VIP-News Premium - March 2014

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m o c . g okin





MARCH 2014


MARCH 2014



Firstly I’m afraid, some bad news from Austin­,

This 26th circus themed edition was again sold

with respect for their competitors and for the

Texas, as we hear about three killed and 23

out, with over a thousand live industry­people­

business, just like the pioneers who invented

injured­as a reportedly drunk driver mowed

from 61 countries attending. The overall

the business, but as the history of the ILMC

people down during SXSW. One of the

atmosphere­was very positive, apart of course

shows, the business became an industry, and

fatalities­was Steven Craenmehr, Creative

from reports of the disturbing effects of the

this becomes more corporate every year. Still

Director­of Massive Music in Holland. All at VIP

recent political unrest in Ukraine, Thailand and

the entrepreneurs are still around, and I expect

send our condolences to the family and friends

Turkey on the business, and of course every

many of you reading this put yourselves in that

of those killed, and wish speedy recoveries for

day life in these countries.

category – so all power to you!

those injured. (See report in this issue.) Much as the rivalry between the ‘big boys’ of

After a generally awful winter in the UK and

I think I’m about recovered from ILMC, but only

the international live industry, AEG and Live

elsewhere, here comes the spring, season­of

just! As some of you know, Brighton is only an

Nation, is often observed and commented

daffodils, the snowdrops, hopeful­optimism­

hour or so from London, so I’m not having to

upon there was quite a display of ‘We get

and Festival press releases by the score. I can’t

jump on trains and planes and automobiles, as

along just fine…!, from individuals from

believe we’re talking about Glastonbury­again

I do with all of those international events that

both Companies on the panels. The opening­

already! Somehow after a couple of years

I frequent, to get to The Royal Garden Hotel­,

session­featured executives John Reid of LN

worrying­that there wouldn’t be enough

but somehow the International­Live Music

and AEG’s Tom Miserendino. Reid pointed

acts to go round, and a frantic search for

Conference­leaves me more exhausted­than

out that AEG were ‘great venue people’, and

other forms of entertainment, the bills for

most. It’s a very full on event – ask anyone­!

Miserendino, recently deployed from the US to

most events seem to be as full as Northern

take up duties­in Europe, acknowledged LN as

European­floodplains.­Where have these artists­

important­clients, although he did mention the

come from? Macklemore and Ryan Lewis for

rivalry in London, which many other promoters­

instance­(or are they a firm of Solicitors­ …

are worried will push up artist fees. On the

Estate­Agents perhaps?) A repeated theme

Festival­Forum, Live Nation CEO John Probyn

at ILMC was ‘Artist­Development’, much was

and AEG’s Jim King mentioned their – obvious

made of the live industry taking up the A&R

- friendship, but the matter of the competition

responsibilities abandoned by the beleaguered­

attending the staging of London Festivals did

record companies­, but there were few practical­

raise its head. And the sponsorship panel went

description­and examples of how this crucial

even further with this spirit of bonhomie, as

role was manifested, although I’ve noticed that

LN’s Simon Lewis and Paul Samuels of AEG

at many Conferences people are seemingly­

co-chaired the session. See ILMC report in this

now more interested in hard information­than

Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan


general overview…

Writer: Manfred Tari

I like to think that this just goes to show that

I’m off to Venice for a few days, then to Paris

the live music industry is still made up of and

to talk about this year’s MaMA Event, then to

run by individuals who are all, even when

Tallinn for Tallinn Music Week, before heading

working for the corporates, at heart, freelance­

back via Helsinki – I’ll report back!

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 145-157 St John Street London Ec1V 4PW Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs

For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092


entrepreneurs (as George Bush Jr. once famously­said, the French don’t have a word

In the meantime, Ladies and Gentlemen – The

for entrepreneur – I’m sure he was joking…)



MARCH 2014

SXSW Shocked by Hit and Run Incident Allan McGowan SXSW is a huge event which pretty much

some very rare instances of vehicles striking­

announcement­on its website stating: “It

takes over the City of Austin, Texas, but even

pedestrians in the entertainment area, but

is with great sadness­that we announce

though the streets are packed at night, the

this is the first time it’s ever affected a SXSW

the sudden passing of our close friend and

atmosphere is usually unthreatening­ , also,

event.” Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo

colleague­Steven Craenmehr, 35, on 13 Mar

again for such a big event, the organisers­

said he believed the driver was so intent on

2014 at SXSW. During the eight years that

manage to retain a sense of ‘family’ amongst

evading police that he wilfully drove into the

Steven worked for MassiveMusic, we got to

workers and visitors, so the incident­that

crowd, he said, “It’s clear for me from his

know him as an unstoppable force, full of

occurred­at 12.30 am on Thursday March

actions­, from what I`ve seen, that this is an

life, love and laughter. This is an irreplaceable­

13 was particularly shocking. A drunk driver­

individual who showed no regard for the

loss for the MassiveMusic family and we are

tried to evade arrest by driving through a

human­beings that he ploughed through

grateful for the years we spent with him.

barricade at the intersection of Austin’s

in his attempt to get away.” Austin officials

Our thoughts are with Steven’s family and

Red River Street and East 10th Street, and

said that Owens will be charged with two


speeding­along a street that had been turned

counts of murder and 23 of assault with

into a pedestrian walkway during SXSW; he

a Motor Vehicle. One of the injured died

Speaking at a press conference later on

ploughed into pedestrians, many supposed

in hospital some days later, bringing the

the day of the incident SXSW MD Roland

to be queuing for a show (cancelled after

fatalities­to three.

Swenson­confirmed that, despite the shock

the incident) due to headlined by Tyler, The


and obvious sympathies for those directly

Creator at the Mohawk bar, injuring 23. He



affected­by the incident, it had been decided

then sped on, killing a man on a bicycle,

industry­people in Austin for SXSW were




to continue with. According to Billboard he

and a woman on a moped. The driver then

obviously­stunned by the tragedy, made

told reporters: “As much as we want to go

apparently­crashed with a taxi before trying

even more poignant by the fact that one of

home and absorb the shock of this event... we

to escape on foot, he was apprehended by

the fatalities was a Dutch music professional

feel we have an obligation to the people­who

police who tased then arrested the 21-year-

visiting Austin for SXSW. Dutch company­ have travelled here from all over the world”.

old­man, later identified as Rashad Charjuan

MassiveMusic announced the sad news

An afternoon showcase due to take place at


that its Creative Director Steven Craenmehr­

one of the venues at the scene of the incident­,

An Austin Police representative commented,

had died after Owens crashed into the bike

The Mohawk, was cancelled, though evening

“This is extremely unusual. There have been

he was riding. The music firm posted an

shows went ahead as planned.



