Select Committee. They have really listened to the live music industry, which contributes around £1bn a year to the UK economy, and their report is a real wake-up call for everyone who wants to safeguard live music. “Grassroots music venues across the country face massive challenges with 35 per cent of them closing in the past decade, according to the Music Venue Trust.” Mark Davyd, Founder and CEO of MVT told VIP News that the Trust warmly welcomed all that was covered by this one comprehensive DCMS report, but added, “We now don’t need any more reports: It’s quite plain to see what must be done, and what can be done, so let’s actually get on with it!” The committee states: “The government should immediately review the impact of recent business rates changes on the live music sector


Mark Davyd CEO - Music Venue Trust


MARCH 2019

“Viagogo has been ripping off music fans for far too long and we are

and Ed Sheeran. With the decline of music in education in particular,

delighted this report recognises that. It’s high time Viagogo became

there is a real danger that having the chance of a successful career

Via-NoNo when it comes to ticket sales. But Google is complicit in

in music means that you have to have access to the ‘Bank of Mum

this because it effectively facilitates rip-off merchants like Viagogo

and Dad’. We are, in effect drawing water from a well that’s getting

by ranking them at the top when people search for tickets online.

smaller and smaller.

Google must also take responsibility to make sure fans get a fair deal. “One of our first campaigns after UK Music was set up in 2008 was to The FanFair Alliance, which campaigns for a more transparent and

call for Form 696 to be axed. We welcomed the move by Mayor Sadiq

better regulated secondary ticketing market, welcomed the report

Khan to end a practice that effectively discriminates unfairly against

and especially its blunt conclusions on Viagogo. It said in a statement:

genres like grime. We must root our discrimination wherever we find

“FanFair Alliance welcomes all aspects of the committee’s wide-

it and we support the Committee’s call for cross-departmental action

reaching report and especially their condemnation of Viagogo. What

by Government to develop guidance for all the relevant authorities to

we now need is action. If a restaurant poses a risk to public health,

ensure that urban music acts do not face discrimination.

we expect inspectors to close it immediately on grounds of consumer protection. Unfortunately, such powers of enforcement are seemingly

“We are pleased that the report recommends and supports the

absent when it comes to online ticket touting”.

establishment of regional Music Boards. This has been a key part of UK Music’s work over the past 18 months to help support music,

Dugher continued, “We particularly welcome the recommendation

boost the night time economy and spread opportunities more widely.

that a new taskforce is needed to help and support emerging talent.

We have already set up successful Music Boards in London, Liverpool

We urgently need help to nurture the music industry’s talent pipeline

and Sheffield, and hopefully soon in Greater Manchester too, which

if we are to continue producing world-leading superstars like Adele

bring people together and get things done”.

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MARCH 2019

The Meaning Of The Political Failure Of Article 13 Manfred Tari On March 26th the European Parliment

for years about the so called “value gap”

affected by such political decisions. Both

decided on an extensive reform of the

regarding the lousy compensations paid

this and other cases prove that the music

copyright law. Article 13 became the buzz

by Youtube and Facebook for the usage

sector is lacking the initiative to join forces

word for political campaigns, even causing

of music content is almost invisible in this

when it comes to protect their interests on

demonstrations and intensive lobby efforts by

conflict. A public campaign by the record

political levels. Certainly it is mind blowing

the likes of Google/Youtube and Facebook.

industry and artists? Well, not really. Very

what kind of efforts it takes to move and

late and certainly below the radar of

to motivate politicians to act in favour of

Briefly summarized the new “Directive on

the masses mobilized by influencers and

consumer protections in terms of secondary

Copyright in the Digital Single Market”

internet users complaining about this

ticketing. Did the live music industry support

foresees in Article 13 the implementation of

directive; the singer Debbie Harry wrote

the record industry when file sharing came

upload filters, checking if uploaded content

a comment for the Guardian under the

up in the early years of the digitalisation and

on online platforms contains copyright

headline: “Musicians like me need to fight

distribution of audio content via the internet?

protected data such as pictures, audio

against the giants of YouTube and Google”

recordings or text. Article 11, another chapter

on March 22.

within this law foresees the compensation of

remains agreeable that the music sector

media networks as content owners for the

Not just since the scandal of Cambridge

is affected by political decisions and that

usage of their content.

Analytica related with the Brexit referendum,

there is a demand for much more political

it more or less became known about the

engagement than this industry currently

Fact is that Google/Youtube and Facebook

capabilities of Google and Facebook to

demonstrates. The political decision on

unlike Spotify or Netflix pay almost nothing

monetise on political decisions and elections.