MARCH 2014

Anton Lockwood

CPA Announce Committee Changes Allan McGowan

The UK Concert Promoters Association

from the committee. Both have campaigned

Lockwood stated: “It is an honour for me to



on a wide range of live sector issues for the

be asked to join the executive committee of

and others operating in the live sector, to

Organisation over the years. Betesh was a

the CPA. While promoters are often fierce

government­, the wider music business, and

founder member of the trade group and sat

rivals­, it is very important to work together

the public. The CPA has announced changes

on the exec committee for 28 years. New

to improve the future of an industry that is

to the executive committee that oversees this

committee members include Live Nation’s

a vital­and growing part of the UK economy.


Phil Bowdery, Green Man Festival’s Fiona

The CPA is the best way of doing that, and I

Stewart and Anton Lockwood of DHP Family.

look forward very much to working with my



CMP’s Chas Cole and Kennedy Street

colleagues­from all of the major promotion

Enterprise­s’ Danny Betesh are standing down

companies to make a significant contribution.

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MARCH 2014

Artist and Manager Awards Allan McGowan Manager of the Year and Breakthrough Nominees Announced­: The UK Music Managers Forum Wednesday

MMF CEO Jon Webster said “Scott Rodger

have released information about this years

had a stellar year working with legend Sir Paul

Awards: Scott Rodger is this years’ Manager

McCartney on his projects­ , masterminding­ Nominees

of the Year and will be presented with the

the Arcade Fire campaign­, which produced


award at the show at the

a Number 1 album in 40 countries, and

Manager­– are as follows:

”Troxy on April 3rd 2014 which will again be

overseeing a diverse range of managers and

sponsored by Spotify”.

artists under the Quest Management brand.

Breakthrough Artist Scott Rodger



Henry Village:

Passenger Rudimental The 1975

Dave Wallace:


Naughty Boy



Carina Berthet and – You Me At Six

London Grammar

other and

Breakthrough Manager


John Newman

Jon Webster

We are delighted to honour him in this way”.

– Rudimental Matt Brown: – Daughter Polly Comber and Josh Smith: – Bastille Sam Evitt and Jack Street: – Disclosure

The winners will be announced on the night. Tickets for the Artist­and Manager Awards will be handled­by and are available from For Further Information contact:

CEO Jon Webster

Events Fiona McGugan Tel: 020 7700 5755



MARCH 2014

DEAG CEO Peter Schwenkow Celebrates 60th Birthday Looking back, what in your view have been the main changes in the music business since you started? – It has become an entertainment industry with many, many professionals­and I do hope I am one of them. Is there anything you miss from the early days and what would you say has got better in the meantime? – I am missing drunken artists and cancelled concerts and it is much better that we do not see this any more. Unlike many other industries, it seems that it requires a lot of passion for music and a bit of craziness to work in the music business. What keeps you interested in continuing to work in this environment? – I love people and work that is never boring. So it is the right busines­s

Peter Schwenkow

for me. Which of the many concerts or shows that you have promoted

Peter Schwenkow is a concert organizer, cultural manager and CEO of

stand out in your memory, and why?

DEAG. After studying Communications and Advertising at the Berlin

– Barbara Streisand at the Berlin Waldbühne because it was so difficult

Academy of Arts in 1976, Peter created the Konzertagentur concert

to convince her to come to Germany.

concept­Veranstaltungs GmbH and acquired exclusive rights to the Berlin Waldbühne (stage in the forest), an enormous amphitheatre

In your career you have of course experienced some difficult

in Western Berlin. There he staged open air concerts with the Berlin­

times and challenges. How have you handled those and what

Philharmonic. In 1995 Peter founded Deutsche Entertainment AG and

have you learned from these experiences?

was appointed Chairman of the Board of Management. Of the many

– Rule no. 1: Any day you are not dead gives you 24 hours to solve the

successful concerts he has organized, those of particular note include

problems you are having!

the Rolling Stones tour of Germany in 1998 and, later that year, the Modern Talking world tour. With the creation of separate labels for

You are one of the very few people in the concert business

DEAG Music and joint ventures with Anschutz Entertainment Group

that has also been active within a political party. Pop stars like

and Ticketmaster, DEAG’s business has expanded considerably and

politician­s aspire to be admired for what they are doing, but

with this came new opportunities. In 2007 Peter organized Barbara

where do you see differences between the music business and

Streisand’s first appearance in Berlin, which won him the LEA Live

the political world?

Entertainment­ Award.

– Politicians are as vain as artists. They do need the media and they

VIP News spoke to him on the occasion of his 60th birthday…

need people’s full attention. The reason why I went into politics was simply because I wanted to find out how the people that spend my

How you are going to celebrate your birthday?

tax money think.

– With my whole family at my favourite Italian restaurant. How much has the IPO (Initial Public Offer) undertaken by SFX


How did you first get into the concert business and what was

Entertainment at NYSE in 1997 inspired you to do the same

the first concert you ever promoted?

with DEAG?

– Karsten Jahnke told me it would be fun and the first concert ever

– The truth is that we had already finished the Due Diligence by our bank

was Frank Zappa and Peter Gabriel in September 1978.

in preparation for the IPO when we heard that SFX had the same plan.


MARCH 2014

What are your future plans for DEAG and are there any projects

Please let us know which bars and restaurants in Berlin you

that you are particularly looking forward to?

take your guests to these days?

– I want to grow the company as strongly as in the past 5 years. I

– I am taking everybody to Borchardt in the center of Berlin, a French

am very much looking forward to expanding our family entertainment­

style restaurant with good food, good service and a least 10 people I

activities­, and to visiting the shows with the Rolling Stones, Peter

know whenever I go there.

Maffay­, Lady Gaga, David Garrett, Riverdance, Black Sabbath, Anna Netrebko, Aerosmith and Marius Müller-Westernhagen.

You have also started to play golf, what is your handicap and

You have a passion for pocket squares (handkerchiefs). How

your favourite course?

many of them do you have and what are your favourites?

– My handicap is 28 after 2 years and my favourite golf course is Anfi

– At least 250 and I love them all!

Tauro on the Canary Islands.




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MARCH 2014

SXSW Announce Winners of the Second Annual Grulke Prize Allan McGowan The Grulke Prize was developed in honour of

achieving their career goals. The Career Act


SXSW friend, colleague and Creative Director

Prize is for an established artist who appeared­

management­company Rocket Music signed

Brent Grulke, who passed away on August 13

at SXSW 2014 to reinvent themselves or

the band after he saw one of their videos.

2012. Brent was also a friend and colleague

launch an important new project.

Said Sir Elton, “They have a knowledge of

of many in the business, including myself, I’m proud to say… Brent Grulke had a lengthy career in many



R&B and blues at 16 years of age that I have On March 18, 2014 - Austin, TX - SXSW

only amassed in my 65 years. They’re just

Music­announced the following winners of

like a breath of fresh air.”

the second­annual Grulke Prize.

aspects­of the music industry from music editor­

The Grulke Prize winner for Career Act is

at the Austin Chronicle to sound engineer­or

The Grulke Prize winner for Developing US Act is

Damon­Albarn. Albarn, best known as the

tour manager for many Austin bands as well

Future Islands, a trio that relocated to Baltimore­

lead singer for Blur and the visionary behind­

as production and sound engineer­in clubs in

from Greenville, NC. The band released­a few

the multi-platinum Grammy Award winning­

San Francisco. He later moved to Los Angeles

well-received albums and EPs before signing

virtual­band Gorillaz, has had a storied

to become the manager at Spindletop Records­

to 4AD. Their debut on the label, Singles, will

career­including collaborations with African­

which eventually led him back to Austin where

be released next Tuesday­ , March 25. Future

musicians­in Mali and the release of an Alan

he was the longtime Creative Director of the

Islands­’ turned David Letterman­into a huge fan

Moore inspired production, Dr Dee: An English­

SXSW Music Festival.

when they made their network television debut

Opera­. Albarn was at SXSW previewing­his

earlier this month.

upcoming release, Everyday Robots, set to be

Brent’s love of music and the spirit of the

released on April 29th.

festival­is reflected in the three Prize categories­:

The Grulke Prize winner for Developing

Developing US Act, Developing Non-US Act

Non-US­Act is The Strypes. This four-piece

Jurors for the Grulke Prize included music

and Career Act. The Developing Act Prize is

from Cavan, Ireland possess a bluesy rock

critics­, industry professionals and SXSW staff

for artists who are breaking new ground with

vibe that harkens back to the 60s. The lads,

who knew and worked with Brent over the

their creativity and show the most promise in

who are still in their teens, have garnered­


Damon Albarn



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Previous edition in numbers Total amount of visitors (sold out) . . . . SPONSOREN SPONSOREN Conference visitors (sold out) . . . . . . . . Nationalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of stages @ Eurosonic . . . . . . Number of stages @ Noorderslag . . . . Media & journalisten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EBU radio stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ETEP festivals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International festivals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

38,500 3,275 39 337 36 11 307 30 89 419


MARCH 2014


ILMC 26 Report Allan McGowan and Manfred Tari

TThis – again sold out - 26th edition of the

particularly good returns from festivals.

of 20 shows, and losses running into millions,

International Live Music Conference opened

Miserendino­did point out that he was not

even with some Agents apparently being as

on the Friday afternoon, that’s if you weren’t

long here from the US, and pointed out that

fair and understanding as possible. Then to

around for the IPM (ILMC Production­ he was still learning the language in the UK.

make matters worse, he lost Mehmet, his

Meeting­ ) on the Thursday, various Asso-

Commenting on LN’s situation across various­

business partner. Cem is however obviously a

ciation Meetings, Thursday night drinks, the

markets, Reid said that their European­ survivor and managed to find some positivity­

Friday morning New Delegates Orientation

territorie­ s were a “loose group of federal

in the restructuring of his Company, and ­­

etc (I told you it’s full on!), with the Flight

republics­ …”, and that you couldn’t just

stated­, “Things will recover!”

Attendant’s Briefing, delivered by ILMC

“throw a blanket over Europe”. He claimed

founder, Martin Hopewell. Martin is, after

that they had the best guys running things

Continuing on the disturbing and ongoing

all these years, apparently stepping back –

in each territory, and to a great extent the

theme of political unrest Greg asked Oleg

a little – from being the overall Ringmaster

local managers took care of themselves.

Kovalevskyi of Anshlag Concert Agency in

of this venerable event – but more of that in

As for CEE and The Baltics (later discussed

Ukraine to comment on the very current

Manfred Tari’s interview with Greg Parmley,

in the Emerging­Markets panel in some

problems in his market. His daughter Tetiana

furthe­r on in this report…

depth.), where Tim Dowdall had moved

translated for him, saying that although the

on from Hungary to be replaced by Steven

situation on a day to day basis had improved

The first full session ‘The Open Forum’ is in

Todd, formerl­ y based in Poland, LN were

in Kiev, though the Crimea was still a major

effect a review of 2013, and the overall state

apparently­“keeping­an eye on the markets

problem, and the conflict had of course led

of the international live industry, chaired by

with suffering­economies…”

to all concerts being cancelled or postponed.

Greg Parmley, with guests, Paul Crockford


Ticket sales had slowed down, with none

of PCM Management, Geoff Meall of The

Geoff Meall of The Agency Group was very

being­sold in February. Anshlag were hoping

Agency Group, Tom Miserendino of AEG

positive, and reported having broken­a few

to get back to business with a show on April

Europe, John Reid of Live Nation, and Cem

acts, including Macklemore and Ryan Lewis­.

20th, but the Orthodox Church had asked

Yegul of Pozitif Live. Folkert Koopmans of

However when it came to Cem Yegul of Pozitif­

promoters to cancel all shows over Easter,

FKP Scorpio sent his regrets but was too ill

Live in Turkey, the story was very different­, in

calling for forty days of mourning.

to fly from Germany. However this session

fact as he said, “2013 was disastrous­as a

started with comment on the changes taking

result­of the political unrest in the country.”

The topic then turned to Artist Development­.

place within the organisation of the ILMC.