Article 13 by the EU Parliament is just one

to rights holders. But due to their business

Also in terms of the Brexit vote, artists as

more example of how unprofessional the

models, Google/Youtube and Facebook

well as the live music industry have remained

music sector acts when it comes to effective

are the undisputed online powerhouses

surprisingly silent, just as now in the case


benefitting from content provided by third

of EU copyright reform below the radar of

decisions. Still yet there are no signs that this

parties. Both companies initiated massive

public awareness.

might change in the near future. Perhaps

campaigns, aimed against voting by EU-





this might eventually change when Google

Parliament for the implementation of

However, both cases show that the music

decides to buy Universal Music as media

Article 13.

industry, its artists and its companies are

reports suggest...

Of course both companies are certainly also not in favour of Article 11. EU-Parliamentarians




40.000 e-mails on this law. Facebook even approached MEPs offering support for the upcoming EU-elections at the end of May, as Helga Trüpel, a German MEP for the Green Party claimed. Whatever the outcome of the decision of this directive will be, hardly any prominent artists ventured their opinions on this case. The record industry which has complained


No, not really. Nevertheless, it probably


MARCH 2019

Green Artist Rider Allan McGowan In response to what has apparently been

Alex Hardee - Coda Agency

initiated by growing interest and requests from its artists, Coda Agency has partnered with A Greener Festival to provide a Green Artist Rider. This has been developed to assist artists, and also to encourage a stronger collaboration with promoters and venues. Coda’s Alex Hardee launched the initiative at the Green Events & innovations Conference during ILMC, the aim being to align live music events and tours with the urgent need to reduce single-use plastics, source food with

A Greener Festival co-founder, Claire O’Neill,

helping to change old practices into new,

low environmental impact, reduce & balance

said: “AGF has regularly seen promoters’

better ways.”

emissions, and to eliminate waste.

‘green’ actions stop at the dressing room door. We believe this isn’t always the will of

The Green Rider is a voluntary opt-in service

The Green Artist Rider is designed to match

the artist, or the failure of the promoter, but

for Coda artists. Existing riders are being

the needs of artists, whilst pushing for venues

simply a lack of communication. The work

adjusted by participating artists where

and promoters to also reduce waste and

with Coda on the Green Artist Rider serves

necessary to ensure they align. Support

instil ethical purchasing choices into their

as a bridge between artists, promoters and

is available from AGF for promoters and

productions, operations and communication.

venues, and is one part of the puzzle in

venues who are seeking to implement requirements from the rider if they don’t

Claire O’Neill

already do so, or who wish to contribute or develop their own actions to make a greener live music industry. AGF says this is the beginning of the process, as Coda’s Green Artist Rider spurs the conversation between all involved sectors of the live music industry. The rider is not a one-way communication but a catalyst for a collaborative creative process. The next step is to monitor the progress and impacts of the rider, and to work together with the broader industry to develop these tools, combining knowledge




overcoming obstacles that arise. The Green Artist Rider is intended to be open source and AGF and Coda welcome all feedback and use of this rider for other agents, artists, and anyone who can find it useful to achieve the purpose of creating a greener live industry.




MARCH 2019

JEM Music Group appoints new MD

DEAG appoints Roman Velke CFO

From VIP-Daily News

From VIP-Daily News

Artist management company JEM Music Group has appointed Naz

Deutsche Entertainment AG has appointed Roman Velke to serve

Idelji as its Managing Director.

as Chief Financial Officer of DEAG with effect from 1 April 2019. Roman Velke takes over the position from his predecessor Ralph

Naz Idelji, who was most recently Director of Compilations at Ministry

Quellmalz, who is leaving DEAG at his own request in most mutual

of Sound, has joined management firm Jem Music Group as Managing

amicable agreement.

Director. She brings more than 15 years of experience in the U.K. music industry to the role.

Roman Velke has close to 20 years of experience in the areas of finance and auditing and primarily has been working directly and

In her new role, Idelji is tasked with expanding operations into new

indirectly in the live entertainment industry since the beginning of

international markets and furthering Craig David`s success in France,

his career. The graduate salesman and auditor was with BDO AG

Belgium, Australia and SEA. She will also be overseeing new artists

Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft until 2011 and subsequently held

signed to the joint venture founded by Jem owner Colin Lester and

various positions in finance at DEAG.