Pozitif had committed to renting a stadium

Geoff Meall was again buoyant, citing his

for a whole year, a brave move at the best of

succes­s with an act from Florida that managed­

Both Live Nation, represented by John Reid,

times, but the day after a successful show with

to sell 20,000 tickets in Europe, all resulting

and AEG, in the person of Tom Miserendino­,

Rihanna, as he said, “It all kicked off!” The

from a following built up on You Tube. John

reported very good years, with AEG having­

drastic situation resulted in the cancellation­

Reid, having been a Warners executive­prior


MARCH 2014


to joining Live Nation, talked of the ten years

“It’s a greed driven business, most investment­

celebrated fifty years in the business and

of under investment by record companies. He

claims are just window dressing!”

unbeknowns­t to him another recognition of

said though that we still need to ensure that

this had been planned, with video tributes

the record companies survive, and that we

ILMC stalwart, and Agent for Michael Buble­

from business people from all over the world

all need to invest in artist development, with



and artists such as Robbie Williams, and of

promoters and other operators doing more.

then joined the panel to lighten the mood

course – a cake! There were tears, and a lot

Manager Paul Crockford disagreed, bringing

by introducing­the redoubtable Australian

of swearing, followed as ever at the ILMC, by

things down to earth, saying,

promoter­, Michael Chugg. Chuggi has recently

a few drinks! – And that was just the first day!




The Inspirational Live Music Conference Martin Hopewell

Carl Leighton-Pope

The 26th edition of the International Live

Over the recent years, the ILMC organizers­

As there is a danger for soapbox speeches

Music Conference (ILMC) arrived with a



at panels, it has to be emphasized that the

few changes.




While this year there was

conference­agenda and settings. Its audience

Emerging Market panel was pretty much free

no new boss panel, ILMC itself got a new

became younger, while at same time the

of these types of contributions. Kašák at one

boss. Founder and spiritual director of this

conference­themes and topics changed.

stage mentioned his concerns that the ticket

conference­Martin Hopewell handed over

prices for festivals like Sziget in Budapest or

to Greg Parmley, the former Editor in Chief

Probably one of the best examples of this

Exit in Novi Sad are possibly becoming too

of IQ-Magazine and previous conference co-

was once again the Emerging Markets

expensive for their domestic audiences; he

worke­r of this event. Parmley who continued­

panel, this time chaired by Baris Basaran of

assume that this could cause problems for

to work with ILMC during his last post as

Pozitif Live in Turkey and Michal Kašák from

these events in the future as local brands in

head of communication of Intellitix, is the

Pohoda­Festival in the Czech Republic. A

particular would consider these events as not

new managing director for this industry

few years ago this panel covered issues that

so useful for their sponsoring engagements

event that over the years established itself

focussed­on the lack of understanding of

because their local target customers would

as Europe’s leading gathering place for the

those markets­by international agents and

not attend the events. From the floor Carl

global concert community.

the lack of infrastructure­. Now as this panel

Leighton-Pope argued that the international

reveals the situation is that many Eastern

audience mix at Sziget was healthy and that

Like no other music conference, in recent years

markets pay almost similar fees for artists

the “travelling aspect is good for our future”.

ILMC has already undertaken many efforts to

as the Western­markets, while at same time

But this panel also revealed other insight-

pave the way for a generational change. But

Eastern­promoters have been able to improve

ful views that characterize those markets.

unlike some other conferences such as Midem

their relationships with international concert

For instance when Semyon Galperin from

in France for instance, which unfortunately

agents. But this panel furthermore reported

Tele-Club in Russia explained the situation

suffered from the disastrous downturn in

on the difficulties in countries such as Turkey­

with five middleman being involved in the

the recorded music sector or even worse the

or the Ukraine, that are currently facing

booking­of one Limp Bizkit show, resulting in

decline­of Popkomm following the German

political­changes and challenges, that have

a whole chain of communication that when

convention’s move from Cologne to Berlin,

deeper effects than anything to be seen in

the band asked for an umbrella.

ILMC retained its unique soul and spirit.

other Western countries.



MARCH 2014


Meanwhile, also as in Western countries,

Other highlights were the Future of Ticketing­

Just shortly after the panellist introductions

sponsoring agreements cause problems as

panel chaired by Serge Grimaux, CEO of

Grimaux tried to encourage early audience

sponsor deals arranged by local promoters

Intellitix­. What on the first view seemed to be

participation, Tim Chambers raised the

could cause conflicts with an existing artist­

a little difficult was finally revealed as a very

evergreen­question regarding extraordinary­

sponsor agreement. Also generally festivals­

good choice. Grimaux is well known for the


are having more and more problems to

passion of his Intellitix-mission. But on this

concluded­, “the system has been abused”,

obtain­sponsors as promoter from Poland

panel he appeared as very neutral observer

followed by Serge who then led the discus-

in the audience added. Kašák furthermore

and moderator, leading the discussion­almost

sion to so called “social ticketing”. A perfect

mentioned that sponsors refuse to work with

as a conductor and eliciting informative and

pattern for Van der Meer who answered that

promoters that are involved in human right

useful insight views from all participants.

this depends on the “definition” of social

activities or support such organisations.

Modernists were positioned on the left and

ticketing but that it is rather “social aspects

Someone replied and

right of the panel. At one end Jan Willem

that sell tickets” rather than discounts on

Unlike in the past those from the emerging­

Van der Meer from Paylogic, on the other


markets are now also fully aware of

end Ian Hogarth from Songkick. Between­

internationa­ l agents

these two Dean DeWulf (AXS Europe), Simon­

Grimaux, at that stage already in animal­

Presswell­(Ticketmaster UK), Rainer Appel

tame­r mode (in fitting with the Circus theme

(CTS Eventim­ ), Renaud Visage (Eventbrite)

of ILMC 26) added that “50 percent of ticket­s

In particular it is these kind of open

and Andrew Dreskin (Ticketfly) were squeezed

are not sold”, while Presswell commented­

conversations­that highlight the differences

in. Van der Meer and Hogarth appeared to be

that in terms of analysis methods­ , data

to other music conferences. It doesn’t mean

a bit younger than those in the middle and

toda­ y is evaluated “three dimensionally”.

that controversial issues are not discussed

furthermore­were the ones that ventured ideas­

The discussio­ n then lead to aspects that

at other forums, but debates at IMLC have

and theses that caused the central players­to

seemed to be obviousl but nevertheless

a very particular community spirit that is

start defending themselves for belonging to

very interesting­. Once again Van der Meer

differen­t from most other conferences.

the ticketing establishment.

played the role of the innovative youngster,



countries­into A,B,C and D categories.


17.-20. SEPT.








MARCH 2014


equipped with new and fresh ideas who

her early days and wages at Helter Skelter,

concluded that the “transition from web to

the difference betwee­n the US-entertainment­

mobile apps” is on its way and referred as

giants­CAA and William Morris­, her personal

an example to taxi apps. He also scored with

life philosophy and policy­, supported all the

his “three music app” theory, when native

way throughout the 90 minute session by

digitals having one app for Spotify on their

Ed Bicknell more charmed than in any of his

mobile phones, one for radio and sooner or

breakfast sessions before.

later a concert app, when concert goers can purchase tickets “within the app”.

There were more and other panels that delivered­very



Van der Meer also told the audience that when

perhap­s the only that did not reach the level

Paylogic started they introduced themselves as

of other panels was this year Festival Forum.

a technology company. After finding out that

According to the chairmen it apparently

promoters didn’t really understand­want they

had to do with exciting social networking

wanted to express with kind of approach­ ,

activities­the night before. Nevertheless John

they switched to an introduction, describing

Giddings on this panel lost a bit of touch in

themselves as an “An old traditiona­l ticketing­

what goes on in terms of the relevance of


This apparently­worked better,

national artists for continental festivals, when

perhaps also in terms of the new Paylogic

concluding that still the most relevant artists

owner SFX Entertainment, when buying 75

come from the “US, UK, some from Sweden­

percent of the company for $16.2 million in

and one from Germany”. In fact times are

December 2013.

changing for some of those festivals, not

Emma Banks

drastically but gradually, when considering When it came to how and where tickets are

a quote by the absent Stephan Thanscheid

sold Presswell emphasized on the “trust in

from FKP Scorpio, who mentioned that in

brands”, a statement that almost sounds

2013 50 percent of the artists at Hurricane

old-school when Van der Meer referred to

and Southside has been domestic artists.

Serge Grimaux

“tickets are sold at the event website” and DeWulf adding that is about “front end

Other notable panels were “The Venue’s

marketing­and backend technology”.

Venue: Big tops and little tops”, the “Artist­ Development­ : Games Within Frontiers”. Both

Soon afterwards the term “multichannel”

delivered very good discussions even when in

was mentioned, leading the discussion

the Venue panel dealt with unpleasant­topics­,

finally­to what the ticketing-future might be

inferring that venues are in danger in these days.

like soon. Hogarth then came up with the conclusion­of the “multiple distribution” of

Allan McGowan as usual delivered “The

tickets, certainly in favour of his company

Sunday­Review” a pretty well settled debate­

Songlink that already acts on a meta-level,

and analysis about ILMC-topics and other­

serving six million music fans with concert

subjects­that matter for the attending

data and tickets, reaching out via YouTube,

community­, a good occasion to hear that also

are two good sessions on at the same time.

Spotify and Vevo...

some other panels that are not covered­within

The other answer is, that there are plenty of

this report have also being very interesting­,

reasons to attend­ILMC. Just remember, this

As usual the Breakfast Meeting with Ed

plus finding out that the panel “New

article is entitled “The Inspirational Live Music­


Technology­: The Kabinet of Wonders”- must

Conference”. A very worthwhile description­

have been great.

that indicates that besides the fun in the bar




concert­agent Emma Banks as the first

of the Royal Garden Hotel, there is much

female­candidate­for this ILMC-classic. Banks If anybody now asks why all the panels are

more to be picked up and taken home. Useful­

of the intimate environment of the music­ not covered appropriately within this report,

information­and contacts that can help to

industry­, referring to the settings of the once

one answer is, there are too many at ILMC

run your very own concert business with new

stock market listed company Sanctuary­, about

for just one reporter, especially when there

ideas and contacts.

delivered­highly remarkable insightful views



MARCH 2014

ILMC CHANGES An Interview with Greg Parmley Manfred Tari Although remaining very much involved

ILMC featured­green issues very early on

There have been marvellous themed

Martin­Hopewell, founder of ILMC is stepping­

as part of its agenda. Will this conversion

editions­of ILMC including Startrek,

back in some areas and handing over to Greg

slow down a bit now since ILMC already

James Bond or Lord Of The Rings. Are

Parmley. VIP News spoke to him about his new

undertook various changes?

there any themes left that could add

role and future plans for the Conference­:

– The demographic of ILMC has changed

to the fun of future editions of this

over the last few years to include much more


Unlike Martin Hopewell, you are a regular­

of a spread of ages and professions, but

– Loads! We have a list of themes locked up

visitor to other music conference­s. With

the agenda must remain forward thinking­ in the ILMC vaults, and it’s safe to say that

this in mind, where do you see ILMC

whatever­happens. To continue to be as

there’s at least another 25 years left to go

placed within the landscape of these

relevant­a platform for the international live

before we start to run out!


music communit­y, the conference - and IQ

– What makes ILMC unique is its family feel

Magazine - must continue to engage both

The whole concert industry is based

- it’s always been an invitation-only event

the future business leaders, and those key

on ticket sales, however, in terms of

for the decision makers in the live music

emerging topics on the horizon.

admissio­n to ILMC there have been some players that have not actually registered­

industry­, and because of that, it’s a focussed meeting­and delegates, rightly, feel a sense

Following ILMC over the years, there

for the conference but have appeared in

of ownership­of it.

have been several occasions where

the hotel lobby in the Royal Garden or

IMLC delegates­used the conference as a

stayed in other hotel suites in London­


platform­to discuss or to launch initiatives­

during­the conference. As ILMC is probabl­y

together­a strong team that has put

that have a bearing on the entire­live

aware of whom these people­are, do you

ILMC together over the past years.


think this is due to the ‘financia­l crisis’ or

Please tell us something about the

work, such as, for instance, when Leon

more down to social reasons?

conference­team, new arrivals and the

Ramakers­, head of Mojo Concerts, in 2004

– ILMC is the catalyst for all the meetings

organisational­proceedings at ILMC?

(?) suggested that a levy of one penny on

and activities that take place in London that

– Well, most of the team is the same, I’m

every sold ticket should be introduced to

week, so if you’re in town and benefiting,

glad to say. Martin Hopewell is still actively

finance lobby activities­in Brussels and

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect

involved­ , as are all of the agenda team.

elsewhere. Are such activities­something

people­to register. After all, if people are

There’s been a change in our production

that may play a bigger­role in the future

flying­over for the ILMC week they clearly see

team with our long term producer Alia Dann

for the aspirations of ILMC?

the benefit of it...