David’s TS5 Presents. Roman Velke most recently held the position of “Divisional Board “Bringing in someone of Naz`s amazing experience, skillset and

Member - Business & Financial Affairs, M&A” at DEAG`s second

pedigree sets out a very clear mandate for our future, which is shaping

management level. In this position, he supported the Executive Board

up to be very exciting,” Lester said.

in the implementation of M&A projects, the strategic development and expansion of business areas and in the area of corporate finance. As

Idelji has worked on hundreds of campaigns at Warner Music,

CFO, Roman Velke will now be responsible for Management Board

Universal, Sony and Ministry of Sound. At MoS, she negotiated the

areas of Finance and Investor Relations as of 1 April 2019.

first exclusive global playlist deal with Apple Music, and was brought over to Sony as part of its acquisition of the dance label in 2016.

Ralph Quellmalz is leaving the company to take on new professional challenges. During his term in office, important decisions were made

“I have worked with Colin for many years on a range of campaigns and

on the further strategic development of DEAG into a leading provider

have seen first-hand how passionate he is about maximising success

of Live Entertainment, such as focusing in particular on the growth

for the artists he represents and about growing the JEM Music Group

of the profitable Family Entertainment and Arts+Exhibitions divisions.

presence around the world,” Idelji said.

Ralph Quellmalz has set DEAG on an important course towards internationalisation and has set decisive impulses for strengthening

In addition, JEM Music group has also appointed Jack Balsam to

profitable growth and capital market communication.

oversee its north London recording studio complex, having previously engineered sessions with Craig David, DJ Oliver Heldens and Big Zuu.

The Supervisory Board expressly thanks Ralph Quellmalz for his successful work and commitment - he has thus initiated an important

Naz Idelji & Colin Lester

process for the further development of DEAG. The Supervisory Board and the company wish Ralph Quellmalz all the best for his future career and life as well as continued success.

Roman Velke



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ESNS: EU creative europe



MARCH 2019

Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim - Pleasing Shareholders

Eventbrite - The Ticketfly-Downer

CTS Eventim announced an increased dividend payment for share

The share price of Eventbrite was significantly affected, when the

holders. Last year the company paid a dividend of 0.59 Euro per

news was revealed on March 8 that the integration of Ticketfly had

share, for the business year 2018 the suggested dividend is 0.62

not gone ahead as planned. Due to a security incident, a problem

Euro. In total CTS Eventim gained a net profit of 118,5 million Euros.

occurred which apparently caused the migration of the technical

On May 8, as part of the annual meeting, shareholders have to

platforms of both companies to fail. On March 7 the share price

agree on the payment, CTS Eventim will spend 50 per cent of its

remained at $31.42. One day later it dropped to $23.20, then went

earnings in dividend payments. As a result the company has made its

down to $21.27.

shareholders happy for the 14th year in a row now... On March 25 the share price is 41.38 Euro, for the February issue it

Live Nation - Results Push Share Price

was 40.10 Euro... On February 28 Live Nation released its business report for 2018, briefly summarized, it increased its revenue from $9.68 (adjusted)

DEAG - Preliminary Figures For 2018

up to $10.78 billion. The loss per share decreased from $0.48 to $0.09, the share price instead rose within one month from $56.77 on

For the business year 2018 DEAG reported a consolidated turnover

February 25 to $62.95...

rise from 159.8 to 200.2 million Euros a. The Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation increased significantly from 6.5


to 14.6 million Euros.

Spotify - In The Recovery Mode

The full results will be released on March 29. Meanwhile however the

On New Year’s Eve the share price stood at $113.5, then on March

share price of DEAG remained at almost the same level, rising from

25 at $139. Not too bad for a company that raised its revenue in one

3.90 up to 3.95 Euro...

year from $4.09 to $5.25 billion as reported on February 12.


MARCH 2019


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FABIUS CONSTABLE & THE CELTIC HARP ORCHESTRA Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Ass. Culturale `The White Stag` Agent: Sabrina Noseda Phone: +39 3927 711392 E-mail: Homepage:

MAMADOU KELLY Territory: Worldwide Period: 2019-2020 Agency: Clermont Music Agent: Chris Nolan Phone: +1 5187 555089 E-mail: Homepage:

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ZAP MAMA Territory: Europe Period: 2019 Agency: Artistagency gent: Bart Quintens Phone: +32 16 77 76 70 E-mail: Homepage:

VALENTINO MITAJ Territory: Worldwide Period: Now Agency: Mitaj Music Group Agent: Al Maddin Phone: +1 917 267 2303 E-mail: Homepage:

TIGER CAVE Territory: Europe Period: June - August Agency: Tiger Cave Agent: Lana Dali Phone: +79 2624 50868 E-mail: Homepage:

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Tiger Cave


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