Swift stepping back and Lou Percival stepping­

– Definitely. Looking ahead, I absolutely

up to fill much of her role. So there’s no

see ILMC playing a part in organizations

What are your future plans for ILMC?

dramatic­change, just a lot of positive energy

and initiatives­that champion the live music

– There are a lot of ideas in the pipeline, for

and ideas for the coming years.

business­, and promote best practice within

sure, although at the moment the team is










it. One recent example is that ILMC was

busy wrapping up this event. I’d like to take

At recent editions the generational­ involved­in the formation of the UK Live

a long hard look at our agenda for next

change at ILMC has already been

Music Group which sits as part of UK Music­,

year, and the workshops worked really well

visible­. It seems that the ILMC-team pro-­

and over the last two years has proven a

so perhaps­expand on that. I also think a lot

actively steered this change by getting­

very successful group to address inbound

more could be done with our showcases…

younger­chairmen involved or adding

legislation­and allow­the industry to speak

At the moment it’s a little too early to say, but

new conference­topics. For instance

with one voice.

it’s a really exciting time right now.


MARCH 2014

Fire Closes Moles Venue in Bath UK Allan McGowan

An electrical fault caused a fire in the upstairs bar of the long

fire brigade were working to put out the fire, water filled the basement­

established­Bath live venue, Moles. The damage will require extensive­

venue, which is where the bands play, so it’s now completely­flooded­”.

repairs and renovations and the Club is likely to stay closed until August­at least, possibly longer.

Moles has cancelled all forthcoming shows, but there are plans to stage pop-up nights at other locations in and around Bath while

Moles’ promotions manager Liam Baker told NME, “The worst thing

repair­work at the venue is ongoing. “We’ve been around for 35 years

is smoke damage: smoke went throughout the building, into the

and we’re going to do anything we can to survive this . setback”,

studio and office too, and caused a lot of damage. And when the

adds Baker. “We’re determined to stay open”.

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MARCH 2014

Glastonbury News Allan McGowan

A New Ten-Year Licence Don’t worry – if you still haven’t managed to secure a ticket for the

like to say a huge thank you to all the people who have contributed so

Daddy of all festivals, Glastonbury, you’ve got till at least 2024 to keep

much to Glastonbury Festival over the last 44 years, I really do believe

trying! The event has been granted a new ten-year licence by Mendip­

that the best is yet to come”.

District Council which announced that the decision was made without­ the requirement for it to be “subjected to scrutiny in a public hearing.

So far the Festival has listed Dolly Parton, Blondie and Lily Allen amongst the acts confirmed for this year’s festival, which starts on

Glastonbury’s present capacity stands at 177,500, made up of

25 June.

135,000 for public tickets, 5000 for tickets sold to locals, and 37,500 for staff. The licence extension will also organisers to increase the

Jeannette Marsh, chair of the licensing board, said the process was

capacity for staff members and performers, the number of passes for

still one of checks and balances, adding: “We aren’t complacent -

performers and staff could rise by 25,500 to 63,000 by 2024, and

just because Glastonbury Festival now has a licence until 2024, this

allow live music to be played (acoustically and only on certain stages)

doesn’t mean it escapes the close scrutiny that any event this size

on the Wednesday before the festival officially begins.

will have... if we have any doubts about this we will take action. We recognise­how important it is to get this world-famous event right,

Organiser Emily Eavis said: “This is fantastic news. It’s so good to have

and the huge impact that it has on the local area and community,

a plan that will help everything at Worthy Farm move forward. I’d just

both positive and negative.”

Dolly Parton


Glastonbury Emerging Talent Competition Eavis has also commented on the shortlist of finalists in the Glastonbur­y Emerging Talent Competition, saying: “We’re so proud of this shortlist. It was really hard to get it down to just eight acts - the standard this year was incredible - but I think we’ve whittled it down to a really strong final eight. I’d like to say a big thanks to everyone who entered, and to our team of judges for narrowing it down to 120 acts. Now bring on the live final!”

The eight acts are: - Gibson Bull, Hero-Fisher, Only Girl, M+A, FURS, The Black Tambourines, Pandr Eyez and Izzy Bizu



MARCH 2014


Roskilde Festival announces that the legendary rock icons, Rolling

The Orange Stage was originally designed for a The Rolling Stones

Stones, is bringing their groundbreaking show to Orange Stage. On

tour back in the 70s, and apparently the band is well received by the they write: The band will treat their genera-

ticket buyers.

tions of fans to a set packed full of classic Stones hits such as “Gimme Shelter”, “Paint It Black”, “Jumping Jack Flash”, “Tumbling Dice”,

After the announcement of Rolling Stones the tickets for Thursday

“It’s Only Rock ‘N’ Roll” plus a couple of unexpected gems.

3 July was sold out. In fact, this year Roskilde Festival is experiencing the entire ticket sale has sped up, something they normally don’t see

The Rolling Stones - 14 ON FIRE tour sees Mick Jagger, Keith Richards,

before the full Line-Up announcement.

Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood back out on the road again. A limited number of one-day tickets to Roskilde Festival are still availThe Rolling Stones launched the tour with their first ever gig in the

able for Friday 4 July, Saturday 5 July and Sunday 6 July.

Middle East in February, and they are currently making their way through Asia, Australia and New Zealand, before returning to play

More information:

Europe for the first time in seven years.

The Rolling Stones



MARCH 2014

Allan McGowan


Report from

Two years ago the merger of two Companies, QUEEN ABOUT MUSIC­

coordinator Katharina Lange, international project coordinator Anne

and THE ROCKING FACTORY, created the music marketing and PR

Kiedaisch, international coordinator (former trainee) Frodi Stenberg

Agency, FACTORY 92. The concept was to expand on the experience

and intern Cornelius Bertling. They also welcome onboard Alexandre

and competences learned from operating in one of Europe’s biggest

Pountzas who will take on the senior role as International Strategy

music markets (Germany) and to make available music export solutions­

Manager. Alexandre comes with a 6 year track record in the French

on the European scale. Having put everything under one roof FACTORY

music industry at French booking agency / management company

92 set out to make available innovative new agency services­to the

Caravelle for whom he headed the Paris office from September 2011

international music industry. The enterprise proved successful in 2013

to October 2013.

with the business model generating both a profitable bottom line and turnover in excess of that of the two former companies.

Christian Hald Buhl explained what he considers to be the reasons for Factory 92’s progress to VIP News, “We are benefiting from meeting­

Factory 92 kicks off 2014 representing the following impressive list

the demand driven by two key market dynamics in the European­music­

of clients.

industry. Firstly the live sector where the projects involve­significant­ cashflows and investments. Secondly the diversity of international­

ATC Management, Believe Digital, Der Bomber Der Herzen, Crunchy

players who are able to compete and grow on the European­scale,

Frog, Cargo Records, FKP Scorpio, Friendly Fire, Glimps Festival,

which in our world sees us having succesful collaborations with

Grönland­, Hamburg Marketing, IMMF, Kartel, Last Tour, MaMA Event,

companie­s from Northern over Southern to Eastern Europe

Mind of Music, Music Finland, Morr Music, MTC, MXD – Music Export Denmark, One Little Indian, Red Bull, Rockoco, Rock en Seine, ROSA


– Danish Rock Council, Reeperbahn Festival, Secretly Canadian, Sonic

FACTORY 92 / Christian Hald Buhl /

Visions, Sony Music, Sparta Entertainment, SPOT Festival, SZIGET

+49 (0)40 3890738 - 10

Festival­, Trikont & TUTL. FACTORY 92 / Jan Clausen / Managing Partners Jan Clausen, and Christian Hald Buhl attribute

+49 (0)40 3890738 - 13

a successful 2013 to their team, PR manager Michael Schneider, PR

F92 Team


Buhl, 2014


MARCH 2014

GreenEvents Europe Release 4th Conference Report The Full Conference Report for the 4th GreenEvents Europe

Also the 5th international GO Group Workshop is planned for April

Conference­that took place in late November 2013 is now free for

7 & 8 in Vienna.

download – pdf_daten/GreenEvents_Europe_2013_Full_Conference_Report.pdf

This time it deals with the two day topics “challenges & design” and “communication & audience involvement”. This seminar features­

The 75 page pdf with minutes, links, reports and pics gives an

great speakers from Austrian spearhead events like FM4 Frequency

overview­of each and every session, filters major questions­and shows

Festival and Beatpatrol, from the creative and design sector such

the following­discussions during the panels­. Organiser­Holger Jan

as Hugh Dutton Associés, Service Design and Charged Mind and

Schmidt of the Go Group tells us, “The report­simply­provides­lots

of course institutions like JUMP - young environmental platform,

of great info about what happened in Bonn at our most successful

Austrianenvironmental­Agency, Bucks New University, Green Music

conference­so far. Thanks to our team and the studentsinvolved­for a

Initiative and Sounds For Nature Foundation e.V.!

great deal of work.” Holger Jan Schmidt says, “The GO Group motto is spreading all Holger encourages anyone in the Festival, Touring, Venue and related

across the European events industry and we are finding more and

businesses to feel free to circulate and share the download link in

more followers­of the green events philosophy. Festivals from all over

respective networks.

the continent have taken the lead on this journey and spearhead the movement, but still there’s a long way to go. The last and very

The 5th GreenEvents Europe Conference will take place in Bonn on

successful­international GO Group workshop in Paris showed there is

November 3 & 4th 2014.

need for this interactive, open and communicative format we set up to stimulate exchange, cooperation and inspiration – between event organizers, suppliers and science. More info:

Holger Jan Schmidt



MARCH 2014

PRG Live Entertainment

Awards 2014 Allan McGowan

The 9th edition of the LEA Awards took place

presented for promoters, artist managers,

Song Contest. German singer-songwriters

at the Festhalle Frankfurt. 1300 guests from

concert agents and venue operators, with

Annett Louisan, Cäthe and Meret Becker

the national and international music, event

LEA No 14, the award for exceptional youth

also appeared, as did the musicians from the

and entertainment industry, including Klaus



drum show Power! Local comedian Bodo

Meine and Rudolf Schenker (Scorpions),

handed over to the Freundeskreis der Anne-

Bach presented scenes from his latest cabaret­

the singers Rea Garvey and Helmut Lotti,

Sophie Mutter Stiftung e. V. at the press

programme ‘Auf der Überholspur’, and DJ

Germany’s­‘Pop Idol’ winner Beatrice Egli

conference­on 13th February 2014.

Bobo together with 16 dancers and artists



and the acting siblings Ben and Meret Becker attended­the Gala Ceremony.

from his new show ‘Circus’ completed the Ingo Nommsen, who opened the show as

live acts on stage.

guitar player of The Baseballs, hosted the


The event again marked the official opening

three-hour gala. The Baseballs performed

‘Arena tour of the year’ was the first

of the Musikmesse Frankfurt and the technical­

their song ‘Mo Hotta Mo Betta’, a contendor

Award, and was won by Die Toten Hosen­

fair Prolight + Sound. 13 awards were

in the German selections for the Eurovision








MARCH 2014





receive­his award personally­but sent greetings from his holiday­in Costa Rica. The newly established­category ‘Concert Hall Tour of the Year’ for concert tours in medium size venues went to KBK Konzert­und Künstleragentur­for the successful package of veteran acts, Status Quo and Uriah Heep. ‘Heep’ members­Mick Box and Bernie Shaw travelled to Frankfurt to celebrate­this ward with Heinz Preisch, who received the trophy for KBK. Marek Lieberberg, who was accompanied by his son André Lieberberg, won ‘Promoter of the Year’, (formerly ‘Tour Promoter of the Year’ for the sixth time). PRG LEA is organised by concert industry­ associations­: Since 2006 the LEA Committee­ organises the German Live Entertainment­ Prize in cooperation with the Bundesverband­ der









Deutscher Konzertdirektionen­(VDKD) and the Musikmarkt­Verlags-GmbH with its industry­magazine “Musikmarkt” and many other considerable companies from the German­event industry. Besides




The 14 winners of LEA 2014 Arena tour of the year Die Toten Hosen – “Der Krach der Republik – Tour 2013” – KKT GmbH – Kikis Kleiner Tourneeservice Concert hall tour of the year Status Quo / Uriah Heep – “Bula Quo Tour 2013 + Very Special Guest Uriah Heep” – KBK Konzert - und Künstleragentur GmbH Club tour of the year presented by Ströer Mrs. Greenbird – „Shooting Stars & Fairy Tales Tour 2013“ – Meistersinger Konzerte & Promotion GmbH Festival of the year presented by PRG Jury focus: Festival series Olé Party Sommer 2013 – Pro Event Entertainment GmbH Concert of the year Muse in Berlin | Waldbühne | 14.07.2013 – ct creative talent gmbh Show of the year Sascha Grammel – Panta Management GmbH Event organiser of the year Marek Lieberberg Konzertagentur GmbH & Co. KG Youth promotion of the year The Freundeskreis der Anne-Sophie Mutter Stiftung e. V.


PRG (Production Resource Group) and the Musikmesse Frankfurt, the main partners of the German Live Entertainment Prize are the ticketing company CTS Eventim, the city of

Club of the year – Jury focus: Club legends Café Hahn | Koblenz – Café Hahn GmbH Concert hall / Arena of the year – Jury focus: cult venues Grugahalle, Essen – Messe Essen GmbH

Frankfurt/Main and the Frankfurt­Economic Development GmbH. Further sponsors are, among others, Ströer, GEMA, the ÖVB Arena­, PMS Crew support, Riedel Communications­, accente, Skoda, beyerdynamic­ , Düsseldorf Congress Sport & Event, the Grugahalle as well as the Stadium Essen, Elements Entertainment­ , Laserfabrik as well as the international­full service provider for concert and event logistics Rock-It Cargo.

Jury Award P. S. E. Promotion for „Night of the Proms“ Lifetime Achievement Award Prof. Hans-Werner Funke Local organiser of the year Trinity Music GmbH – Berlin Artist manager / agent of the year Jan Mewes – Künstlermanagement Jan Mewes




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Music in Shares Manfred Tari

DEAG Put Circus Roncalli On Tour

CTS Eventim Growth In Terms Of Figures & Companies CTS Eventim has acquired ticketing units from the Stage Entertainment­ Group for 25 million Euros. The package deal includes See Tickets­ Nederland BV, See Tickets Entradas SA in Spain and Top Ticket France SAS. Additionally CTS Eventim has taken over the ticketing distribution­

Since the Circus themed edition of ILMC is now history, DEAG announced­an agreement with the prominent Circus Roncalli. The deal foresees a two-year period where Circus Roncalli will tour through German regions new to the touring extravaganza. DEAG expects to attract around 500.000 visitors during this tour. Since the beginning of January the share price rose from 4.21 up to 5.69 Euro.

for two Stage Entertainment theatres in Russia. The company expects a revenue contribution of 20 million and an Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortisation (EBITDA) of 5 million Euros per year due to the takeover. Shortly after the last VIP Newsletter went to press, CTS Eventim

SFX Entertainment Shopping Around Prior to the Announcement­ of Q4-2013 Business Results­

released its preliminary business report for 2013. According to the Company, the figures show an increase of 20.8 percent from 520.3

SFX Entertainment will announce its results for the 4th quarter of

to 628.3 million Euros. The exact figures will be reported at the end of

2013 on March 27. Prior to this the company already reported on

March, when CTS Eventim will also announce its dividend payments.

the results of its latest acquisitions and the list of eligible dance music

Since the beginning of January the share moved up from 38.24

businesses available for purchase seems to be long. On March 3 SFX

to 43.78 Euro.

announced that it completed the purchase of B2S Holding BV in the Netherlands for $14.3 million. B2S promotes the live events Decibel,

Live Nation Higher Revenue & Lower Net Loss

Hard Bass, Thrillogy, Knock Out and Loudness. On March 17 the company announced the purchase of the USticketing­company Flavorus for $18 million. On March 18, SFX reported­a purchase agreement with React Presents including Clubtix.

As with CTS Eventim, the annual Live Nation results for 2013

Inc., owned by Lucas King and Jeffery Callahan, Inc for a price of $5

have been released after the last VIP Newsletter was completed.

million According to media reports React Presents which promotes­

Nevertheless­here now are the two most relevant figures relating to

around 200 dance events in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan gained

the business performance of Live Nation in 2013. The revenue went

more than 375,000 visitors. King and Callahan also own a 50 percent­

up from $5.8 billion in 2012 to $6.47 billion, the net loss improved

stake in West Loop Management, owner of venue The Mid in Chicago­.

from $163.2 million the year before to a loss of only $43.3 million... Since the beginning of January the share price of SFX Since January 2 the share price went up from $20.19 to 23.13.

Entertainment­dropped from $11.36 to $8.05 on March 19.




ARTIST AVAILS Chloe Charles Territory: Europe Period: September/October Agency: Paperclip Agency / Agent: Hilde Spille Phone: +31 243239322 E-mail: Homepage:

Sziget festival is the biggest musical and cultural festival in Central Europe–a sevenday­multicultural expo offering more than 800 programs on more than 30 venues. Sziget means island in Hungarian and the festival, in addition to being on an island­ in the heart of Budapest, is an island in the metaphorical sense. Sziget has a unique atmosphere: it is a meeting place, a musical and cultural show, a life-style, an enormous­cafe and party place, a place of learning about the world and each other. No matter what style of music you like listening or dancing to, you will find the place of your taste. You can enjoy performances, shows, you can party and dance or just walk around and gaze at the ever-increasing flow of interesting and different people passing by. From the beginning in 1993 until 2001 Sziget’s capacity has grown from 43,000 to over 360,000 over the seven days of the event presenting stars such as:

ORBITAL ñ 25th year anniversary tour in 2014 Territory: The World excluding USA Period: May onwards Agency: Value Added Talent / Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 207 704 97 20 E-mail: Homepage:

Alan Parsons Live Project Territory: Worldwide Period: 2014 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America Agent: John Regna - Artist Agent/Manager Phone: +1 407-993-4000 E-mail: Homepage:

Glasvegas Territory: Europe Period: 2014 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Ben Winchester Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

Jethro Tull, Ten Years After, Jefferson Starship, Byrds, Blood, Sweat and Tears, Eric Burdon, Stranglers, Jeff Healey, Clawfinger, Slash, The Bates, Stone Roses, Iggy Pop, The Prodigy, The Levellers, Sonic Youth, Therapy?,Galliano, David Bowie, Apollo 440, Motörhead, Toy Dollz, Rollins Band, Chumbawamba, Faith No More, Foo Fighters, New Model Army, Cardigans, DEUS, Boney M, Shane McGowan, Coolio, Transglobal Underground, Rammstein, Mory Kante, Goldie, Patti Smith, Green Day, Brand

THE ORCHESTRA starring ELO former members Territory: Worldwide Period: 2014-2015 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America Agent: John Regna - Artist Agent/Manager Phone: +1 407-993-4000 E-mail: Homepage:

New Heavies, Kool and the Gang, Suede, Faithless, Guano Apes, Jovanotti, Baaba Maal, Apocalyptica, The Klezmatics, Liquido, Rachid Taha, Paradise Lost, Asian Dub Foundation, Suzanne Vega, Mambo Kurt, The Bloodhound Gang, Lou Reed, HIM, Bad Religion, Oasis, The King, H Blockx, K”s Choice, Bomfunk MC’s, Noir Desir, Run DMC, Fun-Da-Mental, Morcheeba, Leningrad Cowboys, Frestylers, Incognito, EagleEye­Cherry, Ash, Placebo

Patti Smith Territory: Europe Period: 2014 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Andy Woolliscroft Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:





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